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[Complete - Full] [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)


Demon Girl
Jun 24, 2016
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WOLF RPG Editor is a free WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) RPG development software. It is a popular Japanese RPG Maker developed by SmokingWOLF (SilverSecond).

This is a quick translation/modification, since v2.10 was already translated into English (thanks to and ), so most of the work was already done. Someone just needed to do a lot of copy-pasting and translate the new stuff.

This is needed to make full translations of some of the new RPG titles that use WOLF RPG, such as RJ174492 (Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~) ( / ULMF). The older editor (v2.10) isn't compatible with v2.20 or newer games and v2.20 and newer editors have some issues displaying text correctly. Most of the stuff is just ?????? instead of Japanese even with Japanese being the default non-unicode text display charset, which makes the editor very hard to use. This should make things a little easier.

Can be used without the editor with the games such as RJ174492

If you already have the editor.

WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 mirrors: ,
NOTE: Requires a DATA folder containing game files to work.

The language of the editor, game.exe or config.exe doesn't change how the games work. So if you're using the Japanese editor or a translated one, the game files are handled the same way. That means that you can switch between the Japanese and English editors if you want to and it won't cause any compatibility issues.

2017-05-11 - Fixed a typo in translated string that caused the editor to crash

You can download the latest Japanese version of WOLF RPG Editor from here:
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Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21

Is this suppose to be just the config.exe or is it also a placeholder for when you finish translating the whole thing?
Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21

It's a placeholder. I mean I could post the incomplete editor file, but I don't see the point in that. The translation work itself is 90-something % done already ( ), it just needs to be copied to the new version.

E: I will add whatever % incomplete version I have to the OP if I can't finish this in one day.
E2: Added whatever % version to OP... started messing with stringtables after I was just about done.
E3: It's done. Some texts might not fit in their designated boxes. I'll try to fix if needed.
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Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Well thats depressing, was gonna toy around with it but when i Copy/Paste stuff from the editor it comes out gibberish when i paste it o_O

Also, is this part suppose to be untranslated?

Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Well thats depressing, was gonna toy around with it but when i Copy/Paste stuff from the editor it comes out gibberish when i paste it o_O

Also, is this part suppose to be untranslated?

Characters coming out gibberish are related to character set encoding, so it is probably that either the tool is a non-Unicode build or it can depend where you paste.

I would suggest changing your Windows System Local (your region for non-Unicode programs) to Japanese and try again.
Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Well thats depressing, was gonna toy around with it but when i Copy/Paste stuff from the editor it comes out gibberish when i paste it o_O
For whatever reason, Windows converts strings to your currently selected keyboard input when you copy a string from a program that's not written in Unicode or UTF-8. So change your keyboard input to Japanese before copying.

Also, is this part suppose to be untranslated?
What part?

E: is a good place to upload images that lets you use direct links to uploaded images.
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Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Ah i forgot you had to do that jap keyboard thing for Wolf, whoops :p

The right side of the pages, even page 2.

Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

The right side of the pages, even page 2.
Those strings are pulled from Common Events (70-80... and probably some other places too) of your game/Data-directory. They're not part of the actual editor.

E: TIP: Hold ALT when you do a PrtScn and Windows only grabs the active window.
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Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Well i got copy/paste working, but i cant remember how the hell to load another game. i tried copy/pasting the game into a new thing and loading the editor with its map file, but its still editing the basic wolf game o_O
Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Well i got copy/paste working, but i cant remember how the hell to load another game.
Rename or delete Data directory from editor if there is one and copy the one from the game to the same dir as the editor... or you could just copy Editor.exe & EditorGraphic.dat to the same directory as game.exe and use it.

i tried copy/pasting the game into a new thing and loading the editor with its map file, but its still editing the basic wolf game o_O
Change the map on the map selector and the map image will update.
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Re: [TOOL] WOLF RPG Editor v2.21 (English)

Gah this editor is beyond annoying, im changing all kinds of stuff, but none of its showing up in game. cant tell if im even changing the right things, why cant this be far less convuluted like RPG Maker lol

*EDIT* Derp, GameManager didnt remove Data.wolf like it does for RPG Maker, stuff is changing now lol
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If for whatever reason this goes offline and I'm unable to reupload the file, there's another translated v2.21 out there:

It's also listed on the official download page for the Wolf RPG Editor:

Both versions (this and AeroWhitefox's) are identical in functionality. The official one comes with an example game.