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Vilana (Stasia)

Re: Vilana (Stasia)

The demon stopped, standing to the right of the bound girl, a finger trailing up her stomach to her chest, before pinching the girls nipple to force her to gasp, the other hand coming up to shove a large ball of fabric into her mouth and muffle her, the girls breathing heavy as the hand trailed slowly down the girls exposed body to drift a finger across her slit, drawing a soft moan and a whimper from the girl as she struggled harder. It was over a minute of the soft teasing, that finger continuing to just drift up and down her folds, when the girl started to roll her hips, giving in just as the demon lowered her soft, inviting lips to the girls breasts, taking her nipple in her mouth and suckling gently, her tongue drifting around the hard peak as two fingers slid into the girls folds, and stopped, letting the captured woman buck against them even as her mouth continued to tease her chest, the lewd moans from the gagged woman only making Vilana herself more aroused as she shamelessly watched, as if captivated, her own lust rising quickly.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes widened at the bold show, trying to control her breathing, even as her cheeks flushed. She... she had to leave. While the demoness was occupied, she tried her best to sneak past the pair, even as lewd depraved thoughts filled her mind. She'd creep down the hall, and into the nearest room to try and recover herself from the scene, even if it was physically...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana got away without any problems at all, both women too wrapped up in their own enjoyment to notice her as she ducked into another room. This room looked like a cafeteria, and there was a wide counter that could hide her from view of anything else entering while she... recovered...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana took a deep breath as her eyes were wide, looking over the abandoned cafeteria. She couldn't wait, pressing her back to the wall that held the door, she reached beneath her skirt and grabbed the front of her panties, grinding it into her nether regions. She kept her moans soft and quiet, as her hips danced upon the fabric that she sawed back and forth into herself. Her head rolled back, biting upon her lower lip while her toes curled within her boots. "Ahm... ok... e-enough of that..." Squeezing the pipe with her fingers, she began to pick through the cafeteria, looking for anything more useful than what she has now.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

And there, leering at her, was the Demon. "Ahhh So we were being watched~ Glad to see you enjoyed the show" She said, her voice soft as she moved forward slowly, already standing in front of her, smiling as if she had watched Vilana pleasure herself from start to finish... She smelled so good... And she was so hard to look away from as she pressed herself closer, a coil of the same rope in one hand, and a thick leather collar in the other.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes widened, then looked to the doorway. Then back to the demoness. She swallowed, then glared. "h-hey! No, I don't want any part of what you have going on!" She said, even as she breathed heavier within the confines of her tube top. Weighing the options to fight or run... she opted run once more! Sprinting out of the cafeteria, she continued down the hallway, and if there was a dead end, into another room to evade.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana 1
Succubus 5
Succubus 14
Vilana 3

She was just too close to the succubus to easily get away, and her attempt to run was stopped cold as she felt her hair grabbed and pulled, throwing her off balance as the succubus pushed up behind her, the collar dropped for now as the demon secured her grip in Vilana's hair. "Now now~" She whispered into her ear, her tongue darting out to tease her ear, the coil of rope in her other hand drifting down her cheek. "Where do you think you're going~?"
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes went wide as she felt her head suddenly stay in place as the rest of her went forward, unceremoniously landing her on her rear. She looked up at the succubus with a growl and took a stab with the pipe backward, hoping to land a gut shot with a thrust backward. Just being near the succubus got her worked up, and even in her panic, her lust began to grow within her...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana 14
Succubus 8
Succubus 3
Vilana 20

Vilana's blow drew a hiss as the succubus let go of her hair and doubled over for a moment, giving Vilana the room she needed to get up and away, ducking under a powerful backhand that was aimed at her in retaliation. "Why you miserable little bitch... I'm going to enjoy breaking you..." She snarled, crouching, wings flared out, her eyes revealed to be a soft violet, with slits for pupils...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana felt the tension release in her hair and immediately broke into a sprint out of the cafeteria, and attempted to find a new room! Looking around, she proceeded further down the hall, and turned into a room. She hugged the wall, and cocked the pipe back, ready to swing at a moments notice!
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana 4
Succubus 2

Vilana had actually managed to get away from something! but not before she felt that rope lash out to crack across her unguarded ass on her way out, the angry shouting of the demon behind her as she tore out of the door to see the lobby, and the way out of the building... And nothing was any better outside.. She could stay here, which wasn't the best idea because a pissed off demon was probably chasing her still, or take her chances outside...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana instantly took the exit from the building, knowing it's harder to lose someone in a city than just a building. Clinging to her pipe, her legs threw her skit over her hips with each sprinting step, flashing her purple underwear as she tore out of the building and hopefully to familiar territory!
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana was stunned for a moment as she ran out into what should have been a familiar street, her purple pantied rear on display for anyone looking for a moment as she ran. Stopping in the street, Vilana looked out not into a city, but into the ruins of one, the sky streaked with red lines and a broken moon, fires burning off in the distance. Finding a window intact was all but impossible, and the wreckage of cars littered the street. She needed to find a place to rest... Jumping at a sudden crash, Vilana turned to see what looked like a drifting sheet, except it was black, and it was enormous, drifting lazily down the street towards her. It had knocked over a trash can as it was moving.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana blinked, taking in the sight of everything. She paused, looking around. "Ok this isn't funny anymore, please tell me this is just the game..." She said, taking deep breaths. The eerie quiet of the surreal environment was split by the crash. She jerked her head toward the sheet, and began to take a few steps back, giving it plenty of room. Her hands gripped the pipe tightly, ready for anything after all that she has seen.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana got no clues as to whether she was in a game or not, but the street, barring the destruction around her, was perfect in every way, even the scuffs in the traffic paint in front of the building were there. The sheet continued to drift along the street, getting closer and closer, starting to billow and arc in the wind as it started to encircle her.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

"Ack!" Vilana swung wildly, trying to take steps backward to keep herself from behind surrounded by the black sheet. She has run from many things, but nothing as inane as a sheet! She growled and flailed at it as she back pedaled, looking at it for clues!
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana 11
Sheet 13
Entangled 1 -1 to future rolls

Sheet 17
Vilana 3
Critical difference, Entangled 3, Unable to attack before escaping

Vilana had had fairly good luck so far all things considered, but that seemed to run out at this moment in time as her wild blow missed and the sheet suddenly constricted, the strong fabric binding her from her chest down, tightening and pinning her arms to her sides and her legs together, and there was still plenty of the confusing thing left, still twining around her, making her bindings more secure, she was in trouble if she didn't do something, and the feeling of being so tightly bound, after dealing with the succubus wasn't doing her any favours, especially considering it was the fabric of her panties that she had used to relieve herself...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana found herself suddenly ensnared! She squirmed and wriggled, trying to keep her breaths even. Her body twisted and turned within the constricting sheet, even as the skirt bunched up beneath it and her top shifted upon her. She grunted, straining while her shoulders tilted back and forth, trying to free atleast an arm!
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana 8
Sheet 17

Sheet 9
Vilana natural 1
This fights over...

The sheet didn't budge an inch as she twisted and writhed, the feel of the fabric drifting across her even as it tightened bothering Vilana. No amount of thrashing was going to free her as the sheet constricted further, making her gasp as the sheet drifted across her face, pulling savagely between her lips and silencing her even as it stole her vision, soon her entire body wrapped tightly, leaving her squirming futilely as a length of the sheet reached up to a nearby light post, reeling her into the air.

Vilana could feel herself lifted from the ground, swaying gently in the warm breeze for a moment, before she resumed her struggles anew, the feel of threads breaking off to slide between her thighs, slowly rising, or under the hem of her skirt and panties, or her top, the thin threads tickling slightly as they moved under her clothing, making her squirm and writhe. She wasn't sure what a sheet was going to do, but it became apparent as the threads twined around her nipples, and the jewel of her clit, and started stroking and tugging gently in time, more threads sliding up her thighs to connect to the other end of her bindings, splitting her folds with a tightly braided cord, her every motion making a spike of pleasure shoot up her spine even as her nipples and clit were relentlessly teased. Distracted in the moment, Vilana didn't notice that the sheet binding her was shifting, her midriff and hips exposed as the threads drew her skirt and panties down to her knees, her top pulled up to expose her chest for the full view of anything with eyes in the area, even as the fabric forced her to rock her hips against the thread splitting her folds. Everything could see her, twisting and moaning, but she couldn't see a thing, or do anything to stop whatever the hell this thing was from enjoying her.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana watched the sheet make it's way higher. She let out a squeak, stretching her head upward before it became wrapped by the sheet, feeling it constrict around her lips and face, blinding her. Her thrashing became more violent, and the sudden sensation of her weight supported by the squeezing sheet disoriented her in her blindness. With the brief pause in movement except the swaying, she was reminded of being on a hammock, and relaxed. Once. Then attempted to burst free, but the sheet had entombed her. It's plan became clear once she found her clothes beginning to shift around on her body.

Her silenced mouth gasped against the cloth as her body arched and wriggled in mid air while threads encircles her flesh. The sensation of her nipples wrung and clit lassod forced a squeal of pleasure as her legs stretched outward in gut reaction. With the rope pressing along her nether flower, she whined in pleasure as her body, already excited from the brief encounter with the demoness, began to grow hot and readied itself in anticipation. Her mind, overcome with lust, had forgotten she was in a public place, until the cool breeze of the streets air caressed her chest and thighs. Her green eyes widened, and she thrashed again, with mixed goals of getting free, and getting off.