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RPG 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG RJ125979 RPGMaker

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Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

start game first girls is really suck

she don't help me anithing only i can get her in party
and go around in first town that it

but i can get her going outside to help my farm Level

she look like Hostile

i play my character alone Until my character Lv.15

i just know this game can cilck S and A

puss A is just off image girls but you must hold it

S is a menu something about my girls

first menu is a fighting my girls if you win your girls Would do everything
(my first girls can go outside but next days cannot go now i dunno why :L)

if you get H-scene and you girls gone

don't warry about it

she is pregnant and going around in hospital
(i don't know what is that map)
Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

now my save is broken

but i play again and get someting i lost it (cow girls bra bra bra)

i know how can i get my girls in party to go outside

talk your girls is have 6 menu
i tell you what is this menu


1.get your girls in party to Walking around town

2. i think is this talk something to you girls

3.get your girls in party to go outside
(you don't need to cilck choice one to get her in party you cilck choice three and go outside your girls is in your party now lol)



5.leave your girls in party
(i think is this)

6.exit menu

now i know aya is a priest
but if aya is a priest and who the f*k is Celica?

edit2 my cow girls can romance it!! how can i get that??
i need to make aya and Saline love me but is really hard (especially aya)
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Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

how can i go through Necromancer house

my chracter Lv.99 now but i stick in 5th town

i don't know how support to do now
Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

The cow girl is pregnant and is walking around the hospital(?) and all I can do is have sex with her. what can I do to make her give birth?
Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

The cow girl is pregnant and is walking around the hospital(?) and all I can do is have sex with her. what can I do to make her give birth?

it's normal for you all girls

if your some girls be slave and pregnant

you can go hospital and h-scene you girls pregnant

You will choose sex with har or not all over time Before baby her birth


cow girls is slave already This means that you cannot romance her Before

but new ver. this game you cow girls can romance after

Ps. how can i go through the necromancer hourse


i get a map in snow village i clear robbers cave
but i cannot go through here i don't understand why

and i can go the top right boat but i cannot go through here too

Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG


Edit: Both girls are enslaved and have had a child. neither of them accompany me outside the city. Is there an option for this or must I wait? I have traveled around the city with them for a few days each and have had sex with them multiple times as well.

Never mind. it is the second option.
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Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

wow i finally complete this game now

this's one game i play myself with no Request fullsave

because i really like gameplay this game so much it's not make me boring at all

Although this game is old but it's make me fun

i really thing this circle make more game like this :D

i wanna upload my save in here but i user winrar only :l
Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

in second town has boy with a dog what is to do?
in South of first town has a type of port has a event in there?
if you go for second town have way to go back ?
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Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

Just found a very annoying bug, if you get the white haired girl you can only have one party member.

go talk with a maid in hotel where the girls sleep first option and she go in party with other members

the White haired girl have bath scenes?
Re: 巨乳女達と冒険するRPG

this circle have another game interesting queens battle (the main character is the girl White hair and apears others heroines of this game) and 巨乳女達とデートしたり、嫁にしたり、性奴隷にしたりするRPG
Don't even know how to progress past the jungle-like town, the one after the Snow town.

Plus there doesn't seem to be many options regarding the white-haired girl other than slaving her/forcing yourself on her.

Oh yeah, Have my save, not finished probably but i romanced a lot of the girls. To any poor soul that needs a save to this game.

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