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Winter Night (thetwo)

Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

The food, while slightly cooled, was still decent enough. Her wine tasted just as it had before, and after she was done with both and asked her question Jenn would point into the crowd and say; "Right there!" Ashley's gaze would be directed to the alley in the crowded tavern through which she herself had passed, where a girl that Ashley didn't recognize was carefully making her way towards them. She had a pair of small glasses in one hand that were filled nearly to the top with liquid, and was holding an arm around the bust of her fairly low-cut dress, and once she got closer Ashley would realize that no less than four more glasses were carefully placed within her cleavage.

As she got nearer, Ashley was able to see a little bit more of Jenn's friend. Shorter even than Jenn, she was barely five feet tall, but also fairly stocky and also definitely on the pudgy side. Her hips were fairly wide, and her breasts were even bigger than Jenn's, but her slightly rounded face was curled up into a smile that was positively infectious if Ashley allowed it to be, and as she drew nearer she spoke in a voice that was a blindly cheerful and happy as her expression had suggested it might be; "Hiiii Jenn! And you must be Ashley!" She casually set down two of the shots on the counter in front of her, and Ashley would realize that the two glasses contained different liquids. A larger glass filled with ale was set aside, and then the woman pulled a pair of shot glasses out and set them down in front of Jenn before pulling out the last two, undoubtedly meant for herself.

"Hellooo! I'm Katelyn! Katy for short! And if this is your first time trying a round of Therion Blitz, you're in for a treat!" the stranger would say, grinning broadly all the while as she set down her own glasses. "Have you got a chaser? Wine or ale will do, but mead is usually the best. I'd have had that if they hadn't run out just as I was going for the drinks!"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley glanced curiously at the two shot glasses. She didn't recognize the liquid, but presumably it was alcoholic. Well, how bad could it be, with just two shots? "Pleased to meet you, Katy. I think we've both got some wine left, and we can always order more."

Her own glass was half empty, but Jenn had just gotten her second. And the wine had come quickly enough when they'd first ordered. "I don't think I've even heard of Therion Blitz, much what played. So... how do we play?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

"Likewise!" Katy replied jovially, and then winked as she added; "You're gonna have to order another one after this, but it can wait until after we're done with the first round~"

The wind mage's question about how to play the game she'd intended would, in turn, bring an absolutely malicious grin to the girl's face, but it would quickly be revealed as nothing more than a front as she descended into a brief fit of giggles. "Oh, it's easy... Therion Blitz is also technically the name of the shot, but people usually tend to play games with it in my experience. It's really pretty simple, first we toast with the red shot - that's Brailian Amber by the way - and down that as quick as we can. It goes down smooth, but the follow up - a shot of Rassil Whiskey - isn't so easy. You chase it with whatever you want, and whoever empties their glass first wins. In groups like this, I usually go whoever empties their glass last loses instead, since it's easier to decide who has to do something~"

Jenn quirked an eyebrow at that, "do something? Like what?" A mischievous smile briefly graced Katie's lips, and she replied; "Oh, I've played it all kinds of different ways! Usually in public it ends up being that the loser buys the next round, but there are plenty of more adventurous things that happen in private~ Truth or dare is a common favorite, or usually just dare given how such games usually go. When it's all girls, my personal favorite is that the loser has to go topless for the rest of the night, buuut..." She swept her gaze around as it point out that they were in public, but then giggled as she looked back to Ashley and Jenn, "of course, after round two sets in I usually won't care about going topless the rest of the night~ From what I recall of the last time I did these with you Jenn, you didn't mind a night with no shirt on either!"

Jenn was left blushing while Katie giggled, and the water mage quickly glanced at Ashley apologetically and said; "Nothing happened! Well, besides that... And it was while you were dating Charles!" Her tone was fairly defensive, and that only caused Katie to giggle harder at her expense.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley rolled her eyes at Jenn's verbal stumbling. If she was already tipsy after a glass of wine... "Loser buys the next round sounds fine to me. If that's okay, then lets get started..."

The wind mage wasn't sure exactly how well she'd do. She'd never actually played this sort of game, but it didn't sound exactly complicated, so that was probably okay. Katy looked like the kind of person who was probably pretty experienced, but Jenn... well, she'd obviously played before, but she'd lost so that probably didn't count for too much. She briefly pondered the thought of Jenn walking around for the rest of the night without her top, but that didn't seem likely to go over well with so many people here. Well, obviously it would go over just fine with most of them, but officially it would be frowned upon. Plus it could be someone else who lost.

Assuming the others agreed, Ashley was ready to start, and would try to finish as quickly as she could.
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

Both Jenn and Katy agreed to the stakes, Jenn nodding and Katy turning to her and jovially saying; "Ooooh, eager are we? Sure, that's fine by me~" The three raised glasses for a toast, and Ashley smelled the sweet liquid just before it touched her lips, where it proved far more bitter than the smell had led her to expect. Braillian Amber was a mixed vodka, made from a combined distillation of grapes and sweet potatoes, and the heady taste was at least more palatable by far than the usual harshness expected from purer liquors. Jenn blanched at hers, having never been a fan of grapes to begin with, and she actually got the liquid down and clacked her glass against the table just an instant before Katy did.

Next came the much harsher drink, however, and Ashley nearly gagged as she brought the second shot up to her mouth. Rassil Whiskey was a drink from the mountains South of Therion, near the Pass of Ghosts, and was made from rye grown in those harsh mountains. It was a potent drink, so potent that it burned just from catching a whiff of it, and an extremely harsh one usually preferred by sailors and mercenaries and other folk much harder and much more used to drinking than Ashley. Her hesitation allowed Jenn and Katy to catch up, and when all three of them put their glasses to their lips it was Katy who finished hers first. The power of the booze hitting her stomach actually made her slightly queasy, and she and Jenn were both left gagging more a moment while Katy grabbed her mug of ale and started chugging.

Ashley was the last to grab her glass of chaser, but that hers was half empty proved to be a boon, and the measure of wine eased the taste of the two harsh liquors that had preceded enough that Ashley drained the glass quickly... But not quickly enough to win. Katy's mug clacked against the table a second before the last of Ashley's wine vanished past her lips, and the thicker girl let out a victorious whoop just before Ashley's glass clinked second. Jenn lost, but the now rosy-cheeked water mage seemingly had no problems with that as she placed her glass down and shook herself. "Whoo.... Man, that was even harsher than I remember!" she said, and Katy giggled and said; "Eheh... It must have been a good bottle! Looks like it's your round Jenn~ You two think you're up for another right away, or do you want a water break first?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley blinked, realizing that she probably would have lost if she'd still had a full glass of wine. Which she would for the next round. Well, the Whiskey had been a little stronger than she'd expected, but it hadn't actually made her throw up the first time, so it would probably be easier the second. It wasn't like she was drinking on an empty stomach. And while Jenn was showing definite signs of getting drunk, and even Katy was a bit too giggly, Ashley felt fine. "After only two shou- sorry, shots? I'm good to go on to... to the next round."

She'd have to try to go faster on the shots this time. The first time didn't really count, she hadn't really known what to expect. This time she would... if not win, at least beat Jenn again. Maybe they could change the stakes, even. Jenn was already open to the idea of going back to their room after the party, and she was sure she could think of a few 'forfeits' that might be fun to try out. And if Jenn won... well, that could be fun as well. She started to open her mouth, but then remembered Katie. She blushed, and motioned for the next round to get started.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

Whether or not Ashley would continue feeling fine once the alcohol actually entered her system was yet to be seen, but neither Jenn nor Katy seemed to have any problem with going right on to the next round. “We’ll need new drinks… I think I’m switching to ale, easier to chug than wine,” Jenn said, and then Katy added; “You’re buyin’ sweetie~ We keeping the same stakes then?” Jenn seemed to think so, and unless Ashley wanted to change them Katy would pout mockingly and say; “Awwww, it’s going to take me forever to get you two to walk around topless!

After a couple of minutes a slightly haggard looking waitress came forth with a tray containing a trio of glasses and six more shots, costing Jenn a total of eighteen denarii, not a small amount all things considered. She grudgingly shoveled out twenty coins to give the poor girl a tip, and then they were on to the second round of Therion Blitz, prompting her mood to improve. “Cheers~” she said, and then they clacked the sweeter shots together and the game was on. Ashley matched Jenn shot for shot on both rounds, but this time Katy actually gagged a little on the second shot and ended up starting her ale a good four seconds after Ashley. Whether she had wine or had switched to ale with her lover, Ashley and Jenn clacked their glasses down at the exact same time, with Katy following suit just a half-second after.

Damn… Looks like I’m paying for the next one too,” Katy grunted, sucking in air to recover from the rapid chug she’d had to do to make up for lost time. It was about then that Ashley would feel the first round hit her like an enraged troll, her vision blurring suddenly and her head going fuzzy. “You ready to go on, or think you’ll need a bit of water first?” Katy asked stoically, wiping away some ale from the corner of her mouth. Jenn, looking fairly woozy herself, said; “Maybe… Uhhhh, maybe some water and break would be good.” Ashley was free to offer her own input.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley stared at the empty glasses in front of her, and grabbed the edge of the table before it managed to get away. Something in those second shots had certainly been... stronger than the first. "I... su-sou... guess some water mightent hurt."

The wind mage moved her tongue around her mouth for a moment, trying to figure out where she'd bitten it, then decided it didn't matter. "We sho... ought to do smthing more interesting than buying the next round." That was certainly a good idea. She could make Jenn eat her out, or fuck her, or something else. Ashley grinned across the table at her lover, then turned to Katy and pursed her lips. Well, maybe this needed more thought. Only she'd already said it. Opps. "Um... any idea what?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

Katy and Jenn both chuckled softly at Ashley's notable word slurring, and the former nodded and said; "Oooooh, definitely! I'm going to go and get our water and the next round, have you two thought about what you might want to bet next?" She displayed no signs of inebriation besides some mild slurring, giggliness, and some fairly rosy cheeks. Jenn thought for a moment at her question, which Ashley quickly repeated, but then Katy suggested; "I'm giving the maids a break and going to the bar to get our stuff myself. How about, whoever loses the next round takes off their dress and goes to get the next round only in whatever they've got on underneath?"

Jenn blushed brightly at her risque suggestion. She hadn't had any clean panties available when they had left their room, and so she had come to the party without, relying on her fairly long dress to maintain her decency. She quickly came up with a solution to that, however, by grinning and saying; "No dress, and.... No bra either!" Katy chuckled again, and glanced at Ashley as she said; "Fine by me~ I don't intend to lose again though! That alright with you?"

Whether Ashley accepted those terms or suggested her own, Katy would soon be off to get water and their next round, and Jenn would immediately pounce on Ashley and engage her in an open mouthed kiss that had her tongue invading the wind mage's mouth, her lover's breath exhaling into her in the form of a soft moan. Ashley quickly found Jenn's knee between her legs, and she remained there for the better part of a minute unless she was pushed away. Should Ashley enjoy that incredibly lewd embrace, however, Jenn would pull back after a moment and say; "So... An extra bet just between us. If I beat you, I use the ring and you suck me off under the table.... And if you lose overall, you've got to get the next round and come back before you're allowed to swallow it~" Jenn likely hadn't put much thought into her plan, at least not where Katy might be while Ashley was under the table, but given that Ashley herself was becoming more intoxicated by the second it was entirely likely that she wouldn't be giving too much thought to that either... Or to her own demand should she beat Jenn in the next round.

A few minutes later Katy would return with a tray, and would pass out frosty glasses of cold water and place another round in front of them. "I hope you two didn't get into any trouble while I was away~" the busty girl said with a knowing glint in her eyes, and as she pulled sets of shot glasses from between her cleavage the sight of her nipples hardened against the fabric of her dress would be unmistakable. She'd been gone a good bit longer than was necessary for her to have only gone to grab drinks too....
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley's eyes turned on Jenn, and she blushed as she imagined her lover in only a pair of panties, walking to the bar. And back. Especially back. "No dresses. No bra. Bras. No running."

With Katy gone, Ashley had a moment to think. And to conclude that she might be starting to get a little drunk. She wasn't giggling or red-faced like Katy, or laughing for no good reason like Jenn, but... well, the alcohol was bound to be having some sort of effect. Suddenly Jenn was on top of her, pinning her to her chair with a kiss, which was surprising but not unwelcome. And then there was the knee between her legs, rubbing pleasantly against her panties. After a minute or so of that, she moaned. Then blinked, realizing that Jenn was talking, and had to think to remember what the water mage had just said. Her mouth hung open for a moment. "Um..."

That would be... she didn't object to the idea of giving Jenn a blowjob. Actually the thought was kinda arousing at the moment. But doing it in public would be... she felt her blush return, and this time she didn't think it would be going away. But she hadn't lost yet. And she could make Jenn do something just as good when she inevitably won. "Okay, but... when I win... you eat me out. And if you lose the round..." Ashley's brow furrowed for a moment. "You use the ring while you're going to get the sh-... drinksh."

When Katy finally returned, Ashley found herself still blushing, trying not to imagine Jenn trying to hide an erection in her panties, and not doing very well. She turned to the other girl to distract herself. And saw that Katy was aroused as well. The wind mage shifted in her seat, uncomfortably aware of the little wet spot that Jenn's knee had inspired on her enchanted panties. She eyed the glasses, one hand on the table in front of her to keep it from wobbling. Ashley took a careful sip of water. "Not as much wate... trouble as we're going to get in in in a minute."
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

"Mmmm.... Deal~" Jenn said brightly, grinning, and then glanced in the direction that Katy had gone. The busty girl hadn't returned, and Jenn glanced back at Ashley with a sly smile and slowly leaned back toward her. "In the meantime...." she purred softly as their lips were less than an inch apart, and rather than speak further she simply pushed back into another kiss that was just as aggressive as the last she'd started. Another minute passed like that, and when she pulled away she planted another light kiss on Ashley's lips before returning to her chair.

When Katy returned, she offered a beaming grin at Ashley and nodded. "Yup~ Someone's gonna get naked in the next couple minutes! Or... At least mostly naked," she replied, and Jenn let out a soft giggle and replied; "Uhuh... I bet that'll be a pretty... *hic* Good distraction!" And just like that her panties were buzzing, sending ripples of pleasure rolling through Ashley's body and mind as the enchanted garments silently buzzed and squirmed against her petals. "Heh, in a minute. We don't want either of you throwing up though, so drink your water. We can have our next round in a couple of minutes!" Katy would say, and Jenn would nod agreeably while a glint of mischief in her eye. "It'll be my first time not being naked in private by choice. Ashley's too," she said quickly, and after the initial burst that had been nearly strong enough to make her cum on the spot her enchanted panties dropped to their lower setting.

They would stay that way over the next couple of minutes while Jenn and Katy made small talk, and Ashley would be able to join in on that if she could keep her head clear and the three of them drank their water. It wasn't enough to help clear their systems, not by a long shot, and the longer Ashley left the alcohol in her system to settle the more drunk she would feel. Even so, a few minutes later it would be decided that it was time for their next round, and Ashley and her partymates would be cheers and engage in their next set of shots. This time, Ashley would end up falling far behind, barely able to drain down her shots at all much less before Jenn and Katy would finish theirs. The latter would drain her booze like it was sweet honey, finishing her ale before Jenn had even gotten to hers, but the arrogant look she adopted while waiting for them to finish their turns would pale in comparison to the triumphant gaze that Ashley had to endure from Jenn.

Once Ashley had downed the rest of her wine and left her empty glass on the table, Katy purred; "You lost. Shouldn't your dress be on the floor? And your bra too! I was hoping to get both of you topless, but one thing at a time~" Jenn, smirking, outright said; "That isn't all either! There's something she's got to do under the table~" The water mage twisted her ring on her finger, and Ashley would see the slight bulge develop beneath her lover's dress, signalling her readiness for the side bet they'd made. "Eheh... I knew you'd put that thing to good use~" Katy remarked with a giggle, and then simply sat back and stared at Ashley, "well? Get to to it then!"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley gasped as her panties suddenly activated. She found herself unable to intelligibly speak for a few seconds before Jenn gave the command that turned them down. But the damage had already been done. Mild arousal was now something just shy of orgasm, and the wind mage contributed little to the small talk during the break. Instead, she tried to remember what the command to turn the panties off was. Some kind of vegetable? Carrot? Cucumber? None of them seemed to be quite right... and before long it was time to start the next round.

She finished her shots with somewhat more difficulty than before, between the 'distraction' of her panties and the fact that it seemed to be getting more difficult to swallow. The wine was almost a relief at first, but seemed to go on forever. She finally set the empty cup down with slightly more force than she'd intended, and found both other women looking at her with grins on their faces.

She stood up, stumbling slightly, and gave a sickly smile. "Um... I lost?" The others seemed to indicate that this was indeed the case, and she seized on Katy's advice. One thing at a time. The wind mage bent over, managed not to fall on her face, and pulled her dress up over her head. She paused for a moment, blushing terribly as the cool evening air ran over her body, then realized that while she couldn't see anyone else at the moment, they could certainly see her. And while the air was having an effect everywhere, three areas felt of particular note. Her rock-hard nipples... and the slowly growing damp patch on her panties.

The dress came the rest of the way off with remarkable speed, and Ashley ducked awkwardly under the table, glad to be slightly more out-of-sight as she pulled off her bra. She righted her chair, which seemed to have tipped over at some point, and tried to fold her dress. She gave up, piled it on the chair, and added her bra on top of it.

After seemed like an eternity, she turned to face Jenn, getting on her knees in front of the water mage and her bulge. And became uncomfortably aware of how aroused she still was, a state that would only increase as the panties continued working their gentle attentions on her lower lips, and as her lover's dress was shifted to expose the conjured member. "Okay, I'm ready."

Ashley glanced up between the edge of the table and her partner, then turned to her target. One hand went around Jenn's backside to steady herself, the other around the erect shaft. She licked her lips, parted them again, and took the head into her mouth.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

The crowd immediately around their little spot in the corner hardly failed to notice that Ashley had suddenly opted to disrobe. As her dress slipped over her head, revealing her almost naked form beneath, and a number of men watched the wind mage with hungry eyes as they hooted and hollered at her. "Ooooh... You wanna see her take off some more?" Katy asked tauntingly towards the men, and the consensus was unsurprisingly a fairly vehement "yes." Turning back to Ashley, she said; "You heard 'em~ Lets see that bra come off!" Jenn, grinning just like the rest, said; "Yeah, lets see 'em~ They look like they could use the distraction~"

Just like that her panties were buzzing heavily again, sending Ashley's body zooming towards an orgasm that was getting closer by the second. Whether she was too embarrassed to strip further in public or if she caved to the desires of those around would determine whether the following outcry was joyous or disappointed, but sooner or later her clothes save for her boots and the increasingly damp enchanted panties would be pooled on her chair, and Ashley would be left to duck beneath the table. Jenn shifted just enough that Ashley would be able to lift her dress and expose the water mage only to herself, revealing a cock that looked as if it would feel absolutely wonderful stuffed inside of her.

"You know what to do~" Jenn cooed quietly, and then gave a slight shiver as Ashley opened her mouth and took the tip between her lips. She would feel that shiver through the hand planted on her lover's bottom, and through the twitch of the member held between her lips, but Jenn wouldn't make a sound initially. Ashley was free to bring pleasure to Jenn however she liked, but it would quickly become clear that Jenn was trying to keep from making an obvious signs that she was being pleasured despite that Katy - who had moved to block anyone else from seeing what was happening - could see everything that was going on. Whether or not she wanted to try and force some sort of reaction from Jenn was up to her, but it would be evident that she wanted to make this last so that she could enjoy the wind mage's attention either way.
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Under the table, the tip of a cock already in her mouth, Ashley tried to decide what to do. Going fast and hard would mean this was overwith soonest. On the other hand, that also meant she was back out from under the table soonest. And while Jenn making noise might be embarrassing when she had to face everyone else, it would be embarrassing for Jenn now. There was also the fact that while she contemplated this, she was giving Jenn a slow blowjob, almost absentmindedly. And she seemed to be enjoying it.

That last just about decided it, and Ashley started moving slowly up and down the shaft with more enthusiasm. It took a good ten seconds to realize that this was counterproductive, by which time another problem was rearing its ugly thread. She was already almost on the edge of orgasm herself, and the panties weren't letting up. Possibly because Jenn was too consumed with not moaning out loud to say the words, and the penis in her mouth was in the way of any attempt Ashley might make.

She did her best to fight it, but even if she hadn't been drunk it would have been futile, and the best she was able to do with slow the acceleration until she was pushed over the edge. The wind mage's cry of orgasm, even muffled by Jenn, was louder than anything her lover had let out yet. That would have to change. With her mind a little clearer - at least for the moment - Ashley went back to her slow back-and-forth motion, putting her tongue to work, zig-zagging along the bottom of the conjured member.

Ashley could feel Jenn tensing, barely able to hold herself back. She waited as the tension increased, and just before the water mage would have let out a muffled cry of pleasure, Ashley pushed three fingers up Jenn's slit. The unexpected increase in pleasure would probably ruin any attempts to hide the moan in a cough or similar, and once she'd started Ashley didn't let up. Even as the panties continued bringing her towards a second orgasm she let loose on Jenn with both hands - one around the shaft, the other dealing with her lover's feminine parts - and started taking as much of the magical cock as she could, as quickly as she could. Admittedly neither was especially impressive, between her inebriety and inexperience, but then Jenn would be experiencing some novel sensations herself.

The orgasm took Ashley by surprise, at the deepest part of her stroke. The first string of hot cum nearly made her gag, going straight down her throat, but she caught herself and started to pull away. Then she remembered the third part of her bet. A few difficult seconds later, Ashley's lips ran one last time along the length of the cock, and a string of mixed semen and saliva hung in the air between her mouth and the tip, parting in the middle as she pulled further away and leaving a line down the wind mage's chin.

She was halfway out from under the table when she remembered that she was more than half naked, and in public. Ashley froze, and her tongue moved to clean off the string of cum. Another more substantial drop came out of the corner of her mouth before she remembered why she was keeping her mouth closed, this one falling down to one breast. She started blushing, and felt completely certain that she wouldn't stop blushing until she was dead.

Still, kneeling at the edge of the table wasn't going to get this over with any more quickly. Ashley got to her feet, glared at Jenn, barely caught herself about to open her mouth again, and started walking to the bar, intent on finishing the bet as quickly as possible and getting back into her clothes.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

Resistance: Ashley does not win.

Keeping quiet while her drunken love slowly sucked her off under the table didn't prove particularly difficult for Jenn, who produced little in the way of reactions that Ashley's at that point one-track mind would have probably missed anyway. When she actually tried to get a rise out of the water mage, however, she was a good bit more successful. Of course, it wasn't to come to pass before Ashley was left moaning loudly beneath the table due to the insistent squirming of her enchanted undergarments, and Ashley would at least partially hear a number of confused grunts from various nearby partygoers, as well as a soft giggle from Katy.

Then it was time for the wind mage to get more serious in her attentions, however, and the more dedicated initial approach had her lover sighing and easing into a more relaxed state, her body beginning to quiver with excited need for more stimulation.... Which Ashley was to give, and then some, when she suddenly pounced during a moment of weakness and stuffed three fingers into Jenn's slit at the same time. The muffled grunt turned into a loud moan that drew attention from the entirety of the outer patio, but with the floodgates opened both in terms of Jenn's voice and in the juices now leaking from her flower there was nothing that the water mage could do to shift the attention, much to Katy's delight.

Of course, it was hard to differentiate one moan and one spasm from any other, particularly with the table to muffle things and the sounds of the crowd to drown them out. Jenn's orgasm thus came without a whole lot of warning, and despite that she had cum many times that day already her release was explosive. So voluminous was it that when Ashley slid her mouth off of the still lightly jumping length and broke that line of mixed saliva and cum, one last spurt sent a thin rope of her lover's cream from her left cheek across the bridge of her nose to just below her right eye.

When she came up to give her glare at Jenn, the smirking water mage reached to her chest, gathered up the cum there, did the same to what was on her face (and in so doing managing to smear some of it over Ashley's skin) and said; "Open up, you missed some!" Ashley's head would need to tilt back slightly, but she'd be standing naked out in the crowd until she obeyed, and once she did would have to clean Jenn's fingers before the water mage would say; "Don't lose any! You'd better have a nice big mouthful when you come back!"

A pat on the butt would be her send-off, and Ashley would be let loose into the party of drunken soldiers and students, naked except for her shoes and her panties, which happened to be soaked with her arousal and squirming in a highly distracting manner against her sex, and with a mouth full of her lover's semen. Understandably, people stared. A lot of people stared. In fact, everyone that Ashley passed seemed to take a good long eyeful, and most of those looks were definitely on the appreciative side of the scale, whether from men or from women. Her first grope came less than twenty feet after she'd left Jenn and Katy, a quick but stinging smack against her backside from a source that vanished into the crowd too quickly for her to identify.

It definitely wasn't the last. Some were so innocent that they might have been accidental had it not been for how long they lingered, fingers brushing against her sides and hips. Other were outright grasps of her ass or one of her breasts, people sneaking gropes while Ashley was distracted by her embarrassment at having to wander through the crowd naked. Her panties buzzed constantly, the enchanted fabric squirming and vibrating against her petals and holding her clit in a death-grip, and even though the journey to the bar to pick up their drinks was short walking through the crowd made it take a lot longer than it should have been. Sometimes she would see the people groping her, and sometimes she wouldn't, but her drunkenness and arousal ensured that she would be at least mildly aroused by the constant touching.

Unfortunately, Ashley didn't even make it all the way to the bar. Her path ended on the dance floor, the roughest portion of it where the gropes against her body were concerned, but those suddenly stopped as if she'd entered the eye of the storm. A figure slipped around her, moving with almost inhuman grace, and suddenly those hypnotic gold-brown orbs were staring at her from an inch away once again. "Hello again~" the mysterious woman purred, their faces to close together that their noses almost touched, and Ashley would feel a pair of hands snake over her sides to bring delightfully sensual spasms along her waist, until they settled on her barely covered bottom. "That's a good look for you, but I think these might have to come.... Ooooh... Naughty~" she cooed, growing surprised when she realized that the undergarments that were the only things maintaining Ashley's decency were moving on their own.

"They're still going to have to come off soon, but...." The mysterious woman slid forward and tilted her head, and suddenly Ashley felt her lips parting on their own to permit the ingress of the stranger's tongue. A cheer went up around them, but Ashley wouldn't notice it over the delighted coo that rose from the woman kissing her upon finding Ashley's mouth filled with fresh cum. Their tongues were soon dancing to the beat of the music being played in the pool of bitter, salty liquid that Jenn had deposited there, the substance watery due to mixing with Ashley's saliva but still undoubtedly present. The longer that that kiss lasted, the more aroused Ashley became both because of that incredible kiss and because of the squirming of her enchanted undergarments. After a few seconds one of the hands groping her bottom would shift, Ashley only realizing then that her body had begun to sway in time with the music and her partner's motions, and soon enough the fabric of her panties would be shifted to allow a single agile digit to slip between her petals.

The wind mage wouldn't last for more than a minute after that finger started pumping into her, the pad of the digit constantly brushing over her g-spot while her panties continued to thrum against her jewel, before she was brought to another powerful, leg-shaking orgasm from the woman's skilled touch and the devilishly enchanted underpants. The kiss broke, somewhere in the midst of their orgasm, allowing Ashley's moan of pleasure to be heard unhindered by those immediately around her and prompting another chorus of cheers. When the waves of pleasure had ended and her mind had ascended from the numbing fuzz brought on by her orgasmic high, Ashley would realize that her mouth was empty just in time to watch the stranger whom she was hypnotically attracted to close her mouth and swallow Jenn's load.

"Yummy~" she purred, and then her fingers slowly slipped from Ashley's sex to be cleaned thoroughly by the mysterious woman's tongue. When she was finished, however, she cooed; "Ohhh, but I stole your treat! Why don't we... Go and get you another one~" Ashley would have little opportunity to try and form a coherent protest, and indeed she would find any efforts to stopped before they could reach a state in which she could voice them by the subtle magics that had settled around her mind. The mysterious woman gracefully spun and began to lead Ashley off in a strut, guiding her by the hand. She was not idle in her journey, one going nearly where she had intended to go, though now Ashley's purpose would be briefly lost in a haze of unfamiliar arousal and affection that her drunken state prevented her from shaking. She grabbed up men along the way, catching them with looks and light brushes of their fingers, and though many an eye fell on Ashley's nearly naked form the gazes of the men that her unknown new lover were drawn only to the dark skinned woman leading her along. She stopped briefly in front of a bartender, who briefly adopted a misty-eyed look before handing the woman a key.

Into a back room they entered, a larder, and nearly a dozen men walked in behind them. No less mystified by Ashley's partner than Ashley herself was. The light in this room, provided by an automated lightstone that came on upon entering it, allowed Ashley to see the clothes in which the stranger was clad more clearly. A soft doeskin vest laced in the front was her only top, and those laces were quickly undone to reveal a pair of soft, perfectly formed breasts of about the same size as Ashley's. Her chest bared and the garment that had covered them tossed away, the mysterious woman smoothly slid up so that her own bared breasts were rubbing across Ashley's, hardened tips flicking against those of the once more painfully aroused wind mage. Hands slid over the soft swell of her ass, thumbs sliding beneath the waistband of her buzzing panties and starting to slip slowly downwards, threatening to leave her completely naked in a room full of men who might be nearly as aroused as she while the mysterious woman was speaking in a soft purr; "You poor precious thing you.... You've been teased so much today, haven't you? Why don't we get these off, so you can find some... Relief~"
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

The trip to the bar didn't go well. After about the third unwelcome hand, she started trying to come up with the right spell to keep people back a little. Which was difficult, with a mouthful of cum. And also possibly slightly drunk. Ashley stumbled slightly and moaned through her sealed lips as the panties brought her to the edge of another climax. Okay, maybe more than slightly drunk.

She could only resist so long, and she shuddered out her next orgasm in the middle of the crowd, naked save for her now-drenched and still-vibrating panties. And for some reason she was in the middle of the dance floor, instead of at the bar, or taking a more sensible route around to the bar. She stopped just short of swallowing.

And then suddenly the woman was standing right in front of her again. She shuddered and let out another muffled moan as the stranger's hands ran over her body. She spoke in Ashley's ears, and the wind mage realized that she was going to have to finish stripping down. It was unfortunate, given the number of other people around, but it clearly what she had to do. At least she still had a little more time covered.

The stranger's finger found its way up Ashley's snatch, working together with her panties to bring her to yet another orgasm, and the only worry in the world was the fact that she'd lost most of her mouthful of Jenn's cum. Her friend would be disappointed. Might even make Ashley try again. But fortunately, the woman seemed to know a way to fix it, to restore the mouthful.

She followed without complaint, her mind numbed by orgasm, alcohol, and the magic that she hadn't quite noticed.

The next thing she knew she was standing in the center of a storage room, the Woman topless and pressed against her, surrounded by a bunch of strange men. Most of whom had visible erections under their clothes. And the only scrap of cloth she was still wearing was being pushed slowly down. "Y-yes.... relief sounds... nice..."

The woman was right. She was horny as hell. That wasn't going to change with her panties still on. So she pushed them down, stopping the infernal vibration, and a second later lifted one leg free of them.

Ashley looked around at the men. Something was missing. She turned back to the woman. "Where's Jenn?" Yes. If she wanted relief, she needed Jenn. Even without her ring the water mage could make Ashley stop being so horny, and with it... and it wouldn't be very nice to make Jenn miss out on this wonderful woman, either.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed

Ashley didn't need to push down the offending garments, as her mysterious new over took care of that for her in short order once Ashley proved unwilling to try and stop her, and soon enough the vibrating panties were made to deactivate as they slide down past Ashley's thighs to pool at her feet in a soggy mess. They were shortly stepped out of, and her partner let out a low purr and slid her hands over the wind mage's now bare buttocks, giving them a soft squeeze for the viewing pleasure of their male audience.

When Ashley suddenly asked her extremely pertinent question in an effort to bring to attention that her girlfriend wasn't present, there came a brief look of surprise that Ashley barely even caught before a smooth smile came over her face once again. "Ohhhh, she's fine where she is... She wouldn't mind you having a little bit of fun, would she?" the mysterious woman said in a seductive purr, and Ashley would find herself agreeing even as she was led over to the room's sole table.

The stranger beckoned, and one of the men she had ensnared strode forward with an eager look, his gaze sliding up and down Ashley's body with open hunger. She was sat up on the table by her partner, who then smoothly leaned forward and engaged her in another one of those domineering, breath-stealing kisses that was no less arousing for the lack of buzzing panties to push her towards another orgasm. "I was going to let you get right too things, but..." she purred after breaking the kiss, and then planted another much more shallow one on Ashley's lips. It was the first of a long line that trailed down Ashley's front, a gentle push putting her either on her back or leaning backwards on her hands, and as the woman bent over the mage's legs parted on their own.

All too soon she was face to face with Ashley's sex, her breath passing over the mage's dripping petals and only prompting them to pulse with even greater need. As she did this, the man she had called up had been mostly idle, but once he saw Ashley shiver in reaction he snapped out of his trance. "Man.... Gorgeous..." he mumbled as his hands reached out, groping the mysterious woman's backside. He quickly progressed to undoing and then sliding down her pants while Ashley would be left to squirm as a tongue that she already knew some of the talents of slowly drew circles against her petals. A collective gasp of excitement passed over the aroused but dumbfounded men, but the woman whose tongue was threatening to drive the drunken wind mage insane via teasing merely gave a soft chuckle and continued.

The man who had stepped up reached back and gave the woman's exposed rump a soft smack, at which she jumped slightly and gasped against Ashley's folds, but after shooting a glance back he gave her an apologetic look and quickly dropped his trousers. That was enough for her, it seemed, as she turned back and pressed her lips against Ashley's folds, and suddenly the wind mage would have her breath stolen by the sensation of that tongue, better by far than any she'd ever had, squirming against her folds. It had only gone from wholly teasing to equal parts teasing and stimulation, but even then that tongue was hitting her sensitive spots just right to drive her towards a fairly powerful orgasm. The thing seemed longer than it should have been too, but that was at best a secondary concern that could be puzzled out later... Once the tip of it wasn't flicking back and forth against her g-spot and threatening to make her cum at any moment.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

What the woman said was true. Jenn was perfectly fine back at the table. And she didn't mind if Ashley had fun. She followed the oddly persuasive woman over to a table. The wind mage glanced again around the room, at all the obviously-aroused men with the oddly glazed expressions. She remembered Jenn leading her to a table in an empty classroom to show off her ring for the first time. That had certainly been fun... but Jenn wasn't here now. Sure, her friend would want her to have fun. But the best way to do that, without her clothes on, was to find the water mage...

She was about to raise this second objection when the woman leaned into her with an aggressive kiss, and Ashley promptly forgot what exactly her problem had been. She found herself pushed backwards, only hands frantically splayed behind her back keeping her from falling face up onto the table. Her whimper of need in response turned into a series of low moans as the kisses moved down from her lips, to her neck, down between her breasts, across her belly, and finally, agonizingly, across the skin slicked by the motion of her panties around her dripping wet and burning-hot sex.

There the woman paused, her breath alone enough to bring a shudder of pleasure to the wind mage. She hardly noticed what the men in the room were doing. It didn't really matter. None of them was Jenn... or the oddly friendly woman, even. And she was starting to think she kinda liked women, anyway. Not that there was anything wrong with a penis - quite the contrary - but if she had a choice she'd a more feminine-

This line of thought too was cut off as the warmth of the stranger's tongue slipped between her well-lubricated lower lips, bringing a cry of surprise and arousal that would only grow louder as the amazingly dexterous and wonderfully long tongue went to work. In mere seconds she was approaching her peak, and her moans approached a climax of their own. It wouldn't take much more to drive her over the edge, and there seemed to be plenty of people ready to provide it, foremost among them the mysterious woman herself.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Fine, DOUBLE PREGNANT, Charmed, Low on Energy

Whether it was aided by her growing preference for the fairer sex or a product simple skill on behalf of her mysterious partner, that delightful precipice would approach rapidly as the woman lapped away at Ashley’s pussy like a starved kitten at a saucer of fresh milk. Her sweet spot was under nearly constant attack, the stimulation ending for brief periods to let her need for more rebuild, but just as that rising pleasure was about to hit its peak Ashley felt that peak denied to her by some unseen force, as if she had simply run up against a wall that she could not pass beyond to that heavenly climax. The stimulation and the pleasure that it caused kept on coming, making the knot of pressure grow and tighten more and more, but there was no relief for it despite how incredibly powerful the sensations inspired by her new mysterious lover were.

The soldier who had taken up a position behind that woman, in the meantime, wasn’t made to endure such tortures. He stood admiring and fondling her exposed backside for a few moments, content to enjoy playing with her perfectly sculpted rump, before lining up his cock at the strange woman’s sex. He let out a low groan as he slid into her with apparent ease, a sound echoed briefly against Ashley’s sex, before he grasped her hips for stability and simply began to pump into her. His breath was quickly coming in labored pants of exertion as he pistoned in and out of the strange beauty’s flower, a strain on his face indicating that it was more taxing on his stamina than he would have liked to admit, but he kept at it for several minutes while the woman into whom he thrusted simultaneously let out eager moans of encouragement and kept Ashley perfectly on the verge of cumming without ever letting her over it.

That would last for a few torturous minutes before the man thrusting into the mystery woman could finally hold out no more and let out a low groan before slamming his hips forward to bury himself to the hilt into her. The strange woman’s moans took on a deeper tone as the man came inside of her, and just then Ashley would feel a subtle supernatural tug that she had experienceda few times before, and once in a far less hospitable setting. Tendrils wrapped around her soul and sunk into it, gathering up her energies and drinking them up, and exactly like it had when the alien lord and Jenn had done it Ashley would feel the sensation of her soul being devoured nearly double the strength of the pleasures flooding her system. Great gulps of her spirit were sucked down until those tendrils were coiled around her core, and then suddenly the block keeping Ashley from reaching her orgasm simply vanished.

It would easily be the strongest orgasm that the wind mage had ever experienced, one that was so overwhelming that the waves of impossibly intense pleasure very nearly knocked her out completely. Ashley would black out for a subjective eternity as that pleasure washed over her, annihilating all other concerns then and for several moments after once she finally began coming out of the mind-blowing climax. When she was able to perceive things beyond the bliss again, Ashley found that people had changed positions on her while she hadn’t been paying attention. There was a man in front of her now, his pants down and his cock already rubbing at her soaking entrance. He was big, both in terms of actual size and in terms of the size of his manhood, but any distress at his presence, what he was doing, or about his size ended abruptly when that delightfully familiar presence slid up against her back and cooed into Ashley’s ear.

The woman was kneeing on the table behind Ashley, supporting her and sliding her hands over the intoxicated wind mage’s body. There was no teasing this time, as those hounds found her sex and one of her breasts almost immediately, kneading the latter and pinching its peak while the hand sent to the former settled a single finger over her exposed clitoris. “Mmmm…. I think she really needs it… Why don’t you give it to her?” the mystery woman purred, the warmth of her breath passing over the lobe of Ashley’s ear and the side of her neck just before the former was softly clamped between a set of teeth. Her ears would be filled with those reassuring purrs and coos even as the man lined up in front of her followed orders like a good soldier and smoothly sliding forward.

Despite his size, he couldn’t have entered Ashley any more easily, his girth stretching her delightfully before he simply began to pump in and out of her, driving wonderful spikes of pleasure rising up the wind mage’s spine with every thrust. His size ensured that he was vigorously rubbing the same spot that had seen so much attention from the woman now situated behind her plus a plethora of other sweet spots, including the occasional light tap against her cervix. He was fairly tender despite, or perhaps because of his greater size, and even if Ashley’s mind objected her body would be loving every single second of it as he plunged in and out of her sopping pussy. Her favored lover would not be idle while the man pistoned in and out of her, however, as her fingers danced across Ashley’s clit perfectly in rhythm with the thrusts into Ashley’s pussy. More tiny pleasurable bites were taken out of her soul, but at that point Ashley couldn’t have called upon anything but her most basic magic, both because of how drained her energies were and because of how overwhelmed she was with pleasure.

The latter issue would only get worse as Ashley was made to take the thick, hard length that was steadily pumping in and out of her while her clit and breast suffered constant attack from the woman behind her. Another orgasm would rise, send Ashley tumbling into delighted bliss once more, and then fall away only to be repeated a few minutes later. In the midst of her second orgasm under him she would feel her male partner stiffen within her and hear him groan beneath her own lewd moans, and then the pleasure of her climax would intensify as she felt him pour wave after wave of liquid heat directly inside of her. Spurts of thick cream erupted right up against her cervix, which was quick to drink down every drop it could get and bring it all up into her deepest inner chamber. Even if Jenn hadn’t been able to impregnate her, it was something of a stretch to assume that this man and any potential partners she might about to have afterwards couldn’t, and her first partner had certainly tried despite the promise made to replace the load of Jenn’s cum that she had lost to the mystery woman a few minutes before ending up where she was then.

Spent for the moment, the big man slowly slid out of Ashley’s sex to allow the leftovers of his load to dribble out onto the table, which the woman behind her quickly gathered up on her fingers before bringing the sticky digits up to Ashley’s mouth. “Mmm…. I think you might need some more in there before we can give you another load to replace what I took~ What do you think, hrm? I think I want to see you ride a big, hard cock,” the mystery woman purred, and several more of the enthralled men were approaching with eager but still blank looks on their faces, ready to make good on that offer.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley let out moans of frustration that grew louder the longer she was denied release, until she was practically screaming. Her new friend had promised to stop teasing her, and... well, obviously teasing wasn't always a bad thing, but she still really wanted to cum. She didn't even care about the men around her, one of them even fucking her partner. That didn't matter, as long as the tongue kept going at her flower.

She didn't even notice the man finishing, just the sudden pulling sensation at her entire body. Her entire mind. Her entire being. Something was pulled out of her, bringing shudders of unbelievable pleasure. She thought she really was going to scream when her orgasm still eluded her. And then, suddenly, she reached her peak. And screamed. The orgasm hit her entire body like a truck, her muscles tensing up until she thought bones would start breaking. She pushed harder against the strange woman's face, unable to control herself. Her feet alternated between thumping against the table and arching as waves of bliss washed over her until she couldn't think.

When her alcohol-blurred consciousness returned, she had collapsed onto the table. Her breasts were heaving, and a comfortable ache throbbed between her legs. She looked lazily around... and saw a naked man standing between her legs. He had his cock out, huge and almost painfully erect, and he was lining it up to shove into Ashley. She opened her mouth to object, the only hesitation the number of different things to object to. He wasn't Jenn. She was supposed to be doing something. She didn't even know his name. And he was huge! But before she could pick one and tell him off, feminine hands touched her sensitive breasts, teeth gently teased her ear, and soft sounds of soothing whispered into her ears.

She relaxed. And felt the girth slide into her, stretching her to her limits. Her new lover didn't hesitate, but got right work pumping her. She could feel every inch of him pressing outward along her well-lubricated tunnel, filling her all the way to the entrance of her womb with length to spare. She gasped and moaned, objections forgotten as her friend continued her attentions to Ashley's breasts, neck, and head. Between the two of them her climax came quickly, long before the man.

More tiny tugs on her soul as the pair brought the wind mage to yet another climax, this time punctuated by a warm shot of cum straight into her womb. Even through the alcohol, something muttered that Jenn wouldn't be happy about that.

Soft fingers gathered what dripped out of her still-dripping sex, and she dutifully opened her mouth to lick them clean as her friend made another lovely suggestion. A nice hard cock to ride. She would like that. And Jenn had a wonderful one. Maybe fucking her would make up for... whatever it had been that she'd been thinking about before.

"Jenn?" Ashley pulled herself up off the table and to her unsteady feet, looking around the room. But her lover didn't seem to be there. She frowned, and called out louder. "Jenn? I need you!"

But the water mage still wasn't there. And that didn't change Ashley's needs. She looked around and found someone closer to her own size, and started tugging on his pants until they came free. When that happened she'd back into the nearest wall, pulling him behind her. Then she'd mount him, and ride until she got her second creampie. After that she'd be able to get her mouthful of cum back. That was important.