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Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Moving upstairs, Ashley enters a room she remembered was intact with a small bed in it, and locks the door behind her. The window was very small, and the only hiding place she could think of was the empty closet, so it seemed safe to her.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Satisfied with her arrangements, Ashley gathers her things and locks all the interior doors. As an added precaution she uses her pocket knife to cut one hair, leaving a piece gently stuck to the base of each door that can't be locked, in such a way that if the door is opened it will be dislodged.

Moving outside, she locks the door behind her. She then walks around the house, making sure that there are no doors she has somehow missed before taking a look toward the nearby town.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Ashley doesn't seem to have missed anything, though several windows are broken and she has no way of repairing them. The nearby town is currently empty of anything that might be hostile, the only sound being the water flowing under the large bridge she came into town over.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

After a final check that the front door is securely closed and locked, Ashley gathers herself up to set forth.

Maybe I can find something to close up those windows with, or learn something useful about the rift or the results thereof.

Idly checking that her pistol is loaded and ready, Ashley starts out for the town. She notices that aside from her physical harm, the daemon appears to have washed away her exhaustion as well, and reminds herself to pay attention to the time so that night doesn't sneak up on her.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Thunder cracks overhead, and Ashley sees a single bolt of lightning light up the sky. It starts to rain slightly as she steps outside, but through the clouds she can tell that it is on the tail end of daylight, and will start to get dark within a couple of hours.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Smiling at the storm, and hoping in the back of her mind that it doesn't drive anything in through a broken window seeking a dry place, Ashley decides that a quick look around outside the town wouldn't be amiss and starts down towards it.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Ashley steps outside to the street, and the nearby crossroads could take her deeper into the rich district, to the slums, to the docks, or back out of town.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"The Slums" doesn't sound like a good place to go at the best of times. The docks might have something interesting, and of course the high-class area is certain to be worth visiting. Eventually.

After a moment's hesitation, Ashley starts off toward the docks, planning to check out the high-class area later, and avoid the slums as long as reasonable.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Perception: Failure

Barely a minute after starting out down the street going toward the docks, Ashley suddenly hears a rustle from the bushes bordering the road.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley starts at the sound and stares at the bushes for a moment, but when nothing further moves she slowly turns away and continues her walk, fingering her gun as she goes.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Suddenly, a loud roar fills Ashleys ears, as though a large waterfall were nearby, and she looks in that direction to see a massive beam of red light lance across the river and into the forest from a building somewhere on the docks. A small, black skinned, clawed demon rushes out of the bushes, but it sprints right past Ashley, apparently more afraid of whatever had caused that beam of light than it felt the need to attack her.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley quickly turns away from the light, focusing on the more immediate threat. When the demon turns out not to be interested in her, she decides to let it go, more interested in the source of that light.

It scared the demon, but that doesn't mean anything... ideally I'd find a place to observe the results without being seen, but I can't easily cross the river. I guess the only real choice is to find out what's in that building, then...

Most carefully, Ashley tries to get to a place where she can observe the building that was the source of the light while remaining unseen by anyone in the building itself.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Carefully creeping down the street toward where the light came from, Ashley is surprised when she walks right into the daemon she'd met earlier as he comes around the corner of a building. He seems to have been coming from the direction of the light.

"Hello again, human."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley starts at the sudden appearance of the daemon. Upon recognition she relaxes, a little. She still isn't sure just how far she trusts him, but she feels relatively certain that if he intended harm towards her she'd be unable to stop him.

"Hello... um, I think I forgot to ask the name you go by, Daemon. Mine is Ashley. I doubt you missed that light, but perhaps you know what caused it?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

"Well, of course I know what caused. Because I AM what caused it. You may call me Matthias. Haven't had too much more trouble yet, have you?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Well, I suppose he would know, then.

"I've seen nothing else living since we last met. No, I tell a lie, a minor demon ran out of the bushes when it saw your light. Did you succeed in killing whatever you were attacking?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

"Yes, along with quite a few trees and bushes, two squirrels, a fox, and one very large spider in the process. There was an elf woman I had gone to rescue there, though I doubt she's still in the building I left her in."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"You know you killed two squirrels but you're not sure about the person? That seems a bit... backwards, to me. But I suppose an immortal sees these things differently, and I suppose you warned the woman if you'd already gone and saved her. Do you often rescue women?"

(Massively OOC. I don't think he's told me he wants to be summoned for big demons, yet, and I'd like an opportunity to ask him why he let me save myself before he vanishes, though I might take my time about it. >.> Also, I'm going to be re-rolling shortly - possibly later tonight. No big changes, but the game itself has changed and I might want to reflect that. Can I also confirm I have 2 exp from the demon+warped one, and 10 corruption? I know you forget to say once in a while and if I'm screwing around with my sheet anyway I'd like to be up to date. Oh, and final thing: I think you said once that we start with 50 denarii, but I'm not sure and didn't find it in a (very) quick search. Confirmation?)
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Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

The daemon shrugs, and replies; "It's rude to constantly spy on people. And pointless, all things considered. As long as I'm here, I rescue any I can from the demons, since it usually results in a soul or two for me to take. As for rescuing women, women simply seem to survive here longer than men, and I'm sure you've figured out why by now, given your previous encounter."

(Sorry about the wait, I don't check these until I do an update. Confirm the exp, corruption, and the money.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"If you don't constantly spy, how do you find these demons? Just listen for the screams, or do you have some.... other... way?"

(np, it's not like I'm doing anything in here until you return anyway.)