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Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 25/45, P = 55, EP = 38/40, Grappled

(You tried to intimidate a troll...... Well, you're the first one to get into a fight with a Fey, at least.)

Casting: 14 + 20 + 3 - 4 = 37 vs 16 == Success.
Damage: 3 + 10 + 5 = 18 damage.

Ashley unleashes a shower of sparks into the enraged Feys face, causing it to shut its eyes and roar once more, this time a bit of pain mixed in with the rage. It puts its left hand in front of its face, blocking the sparks, and with its right it quickly raises the struggling mage up over its head, and smashes her back down toward the ground.

Grapple: Automatic Success.
Damage: 4 + 18 - 2 = 20 damage. Armor takes 11 damage, putting it at 13/25 TP.

Ashley strikes the ground with incredible force, causing the wind to instantly be knocked out of her and smashing her head against the wet muddy ground. The troll pulls her back up, her back and hair covered in mud and her clothes badly torn, as if to smash her into the ground once more.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley grunts, mentally cursing the unfamiliar fire spells, and returns to magic that comes to her more naturally - and powerfully - pulling together a highly localized gust to push the troll away from herself.

(Storm level 3, "gust" (transmutation) on the troll)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 25/45, P = 55, EP = 34/40

Casting: 19 + 38 + 3 - 4 - 4 = 52 vs 22 == Success.
Mind vs Body: 6 + 56 + 3 = 65 vs 14 + 42 = 56 == Ashley wins.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 14 = 19 x 2 = 38 damage.

Ashleys spell calls up a powerful gust of wind that suddenly hammers into the troll as it prepares to smash her into the ground. The wind tears it aside and into the river. Unfortunately, it doesn't release Ashley until after it hits the water and sinks. Ashley swiftly pulls from its grasp and swims to the surface, but the river is already swiftly dragging her back toward the bridge, and the waterfall just beyond it.

(Gain 2 exp.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashely curses as she returns to the surface, and again when she sees the waterfall. She sets off toward the shore with a frantic but not very efficient freestyle. As she swims, she tries to figure out if she'll reach the shore before the waterfall...

(Bah, it's situations like these why I proposed a few utility spells. >.>)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 25/45, P = 55, EP = 34/40

Body Check: Success.

Ashley just barely manages to keep her head above the water as she swims for the shore. The waterfall was a long ways away, well past the bridge and her safe house, so she is able to reach the shore well before she is at risk of going over the edge. She pulls herself, her clothes soggy and dripping, out of the river. She finds herself behind a fairly large house, the back door closed and all of the windows perfectly intact. The building is bright red, with several strange symbols painted in blue in various locations.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Stupid gods-damned troll, ought to know better then to attack a mage. I wonder if its regeneration can deal with all I did plus going off a waterfall... ah well, another time.

Absentmindedly, Ashley scrutinizes the runes on the building, trying to discern some meaning in them while also warming the air around her in an attempt to dry her clothes out a bit faster, fire being at the front of her mind at the moment.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

Ashleys clothes are likely to take a while to fry in the damp air, despite her magic.

Perception: Success.

Ashley doesn't fully understand the runes, but she recognizes them as some sort of defensive magic. She couldn't tell exactly what they did, as she had never seen anything like them before, but the air around her seemed to hold little residual magic, as though the runes were draining the area in order to remain active. She finds that even her lower end spells cost a great deal more of her own energy.

(Ashley is in a low magic area. Spells are effectively two levels higher until she leaves the area.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Whatever's in there is sure to be worthwhile. On the other hand, if they bothered with powerful anti-magical runes there's certainly some sort of more mundane defense, and I'll stand as much chance of overcoming them as that troll had of beating me...

Ashley decided that she wasn't going in there without either some way to disable those runes or someone who didn't rely on magic to fight. All the same she was curious, and backed away, trying to feel for the edge of the protected area. Once she found it she'd try to circle around the building as best she could, staying outside the anti-magic area.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

(The runes don't disable magic, they're just meant as a defense against magical attacks and forces, such as the corruption wave that hit the town when the gate opened.)

The runes only covered the house itself, which Ashley was easily able to circumvent. Ashley finds herself back in the street, and looking back at the house, she sees that the front is covered in the same runes as the back, allowing her to easily identify it among the other nearby buildings, all of which are smaller than it anyway.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley hesitated for a moment. She knew she would have to see what was going on in the house, but her normal strategy would need substantial adjustment.

She briefly considered trying to batter down the walls from the outside, until the runes were disrupted enough to stop functioning. But that would tax her magical abilities and piss off whoever was inside, even if they would otherwise be neutral or even helpful.

She did a quick check over her pistol, making sure it was fully loaded and wasn't obviously jammed. But while her pistol was a good supplement to her magic and better then her bare hands... it probably wasn't good enough to be a primary weapon.

The last clear option was to get her magic over with outside the runes that would decrease her effectiveness. Ashley had never liked supplementing her physical abilities with magic - it felt too much like being a puppet, even if she was still the one pulling the strings. But she could boost her speed to get the hell out of there at the first adverse sign, or ensure she would hit with every shot with her pistol, or enhance her senses so that nothing could sneak up on her...

After a while she decided to go with boosting her speed. Besides the considerations for getting back outside the influence of the runes quickly, it would mean less time under the influence of the spell. She backed away from the house until she could cast spells normally, and enhanced her muscles nearly as much as she could manage, then started toward the house at a swift walk.

(Back outside the low magic area, cast "Lesser Buff" (Body level 2) on herself, improving her speed (by 11, I think, including the improved "transmuter" - tell me if I'm wrong.))
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 35/40, Lesser Buff: +11 Speed

(Takes one round of walking to reach the house.)

Casting: Automatic Success.

Ashley proceeds to the edge of the area of low magic surrounding the protected house, and proceeds to cast a spell to increase her speed. It takes her a while to get there, as the runes seem to eat up a large amount of energy to remain active, but her spell goes off without a hitch.

Returning much more swiftly than before, Ashley returns to the somewhat imposing house, its magical defenses the same as when she'd left.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Not wanting to waste her limited supply of magic poking around, Ashley approaches the nearest door and knocks on it.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 34/40, Lesser Buff: +11 Speed

The runes around the door flash as she touches the door, and no response comes for several seconds after she knocks on the door. Suddenly, the door creaks open, revealing a pitch black room beyond. There were no sounds coming from inside the house.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Concentrating, and cursing silently at the defensive runes, Ashley attempts to conjure a small ball of light into being to light the room. At the same time, she calls out just loudly enough to be heard by someone in the next room, "Anybody here?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 31/40, Lesser Buff: +11 Speed

Casting: Automatic Success.
Perception: Success.

Ashleys magical light illuminates a narrow corridor. The walls are made of dusty wooden boards, and covered in runes similar to those outside. The corridor is only about ten feet long, and ends in a door of thick wood and braced with slightly rusted steel. As she examines the room, Ashley hears wood creaking somewhere within the house, sounding like it is somewhere above her, but she can't tell exactly where the sound originates from.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley moves forward and opens the inner door, calling out again as she does so.


I really don't like this. If there's nobody in the next room...
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 35/45, P = 55, EP = 30/40, Lesser Buff: +11 Speed

As she steps into the rune covered hallway, several of the runes suddenly flare bright red, and Ashley collapses in sudden pain. It feels as though her insides are being burned inside her, a constant horrific burn within her that paralyzes her and very nearly causes her to black out. Luckily, it lasts for only a moment, and while she is still in pain, Ashley feels somehow.... Cleaner, like some stain within her had been wiped away. The runes have returned to their original state, and the door in front of her creaks open, revealing a poorly lit hallway that looks like the entrance hallway of a well-to-do home, even though it is a bit dusty.

(Lose all corruption.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Well that was... interesting. Didn't exactly feel evil, which is reassuring.

Ashley closes the door behind her and continues out into the hallway, a little less nervous then before, and a good bit louder.

"Anybody home?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 35/45, P = 55, EP = 29/40, Lesser Buff: +11 Speed

Perception: Success.

Nobody responds to Ashleys call as she enters the house, shutting the door behind her. She does hear more walking from the floors above her, however, and she spots a set of stairs leading up to her right. The stairs turn a little ways up, proceeding out of sight. She also manages to catch the sound of a mans voice, though it is too muffled for her to understand.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Cursing under her breath at whatever it is inside her that makes her unable to turn back at this point, Ashley climbs the stairs.