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ADV [Vosmug] Xenotake (RE131077)

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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I did like the characters a lot and would have preferred to play the actual male character with either female aliens or cock milking tentacles or something. The robot bits changed the game which was fresh, but the final boss fight wasn't even through our main. I loved Malla and hoped to play as her, this was a solid game whose good overtakes the bad. Wish there was more, but it was just enough.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Yeah...the final boss was a bit of a letdown but meh...
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

All the broke students can contact me for a link.

Edit: I'll answer as fast as i can. I do have a job and sadly I also require sleep from time to time. ^^

Well what do you know I just happen to be one of them can I have link please to xenotake.

Thanks in advance
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

It is really grating for a developer when his threads are filled with requests to get a free copy. Especially if he sees this thread and is a member of the forum. When someone offers, stay silent and PM them please.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Bought it, played it, loved it. Well done Vosmug. Well worth the $7 I think.
It was quaint, succinct, and playable.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Yeah for 7 bucks I think it is worth it. I mean come on im dead broke too but I can afford 7 bucks.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

All the broke students can contact me for a link.

Edit: I'll answer as fast as i can. I do have a job and sadly I also require sleep from time to time. ^^

Thank god, I don't have any bank account to make the payment... Still, I feel bad doing it. H-Games needs more people like vosmug.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

This game is being a real pain anyone got the full save I beat the game and I cant get into the extras ~,~ and I paid for this....
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

This game is being a real pain anyone got the full save I beat the game and I cant get into the extras ~,~ and I paid for this....

My compassions, extras are not worthy to mention. Game graphic as well as options are poor.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I think the Game is pretty good, good story, good controls, the only things I didnt like were, no pregnancy/birth and the last scene wasnt replayable without the stupid robot and Boss and the only possibility to see a cumshot from this scene was defeating the boss XD

This game is so far better than other overhyped crap in this forum where nobody complains about anything Oo

If you want to get it for free go to hentai flix there is a free link
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Vore isn't my fav and it's a bit repetitive... but I like it! The animations r good and it's nice finding an English game 4 a change. If there was a corruption aspect (which would fit with all the stuff about the aliens' pheromones affecting her) I think it'd be even better. Great job tho! =)
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Vore isn't my fav and it's a bit repetitive...
Tecnically vore is near absent , there is more blood in Team Fortress 2.
About the repetivity i agree, the part of the robot could be removed :D for much more H content.
But the game is nice.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I loved the part with the robot! Said no one ever.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Tecnically vore is near absent , there is more blood in Team Fortress 2.
About the repetivity i agree, the part of the robot could be removed for much more H content.
But the game is nice.
I loved the part with the robot! Said no one ever.

I was not very attracted by the robot, too inanimate for me, are personal tastes :D. The only robot (or similar) I remember that was interest was in bioshock (because you tecnically know for what was born),fear (because they are powerfull weapon) and I still have to tried titanfall.
I did not feel the character who was driving, because you do not ever seen entirely but only in chat.
P.S. Sorry my bad :p for generalization of what i was thinking in the previous post.
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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Okay, so I just finished through the game and I have to say, I was pretty disappointed.

The Breakdown

+Fantastic art, intro and outro sequences, and great animations..
-For what animations there are! Corners constantly cut.
If someone is grabbed during a cutscene, expect it to jump from the standing frame to whatever sex frames it'll be using. Little if any transitions between simple things, even during cinematic. Only a handful of h animations are even in the game. It's obvious that the author must have sunk considerable amounts of time into his art, but unfortunately there's not much there.

+Works in the context of the game. Nothing outstanding, but nothing to get in the way of the game.
+Dialogue is easily skippable if you find the plot objectionable.
-Dialogue is occasionally painful. For example, the main heroine is raped AT LEAST a few times and there is barely any lines of protest, it just sort of jumps straight to the RAPE (that's fine), but then later when the robot pilot sees her naked *through a robot*, it's this big deal that's repeated again in a second sequence and THEN in the ending. Mostly, a minor complaint.

Gameplay Mechanics:
+The core is fine. It feels very similar to Prisonkage, without the demonophobia vibe which I preferred. This is the crux of the problem I have with the game; with a little more love to the mechanics, I think it could have been an amazing game. Things like the struggle-bar color changing on what the effect would be were great.
-Giant, labyrinthzine areas that often involve backtracking and respawning enemies make it very irritating to navigate certain areas.
-Dashing is overpowered.
-Save Checkpoints are grossly underplaced. I tried to rush the robot sequence and had to restart, and I think I counted 25 rooms I had to fly through to get back to where I was at (I ran into some dead ends even though I had just cleared it, because it's very confusing at times)
-Gallery is.. weird, and is missing the still picture cg, the first boss, and the background hentai (including the final boss fight one)
--The robot sequence is lazy and entirely unwanted. I liked the cute robot sprite and wanted to like it, but there's nothing good about it. It goes on far, far too long, you can fly over all but three enemies (and every one of those are trivial)
--Struggle Mechanic is trivial. If you're capable of pressing the s key a few times, the struggle mechanic means nothing to you. You basically have to purposefully not press the s key to ever be grappled, and this is a fundamentally bad design (at least on a standard difficulty). Increase the difficulty of escape dependent on the amount of health left ala Blank Blood, or increase the amount of resistance you have to give until it's reduced ala the witch tower defense game..
---Powerups are laughably bad. Going into an extra room, going down a corridor fighting enemies, going into a room with items only to find that it's +20 bullet shots that regenerate anyways is frustrating and pointless. It's even more frustrating when you use those bullets on the respawned enemies you had to fight through in the first place to get there. The multiple ammos idea is neat, but you never need to use anything but your primary ammo and both of them play the same anyways so there's not much fun from switching between them. Clothing is awarded far too much.

All of these things combined make the game feel like such a chore at times and it really shouldn't. You won't be excited to find any powerups, most of the enemies behave exactly the same and are handled the same way, and the sequences are long and labyrinth-like. The art is fabulous, but that's really the most I can say from this game. I couldn't recommend it.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

'. 'a
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Well I liked it, I would like to see the developer go into a Metroid style gameplay for the sequel, and please try something other than a spaceship interior. So, maybe pull the camera out more, and remove the CAMERA effect for areas that do not have a "surveillance" vibe to them. So in area's where you're being watched you have the VCR filter.

BTW that spaceship sure was big... on the inside compared to the exterior shot! :p

*PS: eep, now he knows who I am. May that's why some people want to get a free copy?
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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Did anyone else get stuck on the robot part where you need to find the equipment? I can't find it anywhere
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I was just wondering...... will he add there some CG or something?
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