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Two Minds Are Better Than One (Jocelyn)

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Nov 10, 2008
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Jocelyn grabs the book on fabled Cathay thinking it might have something about puzzle boxes or the like within it's pages. The name Zao Lat sounds rather odd but it is similar to the name Rodger mentioned as knowing about such things. Aubrey was off looking for a map of the city, so now she just needed a copy of the bible.

She turns down another row of books to find an unusual sight within this library. A rather old manuscript sits by itself on a pedestal, the book reminds her very much of the bible that sat in the library of the nunnery she had been sent to by her father. Whatever the book was it must be terribly important to Rodger to be set aside like it is, a quick glance reveals it to be old indeed. Though it is mostly written in an unrecognized language the title is in faded Latin, Erciyes something.

Jocelyn is momentarily distracted by the prominent book but decides she should concentrate on her main reason for being in the library. After a bit more searching finds a copy of the bible in Latin she is looking for and takes it with her to a dusty table. A few minutes later is soon joined by Aubrey, who smiles and sets an ancient looking map of the city on the table before taking a nearby seat and leaning in to ask. "So what do you hope to find? Something about the box perhaps."
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