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Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"Guess it was too much to hope I'd find a solution by coincidence like this," Rashi sighed, feeling the kanabo on her back pulse with energy for a moment before she lowered her hand. She ignore it, turning back to meet the kitsune's eyes once again—and endeavouring to remain on her eyes this time.

"Yeah, that's about right. Hard to even think about throwing it away sometimes, and it can't go far if I try. Or if someone else tries for that matter. Likes hurting things. Not much originality there." The oni just shrugged as she finished giving her short description. She wasn't expecting much, this had been a long shot to begin with. "Thanks for listening, anyway. Still have at least one good lead, I hope. Supposed to be an oracle up on top of the mountain here, if I'm lucky I might be able to at least get a push in the right direction from there."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"Bloodlust is not uncommon among such weapons if the histories are to be believed," Kaida would idly remark, briefly swept up in the memory of one such tome she had read regarding the subject of mythological cursed weapons. She would ramble on about it, unable to shake it from her head with its hold made all the stronger by her curiosity regarding the oni's weapon. "Pride as well. I once read about a collection of bloodthirsty swords created by a mad blacksmith. It said that he quenched his weapons in demonic blood and then engraved each sword with otherworldly runes able to cause madness merely by glimpsing them and once they were finished he sealed a berserker's spirit in each. The weapons came into the hands of various warriors and they were compelled by their blades to slaughter, to the point that the weapons refused to return to their scabbards once drawn unless they had bathed in blood."

There was more to that story. The swords would not allow their wielders to abandon them and eventually led them against greater and greater opponents until one killed the wielder so that the sword could find a new home at the side of a stronger warrior. And after a century the collection of blades turned on each other, compelling their users to kill the swordsmen carrying their sister-blades as if to prove which sword and its wielder was the strongest. The end of the tale suggested that one warrior collected them all and then, in a moment of great willpower, had himself sealed alive in a tomb so that the weapons would never curse another soul and the cycle of death could be ended. Kaida, of course, did not think it particularly wise to share that tale with a cursed-weapon carrying woman she'd met not more than fifteen minutes prior.

"I'm sorry, I went off on a tangent there. Truthfully it was always difficult to separate between fact and fiction in some of those tales. Difficult to say how much of the knowledge would be relevant to you," she dismissively suggested. "But it so happens I'm on the road to see the same oracle for clues in my own quest. How long have you been preparing to trek the mountain?"
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"I'm... not quite sure what his story is. He doesn't like to talk about himself much." Rashi replied with a hint of humour once the kitsune had finished telling the stories of other such weapons she'd heard of. There were definitely similarities between those stories and what she knew of her own weapons, but none offered any solutions to her problems. Not that she had expected to find one, but it was still a little disheartening that despite knowing the stories of several cursed weapons like Rashi's own, she hadn't made mention of any whose curse had been broken.

She very nearly began to tell the story of how she'd found Gorefinder, but even her alcohol-addled mind was able to tell her it was probably better to keep that one to herself for now. Telling people that she'd taken the weapon from the corpse of a man seemingly mad with rage who'd tried to kill her, and that she was pretty sure it was Gorefinder that had driven him mad, and was trying to do the same to her... it didn't seem like the best way to make other people comfortable around her.

"I haven't been in town long myself," Rashi instead turned to the other woman's questions about her plans to meet the oracle. It seemed they had the same destination, which wasn't surprising when she thought about what the other woman hd claimed to be searching for. "I had just been planning to relax for the evening, have a few drinks, and get ready for the trip in the morning. To be honest, I had just been passing through the area, but when I heard about this oracle, I thought it would be worth taking a detour for. I... don't really have much of a direction, honestly, I didn't even know where to begin to look for anyone who might know something that could help me."

Rashi sighed at that, before perking up again, seeming to come to some sudden realization, "Sorry, haven't even introduced myself, have I? My name's Rashi, I'm from... well, up north from here." She hesitated a bit before ending her introduction with a vague statement. Her orcish heritage wasn't readily evident to those who weren't aware of her kind, her demonic features more prominent. She couldn't hide those, but she could keep the other half of her heritage a secret more easily, which helped at least a little among humans.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"I am Kaida," the monk replied, offering the oni a short but respectful bow at the hips. Having been the target of rumors due to her own appearance and origins, she wasn't the type to give much thought to the oni's origins or attribute anything to the woman based on them. Indeed, the most consideration she had given to the woman's race so far was minor amusement over her choice of weapon, or perhaps her weapon's choice of her, and the existence of a saying in High Amazonian about giving a club to an oni. "I hail from the Hokona Temple, southeast of here. It's an honor to make your acquaintance."

"I had similar plans, although I intended to spend my night meditating in this shrine," she motioned her cowled head at the building behind her. "In truth, I initially expected to spend the better part of a week preparing but as it stands it seems that I will probably be leaving in the morning as well. Perhaps we will be able to offer each other company on the road," she suggested, but was more out of politeness than any intent to follow through. As it stood, Kaida would probably be leaving the town under greatly different circumstances than Rashi, with a group of angry caravan guards hunting her. The kitsune monk didn't think it right to simply drag a random stranger into the middle of all that.

She did, however, regret that she might not have the opportunity to share the road with the other woman. The palanquin fragments came above all else but losing a chance to learn about a cursed weapon and the woman who wielded it remained a steep price to pay. Still, she could at least make the most of the amount of time she had before retrieving her shards and fleeing. "Would you like to join me in the shrine, perhaps? I would greatly enjoy a chance to listen to your tale. I imagine you overheard in the tavern but my temple was burned along with everything inside it and I would like to stock it with new knowledge when I rebuild it. It would be an honor if I could record yours, and perhaps if I learned more I would be able to recall information more relevant to you."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"I'd like that. Haven't had much good company on the road recently." Rashi grinned as she gave her reply, pleasantly surprised at the offer. She hadn't been expecting it after the sort of first impression she'd made—even now, she had to focus to keep her eyes from wandering too much. She hadn't had much in the way of lasting company since she'd left her home to seek a way to free herself from her cursed weapon.

She raised an eyebrow at Kaida's next offer, glancing over to the doors of the temple they were standing outside somewhat incredulously. "I wouldn't mind that, though it's probably not as interesting a story as you might hope. Just to warn you, though, I'm not really the... meditative type." Rashi shrugged a little awkwardly, looking back to the temple. She'd never been somewhere like that, didn't know the proper etiquette... On the other hand, what did she have to lose? She'd been thrown out of at least a dozen taverns in her travels so far, getting thrown out of a temple couldn't be that much different, could it? "I'll try to behave, though."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"There's no need to be nervous," the monk replied with a small chuckle. "I'm not asking you to put on the robes and take a nun's vows or even to offer prayers to the spirits. I'd just enjoy more conversation within the quiet of the temple's walls," she offered with a smile, though the shift in her expression was hidden by the wrapping of her cowl.

Afterward Kaida would open the door and walk inside the temple. If the man sweeping the property was still present she would offer him a slight nod of her head in recognition before stepping to the side of the door. She sought shelves intended to hold the sandals, shoes, and other items of visitors, shelves that were often found in temples situated more deeply in Amazonian territory, but if she couldn't find them she would slip off her sandals and leave them neatly off to the side of the main entrance. Next she would carefully lay her naginata down along that same wall, then remove her swords from her sash and leave them as well. Finally, she would unravel her cowl from her head, fold it up, and leave it with her sandals and then remove her simple helmet and stack it on top of the rest of her pile, revealing her face in its entirety, her fox-like ears, and her long black hair held in a bun so that it would easily fit in her helmet.

All simple custom to her, but she didn't necessarily expect Rashi to know or follow any of it, or to even be able to follow it in the case of removing her weapon. If the oni made an effort then Kaida would do her best to guide the woman in what to do. Otherwise, what the monk herself did next would depend partially on the layout, the presence and reaction of the man sweeping, and what the other woman did.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi: HP = 71, PP = 46, EP = 47, Status = Fine, 12/16 Willpower, Aroused

Kaida: HP = 92, PP = 43, EP = 43, Status = Fine.

The ancient figure would give a respectful bow as Kaida and Rashi entered, the wrack for shoes and sandals sitting right in the slightly depressed entrance area before a small step up brought one into the main chamber of the temple itself, right beside a set of pegs for cloaks and the like and several larger wracks meant for armaments. Unlike in most Western temples, most of which were now devoted to the worship of the Star God, or in the temples of the gods to the North, there were no pews. People were expected to sit cross legged or on their knees when attending group prayer, which were more often either recitations of legends or the wisdom of ancient masters rather than direct dictations of scripture. He watched as Kaida carefully removed her footwear, placed her weapons aside, and finally remove her helm and cowl, and then silently moved to lean his broom against the wall and withdrew a tea set from a small, battered looking cabinet.

He brought the set to the middle of the room and then sat, cross legged, with no sign of discomfort or difficulty despite his age. A flick of his finger caused the pot to fill steadily, and still the man was silent, waiting for Kaida and Rashi to join him in what the former knew was a customary greeting ceremony for another monk visiting the temple. Evidently, he had heard their conversation, as she knew that such rituals were reserved for others who had taken vows, regardless of their denomination, and that such rituals were only extended to guests of other such people. The third cup placed on the tray, there being one at each of the corners nearest them, signaled that Rashi was welcome, but that Kaida would be responsible for her actions.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi glanced over at Kaida as she removed her sandals, mimicking her actions as well as she was able, though Gorefinder remained slung over her shoulder. Another glance as the kitsune removed her helm and Rashi noticed that it wasn't just her tail that was fox-like, but her ears as well. She had to resist the impulse to reach up and stroke them, evidently she was still feeling the effects of her drinks.

"Sorry, can't exactly leave him behind," Rashi mumbles somewhat nervously under her breath as she followed along with Kaida's example, although she had little else to remove. She did her best to remain polite, but with no knowledge of the customs she could only continue to glance over to Kaida and try to follow her example. She remained quiet until either Kaida or the monk spoke however, uncertain of whether their silence was part of the custom.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

The kitsune monk offered a small smile and an understanding nod to Rashi about her weapon. Having grown up in the middle of a temple and all its ceremonies, Kaida placed great stock in the traditions. The rituals may have seemed stuffy or even wholly unnecessary to the casual observer, but in her eyes they were minutes well spent. After all, what other manner of greeting could truly display a guest's respect toward their hosts? She was not so disconnected as to believe that every stranger should have perfectly memorized them though, and her oni acquaintance got a pass on two fronts given the foul nature of her weapon.

It was with an added mindfulness for her guest's lack of knowledge of the ritual that she went into their host's welcoming ceremony, silently padding to take the spot to the right of the table he had set for them. Every movement was performed with a deliberate slowness so that Rashi could mimic it, and yet that did nothing to affect her single-minded discipline as she went into it. She crisply grabbed a small handful of the fabric of her robes and the pants underneath them and pulled up with a small, practiced motion in order to hike them up just far enough above her ankles to allow her to smoothly begin her descent into a kneel-sitting position. Her left knee went down to the ground first, looking almost like a feather floating from the sky, undisturbed by gravity, and resulting in a silent landing, and her right knee began the same descent when its counterpart was at the halfway point resulting in a similar landing a heartbeat after the first. When both knees were on the ground she sat back onto her feet, delaying only for an instant to fold them underneath her as she completed her position change.

The entire time her head was straight forward. Well placed or not, she had faith in her acquaintance of several moments to be able to manage at least the bare minimum necessary without her direct guidance or watchful eye. She had never actually had a younger monk, an apprentice, or a guest with her before, but from her knowledge of the ceremony as performed with additional people, as long as Rashi could manage to get into the kneel-sitting position without falling over and breaking the table and do so shortly after Kaida herself had managed as much, it should've been considered enough for even the most conservative hosts. Perhaps it was best, then, that she'd had no idea how much Rashi had been drinking before following her to the temple.

Have been sitting on this much of the post for like three weeks wondering whether or not to push forward past this or not. Finally have realized that it makes far more sense to end it here and force Knephi into the gauntlet of MORE SHORTPOSTS or potentially derp whichevs.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

The whole process was a little surreal for Rashi, and certainly a new experience. She'd never even been inside a temple like this, much less observed any of the traditions or ceremonies they practised. It was all quite alien to her, though her exposure to human culture meant it wasn't entirely jarring, and she was able to follow along with relative success, if not anywhere close to the grace the kitsune displayed.

She managed to somewhat clumsily mimic Kaida's motion in kneeling, having to steady herself momentarily as she nearly overbalanced and toppled right onto the kitsune before catching herself at the last moment. Evidently she hadn't quite sobered up entirely yet, if her sense of balance was any indicator. Nonetheless, she managed to take her place relatively quickly, if not quite gracefully. After a moment's consideration she also set Gorefinder aside, placing it at arm's length away on the floor behind her. Hopefully that would be good enough, as she couldn't really do much more.

The Oni glanced awkwardly between Kaida and the monk, neither having said a word to each other. Their silence made her uncertain about speaking herself, so she elected to remain quiet for the time being as well. After all, it was Kaida who wished to hear her story. Perhaps the silence was also some aspect of their tradition, and in that case she didn't want to break it until one of them did.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi: HP = 71, PP = 46, EP = 47, Status = Fine, 12/16 Willpower, Aroused

Kaida: HP = 92, PP = 43, EP = 43, Status = Fine.

Once the two women were seated, the keeper of the temple gave a slight seated bow and reached for his cup. Traditionally they would drink first, and it seemed that he hadn't minded Rashi's slight lack of grace in trying to seat herself as he waited for both of them to take up their cups in turn. He took a slight sip before setting his aside, and with the basic ritual greeting done with the older man said; "Greetings... It is good to see another holy woman in this day and age. I am Shin, and you are?" He gave Kaida the brunt of his attention, but his eyes did flick to Rashi once the kitsune had delivered whatever introduction she wished. "May I ask what brings you out here? We don't get many visitors these days, save the occasional caravan and those looking to ascend the mountain."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

The kitsune would add one more variation to the ceremony before taking up her tea and drinking from it in acceptance of her host's graciousness. With two fingers she tapped twice against the edge of the table. The motion was a tradition in its own right and a nonverbal way for a guest to thank the one serving them. It was more eastern in origin and had spawned from the legend of a noblewoman and her retainer. Her estate had fallen and so she had hidden in his household disguised as his servant to keep her enemies from tracking her down. The man she served, a loyal and proper warrior, could not stand the idea of being served by his liege lady without showing her due respect in front of others, even if the act was necessary, so he made a habit of tapping his fingers on the table each time she was forced to play the role of servant in front of company as a way of offering his thanks and demonstrating his allegiance to her as a retainer.

"I am Kaida, a warrior monk of the Hokona temple to the southeast," she admitted freely to the man after taking her sip of tea and setting the cup down. "This is Rashi." The fox-eared woman would continue by taking the initiative on introducing the other woman. It was intended as a courtesy, since the oni wasn't familiar with their ways and Kaida imagined she might not feel comfortable impressing upon the conversation herself. "She is an acquaintance with an interesting tale."

"It heartens me to see a temple to the spirits attended by a brother so close to foreign borders," she added. The quick addition was partly a ploy to quickly divert any pressure from Rashi to share her tale and to allow the woman to tell it when and how she wanted to, but it was a true sentiment too. She hadn't interacted with many fellow monks in her lifetime but it was still very easy to fall into the comforting familiarity of talking to an older man who'd donned the robes. After all, so much about the setting and their host reminded Kaida of her mentor of several decades. She had never shied away from frank honesty yet on her journey, but there was a vague sense of comfort in the idea that this man would understand her feelings when she repeated her own tale.

"I am here to ascend the mountain and seek the oracle," she admitted. "I am the only member of my order left and the truth is that I failed in my duties to my temple. I was unable to defend it and the temple was burned by bandits along with all of its history. My worst failing was the loss of the temple's palanquin. In their retreat from the fire they dismantled it and took the broken pieces with them. This is one such piece," she would grab the piece of the palanquin that hung around her neck and pull it out for his examination. "I hope to gain some clues as to their whereabouts from the oracle. I must do everything in my power to retrieve the litter and repair it. I cannot be at peace until I do."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi watched the exchange between the monks in silence, seeing the subtle gestures but being unable to glean any kind of meaning from them. Her grasp of the common culture here was already tenuous at best, so there was little hope of her understanding something so esoteric. She simply took the cup she was offered with a slight nod, taking a sip from it when she saw Kaida do so and listened to the two speak.

This was the first she'd heard of what exactly the kitsune was seeking the oracle for, though it did make sense after what she'd seen back in the tavern. In a way, it was a quest as hopeless as her own seemed to be, seeking something that had been scattered so far with few clues to go on.

"I'm seeking the oracle as well." The oni added, her voice sounding somewhat subdued compared to earlier, as if afraid of disrupting the atmosphere. "I'm looking for a way to break a curse, and haven't turned up anything else so far... It's a long shot, but I'm hoping to find some kind of direction there." With that she fell silent again. She was willing to share her story if prompted, but the unfamiliarity of this place and almost oppressive atmosphere it brought with it left her hesitant to begin too quickly, lest she miss some other sort of ceremony expected of them.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi: HP = 71, PP = 46, EP = 47, Status = Fine, 12/16 Willpower, Aroused

Kaida: HP = 92, PP = 43, EP = 43, Status = Fine.

Kaida would find her subtle thanks didn't receive much in the way of reaction, though that in and of itself wasn't terribly surprising. It wasn't a common practice, and even in the original story the only response was a subtle tilt of the head, one that was difficult to accurately interpret but that she might have received in response. Their host nodded to the fox featured woman as she introduced herself, and then again as she introduced Rashi, as was her right and potentially her duty given the responsibility she had implicitly accepted over the oni's actions.

"It is good to meet you both," the older looking man said softly once introductions were out of the way, letting them continue speaking while taking a small sip of tea. He glanced again at Rashi in response to Kaida's added introduction, but didn't pry at that point as the kitsune quickly attempted to divert his attention by was of her gracious compliment.

When the pair revealed their intentions, the man nodded again, and set aside his cup. "Many come here, seeking answers from the oracle," he began, "some to right wrongs... Some to seek glory that may be revealed... Others to find truth where they have none. These are dark times we live in, where curses from the gods and villains can steal from sacred places for simple wealth. It is good that neither of you have given up hope." He gave a seated half bow, moving smoothly despite his mortal age, a problem that neither woman would ever need to worry about, and then continued; "I wish that I could aid you further, but my place is here, tending to this temple that pilgrims might find some peace on these roads. Sadly, I have seen no such artifacts; few bring wealth here, and fewer show it within these walls."

It was clear that he was addressing Kaida given the tilt of his head and the nature of his words, but then he looked to Rashi with a thoughtful expression. "You, however... If you could tell me more of the nature of your curse, perhaps I might know something."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"Yeah, I was planning on telling Kaida here about it anyway, so I might as well tell both of you at once," Rashi nodded as she replied to the man, shooting a glance over to the kitsune beside her, then to the weapon she'd left on the floor at her side before continuing.

"Honestly, I don't really know much about it, but that weapon there's the source. Ever since I first touched it, I haven't been able to get rid of the thing. Can't get it more than about this far away from me," She motioned vaguely to the floor between her and Gorefinder, "If that was all, I wouldn't really mind, he'd be a good weapon, but... well, I guess I should start from the beginning. I was a smith back home, though I travelled a bit. Maybe more than I should have, but that's not really important."

"When I was on one of those trips, I got jumped by... well, I don't really know what to call him. It was a man, must have been completely mad. Was like he was in some kind of battle rage, but there was nobody else around, just us. I managed to bring him down in the end, but he was stronger than any human I've ever met. I figured the weapon had to be the source, I could tell it was something special. Just not how much, I guess." She sighed, inwardly cursing at herself once again for not even trying to figure out what kind of enchantment was on the weapon before taking it. She'd heard of cursed magic weapons, but they were the stuff of old stories. She'd never have expected to have even laid eyes on one in her life, and she'd assumed Gorefinder was just a weapon with some sort of strength-enhancing enchantment. "Well, now I can't get rid of the thing, it's hard to even think about throwing it away, not that it's even possible in the first place. And, well... I can tell it's trying to do something to me. Unnatural anger, violent urges... I've been able to keep it under control well enough so far, but I need to find something before I just end up... well, like its last weilder."

She glanced back to Kaida before finally giving another sigh, "Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it beyond that. Some madman tried to kill me with it, I picked it up, and now I'm stuck with it while it tries to drive me insane too. Not really the story you were hoping for, I'd imagine."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"I understand." Kaida's words served as a response to the monk's duties and his lack of further information. She was disappointed but not surprised. It had been unlikely that more than one piece of the temple's litter would pass through such a small town. She would just need to focus her efforts on that merchant then.

She would remain silent as Rashi's story came to light. Information about the palanquin was Kaida's top priority, of course, but the oni's story had taken second place in the monk's interests as soon as her cursed weapon had become apparent. And Rashi's tale was a treasure trove in ways that the woman telling it probably didn't recognize. It took a monk's discipline for Kaida to keep her neutral expression and her tail and ears from twitching as she listened. The warrior's account validated the information of so many of the books in her temple.

Rashi's tale meant that the berserker blades might very well exist along with a myriad of other weapons of legend, how terrifying and yet exciting all at once. And yet, how sobering it was to think that the young woman beside her might meet a similar fate. She seemed so genuine and full of life, it was difficult to imagine her becoming so lost in bloodlust that she became a wild animal that needed to be put down. What Kaida wouldn't have given to travel alongside the stranger for a while longer and document how her tale progressed and how it ended. She wondered if perhaps she might be able to share the road to the oracle with the other woman after all, if she managed to retrieve the palanquin piece smoothly enough.

"I apologize for delaying your wisdom on this matter, brother, but I must ask of my fellow guest: why not?" The kitsune monk would turn toward the oni in order to question her in a tone that spoke of nothing but seriousness as Rashi implied that it wasn't the story she was looking for. "Journeys begin with the first step, books begin with the first chapter. You have offered valuable information this day and I thank you for it." Kaida would go quiet again after she'd made her thoughts on the oni's story known, allowing the human monk to share whatever knowledge he might have on the curse. She hoped, for Rashi's sake, that his education about such curses was better than Kaida's own.
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi: HP = 71, PP = 46, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Kaida: HP = 92, PP = 43, EP = 43, Status = Fine.

The old man, like Kaida, would listen to Rashi's tale of how she had come upon Gorefinder and then been unable to set the cursed weapon aside without making any effort to interrupt her. He would likewise offer no complaint as Kaida responded before he did, and let silence lapse for a few moments after the kitsune offered her input on the oni's dire situation. "I must agree with my sister, stranger. Many great tales begin with the actions of a madman with unknown intentions, and many with dire beginnings have endings that uplift the spirit," the caretaker of the shrine said softly.

"Your weapon, though its true origins and the motives for its creation may be unknown, is not an insurmountable burden, nor one that has never been heard of. I am sure you have heard of such artifacts, among your green skinned ancestors if you spent any time among them," he continued, "of weapons of dark intent who would enslave their wielders. Some fail, yes, but others defeat the will of their artifacts and free themselves of the curse. If others have, then so too can you."

He reached out for his cup, but rather than drink from it he brought it under his nose and went still, breathing deeply of the steam rising from the fresh tea. "The only true wisdom I can offer is to not give up hope. I am no sorcerer, nor a sage. I am but an old mortal man, a simple monk watching after a neglected temple in a far corner of our world. The oracle may lead you on the path to freedom from your curse... But even if they cannot, you must not surrender to despair, or the rage brought on by your weapon will only find an easier hold on your mind."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi managed a small smile as she listened to the monks' responses to her story, though it quite clearly wasn't entirely genuine. She knew that what they were saying was probably true, but she couldn't quite bring herself to believe that willpower alone would be enough too get her out of this. It was simply exhausting sometimes, when he really pushed her, to resist Gorefinder's compulsions. She had to remain vigilant against him, while all he needed to do was wait for a moment of weakness.

She'd already lost control in the past, though fortunately never with disastrous consequences yet. She knew that wouldn't last forever.

"Yes, I'd heard stories... but I'd never thought they were more than just tales. Don't remember many with happy endings either," A hint of bitterness crept into the Oni's voice as she spoke, but she quickly quashed it. She was a guest here, and they were offering to listen and try to help her, despite the limited aid they could provide. She should at least try to remain polite. "You're right though... And I'm not about to give up either. If it does end up taking me, I'll be fighting tooth and nail the whole way. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to hold it back forever."

She sighed heavily, eyes wandering back to her weapon briefly. What if the oracle could help her, what then? Of course she'd jump at any opportunity that could free her from this curse, but where would that leave her? She hadn't given much thought to what she'd do afterwards. It wouldn't be so simple as just returning home. Her departure had been sudden, unannounced... and not bloodless either. She didn't think she'd hurt anyone too badly, but she hadn't exactly been in her right mind at the time. She hadn't learned to fight the influence on her mind yet, and Gorefinder rarely tried to influence her into anything that didn't involve blood being shed.

"It's good to hear that some tales have a better end than the ones I'm familiar with, though. I can only hope this oracle has some answers for me."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

"The oracle does seem like the next step for you," the kitsune monk reinforced the oni's comment after a few moments of quiet contemplation. "Those of us who fight with cold steel are ill-prepared for the battleground set by weapons like yours. But an accomplished spirit wielder, on the other hand, might prove more able to challenge it on their own terms. And if this oracle is all that the rumors say, there is probably no more accomplished wielder for miles. Perhaps you won't even need guidance beyond them."

Her eyes would turn downward toward the table as she idly picked up her cup of tea and took a small sip from it. Her new acquaintance easily qualified as the most interesting person that Kaida had ever met. Admittedly, she had spent some thirty-odd years in a temple that averaged less than a dozen visitors a year, but she had a feeling that the oni would've ranked well even if she had lived in a normal village. The foxgirl inwardly mourned that fate seemed likely to keep her from journeying alongside Rashi. "I would truly cherish the opportunity to travel with you and record the outcome of your meeting with the oracle," she repeated from earlier in a tone that betrayed a small hint of her sadness, still well aware that she would probably leaving town before the night was over and likely with blood on her hands.

"I'll have to ensure that I retrieve more parchment before setting out tomorrow," she continued more brightly with a small, fake smile as she returned her gaze to Rashi. "A few blocks of wood would probably be wise as well. The nights get boring when I don't have scrap wood to carve. Ah, yes. Brother," she would turn her attention to their host, "do you have any cleaning or repairs that need to be done around here before I depart? I wish to repay you for your hospitality."
Re: Where Even Lords Dare Not Tread (Knephi and Hafnium)

Rashi: HP = 71, PP = 46, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Kaida: HP = 92, PP = 43, EP = 43, Status = Fine.

"The darker tales do tend to stick around longer these days," the old monk lamented, though he fixated Rashi with a piercing stare as the oni settled into despondency. His visage softened slightly as she went back on her pessimism, however, and he ultimately turned to Kaida. "Whether or not you are correct, I cannot say with certainty, but I do agree. If anyone can assist her and is willing to do so without an unreasonable cost, it is the oracle."

He seemed surprised at her question regarding any work to do, but then nodded. "Well, there are some minor repairs that you might assist me with, but not until tomorrow. The hour is late, and it is no longer time for work to be done under the sun's light," he replied softly. "I will throw in a meal tomorrow morning if you are both willing to help me before continuing on your journey... It is best not to travel alone on the mountain path, especially these days the roads are dangerous, and capable though you both might be it would be best not to travel alone."