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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex had nothing to say. She had nothing to say. The mage knew more about her own creations than the warrior ever would, so what could Alex possibly add?

So the woman simply kept her silence. And then she let it linger. She kept her peace while Mirabel spoke of true Fallen, breaking it only when she she needed to give the obvious answer to the lady's question, and throughout the revelation and the questions that both Ria and Aes shared that silence reigned supreme. It was only once it became uncomfortable that Alex chose to unfold the arms she crossed as she pondered whatever ordeal her brother had to endure. "I may not know a true Fallen, but I have known cruelty." And she left it at that. There was absolutely no need to go further. She had no desire to reveal the secret past she shared with Akorvick, and there was no need to involve this woman with that kind of burden when they all faced a possible death in four days.

Whether Magus Mirabel chose to pursue Alex was her concern. The dragoness had absolutely no intention of going any further. "I can't forgive what was done, but I can accept it." And unless the woman had anything more to say then Alex would move on to something else. "Considering all that's happened between Akorvick and everyone here I don't think any of us are willing to accept a bed within the tower." That should have been painfully obvious. "If you would please excuse us we need to make arrangements at the inn." That would be the Magus's final chance. Unless she had something further to catch the half-dragon's interest then Alex was done.

Once the trio had finally been let outside Alex would keep that silence going. It would take some time to walk out of the mercenary camp, and the dragon's daughter would keep an eye out for anyone looking to follow the eclectic group. It was only once they were away from any prying eyes or ears that she would finally speak. "Aes, did you catch it?" She was referring to that look that Turoc smothered while Alex had been talking, and if her angel asked then she would explain. "I'm not being foolish when I say we'll need to speak with him once this is finished, am I?" She knew she still had to confirm it, but that could be easily done the next time she met Roko. Right now she simply wanted her Mate's thoughts on what she learned.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"Fair enough," Mirabel replied when Alex said she would not forgive, and she too seemed content to leave it at that. Alex's response to how she had tried to explain the actions of herself and Akorvick had brought a scowl to the old woman's face, and she had clearly made up her own mind about the subject. "See them out," she said coolly, directing her comment at the nearest of her golems, and despite her frosty tone the construct replied in its usual chipper voice; "Yes mistress! Please, right this way!" They were summarily led out while the magus remained behind, and when they reached the door the construct pulled it open for them. "Please, have a pleasant day!"

No one followed them from the Red Crows' camp, at least as far as Alex could tell, and would catch no sign of Turoc among the busy mercenaries. When they were a safe distance away, Aes gave her a grimace in response to her question. "Which one?" she asked in reply, "the one where he was thinking of what he wanted to do to you, the one where he was recalling what he'd done to Roko, or both? I was in his head. Got curious, and I don't think he noticed. Fucker's got one of your friend's finger bones in his beard! If I'd have thought I get away with it I'd have turned him inside out then and there!"

They would go undisturbed on their way to the inn, where they would find Angelle nursing Anowyn with a bottle and the bartender cleaning off a section of the floor with a mop and bucket. "Your daughter is a handful!" the man said upon seeing Alex returning, his voice cracking as if exhausted but his expression set into a wide grin. "What happened?" Ria asked with some concern.

Oh, nothing.... Just.... You know... She vomited on the floor," he replied, "and then started wailing so loud the neighbors came in! I got some goat's milk for her though, and then she quieted right down." Angelle was rocking the half-oni back and forth while she sucked on a bottle.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

She could feel it. Thrashing. Raging. Bellowing for the chance to be set free, slavering over the sheer thought of returning each and every single agonizing moment for the THING that dared to steal her first and left him a crippled wretch that struggled to find the will to make it through the day. The dragon within burned with an almost unbelievable wrath, it's very breath practically melting its own flesh as it wallowed within this truly righteous desire for vengeance, and with every moment it was denied its throes grew until it was nothing less than a maelstrom that threatened to consume the dragoness without even the slightest of second thoughts.

And Alex simply ignored it. Had anyone been peaking into her heart they couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of her fury, but to SE. Her carrying on in spite of it would nearly paint her as a saint. But this wasn't the first time her anger had grown this intense. For many a year she'd held the same rage for her siblings. It left her a cold, nearly heartless mess that refused to accept even the smallest offers of friendship, and it was only through time and the extraordinary efforts of her closest brothers in arms that she managed to pull free of that wrath. But she still remembered carrying it. She still knew how to bury it and let it smolder, and she knew that it would feel that much sweeter once it was finally released.

"So that was his finger." But even then it was creepy how detached she sounded at that moment. "I'll definitely have to take it back..." That would be the only outward sign of the righteous storm brewing behind the rather steely glint in the dragon's eyes, and unless Aes wanted to take a peek them Alex was perfectly fine letting it stay right were it was.

The only sign if it passing came as they neared the inn, and just as she reached the door a long, deep breath was released to let off some of her steam before she buried it within some dark recess that hopefully wouldn't bother the rather pronounced empathy that her daughters shared. It left her hopefully neutral as she entered and found Angelle nursing Anowyn while bartender Dan played at janitor. It was a curious sight made even more so by the man's explanation, and though there was some concern Alex's thoughts were mostly focused on whether she had missed a feeding for her newborn. That didn't seem likely, and seeing how large the hybrid was probably meant she was simply hungrier than her firstborn, and after pondering it a little further she decided to feed the child more frequently. Gods knew she could do it. Every day she felt more and more like some dairy cow. Maybe that would help stifle the swelling. Or...

Or maybe I should stop evading the question. With the revelation Aes provided Alex no longer needed the confirmation. Turoc harmed Roko. So should she tell him? Would he be able to accept it simply because Ochre needed the Crows? Would he still be able to stand back like he said he had? Or would the memory of what he went through drive him to his own drastic measures?

Right now she couldn't think about it. They needed lodging, and Alex needed to keep her emotions from broiling if she wanted to give her children some peace. "Dan, there's been a change of plans." So time to get down to business. "Despite the Lord's request we've chosen not to stay within the tower. We'll need some rooms for at least four nights. How big are they, and what are their rates?" She needed to know since there were five bodies, and bedding arrangements had yet to be made. She and Aes would obviously stay together, but what about Angelle? Does she get her own room? Does she bunk with Ria? Who would Anowyn stay with? Or should they all take a single room? Good gods, this was going to be confusing.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

While she might hide the fire burning in her belly better than most might have, it was hardly a thing she could hope to hide from Aes. Even when she wasn't taking peeks into the dragon's mind, the stuff of Alex's soul was what had come to bind her own together, and they had grown as intimate as two beings could without becoming completely one. Alex could no more hide her rage from Aes than she could from herself, but the former demon knew better than to distract Alex from her efforts at controlling that emotion until it could be released upon its recipient when it wouldn't cause them troubles. Normally she might have taken the opportunity of the two of them being alone to sneak a grope or two, but for once the half-dragon's perfectly sculpted behind was left unmolested by her lover as she instead opted to do the second half of their journey back to the inn by wrapping an arm around her waist and walking close by Alex's side.

Once they arrived again, Alex's internal ruminations would be put aside for her family's sake, and instead she would confront the barkeep with her request. "Oh... Oh! Uhhh.... Yeah, sure. Rooms are four coin a night, six if you want a bit of stew at night and porridge in the morning, eight if you want anything more impressive. I... Normally charge per person, the rooms aren't very large, but I guess you can include an extra person per room.... Uhhh, depending on how you want to do it."

"Do you have a crib?" Aes asked simply, again catching the man by surprise. It seemed as if Dan didn't deal with children very often. "Ahhhh, no, sorry! But... I can probably put something together, gods know I've got the scraps lying around. I'll have it done by tonight if I can get a bit of time for it!" he replied, frowning initially. Aes seemed to accept that answer, and unless Alex had anything else she wanted to add her Mate would go on to ask; "Do you have rooms with multiple beds? We won't be needing one, but if Ria and Angelle can share a room it'll save on space." He nodded, "Yeah... The beds aren't all that big though."

"I'll go and take a look," Ria suggested, "if it doesn't work, we can just figure something else out." Aes accepted that too, and Dan would lead her upstairs, Alex able to join them to see the fairly small room with its small, flat double beds, and while Ria would frown at the smaller bedding she would find it suitable enough for temporary arrangements. Angelle wouldn't complain about not getting her own room, remaining fairly silent throughout the decisions regarding their sleeping arrangements, and offered Anowyn to Alex at the earliest opportunity.

"So... Two rooms fine?" he asked, "I can give you a bit of deal since you're my only customers.... How about, thirty two in coin for the two rooms for four nights? Breakfast and stew included." Aes frowned and glanced at Alex, waiting to see her input on the subject rather than simply agreeing to the discount. Once that was taken care of, however, Alex would have a number of decisions to make, not the least of which was how she wanted to handle the situation with Roko. Further thought on preparing for the fight with the orcs certainly wouldn't hurt either, and there was the matter of the two he had to feed... Anowyn had almost drained the bottle she'd been given, and while she wouldn't need to immediately, Aes had used a bit of her energy and would be better served to be at full strength when it finally came time to face that battle.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

With her mind obviously preoccupied with its own struggles the dragoness didn't even so much as twitch when her Mate's arm wound its way behind her waist. Despite all her practice dealing with her anger was still quite the distraction. But after as they put more distance between themselves and that damned tower Aes would find an arm reaching around her back until it gentle settled against her waist. It left the two of them joined rather affectionately at the hip, a feat considering Alex's height, and though she never said a word Alex wouldn't need to. She appreciated the embrace and the comfort it gave, and it only felt right to give her lover the same.

That said when they entered the inn and asked for some rooms the she-dragon merely kept silent as Dan and the others worked out their business. While she didn't have to worry about it as much as Ria might the question of the beds' size still caught Alex's attention, and though they had no other options at the moment it was still reassuring to see that she wouldn't end up straining her neck or her back trying to fit into the damned thing. "Everything looks good." And that was all she needed to say. A moment later she was paying the man, and once that was done she took the lead as they headed upstairs to settle into their rooms for the next few days.

"Ria, we're gonna talk a little more strategy once you're settled." It may have seemed odd to get into this since they'd just left one only minutes earlier, but there was little else to do other than feed her daughter some more. That itself would probably be a distraction, especially since Alex had to strip out of her armor to do so, but unless the oni said she'd rather wait then she'd find the mother of her child nursing Anowyn while they spoke of war.

"I was kind of hoping to go over this with my brother, but he ran off. So, strategy for the ambush. I have absolutely no clue how the orcs will deploy their forces on the ground, so your job is the most problematic." Ria had to have guessed this much. "I believe we can help with that. I plan on staying high and out of sight if possible, and once the dragons take after Akorvick I intend to dive on them like a hawk. The momentum coupled with my dragon form should let me take one of our targets out in one shot. Hopefully. At that point I'll have a large mass of dying flesh falling with me. I doubt Karthus's aspect will leave behind a corpse for this, but if I hit one of the full bloods I should be able to throw that body down on the orcs. It should break up whatever defenses are sitting around the shaman, and if we're careful enough the second corpse should leave him relatively isolated for you to pick him off and give you a better chance to escape." There was still more to go over, especially their back up plan in case Ria can't reach her target, but for the moment she wanted to hear what the others thought.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"Ahhh, sure!" Ria said, and then followed them to the room that Alex and Aes would be sharing. It had only one bed, and Ria sat on it, causing it to sag while Aes helped Alex out of her armor and Angelle hovered next to the door. No one seemed bothered by the sight of Alex nursing Anowyn, the sight having lost some of its novelty even if Ria and Aes both took a moment to admire Alex's bare torso from their respective angles.

The three listened to Alex's suggestion, Aes offering a roll of her eyes when she mentioned her brother's decision to walk off in a huff before they could properly plan things and Ria smirking at the plan she laid out. "Squish them under dragon carcasses... I like it," the oni said with a grin, "maybe we'll get extra lucky and they'll just fall on the shaman. Then I can just run away without having to worry about fighting my way out of an army!"

Aes sighed, "killing one of your kind in an instant is a bit of a feat though. You can't expect they won't be protecting themselves, and even your sword isn't a sure bet against dragonhide." She turned to the oni, "I won't have the muscle to guide one down like Alex will, so I'll be going for Karthus. Once I've dealt with him I can try to come down to help you, if possible I'll just grab you after you've dealt with the shaman and we can teleport to someplace safe."

Ria nodded, "appreciated. That certainly sounds better than trying to run out on foot."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"I know." Trying to cut through a dragon's hide would be far worse than cutting stone with a bread knife. "That's why I plan on pushing myself further then I ever have. I'll be burning a lot of energy before I aim everything on a point right here on my target's neck." Alex demonstrated by pointing to one of the vertebrae in her own. Even with scaling stronger than the finest of steel a neck was still a neck, and no matter what the creature that point was one of the most vulnerable places on the body. Snapping the spine would work just as well as severing it.

"That said I'm fully aware that I may fail, and the delay that would cause could cost us dearly. So Plan B. Ria, if you feel you can't get a clean shot at the shaman then don't try it. Hold back and give me some kind of signal. At that point I need you, Aes, to give me some cover. I'll summon the Black Dragon, and I'll need protection while I do so.

"But we need to treat that as a last resort. It may be simpler to just bomb the bastard before he knows what hits him, but when I summon the Dragon it leaves me diminished. Lady Albatross and Aes have given me some rather thorough... uh... 'treatment,' but I don't think we'll have the time for anything that intensive once the orcs arrive."
The dragoness couldn't help but blush and shift her weight in embarrassment, but she carried on in a most likely futile hope that neither of her conspirators would go any further then that knowing grin they both seemed to share at her expense. "Either way we'll all need to make a quick escape, and I'm afraid I'm not all that quick while I'm in the air. We may end up facing some of the knights. I'm not quite sure how to deal with them since I'll need to drop my transformation pretty quickly or risk passing out. Any thoughts?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Ria nodded in acceptance, but Aes frowned as Alex went into more detail about her plan regarding dealing with one of her own kin quickly. Burning through all of her strength too quickly was an all or nothing gambit, necessitating that she succeed immediately or risk falling unconscious in mid flight, which meant all but certain death unless Aes could catch her. "I'll give you a few things that should help," her Mate said after a moment, "nothing that will stretch my energies, but they should at least help give you a better shot."

Her expression soured further as Alex went over plan B, for she knew that using that particular power would leave her diminished in a far more lasting manner. "Lets hope we don't need to go for plan B," she said simply, "I'll make sure whoever's left in the air doesn't bother you in the process. We should probably clue your brother in on that part of the plan before we actually go off to fight though."

"I'll set off an explosion," Ria said simply, "if you see a big green kaboom go off, you'll know it's up to you to at least give me a good distraction to work off of. Heh, that might actually be enough come to think of it... But we'll see."

Neither Aes nor Ria had taken the opportunity to grin knowingly at the remark that made Alex blush, at least not immediately. Ria stared off into space, hand rubbing her chin as she pondered how she might complete her mission and live through the ordeal. Aes eventually caught it, however, and said; "If it comes to that... Well, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for your "treatment" after the fighting is all over." She winked at Alex, but her seriousness returned as she added; "I can help with the speed. I really don't think we want to spend too much time getting caught in a melee in the air, and if it comes to that I think I can delay them long enough for us to make a hasty getaway. Alternatively, I'll just grab you so I can take you with when I teleport to grab Ria, should that turn out to be necessary."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"Hm... I think that's it. Can't think of anything else that would give us any trouble, and any further planning would need to involve my brother." But someone else may notice something Alex overlooked, and she would wait for someone else to speak.

If no one did then Alex would cradle Anowyn closely before doing her best to flop onto the bed beside Ria. "So we've got about three days to wait. How do we pass the time?" For the moment she would start by simply playing with her newborn, the child set up so she appeared to be sitting on Alex's stomach. But then she remembered what had happened the last time she tried something similar with baby Angelle. An instant later she shot back up and made sure Anowyn's rear wasn't plastered anywhere on her person. She did not need her just-fed baby ripping a new one right on top of her.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Neither Dingroria nor Aescila seemed to have anything else to add, and so Alex was left to nurse Anowyn in a brooding silence, her near mistake noticed but uncommented on as Aes moved to gaze thoughtfully out the window. The work of a saw and hammer originating from outside would draw their attention, but Aes would quickly smirk as she tilted her head to see what was going on. "Well... Looks like he's better as a handiman than he is at changing diapers," she said in amusement, and watched out the window for a few minutes before turning back inwards. Anowyn eventually ceased her feeding and once more went to sleep, curling up against Alex's chest and shutting her eyes, and Ria smiled and rubbed their daughter's head.

"Think she'll make it through the night without waking up?" she asked lightly. Aes snorted, "no. Angelle didn't let us sleep at night until she was... Eight months." Ria chuckled, but Angelle let out a cry of protest; "Hey! I wasn't THAT bad! I was just.... Scared!" Aescila rolled her eyes, "oh yeah, bawling your eyes out and running into our room every other night wasn't THAT bad~" She was being purely comical, and Angelle merely narrowed her eyes at her father's teasing. It had certainly resulted in a few awkward moments, though blessedly one of the two of them had always predicted it in time to keep from letting Angelle walk in on them in the middle of the act.

After a few minutes the banging would stop, and another couple of minutes later the barkeep would come huffing up the stairs. Aes would open the door for him, giving Alex ample opportunity to regain her modest now that Anowyn was asleep before he walked in. "Here... Yah go," he gasped, carrying in a fairly simplistic little crib for Anowyn to sleep in. He deposited it in the corner of the room, accepted any thanks Alex might offer, and then wandered back downstairs. It was only a short while past mid day, and even though the season meant that the sky was already turning orange as the sun neared the mountains they still had plenty of daylight left. With Anowyn fed and resting, Alex had a choice on how she wanted to go about the rest of her day, if she wanted to do anything in particular. If she didn't, however, Aes was starting to eye her rather significantly, and if she started in on Alex there was no telling whether or not Ria would get involved as well.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Aes wasn't the only woman to take a peak, but once she was satisfied that Dan truly was a better handyman than nanny Alex stepped back and finished feeding her daughter in relative peace. The mood of the room itself had been rather brooding, so she took the time to let her nerves slowly unwind until it was time to lay Anowyn to rest. Of course the crib wasn't quite ready by that point, but once she had a sleeping baby laying against her bosom Alex simply smiled and started settling down herself. With Ria quickly joining in there really wasn't any incentive to do much of anything other than fawn over the newborn.

But after a few minutes the banging came to a stop. At that Alex rose and took another look outside, and once she found Dan wrestling with his creation she handed her child to whoever was closest and pulled her top back into place. For a moment she considered taking out her dress so she could get a more relaxed look around town, but she wasn't quite sure what she wanted at the moment. Go out and explore, or get some much needed rest to prepare for the small nightmare that would be tonight.

She was still in mid thought once the man finally arrived, and once the crib was set up Alex gave him a simple nod of the head as she offered her small bit of thanks. Once he left she gentle set Anowyn down to rest, and after that she rose and stretched before taking a more thorough look outside. There was still plenty of daylight left despite how early dusk was starting to settle in, and for a few moments the dragoness was lost in thought. She could head out and explore like she wanted earlier. She could get a good look at that wall for starters, and maybe she'd run into Roko and find out what exactly he was doing to earn a living. But there was no telling how fussy Anowyn may be tonight, and there was a certain siren appeal to simply curl up in bed and letting herself simply pass out. Gods knew she could use some rest after the physical and emotional roller coaster that was the past day. Hell, everyone cod use some R&R after all that.

And that brought her eyes to her Mate. While Alex had been silently contemplating what to do with her time in a strange town Aes had been focusing on the dragon. Alex caught that look and realized what it could mean, but instead of reacting in any overt manner that would catch Angelle's attention she simply stretched once more before sitting herself down. "Milady, you seem distressed." A moment later she slowly crossed her legs and gave her angel ample opportunity to ogle her legs. "How may I serve?" Though it was a bit of an act the whole charade allowed the two lovers to speak openly about Aescila's more carnal needs without being obvious enough for Angelle to catch on. There was no telling how Ria might react, but that was a secondary concern at the moment. If Aes needed attention than Alex would provide.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Her Mate's grin broadened slowly as Alex noted and responded to her look, eyes sliding slowly over the half-dragon's exposed legs, the glint of hunger sparking into embers that could easily be stoked to flame. "Mmmmm, now that you mention it... We have had a bit of a day, haven't we? I suppose we could do with some nice unwinding," Aes replied playfully, and then took a few steps to get closer to Alex, until she was standing in front of the dragoness. "I know just the way too..."

And suddenly phantom hands slid across the back of Alex's calves, gentle fingers of psychic presence slowly rubbing into the skin, urging the tense muscles to relax. Up the line of the tall warrior's legs those invisible hands climbed, wonderfully relaxing even if they weren't as good as her lover's physical touch, slowly sliding along her thighs until, just before they would have reached the seated half-dragon's glutes which Aes always so greatly enjoyed toying with, the telekinetic touch simply vanished. "If you would indulge me of course... And there is the particular pastime that I mentioned last time we got to relax together that I'd be happy to enjoy too~ You know, the one I told you we ought to do more often?"

As innocent as her tone was, Aescila's grin was revealing enough that Ria seemed to guess what they were playing at, particularly if Alex's reactions were as telling as they usually were. Even if she didn't, however, Ria would roll off of the bed and stretch, her armor creaking audibly as she let out a prolonged sigh. "I'mma go take a nap now that little Anowyn's giving me the chance. After that... Maybe I'll go and have a drink or two," the oni said, before heading out the door. Angelle watched her go with a slight frown, but then turned to Alex and Angelle and said; "I think I'll go and take a walk." Then she too took her leave, leaving Aes and Alex alone with a contentedly sleeping Anowyn.

Her Mate would move to the crib, and stand over it and watch the sleeping child for a moment before laying a blanket over her and letting out a sigh. She would return to Alex's side on the bed, or if Alex had moved to join her would simply turn to the dragoness, and with a soft sigh leaned in and simply kissed the dragoness fully on the mouth. Despite the intimate gesture, there was more immediate affection in that embrace than there was outright lust. Empathetic compassion and a desire to ease the pains that the rough day had inspired traveled through the languid motions of her lover's lips and tongue, and when the embrace broke a few moments later Aes sighed again and said; "I'm sorry... For how today went. I know, as rough as it was for me, it was worse for you. Just... Poor circumstances all around... Your brother showing up but not giving you an opportunity to kick the crap out of him, and then pulling that stunt... The orc issue... Roko being how he is, and then the one that put him in that state being here... It's all a bit much, you know?"

Her angel sighed again, but with another shake of her head Aescila grinned again. "I... Have an idea, something to make you forget all about our problems for a little while... Care to do something adventurous after your massage?"
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

For a while Alex managed to keep her cool. Her legs gave a minor twitch once her Mate's spectral fingers first glanced against her calves, but even if Aescila's true fingers proved far more skilled Alex found herself relaxing all the same. And what the angel said was true. The fiasco at the tower, running into Akorvick at that crypt, finding Roko and the man that maimed him, throwing herself into the war with the orcs... 'A bit of a day' seemed like a bit of a stretch.

But as relaxed as she was the dragon couldn't help but blush at what came next. "I..." Her legs crossed a little tighter as she hesitated, and her eyes shifted to the side in embarrassment before she continued. "I can't quite remember everything that happened the last time we 'relaxed'..." And that was actually somewhat frightening. The last thing she remembered was drugging herself on the former demon's release, and after that all she could remember was cumming her brains out. She couldn't remember how or why, and as that blind spot in her memory recalled the sheer ecstasy she felt she couldn't tell which was worse, that or the tentacle thing that had somehow captured them all.

Alex's silent fretting was interrupted by Ria raising her gigantic self and stretching. She obviously caught on to what was passing between Alex and Aes, and once she said she was going to rest and possibly have a drink the dragoness started to relax. That was one problem dealt with, and a moment the other said she was going to step out for a walk. Alex didn't know what to make of her daughter's frown, but with the other two taking their leave she let out a slight sigh. Lords knew she didn't want an audience for what would happen next.

Once they were finally alone Aes rose to watch over the sleeping Anowyn. Alex chose to simply watch her for the moment, but after a bit the angel turned and sat herself next to the dragon. A moment later she gave her knight a kiss, and though it was a bit of a surprise considering all the games Aes liked to play Alex simply welcomed it. There was a surprising amount of affection in it, the motions of both women's tongues focused more on the embrace and familiarity they shared instead of the need for intimacy that would always be a part of Aescila's core, and though the embrace broke a few moments later Alex wouldn't let her pull away. The dragon's arms had draped themselves over the angel's shoulders, and it only took the slightest of tugs to pull Aes closer so she was practically straddling Alex's lap.

"I know." A somewhat rueful smile accompanied Alex's acknowledgement, and a moment later she let out a somewhat heavier sigh. "Some of that was for the best. When I first saw him a part of me really wanted to simply charge and bash his head into the ground, but..." A moment was taken so she could order her thoughts on that matter. "Let's just say I need to speak with him first. I'm still going to make him pay for what he did, but I need him to answer a couple questions before I do." She had some idea what she would say and how she would confront him, but it was still a complicated matter, and right now she didn't want to linger over it anymore than she needed.

And that brought them back to their moment of peace. A grin graced her love once again, and a moment later she asked if Alex was willing to try something a little more adventurous. This earned her a somewhat nervous grin, but even if Aes's more adventurous side was a little more daring Alex couldn't deny that she enjoyed herself no matter what her devious little angel had planned. "As long as you don't go overboard like last time..."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Alex's lack of memory earned a short bark of laughter from her lover, and with the former demoness pulled into her lap a few moments later she seemed intent on reminding Alex what she'd done. "Well, you were naked... I was naked.... You sucked my cock so well I thought you were going to suck out a few of my organs along with the biggest load I've ever given.... You promised to do that more often... And then the blindfold went on and we fucked like animals until both of us could barely walk! While your imagination got the better of you, of course~" she purred, and then planted another lengthy kiss on the no doubt embarrassed half dragon's lips in which she teasingly swirled her tongue in circles around Alex's.

"Good... You'd better not have thought about letting him off the hook!" she said after Alex's confirmation regarding her intentions toward her brother, "I'll be behind you, whatever the call you make. I don't know what you plan, but if you need anything from me, you know I'll have your back. And not just so I can stare at that perfect ass of yours~" Of course, even when she was being serious Aes couldn't let an opportunity to tease the dragoness go by untaken even as she returned her affectionate embrace by wrapping her arms around the back of Alex's neck in turn.

"Don't worry," Aescila purred as she leaned in, nearly but not quite kissing Alex, "I've got an idea to make what I intend perfectly safe for you... If you behave~" Then her lips did press in, and for a few moments Alex got another taste of her Mate's embrace, of that ever so relaxing intimacy and the promise of a wonderful release of all her cares and worries to pure, unhindered passion. When next she broke that kiss, Aescila leaned back and revealed a mischievous grin... And that she had undone every strap, button, and tie holding Alex's clothing together, leaving the lot of it hanging from her toned frame and ready to be discarded at the slightest effort.

"Once we've had our fun, I'll enact my little plan... But you won't know what it is until I'm doing it~" she continued, "suffice to say that you'll most certainly enjoy it. But for now..." Aes kissed Alex one last time before trailing off, after which she climbed out of Alex's lap and stretched... And just so happened to tug her top off and toss it aside in the process, revealing her full breasts and slim physique. "Shall we get to your massage?" Her pants followed, and her socks, revealing that her Mate's cock had already been sprouted, and was growing longer and harder by the second, "or to mine?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The poor dragonkin's embarrassment was a given. Something within Aes's words managed to knock a memory loose, and though it still wasn't quite clear Alex slowly realized just how willingly she let herself fall into the fantasy her lover had brought to life. That in turn left Alex turning a rather endearing shade of crimson, and that only grew deeper when Aes pulled back once again. The simple embrace they shared had the dragoness distracted even before the angel pulled them into another kiss, but as Aes gave her promise the slightest shift from Alex left her clothes merely hanging from her frame. The fabric almost felt like it was desperately clinging to her, each inch struggling to maintain the dragon's dignity, but as the angel rose and simply shrugged herself to freedom decency was the last thing that crossed Alex's mind.

For a moment the woman simply sat there. Her eyes wandered all across her lover's body, divine grace and devilish sensuality combining into something that left Alex looking upon her Mate in a mix of want and awe, but eventually her attention fell upon the cock that sprang to life, and as it grew larger and bolder the dragoness could do no more than fidget ever so slightly. But eventually she rose, and though she looked more than ready to pull the angel closer and let herself be ravaged she answered Aes's question by stepping only slightly to the side. "You first." It was nothing more than a whisper, a mere breath of warm air, but with Alex practically hovering beside Aescila's ear there was no chance the former demon would miss it.

At that Aes would feel a slight pressure encouraging her closer. Alex's arm and tail both rose to gently guide the angel to the bed, and once Aes was laying on her stomach Alex paused only for a moment before the demoness would feel the dragon joining her. A moment later Aes would feel her lover's weight gently settling across her lower back, and despite the feel of flesh on flesh and nothing else the sight of Alex's garments landing in a pile would let her know that her knight was just as nude as she.

A couple of seconds passed in relative silence, but once they did the dragons hands would descend on her Mate's shoulders and bring with them that same channeling of heat that had driven Aes crazy. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of this..." And that was actually a bit surprising. The warmth Alex held was nothing special, nothing more than her natural aura simply let off its leash, but even then it felt more focused. More refined. She could actually feel it pulsing through her hands as it bled through Aes' body. It settled within the angel's muscles and forced them to relax, but then it started to reach a little further. It inched further and further through the woman's body, that pleasant aura spreading and searching for something more, and once it found a sister it pounced. The natural arousal Aes always felt was soon coupled with the dragon's heat, and though it amounted to mostly nothing there was a moment where the two fed on each other and became something more.

And this was curious. Alex never realized how tactile her own flame could be. Or how another's flame would respond merely to her touch. It nearly felt like she was directly fueling Aescila's passion with her own dragonfire without even trying. So what would happen if she did? Her hands had never stopped caressing the angel's shoulders and neck, and with Aes hopefully fully relaxed those hands started to trace along her back until they found the more exotic muscles that controlled her wings. It had taken Alex some time to learn how to touch them, the feathers themselves made a simple massage a rather tricky thing, but practice led to expertise, and that left Alex preening her Mate as if those wings had been her own.

So why not practice some more? As she carefully combed and caressed each feather into its proper place Alex let her aura spark a little stronger, some actual effort firing her flame until it felt like a living thing that continually teased each and every inch of her lover that it could find. It seemed to flirt and fondle the angel's body even while Alex went from preening the woman's wings to massaging her lower back, and though she avoided directly stimulating Aes she could still hear the coos and sighs of her Mate suffering through the sweetest of tortures. That encouraged Alex to strengthen her flame even further, her hands merely flirting across Aescila's rear only to start thoroughly massaging the woman's thighs, and as she worked lower she kept pushing no matter what warnings her lover made. She simply wondered one thing, and as her massage continued she was determined to find an answer. Can I actually push her over the edge?
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Alex felt the twist of her Mate's lips against her cheek in response to her soft whisper, but she wouldn't get away without a bit of attention. Aes had never been one to let an opportunity to let a chance to stoke her lover's arousal pass by, and so she did now. A soft nip against the sensitive flesh of the dragon's neck, far more pleasant than the bite of the eyeless serpent that had tried to kill her beneath the arena only a week or so earlier, a subtle brush of her hand against Alex's side, her hip, and a soft grope of her shapely rear... All before Aes merrily let herself be led to the bed and promptly lowered herself with the utmost grace, not dismissing her wings for once despite how they tended to get in the way when in a traditional bed.

Her Mate waited patiently as Alex stripped and then lowered herself down, her hips rising just a tiny bit and her spade tipped tail teasingly rubbing in an oval over Alex's inner thigh as the dragoness got into position. That teasing touch would continue even as Alex set to work, drawing first a sigh and then a surprisingly intense moan as the dragoness began to knead her tensed flesh and work her fire into her lover's very soul.

The soft touch of her flame against Aescila's spirit both stoked her passion and intensified the physical sensations that her touch inspired, the tactic not unlike similar tricks that Aes had used against her to leave Alex a whimpering pile of arousal even if it wasn't quite as intense or used in the same manner. "Mmmmmmm~ That's good!" she purred softly, shifting to let Alex get at more of her muscles. "Nnnnph, just like that!" The fingers working into the plumage at the base of her wings made her lover let out a lower moan, and she felt Aes shuddering under her as she worked her oft untouched wings.

Aes started a subtle writhing as she moved lower, down her lower back and towards the appealing softness of the dark angel's posterior, her fingers easily sinking into her lover's softer flesh and easing the muscles into full relaxation. Her inner flame only served to make them all tense again, but the way they did it was a brief thing that faded quickly, leaving Aes much in the same state she often left Alex in, subdued and wonderfully relaxed, though the flame stoking her nerves had another, unintended affect as she saw her Mate's cock pulsing softly as it leaked pre against the bedding. Going down her thighs only made that effect more pronounced, but despite her experimentation and her lover's slowly rising moans she wouldn't make Aes break before she reached the former demon's feet.

She would roll over on command, folding her wings rather than shrinking them away and momentarily letting her hands rest on the bed against her sides, leaving her face softly twisted in a look of ecstasy. The tips of her full breasts stood even as the soft orbs slumped with their weight, but more prominent a sight by far was her erection, now certainly at full mast and steadily leaking a small stream of its liquid gift. Alex was free to continue her massage at that point, finding that a few more moments of wielding her inner flame to redouble the stimulation created by her touch could and ultimately would bring Aes to a genuine orgasm even if she never directly stimulation her most sensitive zones, but she was just as free to start off her own "massage" with the prick that was so obviously awaiting her attention if she preferred.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Well well. Alex was a little surprised. Her little experiment was going grandly, and though she hadn't quite reached her goal by the time she reached Aescila's feet she was extremely close. All it took was a quick glance, and she had more than that once she asked Aes to flip onto her back. The angel did so without a complaint, and though her wings were folded behind her instead of simply being dismissed Alex was far more focused on giant mast that stood merely inches away. All she needed to do was scoot herself a little closer, then Aes would be at her every mercy.

But then her Mate was already there. Or that's how it seemed at least. And Alex still wanted to know just how far she could take this. So her massage started exactly where she left off, her hands working around Aescila's ankles only to rise and follow her legs. As the dragoness moved closer her strokes started to become a little wider, enough so that she was caressing the entirely of Aes' thighs in one pass, each bringing her fingers dangerously close to brushing against the angel's engorged petals and each no doubt leaving Aes that much more disappointed that Alex continued to tease her.

But then again the dragon's flame never let up, and little by little Aes would find herself being pushed closer and closer to the edge of climax. Every touch against her body would translate into yet another pulse from that risen cock, and though Alex ignored it with her hands that didn't mean she completely ignored it. She had to scoot closer as she started working her hands over Aes' stomach, and it left her torso poised dangerously close to brushing against it. Even more so as Alex rose to caress her lover's breasts. If Aes managed to keep herself controlled it would still leave her prick lightly thumping against the dragon's torso, and all it would take was a thrust of her hips to get her to slide into the valley between Alex's mounds.

But even if Aes couldn't resist that temptation Alex was determined to keep pushing forward. She let her fingers glide over Aes' pliant flesh, her massage starting to gently knead into them while she casually and painstakingly allowed herself to brush and stroke the angel's nipples. And at that point her flame would grow a little stronger, a little more insistent. It would leave Alex practically pouring pleasure into her Mate, and she would keep pressing until Aes couldn't help but explode.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"Mmmmm," Aes murmured pleasantly as Alex started ascending up her body, pleasure and eagerness rising with every inch up her legs that the dragoness moved with her deft fingers. It was obvious that she was waiting for Alex to reach her waiting shaft, earnestly hoping that the half-dragon would full claim her conquest, but she didn't let any disappointment show as Alex went and passed it up... Not when the fire on which she so often fed, the flame that had forged the very mortar of her own soul, was stroking through her every nerve with its glorious heat. The teasing brushes so close to her natural sex made her lover give the tiniest of squirms, not quite pushing her closer but certainly not drawing away, but Alex would be able to freely slip beyond it and continue moving her touch upwards.

Her eyes closed midway up, but when Alex started moving past her shaft Aes opened her eyes and saw her pulsating shaft poised just inches from the cleavage between her Mate's breasts and let out another loud moan. That soft valley brushed across the tip of her cock as Alex ascended, reaching up to softly caress the dark angel's own impressive bosom, and when it began to drag against her torso Alex felt Aes raise her hips, slowly thrusting her cock between the valley between her breasts. A thrum of tension built in her lover that was fully detectable by Alex's supernatural senses and easily stoked by her flame, and when she completed her thrust and the tip of her rod poked through between Alex's creamy bosom she tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and released a throaty moan into the steamy air.

"Ooohhhh.... Oooohhhh... It's so good," she groaned, and then moaned again as Alex's palms reached her breasts and began to massage them as well. Her Mate had fully surrendered to her touch by then, and could only keep her hips raised and shudder as Alex brought her closer and closer to exploding with every passing second. The soft kneading of her bosom and carefully regulated attention to her sensitive tips left Aes groaning with more passion than such attention had ever garnered before, and the wildly intensified pleasure had her unable to even shift her cock without the threat of another explosion that she seemed intent on waiting at least a little while longer for.

That didn't stop her body's own reactions, however, and with every burst of pleasure coming from her bosom Aescila's cock gave a little jerk, one that made it bob back and forth in the soft valley between Alex's breasts. That stimulation only made her throb harder in turn, and if Alex offered the same warmth of her flame there those pulses would only grow more intense. Aes would make it to a minute and a half - less if Alex employed any movement at all to make her chest move against her lover's turgid rod - before cumming almost without warning.

Her first spurt preceded any audible noise, a rope of hot, sticky, temptingly sweet smelling cum drawing a line up Alex's neck right up to her chin, where the second splatter landed and mostly stuck. The rest alternated between painting the dragon's collar and the angel's stomach, though if Alex started moving some would end up in her cleavage as well, and it was as impressive a load as Aes had ever offered her in reward for her efforts to please. Her lover gave a rhythmic groan of pleasure that started just after her first spurt and ended well after her streams had turned into a slow dribble that leaked down over Alex's chest, her head tilted far back and eyes closed tightly as her mouth formed a wide o to signal her peak. Her whole body had risen slowly through her climax until she was pushed up off of the bed by her wings and the arch of her back, her fingers clutching tightly at the bedding beneath them, and it took a moment for her to relax and let herself slowly settle back into the bedding with an elongated sigh of contentment.

"That.... Wow!" she gasped softly, opening one eye and grinning at Alex once she had recovered enough to once more form words, "I never knew you had a trick like that up your sleeve.... Did Kimi teach you that before we left, or did you come up with that all on your own?" She reached down and gathered some of the cum from Alex's chin - or from her own belly if the dragoness had already started cleaning that up - and held up a pair of thoroughly goo coated digits teasingly, "you've made a mess.... Or I guess made me make a mess~ Why don't you... Clean up after yourself before I go on to your part of the massage?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

That singular thrust from Aes earned her a smirk from her lover, but beyond that Alex offered nothing more than the nearly glowing warmth of her hands to stoke the angel's passions. The poor woman seemed almost desperate to enjoy herself as long as she could, and Alex was content to see just how long Aes would actually last.

She didn't need to wait long. A minute, minute and a half, whatever it was passed quickly and had Aes exploding up her neck and onto her chin, a second managing to paint her chin completely white, and the rest simply oozing and dribbling from the tip to land wherever it pleased. That first splash may have caught her by surprise, but Alex recovered by the second and lifted her left arm to support her bosom so it trapped the former demon's length between its pillowy depths. That left Aes' release simply pooling across the dragon's chest, and Alex simply let her Mate descend through her climax until she settled back into the bed they shared.

Once the angel gathered enough of herself to speak she offered her praise, and though she asked whether that was Kimi's instruction or her own design Alex simply smirked in triumph. It was as much an answer as anything she would have said, and it left her silent as Aes stroked the dragon's chin and showed just what kind of mess had been made. A suggestion followed, one that offered Alex a chance to clean herself before they moved to her part of the massage, but...

"How about we try something else?" At that Alex leaned forward, her arm pressing a little harder against her bust and leaving her breasts completely smothering Aes' cock before the tip managed to poke its way to freedom. "That little trick is something brand new, and you're the first to enjoy it~" Her mouth descended a moment later, and as it opened and slid her lips over her Mate's cap Aes would feel her lover's aura suddenly flaring a little stronger. A low moan escaped Alex's throat as she had her first taste of her lover's seed, and after her tongue gave one slow, languid lick to clean that tip of its release she let it pop free. "That means I still need to test it..." Her tongue popped out to give that rod a more thorough lick across its length, or as much as it could reach as Aes settled a little lower, and the former demon would feel that suffocating pleasurable warmth surrounding her whether she was buried between Alex's breasts or surrounding by the wet confines of the dragon's mouth. "Figure out how it works..."

From that point on Alex was true to her word. She worshiped her lover's prick, her mouth descending once more so her tongue could swipe across the angel's head, and little by little she slid her body up and down leaving Aes to feel every inch of herself being stroked one way or another. At random points Alex lifted her mouth as if she were studying just how much of her Mate she could smother with her cleavage, and it was during one of these that she finally put her right hand to use. It snuck its way under the both of them, her fingers sliding to the perfect position to let her surprise her partner, and with one quick thrust a pair of them found their way past Aescila's folds and immediately started working her depths with practiced skill.

This left both of the angel's sexes feeling the same pleasurable heat, and once again Alex never let up. She kept pounding away at Aes' reserves until she couldn't fight it any longer, and once she came again Alex made sure her lips had trapped Aescila's tip between them so she could suck out every drop of release she could swallow. She would only stop once Aes had nothing left to offer, and once she did she would let the former demon free with a pop before rising to attend to whatever mess still remained on her body. Her fingers rose to swipe across her chin and her breasts, but where she would normally suck those fingers clean she instead leaned closer once more. "Milady... you said I should clean myself..." Her tongue came out to lick along one, that single digit losing much of the sweet and sticky goo that covered it, but with how close the two women were in that moment it would only take a flick of the wrist to bring the rest to offer to the angel. "But wouldn't you rather share?"

Whether Aes accepted or not Alex would settle herself over her lover, and in the next few seconds she would make a show of cleansing each and every inch of the mess finger by finger until not a drop remained. By that point her mind would be cloudy with the arousal that Aes' seed always triggered once it was swallowed, but no matter how horny she had become it would play exactly into what the dragon said next. "I hope you enjoyed your massage... I believe you mentioned I was next?"
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Letting out a soft mewl as Alex leaned forward, Aes groaned and shifted, giving a little thrust that left her shaft sliding between Alex's breasts. Leaning down to enclose the demon's tip between her lips left Alex with a modest helping of her lover's leftovers, the sweet demonic cream settling into Alex like a strong shot of whiskey as she tasted it and only promising more once it was swallowed. "Oooohhh... Uhhhhnnn!" Aes groaned as the dragoness gave her tip its first languid lick and then popped off of her shaft, seizing with the enhanced sensation as it was stoked by Alex's spiritual contact.

"Nnnn... Well, I guess I don't mind... Being your test subject~" she gasped just before another languid lick drew an extended moan from the former demon, and as Alex set to worshiping that conjured cock Aes was her perfect little plaything. Her lover had never been lacking in reaction before, but with her new trick Alex had yet another method by which to measure the pleasure that she inspired, one akin to what they shared when their souls were intertwined but without the distraction of Aes's own skills to distract her. Smothered in the soft warmth of the valley between the dragon's breasts and encompassed by the wet heat of her mouth, all with regular exposure to the deft work of Alex's tongue as well, Aescila's stamina didn't measure much longer, and she let Alex know it all the while.

Her hands dug deep into the bedding before one shifted down, gathering up the cum on her stomach and slowly dripping into her own mouth before sucking the leftovers away, looking down at Alex all the while with half open eyes and a lewd smile that rolled up into the back of her head when Alex suddenly shoved two fingers into her soft folds. Her moans rose in volume and length steadily over the next few moments as Alex worked over every sensitive nerve both along her lover's thick shaft and along her inner walls, and eventually with one long moan she once more surrendered her seed into Alex's waiting mouth. The dragoness had had ample warning, letting her seal her lips to take every drop of hot, sweet cream, not a drop of which would be allowed to dribble from between her lips, and the heat that began to burn through her body as she swallowed down the aphrodisiac laced cum.

Her lover quirked an eyebrow at the end of Alex's unfinished statement, and she grinned as her Mate revealed her intent and shifted out from under Alex, lying on her side and gathering up some more of the leftovers coating the dragoness and sharing them in a kiss whenever she had a full mouthful. She was immune to her own seed's effects, but one wouldn't have been able to tell with the enthusiasm with which she cleaned up Alex, disregarding the use of her hands and cleaning Alex's bosom with her mouth solely before sharing the leftovers with the dragoness.

"Definitely your turn~" she purred, and within a moment Aes had Alex under her and was working her fingers into the dragon's back. Her touch was a good deal more energetic than her usual languid pace, her lover's haste evident even if it did little to reduce the effect of her touch as she eased every hint of tension from the muscles of Alex's back. She was more intimate than ever too, leaning in to kiss and suckle at the areas that she passed as she worked her way down, slowing slightly and grinning up at Alex as she reached the base of her tail before her palms began to massage the half-dragon's soft glutes like they never had before. Squeezing, groping, even jiggling the finely shaped lumps, but after a moment she continued on her way, descending like Alex had all the way to her lover's feet.

When she was finished, however, rather than rolling over the increasingly aroused dragoness she lunged upon her, lying on her back and leaving her cock rest against her lover's soft round backside. She took Alex with her as she rolled, putting herself under Alex before twisting her into a kiss, her arms coiling around Alex to hold her while the dragon's weight resting across her form. Her tongue wormed its way slowly around Alex's mouth, tasting the dregs of her own two releases, and Aes abandoned all pretense and slowly slid her hands down Alex's body. One hand paused at her breasts and began to slowly rub her palm over the soft orb and its sensitive tip, but the other descended to the dragon's cleft and began to roll her fingers at a tortuorusly slow pace across her petals with occasional glances against her clitoris.

At the same time her cock slid between Alex's legs, glancing against the same petals that her fingers were teasing but coming nowhere close to entering her. Aes's teasing did the opposite of ease the dragon's need, and was obviously made for the exact opposite purpose. The next few minutes would pass with her lover doing her very best to make Alex squirm, never even coming close to offering any real stimulation, but then she would break the kiss and purr into Alex's ear; "How would you like.... To keep practicing your new trick... On a somewhat... Bigger sample size?"