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thetwo Test Thread

Re: thetwo Test Thread

Mostly cleaned off and feeling refreshed from her bath, Nadias eyes widened as she saw smoke rising from Petra. She had written off the growing darkness as the sun falling behind the mountains, as it had often become dark faster here than it did down South, so she was caught completely by surprise by the ominous sight. Her expression became uncharacteristically frightened, and under her breath, she quietly muttered; "Oh.... Shit...." Startled by her own language, she glanced around herself, but then berated herself silently. If there was trouble, she figured that the last thing anyone would care about would be foul language.

Shaking herself out of her stupor just in time to watch Lillth fly down into the village, Nadia actually managed a slight smile. If the elder angel was there, she knew that everything would be fine.

She became determined, and started toward the little village but then glanced down. Ever since she had bathed, and her belly had begun to swell, Nadia had felt uncomfortable in her robe, the garments restriction of her movement and the tightness around her chest and belly becoming more and more irritating as time went on. She paused for a moment, considering what she ought to do. If there really was danger within the village, it would only limit her ability to fight, which was something that Nadia knew couldn't be afforded, and she would have to take it off eventually anyway, as her belly continued to swell. If there was nothing wrong but a random fire, then the only negative effect of her nudity would be that she would be seen naked. Hardly something she had a problem with. So, Nadia quickly undid her belt, removed her robe and set it aside, and then re-donned her belt, making sure that it was secure around her waist.

Only then did Nadia rush toward Petra, her ears and eyes open, as she tried to determine just what was going on.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Perception (nadia): 8

As Nadia took off her damaged robe and discarded it, she felt as if a weight had come off of her shoulders. Of course, technically this was the case, but the amount of relief seemed disproportionate to the actual weight. But there were more important things to worry about then that.

Nadia closed the distance to Petra in no time, and the scene was startling, to say the least. The kitchen building seemed to have burned partially down, and from the amount of activity there were quite a few people in the infirmary as well. The still-rising smoke came from a bonfire in the middle of the street. But those were only the obvious things. She also saw two or three women who were obviously pregnant, though she hadn't seen any the previous day, or in the morning. But that could have simply been chance.

Then she saw Lilith, who was walking towards Nadia with a look of relief that faded to concern as she clearly noticed the younger angel's belly. Suddenly a horn sounded. The people of Petra, who before had been moving quickly, suddenly moved with near panic. Stretchers appeared coming out of the infirmary, and Nadia had time to notice that there were only men on them, some badly injured, before they were gone. Then Lilith was upon her.

"Quickly, Nadia, to the basement of the Chapel. There's a tunnel there, guard it against any who get by me!"

Nadia could see that the frantic movement of everyone in the town was quickly converging on the chapel, but a quick check of the walls and sky didn't show the threat. Then, just for a moment, she could see the city of Gods-Reach through a thin part of the clouds. And of the vast thing hanging over it. Then Lilith was gone, flying for the northern wall with a glowing sword in her hand. Everyone else seemed to be heading for the chapel, where the older angel had asked Nadia to stand guard, and where the last few people were even then disappearing.

Everything seemed to be happening at once, and so Nadia was hardly surprised when a section of wall suddenly collapsed, and strange grey humanoid that stood nearly 12 feet tall burst through, followed by half a dozen little grey balls on legs.

HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = baby bump
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia glanced in confusion at the obviously pregnant women, but didn't make any comment, as something else quickly came to her attention that was much more important. Stared in horror at the thing hanging over the city of Gods-Reach in her very brief glimpse of it. "What in the....." She almost missed what Lillith had said to her before the older angel rushed off, glowing blade in her hands, before she could ask any questions. Nadia stared at her blankly as she suddenly appeared, but the young angels confusion lasted only seconds after her elder left her to fend for herself. The giant and its entourage crashing through the solid stone wall surrounding Petra sort of decided her course of action.

Both of her swords came out of their sheaths, ready to spill the blood of her foes, and her foes were rather clear to her right now. She began charging forward, directly toward the monsters that had come to attack Petra, and shouted; "Hey, uglies! Come and get me!" She tried to make it sound dramatic in powerful, but her shout was more a shriek than the angel would ever have admitted. Instead of swing, however, once she got close to the behemoth, she swept both swords out in front of her, both blades glowing as she poured power through them. A wave of blinding white light surged out in front of her, pouring out in a cone and enveloping as many of the enemies as she could. She doubted that the massive creature would be taken down by the blast, but whatever injury she could inflict upon it would make things easier on her, and she most certainly didn't want to be outnumbered. Besides, the little things might simply ignore her and go for those still fleeing into the chapel.

(Power Surge, cone, X = 10)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Damage (nadia, power surge): (4+1)*10 = 50 - 12 = 38
Attack (Juggernaut): 101 vs 37 -> Nadia is hit
Damage (Juggernaut): 2,4 + 25 = 31

Nadia's surge of power is well timed, just as they are bunched up to come through the hole in the wall, and all of the beasts are enveloped by the brilliant white light. Only the huge one comes out, burn marks covering the entire side of its body that was facing Nadia.

And it comes out angry. One massive hand balls up into a fist and thrusts at the young angel, and its long reach prevents Nadia from dodging effectively. It connects solidly with her chest between her bloated belly and her breasts, knocking her backward and knocking the wind out of her.

She also notices that half a dozen more groups have broken through the wall elsewhere. Even as she glances around, Lilith destroys one group with either hand, but they're coming through even more quickly then even she can kill. For the moment there's still a clear path between Nadia and the chapel, but it's clear that this won't be the case much longer.

The young angel gets to her feet, reflecting that one more blow like that will put her out of the fight, and she sees something new. Something even more massive then the juggernauts floats over the wall between Nadia and where Lilith is currently fighting, dripping some sort of slime from hundreds of writhing tentacles. It moves rapidly towards Lilith, a bolt of purple energy flying from the tip of one tentacle and striking the older angel between the shoulder blades. She screams and turns to face it.

Nadia is unsteady on her feet. She might manage to destroy this beast, if she can do it quickly, but the blow it already landed makes it clear that she is unlikely to manage a second without help of some sort.

HP = 28/59, PP = 42, EP = 52/62, Status = bun in the oven, injured, instructed to help guard the church where all the civilians are located.
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia grunts in pain as the juggernauts fist throws her back, pain lancing up her body from the point of impact and the breath being knocked out of her lungs. A flap of her immature wings makes sure that she lands on her feet, but she knew that another such blow would put her out of the fight. Glancing about and seeing Lillith occupied and already injured herself, Nadia straightens her face into a scowl. People were depending on her, and if she failed, they had no protection. That said, another such blow from the behemoth, and she would be unconscious or worse. Things were not looking good. So, as she recovered from the blow, Nadia considered her options. The only way that she could defeat such a being would be to take to the air, and try to strike at it with her bow until it fell. But, with all of the other groups entering the small town, the chapel was already in danger of being overrun.

While it didn't sit quite well with her, Nadia knew that Lillith had given her a charge, and that she must defend that charge. Whatever the cost. So, with one last glance at the elder angel, and a quick prayer that she would be victorious against that vile floating thing, Nadia turned and charged full pelt toward the chapel. She had to get inside, and then hold it for as long as possible, and as she had a way into it that looked, for the moment, to be clear, she took her chance now.

(Retreat to the chapel)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

As Nadia reluctantly retreated to the chapel, the fight continued around her. No more sections of wall fell, but a second group of the little grey ones came through the break where she had just fought. Elsewhere even more of the enormous ones appeared. Several groups were starting to enter buildings, and one was only feet from the chapel when a bolt of lightning forked down from the sky and hit the big juggernaut squarely, leaving only smoking remains.

Unfortunately, that effort seemed to cost Lilith, who until then had dodged everything the enormous floating ball had thrown at her, and Nadia heard a grunt of pain as one of the tentacles grabbed the great angel around the waist and squeezed. She quickly broke free, but if the fight wasn't a stalemate, then Nadia couldn't tell who was winning. And worse yet, a pair of the little balls of tentacles had been running ahead of the group when the lightning struck, and had escaped unharmed. Both slipped into the chapel.

As fast as she could move, Nadia arrived well after, and at first saw no sign of the invaders or of any secret passage. Then she spots a rug crumpled up on the floor, and a closer look reveals several drops of slime. She feels around the floor until she finds the hatch, and starts climbing the ladder down, closing the hatch after her, and hoping the two things don't have too much of a lead on her.

When she reaches the bottom she is disabused of this notion, as feminine shreaks of fear and pleasure echo in her ears. The area looks like an old mineshaft, fifteen feet wide and ten feet tall, walls of dirt and stone shored up with wood frames. The only source of light seems to be a single lantern hanging from one of these frames, swinging back and forth. There are a number of crates and bags lying in neat piles about twenty feet down the passage, and in front of them...

The 'civilians', for lack of a better word, are in chaos. It's clear that they're all terrified and unable or unwilling to attack the invaders. It's also clear that the one lantern is the only source of light they have available, and at least most of them are just as unwilling to flee into the darkness beyond. At some point someone must have fought, however, for the corpse of one of the beasts lies charred a few feet from the ladder. The other one is happily fucking someone, a wave of cum spraying her body even as Nadia reaches the floor of the shaft. Oddly, the only sounds coming from the victim are muffled moans of pleasure.

HP = 28/59, PP = 42, EP = 52/62, Status = incubating a plant's spawn, injured
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia winces inwardly as she sees Lillith injured further, but she knew that she had a greater responsibility to fulfill. So, into the chapel did the young angel go, not stopping to look back at Lillith. Into the hatch, which she closed behind her, and down the passage until she came upon the scene of a very brief battle. One enemy dead, but the other was busy fucking senseless whoever had stood up to face them. This should be easy.

Surging forward silently, her wings tucked close in the tight quarters, Nadia savagely attacked the one remaining tentacled creature with both of her swords. Attacking its tendrils opened her to the risk of hitting the one that it was holding, but that was little hindrance to Nadia. There was plenty of other places for her to attack, and she knew exactly where she wanted to strike. Khazidea, in her right hand, swung inwards, the blade tucked right until it could clear the wall of the thin passageway, swung sideways, aiming to take off the things spindly little legs, while Phantomfang, in her left hand, jabbed forward, into the things core.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (nadia): 45 -> Hit.
Damage (nadia, Khazidea): 1,7+18 = 26
Damage (nadia, Phantomfang): 9,2+18 = 29

As she approaches the silmy invader, Nadia can't help but listen to the battle going on up above. There is the sharp crack of nearby thunder as lightning apparently strikes twice in the little village. Then an inhuman roar. Nadia's first blade cut through two of the thing's supporting legs, but while the thing seemed be leaking fluid from both wounds, it didn't even slow down in its violations of the young woman below it.

A thud and a crash up above sounds like something enormous crashing through the roof of the little chapel. Meanwhile, Nadia's other blade darts for the core of her foe's body, and she feels only a little resistance as it slips inside. The beast manages another ragged triple thrust, then falls over, dead.

"Mhrermhemm!" The girl pulls the inert tentacle out of her mouth and tries again. "Nadia! Thank the gods, you're alri... alright."

She pulls herself out from under the thing's body, and then pulls the remaining tentacles out of her lower holes with two wet slurping noises, a gasp, and a moan. Then she rises to her knees, and holds up a hand for Nadia to help her up. To her surprise, Nadia sees that the elf's belly is swollen nearly as much as her own. Less surprisingly, the beast's cum is dribbling down her thighs, mixing with the woman's own juices and the slime that had coated her attacker.

"I got one, but the other... a few more seconds and I'm not sure I would have cared if I was rescued or not. I'm glad you did, though. Thank you."

A hollow boom makes several people put their hands over their ears, and dirt falls from the ceiling in several places. There is also the sound of walking feet above them, and walking... other things.

"It won't take them long to find the way down here, what should we do!?"

There were half a dozen other women down here, all in simple dresses, several of which were badly torn. One was clearly pregnant, and none had weapons. Two men lie on stretchers, both unconscious. There are also all manner of crates and sacks, piled about in no particular pattern. The tunnel continues back, a 3-way fork visible just before the edge of the light.

HP = 28/59, PP = 42, EP = 52/62, Status = knocked up, some bruised ribs.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia looked down with some concern at Sarah as she helped the elf to her feet, but her only response to the other womans words was; "Think nothing of it." the young angel nursed her injured chest as she glanced around the room, taking in all those within, including the pregnant one and the two injured men, in only a single glance. The fork up ahead was just barely visible, but she had no idea where it led, and as such, she said; "Is this everyone that could be saved? Up above is a scene of absolute chaos, with only the Lady Lillith there to fend off the invaders. When I left, she was engaged with some floating monstrosity, and I know not how that battle fares. She sent me down here to try and defend you, and it is apparently good that I came when I did."

She looked as much as the others as she did at Sarah when she said; "Is anyone injured? Can we move, and if so, how fast? Even with this tunnel as a choke point, I do not know how safe this place is, or how long I could hold whatever comes down here. I was already injured by some gray behemoth as I entered the village." Finally, she glanced back into the tunnel, which was mostly shrouded in darkness, and asked; "Where do these tunnels lead?"
Re: thetwo Test Thread

After a moment's silence, Sarah pipes up. "The two men are the only ones badly injured, but I think everyone has at least a few cuts and bruises." Sarah herself doesn't show any injures at all, at least physically, but the rest sport a few bandages and poorly-stitched spots in their clothing. "There were a bunch more, but one group took the other lantern and went to further in, and six or ten more panicked when those things came down and haven't come back. We... didn't exactly have time to count. A lot of people left Petra after the first attack, but even among those who stayed, not all of them came down here."

The elf turns around to look down the tunnel, covering her breasts and still-dripping pussy as she does so. "This was a mine at some point. There are a few old storerooms nearby, a wine cellar, and all the ways out are blocked by locked doors. Beyond those... some of the branches go for miles, and I've never seen a complete map. There are definitely ways out, but I don't know how far it is, or even which way, and I know there are... things... living in there."

Sarah swallows, looking scared. "It might be better then staying here, but... it isn't good."

A thunderous boom shakes the tunnel again, and the footsteps above them stop. For a moment, they do, and when they start again there are fewer. The thunder stops for a moment, then another unearthly howl goes up, this time it sounds like a challenge rather then pain. Nadia can't make out the words, but a feminine shout seems to answer the challenge, and the sounds of distant magic resume with more fury then before.

Meanwhile, the footsteps above them enter the room directly above the trap door, and stop. Several of the girls whimper, huddled as far from the ladder as they can get while still being well within the light. Nadia figures that there's still time to quickly move a few boxes into a barricade, search through them for any useful items, make an orderly retreat out the back, or preform some other simple task. There might even time to do two, though not as well.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia listens to Sarahs words, and then to what she could hear of what was happening above. She had, of course, known that there would be difficulty no matter what way she went, but the footsteps from above were slightly confusing. Speaking quickly and quietly, Nadia said; "Something's about to come down here. I don't want to leave before those that fled try to come back, so we need to hold out here for at least a couple of minutes. We'll talk about leaving in once we've had a breather, in the meantime..." She points to the cowering women with one of her swords, as she continues; "Help me move some of those boxes so that they block the hallway. Anything coming through should have trouble getting through. Sarah, help me if you can when the fight starts. I'm already a little banged up, but I'll hold them until I fall. If I do, the rest of you need to scatter. They can't catch all of you. Try to stay in small groups, and get out of these tunnels to go get help."

She turned back towards the tunnel, leaving out exactly where they were supposed to find help. Instead, the pregnant angel sheathed her swords, hoisted a crate and put it into place blocking the tunnel. As soon as the hatch opened, her swords would be out, ready to face anything that came down.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Casting (Sarah): success
Healing (Sarah): 7+6 = 13

Several of the women take hold of themselves enough to help move the boxes into a crude barricade, and one of them notices that their box is full of candles, and moves the lantern further behind the barricade, so that they can easily get it should they have to flee, lighting several candles to provide light nearer the barricade itself.

The quickly forming barricade, was reasonably solid and about thirty feet from the foot of the ladder. With the moved lantern, Nadia can now see the doorway directly behind them that Sarah claims leads further into the mines, as well as the two side passages that are apparently lead to more storerooms.

As they quickly built, the sounds of battle continued above, periodic explosions as magic found a target, and bellows of pain or challenge. They even heard one feminine scream that quickly grew more distant. That made several of the women pause for a moment, faces white, but it hadn't sounded quite like Lilith. Directly above them, the sound was of furniture being moved, until finally there was a slight creak as the trap door opened half an inch.

Nadia held the last crate in her hands, and stood on the "outside" of the barrier, which had only one gap left, just big enough for a person to slip through. Sarah was the only other person on the ladder side of the barrier, and she grabbed Nadia's arm. At first it seemed like the woman wanted comfort, but Nadia felt a chill spread over her body, and suddenly her ribs didn't hurt so much. The pregnant elf scrambled back over the barrier, and seemed to be urging Nadia to do the same.

HP = 41/59, PP = 42, EP = 52/62, Status = expecting, slightly injured
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia paused at the scream, the young angels heart in her throat, as she stared at the ceiling. Had that been Lillith? It hadn't quite sounded like her, but she hadn't known the elder angel for that long, and she had no idea who else might have been up there. She entered into a silent prayer that Lillith was alright before she continued in her work, constructing the barricade with as much swiftness as she could, despite her desire to go upstairs and check to see if Lillith was alright. If the elder angel had fallen......

Nadia sighed and straightened as Sarahs healing magic swept over her, and she briefly shot a glance over at the elf as she moved around the barricade, smiling her thanks. She followed the elf around the corner, and then drew her blades in preparation as she turned back toward the slightly open hatchway. "Come on then...." She quietly muttered as she prepared to receive whatever came down the hall. She was half covered by the barricade in front of her, and kept herself light on her feet, in case she needed to dodge out of the way of something that was coming from the hatch.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Casting (Sarah): Success
Damage (Sarah, fireball): (1+4)*4 = 20 (vs grabbers)
Damage (Sarah, fireball): 20 - 8 = 12 (vs hunter)

After a moment, the hatch swung all the way open, a reptilian head appeared at the top of the ladder for a moment. It disappeared, and Nadia heard a it give an unintelligible cry before it reappeared, dropping to the floor below. It was approximately humanoid, but with huge sharp claws and a reptilian head. It was also covered in green scales. Green for the moment, anyway. It quickly changed to almost exactly the same color as the dirt behind it, and Nadia realized why she hadn't seen anything like this up above.

Right behind it came two of the grey balls of tentacles, larger then the one Nadia had killed on top of Sarah. They descended oddly, using all their limbs so that their main body seemed to float down. The hatch closed after the second passed through.

The two grey balls of tentacles didn't have eyes, but the reptilian hunter certainly did, and both of them locked onto Nadia. Then its mouth opened in apparent surprise as a ball of fire flew through a gap in the barricade and exploded at the foot of the ladder. A quick glance to one side shows Sarah, one hand thrust through the barricade, the other resting on her belly. She looks tired, but pleased with herself.

The two tentacled beasts were oozing more then their usual slime and had patches of blackened skin, now, while the reptilian creature seemed to have momentary trouble blending into the wall behind it, but didn't seem as badly hurt. All three moved towards the barricade, the two injured grabbers flanking the color-changing reptilian.

HP = 41/59, PP = 42, EP = 52/62, Status = would be wearing maternity robes, if she wasn't naked. Slightly injured.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia only shot Sarah another thankful glance as she sent out a fireball at the approaching creatures, but then turned back toward them, her face serious. These things were most definitely not here to offer support, after all, and though she was weighed down by the burden growing within her womb, Nadia knew that she would be the only real physical barrier between these monsters and the group of frightened women behind her. "Stay behind me. Don't use too much energy on any of them, save your strength for later. I'll keep them from getting past the barricade."

Nadia stepped to the side and put herself directly in line with the only way through the barricade, weapons in hand and her wings at her side. The young angel narrowed her eyes, and then waited, her weapons at the ready. She didn't doubt that the tentacle balls would try to do to her exactly what they had done to Sarah, which would leave the rest of the women open to the other two creatures. The lizard... Thing, would probably tend more toward violence, judging by those claws, and that she hoped she could deal with with a bit more stoicism. So, she stood there, her arms out wide and clutching her swords tightly, readied. As soon as any of the things came within striking range, Nadia would quickly step forward, slash quickly with both weapons, and then step back, reclaiming her defensive position. She had to block the small area for as long as she could, and while Nadia kept her eyes focused mostly on the reptilian creature that was now practically invisible despite the burns, she would try to eliminate the two tentacled creatures first.

(Attack with both weapons on whichever enemy gets close first with -20 traded from attack to Dodge.)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The sudden resumption of thunderous explosions up above resumed, raising Nadia's spirit by assuring her that Lilith is still alive and fighting. The other sounds are not so positive. Nadia can hear other screams, women and even occasional men being hurt, and women being attacked in other ways.

Rolls (round 1):
Attack (nadia): 6+29 = 35 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage (nadia, kahazidea): 2,4 + 18 = 24 - 8 = 16
Damage (nadia, Phantomfang): 1,7 + 18 = 26 - 8 = 18

Damage (Sarah): 3,3 + 6 = 12 * 2 = 24

Attack (hunter): 20+44 = 64 v 67 = 37 + 20 + 10 -> Miss

Damage (grabber 2): 4,1 + 10 = 15

The reptilian creature seemed to be leading the group, insofar as anything was, and it went straight for Nadia as the most visible threat. She attacked as soon as the thing got in range, from as far back as she could be and still reach the thing as it pushed against the barricade. Both her blades struck true, and the creature's strange blood poured out of a pair of open wounds. Unfortunately its anatomy wasn't quite what Nadia had expected, and the thing was still alive. A claw flashed towards her - the things arms were longer then she had though! - and passed between her breasts, the air of its passage brushing against her swollen belly. She realizes that if she'd been wearing a dress, it would have been torn open.

Above, there is the boom of an explosion practically on top of the church, and then silence again, save for the periodic scream of a woman being violated. Several beasts bellow all at once.

Meanwhile, Sarah seems to decide that perhaps a wooden barricade isn't the best place to throw fire around, and a bolt of electricity shoots out between the boxes and strikes one of the two grey beasts, and it collapses. The other attacks the barricade, badly damaging one of the crates.

Rolls (round 2):
Attack (Nadia): 9 + 29 = 38 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage (Nadia, Khazidea): 8,6 + 18 = 32 - 8 = 24
Damage (Nadia, Phantomfang): 6,1 + 18 = 25 - 8 = 17

Damage (Sarah): 3,2 + 6 = 11*2 = 22

XP rewards:
6x grabbers outside = 4 XP
1x grabber inside = 2 XP
Hunter, 2x grabber = 4 XP
Total: 10 XP (14 XP accumulated)

Nadia attacks a second time, and this time doesn't mess about trying to find the reptile's vital organs. Its head rolls nearly to the base of the ladder. Meanwhile Sarah dispatches the second tentacled beast with a bolt of electricity identical to the first.

Suddenly, the hatch opens again, but the face that appears this time is that of an elf. A look of immense relief replaces fear on her face as she realizes that the only living things below are human and fey, and she climbs down, followed by two others. All three are naked, and two are pregnant, one just showing and one nearly as far along as Nadia. The third has cum dripping down her thighs and around her mouth, but her belly seems to be flat at least for the moment.

Nadia realizes that the sounds of fighting up above haven't started up again for an unusually long amount of time, and that the relief on the faces of the new women are quickly fading back into fear. "We... Mistress Lilith... she was captured. The last thing she did was kill the things raping us with a blast of holy fire that only burned the invaders, then... another one of those huge flying things... we're all going to be taken!"

One of the women behind Nadia starts crying as this sinks in. Without Lilith fighting above, Petra will fall within the minute. With the barricade still holding up well the group might manage to hold out a while, but if they are discovered it seems inevitable that they will fall eventually.

HP = 41/59, PP = 42, EP = 52/62, Status = going to be a mother, lightly injured.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia relaxed as the last of their foes fell, but looked up sharply, her weapons still at the ready as the hatch opened once more. Relief flooded through the young angel as it turned out to be more women from up above, and she lowered her blades as the three clambered down the ladder. When they delivered their dire news, however, Nadia visibly wilted. Her wings hung heavy and her shoulders hunched as her eyes widened, shock and horror evident in her face, and she did not fault the one who erupted in sobs behind. She almost wanted to do the same, for a moment, as she stood stunned by news. Lillith, fallen? How? She had not been weak, like herself, and only the greatest of demons or daemons and dragons had ever faced an angel on even terms? Nadias mind raced as guilt began to set it; Had the blows she'd taken while ensuring that Nadia had reached the chapel weakened? If Nadia had been stronger, might she still have been alright?

Impotent rage suddenly filled her, intensifying the weight in her heart, as the mad desire to stride up the ladder and go to her elders rescue popped into her mind. The ravages the angel would endure under her foes captivity were well known to Nadia, and if the floating monstrosity fed upon the souls of others..... Nadia shuddered unconsciously, the fury in her heart giving way slightly to fear. If Lillith had fallen, what chance could she possibly have? Her weakness would cost her not only her own life, but those of the women Lillith had entrusted to her care. A tear rolled down her face as emotions tore through, but, suddenly, Nadia straightened, and looked upon the woman. Her fear, her anger, and her guilt faded as Nadia released a pained sigh, the single terror reaching her chin and falling off. Lillith had given her a task to fulfill. No matter what else might happen, Nadia knew that the emotions flooding through her would destroy her, if she let them. Attempting to rescue Lillith in a fit of blind rage would not only probably put her in the same situation, but would damn all of the women down here in the tunnel. Allowing her fear to leave her paralyzed would have the same effect, and the rational part of her mind knew that Lillith, had she known her future, would likely have made the same choices, and that her guilt would bring her nothing.

Her eyes flashed suddenly. There would be time for them to feel pain later. And if she could, Nadia swore that she would see Lillith freed, no matter the cost to herself. So long as it was only to herself. For now, they needed sanctuary. Her voice was harder and harsher than she'd have liked, her own pain at Lilliths loss evident in her voice as Nadia nearly shouted; "We will NOT be taken!" She swung the ichor from her blades and sheathed them, before she motioned for the three newcomers to join them. Once they had, she continued; "We cannot remain here any longer. The tunnels are our only hope of escape, and they have their own dangers. We must, if nothing else, stay together.

"Lillith gave me the task of protecting you, and that is what I shall do." Nadias eyes flashed, her entire body glowing slightly as her inner power manifested, all of her helpless rage and terror and guilt washing out of her as the purpose of her very being became clear to not only herself, but all those around her. Angels protect. "As the heavens as my witness, not a one of you will be taken. Not by the things above, and not by any abomination that lurks within these tunnels. Not so long as I draw breath. And, when I have seen you all to safety, I will come back here. I will find the THING that took Lady Lillith. And I will destroy it. Utterly. She will stand beside you again. Do you understand me!?" Nadia stood for a moment, glowing before them, and waiting for each of them to answer.

Only when they had all opened their eyes and at the very least nodded did Nadias glow begin to fade, and her voice softened as she said; "Now. Does anyone know how to fight? How to pick a lock? And is anyone capable of any magic other than Sarah? If we are to survive, we must work together, and I must know all that you are capable of. If anyone knows these tunnels, speak up, else I think we need to get moving. Now. The center tunnel, unless anyone has any better idea. These men needed to be carried, unless they can be healed enough to stand, fast. Take only what you can carry, and only necessities. Prioritize food, water, bandages and clothing." Unless any of the assembled women came up with a better solution or offered any advice, Nadia immediately started moving. Just then, she remembered the athelas in her pouch, and suddenly whirled and handed it to Sarah, saying; "The athelas I gathered. You would know better than I what to do with it."
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia's speech helps restore spirits dampened by the news that Lilith had fallen, but only to a certain extent. Perhaps the younger angel could protect them, but if the older and more powerful Lilith proved incapable of holding out then, what hope was there? On the other hand, escape might still be possible, especially if the invaders above didn't know they were escaping.

The women moved quickly, gathering what supplies they could. There were more apples then they could carry, and Nadia found herself eating one to take the edge off the hunger that had crept up on her during the fight, but little else. Some oats could be prepared and eaten, but the maple syrup that made up the bulk of the supplies wasn't exactly good sustenance food.

And there was, of course, no water. One of the new girls found a box full of water skins, but they were all empty. Sarah piped up that there was a little stream just west of Petra, which they used for all their water, but that was of little help now.

More disappointingly, there didn't seem to be any clothing or bandages. "Of course we had plenty of spare clothing down here, but after the first attack Mistress Lilith ordered it all brought up to the infirmary, since so many had lost their clothing before She returned and saved us. And she had been taking stocks of all our medical supplies this morning, and we were hardly going to put them back after the attack..."

A few finds were slightly more provident. The woman who had broken the news about Lilith found a box that contained another pair of lanterns, each with a spare skin of lamp oil. The means of lighting the lamps seems to be missing, but Sarah lights them with simple magic. Another found an unstrung bow, a few waxed bow strings, and several quivers of arrows. Next, Nadia discovered a wood axe sitting in the corner by the door, though none of the women was willing to admit they could use it. Finally, one box gave the group three small belt knives, though Nadia didn't think they would do much good against the creatures currently hunting them, at least in the hands of the women she was protecting.

And finally, two women responded to Nadia's query about skills. One of the new women, Mary, admitted that she could use a bow and pick simple locks, while one of the others, Beth, said that she could do very minor healing magic when they were safe. She has to try twice to demonstrate healing on the level Sarah had managed before the fight, and she looks tired afterward. Still, it's enough to wake up one of the injured men long enough to realize that his leg is badly broken, and could speed recovery after fights.

Sarah accepts the Athelas from Nadia. "Ah, so that's what you were doing. I can try to prepare these, but it has to be done by moonlight unless you have considerably more ability then I do. If I can manage it we ought to be able to get those men walking again tomorrow. If not... they might pass away even with the best me and Beth can manage."

Above, the sounds of fighting have stopped entirely. There were still periodic screams as people were discovered hiding, and the occasional sound of splintering wood as a door was kicked in, but it seemed all resistance had been quelled. And then there were footsteps again, several things walking though the church, making no attempt to hide their presence. Just then Mary stands up in front of the door, wiping dust off her knees. "Got it!" She turns the handle, and the door swings open.

  • Nadia - a young angel, with two bastard swords, a bow, and some minor spirit powers. Naked and quite pregnant.
  • Sarah - an elf, has some facility with fire magic, but is not a practiced battle mage. Naked and quite pregnant.
  • Mary - a human, claims to be able to shoot a bow and pick locks. Naked.
  • Beth - an elf, who will aid healing outside of battle. Wearing a dress.
  • An elf. Naked and quite pregnant.
  • A human. Naked and possibly pregnant.
  • An elf. Quite pregnant, wearing a maternity dress.
  • Four other women, 2 elves and 2 humans, wearing dresses and not obviously pregnant.
  • Two men in simple clothing, on stretchers. Both very badly injured.

  • Nadia's bow, and one other.
  • Nadia's two swords.
  • 3 lanterns, with extra oil sufficient for several days
  • Simple food sufficient for a day or two.
  • 6 womens dresses and simple underclothes, all being worn. 2 outfits for men, being worn.
  • 2 stretchers.
  • 15 empty waterskins.
  • A wood axe.
  • A pouch of unprepared Athelas.
  • 50 denarii between them.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia didn't tremble or hesitate, despite the sounds coming from upstairs, as she ordered the women about. The rage and pain burning within her heart could wait until she had got the other girls to safety. The human girl, Mary, who claimed she could use one well enough took a bow and a quiver of arrows, Nadia allowing the girl a slight smile despite the danger they were for her aid. Three of the women who weren't obviously with child, two elves and a human, were made to carry knives, while the last human took the axe on Nadias asking. They would only have to use them in the direst of circumstances, but it was better to have them than to not have them. They were also the ones Nadia asked to carry the stretchers bearing the men, which now also included the extra food and a couple of waterskins. The one elf in the maternity dress carried only a lantern and some extra oil. The rest carried whatever supplies they could, as well as the lanterns, one of which she left in Sarahs hands. She sighed, knowing that almost all of them were already with child, and said; "Before we get moving: If anyone feels as though they're about to... Erm... Give birth, let us know. We have to move quickly, but there are some things that we simply can't do while on the run. Now, lets go, and close and lock the door behind us, if you can. Sarah, stay near me, and Mary and Beth, stay near the middle, just behind the stretchers."

Nadia led the way down the tunnel, her eyes and ears pealed for signs of danger. Particularly her ears, given that she could barely see outside of the flickering light of the lanterns despite her own magical glow. They were an obvious target, and Nadia didn't doubt that they'd see their fair share of trouble before they came out of these tunnels, so the only option they had was to stay together and present a strong enough front to whatever was up ahead that it might prefer not to attack them. Hopefully, the women would all stay calm, but she could tell that not a one of them had had any sort of combat training, and all of them were already tired and traumatized. But, they couldn't stay here, so, on they went.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The sorry group made moved quickly through the door, and Mary paused for a moment to re-lock it. There will be no hiding that people had hidden in the entrance area at some point, but if nothing else the locked door would slow down any pursuit. They didn't stick around to find out how well that worked.

Sarah stayed just behind and to one side of Nadia, adding her lantern's light and eyes to aid in making sure they weren't ambushed. The passage frequently turned and split, but it seemed to Nadia that they must be going in the right direction, as the passage slowly grew larger and better maintained. There were signs that the mine was long abandoned, however. Nadia saw one spot where track had clearly been hastily removed long ago, leaving marks on the floor. Several side passages were blocked by rubble, and more and more frequently side passages were strewn with spider webs. One of the women with a knife went up close to examine one such passage, and declared that there didn't seem to be any sign of actual spiders, alive or dead.

About half an hour after leaving the store room, though, they came to a blockage in the main tunnel. Several props had collapsed close together, and the ceiling had come down. As far as anyone could tell, it might as well be solid wall. "There will be a way around. Mistress Lilith told me she'd been all the way through here once herself, and this cave in looks pretty old. We just have to find a way around." Sarah tried to sound hopeful.

Nadia looked at the girl, and saw that her belly was noticeably larger then when they had first been reunited. She supposed her own was larger as well, and the others. Nadia figured that she herself must be the furthest along, since she looked about the same to herself as Sarah did, but Nadia was significantly taller then the elf. Maybe an hour or two, then it would be time. Sarah's walk had already changed to compensate for the added weight of the thing growing in her womb, and she looked tired just from all the walking. Nadia was made of sterner stuff, but she still hoped they would find their way out soon.

The side passage they choose to go down was much less comfortable then the main way. There were more empty spiderwebs strewn everywhere, and it was much smaller. Several places had partial cave-ins, and it was difficult to keep directions straight with all the turns and splits. So Nadia was relieved when they rediscovered the main passage after only fifteen minutes. She turned back the way they would have come if it weren't for the blockage, and she thought she could make out the caved-in area beyond the edge of the lantern light. Closer, however, were enormous drapes of spider webs. Much bigger then the ones that had decorated the side passage, and thicker. Nadia turned, suddenly alert.

Perception (Nadia): Success
Perception (Sarah): Failure
Perception (Mary): Failure
Perception (others): Failure

Grapple (Spiders 2-5): auto-success!

There were webs in all directions, she realized. And just ahead of her, opposite of where the girls had rejoined the main passage, she saw glowing red eyes. Too many to count, and moving quickly towards her. She shouted out a warning, and drew her swords. But the others only turned towards her, confused and unable to see the threat. One monstrous black beast entered the light in front of her and came to a halt, clearly not about to try to jump her with her swords out. It waved its front two legs at her threateningly, and she could see its terrible black mandibles and the spinneret at the rear, trailing a line of silk. It moved towards her.

Another spider wasn't so reticent, and bowled over Mary, pinning the girl to the ground on Nadia's right. Others screamed behind her, and a quick glance would show three more of the beasts on top of three other girls. The stretchers with the men were on the ground, and only the only one other then Nadia with a weapon and still on her feet was an elf with a belt knife.

HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = pretty pregnant