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Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

(First roll... 20... What!?)

Tsubaki begins her journey to Willowbank, luckily the moon is almost full and provides enough light to clearly see the trail ahead. She has only been travelling for around an hour when she hears a shout behind her, turning to see the cause of the noise she is greeted by a rather out of breath Simon. "I...I spoke to...Lord...Ashcroft and convinced him...to let me...come with you." he pants, even doubled over trying to recover he still manages to pull off his trademark smile.

He pats the short sword at his side "I'm no knight but I've been training with the squires between my duties and I know which end to stick 'em with" he beams at her.

It seems Tsubaki has made quite the impression on the young lad...

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Only a short distance away, about an hour or two's worth of travel behind her, Tsubaki can hear someone coming from behind her. Alert at first, she doesn't manage to take up her bow before she notices the incoming party being just Simon. Listening to the lad give out his explanation, she feels like scolding him but lets it slide.
"I believe you'd been more help back in town, but now that you've made it this far, I can't honestly send you back. Glad to have you with me." Tsubaki tells him, staying as friendly as possible. What the young man saw in her, she didn't know.
"Let's keep going then." she tells him, turning to advance along her way once more
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X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

After being on the trail for many hours Tsubaki and Simon decide it would be a good idea to setup camp, they find a small clearing in trees off to the side of the road that would appear to be a good spot. Suprisingly enough Simon seems to have 'forgotten' to bring a spare tent with him, forcing them to share the one small tent Tsubaki had in her pack. As Simon sets about preparing the tent he asks Tsubaki if she would mind collecting some firewood so they could cook thier rations.

Heading slightly deeper into the treeline Tsubaki does not have to look hard before she has found a good amount of kindling, perfect for starting the fire, pleased with her haul she is about to head back to the camp when she hears a large roar behind her. Dropping the kindling she spins round readying her bow as she sees the source of the noise is a large black bear, she turns just in time to see a large set of claws swing just inches past her head, rolling out of the way she manages to pull off a quick shot with her bow, the arrow lodging in the bears chest.

Tsubaki 5/5FP 0/10AP (19 ammo remaining)
Enraged Bear 9/10FP
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"What do you mean you forgot? You pervert, just wanting to sneak into a lady's bed.." Tsubaki thinks as Simon informs her about his lack of a tent. She gives the lad a bad look before heading out to collect firewood from the edge of the forest.

After a few moments, she's found a suitable amount to bring back. A sudden noise alerts her to an ambush happening. Dropping the wood, she reflexively does a turn-around shot, evading the bear's claws and giving it an arrow in return.
"Oh great, a bear... I doubt this thing will go down easy. Tsubaki thinks, trying to keep her distance and aiming another arrow at the big black menace.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki manages to dodge the bears next attack but having to concentrate hard on not being hit by the massive beast causes her to miss her next shot, the arrow flies by the beasts head and sticks into a tree behind him.

Realising this bear may be too much for her to handle alone Tsubaki shouts out for Simon to come help her, hoping he would hear. Taking an oppurtunity to fire a shot off as the bear prepares to charge at her Tsubaki's arrow punctures the bears shoulder causing the beast to rear up in pain before suddenly slamming his front paws down with such a force that Tsubaki was knocked off her feet, she gets up quickly but as she tries to move out of the beasts way it catches her with one of its massive paws, cutting 3 small gashes in her left arm.

As the bear is preoccupied with Tsubaki it fails to notice Simon come bursting through the trees to its side, despite the shock of seeing such a massive beast Simon doesn't hesitate in taking advantage of the bear, thrusting his short sword into it's side.

Tsubaki 4/5FP 0/10AP (17 ammo remaining)
Simon 4/4FP 0/10AP

Enraged Bear 7/10FP
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

After a few exchanges of attacks with the bear, Tsubaki is relieved to see Simon come to her aid. But the situation was still on, she kept on the attack, trying to keep her distance and attack from farther away.
"Looks like he can be relied on, even if he is a bit of a perv.." she thinks as the young man fearlessly charges the bear
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

The two humans both fail to hurt the bear, Simons sword glancing off the thick hide of the bear and Tsubakis arrow shattering as she sends it flying into a rock. The bear still concentrates on Tsubaki, swinging its mighty arms in a vain effort to hit the nimble archer but she is in no hurry to allow the beast to land another blow on her.

Spinning out of the way of yet another attack Tsubaki lets an arrow fly, hitting the bear in the chest again and causing yet another yelp of pain from the beast. Seeing another opportunity Simon charges at the beast but he trips on a loose rock and lands on his back wincing in pain. The bear pounces towards Simon, intent on tearing his limbs from his body but at the last second he rolls out of the way only just avoiding the bears ferocious attack.

Tsubaki 4/5FP 0/10AP (15 ammo remaining)
Simon 4/4FP 0/10AP

Enraged Bear 6/10

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki sighs as she sees Simon trip.
"Try to focus, rushing around blindly is a bad idea, especially in a setting like this.." she thinks, keeping her calm and nocking another arrow as she takes aim towards the bear once again
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Both Tsubaki and Simon miss there attacks yet again, Tsubaki's arrow flying off into the forest and Simon's sword failing to find flesh as he slashes at the bear, throwing himself off balance which leaves an opening in his defences as the bear charges into him, sending him flying into a nearby tree before landing in a heap at it's base. Shaking his head he tries to stand but his feet don't seem to respond and he falls over again.

Tsubaki 4/5FP 0/10AP (14 ammo remaining)
Simon 3/4FP 0/10AP - Stunned

Enraged Bear 6/10FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki would facepalm at Simon's appaling performance is she wasn't in the middle of combat with a deranged bear.
"Get your act together now, are you a man?" she thinks, cursing her own inability to hit as she sends further attacks headed towards the bear
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubakis arrow flies true, headed straight for the right eye of the beast until it raises a mighty paw and swats the arrow to the side, dropping its shoulders it prepares to charge at the girl who dodges the beast and causes it to smash head first into a tree behind her.

Tsubaki 4/5FP 0/10AP (13 ammo)
Simon 3/4FP 0/10AP

Enraged Bear 5/10FP - Stunned.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Okay, now I think I've seen everything..." Tsubaki thinks as she witnesses the bear deflect her arrow. That serves only to anger the animal, causing it to come charging at her. Tsubaki sidesteps the lunging creature, which runs along into a nearby tree.
"That was lucky, gotta use my opportunity." she thinks, aiming her stunned ursine assailant with another arrow.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Before Tsubaki can take her shot she can only watch in shock as Simon, finally back on his feet, runs up the back of the creature and slams his short sword into the back of it's neck. As he pulls his sword back out a fountain of blood is released as the bear spasms before going limp again, the life energy drained from the beast.

"Not too bad eh?" Simon says as he grins at Tsubaki, blood covering him from head to toe "I could probably do with a wash though..."

Tsubaki is able to recover 5 arrows from the beast and the surrounding area, she now has a total of 18 in her quiver.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Well, it was pretty impressive" Tsubaki tells the youngin, patting him on the back for his good performance. "But yes, you should probably find a spot to wash at"

After collecting her unbroken arrows back, Tsubaki finds herself still being in pretty good condition ammo-wise. Getting back the scattered firewood, she sets towards the camp in an effort to get a fire going. She was getting a bit hungry after that quick bout of combat
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Simon heads to a nearby stream to wash the blood of the beast from his skin and his armor, leaving Tsubaki to deal with preparing thier meal. After a short while he returns, naked from the waist up with just his undergarments covering his manhood. Tucking his leathers into his pack he takes a seat on a nearby log and greedily tucks into his rations, wolfing them down in a matter of seconds. "Just as well I conviced my uncle to let me come with you, this could have been a very short journey otherwise." He smiles his cheeky smile again. "I thought we made a pretty good team there, for the most part anyway."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Doing her best to make a decent meal from the rations given to them, Tsubaki busies herself at the fire. Once the half-naked Simon comes back, she gives he man his deserved part of the rations. She sighs at Simon's eating habits, being a more reserved and careful eater herself.
"Yes, we managed pretty good, can't deny that."
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Well, I'm gonna hit the sack" Simon yawns, stretching and heading to the tent, leaving Tsubaki sitting where she was. Once she had packed away their provisions she joined him, settling down to rest before another day of travel.

They rise with the moon just starting to appear over the horizon, offering a dim light to show them the path. Tsubaki and Simon make their way west towards Willowbank, they keep their wits about them but the journey is uneventful. The two advenurers trek long into the night and do not make camp until the moon is almost completely gone from view.
After such a hard days walk, neither is particularly talkative as they begin the camp preperations again, this time Simon prepares the rations while Tsubaki builds up the tent, after a quick meal they head off to bed and awake refreshed and ready to continue thier travels.

"We should reach Willowbank today" Simon says, looking to the distance. "It should be no more than 5 or 6 hours travel." They eat a light breakfast before continuing on thier way, Simon tells Tsubaki what little he knows of Willowbank. Having not been there for years he isn't sure how much is the same but he recalls how the Inn acted as both a central social point of the town as well as the main political meeting point for the village elders. As he explains the layout of the town, neither notice the rustling in the bushes off the side of the track until a Wild Boar leaps out and charges at Tsubaki. Reacting instantly she dives out of the way of its vicious looking tusks before it turns back towards them, snorting and stamping it's hooves.

Tsubaki 5/5FP 0/10AP
Simon 4/4FP 0/10AP

Wild Boar 5/5FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Having ventured through the countryside with Simon for a day and half, Tsubaki's learned a few things about hiking and camping along the way.

At the third day, Tsubaki is absorbing info about their destination town from Simon as they are surprised by a random boar charging at her from a nearby bush. Barely dodging the rushing piggy, she readies herself for combat once more, nocking an arrow and aiming the bow towards the animal preparing for another charge
"Hmm... I wonder what your meat tastes like?" she thinks as combat is about to commence, remembering that certain comic where they always ate boar meat.
X Man

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki lets her arrow fly, perhaps rushed by the boars apparant intent to charge, whatever the reason her arrow sails wide and sticks into the road beside the boar. Simon continues on his usual attack style and rushes towards the beast, making a deep cut on the boars back with his short sword, squealing in pain the boar tries to hit him with it's tusks but the young lad nimbly jumps back out of range of the beast which again begins to stamp the ground.

Tsubaki 5/5FP 0/10AP (17 ammo)
Simon 4/4FP 0/10AP

Wild Boar 3/5FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"He sure is reckless... but looks like it's a beneficial gambit most of the time." Tsubaki thinks, pondering Simon's gung-ho style of fighting.

Nocking another arrow, she aims another attack towards the boar as it prepares for a charge at them. "Hit now, please.."