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However her mental conversation might resolve, eventually Alex's time of being able to rely solely on her reflexes for pleasing the orcs that were physically clustered around her would come to an end. A groan from the orc that she was servicing would call her attention back to her physical body, her well-practiced talents having allowed her to suck him off almost on autopilot. When she felt him nearing his release, he would rock his hips into her mouth, giving shallow, reflexive pumps that were entirely unneeded given the motions of her tongue. A few seconds later, and the familiar sensation of hot ropes of cum flooding her mouth rewarded her efforts, giving the dragoness a sizeable mouthful of, like Bahk's, now pleasantly sweet, almost vanilla-flavored semen. When he was released from her clutches, he stumbled back, leaving Alex with but one man yet to find release to contend with.... And Bahk's challenge.
Taking the small sample of Bahk's pre and offering it to Mishra prompted the orcess to quirk an eyebrow. "That's your treat, y'know... I'm not normally into that kind of thing," she said, before shrugging and leaning down to take the sample, prompting another quirked eyebrow. "Mmmph... Pop. I wouldn't know. Never could stand the taste before, and I usually lean towards women! Bahk just happens to have been good enough in the sack for me to make an exception, doesn't mean I did a lot of dick sucking. I guess he does taste a lil different from before.... That's pretty nice actually!" Alex's further explanation, relating to her ability to prompt mutation in others and Bahk's near drowning of her, earned a few chuckles from the spent orcs and Mishra, and an apologetic look from the man himself, but no prolonged interruption. After she had given her full explanation, Bahk tilted his head, taking on a pensive look, and then shrugged. "I'll only live once... I think I'll take my chances! So, what do ya say? Go a round? Maybe a couple, if you're feeling up to it?"
However Alex might respond to Bahk, she still had Mr. Impatient thrusting through her breasts, and Alex had one more trick with her tongue to try on one of the men before it moved on to Mishra. He slowed his thrusting as Alex's tongue slid out along the bottom of his shaft, looking down in wonder, but a grinning Mishra was happy to pull up the slack in making sure that Alex's breasts smothered and stroked him ever closer to spilling his seed. The further she descended, the slower he moved, to that point that once she reached his root and began running those rolling curls up along his shaft. "Uuuugghhh! Huhuhhh, nnnhhhh.... Fuck that's god, eheheheh... You really do have a lot of tricks with that thing!" He declared, and if that wasn't enough appreciation for her talents, every time one of those rolling curls lashed against his frenulum and it coincided with one of Mishra's steady jerks, a small glob of pre would shoot out onto the base of her tongue, giving her a sampling of his now almost chocolate-flavored seed. However Alex might react to the revelation of another new flavor - caramel for Bahk, vanilla for one of them, and now chocolate for this one - she was about to get a much bigger sampling of it.
Alex still had plenty of time to let her tongue explore further, however, and when it descended to roll over one of his testes, the orc's legs actually shook, and she received an even more sizeable glob of his dew as that orb twitched upwards towards the orc's body. "Ffffuuuuhhuhhhck.... Ughn.... Damn that tongue.... Ggguuuhhhhh! Hrk!" After teasing first one orb and then the other, the orc was throbbing hard, and the steady globs of pre had given way to dry heaves suggesting that his release wasn't far off. Just looking up at him nearly did it, but he would give a slight nod when she nonverbaly offered to take him into her mouth for the final stretch. That would leave Alex suckling on his cap, with Mishra using her breasts to stroke along either side of his shaft, and the orc only managed another ten or so seconds before the orc tossed his head back and groaned. Ropes of thick, sticky, chocolate-flavored cum spurted directly into Alex's mouth, his potency providing far more than a single mouthful by the sixth, and six more were to follow. That would give more than enough volume left for Alex to pop off of him and let him glaze her bosom, much to Mishra's delight, and once he was done she had plenty more to gather up with the languid work with her tongue for the viewing delight of her audience.
"Fuuuuuuck why does everything that you do just keep making you seem hotter?" Mishra said as she disrobed, just before the dragoness made her request for the others to go easier on her so that she could give Mishra a proper lashing. That prompted Mishra to giggle, and the orcish men to laugh heartily around her. Alex barely needed to pull her into range to put her tongue to work, the orcess stepped up without hesitation, raising one leg to rest her thigh over Alex's shoulder, and her giggle would turn into a groan of pleasure when Alex's tongue began to lather her nether lips with attention. The more Alex's technique progressed, the deeper a timbre Mishra's moaning took on, and at her first rolling flick over the orc's clitoris, the leg laid over her shoulder twitched violently, and Alex could feel the muscles beneath the woman's skin tightening and then relaxing from the burst of stimulation. Mishra's pleasured outcry was sharper then, a harsher gasp as Alex's tongue stroked against her pleasure gem, and she would be rewarded with the sound, the leg twitch, and heightened flow of the orcish warrior's honey to replace the flavors of semen that she'd been treated to so far.
The orcish men around her, even if they weren't simply lining up and pounding her into the floor, were not idle while Alex made good on her promise to leave Mishra as a truly satisfied mess. Naturally, they WERE planning on doing that, but there were protocols to go through... Like decidiing in what order they'd be allowed to do it.
"Well, I'll just take first turn then..."
"Nah, NAH! I want first! Just because I ain't as good as you in bed doesn't mean I'm okay with her being comatose when it's my turn! Besides, you got your nut off first, and you almost drowned her in it! You can wait!"
"Hey, I didn't TRY to put out that much y'know!"
"Guhuh, I owe her a return on the favor for that tonguework. Damn was that satisfying...."
"I don't mind teaming up! If she's alright with that anyway..."
"There's only one way..."
All four said the last sentence at the same time, and then... Proceeded to engage in a loud, boisterous round of rock-paper-scissors, jibbing at one another in a good nature manner while Alex was left to bring Mishra to the ground in a lustful stupor without their interference. In the end (and after some d20 rolls on my part,) perhaps to the dragon's chagrin, Bahk would prove the winner, with the man who had only really gotten a handjob ending up getting the last slot.
Eventually, Alex's tongue brought Mishra low, causing the one leg holding her up to begin shaking from the constant attention to her clitoris. Thankfully, she didn't let herself outright collapse, instead tightening the grip she'd taken on Alex's hair briefly in warning before carefully planting her other foot, panting all the while. "Fffuck.... Ugh.... Hn.... That's.... I think I better lie down!" She murmured, and then proceeded to do just that, Alex following her down with tongue still at work and making those muscular legs twitch all the while. Once she was down, her legs spread and her folds completely at the dragon's mercy, all that she could do was throw her head back and groan, fingers lacing through Alex's hair and offering yet another form of appreciative feedback for her efforts. That display hadn't been missed by the men, who had finished up their game to decide who would get to fuck her first, but for the moment she would largely be allowed to victimize her would-be domme in peace.
"I'll take things slow, give you guys some time to recharge," Bahk murmured graciously, earning some skeptical grunts from the other thre. Nonetheless, he knelt down behind her, gently clapping his hands onto her rump, and proceeded to massage and work the dragon's bubbly rear. He put on quite an admirable effort to it as well, not quite up to the level of Aes or Kimi but getting shockingly close as his worked his fingers over her pliant flesh. His fingers dimpled into her meaty backside, working the muscles beneath in a sensual massage, but when she was fully relaxed on either side he would rear back a hand to give a carefully controlled smack, the strikes offering almost no sting but producing plenty of jiggle. He would teasingly prod at her petals with his member from time to time, never fully sinking in but occasionally dipping in an inch or two, though more often he would simply prod, or else release one of her cheeks briefly to bounce it against her bottom or clit, or else rub it over her nether lips.
However she might react to Bahk's teasing, Alex had Mishra to punish, and punish she would. The orcess had already been shaking slightly by the time she'd gone to ground, but when Alex fully put her elongated draconic tongue to work on her, the deal was sealed. The shaking of her legs grew by the moment as Alex's tongue wormed deeper into her folds, and once Alex had wormed deep enough to curl and press against Mishra's g-spot, the woman was done. "Guuuuhhhhhh! Ffffuck yesss! Yesyesyesyes yes yes yessss! Right there!" She groaned, voice flooded with utter satisfaction, but it would be up to Alex how aggressively she wanted to please the woman. Alex was practiced enough to know when she was about to burst, and from there how to keep the orc right on the edge, leaving her on the precipide of orgasm and forcing her to bed to get it. If pushed to that point, Mishra would, eventually, cave to it, pleading for the dragon's mercy, and whether she had to or not, her climax when it arrived would leave her quaking, arching her back and lifting herself partially off of the floor as her body shook and passage spasming around the dragon's tongue.
The ensuing afterglow would leave her uterrly vulnerable to Alex's next mischievous act, but even as a stunned Mishra was practically offered to him, the man to whom she was offered hesitated. "Errr.... She's normally.... Y'know, leaning more in your direction. Plus, it's not exactly good manners to do that sort of thing when she can't answer for herself. Errr, Mishra?" He gave Alex a sheepish grin, before directing his look towards the still slightly shaking orcess, giving her a moment or two to recuperate with apparent patience despite his own recovered, throbbing erection. It took her a minute - or more if Alex continued teasing her - before she could reply; "Y-yeah, sure.... Just uhhh... Take the other hole... I want more of that tongue!"
With that, the man, smirking and rolling his eyes, moved under her, a brief wrestling match ensued, one that left her legs spread in front of Alex, and his rod sitcking between them both. She was left in full nelson, firmly in his grip, but Alex would be able to do as she liked with the scene taking place in front of her... Bahk, in the meantime, would give one of Alex's thighs a tap. "Lift this leg for me, would ya? That ass is perfect, but I've fucked you like this before! I'll take some variety if I can get it!" He said, and if Alex acquiesced, he would lift her leg until her knee was able to crook over his shoulder, allowing his cock to line up to finally sink once again into her depths. If she wanted to make any efforts at taking his seed into her womb again, she would have to make them now....
Taking the small sample of Bahk's pre and offering it to Mishra prompted the orcess to quirk an eyebrow. "That's your treat, y'know... I'm not normally into that kind of thing," she said, before shrugging and leaning down to take the sample, prompting another quirked eyebrow. "Mmmph... Pop. I wouldn't know. Never could stand the taste before, and I usually lean towards women! Bahk just happens to have been good enough in the sack for me to make an exception, doesn't mean I did a lot of dick sucking. I guess he does taste a lil different from before.... That's pretty nice actually!" Alex's further explanation, relating to her ability to prompt mutation in others and Bahk's near drowning of her, earned a few chuckles from the spent orcs and Mishra, and an apologetic look from the man himself, but no prolonged interruption. After she had given her full explanation, Bahk tilted his head, taking on a pensive look, and then shrugged. "I'll only live once... I think I'll take my chances! So, what do ya say? Go a round? Maybe a couple, if you're feeling up to it?"
However Alex might respond to Bahk, she still had Mr. Impatient thrusting through her breasts, and Alex had one more trick with her tongue to try on one of the men before it moved on to Mishra. He slowed his thrusting as Alex's tongue slid out along the bottom of his shaft, looking down in wonder, but a grinning Mishra was happy to pull up the slack in making sure that Alex's breasts smothered and stroked him ever closer to spilling his seed. The further she descended, the slower he moved, to that point that once she reached his root and began running those rolling curls up along his shaft. "Uuuugghhh! Huhuhhh, nnnhhhh.... Fuck that's god, eheheheh... You really do have a lot of tricks with that thing!" He declared, and if that wasn't enough appreciation for her talents, every time one of those rolling curls lashed against his frenulum and it coincided with one of Mishra's steady jerks, a small glob of pre would shoot out onto the base of her tongue, giving her a sampling of his now almost chocolate-flavored seed. However Alex might react to the revelation of another new flavor - caramel for Bahk, vanilla for one of them, and now chocolate for this one - she was about to get a much bigger sampling of it.
Alex still had plenty of time to let her tongue explore further, however, and when it descended to roll over one of his testes, the orc's legs actually shook, and she received an even more sizeable glob of his dew as that orb twitched upwards towards the orc's body. "Ffffuuuuhhuhhhck.... Ughn.... Damn that tongue.... Ggguuuhhhhh! Hrk!" After teasing first one orb and then the other, the orc was throbbing hard, and the steady globs of pre had given way to dry heaves suggesting that his release wasn't far off. Just looking up at him nearly did it, but he would give a slight nod when she nonverbaly offered to take him into her mouth for the final stretch. That would leave Alex suckling on his cap, with Mishra using her breasts to stroke along either side of his shaft, and the orc only managed another ten or so seconds before the orc tossed his head back and groaned. Ropes of thick, sticky, chocolate-flavored cum spurted directly into Alex's mouth, his potency providing far more than a single mouthful by the sixth, and six more were to follow. That would give more than enough volume left for Alex to pop off of him and let him glaze her bosom, much to Mishra's delight, and once he was done she had plenty more to gather up with the languid work with her tongue for the viewing delight of her audience.
"Fuuuuuuck why does everything that you do just keep making you seem hotter?" Mishra said as she disrobed, just before the dragoness made her request for the others to go easier on her so that she could give Mishra a proper lashing. That prompted Mishra to giggle, and the orcish men to laugh heartily around her. Alex barely needed to pull her into range to put her tongue to work, the orcess stepped up without hesitation, raising one leg to rest her thigh over Alex's shoulder, and her giggle would turn into a groan of pleasure when Alex's tongue began to lather her nether lips with attention. The more Alex's technique progressed, the deeper a timbre Mishra's moaning took on, and at her first rolling flick over the orc's clitoris, the leg laid over her shoulder twitched violently, and Alex could feel the muscles beneath the woman's skin tightening and then relaxing from the burst of stimulation. Mishra's pleasured outcry was sharper then, a harsher gasp as Alex's tongue stroked against her pleasure gem, and she would be rewarded with the sound, the leg twitch, and heightened flow of the orcish warrior's honey to replace the flavors of semen that she'd been treated to so far.
The orcish men around her, even if they weren't simply lining up and pounding her into the floor, were not idle while Alex made good on her promise to leave Mishra as a truly satisfied mess. Naturally, they WERE planning on doing that, but there were protocols to go through... Like decidiing in what order they'd be allowed to do it.
"Well, I'll just take first turn then..."
"Nah, NAH! I want first! Just because I ain't as good as you in bed doesn't mean I'm okay with her being comatose when it's my turn! Besides, you got your nut off first, and you almost drowned her in it! You can wait!"
"Hey, I didn't TRY to put out that much y'know!"
"Guhuh, I owe her a return on the favor for that tonguework. Damn was that satisfying...."
"I don't mind teaming up! If she's alright with that anyway..."
"There's only one way..."
All four said the last sentence at the same time, and then... Proceeded to engage in a loud, boisterous round of rock-paper-scissors, jibbing at one another in a good nature manner while Alex was left to bring Mishra to the ground in a lustful stupor without their interference. In the end (and after some d20 rolls on my part,) perhaps to the dragon's chagrin, Bahk would prove the winner, with the man who had only really gotten a handjob ending up getting the last slot.
Eventually, Alex's tongue brought Mishra low, causing the one leg holding her up to begin shaking from the constant attention to her clitoris. Thankfully, she didn't let herself outright collapse, instead tightening the grip she'd taken on Alex's hair briefly in warning before carefully planting her other foot, panting all the while. "Fffuck.... Ugh.... Hn.... That's.... I think I better lie down!" She murmured, and then proceeded to do just that, Alex following her down with tongue still at work and making those muscular legs twitch all the while. Once she was down, her legs spread and her folds completely at the dragon's mercy, all that she could do was throw her head back and groan, fingers lacing through Alex's hair and offering yet another form of appreciative feedback for her efforts. That display hadn't been missed by the men, who had finished up their game to decide who would get to fuck her first, but for the moment she would largely be allowed to victimize her would-be domme in peace.
"I'll take things slow, give you guys some time to recharge," Bahk murmured graciously, earning some skeptical grunts from the other thre. Nonetheless, he knelt down behind her, gently clapping his hands onto her rump, and proceeded to massage and work the dragon's bubbly rear. He put on quite an admirable effort to it as well, not quite up to the level of Aes or Kimi but getting shockingly close as his worked his fingers over her pliant flesh. His fingers dimpled into her meaty backside, working the muscles beneath in a sensual massage, but when she was fully relaxed on either side he would rear back a hand to give a carefully controlled smack, the strikes offering almost no sting but producing plenty of jiggle. He would teasingly prod at her petals with his member from time to time, never fully sinking in but occasionally dipping in an inch or two, though more often he would simply prod, or else release one of her cheeks briefly to bounce it against her bottom or clit, or else rub it over her nether lips.
However she might react to Bahk's teasing, Alex had Mishra to punish, and punish she would. The orcess had already been shaking slightly by the time she'd gone to ground, but when Alex fully put her elongated draconic tongue to work on her, the deal was sealed. The shaking of her legs grew by the moment as Alex's tongue wormed deeper into her folds, and once Alex had wormed deep enough to curl and press against Mishra's g-spot, the woman was done. "Guuuuhhhhhh! Ffffuck yesss! Yesyesyesyes yes yes yessss! Right there!" She groaned, voice flooded with utter satisfaction, but it would be up to Alex how aggressively she wanted to please the woman. Alex was practiced enough to know when she was about to burst, and from there how to keep the orc right on the edge, leaving her on the precipide of orgasm and forcing her to bed to get it. If pushed to that point, Mishra would, eventually, cave to it, pleading for the dragon's mercy, and whether she had to or not, her climax when it arrived would leave her quaking, arching her back and lifting herself partially off of the floor as her body shook and passage spasming around the dragon's tongue.
The ensuing afterglow would leave her uterrly vulnerable to Alex's next mischievous act, but even as a stunned Mishra was practically offered to him, the man to whom she was offered hesitated. "Errr.... She's normally.... Y'know, leaning more in your direction. Plus, it's not exactly good manners to do that sort of thing when she can't answer for herself. Errr, Mishra?" He gave Alex a sheepish grin, before directing his look towards the still slightly shaking orcess, giving her a moment or two to recuperate with apparent patience despite his own recovered, throbbing erection. It took her a minute - or more if Alex continued teasing her - before she could reply; "Y-yeah, sure.... Just uhhh... Take the other hole... I want more of that tongue!"
With that, the man, smirking and rolling his eyes, moved under her, a brief wrestling match ensued, one that left her legs spread in front of Alex, and his rod sitcking between them both. She was left in full nelson, firmly in his grip, but Alex would be able to do as she liked with the scene taking place in front of her... Bahk, in the meantime, would give one of Alex's thighs a tap. "Lift this leg for me, would ya? That ass is perfect, but I've fucked you like this before! I'll take some variety if I can get it!" He said, and if Alex acquiesced, he would lift her leg until her knee was able to crook over his shoulder, allowing his cock to line up to finally sink once again into her depths. If she wanted to make any efforts at taking his seed into her womb again, she would have to make them now....