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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"He's a good writer, though." Willow replies, looking for a bit longer before putting the tome down. "Would you like help?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sure, Im supposed to be collecting other books he apparently had. Called the Madrigorian. 16 of them apparently. And he was supposed to have lived in Darkon. That's what I need help with. Helena said after a moment, starting to flip through the pages, her day pretty much spelled out into reading this whole damned book and memorizing as much of it as she could.

There were apparently references to a Ship in it that another fiend called Drigor was using. Or building. not sure on which that Azalin wants to know about. But this book is all about demons. So I need to know what's different about me and Jasmine in this world, instead of our Own.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well, I think I'll see if I can find something about this Drigor in the library." Willow says, leaning down to kiss Helena and heading out after Cindy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Thank you, very much. Helena answers, looking up at the peck and smiling genuinely, before turning her attention back to the book and it's reality bubbles and other weird shit. Some of the demons in here who could apparently all do things she most certainly couldn't were weird as fuck

She certainly could trap souls in dolls or something else.... Or could she... Or would she even want to!? As she continued to read. One fact stuck in her mind. She couldn't, under any circumstance, use this planes power, this lands power, to fuel her escape. They'd be doomed to failure before they even started. So she had to find out if the souls she could harvest here, were likewise tainted... If they were, then she'd have to find another way to gather power.

Regardless. Hours would pass before she finished with the tome, only to reread it again. Working tirelessly to commit the guide to memory. Time and again, her search would seem to start at Van Richten's estate, or with this woman who had supposedly helped him with the Madrigorian.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a while, Aqua gets bored and wanders off, probably to explore the castle. Much later, Willow and Jasmine return from the library. "How's the book?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just about memorized. Helena answered, setting it down to rub her eyes.

Any luck in the library? she asked, stretching slowly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"None whatsoever. I found a couple mentions of other fiends, but I don't think either of those were Drigor." Jasmine says, yawning as she sits down. "I never was much of a scholar, anyway."

Willow sits down as well, and starts petting her familiar that somehow manages to appear there.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Damn, I'll have to assume then that if I start scooping up his books, I'll run into him. That will be tricky, and dangerous. Helena muttered, rubbing the bridge of her nose before pushing the book even further away.

Be careful though, If this book is right, then as long as we're around we cause him problems. we create this little pocket space around us that interferes with things. He can get around it, but it's gotta be like an itch he can't scratch. she said, wondering where the fuck she was gonna find all 16 of these fucking books.

Damnit, I'm not even horny, thinking about this is a mood killer. she muttered, thinking she'd have to start in Darkon for sure and go from there. There's another succubus around here somewhere in this world too. We need to avoid her like the plague, she's Batshit if this book is right, again. But apparently we might have other abilities here we don't even know about. Like fucking Teleporting.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Ooh, THAT sounds like fun." Jasmine says, her eyes suddenly sparkling with interest. "Maybe we can find one of the others to teach us."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

That's part of the plan actually. I need to hunt down Drigor. He's the one who wrote all these damned books that Azalin is after. I'm sure he knows plenty, but no one can find fuck all on him. Helena answered, shrugging and leaning back in her chair.

And I'm also worried about which of these other demons listed is just fucking insane. Like the Whistling Fuckwit or whatever his name is. That's someone we fucking Avoid. Same with this Elsepeth bitch. Dolls Jasmine. She traps souls in Dolls. And apparently she's got a ton of superpowers from taking energy from the land. BUT! If we ever want to get home, we can't ever do that. Not for any reason. Helena continued, explaining a bit, before sliding Jasmine the book.

You'll want to read that too. There's some important shit in it. meanwhile.... Damnit, I'm not entirely sure where to start.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine curls up in her chair with the book and starts leafing through it. "I'm sure we'll figure out something. Don't worry."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighed, flopping her head onto the table and mumbling, wings drooping a little while her tail just waggled around on the floor. I have to worry. Allll the time. I miss cars and the internet! O my god I miss the internet. she said, looking around before flopping her tail up into Willow's lap for no real reason.

But, In the meantime, I'm gonna head out for some things. I'll see how long the trip takes. Gonna go visit those black elves. she said. Or not, might lose the attention span I need for the trip half way and turn around. she muttered, heading for a window.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow grabs Helena's tail as it ends up on her lap, petting it as she does with the cat. *Restless already? This isn't like you.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I know, I'm just really nervous. Ok, I'm scared. I need to work this off somehow.* Helena answered Willow with her mind, looking at her apologetically, something she rarely ever did for anyone but willow.

Sighing, she moved to her window and flopped out, lazily winging around the cas.... SHIT!.

Diving BACK into her window in a heartbeat, she remembered it was fucking daylight and that plan was STUPID AS HELL.

Thunking her head on the wall, Helena pondered Castles. What did Castles have.

Castles had... kitchens, and quarters... and spires... and battlements, and a thron... Dungeons. Castles had Dungeons.

RIGHT! That would work she supposed. Suddenly getting the idea in her head that she wanted to see a real dungeon, she headed out her door and flailed around for a servant again. Hey!!! Take me to the Dungeons. I have a thing with the thing. she said, just deciding to be strange, not lying outright, and looking a bit well.. Blonde.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The serving girl, barely into her teens, blinks at the odd request. "Uh... are you certain, m'lady? It's... kind of creepy down there."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nah... You just need to look at it in a different light. It's Useful. Helena said, smiling genuinely before shooing the girl with her hand to show her the way, and following doggedly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The girl curtsies to Helena, and though she seems a bit nervous, she starts leading Helena to the stairs, then down...down...down... With each set of stairs, the serving girl grows a bit more nervous. Finally, they arrive to a sub-basement level where a trio of guards are playing cards and grumbling about their shifts. Behind the guard room, there's a final door, this one heavily reinforced as if normal doors weren't sturdy enough. Behind that door, Helena can see stairs leading further down into darkness. "If you'll... excuse me." the serving girl mutters before fleeing upstairs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

K! thank you! she called up after the serving girl, before approaching all the doors ever, which were all guarded, before turning to the guards and Coughing loudly, gesturing with her head.

You mind? I need in. And then later, I'll need Out again. Helena said rather plainly, Speaking as if not only was she supposed to have been expected, but Expected herself to be obeyed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The grunt bearing sergeant's strips sighs and tosses a set of keys to another grunt. "Any particular reason?" he asks as the grunt goes to open the door and picks up a torch.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just a personal inspection. I may very well have guests of my own for King Azalin and I need to be absolutely certain this dungeon is adequate. And I wont believe it is until I've seen everything with my own eyes. I wont need an escort though if you fellows would like to continue your game. Nor will I say a word. I wont need a torch either. she said simply, allowing the guards to simply unlock the doors, and let her in, if they'd rather continue with their game and write Helena off as harmless until she came back.

If it makes you feel better. My Name, Is Helena, so if anyone asks, you can tell them EXACTLY who is down there. she added, waiting patiently and entering escorted or not, heading down down down some more, curious.