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Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

They left the room, the only real remaining things now were to go to the 2nd floor again, but that might mean fighting that orb again, going to the machines room, or going into those big double doors, Irid looked around, slightly hesitant to follow "I-I Think we should escape..." she said.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Nah...let's see what these machines have in store.." she replied, not quite ready to leave yet. she wasn't satisfied as far as her adventure went, continuing into the room with a giddy smile on her face.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The machines room was like the last room, albeit this time slightly different, as the machines lacked the tarps ontop of them, they all looked like normal seats, like massager chairs almost, there was a control panel in the corner too, Irid went over to one, cooing in curiosity and poking them with the spear, just incase.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Seeing that they looked just like chairs, she simply went over to the control panel to investigate what was going on here. Being a professional, she knew a thing or two about getting into computers and security, just in case. she then activate the console to see what she could possibly find out or do.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She activated the control panel, activating the first chair, which Irid was sitting in, restriants clamped onto her ankles and wrists, she gave out a yelp of surprise, there were several different options, Shock, Tickle, normal torture techniques, however there was a unique button in the top corner with a purple glow....
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she noticed that the chair had restrained her buddy, and she began to blindly search about for a release command, accidentally pushing the glowing purple button...

"Ohhhhh shitshitshitshit!!! uhmmm...uhm...this one?"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The button depressed, the chair Irid was in changed, she felt the chair rumble and rattle, then it set to its work, however it seemed this one was faulty as it malfunctioned, but sent a almost certainly lethal shock throughout Irids body as she gave out several cries of pain, eventually it backfired and the restraints snapped off, dropping Irid to the ground, electricity still sparking off her body, eventually she groaned and sat up "What happened...?" she said, her eyes now a red colour and her hair a light blue, electricity still arcing off of her "...Huh, she musta gone and done something again" Irid said, in a normal tone for once, she looked up at Toki "I Guess your the one shes travelling with?" she asked, standing up.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She freaked out briefly when her companion was shocked, assuming her dead...she was cute, and she enjoyed having her...oh wait, she was alive! she did, however, note something different about her. a much more collected persona.

"Who is she? And I think your memory just got zapped back into you. we're stuck here, and we were trying to escape." she explained
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"She as in me" she said, it looked like the two different personas had seperate memories "Oh okay, lets go escape then, no rush" she said in a sarcastic tone, "Dont i atleast get a look around first?" Irid said again.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She liked this one a little more, and simply shrugged with a nod.
"Sure thing. I don't mind. that's what i've been trying to do all day."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"To avoid going in circles, where have we been before?" she asked Toki, taking out the spear and leaning on it, looking around and scratching the side of her head.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she thought briefly...
"Prison cell area, first floor lab and robot room, and everywhere down here but those double doors."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Great! Guess we can just go through the double doors then?" Irid asked Tokiko, keeping the spear ready as they prepared to enter through the double doors.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Absolutely." she replied, loving the new attitude her partner possessed. she then opened the doors, holding her weapon at the ready.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

When they entered, they were greeted with quite a large open area, discarded tables lied about and there were two double doors, leading to a way out, however they heard a voice call to them "You two have been quite the annoyance", Irid looked around, then realised their combatant was standing on the ceiling of all things, albeit in the darkest place so it was ATLEAST somewhat sneaky.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

entering the room, she heard a voice, turning about to see someone walking on the ceiling of all places. She then readied her weapon, feeling as though something was off about this one. how was this person able to do that?

"Well I mean...i've been losing all over the place today...if that's a hassle for you, then you must really suck." she joked
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"You`ve been a waste of time and resources, and your friend didnt help that with her little escape" she said, obviously not amused with the joke, she stepped into the light, then landing on the ground almost gracefully, with a massive scythe at the ready...

?s appearance
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

seeing the strangely dressed female before her, she readied her scythe once more, wielding it comfortably.

"Then Don't be such a nitpicker." she noted, taking the first strike
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

[Toki gets a arousal hit on ?, Irid fails to hit, ? casts charm magic on Toki!]

[Toki gets a arousal hit on ?, Irid gets a normal crit! ? gets a normal hit on Irid]

[Toki fails to hit, Irid fails to hit, ? miscasts and causes 2 AP damage to herself, but casts charm magic on Toki!]

? 7/10 HP, 6/10 AP

Toki 5/5 HP, 1/5 AP

Irid 3/4 HP, 4/4 AP

Surprisingly Irid manages to join the battle this time around, dealing a powerful spear strike already, however the mysterious womans scythe glows a pink colour and she unleashes two shockwave slashes at Toki, they dont cause any damage to her but she cant help but blush as she feels her lust build up inside her, causing her to feel flustered, thankfully the third one seems to backfire, as the woman blushes slightly under her facemask.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

and so the fight began, with Toki getting a few good hits, but suddenly being swiped...

"Sh-Shit! Charm....magic....nnnnhh..."she groaned, blushing very heavily as she closed her legs together and briefly held her crotch. she was just barely able to continue to fight, beginning to get upset and sending out wave after wave of furious attacks