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ACT Active Ryona [Unnamed Studio] Mansion of Games


New member
Jul 2, 2024
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I am currently working on the creation of an adult furry game called Mansion of Games along side a pair of coders, I myself am the artist. (MoG). There is no studio name as this is my first game, or even my first venture into animating anything so everything is a learning experience for me so I haven't really thought of a studio name so far. I don't use forums much these days either so I'm hoping I managed to get the formatting correct.

You take on the role of the Antagonist (Name Pending), a nameless, faceless individual who is both wealthy and influential. Using both of these assets, created a mansion with the sole purpose of abducting women from the nearby city to participate in a game of "Cat and mouse" within the rooms and halls of his abode. It plays similar to how the old spy vs spy games does but with a more top down isometric view.

The aim of the game is to chase, wear down, sexually play with, and eventually fuck and cum inside as many of the three girls selected as you can. There is a time limit to each session, so you have to spend your time wisely, use traps, tricks and some wit to catch these girls to start your fun. Of course they will resist, attempt to escape your grip and hide from you as much as they can. They're well aware of the rules of the game, despite their involuntary presence at the mansion.

The character you play as enjoys the chase and is not in the business of seriously hurting the girls, so don't expect any images or scenes where there is lasting physical harm to his victims.

Why not check it out and tell me what you think, we have a discord that I'm slowly trickling art into. It's early days so dont expect too much just yet. I have a full time job as well as taking care of a family member so I work on this when time currently allows. And the same is said for my two coders whom are also very busy with life. But we aim to hopefully bring something to the furry genre of games that doesn't get much attention these days. My largest aim is to keep things simple, easy to implement with the ability to add more characters later on down the line. As well as new mechanics and gimmicks the more popular the game becomes.
