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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~The First Day of the Journey~~~~​

Angelle would sit on her heels at her mothers' demand, and then await what she had to say with a look suggesting that she expected to be punished. She would receive Alex's explanation with a look of reserved fright, first saying what Alex had expected when the half-dragon brought up nightmares and giving a nod when she mentioned the lava dragons that had begun coming out of the Amazon. Two potential threats that easily came to mind, both quite deadly, and the image of either potentially threatening her parents caused tears to form in Angelle's eyes.

The young hybrid would listen without interruption, recognizing the solemn nature of the conversation but growing antsy and discontented with each passing moment. Even despite that, when Alex finished with her highly pertinent question she would hesitate for a long moment under her mother's steely gaze. "I... I would..." she began, but then fell silent for another long moment. "I... I don't know... What I would do!" she continued, but then a strange look appeared in her eyes. They turned from their usual color to a frightening golden yellow, and a wave of power washed out from her suddenly towards Alex. Her daughter was powerful, that much they'd known, but Alex had never felt this sort of power before, a dark demonic magic that threatened to harden her body until she would be forever locked in stone. It was a deadly power, but as powerful as Angelle was, Alex was the greater between the two in that respect. It didn't hurt that it was only a reflexive use of that power either of course, and when Angelle realized what she'd just almost done she looked absolutely horrified.

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

Capitalizing on the moment in which he was stunned, Alex captured all of Haedrin's limbs at once, pinning his arms and leaving his legs unable to exert any proper leverage with which he might free himself. That didn't stop the knight's ferocious struggles, however, and the longer he moved beneath her the more intense that fiery urge inspired by her trainer was able to grow. Those animalistic motions that, with their clothes discarded and only a slight shift, might easily have produced the same lewd applause and bursts of glorious, intoxicating pleasure that Alex and so many of her partners had made over the last few days as they joined in that most primal of dances.

Only when Alex spoke her little comment did Haedrin finally still in all places but the most important in that moment, and for a few heartbeats after that the only thing that moved was the pulsing beat of Haedrin's heart, felt by Alex through his manhood as it rested against her womanhood. "Well..." he said, his voice smooth but brittle, "I suppose that's really up to you, isn't it? Normally some road to quick unconsciousness or death would be best, but I, ahhhh, would prefer we not go that route." He left that last statement hanging in the air, free for Alex to do with it as she wished, and for the moment at least it seemed as if she had the ability to do as she liked.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ Day One ~~~

Alex listened to her daughter stumble, and it was just as she believed. Angelle had a hard time working under pressure, even when it was nothing more than theory, and with her mind constantly falling to that white flame of hers there was little chance she could stand against either of the threats that Alex had put before her. And that was understandable. The girl really hadn't been exposed to any sort of danger. Even if Abariel had been training her Angelle had nothing to test herself against. Nothing to push her to her limit. Nothing that would actually threaten her herself or those she cared about.

But that had changed. Alex was preparing to say as much, but the sudden flash of golden light had her freezing in an instant. Within that flash she felt something pressing against her, and as it struck her muscles grew heavy. Her limbs felt like they were locking into place, and a somewhat demonic presence forced that weight to settle deeper and deeper until Alex felt like she was simply going to become a statue. So she pushed back. The fire within her flared, the heat at her core growing until it became an almost tangible force, and it quickly broke through whatever hold that invasive presence held before settling back into its proper place.

The struggle may have happened in no more than a moment, but Alex looked genuinely shocked and puzzled by the sudden attack. There was only one source it could have come from, and as she turned herself fully toward it the source was completely and utterly horrified by what she had nearly done. Those two facts left the both of them doing absolutely nothing for a few seconds, and Alex was left trying to figure out how to salvage this situation. "That..." For a moment she looked utterly helpless, but an instant later her whole demeanor changed. "That is a good start..." She made herself look tougher, more robust, far more lively than the exhausted mess the training had left her. "But you can't really rely on that, either. Any creature that can overcome me would most likely have a comparable will to my own, and that power would only fail." There wasn't a hint of accusation in that voice, only an almost clinically analytical approach to the small death threat she just received. "Not unless you can make it stronger. I'd say if you can use it to overcome someone as powerful as this..." Angelle must have felt Alex pressing against that unintended attack, so she would most likely feel Alex's pride starting to bolster itself. In a short time Alex pushed that will to wash over the girl, and if Angelle could manage to keep control over herself she would feel just how strong it became. She might even recognize how closely it resembled the pure power of the fairy noble that had captured her. "...then you'll be good to go. Otherwise save it for less oppressive threats."

Alex let that sink in for a moment before she continued. "Now, show me what else you can do." It was a bit of a rhetorical question. She'd watched her girl train with Abariel whenever she could. Hell, it helped her refine her own powers. So despite that earlier surprise Alex would have seen most if not all of Angelle's abilities with her own two eyes. But that wasn't the point. She wanted Angelle to showcase her powers, and Alex would assess their usefulness each time one was shown. She would even order the wings to reveal anything they might be hiding. She wanted Angelle to hear everything she could do and how it could be used, and once there was nothing left she would change tactics. "Now, Angelle, picture my lying on the ground. An ember dragon has ambushed me, and I couldn't fight back before I was overwhelmed. It's preparing to capture me completely, and you're the only one left who can stop it. What could you do?"

~~~ Day Two ~~~

Though Haedrin had said his piece Alex didn't respond quite yet. She simply kept her eyes lowered and her limbs tight, hoping against all hope that he wouldn't notice the heat that seemed to pulse from her sex as she felt every beat of his heart thrumming against her. It was all she could do to maintain some form of control, and even then she could feel her restraint slowly crumbling in the face of this desire to simply give in to her more animal instincts.

For a few moments she managed to keep her cool, but that all broke once she started leaning back. With their bodies held so close together that small motion forced them to grind against each other, Alex herself feeling Haedrin's length settling across her slit and threatening to enter her even with their meager clothing blocking the way. But a moment later her hand shot up and grabbed the man behind his head. Though she didn't clench her fist or pull on his hair her grip was secure, and a moment later her upturned head shot down to crack him right between his eyes. And though her horns sprouted a little higher on her forehead the fact that they grew at all left her skull having to strengthen itself to support their weight. It all left Haedrin facing a fierce headbutt that would leave him completely dazed.

But just before she hit Alex slowed. What would have been a savage strike became nothing more than a friendly tap, and once they connected she simply let herself linger. That left them extremely close, Alex able to feel Haedrin breathing as he mostly likely felt her panting after that struggle, and all it would take was a little bit of a push to bring their lips together. It would be so simple for either of them to take that next step, and Alex looked nearly ready to plunge forward, but unless Haedrin took that initiative she would simply speak in a low, soft voice. "We can just say I knocked you out. Acceptable?" And no matter what answer he gave she would slowly disengage herself, every muscle in her body fighting to stay connected but helpless to stop Alex from forcing them to part. WHY?! He was right there! And he felt so good! That little voice was left to stew in its own juices, and though she knew it would most likely bother her when Haedrin told them to continue Alex just had to remember one thing. She may want to sleep with him, but above that she didn't want to hurt him. That's what gave her the will to pull away, and that's what gave her the drive to take her stance and prepare to attack once more.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~The First Day of the Journey~~~~​

While they might have left her feeling a little bit less horrible about herself for having enacted such a power on her own mother, Alex's words didn't seem to make her feel better so much as they shifted her despair to another source. That unhappiness kept her silent throughout Alex's following admonition, and Angelle shrank when Alex empowered her aura to make her even more resistant to abilities like the one that Angelle had just used.

"I.... But.... Alright..." she said, and then sighed and sootd back up to move away. Haedrin had departed at the end of Alex's training, citing the need to return home for dinner, and Angelle would bring Alex to the area where she had practiced with Aes and Ria. It had become a somewhat blasted landscape, one that Haedrin or Phyrra probably wouldn't have approved of, but at least they wouldn't be causing any more harm.

Angelle started off small at first, giving little blasts while Alex, Aes, and Ria all watched. White fire, black lightning, red flames that reeked of brimstone, the same draconic breath that Alex herself could call upon, a roar of rage and power that left Alex unsettled, and blasts of pure energy. Destruction was definitely within Angelle's abilities, but that wasn't the limit of her abilities. She showed off the ability to form a barrier of pure white energy, and the ability to bind another being in chains of magic. Finally, she suddenly flared with light just as she was tiring, and then she said; "There's... There's one more!"

And then, Alex would feel something that she had never witnessed her daughter use before, but that she herself would recognize. It was a call to beyond, to Angelle's ancient ancestors, and the sudden intensity of the power was so great that Alex would feel it reverberating through her own soul. The power was summoned and unleashed before Alex could stop her, a black dragon of pure flame erupting from Angelle's outstretched hand and laying waste to an entire section of previously untouched forest. It was an impressive display, though not one that Alex couldn't have topped if she wanted to, and Angelle turned toward Alex while beaming brightly with pride of her potent ability.

But, as the dark dragon faded into mist, its power expended, something was wrong. The gateway to beyond the veil, rather than closing, began to widen. Within only a heartbeat it physically appeared at Angelle's feet, a swirling vortex of raw energy, and before anyone could react beyond adopting an expression of horror Alex's daughter vanished into it. She was thankfully back in an instant, hoisted high into the air by a swarm of black tentacles against which she squirmed pointlessly, and in the blink of an eye Alex was suddenly grabbed and hoisted right up along with her. She wasn't alone either, with both Aes and Ria visible being dragged into the air despite their attempts at escape, Ria smashing her hands against one and Aes unleashing a wave of flame, both to absolutely no effect.

Within seconds all four of them were hanging suspended nearly thirty feet in the air by the slimy black appendages, and by that point Alex would have likely noticed that many of them had tips that were shaped in a decidedly phallic manner. There was a soft prick, nearly painless, and Alex could turn her head to see a tentacle with a spiked tip pulling back after briefly piercing her flesh to inject its poison. She barely had time to register that fact before her body was suddenly flushed with a wave of maddening, demanding arousal, and by the looks of it Angelle had already received the very same sting, as her struggles had ended and her grunts of exertion had turned to mewls.

The four of them were stripped in seconds, but perhaps surprisingly the act of removing their clothes was done in an entirely benign manner, the garments smoothly slid off without so much as tearing a stitch and then neatly piled down on the ground rather than dropped. The tentacles even folded them... Before, now holding four nude women in various stages of sexual hunger, began to emit a slimy poison similar to that possessed by the aliens to make that burning hunger all the more intense. Tentacles started sliding all over Alex, spreading the slime across every single inch of her and leaving her skin glistening and every one of her erogenous zones bursting with added sensitivity. Those sensitive spots were barely even teased by the molesting tendrils, her breasts having no less than a half dozen of the squirming limbs shifting back and forth over them at any given time and a trio of them grinding against her petals in a constantly alternating pattern. Not an inch of the half-dragon's body was spared from the shiny coating, not her neck or her face, nor her finely sculpted rear or muscular legs, or even her hands and tail.

She could see Aes and Ria off in the distance, both shimmering with slime just like she increasingly was and panting with obvious arousal but the more immediate sight of Angelle taking the same treatment as her mother dominated much of Alex's sight. The young hybrid was panting heavily as she squirmed against her bonds, but in sharp contrast to the struggles she had exhibited before now they were ones that spoke only of raw, animalistic need. Her legs were parted wide, tentacles coiled around both from her ankle to her thigh to support her, along with the ones around her upper arms and waist. The thin tendrils placed between her legs formed a crossing pattern with a very light angle, and were busy grinding against Angelle's petals without ever touching her fully exposed clitoris, while a pair of tentacles slowly circled the tips of her modest breasts with their sharply pointed tips. The hybrid's own tail was flailing wildly, coiling around any appendage that would sit still long enough, but for the moment she would be left unfulfilled and teased just as Alex was, and just as the needy cries coming from Ria and Aes suggested they were.

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

Held to the ground by Alex, Haedrin gave a defensive flinch as Alex reared her head back, shifting to an angle that would allow him to take the expected blow without serious injury. It was entirely reflexive, a method meant to prevent him from taking a broken nose from her gesture, but when Alex came in slow it also put his lips barely more than a centimeter away from hers, the warmth of his breath across them an intoxicating temptation for Alex to close that last microscopic gap between them and claim her well-won prize.

But she didn't. And he didn't either, and a few moments later Alex would speak, and Haedrin would silently nod in agreement. A smile would appear on the knight's face, and he would rise back to his feet after being released and say; "Very good... It looks like you're picking up on how to control an opponent. You capitalized well on that opportunity too!"

He would drop back into a readied stance to match hers, "do you think you're ready to learn to defend yourself when others try to grab you?" He quirked an inquisitive eyebrow and waited for Alex to respond, leaving her to choose whether she wanted to attack, or to defend.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The First Day ~~~

Even though Alex had no intention of shaming Angelle into action she managed it anyway. It was somewhat disappointing to see Angelle emotionally cringing under even that little bit of critique, but right now she wasn't going to do much about it. She needed to stay calm and focused if she was going to take a more analytical look at her daughter's abilities. Maybe once this was all done and she got Angelle to start thinking a little more critically they could sit and deal with this confidence issue she was having. Just not right now.

With that they all stood to return to Angelle's training ground, and there Alex found a blasted landscape devoid of any life. A few moments later Alex learned why. Her daughter demonstrated the entire gamut of her prowess, a surprising number of her abilities revolving around fire and the subtle differences each form took. But that was far from all the girl had. A roar sounded out, one that seemed to pierce Alex far deeper than it should and left her struggling to gather herself back together. Black lightning struck out to scorch the land even further. Waves of pure energy in various forms lashed out at whatever stood in their way. And Alex judged them all. She kept a running commentary in her head, and if Angelle gave her time each power's strengths would be explained. The young hybrid angel most likely already understood these, quite well in fact since she was showing a remarkable depth of control, but the review wouldn't hurt. It may even force Angelle to start considering how these powers would actually work when she needed to fight.

But as it was all winding down to an end Angelle pulled out one last surprise. Before anything could even manifest Alex felt her inner flame responding to a call, one that it made twice before. Before anything could even manifest the girl's mother sat up straight with a shock, and as the powered that gathered within the hybrid grew Alex started to look a little worried. Angelle was sacrificing a surprising amount of power as she called on her ancestor, more so than Alex would have used for a simple demonstration, and when that power was allowed to finally manifest the dragon actually shrank back. She was far more familiar with this power than she ever would have liked.

Thankfully the Black Dragon's fury was thrown elsewhere, but even once that swath of forest was consumed and the dragon's form simply collapsed to mist the gate through which it entered remained open. Before Alex could even question why that would happen the gate itself grew until it manifested beneath her daughter's feet, and even if she was rising purely by instinct she could only watch as the girl was suddenly swallowed. A thought started to form, a fear that the dragon itself was waiting for Angelle just beyond the gate, but before those fears could truly come together Alex's daughter simply sprung into the air a moment later. At first Alex was relieved at this, but when she noticed those tentacles and Angelle's struggles she was left utterly confused and worried about what the hell was happening. That confusion was swept away once those tentacles then sprang toward her, and before she could realize what the hell was going on all she could do was let out a surprised yelp before she was bound and lifted into the air just like her daughter.

With all the women captured it left them all struggling to escape in their own way. Angelle chose try to worm her way free. Ria tried to beat her own set into submission. Aes went with fire. So what did this leave Alex with? Well, like mother like daughter. But even though she focused all her effort on breaking only a single arm from the tentacles' grip all that did was leave her bound and even more winded. Her body was forced to collapse for a bit, a rest needed before her struggles could continue, but that pause was enough. Something pricked her, the feeling about as annoying as a mosquito bite, but as she turned her head she found a rather odd looking tentacle ending in an almost needle tip pulling away. The fact that she'd been injected with something should have worried her, but that worry was saved for the sudden warmth that was quickly overcoming her. Desire started to spread, unwanted and overwhelming, and there was nothing she could do to stop the arousal that left her panting and collapsing fully until the binds that held her were the only thing keeping her lifted in the air.

With her mind warring with the irresistible desire her body felt Alex was left helpless as her limbs were lifted and stretched. At first she was confused, but when a few tentacles started winding themselves closer only to dip under her clothes she suddenly understood. But even then her confusion remained when she found those tendrils simply lifting the hem of her shirt. She feared they would have simply ripped them to shreds, but they simply continued their gentle assault, her clothes stripped carefully and almost lovingly before they were folded and placed in a neat pile as if waiting to be reclaimed.

Alex should have realized what that meant the moment it happened, but her attention was stolen when a few more tendrils rose. These were far more like the ones she'd seen on other creatures, much like the tentacles she'd seen on the aliens though these ended in a phallic bell that left no question what purpose they would serve, and just like the aliens they shimmered with a slimy sheen that felt like fire once they started to caress the dragon's body. Every inch that was covered in that slime simply burned with arousal, and though she struggled against it the mounting desire simply brushed Alex's consciousness into some corner before it took control of her body and left her crying out for more. The tentacles obliged her, their writhing carefully controlled to nearly bathe the dragoness in their coating. Not an inch was spared as they massaged her from head to toe. She even felt them stroking her tail from base to tip, and even that sent a shiver of excitement running up and down her spine.

But that shiver was nothing compared to the spike she felt once they started covering her more erogenous zones. Her chest had no less then half a dozen gliding over them, each globe being brushed and caressed while her nipples were outlined and occasionally flicked by the wriggling mass that seemed intent on coating her. A few more had settled against her rear, and their sheer presence had forced the cheeks of her ass to spread and give them a clear shot at the bud they normally hid. When they finally brushed by it Alex quite literally quaked, and her legs spread wide just as another set of tentacles rose between them. And just like the others they fell to her flesh to spread their corruption. At this point Alex couldn't hold herself back anymore, and her lips let out a moan of sheer need while her hips did their best to grind against the trio constantly sliding across her petals.

With her need voicing itself Alex found Aes and Ria clearly being driven nearly as insane with arousal as she was, but even with those two enjoying themselves Alex found Angelle suspended directly before her. The hybrid was suffering the exact same treatment Alex herself did, and no matter what her mind may have said she couldn't tear her sight from her daughter. Those same tendrils on Alex's chest were present atop Angelle's more modest bust, and when the dragoness spied those pointed tips teasing the girl's nipples she finally realized the same were teasing her. A part of her wondered what purpose those tips served, or more accurately how they could make her feel even better, but that was quickly lost once she felt the trio between her legs act as one. She'd seen them braid themselves together against Angelle's sex, as they slid over her mound she found that their odd combined shape allowed them to continually rub and massage their way between her engorged lips without once managing to brush by her clit.

Just a few seconds of this were enough to drive Alex mad, and a moment later her hips were curling to try and get those fleshy tendrils to touch that sorely neglected button. That in itself was a trial, the tentacles wrapped around her waist kept her from bending all that far, but whether or not she succeeded it simply wouldn't be enough. None of this teasing was. She could hear as much from Ria and Aes, hear it in all the voices that suddenly filled this desolated glen, but most importantly she could see it written all across her daughter's body. Their cries of desperation were nearly identical, enough so that they nearly sounded like the same person at times, and even if she no longer had any control over what her body did the writhing of her tail as it searched for a partner was an exact mirror of Angelle. It was a sign that the two women shared more than just blood, and with their pleading echoing each other it showed that they shared the same thought: Fuck me... Please...

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

Despite the battle for control and the small war her libido was waging on her propriety Alex suddenly found herself smiling back at the knight beneath her. And it was a full smile, one that radiated from her entire existence and was enough to quiet the voice running through her head as she managed to back off so Haedrin could rise.

"You capitalized well on that opportunity too!"

But that moment was short-lived. Haedrin's praise brought that voice back in full. His praise was answered by a rather teasing Not well enough~ <3 that left Alex blushing even brighter than before. "Th-Thank you..." It was a miracle she managed to answer with that, even more so when she managed to bring herself to her feet without flashing any sign of the hopefully less than obvious arousal she was feeling. Even more so when he finally asked his next question.

"Do you think you're ready to learn to defend yourself when others try to grab you?"

It brought back all of their wrestling up to that point. All of the times they'd been locked together, Haedrin pressing against her while he effortlessly pinned her into whatever position he desired... The way their bodies would eventually come to grind against each other, and how deceptively easy it was to find herself curled almost naturally to every inch of him she could manage to find... And that was when she had been trying to pin him. If he actually put effort into catching her she would be completely at his mercy...

Do it!

Whether she truly meant to or not Alex found herself nodding in agreement, and with that tiny voice cackling in her head she could do nothing more than shift her stance. At first she looked ready to simply dance out of Haedrin's way just as he'd done to her earlier, but then she planted herself. If she were to try and avoid his attempts that would be simple enough. She had plenty of practice at dodging. If she were to actually learn something then she needed to brace herself to receive him. Hopefully she wasn't biting off more than she could chew...
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~The First Day of the Journey~~~~​

As she squirmed in the throes of her untempered and unfulfilled need, Alex found that the tendrils actually gave her quite a bit of leeway where moving around was concerned. They kept a firm grip despite their slippery, slimy coating, but that seemed more to keep her safely suspended in the air so that they could have their way with her than to really hold her in place. She could easily pull her arms free, as Aes had already done not far away, but all the former demoness had done with that freedom was take up stroking a pair of the phallic shaped tentacles as only a succubus could, and if Alex was of a temper to do similar she would find plenty of potential recipients hovering nearby. The only things they would prevent her from doing would be touching herself or pulling fully free and plummeting back to the ground.

The torturous teasing was not to end there, unfortunately for the increasingly lust-maddened dragoness, but from there the torments inflicted upon the four women began to diverge. Angelle would have the simplest and most direct approach done to her as the tendrils between her legs and on her chest continued exactly what they'd been doing. Over in the distance, Ria and Aes had both been either gifted with or made to conjure their cocks, the oni's standing rock hard and pulsating so powerfully that it was visible from where Alex hung as over a dozen tentacles with narrow tips slowly slid over it like an army of incredibly skilled tongues and Aes's was lazily stroked by a single thicker tentacle while she furiously stroked two of phallic ones in an effort no doubt meant to get them to provide more stimulation. For Alex, however, was attacked in a different way from her mate, her daughter, and her gigantic traveling companion. The constant molestation of her chest had quickly caused those sensitive peaks to leak, and the tendrils quickly took notice of that and all of the appendages around her shifted tact to compensate. The three tendrils teasing her sex unwound only to begin circling around her outermost petals with their deft tips, acting like a trio of exceedingly agile tongues while a fourth and fifth moved to her puckered rear and began to do the same there. The sliding tendrils at her chest retreated, but a moment later a pair of much thicker tentacles with broad, flat tips approached. They slowed as they drew near, but just as it seemed like they might simply be made to rub up against her their tips opened wide like a pair of completely alien mouths, briefly exposing wide suckers with thousands of short, tiny tendrils inside before they sealed onto Alex's bust.

The suckers took a moment to settle and orient themselves, but even then those tendrils nearest her peaks were already attacking her, setting every nerve alight with pleasure like she'd never felt before. After a few moments a section about a foot down the line from each tentacle expanded and slowly became transparent, and suddenly the outer lips of the tendril on her breast squeezed the orb that it had clamped onto as it pulled back, sucking a stream of milk from the half-dragon's nipple that was quickly sucked into the tank, which looked as if it could easily contain a gallon of liquid. The other quickly followed suit while the first relaxed, and for the next few moments Alex would be milked mercilessly while both of her lower holes were teased regardless of her gyrations and her clit was willfully ignored save for a fat tendril that constantly hovered over it and dripped aphrodisiac slime onto it.

Minutes that were made to feel like years passed as Alex and her companions were cruelly teased, stimulated in such a way that they were allowed to build without ever achieving release, the tanks attached to the cups on her breasts gradually filling with her milk while her nipples were under constant intense stimulation. Finally, however, they were given release from this torture one by one. It started with Aes, who by that point had had her hands coated in the precum of the tendrils she stroked, when a pair of tentacles stabbed into her holes one at a time, first into her ass and then into her pussy, while another tube-like one settled over her cock as a tank similar to the ones attached to the tendrils on Alex's breasts but bigger grew on it. The dark angel let out a primal scream that doubled in pitch with each new stimulation, and within seconds of having those pistoning tendrils dive into her the former demon's toes were curling as her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. The two she'd been stroking erupted simultaneously, dousing her face and chest in streams of thick, white cum that clung to her skin and hair, and at the same time the tank attached to the tendril sucking on her cock began to fill up with her seed.

Ria was next, but unlike the howling Aes she could only release a muffled moan when her lower holes were finally filled by no less than a dozen pointed thin tendrils each that formed into a coiled knot, and her cock had a sucker attached to the first few inches, as at some point she had taken one of the tentacles into her mouth and it was presently pumping rapidly in and out of her throat as she sucked on it for all it was worth. The sudden barrage of stimulation drove the oni over the edge almost instantly, and her muffled roar came just before the fleshy chamber attached to the tentacle on her immense rod started to fill with burst after burst of her cum, every surge coming with an almighty throb of the lower half of her cock.

Angelle was next, and she alone among them seemed completely lost. The inexperienced hybrid barely moved her hands along the tentacles that had nuzzled their way into her hands, and was completely ignoring the one sitting in front of her face. The tendrils were quick to adapt to her inability to do more than curl her tail around one of them and squirm desperately while mewling, however, as they moved to relieve her torment without taking much more for themselves. A narrow tendril with a fat tip moved toward her sex, but rather than slide in it opened like the ones on Alex's chest had as it drew near. The half-dragon got a glimpse of a trio of long ribbed tongue-like tendrils coming from the tip before it attached to Angelle's clit and began to vibrate. Alex had never heard Angelle howl like she did then before, and the rapid quakes and spurt of the hybrid's love honey that issued from her sex were only added signals of her mind-shattering climax. At the end of it, Angelle wasn't so different from her father, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head in pure ecstasy.

Alex was last, but only by a few seconds. It would have been easy to get wrapped up in watching her daughter reach her peak under the assaulting tentacles, and so when another tendril just like the one that had brought Angelle to her orgasm appeared over her pleasure gem she could easily have missed it until she felt it clamp onto its target. It was a spike of such intense stimulation that the pleasure literally bled over into pain as her body and mind fought to process that single touch that turned into a storm of flawlessly deft touches against that sensitive little nub. Just like the others, the sudden spike after so much teasing forced her onto her peak whether she liked it or not and then threw her like a giant hurling a stone off the other side. All the while those cups on her breasts continued their assault, the smaller tendrils along their insides caressing every inch of skin and giving her nipples the same loving attention that her clit had just started getting while the cups themselves expertly milked her.

When she came to, the teasing was seemingly over, as Ria and Aes were both filled in every hole with the phallic tentacles and made to stroke two more with their hands, with one nuzzled against each of their chests and sliding back and forth between their soft breasts to boot while their cocks were sucked on by yet another. Angelle, while not flat by any means, was the most modestly chested and so only had the teasing tendrils attacking her peaks more aggressively. She did get the same double stuffing in her pussy and ass as her father and Ria, however, and she gave only a gasp of surprise when her virgin anus was plunged into by one of the oily tendrils, her tail spasming suddenly but then coiling back around the tendril that it had been caressing. Alex, like the others, was treated similarly in short order as she descended from her peak. The tendril on her clit would remain, as would the suckers on her breasts, but the teasing small tendrils at her lower holes would be replaced by two of the phallic ones, her ass filled just a moment before her pussy by the two thick tentacles which promptly began to squirm enticingly inside of her as they dove into the half-dragon's depths. The two appendages would start pistoning into her at a quite steady rate once they tapped her cervix and went deep into her ass, their ridged tips grinding against her inner walls and driving spikes of ecstasy into her system, and at the same time Alex would have two more of the tentacles presented in front of her face. One of them, the normal phallic variety, hovered in front of her with a bead of precum leaking from the slit in its tip, but the other was fairly odd. Its tip was bulbous and almost cylindrical, and covered in bumps that each had a small hole that constantly leaked thick white goo. Given their proximity, what they wanted was obvious enough, and if Alex gave the two a taste test she would likely be pleasantly surprised by what she found. The cum leaking from the more regular one tasted like chocolate, and the goo that poured from all over the other one tasted like very high quality mulled mead, leaving her to pick which one she wanted to taste more.

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

Whether or not Haedrin recognized the source of the blushing and the hesitance in her answers, the knight didn't seem to make any reaction to them. He acted as he normally would, both in gesture and in the way that he spoke, and whether that obliviousness was willful or accidental (most likely the former given the nature of who she was dealing with) he seemed intent on keeping it up despite the cackling of her libido as she agreed to be on the defensive side for a change. Nodding as she declared her readiness, Alex soon found the charge of the knight as overwhelming as she'd expected.

Haedrin was as fast as lightning, and as she stooped to receive him he overwhelmed Alex immediately. His motion was brazen and simplistic, pushing her off balance and then lifting her off her feet with sheer force, and then with a thunderous slam Alex was on her back. The moment in which she was stunned by that fall was all that it took for her arms to be pinned behind her head and her legs pinned by Haedrin's, one forced out to the side by one of Haedrin's knees while his other leg rested between her legs to pin her tail to the ground. The binding was so complete and effective that he didn't even need to do anything else afterwards, and so simply held still and waited while Alex recovered and then made any squirms that she might wish to attempt before finally admitting defeat. Those struggles would, of course, have the leg against her crotch grinding against her sensitive petals, but again Haedrin would simply kneel impassive over her until she went still.

Once she gave in, assuming that she didn't make some bold attempt inspired by that mischievous inner voice of hers, Haedrin would simply rise, help Alex to her feet, and then wait for her to be ready again before rushing her once more. The result was similar, and over the next half hour Alex would be brought to the ground beneath Haedrin and bound to the point of helplessness again and again and again. Whether on purpose or merely because of the necessary proximity by what he was trying to teach, Haedrin never failed to cause some degree of friction against parts of her that were all too happy for the attention, and it wouldn't be hard at all to cause those points of contact to get a little bit more intense. Unless she finally gave in to that voice and went back on her intention to restrain herself around the handsome knight, however, Haedrin would offer no reaction to the pleasure his touch inspired among the aches. Her squirming would vary in effectiveness, but she would learn a few things about breaking holds, as Haedrin offered regular tips and even the occasional demonstration. Eventually, however, Alex would end up on her front again, with Haedrin on top and her ass fitting perfectly into the cleft of his hips as he held her down. It also left his manhood again trapped against her buttocks since her tail was stuck against her lower back, but this time as her squirming caused him to harden it ended up between her buns rather than sliding down his leg, a fact that caused the knight to begin to fidget awkwardly and then, after a few moments, suddenly let go and rapidly stand back up.

"That's... Probably enough for today," Haedrin said quietly, wiping sweat from his brow. He would reach down to help Alex back to her feet, but by that point her belly had begun to distend slightly with the child that she had conceived by Dingroria. Haedrin noticed it quite suddenly and frowned, and said; "You're... Pregnant again?"
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The First Day ~~~

Despite whatever freedom she may have been granted Alex's arms were quickly recaptured the moment her fingers rose to try to caress herself. That itself brought out a cry of frustrated disappointment, and it only grew worse as she fought against her bindings in a fruitless effort to bring herself some relief.

But that came to an end once her milk started to leak. The first bead that formed on the very tip of each nipple forced the tendrils massaging her bust to retreat, and that brought a very different cry from Alex. "No!" Her struggles came to an immediate end, her lust-addled mind believing she was being punished for trying to take matters into her own hands. It never even occurred to her that the tentacles were simply changing tack, and when the new pair rose into view her attention was stuck solely on them.

As they slowed their approach the dragoness wondered if they would simply brush up against her with their broad tips like a pair of gigantic tongues, but the moment they opened her eyes widened in surprise. A moment later they latched into her, and though the suckers at the center of those mouths had yet to settle the feet that surrounded them instantly had Alex throwing her head back to scream. Her own mouth opened, but all she released were a few gasps of indescribable ecstasy as the tips and flesh of her breasts were assaulted. Those tiny little tendrils felt like they were crawling over every inch they covered, some turning in tight little circles, some rhythmically pulsing up and down and left and right, but they all combined into a glorious sensation that felt like every single trickle of pleasure was being carried directly to her nearly throbbing nips. It felt like they were practically exploding with her milk, and she wondered if-

Her own moan finally rose to join the chorus from everyone around her. That first suckle had her fingers and toes curling as pleasure and relief combined into one glorious sensation the likes of which she'd never known before, and while that first tentacle relaxed its partner pulled on her other teat and had Alex curling once more until her body suddenly collapsed. What little focus she had was simply drawn toward her chest, and even that felt like it was being pulled through her breasts and milked bit by bit. It left her lethargic and useless, unable to do more than gasp for breath as she watched those twin tanks slowly fill with the milk her body was too willing to let loose, and even with her companion, her Mate, and even daughter suffering their own torture Alex was far too focused on herself to care.

But even that didn't last long. Though her chest demanded most of her attention the teasing of her sex and her ass started to mount. Little by little she could feel the pleasure of her teasing starting to punch through the haze that had settled over her. More and more she could feel those agile tendrils circling, their tips gliding over both openings like so many skilled tongues, each tip continuously lapping at her nectar as it spilled obscenely from her core while the pair rimming her ass forced her sphincter to flutter in excitement. Soon enough her pussy did the same, but if she thought her mounting need couldn't climb any higher she was quickly proven wrong. Another tentacle approached her, one that looked like it could quite easily sate this overwhelming desire to be fucked, but instead of granting her the relief she absolutely needed it only chose to hover directly over her clit. She couldn't even begin to wonder why, but even if some distant piece of her mind asked she soon had an answer when she felt that first drop. It had her whining as a flash of white fire burst in her mind, and as those drops continued to bathe her jewel she found herself crying for some form of mercy.

With each passing second her arousal grew to unimaginable heights thanks to the aphrodisiacs constantly falling against her clit. The small shower combined with the teasing licks and that glorious milking to leave her hovering on the brink of orgasm, but even when each individual drop on her button felt like it would set her off that much needed climax never came. Instead she found herself climbing even higher, her body tortured by this denial until she found herself practically thrumming with the need to cum. And that need just kept mounting. Her body started quaking. It quickly had her paralyzed, her attention forced on this need for release and nothing else. Even her high-pitched moans didn't offer her even the slightest bit of relief. And it scared her. Even when her body craved her climax she feared she would never recover. She feared her mind would snap, her identity simply shattered and washed away when this monster of an orgasm was finally released.

In this way she was stuck. Her body rocked helplessly as the tentacles dragged her through the furthest depths of a wanton lust she had never known. Her mind was left shattered by her own need. Neither could focus beyond the dragon's torture let alone any of the other woman that hovered nearby.

But even that was proven wrong. It all started with a scream, one that rose higher and higher and forced Alex to shiver. It sounded familiar, remarkably so, and once the dragon's head rolled toward that cry what she found had her bucking hard against whatever restraints were holding her down. She simply couldn't help it. Even with her angel getting stuffed in each hole and cumming her little brains out Alex could only stare at the tentacle that looked like it was consuming Aescila's prick. The opening that looked like a pair of lips, the tank that grew farther up its length, the unseen but obscenely skilled nubs that were milking Alex for all their worth and obviously doing the same to Aes... It left the former demon practically exploding into the tentacle, and Alex could swear she saw Aes's dick swelling and throbbing with each burst of white that filled that tank. It was more than enough to drag out the memories of all the times she'd felt that same rush, to feel her Mate swell as she slid into Alex, through Alex, down into the very deepest depths just to knock against that final barrier that always sent a spike of pleasure racing up and down the dragon's spine...

And that feeling only grew worse. Another cry ran out. Muffled as it was there was no denying the intensity behind it, and a slight turn of the head revealed Ria going through nearly the same thing. But where Aes's milking tendril had taken as much of the angel's cock as it could the one attached to the oni only consumed the tip. It left so much of that monster prick exposed. The thick veins along its side pulsed with the giant's heartbeat, that pulsing enough to get Alex to whine as she recalled how those same veins throbbed against each and every one of her sweet spots as she was stretched and filled beyond anything she'd ever known before. But even that was nothing compared to when the massive woman came. It caused that enormous cock to swell even further, that meaty length forcing Alex to adjust even then as it plowed through every square inch of her velvety depths, and when it finally burst she was filled to the brim. But was only the first jet of Ria's release, and as she kept cumming and cumming Alex could only sit back and howl as she was fed even more jizz with each passing second. By then her own orgasm had forced her to clench as tightly as she could around Ria's dick, and that left no escape for the next batch of batter. It could only fill her further, force her womb to stretch and expand, force her stomach to distend until the pressure was simply too much. It exploded from her depths where it could, bits of it shooting and oozing around that gigantic oni cock, but even that wasn't enough to hold back the tide. Alex was forced to simply swallow more and more, just like the massive tank of the tentacle clinging to Ria's prick, and unless that thing expanded itself it too would simply burst as Alex had the day before.

With the memories of both her lover and her recent bedmate dancing across Alex's shattered mind the phantom pleasures brought by those cocks starting feeling more and more real. It left her pussy tightening around the ghosts of those cocks, her walls starting to dance and pulse as if she were going through her own climax. But as much as she welcomed it, as close as she felt and as ready as she was to finally cream herself and gain the relief she needed, nothing happened. Something was holding her back, and as her depths fluttered and left her nether lips nearly breathing in their desperation to be filled she simply couldn't tell what...

A slight movement caught Alex's eye, and it brought her to find Angelle squirming and mewling with the same desperation Alex herself felt. The girl could do no more than that, her own body rendered useless by inexperience, but that did little to stop the tentacles' advance. They eased themselves against her, gently driving her just as insane as any of the other women, and when another rose to join the fray Alex could only watch as it opened just like any of the other suckers. But unlike the others a trio of smaller tendrils were seen lazily hovering in anticipation, and once that sucker attached itself to the girl's clit Alex could hear as well as see the damned thing humming.

What happened next had Alex bucking hard against her restraints. Her own clit felt like it was howling, a cry just as intense and as deep as her daughter's, and as she listened to that fine buzz throw the hybrid into a pit of sheer ecstasy Alex clenched her teeth and threw her head back. She even tried to close her eyes in an effort to block out that divine release Angelle was no doubt enjoying to her heart's content, but with her own clit buzzing with the need to be touched there was just no denying it. That was enough. Alex felt herself breaking, her need for climax too powerful and too ignored, and what remained of her sanity was simply crumbling into-

"HAAAANNNNNNGGHH!" She'd completely missed the new tentacle descending on her sex. She hadn't noticed how it resembled the one she'd seen pounce on Angelle or the small little surprises it carried, but that did nothing to prevent her from feeling it. The ribbed tongues within immediately fell against the dragon's woefully neglected clit, and that gave her the very spike she needed. Her entire body curled as she let out her own primal howl, the release she so wantonly craved finally granted to that painfully wound body, and had things simply stopped there Alex would have most likely passed out.

But only moments after she'd been touched that thrumming started. The deftly expert touched that had given the warrior just what she needed grew stronger. More intense. Each vibrating touch was enough to set her off, and with those three tongues acting as one the pulses of unbridled pleasure racing through the dragon's body became too much. She could only take so much before her nerves were overwhelmed, and that intense pleasure kept growing until it became painful. This was an unexplored world for Alex, one she never even guessed had been possible thanks to the very skilled lovers she'd taken. It was completely overwhelming, her body unprepared for the torture that it simply couldn't resist, and as that pleasure kept mounting even further Alex felt herself breaking. It's... It's too much! Too much~! <3 Her eyes rolled up into her head, her teeth gritting in an effort to catch that pain before it completely overcame what remained of her mind, and with her body unable to pull itself away it simply kept curling backwards until it looked like Alex was ready to snap herself in two. The tentacles themselves needed to tighten their grip to keep her from hurting itself, and for what felt like an eternity Alex was forced to suffer the most intense of tortures she had ever known before her mind simply blanked out and let her ride this storm to its end.

When she finally managed to cobble together some sort of sense Alex found herself finally descending from that monstrous peak. She should have been exhausted, unresponsive, unable to manage even the slightest of twitches as those tendrils simply kept attacking her throughout her entire climax, but once that first phallus entered her ass her eyes rolled once again. When her pussy was filled no less than a second later she found herself tumbling through another orgasm before the first had fully passed. It took another few seconds of moaning for her to adjust, and when she finally started to settle once more her hips were curling on their own. No matter what rhythm or pace the pair entering her had taken her body found a way to match it, and with one fluid motion each and every one of her nerves were stabbed with spikes of pleasure that left her toes curling in excitement. Whatever teasing had tortured her earlier had finally passed, and now she was free to enjoy the fucking she needed.

For a few moments Alex simply blanked and allowed herself to be used for both the tentacles and her own enjoyment, but after a bit her eyes started to focus on the pair that hovered just before her. Her mind was far too gone for any real semblance of that at that point, but both Kimi and Aes had been excellent teachers. They pounded their lessons into the dragon, and a moment later her body acted on them. Her hands came up, each stroking their own tentacle as they rose toward their tips, and the one that most resembled a normal phallus was quickly taken into her mouth. Her tongue led that charge, and as the head of the thing slid between and past her lips that wonderfully agile little muscle of hers made sure that tentacle was given a wonderfully slick surface to slide against.

Normally the half-dragon would have simply started sliding her mouth back and forth or let the tentacle use her at its own pace. But once that first taste finally hit the little "hmmmh~" she let out proved just how much she enjoyed it. Her tongue abandoned its long caress, and soon enough her lips slipped off the tentacles head with a loud pop. At that point her hand started guiding it into a more reliable position, and with it Alex gave as much of that length as long and languid a lick as she could manage. Bit by bit she covered it with her saliva, and bit by bit she gathered as much of that deliciously chocolaty taste as she could gather until all that remained was what spilled from the tip. And once she was there her lips swallowed it once more. Her tongue went back to work, sliding and gliding around the sensitive underside of the tentacle, doing whatever she could to encourage each bead of goo to spill from that cock's slit, and with every bit that did she sucked it from the source. Her cheeks collapsed, her lips forming a seal as she pulled the very last of that tentacles pre from its length, and she never stopped.

Or at least not until the other started slathering her fingers. Even as Alex poured all her attention on the more natural looking tendril her hand had started stroking and gliding all across the other. She would pump it like any other prick she'd seen, explore each and every contour she could find, and with its rather unique tip her fingers took the time to trace each bulb, tracing around, between, over those strange bulges, and soon enough her entire hand was just as covered as Aescila's had been only moments earlier. And that just wouldn't do. The treat Alex had been given was priceless, and she didn't want to waste a bead of it.

With that her mouth popped off the one and eased it away only so she could give an introductory kiss to the other. And once again another "hmmmh~" escaped her as a new taste surprised her tongue. While the first of her new friends held the sweet yet slightly bitter taste of gourmet chocolate its strange companion had the rich and heady flavor of a quality mulled mead. It had her tongue quickly running circles around that bulbous head, the tip of it following the same trail her fingers made before her lips closed in a rather greedy kiss that left one of those bulbs trapped. And just like its more normal cousin that tentacle was treated to a constant sucking, her body trying to steal away every drop it could find bit by bit to try and satisfy whatever unnatural hunger had come over her.

For a while Alex lingered on the odd tentacle, but soon enough her attention ran straight back to first. She gladly took what it offered, and once the other rebuilt its supply she shifted once more. Back and forth she went, her tongue seeking chocolate and mead while her body acted of its own accord, and with each burst of flavor her mind caught yet another carnal spike as her hips kept rolling back and forth against the tentacles plowing her depths. And that was how she would remain. It was all she could manage to do, all her focus would allow as her mind laid shattered and drowned within the sea of ecstasy that flooded every sense she had, and if those tentacles decided to take any further liberties she would prove quite the willing partner.

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

With Haedrin preparing to attack Alex did her best to receive him, and that proved just as useless as anything else. Even with her body set and ready he simply bulldozed through whatever defense she mustered before slamming her to the ground. That was enough to stun her for a few precious moments, and that was all he needed to capture her arms and render her legs and tail useless.

All Alex could do once she recovered was squirm in an effort to gain some freedom, and like most every other time she was rendered completely and utterly helpless. Normally this would have been fine, even with her libido acting up as it was, but with Haedrin's leg pressing against her crotch that first struggle brought out a small pulse that left Alex gasping. She nearly let out a small whine of need, but by some miracle she managed to suffocate that small cry before it revealed just how wound up she had become. Instead she was left panting as her body tried to adjust to the pent up need that was trying to make itself known, and that panting only grew deeper as her struggles continued. It left her body rubbing against him in ways that were far more stimulating than anything she'd felt before, but even though she was torturing herself she simply couldn't give in. It just wasn't in her nature.

And that voice within her couldn't be happier. With each little struggle Alex found herself rubbing against him in increasingly enticing ways. It kept that mischievous little minx preoccupied, but that did nothing to ease the tension that was starting to build. Hell, trying to keep it contained only made it that much worse, and with every motion that brought the two wrestlers together that voice snuck herself deeper into Alex's control. Even when Haedrin relented and let her free that voice kept quiet and waited, and when he embraced her once again it managed to sneak in a subtle twist of the hip. Or a slight arch to her back. Or even the barest lift of her tail. Whatever it took to get those two bodies plastered together and urge the growing flame to burn through what remained of the dragon's resistance.

It all came to a head during that last grapple. Once again Alex was on her front, and once again she found herself fitting perfectly against that hard body of his. It almost felt like they were designed to complement each other, and though her struggles still remained they didn't have quite the effort they'd had earlier. They felt slower, gentler, almost an effort to get him to react to that perfectly sculpted ass, and with every effort Alex fought to convince herself it was simply exhaustion. But as Haedrin hardened she found him nestled between her cheeks. It brought the dragon to a slow halt, and as he started fidgeting it only caused that length to shift in far too enticing ways. Alex couldn't reign in her body, and it started slowly shifting from side to side the barest of inches. It brought that unintentional teasing to new heights, and her breath became more and more labored until he finally managed to pull free. It took every once of control Alex had left to keep from groaning in disappointment, and a moment later her body finally gave out and let her collapse. Her tail came back to rest and hid the most obvious sign of her arousal, but with the way it was slightly writhing back and forth that may have been a moot gesture.

Whether or not Haedrin recognized what he must have seen and felt he still offered his pupil a hand, and she accepted it without any fuss no matter what state she was in. But amid all that the faerie did notice something that forced him to frown, and once he confronted Alex with it the dragoness turned a little red before she sat down. "Yes..." She let that linger for a bit, but the silence and that frown was suddenly more than she could handle. "I... I had a debt to repay, and I didn't take the proper precautions I usually do..."
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~The First Day of the Journey~~~~​

Once two tendrils had slipped into her sex, it seemed as if the time for teasing had ended. The tentacles pumping into Alex's ass and pussy did so at a steady, rapid pace and seemed to hit every single one of her sweet spots in both of her penetrated orifices as they hammered into her body. The one in her pussy squirmed in a twisting circular motion, pressing against every portion of her inner walls and setting every nerve alight in ways that would have been difficult even for Aes to replicate, but in its journey into her depths it made sure that her g-spot had a line of ridges running back and forth across it with every last thrust before the leaking tip gave her cervix a firm kiss. Its twin in her ass was no less pleasurable as it squirmed within her tight hole, bumps running all along it gliding against her flesh while the tip squirmed almost constantly against her perineal sponge.

Both of them working inside of her at once left Alex with no chance to come down from her climactic high, one orgasm following the next so quickly that they blended together, but that wouldn't stop her from spreading her oral attentions between the two tendrils presented for her to do just that, allowing her copious tastes of their unnaturally tasty precum. Back and forth between the two patiently hovering appendages as her body was ravished, two more with tips that simply tapered into points nuzzled their way into her hands, pumping between them until the half-dragon took up the action on her own. The constant assault of the suction cup tentacles upon her lactating breasts, while not as powerful in terms of stimulation as the phallic ones pumping into her holes, served as a constant additive to the impossibly potent barrage of stimulation. The cilia around her leaking tips squirmed ceaselessly against those sensitive nubs while the alternating sucking motions of the cups kept drawing out bursts of her milk, the tanks containing her nutritious liquid steadily filling while Alex's breasts slowly emptied. Finally, while it might not have been the most pleasurable experience of all when compared to the fulfillment gained from having both of her holes filled, the tongue-like tendrils lapping at her clit were easily the most intense single point of pleasure, the constant barrage of pleasurable stimulation so intense that it was very nearly painful.

As enraptured in her own pleasure as she was, Alex still felt it when the appendages pleasuring her began to pulsate. The tentacle with the unusual tip slipped between her breasts to begin pistoning between them while the one with the more normal phallic head started actively fucking her throat, and the motions of all the others suddenly became even more furious than before, adding even greater intensity to the pleasure that had already driven away the half-dragon's mind, and all around her the cries of her companions grew in intensity with her own. Each of them had been held in the same pleasurable torment as Alex herself, teased to the breaking point and then given an overdose of the very release that they had been forced to crave by the tendrils summoned by Angelle's lack of control.

They held their conjurer suspended, her legs pulled apart as her formerly virgin pussy and anus were plunged just as those of her mother, another tentacle buried between her lips, leaving her almost identically abused as her mother besides the lack of ones pushing against her hands, which had been left to hang limply at her sides as the hybrid was driven to ecstasy that had broken those far more experienced that she. The constant peaks had seemingly driven Angelle to the point that she could no longer take it, her eyes wide but completely white and unseeing, and it was obvious from how limp she was that she had already blacked out. Aescila had her knees raised almost to her chest, those perfectly sculpted limbs quivering as the dark angel was driven beyond the brink of perfect ecstasy by the tentacles assaulting her. Both of her lower holes were filled not by one, but by several tentacles apiece, thinner but moving more quickly as they squirmed into her mate's quivering orifices, a single thicker one similar to the one pumping down Alex's throat now fucking her mouth just as savagely while two more were automatically stroked by the overwhelmed succubus. The single tendril attached to her conjured cock was still sucking away as well, its transparent nature allowing Alex to see her lover's seed still spurting out in thick globs despite that the tank a few feet down its length was very nearly full. Ria's, on the other hand, had already filled only for it to be replaced, a second tank of the seed that had sired the child even then growing inside of Alexandra's womb already full as well and a third one getting close. The oni, like Aes, had multiple tentacles in each of her holes, though such was due to her greater size rather than out of sheer elasticity, and her hands had come up to her breasts to squeeze them around another trio of slimy tentacles as they pumped between the soft, crimson orbs. Her eyes were shut tightly, an expression almost like pain on it as she was bobbed her head in time with the single thick tentacle being forced down her throat.

Bulges appeared on the tendrils being thrust into the four women, slowly approaching their targets, all but unnoticed thanks to the sensory overload their subjects had been forced into. The closer they got, the more furiously the alien appendages worked themselves into their respective victims, and that in turn forced them to ever higher heights of bliss. Seconds that felt like years to their broken minds passed with those bulges growing closer and closer, but as they did the four would slowly descend, towards the earth and towards the portal from which the tentacles had sprouted. Where that dark passage, the very same one that had been used by the ancient dragon of fire and darkness to wreak harmless destruction upon the landscape during the innocent demonstration of Angelle's abilities, was impossible to tell, but as they were brought towards the apex of their encounter they were also brought closer and closer to the swirling darkness that lay beyond. So, too were the other appendages closing in upon them, seemingly infinite in number as they slid against the soft skin of their helpless victims, leaking the slime that forced their bodies to remain in that state of constant arousal even as the rest gave more than enough stimulation to fulfill it.

And then, finally, the first of the bulges pressed into their victims, setting off a final climax more potent than any that they had had before. Alex's mouth was suddenly filled with the delectable chocolate taste of the tentacle that had been pumping into her throat, the intruding appendage shifted so that every drop was able to squirt onto her tongue before being swallowed. The ones in her hands erupted with much greater force, spraying thick spurts of cum across Alex's face until it looked as if an entire army had unloaded for her instead of only two tentacles. The oddly shaped one between her breasts erupted as well, spewing its release in every direction until her bust was just as covered as her face. All of the others surrounding her did the same, spurting onto every inch of exposed skin. Her back, her stomach, her ass, her tail.... Nowhere was safe, and in moments it looked as if Alex had practically been painted white with the release of the assorted appendages. None of them could compare in volume to the ones that erupted into her pussy and ass, however, as the pressure quickly forced a second eruption out of both of Alex's holes as her body was forced to swell like a balloon from the sheer volume of seed being shot into her. Liquid fire as fulfilling as any that had ever been poured into her, setting every nerve alight one last time as it filled her womb to the brim and beyond, and did the same to her ass such that if it hadn't been for the one in her mouth a more amused sort might have expected it to come out of her mouth.

Aescila, Angelle, and Ria were all treated to the very same, every hole filled to capacity and beyond while the women were painted in the sticky, white semen of the tendrils that were steadily dragging them closer and closer to that dark portal. A subjective eternity passed as the tentacles continued to pump, replacing the fluids they'd sucked from Alex, Aes, and Ria ten times over even as they drew the last of their release away, the three women finally filling their respective tanks, Alex with her milk and Ria and Aes with their sperm. At the end of that eternity, however, the tentacles all simultaneously pulled away, leaving the four women free of stimulation for the first time since they'd been stripped. Exhaustion replaced ecstasy, greater than what she'd felt after even the most intense of her training sessions or most deadly battles, but the accursed arousal kept her from falling asleep... Until, suddenly, it wasn't. The fade was swift but not instantaneous, but when it was over Alex would realize that she was hovering barely a foot over that violet gateway, and for a brief instant she was able to look beyond it into an endless void of stars and shapeless blobs of color, all impossibly distant. Far closer, however, was the gigantic shape that hovered there, its body rounded into a perfect sphere, the same violet color as the tentacles that it had used to rape them, blemished only by two shapes. The first, mostly set into it, was a single eye, its center as black as night, that was covered by a transparent barrier rimmed in gold that was slightly larger than the orb itself, and had a peg attached to a chain that ran out of the half-dragon's sight. The other was a stack, sprouting from the top of the thing from her downward-facing perspective, with a wide but flat rim around it that was half again as long as the sphere was in diameter, its surface a shiny black save for a single line of red right above the rim.

That horrid eye looked up at them, all hovering dangerously close to the barrier into its reality, for the span of a few heartbeats. No terrible presence washed over her, however, nor did any sense of horrific impossible power. For an instant it looked up at the four of them, before the eye suddenly blinked, and Alex, Ria, Aescila, and Angelle were all lifted away. Each of them was placed upon a bed formed of forest things, leaves weaved together over soft pine needles to form a surprisingly comfortable mattress, a structure of springy wood beneath leaving them off of the rough, cold ground. Their clothes were placed, neatly folded as before, onto rough wooden nightstands placed beside their equally rough beds, their other assorted belongings deposited at the foot of their beds a second later, all of it not only appearing undamaged but actually pristine. It would be a moment later that Alex would realize that she'd been cleaned, the cum and slime gone completely from her body save for comparatively small amounts that she could still feel sloshing around inside of her and the chocolaty aftertaste of what had been deposited in her mouth. Her bed and Aes's were then gently pushed together, leaving the bewildered and exhausted angel tumbling softly against the dragoness while their mattresses were woven together quite expertly by the tendrils still working furiously beneath them. After that, a structure sprung up around them, formed of simple but sturdy looking wooden logs, leaving two windows and a framed doorway as the only exits on the ground level while a chimney appeared in the center of a thatch roof that was plopped down onto the structure formed by the logs. A fireplace of stone ringing a cone of stacked wood was assembled, kindling quickly added once the full structure was done, and then lit by a tentacle holding what looked suspiciously like a silver lighter of the sort that a Badarian gentleman might carry to light his cigarettes or pipe. With that, the tentacles slipped away to vanished back into the portal, which quite promptly vanished as well.

The whole process, from when the eye had blinked to when the portal closed, leaving no trace that it had ever existed save for the primitive round structure that they'd been deposited into and the four naked women left in it. Angelle was still passed out, though she looked as if she were rousing, but Aes was gaping in complete confusion, first where the mysterious tendrils had gone and then at Alex. She didn't even seem to notice that her conjured cock was prodding against Alex's stomach, still firmly erect, as she left her arms lightly wrapped around her mate's neck, Alex's own limbs having been arrayed similarly by the tendrils manipulating her once she and Aes had been plopped onto their sides facing one another. Ria, also still sporting a fully erect foot of cock, was looking so completely lost that she might easily have been drunk.

(Alex gains a grand total of..... 0 Corruption. Also 2 exp. Because of reasons.)

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

"Ehhh, ahhaa.... No need to explain!" Haedrin replied somewhat too quickly, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow and using the motion to shift lightly, allowing the bulge in his pants to be a good bit less obvious. He still seemingly held on to the notion that not admitting the attraction of Alex's most certainly willing body was the best course of action in order to avoid acting on the urges that ensued from their grappling sessions, just as the half-dragon herself did, and so he quickly shifted back to an air of professionalism as the distance allowed him to cool. "I just wished you would have told me," he continued casually, "I'd have been a bit gentler while throwing you around. We'd best hold off on any more sparring until you're ready. I can still do training with you tomorrow and maybe the day after, but after that I think it might be best to lay off entirely save for the usual exercises that I taught you back home."

He had gotten back to his usual polite but amicable self in record time, his composure completely restored in seconds, but it was impossible to mistake the reactions that his body had shown only moments prior. Even so, without direct touch it would undoubtedly be easier for Alex to gather herself as well, and she would be free to respond to his suggestion regarding their lessons however she wished.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The First Day ~~~

By this point Alex was running on nothing more than instinct. She simply couldn't help it. The tentacles clamped on her chest were literally sucking the pleasure right out of her, the pair sliding in and out of her sex and ass were striking all the right places and sending bursts of electricity up and down her spine, and the one attached to her clit turned those jolts into a pure pulse that would have had the dragon paralyzed just like her daughter had she not had a pair of succubi to show her the finer points of the sexual arts. That's what let her body roll against the pair that were fucking the very daylights out of her, and that's what let her tongue dance across the phallus in her mouth while her hands were gently encouraged to offer their attention to another pair that had worked their way between her fingers.

But even if her body acted on its own her mind was a completely other matter. The storm of sexual ecstasy rushing through her flooded every nook and cranny it could find, and that left her drowning in a sea of carnal delight. Whatever passed for sense had long been buried, and all that remained struggled to simply stay conscious so she could torture herself with the sheer electric thrill of the moment.

But even that would start to flounder. The tentacles within her started to pulsate, that act alone setting off a sudden burst that had Alex's overwhelmed nerves cringing as if they'd been burned. The dragon herself saw it as a flash of white that nearly blinded her and left the world swimming out of focus as if she'd just been slammed head-on by Ria's massive club. And those pulses kept coming, each one helping to bury what little remained of the woman's consciousness. It had to claw its way back to the surface, a constant struggle that barely left her lucid enough to feel herself being ravaged at whatever increasingly frantic pace these tentacles took, and as its reward it was free to suffer the unbearable ecstasy of her body cumming again and again, each climax smoothly rolling from one to the next that it fooled her into believing she was simply tumbling through one constant and endless orgasm.

With her mind gone and her body completely surrendered it was a miracle that Alex somehow managed to stay conscious, even more so when those tentacles grew even more furious as they played with their new toy. It left her completely unprepared for that first bulge making its way down the shaft of the phallus fucking her throat, but when it finally hit it was enough. An explosion of chocolate danced across her tongue before it filled her mouth. It forced her to take a huge, audible gulp of cocoa-flavored cum to keep from drowning, and even as that first mouthful was swallowed another gallon was crowding past her lips. But that was only the first to explode, and soon enough all the tentacles surrounding her joined in the fun. The pair in her hands simply exploded and left her face drenched. The odd one that had placed itself between her tits became an utter spraying machine that left her upper half completely bathed in white, and the brothers that had hovered all around her added their own until not a spot of color remained of the dragoness.

But those were nothing compared to the pair that had taken her sex, and those two filled her far faster than Ria could ever dream. It left Alex swelling, her own pleasure rising higher and higher with each ounce of batter that was poured into every orifice, and for a moment it nearly looked like her body would simply burst. And in a way it did. The dams that were those tentacles could only hold so much pressure at bay, and once they failed there was no stopping the white flood that simply exploded from each of her holes.

At that point not even her training with Kimi and Aes could help Alex stay afloat within this typhoon of ecstasy, and as even more of that gloriously hot batter was poured into and all around her those emerald eyes of hers simply rolled back and went completely white. What remained of her mind followed shortly after, and for what seemed like an eternity beyond measure Alex existed as nothing more than a vessel of perfect sexual bliss.

There was no telling how long she remain locked within her own personal Nirvana, but after countless eons that overwhelming tide finally started to turn back. Little by little Alex started descending down from whatever impossibly peak she'd climbed until time for caught up with her once more. In a moment she suddenly plummeted and crashed against a shore of complete and utter exhaustion, and whatever sense of self she regained very nearly passed out had her body not called out for more. And that seemed impossibly. Her body had been taken to heights undreamed of even though her Mate was a naturally born succubus, and yet it was still crying for more. Even with her body covered in sperm while rivers of the stuff oozing out of her sex her now neglected depths were feeling lonely and unfulfilled. It left her letting out a groan, a mix of frustration and need as her exhausted body demanded yet more.

But even that had a limit, and after a few tense seconds were Alex felt herself slipping back into that state of mindless sexual frenzy the arousal taking her there finally burned itself out. It left her body finally relaxing in fulfillment, her consciousness hovering over the dark abyss that was waiting to claim and rock her to sleep, but just before it did she noticed something odd. Since when did it have stars? It was something she noticed out of the corner of one drooping eye, and after a colossal effort she managed to turn toward it. She forced herself to rise from her stupor, and though she simply expected that light twinkle to wink out as her mind reawakened it never did. In fact others soon joined it, and for a few puzzling seconds she wondered at just what the hell she was seeing.

With her senses muddled as they were it took quite some time to realize the starry backdrop for what it was, but once she did her mind suddenly snapped to attention. It had no choice. That... thing... that was hovering before her demanded it. Its body was nothing more than a ball, a perfect sphere whose flesh perfectly matched the tentacles that still held her exhausted body within their grasp. And what dominated that body was a massive eye that didn't shift in the slightest as it examined each of the women in its clutches. There were other things to note, the rim that surrounded that gigantic eye and the odd stack that sat atop its head, but when someone has been given the greatest sex of their life and finds it was brought by something so horrific they tend to find themselves at a loss...

With her body suspended and unable to do more than lift a finger Alex found herself rather confused... This thing wasn't natural, at least not on this world, but despite the prizes it held and the trials it put them through she felt nothing. No overwhelming presence, no desire to consume or crush her body and soul, absolutely nothing save for maybe a slight curiosity that left her feeling a bit exposed and concerned. That ended once the creature blinked, and a moment later Alex's party were simply lifted. Each was taken to their own bed, a mattress woven from leaves and pine that proved to be surprisingly soft and comfortable once they were gently laid down, and a few moments later Alex found Aes tumbling into her arms as their beds were brought together. The two mates were soon lightly locked around each with a little coaxing from the tentacles, and once that was done they continued working until everyone was tucked away within a quaint little log cabin with a fire at the center to keep them all warm.

Soon enough the women were found alone. The tentacles had vanished, no trace of them remaining save for the house and the taste and feel of their cum that remained within Alex's body, and it left everyone completely baffled. Ria looked completely lost and drunk, Aes was left gaping as she tried to cobble together something to say, and the both of them still had their cocks hanging out and standing proud. It only took a slight shift to see the oni in all her glory, but Alex didn't need to move an inch to feel her Mate pressing against her stomach.

And that in itself was absurd. How the hell could those two still be ready after all that? It was a question that boggled Alex's mind, but that was nothing compared to getting milked and used until she couldn't even sit herself up anymore. It simply happened so quickly and suddenly that there was simply no way to understand how it all started. It had to have started with Angelle, somehow, but... well... why the fuck hadn't something like this happened earlier, then? Was it all because of that dragon? Was it because of Angelle herself? Was it simply a complete and utter fluke of nature?

Alex felt like she needed some kind of answer, but when she opened her mouth all she could do was gape just as widely as Aes had. And after a bit that mouth finally eased its way shut while the woman herself simply fell back onto the bed with a soft and final thud. She was exhausted in every sense, and trying to pry an answer out of anything felt like far too much work at the moment. But she could manage at least one question, and as she let herself completely relax it finally spilled out of her. "Do you have any idea what all of that was?"

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

The shifting the man did to hide his aroused state was immediately noticed by Alex, but she let it pass while taking the opportunity to relax and take a deep, calming breath. Of course she still looked a little sheepish as he stumbled through his explanation for that question, but after a bit he was back to his more composed and controlled self. And with that came a couple suggestion for how they should continue. With Alex's pregnancy and birth looming on the horizon he was wishing to take a more relaxed approach. Any sparring on their part would come to an end, but he could still offer some instruction without needing to get down and dirty.

That's no fun...

Alex would have punched herself in the head had she been alone, but with Haedrin there she had to settle for a mental kick to that damned inner voice that simply wouldn't SHUT UP! You'd think it would have realized that some things were a little more important than gratification, but noooo...

The sitting dragoness did shake her head to clear her mind of all these random thoughts that were distracting her, and after a little more thought she finally offered an answer. "That probably would be best. I doubt you would have caused her any real harm..." Especially after what happened last night... "...but there's no point in tempting fate." She considered bringing up the fact that she had fought for the Hidden Village while she carried Angelle, but that just didn't seem appropriate at the time. Hopefully this gentler pace would let her finish before she reached Ochre. If she was going to face Akorvick then she didn't want to rely on any half-assed training.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~The First Day of the Journey~~~~​

"Uhhh.... Not a clue!" Aescila replied, Alex's statement managing to snap the dark angel from her confused stupor. "I've never seen anything like that happen before!" she added after a moment, and then glanced over at Angelle's comatose form with obvious worry. The girl began to stir, and Ria glanced over at her as well, rising up onto her elbows and causing the makeshift bed beneath her to creek. "Are you alright?" she asked lamely as Angelle shifted and rolled over, but then the young hybrid snapped her eyes open and shifted up onto her hands.

"What happened!?" she demanded, "how did we get here? Where did that... Monster go?"

"Uhhhh....." Ria glanced at Alex and Aes, the latter of whom just looked lost, but if Alex didn't say anything the oni would explain, "when it finished with us, it... Well, it built this hut. And put us in it. And then it... Left." And then Angelle was as confused as the rest of them, and was looking at a lost manner at her nude, cuddling parents for a minute before a look of startled horror crossed her features. "I... I didn't... Do the thing! The thing that keeps me from... From having babies!" she said, her voice full of fear and shame.

"Uhhh.... Well, neither did I, to be honest," Aes admitted, looking incredibly worried for a moment. "At least you two had the option!" Ria groaned, glancing down at her taut, muscular stomach. Aes would quickly cast a spell and rub a hand over her stomach, but then would look surprised. "I'm.... Not pregnant," she said, and then waved a hand towards Angelle and cast the same spell. "Neither are you!" she added, and then did the same to Ria to the same result. The latter two looked relieved, but then Aes would glance at Alex and do the same, even more worried for a moment before the results made her look relieved. "Still there, and still half oni... It doesn't look like she'll be in any trouble."

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

"Exactly!" Haedrin replied, smiling. "For now, however, you look like you could use a rest, and I ought to return home. You are progressing very well, and since you already had most of the basis it should only take a few days for you to have grappling down. After that, you would only need practice," he continued, and unless Alex had any other concerns would bid her farewell, allowing her to return to Angelle, Aes, and Ria, who were again teaching the young hybrid to control her powers, no much much more carefully.

Once she arrived at the clearing they were using, Aes would smirk at Alex's sweaty form, Angelle looking already exhausted and sipping on a bottle full of what looked like apple juice. "Training go well?" she asked teasingly as she moved to embrace Alex, and once they were entangled the demoness whispered, "did you get his clothes off yet? Or will I be having a good meal tonight helping you with your frustration? Maybe we can pretend it's a bit of extra training~"

~~~~The Fifth Day of the Journey~~~~​

Several days into their journey, as they were just on the verge of reaching the village of Ochre, Alex would feel a familiar pang in her abdomen. Her belly had become distended to the point that she couldn't even wear her robes without exposing some of her stomach, Ria's child proving a good bit larger than Angelle had been. A farmhouse was nearby, isolated but inhabited, and the owners, despite the extremely odd composition, would permit them to stay in the loft of their barn, which they said was clean. That didn't prove to be precisely true, but Aescila waved her hand and cleared a space with magic, and then produced a mat for Alex to lie on once she'd gotten her clothes off. Whether or not she wanted to let Angelle watch was up to her, but the pain started soon enough, and both Aes and Ria would be right beside her.

The former demon's magic would relieve the pain greatly and ensure that it would be a healthy birth, while Ria would remain beside her with an incredibly nervous look while still offering her support. The pangs would last for over two hours before her water would break, and her second child would begin to enter the world. Even Aescila's magic wouldn't make the pain go away completely, and it would take another half an hour before she would be handed a mewling, squirming child. She was heavier than Angelle had been, but no less unusual compared to conventional expectation. Tiny black nubs jutted from her skull, the beginnings of horns but currently rounded and harmless. Her only teeth were a pair of tiny fangs, sharp but at that point still too short to cause any danger. Her skin was, like Ria's, red, but of a slightly lighter color, and portions of it were covered in green scales that were the exact same shade (and in the exact same places) as Alex's own soft armor. She had a tail similar to that of her birth mother as well, still short and stubby but waving along with the rest of her limbs, and the rest of her was seemingly all completely developed. Ria looked on in awe, the joy of the occasion evident on her face no less than Aescila's had been when Angelle was born, though the oni also managed to look a great deal more nervous at the same time.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The First Day ~~~

Alex didn't know, Aes didn't know, and Ria was just as lost as the others. Alex could have tried to work it out on her own, but that sounded like far too much effort. So she simply let her body settle and prepared to get some re-

Angelle's nervousness was enough to rouse her mother from her slight stupor, and though the girl asked the very question lingering over everyone's mind the fact that she hadn't seen the end had Alex... Well, she wasn't quite sure how she should feel. Relieved? Grateful? Wary? At that point dumbfounded seemed to be the safest bet, so she went with that as Ria explained just how the ended up stuck within this little love shack.

But that wasn't the end of it. Angelle's revelation combined with Aes's worry had Alex suddenly feeling a little cold herself, and that only eased a small bit when her Mate went about inspecting everyone else. The fact that they weren't pregnant was a bit of a godsend, but all her worry was focused on herself. Her memory of what happened before the eye was a bit hazy, but considering how bloated she felt when she recovered it was fairly obvious how things had ended. Her body had to stretch to accommodate all that spunk, and if that much pressure was contained within her then the child she was carrying could have...

With that spell turned toward the dragoness and its diagnosis confirmed Alex felt herself relaxing once more. Her emotions felt like they'd been thrown all over the place, and now she felt drained in nearly every way possible. She had nothing left to pick herself up off the bed and nothing left to fuel whatever worry was clamoring for her attention. She simply collapsed with a massive sigh of relief, and there her eyes finally closed. "I've had enough for one day. I can worry about this tomorrow morning..." Unless someone actually fought to keep her up that was the end of it. Alex was out.

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

Hearing that her basic training already gave her a head start for this new technique allowed Alex to release a huff of relief. It meant that all this effort was paying off and would most likely be ready by the time they reached Ochre. Of course wishing to put strength against strength when it came to her brother was just about as smart as wishing to wrestle Ria, but having another skill was never a bad thing. She'd just have to be smart about facing that monster...

At that Haedrin took his leave, and Alex bid him farewell before returning to the others and their struggle to teach Angelle some control. The girl herself looked about as drained as Alex, and while she had herself a drink Aes started sauntering her way over. The little tease in the angel's voice should have been more than enough clue for what Alex should have expected, but even so her face turned a bright red once Aes offered her little quip. "Dammit, Aes..." Her own whispers helped mask the sudden flush she felt at picturing herself tearing Haedrin's clothes from his body, but with her body and mind worked up as they were there was no way she could push that image back down. "I'm putting you down, woman!" And she meant every single word of it. She was going to put her training to use tonight, and she was going to put every bit of effort into laying Aes flat and keeping her there. If she thought she was going to get away with that flirtatious taunt then she was sorely mistaken, and once Alex had the troublesome little minx beneath her she could work out some of that frustration her libido held. Kill two birds with one stone.

~~~ The Fifth Day ~~~

The barn itself hadn't looked like much, especially since clean was such an objective word, but with the pregnancy behind her and her body succumbing to the rigors of both labor and birth Alex felt that this place was heaven. Her family surrounded her as they welcomed their newest member to the world, and though some may question it the dragon was ready to accept Ria as one of her own. And why not? The squirming little bundle in her arms was beautiful, and if not for the oni then the girl never would have been born.

And it was quite the bundle at that. Alex could already see herself in the child's features, the scales and horns so eerily like her own that it was a wonder how developed her draconic side had already become. And if she was anything like her mother than those scales would spread even further once she started to mature. But Alex couldn't count out the influence of the child's father. She was heavier and larger than Angelle had been, and though it was no where near as deep as Ria the red tint to her skin showed that she was just as much her father's daughter as she was her mother's. At that Alex's fingers rose to the baby's head and started lightly exploring. Though the two horns were already showing it was still a complete guess just whose they were. Would they become the proud symbol of draconic strength that Alex herself had developed from Aes's touch, or would they become the prominent oni horns that left Ria adorably unable to stay hidden?

Either way Alex kept inspecting her new daughter as she stole quick glances at everyone around her. She wondered how Angelle was doing after having witnessing a live birth, and she wondered how Aes was doing after having become a midwife for...three?...something like three hours straight. But most of her attention was saved for Dingroria. The oni looked nearly as proud and awestruck as Aes had been following Angelle's birth, but there was an almost anxious touch of caution thrown into the mix. Alex really didn't know how to approach that with the woman, and for a few more minutes she simply sat with the girl in her arms.

But inspiration struck. "Ria, have you ever held a baby before?" As the oni answered the question Alex worked herself to a more seated position, and should she be told no then it was time for a lesson. "It's quite simple, really. Support the back with the length of your forearm and cradle the head with your palm and hand. See?" At that she demonstrated, and though she was still rather careful since the girl was still very delicate she showed how a newborn could be supported and cradled by a single arm. "Now get down here." It was obvious that Alex wanted Ria to take hold of her daughter, and it was obvious that Alex wasn't going to take no for an answer. If needed she would force the giant to take the baby, and once Ria did then Alex would simply and watch the two for a bit. Ria was going to need to get used to this if she wanted to help raise the girl, so it was best to help her get past her nervousness now.

But there was also something else that needed to be done. "Dingroria, I need to know something." The seriousness in Alex's voice would be evident on her face, and that probably wouldn't help settle the woman. Well too bad. "Do you or your kind have any traditions or customs when it comes to your children?" Alex waited for an answer before continuing. "The names of all the members of my father's line start with the letter 'A'. I'd like to know if you have any such tradition before we name our child."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

Alex's whispered response drew a wide, mischievous grin from her Mate, but for the moment Aescila casually retracted, pulling back but leaving her hands on the half-dragon's hips. "We've managed to avoid any more singes and tentacles this time around! Angelle is definitely improving!" she said brightly, prompting a sheepish smile from the exhausted looking hybrid. "We managed to avoid reducing a sizable section of the forest to ashes too," Ria remarked, which was true. While Angelle had hardly been harmless to the terrain, she hadn't done nearly as much damage to the land as she had last night.

"Why don't you two start getting a camp together? We aren't having our accommodations taken care of this time," Aes continued, prompting Angelle to turn her gaze away and flush nearly as red as her mother while Ria gave a roll of her eyes, a knowing look crossing her features. "Alex and I will, ahhhh, go and grab some wood! For a fire, you know~" the dark angel continued, making as little apparent effort as possible to mask what they were actually about to go off and do. "Alright," Ria said simply, and then started off with another roll of her eyes. Angelle would manage to gaze in their general direction while Aes pulled Alex away, strolling calmly while guiding the dragoness out of the glade.

Alex would be free to bid farewell to her other two companions before Aes would drag her off, away from the road and to another clearing that was blessedly far enough away from the place they'd chosen to camp for the night that they probably wouldn't be observed. "So," Aes added innocently while finally stepping away from Alex, the dark angel leaving her back turned until they were about ten feet apart. "How's the training going?" Aes spun in place with a sweep of one of her wings, blowing fallen leaves and bits of dust, the region they were in thankfully warm enough that it was free of snow. "You didn't answer my question before you threatened to... Put me down, was it? I'm sure you didn't mean it as such, but isn't that usually how people talk about killing their pets when they get sick?"

Her tone was genuinely curious. Aes had taken a while to process the idea of things getting sick at all naturally, as only poison could cause illness in Hell. "How big is he? Naturally, I mean. Obviously he'd be as good as I am at making sure that he fit you perfectly," she asked in the same innocently curious tone, placing a hand on her hip and smirking. Even a single glance down would reveal that the former demoness had already sprouted her magical cock, the shaft producing an impossible to miss bulge in her tight pants, but it would remain hidden by her clothing for the moment. "So, how do you two start? Presumably with clothes on, of course, but we can skip to the fun part if you're really eager... You'll have to go easy on me though, its been a while since I did any real wrestling~"

~~~~The Fifth Day of the Journey~~~~​

"Errrr, uhhhh.... N-no, I haven't ever... Done that before," Dingroria stuttered awkwardly, her voice wavering even though her eyes never left the baby held in Alex's arms. The oni would bite her lower lip nervously as Alex spoke and demonstrated how to hold the delicate bundle of joy in her arms, displaying fangs almost identical to those possessed by their daughter, before tenderly reaching out and taking the child from her mother when Alex demanded that she do so. The very instant she had the squirming baby in her arms the nervousness vanished from Ria instantly, and she adopted the proper pose to hold their child too naturally for it to have been mere imitation. Only instinct or practice could allow her to hold the baby in her arms as naturally as she did.

The tiny half-oni (or at least tiny compared to the full oni that had fathered her) would make an excited noise and paw with tiny fingers at the fur service as an aesthetic on the red giant's armor, prompting Ria to break out into the broadest grin that Alex had ever seen, even including the one she'd worn when they had been getting ready to make the child she was holding. She would begin slowly shifting back and forth, rocking the child in her arms as it giggled with delight, a veritably dreamy look present on the demonic giant's face that, combined with everything else, flew in the face of her fearsome appearance. She would kneel beside Alex, oblivious to those around her, with their child for the next few minutes while Aescila finished tending to Alex and Angellle looked on nervously from the corner.

Ria would look back up in surprise as Alex interrupted her quality time with their daughter to ask about naming her, before a thoughtful look crossed the oni's features. She slowly looked back down at the baby in her arms, who had closed her eyes while nuzzling into the soft fur on her armor, and after waiting a moment would say, "I honestly don't know. I was raised in an orphanage in Therion, so it was mostly humans and elves that I grew up with. I know I have an orcish name, and that it was my father who dropped me off, but that's really about it. I've never lived among orcs, and you two probably know more about demons than I do."

Aescila glanced significantly towards Alex and gave a nervous cough, though that went ignored by Ria, who listened to Alex explaining her family's tradition regarding names instead. "With A? Well, I guess I don't have a problem with that. Also.... I don't have a family name, so I don't mind if she takes yours. Lets see...." she said, trailing off and looking back down at their child as she continued to rock her back and forth, "Avery? No, that's a boy's name.... Amanda? Ashley? No, too common and too Badarian.... Amelia? Maybe.... Honestly, I'm probably terrible at this." The oni trailed off again, frowning, before suddenly piquing up and glancing back at Alex. "What about... Anowyn?" she asked hopefully.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

Gods dammit, that cocky little grin of hers could be so infuriating! But that's just part of the charm, isn't it? She couldn't deny it, so Alex simply let out a slightly frustrated puff as Aes turned her attention back toward the day's training. And judging by the look of things Angelle was definitely improving. The forest didn't look as scarred as it did yesterday, none of those tentacles were popping out of nowhere, and the two trainers didn't look like they'd been fried by any errant blasts. All in all it was a vast improvement, one that Aes and Ria voiced and one that Alex could agree with. "Well done, little one."

But a moment later Aes was offering a suggestion, and with a roll of the eyes Ria set off to find a suitable campsite with Angelle in tow. That left Aes free to drag Alex to locations unknown, and all Alex could manage was a quick "Be back soon..." that didn't sound all that convincing. Their little trip didn't take all that long, and Alex could only hope that they were out of earshot by the time Aes asked her first question once again. The dragoness was readying an answer before her angel qualified Alex's initial response, and the unintended threat had Alex blushing in embarrassment over her own choice of words instead of Aescila's constant teasing. "I believe I may have misspoken..."

She really hadn't meant it like that, and Aes already realized it, but that was still more than enough to leave Alex flustered. And that made it all the easier to get her riled up by the question that followed. "A-Aescila!" That was probably the darkest Alex had ever become, partly because of the question itself but mostly because it brought up those rather vivid memories of Haedrin pressing against her. "I'm not answering that! Besides, I never really saw it..." Oh, but she'd felt it, all right. Multiple times. She could feel it laying against her, growing proud and strong as it nestled against the heat she couldn't control, pulsing with every beat of his heart to show just how much his body truly wanted this... All it took was two days of training, but Alex could describe Haedrin in vivid and lurid detail.

And that's why she could never tell. Even as Mates Aes still loved to tease the dragoness every chance she got, and this was a golden opportunity. She could change herself, make her fit that perfect vision of Haedrin floating through Alex's mind, and Alex just wouldn't be able to stop herself. It would be a temptation, an invitation to taste the fruit she forbid herself from ever touching. And if she took it then that damned voice within her would get stronger. It would demand she abandon whatever foolish vow she made and simply accept him into her just to see if he would measure up to whatever fantasies were lurking in the not too distant corners of her mind. And in that one simple act she would destroy not only her own but Haedrin's honor as well. It would hurt him, and it would destroy everything they'd both built for nothing more than a cheap thrill.

Even if that train of thought was way off base Alex believed it, and it helped her to calm down a bit and stand a little straighter as Aes prepared for their 'training'. Of course she offered to skip right to the aftermath, and that set Alex back to her darker shade of red in an instant. But even then she kept her cool, or at least enough of it to function and try to focus on the actual training she wanted to get it. "Basically we start much like this and prepare for whatever lesson he wants to teach. That usually starts like this." At that Alex was already rushing forward, her arms opening to catch Aes flatfooted. She looked like she was ready to plow the angel into the ground with a hard tackle for a few moments, but as she neared she slowed a bit and started calculating. Even if Alex was looking to blow off some steam Aes asked for a little restraint. It was a request from her Mate, so she would give it. But that didn't mean she wouldn't put her all into it. She would simply take a little more care in laying Aes down, and if she landed on top she would simply hold the angel down for a second. "Maybe you should make your wings a little smaller."

Initiate Grapple

~~~ The Fifth Day ~~~

Ria hesitated. It was evident as she watched Alex explain how to hold the child, and it was even more so when she bent down as ordered. But the moment the baby was taken into those enormous arms that nervousness simply melted. The oni held her daughter with a grace and care that seemed all too natural, and once the baby cooed with the delight as she reached for the fur that flared off of Ria's armor Alex could only sit back and watch with a smile on her face. Ria seemed perfectly fit to be a mother, and though Alex was tempted to say so she held her tongue and simply let the two bond.

But Alex could only wait for so long, and when it came to her questions Ria threw them a fastball. She had absolutely no knowledge of either of her heritages, or at least nothing more than the her name and the fact that her father left her at the orphanage when she was young. But the comment that followed forced a nervous cough from Aes, and should the former be close enough Alex would give her a gentle squeeze with her hand. There was no telling if Ria knew how close she'd come to the truth. It could have been a simple observation since they lived in the Hidden Village with Acheron a stone's throw away, and if that was the case then Alex felt no urge to correct it. The fact of Aescila's birth still seemed to bother her, so she would keep that a well-guarded fact until the former demon chose to reveal it herself.

Thankfully Ria didn't notice that bout of unease, and following the revelation of the Alistar family tradition the oni offered a few suggestions. Most of them were rejected the moment they were uttered, but one seemed to catch the woman's eye. "Anowyn Alistar..." Alex gave it a test run, and though it sounded rather elven to her ears that wasn't exactly a bad thing. Of course the girl would probably grow up to be the farthest thing from an elf, but it had its own charm. So did Amelia Alistar, but that could be saved for another daughter. "I think it's fine. Any objections?" Aes was asked first, but it was also posed to Angelle who seemed rather complacent in her little corner. She doubted either of them would speak up against it, and once that was confirmed Anowyn would be given her proper name.

"Angelle, come here." A spot was patted next to the dragoness, and Alex would simply wait for her first daughter to comply. Once she was finally down a small pause was given to allow the girl to relax a bit before she was asked a question. "What do you think of your first sister?" The hybrid had been surprisingly nervous now that everything had calmed down, and Alex wanted to know why. Hopefully that first question would be enough to get the girl to open up.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Grappling with Aescila, Pinning Aescila

Aescila: Fine, Grappling with Alex, Pinned

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

Grapplan tiem folkz!

The initiation is free since Aes allows it. Both then try to put the other into a submission hold. Alex's Grapple mod currently is, with half the Grapple Expert bonus I'm willing to hand off in this one, +63. Aescila is going to be rolling d100 + 18 vs Alex's d20 + 63, though I might opt to switch it to something else, possibly just opposed d20s or maybe something weird if inspiration hits me. It will be Alex vs Aes in ye rolls.
Grapple: 16 + 63 = 79 vs 48 = 30 + 18, Alex wins.

"Mmmmm, so you didn't see it?" her Mate mused dryly, "but surely you must have felt it? All that jostling and grinding.... All those times who threw you down in whatever pose he liked and held you there, your squirming only making him hold you tighter.... I bet you could give a good estimation, at least!" The former demon's teasing was slightly flat that time, dry and suggestive still but also mildly standard, as if she were merely discussing the weather and not the penis size of a man (and an extremely desirable man by all accounts) they had both known well for the last two years.

The commencement of their training, when Alex slowed her charge and suggested that Aes shrink her wings, did not go quite as far in her favor as Alex might have expected. "Oh, I'm sure there's quite a number of lessons that he'd like to teach you~" the demoness quipped as she suddenly shifted a step forward to close the gap between them an instant before Alex was ready for it. Their arms joined, Aes grabbing Alex's right hand and lacing her fingers within the dragon's while putting her other hand on Alex's shoulder, naturally prompting her to do the same to oppose the leverage that such a position offered.

They pushed for a few seconds, and Alex would get the distinct impression that Aes was fairly relaxed and comfortable doing this. She had known how to move in a grapple, that much Alex already knew since that sort of skill was absolutely necessary for a succubus living in Hell if they wanted to stay fed. Hers was a different style from that which Haedrin had been teaching her, one that was more about controlling her opponent's movements entirely than about redirecting momentum like that of Alex's faerie teacher. The way she had moved to meet Alex right when she hadn't expected it was a good example of how she grappled, always putting everything on her terms and constantly shifting in small, subtle ways to leave Alex unable to gain any headway. It was a snake, slithering away from a dangerous creature while trying get its coils around her, while Alex was the ram looking to put her strength right where it needed to be.

In truth, Aes could probably have overpowered her if she really fought like she meant it. The joining with the spirit of an angel had imparted not only her magical and spiritual power, but greatly improved Aescila's physique, and though she lacked the training that would be necessary to make good on that physical prowess in any other manner, she was a fairly skilled grappler at the very least. That said, Aes was taking things very easy, as was to be expected given the hardly threatening situation, and was instead making herself a relatively fair match by which Alex could judge and improve her developing skills. The step she'd taken and the few moments of jostling would allow Aes enough time to cause her black feathered wings to shrink slowly into her back, leaving her fully without them for the first time in a while, and then she would shift a bit too much off center. It was meant to force Alex to pull away or stumble a bit, giving Aes the upper hand, but Haedrin's training had included such redirection tactics often enough, and Alex was able to compensate.

Aes was slowly and gently pushed onto her back, leaving Alex on top, and she looked a bit surprised for a moment before grinning wryly. "I don't mind you being on top~" she quipped softly as she squirmed beneath the half-dragon warrior, threatening to slip free from the mild pin if Alex grew too lax but not quite doing so yet. For the moment, it seemed as if she were going to be able to have her way with her Mate, and the familiar eager glimmer in Aescila's eyes, poorly hidden behind her smirk and her dry wit and teasing, suggested that she didn't much mind the idea.

~~~~The Fifth Day of the Journey~~~~​

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Ria looked pleased that Alex accepted the name she had suggested, the decidedly elven name for the second unusual hybrid to come from Alex's womb completely unfitting but somehow appropriate at the same time. Unsurprisingly, neither Aescila nor Angelle would protest the name, and with that the child in Ria's arms, a hybrid of two hybrids, was given her name. Whether she knew it or not, she gave a squealing giggle just after her name was announced, prompting Ria's grin to broaden, and she gently reached down to tickle the babe's belly with a single fat digit to produce a copy of the sound.

Angelle looked even more nervous when she was called forth suddenly, but she obeyed her mother without question and came forth to kneel next to Alex, folding her legs under her and her hands in her lap. The angelic hybrid bit her lip and hesitated to answer, and the half-dragon would distinctly see both of the faces present on her unusual wings stir for an instant before vanishing back into the feathers. "Well..." she began hesitantly, and then glanced towards her black wing for a moment, and then at her pure one, and then back at Alex. "I.... I don't know.... I'm just... Not sure what it means," she said haltingly, settling her gaze to meet her mother's honestly.

"I mean... It's not dad's, but she's still my sister.... And I don't.... Really know what I'm supposed to... To do with that," she finished lamely, but then shook her head and looked to Dingroria, who had been her first lover, and the child in the massive oni's arms who was her half sister. There were a number of conflicting feelings present behind her daughter's eyes, hidden there, but Angelle seemed to lack the articulation to voice them at that point.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

While Aes's reply may have been flat and dry it caused Alex to turn even brighter in her blush. "I'm not answering that, either." She really didn't need to. It was painfully obvious that Aes already knew the answer, and unless she'd been guessing Alex had a feeling the former demon may have been spying on them from time to time.

This left Alex somewhat flustered as she rushed in to grab her Mate. That left her far more preoccupied with calming herself than she would have liked, and that in turn made it all that much easier for Aes to surprise her draconic lover. Alex actually needed to scramble a bit to catch up and ensure she wasn't simply knocked to the floor by that opening grab, and while she tried to regain her composure she found herself struggling to keep her balance. She'd known Aes was a rather fine grappler, her insight into the demon's life in Hell was proof enough, but now that she was experiencing it first hand Alex found herself surprised. Every time she tried to bring her strength to bear Aes would simply throw it to the side, and that left the dragon fighting to retain her balance. It nearly felt like Aes was using the same redirection tactics Alex used when defending with her shield, and if Aes could do that so effortlessly then maybe this brute force tactic that Haedrin was teaching her could be improved...

But for now all Alex could rely on was what she had been taught, and that left her struggling to find a way to use her strength to overcome Aes's control. For a while they seemed rather evenly locked, and Alex silently thanked her Mate for holding back, but eventually the dragon felt the angel overextending herself. It was a ploy to get Alex to overcompensate, and it was something she herself could exploit. All she needed to do was apply a little more force where Aes was leaning, and that brought the angel gently down to the ground where Alex could mount and effectively pin her with their limbs still locked together.

For her part Aes was genuinely surprised by that little maneuver, but she recovered quickly and offered a little quip that had Alex blushing once again. But where Alex would usually either ignore or rebuff that tease she actually started to grin herself. "Is that so?" A moment was taken to ensure her grip on her partner, and once that was done Alex's tail started to curl up until the tip was reaching around to grab hold of the belt of her lover's pants. "This kinda reminds me of the other time I ended up on top." No matter how tight those pants may have been Alex used her tail to pull them down, and though she couldn't quite remove them simply having them bunched around Aes's thighs would prove just as effective, maybe even more so since they would restrict what she could do with her legs. "I surprised you back then, as well, and I believe I did something like this?" That pull left Aes's cock free, and Alex's thighs rose just enough to bring her into position before she brought her ass down to hug that rod between the cheeks of her ass. At that point Alex would remain silent, and as long as she remained in control she would simply roll her hips in lazy little circles to start teasing Aes just as she had during their little 'victory celebration' a couple years earlier.

[ Actions ]
1. Shift Clothes
2. Foreplay if Aes is still in Submission
3. If Aes breaks free then retry for Submission then return to Step 2
4. If Aes manages to undress Alex and start teasing her then we'll continue from there?

~~~ The Fifth Day ~~~

The hesitation and confusion was readily apparent in Angelle's eyes without the need for her to voice it, but Alex listened all the same. There was some conflict brewing within her, one that obviously involved the sentience within the girl's wings, and that left the hybrid unable to voice anything. So Alex leaned over a bit and pulled Angelle even closer. She held her daughter against her side for a while, the contact hopefully enough to get the girl to relax while she herself simply watched Ria doting on Anowyn, and that little embrace would remain for a few minutes whether Angelle finally relaxed or not.

Once those minutes had passed Alex would rub her daughter's back, and after a few passes she would finally ask the question that had been crossing her mind. "What are they telling you?" It should have been obvious who Alex was talking about, but if Angelle seemed a little confused then Alex would simply brush against each of the girl's wings. She would start with the dark wing the embodied Necro before she lightly tapped Undine, and whether they spoke for themselves or Angelle answered for them Alex would simply wait for that answer.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Grappling with Aescila, Pinning Aescila

Aescila: Fine, Grappling with Alex, Pinned, buttjob'd, taken 87 PP

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

The initiation is free since Aes allows it. Both then try to put the other into a submission hold. Alex's Grapple mod currently is, with half the Grapple Expert bonus I'm willing to hand off in this one, +63. Aescila is going to be rolling d100 + 18 vs Alex's d20 + 63, though I might opt to switch it to something else, possibly just opposed d20s or maybe something weird if inspiration hits me. It will be Alex vs Aes in ye rolls.

Grapple: 6 + 63 = 69 vs 81 = 63 + 18, Aes wins.
Aes breaks free.

Grapple: 15 + 63 = 78 vs 35 = 17 + 18, Alex wins.
Alex is back on top!

Grapple: 13 + 63 = 76 vs 37 = 19 + 18, Alex wins.
Aes's pants are down!

Grapple: 8 + 63 = 71 vs 105 = 87 + 18, Aes wins.
Aes breaks the hold.

Grapple: 18 + 63 = 71 vs 68 = 60 + 18, Alex wins.
Aes is back in the hold!

Grapple: 2 + 63 = 65 vs 71 = 63 + 18, Aes wins.
Aes breaks again!

Grapple: 11 + 63 = 74 vs 61 = 43 + 18, Alex wins.
Aaaand in the hold again!

Grapple: 11 + 63 = 74 vs 74 = 56 + 18.
A tie! Roll off on the d20: 13 vs 1, Alex wins. Foreplay!
Pleasure (Aes) : 3 + 2 + 3 + 20 = 28 pleasure.

Grapple: 3 + 63 = 66 vs 55 = 37 + 18, Alex wins.
Pleasure (Aes) : 3 + 6 + 2 + 20 = 31 pleasure.

Grapple: 17 + 63 = 80 vs 58 = 40 + 18, Alex wins.
Pleasure (Aes) : 5 + 1 + 2 + 20 = 28 pleasure.

"Does it?" Aes mused, completely relaxed by all appearances as Alex held her down. The two engaged in a contest in truth then as the half-dragon sought to enact her plan, and Alex would find Aescila's tactics, even when she wasn't fighting at her full capability, was hard to truly conquer. She engaged in bursts of resistance that were hard to predict, both in their timing and their direction, and that let her hands slip out from Alex's grasp again and again only to be drawn right back down.

It kept Alex from doing exactly as she liked, at least for a little while, and Aes kept up her mischievous grin for the entirety of her difficult squirming. Eventually, however, Alex would conquer the beast beneath her, and when she had a moment in which she wasn't too busy holding down her Mate she would easily slide her mate's pants down to wrest around her thighs. Aescila's grin broke, her lips parted in a soft gasp as her cock came free and was caressed by the open air.

"Like - oooohhh!!" Aescila's quip was cut off by a soft moan as Alex trapped the demon's rod between the soft cheeks of her ass, the thick tool jumping in her grasp at even the slightest touch. It was Aes's turn to blush, and though she would continue to squirm for a moment it quickly became a lot easier to hold her lover down. The more she rolled her hips on that stiff tool, caressing it through her thin clothing, the more Aes abandoned her pretense of resistance and and enjoyed the sensations that Alex was causing her.

A few moments later she was barely even moving save for the twitching of the cock trapped between Alex's soft buns, and though it could easily be said that the succubus was always some level of horny, her panting and the subtle motions of her hips were indication enough that Alex was fast getting her to the point that she would need to slide her cock into something warm and wet or risk going mad over it. "Mmmm.... I remember now... When you danced for me~" she purred, her hips slowly rising to press her shaft more firmly into Alex's bottom, all but begging for those lazy circles to come a little bit faster and harder, but Alex would be able to tease her Mate to her heart's content and then some if she so desired.

~~~~The Fifth Day of the Journey~~~~​

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Angelle leaned into the embrace, but Alex could feel the inner conflict taking place in her daughter through that contact. She wouldn't relax naturally, and when she tapped each of her daughter's sentient wings in turn and asked what they were saying that conflict might become clearer. "It's so.... Small!" Necro hissed quietly, and there was a significant degree both of jealousy and of disdain in the wing's voice. "She's so adorable!" Undine said benignly, adoringly. "They... They won't stop!" Angelle said in clear confusion and distress.

"It's annoying!"

"It's our sister!"

"I don't like it!"

"You don't like anything!"

"And you like anything! It'll take all of the attention!"

"No I don't! And no it won't! Mom and dad will have plenty of love for all of us!"

"Make it stopppppp!!!! They're driving me up the wall!"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

Alex gave an amused hum in answer to Aes's question, but the random bouts of resistance that followed had her focusing a little harder than she would have liked. Time and again the wingless angel managed to pull her hands free, and that left the mounted dragon struggling to reclaim and maintain the little bit of control she had. Tricky little devil... But perseverance won in the end, and once Alex managed to expose her Mate whatever quip Aes was preparing to make was cut short. The soft moan that rolled out of Aes's throat was the first sign that Alex had the woman right where she wanted, and with each roll that followed the warrior's rear was quite literally sucking the resistance out of the ever-hungry demon.

Soon enough said demon was left panting while her hips tried to press her cock even further between the clothed yet welcoming cheeks of Alex's ass, and the slight purr in the succubus's voice showed that she remembered that night just as fondly. But that wasn't all. With each of Aes's slight bucks Alex could feel the angel's arousal climbing higher and higher. In a few minutes or maybe even seconds she would need someone to ease that mounting pressure before she lost all control and went mad.

But even with that that threat looming on the horizon Alex was still leading this little encounter, and after another roll she leaned a little closer. "It looks like you need a little more than just this, don't you?" At that the dragoness would let her hips flex once more, but if she still remained in control then she would raise herself just enough to hover suggestively over Aes's length. "We should take care of that, shouldn't we?" Her tail rose and curled once again, this time digging into the hem of her own pants, and a moment later she was peeling them away to reveal her sex. If Aes allowed it she would fully remove them, stepping out so she was bare from the waist down, and if Aes tried to sheath herself within Alex then the dragoness would do her best to rise just out of reach before wrestling her Mate back to the ground.

Once she was bare and ready Alex would let her hips waver for a second just to tempt her lover once more. Her eyes asked if Aes was ready without voicing a single word, but if Aes was hoping for the relief she obviously needed then she would be disappointed. When Alex descended she used the tip of her tail to push the angel's cock just out of alignment, and once she fell that length would find itself kissed by Alex's labia. Those lips hugged the underside of Aes's prick, and after a pause to let the former demon realize how her hopes had been thwarted Alex would grind herself against her lover. It would tease her with what she could have, it would leave a coating of the dragon's arousal glistening across Aes's length, and it would make the next pass that much more pleasant for the both of them.

If Alex managed to pull all that off then she would continue without another word, her hips grinding her crotch against Aes's vulnerable underside. With each motion she made sure she attacked that sensitive point just beneath the glans, and with every thrust it would drive Aes insane. There was a danger in this, Aes was far stronger than she'd shown up til now, but Alex wanted to see just how far she could go. How much of this constant teasing would Aes manage to take before she finally gave in and threw Alex to the ground? Would she be able to control herself until she exploded? Would Alex herself manage to rub herself to orgasm before Aes finally broke? Or would they simply keep going until they were both exhausted? There was no way to tell what would happen, but no matter what Alex was sure to enjoy herself.

A lot like last time but with the foreplay now going both ways. Alex will still fight to retain control.

~~~ The Fifth Day ~~~

That touch was all that was needed to get the aspects to rise. Necro's voice was first, and the disdain it held completely erased what remained of Alex's smile. It sounded a little too like something else she'd heard when she was far younger, but that wasn't enough to draw her away from the present. When Undine spoke Alex heard the calm and adoration within it, and as the two started arguing Alex finally understood just what kinda war was being waged across Angelle's split personalities.

So how was she going to stop it? Alex wasn't quite sure, but if she was going to start somewhere it had to be with the truth. "You're both right." She waited at that point for both of the arguing parties to calm down a bit, and once they did she turned toward Undine first. "We will need to give her more attention. She's small and vulnerable, and even if she grows just as fast as you did she still knows nothing of the world around her. We'll need to care for her and guide her until she can stand on her own." Then she turned toward Necro. "But that doesn't mean we'll love you any less. You'll always be our firstborn, and no matter what happens we'll do anything and everything we can for you because we love you that much.

"Besides, we'll probably need your help. You're the older sister. Anowyn is going to look up to you. Even as messed up as my family was I still held a bit of awe and respect for my brother and sister. She'll see you that same way, maybe even more since I'm sure you'll never be quite like my siblings. She'll have questions she'll only want to ask you, especially since she has all those different bloodlines mixed up inside her, and I hope you can help her understand why she's special just as I hope you understand why you're special."

At that point Alex left another healthy pause for her daughter's to think things through, but after a bit she interrupted those thoughts with a whisper. "But... There's something else you should know." She kept her voice small and hidden, her hope being that she wouldn't interrupt Ria as she connected with her daughter. "I'm not sure how much you know, but you said he did some terrible things. Well, one day he told me something that scared me half to death. He said that when I was bored he found my wailing annoying. So he asked father if he could kill me." Once again she let a silence linger. "Necro, I'm certain you didn't mean it like that. But... Please be careful with what you say, okay?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64/64, EP = 3/88, Status = Low on EP, Pregnant, Grappling with Aescila, Pinned by Aescila

Aescila: Fine, Grappling with Alex, Pinning Alex, grinding, taken 151 PP

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

Alex's Grapple mod currently is, with half the Grapple Expert bonus I'm willing to hand off in this one, +63. Aescila is going to be rolling d100 + 18 vs Alex's d20 + 63, though I might opt to switch it to something else, possibly just opposed d20s or maybe something weird if inspiration hits me. It will be Alex vs Aes in ye rolls.

Aes lets Alex take her pants off. Then more foreplay, with Alex dealing her own damage to herself and to Aes so long as she wins the grapple check, and Aes dealing her foreplay damage instead.

Grapple: 4 + 63 = 67 vs 26 = 8 + 18, Alex wins.
Pleasure (Aes) : 5 + 5 + 5 + 20 = 35 pleasure.
Pleasure (Alex) : 3 + 1 + 6 + 20 = 30 pleasure. Aes drains 15 + 5 = 20 EP.

Round two!
Grapple: 9 + 63 = 72 vs 116 = 98 + 18, Aes wins. The pin is broken, and she uses a somewhat modified version of Tonight, You in order to apply her foreplay instead of Alex's to yon half-dragon.
Resistance: Aes wins.
Pleasure (Aes) : 2 + 1 + 6 + 20 = 29 pleasure.
Pleasure (Alex) : 1 + 1 + 5 + 48 = 55 pleasure. Alex cums, hard, and Aes drains 55 + 10 = 65 EP.

Round three, Alex is stunned. Aes takes the kid gloves off for a round and puts her into a submission hold. Will get back to regular stuff next round.

"Yeah.... Nnnnn.... I really do~" Aes purred, her voice dripping with the lust that boiled through her blood and stoked the insatiable hunger of her very soul. "We definitely should!" she continued, letting her hunger and lust show in her voice, and perhaps the inherent promise in Alex's voice was what kept her so sedate while the half-dragon slipped off her own bottoms, a process not as easy as it sounded when one wasn't using their hands even with the benefit of a fairly deft tail like Alex's.

When she settled back on top of Aes, safely secure in her domination over her dark angel, she found her Mate grinning eagerly up at her while her cock aimed itself perfectly towards her entrance. Whether through the muscle control granted by her shapeshifting or by happenstance, that perfect orientation would have surely allowed it to slide effortlessly into her depths had Alex not had other plans in mind, ones involving the denial of the burning lust she saw in her Mate's eyes as she looked down upon her. As it was, a tiny tilt of her hips and a light push of her tail had that cock, perfectly sculpted to bring her pleasure as only Aescila could, glancing against her petals and angling down until it was trapped between its owners flat tummy and her own damp petals.

Aes let out a short gasp, surprise and lust and disappointment all tactile in the short outburst of breath, but her next breath was brought out as a moan when Alex began grinding her petals slowly against the underbelly of her shaft. Her Mate's hips rose slowly against her touch, the soft rubbing produced by those damp petals against her vulnerable member giving her pleasure but not satisfaction. She began to pulse against the half-dragon's folds nonetheless as Alex oriented herself to leave the majority of her motions rubbing in particular the extra sensitive spot just beneath the head, but now Aes wasn't alone in being pleasured, and the succubus took immediate advantage of that fact to begin feeding. Intoxicating bursts of ecstasy rolled through Alex as the familiar sensation of her favored lover dipping into the deep pool of her spiritual essence, draining it in such a way that it would undoubtedly leave Alex empty and satisfied and eager for more all at once by the time their session was done.

They'd had a lot of practice together at this, and even when she wasn't in control Aes could gobble Alex up fast as lightning if she wanted to. The former demoness was apparently hungry too, for the hungry tendrils that slipped into Alex's soul spared no portion of her as they dove steadily towards her core. Only a few days prior that core, left bare and helpless by the battle to save Angelle, had had a far more powerful but far less welcome caress from one who had intended to rip Alex entirely from her body, and consume her, and while Aes could certainly have done the same with great ease, there was no danger of that now. Their souls were intimately familiar with each other by that point, and Aes knew Alex's limits quite well for a reason; she had helped to shape them, after all. Energy was easily pulled from Alex to feed the hungry demoness, every drop leaving her replaced by the incomparable pleasure that only being fed upon could bring, but as portions of Aes mingled with her own the touch against her core became more intense. Her Mate rarely chose to feed from that deeper essence despite the natural intimacy of it, and most often when they did so it was during an encounter like the one where their deepest souls had touched briefly, and joined, just as they had conceived Angelle. Simply feeding upon the deeper essence was a dangerous enough prospect that Aes only did so extremely rarely, for while that too would regenerate like her simpler energies, it was a much longer process, but it seemed that this would be one such time when Alex would be subjected to that, the most intense of pleasures of having her very soul melt into bliss to feed her partner.

Not yet, however, as Alex was still on top... For the moment. She was able to continue her lewd grinding for the next several minutes, testing Aescila's patience and to some extent her own, while her spirit was consumed bit by bit thanks to the waves of pleasure that Alex inflicted upon herself with her grinding. "Ohhh.... Ooooohhh~ You wanna make me.... Ahh! Cum all over myself, don't you?" Aescila grunted between moans, her hips rising further from the ground to press all the more insistently against Alex's wet petals, and suddenly the pleasure surged as she felt her jewel rubbed through its protective hood.

The cock beneath her was throbbing, seemingly ready to burst, and that potent pulse of sensation was as much a lure to bring on more like it that Alex couldn't help but be driven to continue with her plan. The harder she moved to grind herself on her Mate's rod, leaking precum that would seemingly soon become a flood of her sweet, potent cream, the more common those tiny rubs against her clit would become, and thus the more exposed her sensitive jewel would be to more stimulation as its protection naturally peeled away. Aes was, by all obvious appearances, a helpless blur of motion and noise beneath her, a slave to the same needs as she as they both built themselves slowly but steadily towards a peak that Aes seemed sure to dive off of first despite those nudges against her jewel.

Alex wouldn't realize the trap she had fallen into until it was far too late, when she felt the knot of pressure that had built within her over the course of her teasing violently unwind in the most pleasant way imaginable. Aes had oriented herself to grind against that sensitive nub just at the right points that Alex would build herself up on those little pulses, leaving her own almost equally sensitive frenulum open for Alex to grind on while the succubus trusted to her stamina to carry her through it. It had been a masterfully calculated and executed move, one too subtle for Alex to pick up on until it was too late for her to prevent it from working, and in that Aes offered a brief display of where her best talents lay. The pleasure rolling through her tripled as she descended into the throes of an orgasm that left her entire form quaking, and then doubled again as Aes slipped into her core and began to drink of her deeper essence, leaving Alex melting into incomparable bliss for a subjective eternity. Every sense but touched was blanked out instantly in the face of so much stimulation, and even when her other senses began to return a few moments later as she descended from her potent high, they were muted and spotty at best.

Of course, slipping free of her hold when she'd been in her peak had been easy for Aes, who had left Alex gripping the grass while her peak rolled over her and grabbed her by the hips, setting the pace of that grinding to lengthen the half-dragon's ecstasy for as long as it would hold. That, in turn, prolonged her recovery, and when a hint of sense returned to her Alex found herself lying on her stomach with Aes on top of her, her elbows locked with Alex's and both of them now completely nude from head to toe. Her lover's cock was once again squeezed between the soft cheeks of her perfectly sculpted rear, with Aes slowly grinding in that soft valley while throbbing and leaking a constant stream of her pre. It was, save for their nudity, a perfect match for a position that Alex had found herself in with Haedrin during their training more than once, with Alex no less helpless before Aes at that point than she had been against the knight. Her lover had fed from her, deeply, but not nearly enough to leave her helpless yet, and regardless Aes had seemingly had her meal by that point. She might take nibbles and bites from then on, tiny portions meant more to drive Alex mad while she savored those bits of her soul, but her hunger had been sated.

"You don't want to talk about it, do you?" Aes cooed, her breath warm and soft against the back of Alex's neck, "even when I'm like this... Exactly how he could be~" Aes began to grind, more insistent and forceful than she would normally have been, and despite that she knew otherwise Alex felt that it was a distinctly more masculine sort of motion. Aescila moved with her, pinning her helplessly and holding her with a soft strength that demanded submission as surely as Roko's had when he had been her first, and as Haedrin's surely would have had they given in to the tempting tension that existed between the two of them. Even in that slight shifting and the heavy breaths that accompanied it Alex could feel the hunger, the instinctual need to slide the pulsating meat grinding against her ass into her folds, to slam into her warm, quivering flesh until the seed that it was waiting to release was sown inside of her. More than that, the way that Aes began to shift as she moved to kiss Alex's neck was, in the way she moved, rougher than the normally delicate succubus might have been, adding to the masculine feeling, and were it not for her Mate's familiar scent it would have been incredibly difficult not to imagine a male atop her rather than the distinctly feminine Aes.

"You want it.... I can feel it~" she added, her voice just a slight hint deeper and harsher than it normally was, and then she gently bit on the side of Alex's neck. It wouldn't even leave a mark, but the tinge of pain produced by the domineering gesture was as tactile as anything else that Aes had done when unleashing her wiles upon Alex. Whether the half-dragon folded to that gesture and let her lover have her way, however, was up to Alex to decide, as her Mate wasn't really holding her down any harder than before despite how she had moved to strip her and get her into position. If she didn't resist, however, it was likely that Alex would be feeling her lover's glorious tool in an even more intimate manner in short order, and with how she was acting it would be hard not to do as she feared and imagine Haedrin in Aescila's place.

~~~~The Fifth Day of the Journey~~~~​

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

The first bit out of Alex's mouth didn't seem to reassure Angelle all that much, as she merely gave her mother a helpless look and leaned in to listen harder. The reassurance of her place as first born did at least seem to settle her a little, and made her purer wing ruffle slightly, almost smugly. The mention of her family seemed to bring up additional worry in the young hybrid, but she let that pass quickly, for the look of horror at what Alex revealed next seemed to shake Angelle to her very core. Though she was, in many respects, far more like Aescila in where her natural talents lay than Alex, she had always looked more to the half-dragon than the dark angel who had fathered her when she needed the comfort of one to whom she could look to for strength and solidarity. She wasn't the only one who did so either, as Aes, Creshnibon, and even Kimi had come to her when they needed the sort of will that Alex's hard earned strength could give, even if it was only put to the purpose of reminding them about what was right. The idea that Alex could have once been looked upon with such disdain, the very disdain that Necro seemed to be displaying for her sister, that they would have killed her mother simply to silence her was obviously an unknown horror to the young woman, and one that shocked her out of her internal argument instantly.

Necro gave a noticeable shiver when it was addressed directly, at the end of Alex's revelation, as if the wing were shrinking away just as Angelle might have if it were she who had been chastised. "I.... Ohh," the hybrid said, and then glanced towards Ria and the baby cradled in her arms, her expression one of shame. "Don't worry over it little one," Aescila said confidently as she knelt beside her daughter, offering a comforting hand on her shoulder, "you'll be a better sister than your mom and I ever had, and if you ever worry about what you're feeling... The first thing you have to remember, is to never hurt those you love. Your friends, your family.... Never let what you feel in the moment to cloud out what's really important." She hugged Angelle, and then Alex, to herself gently, the former at least clinging to her tightly, "it can get confusing sometimes... But you're tough, little one! You'll figure it out when it's important."


Tired unduly from the relatively sedate journey thanks to the numerous events, both mundane and strange alike, Alex and her companions, including a quietly giggling Anowyn as she hung on her father's back in the roughly crafted sling created for her from the pelt of some beast that Ria had gone off to slay one night, looked down from a ridge onto a small village nestled in an out of the way valley. The temperature had risen as they descended from the lands around Therion, the location somewhere North and East of Gods-Reach and located in a more temperate region more reminiscent of Badaria than wintery Crolia, and even though it was autumn there was no snow here yet. The valley that Ochre sat in was apparently quite verdant, as the only sections of it not covered by trees now in a wide variety of hues were the sections cleared for farming and grazing, the rushing river that began at an immense waterfall that cascaded down from the mountains and ended at a grand lake, and the section of the valley devoted to the walled town itself.

It was, in many respects, very similar to the Hidden Village, the formerly isolated community of nonhumans who had escaped the persecution of the humans of Badaria and of the demons in Artmirst before it became Acheron. The only immediate difference was the walls, only mostly finished at that point, where Alex's sharp vision could see tiny human figures patrolling along it or standing watch in elevated towers. There was another, less obvious, in the form of the grand stone tower sitting at the heart of the town, a bastion at the top allowing a commanding view of the countryside for miles around. The majority of the town was already encircled by that wall, obviously a hasty construction, save for a wide section facing them that revealed the cobblestone road that began right after the bridge across the river and some of the buildings immediately near the entrance into town, the largest of which being so obvious an inn meant for travelers purely by its size and wide design that Ria actually broke out into a grin as she spotted it.

"At least we'll have someplace to stay.... The wall's coming along nicely too," she said, but then frowned as she glanced aside. "Oh.... They've expanded the cemetery too" she added sourly, and that was true. There was one portion of Ochre not contained within the protection of the wall, and that was where the townsfolk had set aside land to bury their dead. The black iron wrapped around that barren stretch of land, where only a few trees and the occasional mausoleum broke the lines of stone and wooden markers for the graves, had recently been expanded, that much was plain even from here. It didn't serve as a weakness in the fortifications of the town, which was obviously pointed more Eastward than Westward, but if they followed the road leading down from the ridge that they stood upon they would certainly pass by it on their way into town.

"It's so pretty.... I didn't know trees could change that color!" Angelle said, mystified by the sight of a stand of Amazonian maples whose leaves turned a vibrant violet instead of gold, the most common color of falling leaves in Badaria. The range here was a bit wider as well, though that wasn't to say that the valley in which their secluded home was located didn't have its own share of beauty to offer when the leaves changed. There were more coniferous trees here as well, pines and firs and others whose needles fell all year but never in full like the leaves of other trees, their dark green mixing in with the plethora of other colors even as their shape marked them out from the other trees.

"It is pretty nice, isn't it?" Aescila replied while wearing a misty look of her own, admiring the view as well. The former demoness, even with the memories of Dina joined with her own, had still be raised in Hell. She didn't speak of her time in that dark world often, but the sheer bleakness of the barren landscape was one of the things she spoke of most easily when comparing their homeland to her own, and she and many other demons often spoke of their living, green world with greater awe and affection than even the fey who were its rightful tenders did.

"No sign of grumpy pants," Ria remarked a moment later, her eyes having turned skyward to scan for signs of Akorvick, who was by all appearances not in the area. "The tomb he keeps whooping my ass for trying to raid isn't near the town, it's a ways off into the woods almost to the cliff, built into a hillside near the waterfall. I don't actually know where your brother stays, but I have seen him landing on top of that tower sometimes, and he's usually quick to have a go at me when I try to pry the door open," she continued coolly, looking now to Alex as she spoke. "What do you want to do?"

And that was a question that Aes looked to Alex for an answer to as well. They could simply walk down through the trees, following the winding road as it snaked towards the river and the solidly constructed stone bridge that spanned across the smoothly running water, across which the majority of Ochre lay. Flight was also an option for most of them, though that would leave Ria trudging grumpily down the road all on her lonesome. There was the shadow of her brother hanging over the whole endeavor, however, and if Alex were forced to confront him without setting it up to be on her own terms first and instead had to worry about Angelle and Anowyn at the same time, it would do little to reduce the stress of the encounter. All of them stuck out against both the terrain and the locals, however, and other than Aes none of them could do much of anything to change that fact. Going straight to the tomb rather than the town was also possibly an option, but was sure to result in a meeting with her brother if he was as quick to defend it as Ria said he was. It was only midafternoon, their journey having not been slowed significantly by any inclement weather or even the needs of the newborn they had with them, who was only slightly grown from when she had been born despite regular feeding from both Alex and a bottle that Aes had warped back to their home to get.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

That answer was everything Alex could have hoped for. The expectation on her lover's face was plain enough for anyone to see, and that allowed her to carefully peel her pants away without any sort of reprisal from the grounded angel. It was a surprisingly complicated maneuver since her hands were otherwise occupied, but once it was done she pulled herself into position and found Aes's cock practically begging to be buried within Alex's folds. That anticipation was perfect, and as Alex descended she could watch Aes's face curl as she gasped in equal parts lust and disappointment. But that gasp only lasted for a second before the dragoness started rolling her hips once more. The angel's face twisted at this latest turn, the moan that followed echoed by a push of the hips, and Alex could feel and hear Aes begging for more even while her body drank every drop of pleasure it could find.

But there was more to Aescila's hunger than simple carnal delight, and a moment later Alex felt a rather familiar presence diving into the deepest depths of her essence. It quickly set off bursts of pure ecstasy that would have had Alex curling into a writhing mass of flesh and sex had she been the one trapped on the ground.

But being on top had its advantages, and that bit of control allowed her to keep rolling her hips in just the right way to drive Aes further into madness. It drove the succubus to start grinding herself, her hips rising to press herself against her lover's delicate folds, and though she accused Alex of wanting to watch her cum all over herself Alex was quite certain Aes wouldn't be bothered by it in the slightest. "Mayb-"

Whatever answer she was going to give was interrupted by a sudden spike that had Alex gasping out a silent moan, and though she froze for at most a second that small pause was enough to break her momentum. Of course she didn't quite realize it, she was far too focused on that ridge running over her clit and that lance of pure pleasure that left her crumbling within Aes's spiritual grip, but now that her hips were angling themselves to relive that one glorious moment once again Alex was lost.

All she could do was drive herself forward, her only hope being that if felt this good for her then it had to feel just as wonderful to Aes, and after only a few more passes she felt herself break. The dragoness tried to clamp down on her impending orgasm, her goal was so close, but that last effort was a simply a moment too late. Her resistance shattered in an instant, her body clenching as her own pleasure exploded from her depths, and as her fingers and toes curled around whatever they could find Aes delivered the coup de grâce. Those tendrils that had been lapping at Alex's spirit dove as deep as they could once her guard was shattered, and once they were anchored within their victim's core they shattered the dragon's identity and started drank whatever remained. It left Alex once again seeing nothing but stars as unadulterated ecstasy exploded across every inch of her being. There was no end in sight, especially once Aes grabbed her Mate's hips and left the woman burning through her climax far longer than she would have thought possible, and even when she finally managed to fall down from that massive peak all she could do was twitch and writhe as her sense struggled to regain even a portion of their sanity.

It took quite some time for Alex to cobble together some form of consciousness, but once she did the first thing she noticed was the body holding her down. She could tell it was Aes, there was never any way to mistake that scent of power and sex that rolled off of her, but this position... this helplessness... the way that cock was perfectly nestled between the pillows of her ass... It all felt far too much like somebody else... It was forceful. Powerful. Nearly indulgent. Alex could feel the need for Aes to bury herself within the dragon's drenched folds, to piston in and out of her until that meaty length could finally explode it spread its seed within Alex's deepest depths. It all felt so damned masculine, so much so that when Aes added in her little nip at the neck all Alex could do was cry weakly in submission before her body was left panting and trembling in anticipation.

For a couple moments Alex couldn't answer any of Aes's teasing. Part of her hadn't even realized the demon had said anything until it felt that warmth breath rushing over her ear. But once she did her heart caught in her throat. Aes was pushing herself into the role, everything about her feeling so masculine and familiar that Alex couldn't help but picture Haedrin giving her a little love nip as he ground himself against her rear. It was nearly enough to keep her quiet, but some part of her wouldn't stay down. "Yes... but..." But what? She could feel herself wanted to stop this, wanting to argue over going to far into this little fantasy, but for some reason that argument just wouldn't surface. It simply floundered within the remains of her modesty and respectability. And why not? Maybe this would be for the best. She could indulge in her fantasies, let herself indulge her more carnal desires for the faerie knight without shattering either his or her own oath. So what if she remembered this every time she sat across from him? So what if the temptation to taste that forbidden fruit kept growing stronger and stronger with each passing day? Gods, it was strong enough already. She just...

She needed this...

Alex surrenders to the impending dickings

~~~ The Fifth Day ~~~

She didn't mean to dig that deeply. The look of horror that came over her daughter's face was proof enough that Alex had scared the girl not only with what she herself had been told just before she was nearly killed but with the sheer fact that anyone let alone family could have looked down on her with such disdain. And it must have hurt Necro. The wing shivered all on its own, the act itself reminding Alex of how Angelle would shrink when she'd been admonished. But even so Alex would stand by what she'd said. Even if it shattered a bit of the girl's innocence it was the simple truth, and that small bit of vitriol that Necro showed earlier could not be allowed to take root. If there was one thing Alex wasn't going to have in her family it would be this latent bloodlust between her children. And if she had to shame them to keep it out then so be it.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't feel sorry, and as Aes lifted herself to offer her bit of encouragement Alex simply waited. The angel offered Angelle the best piece of advice one could give, and when she pulled her family to herself Alex was more than happy to join the hug. When she did she leaned over toward their daughter, when it came time to embrace her hand made sure it brushed over and through the darker wing before her arm curled around the girl's back. Alex may not have been able to comfort anyone with her choice of words, but actions always spoke so much louder.

~~~ Ochre ~~~

With the monotony of all the walking they'd done these past few days Alex was quite glad to find herself distracted. Though Anoywen was currently held in a sling against her father's back her giggling was free for everyone to enjoy, and her momma simply took it in while giving the baby a warm smile whenever their eyes happened to meet. It was something she'd loved to do with Angelle back when the girl was that small, but the hybrid's accelerated growth meant that those cuddly baby years passed far too quickly for her mother's liking. Of course the same would be true for their newest addition, but given that she carried the oni's child far longer than she carried Aes's there would at least be some more time to enjoy these years of innocence...

With thoughts on how to make the best use of that time running through her head Alex was completely unprepared for the sight of the valley opening before her. The land itself was lush and colorful, maybe due to it being surprisingly warm for a Crolian land, and as her eyes wandered she couldn't help but be drawn to the presence of the Amazonian maple. One would have thought they wouldn't thrive in such a wintry land, that they had to be planted within a southern climate to survive, but then again this valley was surprisingly warm. Perhaps that was all they needed to keep from freezing in an otherwise harsh land. Either way the sight of those violet leaves was breathtaking, one that Alex herself had never seen even though this was technically her homeland, and when Angelle and Aes both spoke up Alex would quickly agree.

But before they would Ochre lay before them. The lands the town had cleared for itself stood out in sharp relief against the vibrant forest that surrounded it, and as Alex looked down on it she was reminded of her own home. The Hidden Village had also carved itself out of a section of forest, both towns remaining somewhat hidden unless someone went looking specifically for them, and aside from the details they were nearly the same. Plots set aside for farming, a clean source of water (Ochre's was much more picturesque), humble buildings with the largest obviously set aside as the inn, and even a defensive wall to ward off any threats. Alex could even see people already patrolling it even though it didn't quite look complete, and Ria confirmed that suspicion a moment later.

But the mention of the graveyard put a damper on Alex's spirits. The fact that it sounded so sour as it came out of her mouth meant that these people had a need for that wall. Something was attacking them and claiming their lives, and with the disputed lands surrounding Gods Reach close by it could only mean that the orcs had come calling. The fact that this town still stood meant it was most likely just a few clanless that had decided to raid this community and had been repelled, but for Ria to notice the cemetery's growth at this distance meant that the defense had come with a cost. The fact that they needed a wall meant that there were more likely even more raiders in the area, and as Alex thought all that through her expression grew a little dark.

But there was something else to worry about, and at the mention of mister grumpy pants Alex took a moment to scan the skies with all of her senses. Nothing immediately stood out to her, at least nothing that shared the same basic strength she held, so Akorvick was most likely at rest. Or out. Either way it soon had her thinking, and when Ria asked Alex what she wanted to do the dragoness hesitated as she tried to figure that out for herself. The main problem she had was who to confront and when, and though she would much rather see Roko over her brother there was still the matter of obligation. The ties they shared through their blood practically required them to at least announce themselves before anything else, especially as the children to Lord Aureus.

Despite her hopes Alex simply couldn't find a counterargument to that obligation, and with a touch of annoyance she let out a sigh before speaking. "You all go ahead and head toward the inn. Take the long route so the guards can see you approach." A pause was given to let her hunch forward a bit, and as she did her wings sprang to life once more. They gave a couple experimental twitches as Alex flexed each one, and once she felt she had them under proper control she stood tall. But before she continued she actually took a moment to try and peak at her back. It was a futile gesture, she simply didn't have the kind of neck needed to turn her head that far, but she really wanted to see just how those wings were manifesting. Was she punching or burning a pair of holes through her armor? She hadn't noticed any damage that first day while she was preparing for her training session with Haedrin, but she hadn't really been paying that much attention to it, either. So were they simply phasing through her armor? Was it actually living up to its name as the Hide of Alistar and simply merging with her body? Good gods, why is this bothering me now?

It was a good question, and Alex flung that train of thought into some disused corner of her mind. She had far more important things to worry about. "While you are heading out and finding a room I'm going to make my presence known." Unless anyone had anything to add she immediately took a couple fast steps before launching herself into the air and quickly climbing so everyone on Ochre's perimeter could see her. She didn't hurry any faster than she needed to stay in flight, and as she approached what could be considered the main gate she simply let herself glide down before landing a dozen paces from the town's border. Someone had to have seen her, and she would wait for whoever was in charge to make their presence known by most likely demanding to know why she was there. "I seek the dragon that protects this town." She would wait for a response, and if anyone asked why she would answer. "He is my brother." Anything following that wouldn't get much more than a yes or a no from her, and she would simply wait before someone managed to give her what she wanted.

But there was a chance no one would know where the man stayed. Ria said she never found him, and though she'd seen him land atop that tower at the center of the town that didn't mean that was where he stayed. There was a chance that no one knew where he slept and brooded, and if that ended up happening then so be it. If she couldn't meet him then she could call him out, and there was one perfect way to do so. She would take to the air once more, only this time she would make a show of it, and once her spectacle was complete she set off to fly directly toward that tomb he loved to guard. Ria said he was quick to show whenever she neared it, and it wasn't too much of a stretch to think that was what he was truly guarding. It meant that he was watching that thing like a hawk, and if she couldn't find him then that's how she would call him out.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64/64, EP = 3/88, Status = Low on EP, Pregnant, Grappling with Aescila, Pinned by Aescila

Aescila: Fine, Grappling with Alex, Pinning Alex, grinding, taken 151 PP

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

But?” Aes purred, and one of the hands binding Alex's now unresistant arms slipped away, leaving the dragoness no less helpless for its departure. She felt it rear back, felt Aes shift her lithe form a tiny bit out of the way, their closeness ensuring that she could feel every motion made by her lover, and thus Alex was able to anticipate exactly when that hand would fall upon her upraised rear. Aescila's hand fell upon her lower cheek with an audible clap, but what little sting the blow caused was eased away by the demon's delicate caress. “This butt?” she asked teasingly, “this perfect, round little ass that's mine, all mine, to do with as I like?” Even her voice was deeper, harsher, and the possessive squeeze that she gave Alex's rear as she spoke was as clear a sign of her utter dominance in the moment as Alex had ever had from Aes.

The former demon's hips shifted, and Alex felt her cock, stone hard, line itself up perfectly with her drooling entrance. It was throbbing, as hard as Ria's had ever been, and from the extended teasing Alex knew that she was in for a big filling when it exploded into her depths.... But then her hand moved from Alex's plump rear and started trailing slowly up her side, under her arm, until the dark angel's hand gently settled over Alex's throat. Her normally dainty fingers felt thicker, stronger, and as Aes held her throat the dragoness felt herself completely within her mate's control even though her air never even came close to being cut off. It wasn't something that she had ever tried before, but if Alex didn't react negatively to the domineering grip she would immediately bely it by gently tilting the half-dragon's head to the side. A trail of nips and kisses went from her neck, to her ear, and then her Mate's open mouth landed upon her own as the first inch of her conjured manhood slowly parted Alex's folds.

Despite the yearning, both of Alex's body and her own, Aes stopped there as she kissed Alex, and that too was different from the norm. Aes's tongue was normally long and thin, the perfect tool with which to hit every sweet spot Alex had, but now it was thicker, fatter, and though the intrusion was still graceful it still felt in many ways different from the norm. Those differences only became more pronounced when Aes opted to engage in a different technique as well, her tongue-work more direct and more aggressive, the motions of her lingual muscle partially but not totally without the subtlety with which she normally danced even if she was still just as domineering, and that shift more than any other was definitely masculine in style. All it would take would be to close her eyes, and the fantasy of Haedrin being in the place occupied presently by her Mate would fall into place so easily and so perfectly that it was almost real.

Whether she fully indulged in the temptation being offered to her or not, something most definitely real would shoot up Alex's spine as Aes drove herself deep in one smooth thrust, her act again perfectly mirroring the mannerisms of one who was born with the organ she used to impale Alex rather than born with the parts meant to be impaled by it. But, more than simply behaving in a masculine manner, Aes was acting in a way that perfectly mirrored Alex's fantasies of what being taken by the powerful, noble faerie knight would be like. She was rough but gentle all at once, her every motion powerful but delivered with consummate grace, but most of all she was dominant as only a man experienced in the art of conquering a woman could be. Even the moan unleashed into Alex's mouth as she slammed into her depths could easily have been mistaken for one of Haedrin's grunts, like the ones of exertion he delivered during training but with a timbre that she had not yet heard from the knight, even if parts of her sorely wanted to.

And oh did Aes fill her. Normally accustomed to a member perfectly suited to fill her folds, built as if by a master artisan for the purest pleasure and nothing else, Alex could feel herself stretching just a tiny bit to take in the tool that Aes had grown, felt her innermost gate nudged just a little bit more roughly than her angel's tool might have normally, but the tiny bit of discomfort was so completely dwarfed by the pleasure born not only of the physical stimulation – of which there was of course plenty – but of her body's natural reactions to being so utterly dominated, that if Alex hadn't already let her will crumble she would have been reduced to a helpless mass of flesh by that initial penetration anyway.

If that first thrust was ecstasy enough to break Alex down, then when Aes smoothly pulled back and slammed back in again, letting Alex feel every inch sliding out and then back in until the thrust ended with the tip once more kissing her cervix, giving that barrier a taste of the potent fluid that would soon be flooding past it in the form of a droplet of her pre. She could feel her partner's lust in every motion, the ache in her loins to unleash her seed so deep inside of Alex that it would never escape, though this was not an entirely unfamiliar way. She had felt her Mate's hunger many times, and despite Aescila's act her behavior was familiar enough that Alex could break the fantasy of Haedrin being the one pounding into her if she truly wanted to. The question of whether she truly wished to dispel that image, however, was one that Alex would be left to answer for herself and only to herself.

Fortunately, only the farthest corners of her mind would be left with the ability to ponder that question, for Aes quickly began rutting into Alex. It wasn't quite down to the level of an animal, but it was decidedly rougher than the former demon's usual methodology, and only the constant presence of her hungry kiss on Alex's mouth, her tongue dominating Alex's by sheer size and strength as she pistoned her thick meat in and out of dragon's quivering flower, every motion a new burst of the same ecstasy that built on the last, and the familiar knot of pressure that they constructed together, each thrust adding a new slab, ensured that it would be a glorious fall when that knot unwound. More than that, their bodies pressed together in the closeness of their position, Aes pinning her down against the ground even when she released Alex's hands, which could do little besides grip at the grass she was lying on while Aes worked her through a storm of pleasure as only she could. Her Mate knew every bit of her body, and even with her masculine act going she still hit every one of Alex's sweet spots as she drove herself into the dragon's folds.

It wasn't to be a long round, though the pleasures that it produced might have made it feel like an eternity. Aes had been highly pent up when she had first penetrated Alex, and the gusto with which she plowed into her tight, quivering body was no doubt an ecstasy equal to the one that she was inflicting upon her Mate. The dark angel forced herself to last only long enough that Alex was just about to break down when she finally shuddered atop her, the first powerful throb preceding the flood that was to come setting off the unwinding that was every bit as glorious as the leadup to it had led her to believe. Aescila moaned into her mouth as the first wave of her fiery seed erupted against Alex's innermost depths, it and the many bursts that followed flooding her with warmth that fulfilled the most base and instinctive need of their act, the primitive desire to breed, to feel her depths filled with seed until there was no hope for it to have failed to take root inside of her. Pulse after pulse sent wave after wave of Aescila's potent cream into Alex's spasming depths, milked dry by the natural motions of Alex's fluttering inner walls but offering her as much as she could take and then some as she groaned her own ecstasy into their kiss, unbroken thanks to the delicate grip that Aes held upon her throat and the demon's own hungry lips.

As powerful as that moment was, however, it had to end, and eventually Aescila's bursts of seed turned into a dribble, the dregs of her release signaling the descent from that wondrous peak. Whether Alex had maintained the fantasy that it was Haedrin taking her until the end or not, it would be broken a few moments after she came when her tongue shifted back into its regular shape and affectionately wrapped around Alex's, maintaining the embrace for a few moments before gently parting from the kiss. Aescila's fingers suddenly felt like hers again, soft and delicate and only guiding her chin into the place that it ought to be rather than taking it and holding it there by force, and after breaking the kiss Aes would look down into Alex's eyes with a knowing smirk. “Was it good for you too, hrm? Hehee.... We should do this sort of thing more often~” she purred, but then a delicate shift of her hips had Alex seeing more stars as her member shifted inside of her in turn.

Of course..... There's no time like the present, no?” she added in a voice that was halfway between her natural manner of speech and the deep, husky voice that she adopted while acting out Alex's fantasy of her faerie trainer. “Do your fantasies still need more fulfilling, Alex? Because I can keep filling you all night~” she purred, once again in her own voice, and despite the wallop that her essence had taken from their initial bout, Aes hadn't taken even a drop of her essence while performing her act, leaving their coupling purely physical. That had most certainly helped the fantasy, even if it did leave a slightly unusual lack of intimacy to their encounter, as if being fed upon was Alex's natural state in their relationship.

~~~~The Fifth Day of the Journey~~~~​

Actions did indeed speak louder than words in that instance, for though Alex had surely left Angelle discontent by her words, the comfort that she offered in turn was appreciated all the same. Ria, in that moment unnoticed, looked on with a tinge of jealousy for only an instant before her big, somewhat dopey smile returned as she looked back upon the child in her arms. She had the sense to know when a part of the family needed its own moment, even if she had never had a family of her own and was technically part of it herself now, but the baby in her arms could only giggle for so long. Young Anowyn began to cry, and though Ria gently rocked her back and forth Alex would recognize the hungry outcry for what it was quickly enough. Angelle had been comforted and Necro put in its place, and all might have been alright for them to return their attention to the newest member of their family had something that Alex had never felt before happened just as Aescila and Angelle moved to pull away.

Or at least, nothing that had happened in the way that it happened just then.

The gift of the angels that Alex had taken into herself, a fragment of the Insight possessed by the angel that Aescila had been forced to consume, and who had in turn attempted to consume Aescila when its spirit had been awakened within her, was rarely something that she had any reason to consciously acknowledge. The fragment of strange power had settled into her with frightening ease, and had offered very little in the way of assistance to her besides letting her predict the motions of her enemies a tiny bit more accurately. In battle, every once in a while she would see a blur, a sense of motion that hadn't actually happened, and a heartbeat or so later her foe would move to fit that blur only for the tiny warning that Alex had received to allow her to avoid the attempted strike.

That was the usual case, but not so now. She had seen the look on Aescila's face often enough, when a vision struck her, and for once Alex got to experience the unpleasant sensation of looking into the far future first hand. Her head suddenly ached, and she felt her mind fragmenting as she looked down a thousand different paths, the myriad of possibilities along the path to the portion of the future that was her mind's destination. Her own vision, along with the rest of her senses, went blank as she felt her body stiffen, but suddenly there was a scene playing out in front of her.

She was standing over Aescila, armed and arrayed for battle, with the dark angel... Her dark angel, looking up at her with an expression of such loathing that it was almost unrecognizable. There was something beyond her eyes, some change that was so fundamental in her being that it changed who she was, but in that moment Alex couldn't possibly know what might have caused that change. Things were different about her as well, less distinguishable but noticeable nonetheless, but more than anything she noticed the look of determination upon her own features as she raised Celestial Nail above her head, the enchanted blade pointing high into the air for an instant before falling down, and cleaving her Mate's head from her shoulders in one fell swoop.

The scene shifted, her mind directed to the next possibility over, and the same scene played itself out. This time, however, the ending was different. The same monster lurked behind Aescila's eyes, the same unknown change, but this time her face was not twisted in hate. It was frightened. Aescila beseeched her, the words not filtering back through time, and Alex watched as Celestial Nail rose, but then hesitated. She spoke, and Aescila smiled, the expression on her face becoming relieved. Alex watched as she offered her hand to Aescila, brought the angel to her feet.... And then watched as Aescila suddenly lunged, and closed her lips upon Alex's. She watched herself struggle, and even through time she watched as Aescila tore away portions of her soul, leaving Alex slumping helplessly in the grasp of her Mate before she could bring her sword to bear. She watched through time as she fell, upon her back, her eyes empty of anything but the pain of deepest betrayal as Aescila instead stood over her, victorious, her expression more horrible even than her look of loathing had been in the previous vision, for the smile on her face was like nothing that Alex had ever seen save for the maddened look worn by Acrasia when she had been cornered by Mab, though all the more horrible for the fact that was it victory rather than defeat facing the one wearing it. She watched as Aescila descended, her dark wings making her appear like an angel of death, watched as the former demon fell upon her like a lover, caressing the body that she knew so well even through the protective shell around it, and watched the moment of helpless terror in her own eyes as her Mate descended for one final kiss. Their lips sealed, Alex resisting but to no effect, and locked in the past, Alex was helpless to do more than witness it all as Aescila tore away the last portions of her essence piece by piece, then cut the ties holding her naked core within her body one by one until only a single tiny thread remained, surrounded by Aescila's predatory thread that caressed it in the same loving manner that Aescila was doing to her body with her hands at the same time.... Only to sever it, and to drag Alex's core from her body, consuming her soul to the very last dregs, leaving her body as nought but an empty shell as she took Alex's soul... And rent it apart, consuming it and consigning Alex herself to oblivion.

As horrid as that scene had been, more was to come. The scene changed again, and this time Alex again looked upon herself lying helpless before her lover, betrayed for trusting the changed Aescila. This time, however, as the dark angel descended there was a flash, and a beam of light that struck Aes back and away from her.... And Angelle stepped into the vision, taller, more filled out, and changed in other, more significant ways. The daughter she held in reality was still, despite her physical appearance, very much a child. For the first time, Alex looked upon what Angelle would be like when she was truly an adult, the immense power that the unique hybrid would wield, and the dual care and regret with which she would do so. The first time she saw it, she had to watch Angelle, after only a brief conversation that was again muffled by the voices of countless possibilities, bring forth the dragon of black flame and unleash upon her father. Aescila recoiled as the beast, greater in that manifestation than any version that Alex had ever called upon, descended upon her, and despite the impossibility of it she tried to defend herself. A barrier of pure energy appeared between the dragon and its target, a flimsy barrier that must surely fall before the might of the celestial dragon, but impossibly it somehow held. For an instant, the reflective barrier caught the dragon of black fire and held it, the intricately carved magics working to reflect the beast back upon its summoner. In that moment, however, it was not Angelle's will that faltered first. Aescila pushed and tugged and squirmed, fighting like a cornered animal, but Angelle simply looked on with blank acceptance, shining tears slowly streaming down her face, and eventually the barrier broke, leaving Aescila at the mercy of the black fire that burned hotter than any star, of the hungry beast who would bear no such insult as to be denied its meal. Aescila burned, her scream loud enough to pierce through time itself, and then she was no more.

The paths that led here, to each of the horrible visions that the shard of Dina's Insight had shown her, were so winding and branched that it was impossible for Alex to discern what might lead to them. Neither the first step nor the last was obvious, but there was on key point that tied all three together, and with them to the next and final vision that Alex would receive. Darkness came, but gradually the sight into the future seemed to adjust, to change, and when it did.... Alex looked upon death. She looked upon horror and darkness and agony that made even what few glimpses she had seen into Hell from glimpses into Aescila's soul seem like a walk on the lakeshore in high summer, and as her vision spread she saw that it had encompassed all the world, all of Heloras and to the lands beyond until all of Donevrion was consumed in the cloying, unbeatable madness. And then she saw the thread that neatly tied the four possible futures, all related but in ways unclear, together. She must not tell Aes. Whatever she did, either to prepare for it or to try and avert it, if Aescila ever learned of the visions she had just had, it would be to lock at least one of them into place irrefutably, and which one could very well be beyond her control.

Her vision cleared, and Aescila was pulling away from the same position she'd been in only moments ago, as if not more than a second had passed since Alex had been gone. She and Ria seemed to think that nothing was wrong, and Ria handed the baby off, and Aescila turned to offer Anowyn to Alex, the young hybrid needing to feed from her breast as Angelle had so little been able to do when she was that small. The elder hybrid hadn't moved, however, hadn't even budged an inch. She was staring, fixated, at Alex with a look of such profound horror that it was clear that she had either seen into her mother's mind or seen what was to be through her own vision, and a sudden final spark from the Insight as it brushed against its lost sibling before it settled down told Alex that it had to be the latter.

Is something wrong?” Aes said, and Ria looked concerned as well as the two looked upon Alex and Angelle, the latter at least unable to wipe the look of horror from her face.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine


Aes, Ria, and Angelle all looked to Alex curiously as she told them to take the long way towards the town, her tone leaving it fairly clear that she didn't intend to go with them via the same route. The sight of her draconic wings bursting from her back obviously cleared up the how, but then left open the why. Angelle looked as if she wanted to ask, but held her tongue in favor of allowing the adults to do so. Both Dingroria and Aescila, however, looked as if they knew exactly what Alex intended to do, and neither of them looked as if they particularly liked the idea. Ria merely frowned, but looked as if she planned on offering no argument, but her Mate suddenly looked extremely worried and glanced towards the waterfall where Ria had said the tomb that Akorvick guarded waited. “You sure you don't want me to come with?” her Mate said, her own dark wings stretching significantly, but if Alex refused her off she would frown but nod nonetheless.

The effort to look over her own shoulder at where her wings burst out from her armor was as fruitless as she'd expected, but to her surprise Alex felt the armor respond to her efforts, the same humming of consciousness she'd felt several times before now accompanied by a voice speaking into the same corner of her mind that she'd tossed her curiosity into; [I just get out of the way.] It was her own voice, most definitely her own voice, but Alex was also given an image of the plate of her armor sliding aside to permit the growth and movement of her wings, but then gathering into angled patterns that would offer continued protection without inhibiting her movement. Without further argument from her companions, Alex would be allowed to take to the air, and climb high so that all in the valley would see her as she was born aloft on beating wings.

The ants scurrying below scurried faster as she approached, but gradually as she descended towards the earth they grew back into humanoid figures. When she landed with a thump upon her feet only a short ways from the gate, Alex found herself faced with two dozen figures pointing crossbows at her from the wall on either side of the gate, mixed men and women but all garbed in dim mail that was covered in an unknown substance. Her demand to see the dragon who protected Ochre received no response initially, but after a moment a figure would step out onto the wall behind the right hand wall of crossbowmen. The woman was old, perhaps in her fifties, and her age showed. Though she was still thin and lively, the skin on her face was creased and weathered, her long hair thinned and stormy gray rather than the black that it had clearly once been, and her back was slightly bent into what would no doubt eventually become a significant hunch. Even so, Alex could feel the power emanating from that figure, in some respects like what she had gleaned from the druid Phyrra but at the same time also like that of the archmage Aebard, and cunning still gleamed behind her blue-gray eyes. Her aura was enough to indicate her position well enough for Alex, but the mage's staff and robe that she wore, both possessing not insignificant enchantments of their own, were as clear a marker as any that Alex was being addressed by a sorcerer.

Lord Akorvick is not here,” the old woman said, her voice powerful despite the slight croak to it, and though there was a note of hostility in her voice, Alex could tell that it was directed at her. Despite her own undoubtedly formidable power, in the title and in the tone in which he was spoken of, Alex could taste the respect that the elder mage had for her brother. “But know that he will kill you even if we do not if you would raise a hand against us. You are not the first of your kind to be sent against us,” she continued coolly, and the men and women on the wall appeared quite ready to make good on that threat if Alex rose against them, which of course she did not, but even so they were perfectly disciplined even when faced with a dragon.

It was perhaps surprising, then, that when she announced her relation to Akorvick that Alex was able to see them suddenly look frightened. Each of them clutched their crossbow just a little tighter, their hands going dangerously close to the hair triggers of their weapons, and even the old mage was seen to start sweating slightly at her announcement. “We have been told of you,” she announced coldly, but even in her voice that hint of nervousness was present, “you are not welcome here, your brother has made it known that his sister is not to be treated with. Depart, now, and do not return, or we will lay you to rest where you stand!

The humans looked quite ready to make good on that threat, and it was clear enough that Akorvick wasn't there anyway. Should she take off and head towards the barrow that he protected, she would be allowed to go unmolested by the crossbowmen and their sorceress leader. The journey to the waterfall allowed her to pass over much of the valley, as beautiful a sight from above as it had been from afar, and even more beautiful was the rainbow produced by the falling water as she drew near to her destination. Colors flashed through the air, conjured by an all too natural magic of water and light, but her true destination lay clearly below, the tomb waiting in plain sight, carved into the cliff wall beside the waterfall and the burbling pool at its base.

The tomb was ancient, that much was clear. Weathered granite gates, obviously worked by sentient hands, had held against ages untold despite the natural forces of air, water, and life that attempted to break them. No ivy or shrubbery stood around the tomb, the land for over a hundred feet around it left as nothing but bare earth, and as Alex drew nearer she would be able to feel why. The moment that she entered the barren bubble, the aura of death around the place was like a weight on her chest, the aura almost sentient in its malignant desire to snuff out the flame of her life. It was a horrid presence, one that would drive most people away even if the aura held no threat to a stronger life force unless they remained within its effect for too long, and had likely ensured that the tomb was left undisturbed by any nearby townsfolk. The granite gates, stretching out roughly ten feet from the cliff face, were supported by lines of round columns spreading out towards the cliff wall in a reversed V from where she looked upon them, producing a darkened area in which Alex could see a glimmering door made of a sort of bronze that she had only ever seen used by the fae.

As soon as she landed upon the barren ground, Alex would feel another magic take place, a smaller magic that she would recognize instantly as a sending, an alarm that produced not a sound but rather sent off for the person who had cast it. There was only one likely person that that might mean, at least as far as she knew, and sure enough after a few moments she would hear a loud, ferocious roar coming from far off in the distance. Another short wait later, a streak of dark green would slam to the ground in front of the tomb, producing a small crater where it landed.

Her brother straightened slowly, massive leathery wings unfurling slowly and then spreading to display their massive width, a show of size and power meant to intimidate. Akorvick had grown since Alex had last seen him. Grown.... And changed. Where before he had been huge, now he was a veritable titan, taller even than Ria when she had transformed to her full height. He wore only a fairly simplistic cloth around his waist to cover his decency, a garb displaying none of the magic present in Alex's own armor, but by the sight of him it was clear that Akorvick needed no enchanted metal to protect him. His broad, muscular chest was covered in scales of the same dark green as his leathery wings, each of them plainly stronger than any mundane plate could ever hope to be. Though he had easily been the least human of the three of them, her elder brother now barely showed any sign of his mortal heritage besides his humanoid shape. His trunk-like legs were jointed in reverse, like those of an animal, and at their base were feet with three toes each ending in claws that looked as if they could gouge through solid stone as easily as the earth they clenched through now. His arms and upper torso, save for the scales covering them and the wings jutting from his back, were more or less human, but they were gigantic and showed muscle enough that he could likely have lifted Ria with one hand and thrown her all the way to Ochre. His hands, then clenched into fists, were humanlike save that they ended in claws as long and sharp as daggers, digging into the rough scales of his palms but not harming him through his armor. His tail, still thick and now tipped with a deadly spiked ball, was nearly twenty feet long, and the immense weapon at its end was larger than Alex's head with spikes that were over two inches long. His face was by far the most dramatically changed, however, as Alex could only barely recognize him through the extended, inhuman maw. Draconic in every aspect from the mouth full of razor sharp teeth, to the inset eyes, to the horns jutting from his head, to the forward tilt of his neck to ensure that he looked down toward her. Only his eyes and his hair were the same, the latter long and shiny and black just as it had always been and the former looking down at her with the well remembered disdain and aggression.

You are not welcome here,” he said, his voice deeper and his words uttered in a deadly growl, but when he spoke Alex would realize something important. There was no recognition, either in his voice or in the way that he looked at her. He didn't even realize who he was speaking to. “These lands are under my protection, and whether you are one of the orc pawns, looking for your own domain, or another fool looking to plunder this tomb, you will not get what you seek. Leave, now, before I rip you apart!” he declared, the volume of his speech rising until he was ending his threat in a roar, flexing his massive arms to accentuate the point. She was given a chance to respond then, in whatever manner she desired, for now Alex finally had her opportunity to confront the brother who had abused her.
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