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RPG Ci-En Active [Undermouse] Mikaze's lewd record / Undertown / ミカゼの淫触録 (RJ01204509)


Jungle Girl
Jul 22, 2012
Reputation score
A demo of this game only barely came out.
I really, really like the art of this game. Let's hope the rest gets better, because so far… it's kind of shit.


(I think you might need to follow to download the demo)

More CGs are available on the Ci-En, these are the only pics featuring gameplay images
undermouse_01.jpg undermouse_02.jpg

You're Mikaze. You're an exorcist! Precisely, a promising junior member of the exorcist association.
Exorcists are spread really thin lately, because shit has hit the fan. So, when more shit hits the fan, you find yourself the only exorcist standing.
Be sure to shake off the tentacles should they catch you, else they'll drain your mana. By bringing you to orgasm. Yeah, that's how it works, you've read the exorcism manual right?

Gameplay is shit.
Dev explains that the demo was quickly cobbled together with bare-minimum functionality. It shows.
Assets cropped wrong, very basic combat with barely any variation (you have a heal and an attack spell, and no amount of leveling will give you more).
Losing will give you a molestation CG — after deliberately losing to a slime, Mikaze got molested by tentacles, so either it's the same game over for any monster in the location or we still have placeholders.

How to go where you get molested
To get to the first level, the forest, and get molested, go talk to the receptionist, then go left to the director's office so he can leer at Mikaze, than go further left to the "nap room".
When the world goes to shit during your nap you can leave the exorcist association through the south door. Use the vending machine to buy stuff.
Keep going north to rescue the lecherous director, then further north to reach the door that says "demo over". There is no boss.

How to be molested
The hentai is… not very well-handled, so far.
There are four enemies so far, they all have hentai animations.
Enemies are hand-drawn, and if you keep defending eventually they'll capture Mikaze. If they catch her, you have the option to resist or "wait and see" — the first, for me, always freed Mikaze instantly, the second means the molestation progresses. So far, I saw Mikaze fellate a tentacle and get her panties rubbed by a slime, but it's hardly much — haven't seen a titty yet.
Your "lewdness" increases each time a scene finishes. I haven't farmed lewdness so long (fastest way in the demo is walking back and forth in front of a specific smoking hole that displays a message saying Mikaze "came a little"), but so far it doesn't change scenes — although the in-menu gallery seems to imply each monster has multiple scenes, so that might be the intention.
That's the thing that makes me the least hopeful about the game. That kind of hard-to-reach scene is kind of annoying, and if "lewdness" influences the scenes you'll be forced to lose a bunch of times to get the gallery — also, you might lock yourself out of scenes because you're too much of a slut to get the early scenes, or have to grind lewdness to see the later ones in case your purity resets.

As I write, demo is very young. Out for a month, already updated several times.
Let's hope the issues are just growing pains, and this game grows to be as good as its art.
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Finally an update.

Which leaves me pretty surprised, because the dev says they've "finished all the scenes" and the game is just undergoing testing/debugging.
He'll release this month! Apparently. And an updated demo when he's a good way into debugging, — which I'm particularly looking forward to, because I'm really curious if he fixed the mess.

Oh, game's name is now "Mikaze's lewd record / ミカゼの淫触録". No it's not a thread you missed.

If you missed it, he posted some stuff on Twitter that I think is worth a look.

Here's a later level (showing what the rest of the game may be like).

And here are three battle sprites for the heroine. The one on the left was the one from the demo, the other two are following iterations, with the one on the right theoretically being current -- shows that he took his time fixing certain details.

I mean, let's hope. He's an amazing artist, let's hope the game is at least serviceable.