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Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Excellent. Now that you've had time to adjust to the symbiote, I thought we'd do some testing to find out just how powerful it makes you. Start with one of the lighter weight." The count says, gesturing towards the benches.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Okay," Natalie replied, and then ensured that the symbiote was enhancing her strength before going to the indicated bench. She started at the lightest weight, something that she could probably have lifted without the symbiote's assistance, and then progressed from there in small, even increments for her master's benefits. She reported how difficult each weight was, and continued until she was straining to the point that she didn't think that she could do any more.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The first weights are easy to lift, and Natalie only starts having trouble when she's lifting well over her own weight. Von Svarthein excitedly notes that she can lift almost twice as much as she could before.

After the weight lifting, the count has her do some more boring testing for what seems like a long time. Finally he seems satisfied. "This is revolutionary! To think that it should work so well on the first try! Um... What time is it? Ah, no matter. Go grab yourself something to eat and then go report to the guard captain. I want his assessment of the symbiote as well."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Yes sir," Natalie replied, glad to finally be out of the lab. She was hungry, slightly sore, and somewhat tired after all of that, and would quickly bow and then make her way to the kitchens to get something to eat.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

As Natalie gets to the kitchens, she finds that for once Anni isn't there. The chef quickly drives her out to the mess hall where a number of soldiers, including a few she saw earlier, are having their meals before handing her a bowl of soup smelling of spices. Looking around, Natalie notices that there's plenty of room should she wish to sit alone, and a side table has tankards as well as what seems to be various drinks.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Shrugging after the chef had driven her out of the kitchen, Natalie would go and sit with the soldiers, greeting them in a friendly manner and joining in whatever conversation they were having while she ate. She would opt to stay away from the alcohol, for now.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"...more bloody patrols. I don't see why the captain ordered them doubled. There hasn't been any serious trouble for years. Oh, hello Natalie." The other soldiers greet her as well with varying degrees of enthusiasm, making room for her next to Ingtar.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Hi!" Natalie greeted the soldiers cheerfully as she plopped down next to Ingtar, "what's up boys? Griping about your jobs eh?" She'd nibble some of her meal while grinning at the speaker, "best to just concentrate on the perks, yeah?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Those have gotten better lately," Ingtar replies, causing the others to laugh. "Still wish we knew what's up with all the extra patrols, though."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"You haven't found anything out there then?" Natalie asked curiously, "maybe the boss is expecting trouble of some kind.... I wish I could help you, but I don't know what's going on any more than you do. Guess you'll just have to put up with it... I'm sure the new perks will help with keeping stress down though~" She grinned, her eyebrows flicking in an overdone suggestive manner, and then giggled before going back to eating her food.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The conversation kind of dies down after a while, and the soldiers finish eating and head back to the barracks. Ingtar touches Natalie's shoulder on his way out, perhaps by accident perhaps not.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie would grow bored during the lull in conversation, simply munching on her food, but when the guards all wandered off she said her goodbyes cheerfully enough. Ingtar touched her shoulder on the way out, and she assumed it was deliberately, so she smirked at him and reached out to pinch him on the butt as he walked away. After that, however, she wasn't really sure what to do with herself.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

A few servants leave, a few more arrive to eat, but not much of interest happens.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Bored, Natalie opts to take a walk around the castle, and if nothing of interest happens she opts to head over to the guard barracks. If nothing else, she could probably get laid there.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

This time when Natalie arrives at the barracks, they seem to be almost abandoned with not a single guard in the main hall. As she gets up the stairs to the officer's quarters, a sharp command comes from inside before she even touches the door: "Come in."

Were she to step inside, Natalie would find a graying man in his fifties yet with a build many a younger man might envy sitting at a desk, wearing a uniform complete with breastplate and apparently reading a paper. Behind the desk Natalie can see a table, some bookshelves and further doors probably leading into personal quarters of the officers. Besides the papers, the desk has the captain's helmet on it, complete with a feather, as well as a heavy looking bundle containing a helmet, a maille shirt and greaves, a heavy wooden shield, an arming sword and a spear. "You'd be Natalie, correct?" Without bothering to wait for an answer, the captain continues. "Well, the count told me to test you. I don't know what the hell that's supposed to accomplish, but orders are orders. Put the kit on."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie jumped in surprise at the sharp, commanding bark, but then remembered that she was supposed to go and see the guard commander for more testing. Moving into the commander's office, she glanced around and then focused on the man, listening to his grousing and then glancing at the kit.

"Uhhh... Yes, I am. Aaaaand okie dokie!"

She glanced suspiciously at the armor, trying to figure out how best to get it on, and then simply shrugged and did her best. Either the commander would help or he wouldn't, and eventually she would get the heavy mail shirt on, followed by the helmet, and then the heavy boot-things that covered her legs that she thought might be called greaves. Maybe. She then eyed the sword and spear, trying to figure out how best to carry them too, before strapping the sword to her belt and then putting the spear against her back while commanding her symbiote to form straps around her armor to keep it in place.

All in all, the gear wasn't too heavy for her to handle thanks to the symbiote, but she wasn't used to moving with it. The armor threw her balance off, limited her vision and her range of motion, and the weapons strapped to her only made that problem more pronounced. "So... Now what?" she said, fidgeting.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

When it becomes obvious that Natalie doesn't know what she's doing, the captain stands up, showing her the right way to strap the greaves on and how to strap the shield to her back. "Hrm. You're no soldier, but you might pass for one in bad light. Come on." Putting on his own helmet and sword belt, he leads Natalie outside the castle, to the field where a lieutenant is running the guards through sword drills. "Forward...strike!" As one, each guard steps forward and thrusts at an imaginary target and freezes in place under the watchful eyes of the lieutenant. "Pull... stand!" The soldiers pull back to their previous positions, shields raised and swords ready. As the captain watches, the drill continues for a few more minutes.

"Attention! At ease." Each soldier obediently stands to attention, then moves his right leg to right and relaxes slightly. "It's running time. To the oak and back. Move it." The soldiers holster their swords, strap the shields to their backs and start jogging towards a distant tree, grabbing spears on their way. The captain prods at Natalie. "Follow the others and try to keep up."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie kept a lid on her irritated retort to the captains appraisal of her soldiering skills, even if it was accurate. Following him out, she watched the soldiers at work for a moment before being ordered to join them in jogging towards a tree, which she did. She resisted the urge to break out into a run or sprint, figuring that it would be a bad idea to expend too much energy too quickly, so she simply kept pace with the men.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

As Natalie starts jogging after the men, she feels the symbiote shifting to better help her carry the weight. Even so, the chainmail feels quite heavy and the shield keeps moving ever so slightly up and down and the soldiers are keeping good pace. Though she isn't out of shape, the extra weight would certainly be winding her down by the time she has made the long trip to the tree if not for the symbiote, and the guards start running back without a break. On the way back, some of the guards are having trouble keeping up with the main group, but Natalie feels like she could still run for miles. Finally they get back and the men take a breather while the lieutenant oversees them. "Tired yet?" the captain asks Natalie.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Not yet," Natalie replied, breathing deeply but not panting after the exertion. It would probably have left her a lot more winded without the symbiote, and all of the gear was fairly heavy and obstructed her movement a fair bit, but she wasn't too badly off just yet. "What next?"