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RPG Violated Heroine

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Re: Violated Heroine

This is the hardest game to play. I got it to work a few months ago after a lot of effort but i cant get it to work anymore. I have tried looking for a package that has everything together but havent had any luck. :(
Re: Violated Heroine

This is the hardest game to play. I got it to work a few months ago after a lot of effort but i cant get it to work anymore. I have tried looking for a package that has everything together but havent had any luck. :(
There is nothing hard about it all you have to do is read 1st post in hentai games thread, i think admins should paint it red or something, cause almost no one bothers to even look at it.
Re: Violated Heroine

you need to set japanese locale, restart after that, then extract the game, install
Windows Setup

Step 1

Change your system locale to Japanese. This requires you to reboot your computer.
If you do not change your system locale now, on the first step, you can ruin your entire installation.

Step 2

Download RTP and unpack it anywhere.
The zip should be 11.7MB.
It's recommended you use 7zip when unpacking files.
Warning: If you see a bunch of random junk in the filenames instead of Japanese characters you messed up and need to start over.

Step 3

You should now have a new folder, RTPセットアップ.
Inside the folder is RPG2000RTP.exe, run it to begin installing RTP.
The installation will be in Japanese, just keep clicking Next (Next has N> in it) until it's done.

Step 4

Download the latest version of the game.

really its not that hard
Re: Violated Heroine

Instructions on how to get the game going are all on the game's referata wiki page :p (Not allowed to link to it)

Windows Setup

Step 1

Change your system locale to Japanese. This requires you to reboot your computer.
If you do not change your system locale now, on the first step, you can ruin your entire installation.

Step 2

Download and unpack it anywhere.
The zip should be 11.7MB.
It's recommended you use 7zip when unpacking files.
Warning: If you see a bunch of random junk in the filenames instead of Japanese characters you messed up and need to start over.

Step 3

You should now have a new folder, RTPセットアップ.
Inside the folder is RPG2000RTP.exe, run it to begin installing RTP.
The installation will be in Japanese, just keep clicking Next (Next has N> in it) until it's done.

Step 4

Download the latest version of the game.
The version number corresponds with the release date in a YYMMDD format.
You can always find the latest translated version in the pastebin on /vg/ or /h/ (look for /vhg/) or you can get it on Netty Folder from the Violated Heroine thread on Hongfire, or you can get an untranslated version and patch it yourself. It can generally be found on the japanese development forum or in the Netty Untranslated JP Releases.
If the archive you downloaded has a password, it will almost always be either "vh" or "nanako" without quotes.

Latest Version: 170318
Latest Translated Version: 170318

Once you've downloaded the game, unpack the files into a new folder.
There will be two executable files in the game folder, RPG_RT.exe is used to launch the game normally while RTP_RT_FatalMix2010.exe gives you additional commands.
Re: Violated Heroine

Kinda seems like referata wiki is gone? all browsers flag it as "malware bloated"

On a side, does anyone knows how to get to the jungle in the latest version?
(to get to Barbarian village)
I thought it was after the Giant bird egg, but it does work... (after doing Herb and giant Egg quest; in egg location, right wood stairs and jungle top act like a wall...)

Any tip welcome (any mirror to the wiki too)
Re: Violated Heroine

Someone care to explain what this "katteban" thing is? Everyone's going on about it. lol
Re: Violated Heroine

Someone care to explain what this "katteban" thing is? Everyone's going on about it. lol

It's a fork. Years ago seeing how everyone was throwing in their waifu or a system that met their kinks without bothering to make sure they weren't breaking the game a guy who had done some art for VH said "fuck it" and stopped contributing to the main version of the game and just started progressing with his own stuff where he didn't have to worry about wht other people added.

Only recently has it received any translation, and most of that has just been superimposing what was translated from vanilla into katteban. His version lingers much more on bad ends and harder stuff. He also redid some art, like for example making Serena seem much younger.
His version also really only has Serena and Nanako's story. Though you can still debug mode to some of the other girls that were added before his fork.
Re: Violated Heroine

Someone care to explain what this "katteban" thing is? Everyone's going on about it. lol

It's the better version, imo, but that's probably just because of my taste. The main difference is how the scenes play out. In the normal version it's "Oh, I'm being raped, but I'm enjoying it all of a sudden so no biggie.", while in katteban it's closer to, "No, God, please stop! Someone save me! Heeelp!"

But that's just what I've gathered from what little I've played of the regular version. I should probably play more of it.

Also, katteban is bugged all around, with lots of unfinished stuff, dead ends and some error loops which can get you stuck. If you're gonna try it out, you're best off just using the provided save files and going for the scenes, instead of actually trying to play it.
Re: Violated Heroine

Kinda seems like referata wiki is gone? all browsers flag it as "malware bloated"

Weird. Well my browser is reporting it as a "Reported Attack Page", so there is the possibility that someone doesn't exactly, umm... appreciate the kind of content that the site is hosting, and decided to report it on false pretenses.

But I still wouldn't even risk going on it for the time being, until whoever runs the site clears it up.
Re: Violated Heroine

The wiki had this problem for a while, i do have the link to the mega folder if anyone wants to download the latest version(170530).
Re: Violated Heroine

Every couple of years I come back to this and the whole thing is more confusing and somehow feels less complete every time.

Someone just needs to find a way to combine all the forked versions together (katteban = low h stats / alt character starts for different appearances. main fork = higher h stats / main content... etc etc etc) and all will be right with the world.
Re: Violated Heroine

I'm thinking the wonderful community over at 4chan decided to report the wiki as part of the mini civil war going on. I went to 7 other referata wikis and none of them were blocked.
Re: Violated Heroine

I'm thinking the wonderful community over at 4chan decided to report the wiki as part of the mini civil war going on. I went to 7 other referata wikis and none of them were blocked.

Werent the wikis heavily outdated anyway? At least the 2 i used back when i played the game were very very outdated.
Re: Violated Heroine

Werent the wikis heavily outdated anyway? At least the 2 i used back when i played the game were very very outdated.

yeah. all of the wikis for this game are the same one from 2013 just ported to different sites with corrected english and formatting. some stuff that's been in the game from the start isn't listed and absolutely none of the stuff added in the past few years is listed either.

mainly because every thread this game has on LoK/ULMF/HF/loverslab is fairly dead...so the only place where new content is discussed is 4chan, when they aren't bickering.
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Re: Violated Heroine

Thanks for clearing referata wiki !
Still no answer to my question about how to get to Barbarian village.
Looking at its history, It seems to have some updates (several in 2017).
I guess most recent changes are not covered...
Re: Violated Heroine

yeah. all of the wikis for this game are the same one from 2013 just ported to different sites with corrected english and formatting. some stuff that's been in the game from the start isn't listed and absolutely none of the stuff added in the past few years is listed either.

mainly because every thread this game has on LoK/ULMF/HF/loverslab is fairly dead...so the only place where new content is discussed is 4chan, when they aren't bickering.

HF is pretty active but considering how bad the site currently is its probably dead. What i remember the anime-sharing wiki was the most competent i found out to be in the end.
The latest version seems to be from 30th last month. I wonder how much was "added" and actually working in the game. Last thing i remember is that after you "finish" the capital area quests its pretty much over afer that. The blond chick barely had content and the snow girl just started having some sort of image files and debug map of her village in the game.
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Re: Violated Heroine

Thanks for clearing referata wiki !
Still no answer to my question about how to get to Barbarian village.
Looking at its history, It seems to have some updates (several in 2017).
I guess most recent changes are not covered...

It's somewhere in a maze in the jungle. You can just teleport there with the portable portal if you're in debug mode. If you want to get there legit...well, good luck.
Re: Violated Heroine

It's the better version, imo, but that's probably just because of my taste. The main difference is how the scenes play out. In the normal version it's "Oh, I'm being raped, but I'm enjoying it all of a sudden so no biggie.", while in katteban it's closer to, "No, God, please stop! Someone save me! Heeelp!"

But that's just what I've gathered from what little I've played of the regular version. I should probably play more of it.

Also, katteban is bugged all around, with lots of unfinished stuff, dead ends and some error loops which can get you stuck. If you're gonna try it out, you're best off just using the provided save files and going for the scenes, instead of actually trying to play it.

I like the corruption stuff more than straight rape, but I felt it happened too fast in VH. Is there a slower corruption thing going on?
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