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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't need to look for Laviss, for as soon as she lands she instinctively turns to look upon the priestess, whose eyes shine by the light of Helena's aura. "You look positively stellar!"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Stellar, wait what? she says for a moment, before reaching up and poking at the planets spinning around her head. The fuck were these things?

Thinking about it, Helena just tried to shoo them away, or shift them away, or feel them away. She wasn't even sure what they were. Normally I don't float off like that unless I've got too much energy pent up and need to burn some.... she mused, before looking at Laviss again.

Umm.. how did I get untied? she asked again, still feeling good, but getting more confused by the moment as she flailed at the planets some more.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's hand goes right through the planet, and shooing them seems to have no effect, either. "Well, I think you need to start eating better, then. I think the restraints just sort of floated away. They're probably still on the ceiling."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ugh, that's the best I've eaten in months. It's showing, I'm glowing. And still floating? Good lords. she said, huffing and flapping back up to the ceiling to find the missing leather.

She knew Laviss was staring at her, she liked it. Felt good to be openly admired like this for once. Now where had the leather gotten off to.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds the restraints gravity-reversed lying on the ceiling. As soon as she touches them, normal gravity seems to reassert itself, and she's able to take them back down. "Well, then." Laviss almost purrs. "What are you going to use that energy for?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Retrieving the restraints, Helena inspected them for a moment, her method of escape still a complete mystery, along with her current state.

Once on the ground though, Laviss looked at her. I don't know. But it's mine, it's been hard fought and earned... I'll need to be careful. she said, even as she floated back up to sit cross legged in midair.

I need to meditate for a couple hours. Don't mind the noise or me. she said, floating a bit higher and out of reach as she closed her eyes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Her meditation quickly calms Helena down, even as the sounds and smells of a working dungeon continue from below.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Drifting back down, restraints in hand, Helena sought out Laviss again, still floating around, watching the carnal show below. So now that I'm a giant glow worm. she said conversationally, Who makes all your restraints? I have some friends who would love all of these. she asked, continuing to float above Laviss like a bit of a tease, before remembering suddenly that Jasmine had taught her a spell!

Time to see if it worked! Would be really handy if it did.

And on that thought, Helena started going through the motions of Jasmine's invisibility spell. Maybe she just had to work off the energy again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Oh, we brought them with us from our home. They really don't make very good leatherwork up here in the surface, you know? It's probably something wrong with the leather, and of course nothing beats rothe skin." the priestess replies as Helena's glow starts to fade, though the planets still provide some illumination. Immediately as she starts thinking about it, the words and gestures of the spell come back to her, clear as day. Though the priestess tenses for a moment as she starts casting, Helena turns herself invisible without interruptions.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles to herself as she lets the spell fade, before noting she'd made Laviss a little nervous. Popping back into visibility, she just smiled. Just trying something. she explained, shrugging.

Thinking about the leather restraints though, Helena sighed. So... I need to buy or trade them from you.... Well, That's not a bad business arrangement really. And did you doubt a Succubus could use magic? It's actually our forte compared to some of the other demons who can only break things... You should see the dragons in hell. They're HUGE. she said, giggling as she thought about things.

But, I should really check on my collar. It's to keep my emotions in check so things don't spontaneously combust around me... But I'd love to come back here if that's ok.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Of course. And I'm sure we can sell you some supplies in exchange for further services." Laviss replies with a smile.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fantastic! Helena said, laughing as she made sure she looked human again with a bit of focus and a quick patdown, before heading back towards the surface after getting dressed.

Maybe Laviss wouldn't notice that she'd just wandered off with another set of restraints again... She could hope.

If she made it topside though without incident, there was a black robed floppy hatted magic user who owed her a collar to visit.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

This time Helena manages to remember how to get to the wizard's house. It seems to be surrounded by an ominous atmosphere. Despite knocking on the door, there's no response.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena managed to make her way back, but by the time she did, she was getting nervous. The house didn't seem right, and there was no answer at the door.

Checking the handle to see if it was locked, Helena cast her mind around for the wizard as well or anyone for that matter inside the house. If she could just walk in, she would, but if she couldn't, she'd look around for any guards or people watching.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There doesn't seem to be anyone in the house, and the door is locked. Likewise, the rest of the street is empty as well, though Helena can sense people inside the other houses.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Right, she wasn't being watched. That left the obvious option of melt the lock on the door and get inside before someone else noticed. What the hell was going on?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

In a couple minutes, the lock is broken beyond repair and Helena is inside. Downstairs, everything seems normal and Helena's collar is set on a shelf filled with various components. The source of the ominous feeling seems to be in the cellar, but the door there is locked with a heavy padlock made from some sort greenish grey metal that Helena doesn't remember seeing the last time, and indeed, it lacks any signs of wear. The rest of the door looks feeble by comparison.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Snatching up her collar, Helena quickly muttered the words and preformed the motion of the better invisibility spell, and then she was pulling off her shirt, growing her wings, and running for the door. She had her collar, it was time to leave, and she wasn't about to break any more of a wizards stuff without knowing what it was.

Once outside it was straight into the air and away from the city, letting several miles separate her before coming down In a tree and inspecting her beloved collar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena manages to vanish from the scene without incident. The flight takes some edge off of her nervousness, and she lands on an ashtree far from the town. Upon inspection it becomes apparent that there's some kind of enchantment on the collar and there are subtle runes carved on the inside of it, but what the enchantment actually does remains a mystery.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

So Someone has probably off'd my wizard friend... and I have a baby that's missing. Shit. Helena muttered, stowing the collar away rather then putting it on, still nervous from what had happened at the house.

But now she had a new goal. Find Slimebaby.

Sighing and taking back to the air, Helena burned more of her energy supply to reinvisible herself before making low passes over the town, looking for the little snot with her mind, keying on the emotions she'd remembered when she had to look for it the first fucking time.