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Winter Night (thetwo)

Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"What? No... You were there when I first tried it!" Jenn mumbled, not even moving save to drag the blankets over her head. It would be necessary to pull Jenn out of bed forcefully, as the water mage clutched and the blankets and whined when Ashley tried to take them away and refused to move until Ashley had pulled her physically out of bed.

Giving another groan of complaint, Jenn glared at Ashley while partially covering herself with her hands. "Just go to the baths! You were walking around naked half of last night anyway, why do you suddenly care about public decency now!?" she said waspishly, but then heaved a deep sigh, "fine, sure, whatever you want!" Straining painfully with the effort, Jenn drew enough water from the air for what they needed, holding it all into a shape, and then sat down while Ashley heated the water. She wouldn't do anything while Ashley took a bath either, merely watching irritably while the wind mage cleaned herself up, and when Ashley was done she would cause the filthy water to float out the window before releasing it, letting it splash down onto the ground outside of their window.

"Happy now?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

The wind mage rolled her eyes at Jenn's complaints. If she'd been walking around naked last night - and she wasn't entirely sure she had - then she'd been much too drunk. And Jenn said this while covering herself in the privacy of their rooms. She kept up a quiet stare until the other woman cooperated.

Ashley - at least reasonably clean, now - gave Jenn a peck on the cheek. "Thank you. We really should see if we can get at least a large bin in here... but in the mean time would you like a turn, or do you want to go to the baths?"

If the water mage wanted her own turn, Ashley would gather her concentration and do her best to mimic Jenn's efforts. Otherwise, she'd pull on her clothes and go with Jenn to the baths.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"I'll take a bath later," Jenn grumbled, and then hopped right back into bed and crawled under the blankets, obviously intent on going right back to sleep.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley briefly considered dumping a bucket of water on her lover's head. That would wake her up. And probably make her angry. Of course, that would mean making up later. Thoughts about how she might go about that - dumping water on her would be pretty 'naughty' - reminded her that she was still sore. But that wouldn't last forever.

Still, there was no compelling reason Jenn had to come. If she didn't have quite as much of a headache, Ashley might have tried sleeping until it was gone herself. But as it was, a proper hot bath and a hot breakfast seemed easier, if not quite as attractive.

The wind mage pulled on a robe - enough to cover herself adequately, but hardly something she'd wear the rest of the day - and gathered up a change of clean clothes, then headed for the baths. A private bath would still be preferable, but now that at least the cum was gone the public one wouldn't be too bad if there was much of a line.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

Going off to the baths, Ashley would find that, unsurprisingly given the time, all of the private baths were taken, and claimed for a good long while. The public baths it would be, unless Ashley wanted to wait, and she would find those pretty full as well, with some people that she knew including Katy, who immediately blushed brightly upon seeing Ashley and then pretended that she hadn't. The public baths were separated by gender, leaving her with all girls.... Unless, for whatever reason, she wanted to go into the boys locker room or baths.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Well. It wasn't as if she'd never used the public baths before - it had taken a little getting used to, but she'd been at the academy now for years, after all. And it wasn't as if there was any obvious evidence of the previous night's... adventure. She'd have to face people sooner or later. The wind mage glanced down, and was slightly surprised to find that she hadn't unconsciously called a cloak of mist.

As for Katy... Ashley wasn't entirely sure what had happened with her after the drinking, but apparently it had been embarrassing. She wasn't entirely sure how she should deal with that. Or at least not how to deal with it in private. In public, pretending it never happened seemed a reasonable bet, and the noblewoman certainly seemed willing to do the same.

With a slight sigh - and carefully controlling her face - Ashley proceeded to the women's baths, giving her best impersonation of someone who had spent the night quietly reading. Or as close as she could get with her hangover, at any rate.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

Heading into the baths proper, Ashley would find them fairly well occupied already, the steaming room and its gigantic pool kept clean by intricately organized magical devices within the water. Giggling, splashing, and chatter filled the room courtesy of well over three dozen nude women were present in the room, either in the water or on the benches dotting the room, some wrapped in towels but the vast majority of them naked. The air was thick with perfume, meant to mask the smell of so many bodies, and all in all it was a quite pleasant environment to bathe in, particularly given Ashley's sexual preference.

As the wind mage looked for a spot to slip into the water, however, damp footsteps would precede a sharp smack against her rear, and the teacher who had spanked her and Jenn would walk by with a smirk, as naked as the day she was born. "Been staying out of trouble, I hope?" she said as she strolled by, the hand clapped to the young mage's rear remaining in place to give it a few quick squeezes before sliding off of her smooth flesh as she walked by, picking the nearest spot to slide down into the bath and sitting down on one of the wooden benches surrounding the rim of the pool. Basic cleaning supplies were more or less everywhere, and the strange instructor muscled through a trio of other girls who were hogging the nearest station and grabbed what she needed before simply getting on to washing.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley glanced around the room, careful not to oggle anyone. Sometimes that wasn't easy, but at the moment her various aches - head and otherwise - toned things down a bit. Before she could sink into the water, though, someone had smacked her ass. The wind mage turned, half expecting to somehow see Jenn. It wasn't Jenn. She found herself blushing slightly, and muttered "I, um... yes. Professor."

Feeling more shocked by the unprofessionalism than the woman's sexual preferences - she'd gotten the considerable feeling that the woman had enjoyed the punishment a little too much - Ashley found her own place to slip in. Away from both Katy and the professor, insofar as that was possible. Once in, she intended to get the cleaning over with, then just soak until her headache went away. Or until hunger became more important. Or until she got wrinkly. A good few minutes, at any rate.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

Her headache wasn't going away any time soon, so it was a contest between wrinkles and hunger for what would drive Ashley out of the bath first. Ashley got clean quickly enough, inside and out, and the magically cleaned water ensured that no one had to worry about being dirtied by her leftovers. No one really noticed her at first, but eventually someone that she recognized would settle beside her, and an Amazonian girl named Ayla would grin broadly at the wind mage while taking a few nearby cleaning supplies.

"Hello Ashley!" she said in her still heavy accent despite that she had lived in Crolia for over seven years, the girl having originated far to the East where they spoke a different language. Though she was about two years her junior and decidedly inexperienced in almost every way, Ashley had often gotten the distinct impression that Ayla had something of a crush on her, and the closeness she maintained while both of them were bathing was probably not helping to dispel that assumption. She was pretty enough, with high cheekbones and creamy skin, her eyes almond both in shape and in color, and her long black hair perpetually shiny and well kept, either in intricate arrangements or in the simple plate that it was in now.

"I heard you had fun last night! I wish someone had told me about that party, I just stayed in my room and practiced all night," she said conversationally. Even if she was sometimes a bit odd, Ayla was never anything but friendly, even to people who teased her or openly mocked her. By that point Ashley was clean, and starting to prune a bit, but she could stay and talk a bit rather than beat a hasty retreat if she wanted to soak a little bit longer.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"Hello Ayla." Ashley eyed the younger woman carefully. She was certainly attractive enough, but it wouldn't do to encourage her. And the wind mage still wasn't really in the mood anyway. "Well, a little celebration seemed in order. We finished our last exams earlier."

It was really time to leave the baths - her fingers were starting to wrinkle - so the wind mage climbed out of the baths, saying her goodbyes, and dried off before redressing and heading to the Academy's cafeteria to address her next need. Once she was properly clean and fed she could go see how Jenn was doing, if nothing else came up.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"Ahhh, true! Certainly something to celebrate!" Ayla replied brightly. "think you passed everything? Well, of course you did, but do you think you aced everything?" she continued only to quickly correct herself. The younger woman looked surprised and slightly disappointed when Ashley excused herself, but she would erase it with a cheery look and bid her goodbye as she got out of the bath.

Getting up and out of the bath, Ashley would be able to dry off either with a towel, a full body wind blaster, or via a water mage attendant, get her clothes back on, and return to her room. Jenn was gone, but the bed had been made as the water mage commonly did before leaving to do something, and her scattered clothes from the previous night and her laundry basket were both gone as well. Ashley's head still ached, and breakfast might cure that, but she could skip her meal in order to spare her nausea and do something else if she preferred.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"Aced everything? Probably not, but I won't know until I see the scores." After excusing herself, a quick blast of air dried her off enough to get dressed, and she made her way back to her room. Only to find that Jenn had already gone.

The wind mage still felt far from 100%, but the bath had certainly helped. And while the thought of food wasn't entirely appealing, having something in her stomach would be better for her in the long run than going hungry. Of course, the bed was also appealing. Another hour or two of sleep, until Jenn got back. And woke her up with a kiss. And something hard poking her in the belly... but no. She'd need another bath after that. And with an empty stomach it couldn't go on long anyway, even if her delicates seemed to be feeling better now.

That decided it. If she was feeling enough better that she was starting to consider how to go about getting Jenn to make her ache again, then she was felling well enough to eat. Ashley made her way to the Cafeteria, looking for an appropriately light breakfast.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

The cafeteria wasn't exactly hard to find. Ashley had fought a life or death battle in it only two years ago against a group of invaders from the sky, saving a number of younger students and even a few teachers who had boxed themselves in to protect their students in the process. It had obviously been cleaned up since then, and was once more abuzz with student conversations, though at that point the room wasn't as packed as it usually was at dinner time, Ashley having gone for a somewhat late breakfast. There were no signs of the struggle that had once taken place there now, and as the wind mage entered she walked past a number of pairs or groups conversing over trivial or even meaningless things.

Students were given meals when they wanted them, the relatively wealthy Academy not needing to skimp on meals particularly given the prices that some students had to pay to go there. Heading over to the buffet would let her pick what she liked from a lengthy list of basic things, though they wouldn't be the best cooked. There was a paid service that would allow her to get a cooked to order meal for a single denarius, but she would have to wait. A few people would wave to her in greetings, though some others would look moderately distracted, and she would hear a number of rumors about the attack on Gods-Reach that was to take place that very night. The other rumors she heard as she acquired her meal swirled around a strange traveler in black armor who had arrived the night before, though the details on that wouldn't reveal anything more of note unless Ashley wanted to actively query some of the people talking about it.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley prepared herself a small plate from the buffet, mostly fruit, with one egg and a piece of bread. None of it looked especially appetizing, but then again neither did the thought of the higher-quality food she could buy. Better just to get this over with.

Finding a seat with someone she at least vaguely knew, the wind mage would avoid talk of the war. Defending themselves had been necessary, but attacking the orcs to retake buildings didn't seem worthwhile, and the few reliable accounts she'd heard said that the orcs didn't treat their prisoners any worse than the humans did. Maybe better. It wasn't something she was willing to die for, and she didn't care to hear about the people who would do so, at least not over breakfast.

Similarly, she really didn't want to hear anything about the party the previous night. Nothing good could come of that, and considerable embarrassment. So she steered the conversation towards the black-armored stranger, insofar as she could.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

Regardless of Ashley’s potentially unpopular opinion regarding the orcs, she would be free to sit where she liked so long as she didn’t voice it outwardly. A decent number of people would pause to stare at her as she walked across the cafeteria, however, and a lot of those looks were either amused or possessed of the sort of malice that only young adults forced to cohabitate could bring to bear. Still, no one bothered her about it even if she did vaguely recognize a face or two from before she’d blacked out, and she was able to sit at a table of acquaintances from various classes who were discussing a black armored traveler who had come from the North.

He didn’t look like no one from Therion,” said one boy, a younger student with bright blond hair who had the accent of a peasant from far to the West, likely a sailor’s son judging by how weathered his features were compared to his age. “Had to have been,” said another younger male student, this one shorter and stockier with dark hair, one whom Ashley had had conjuration classes with a few years prior and who was fairly adept at wind magic, “he couldn’t have come from Choren, the passes are always closed this time o’ year, and that’s the only place up North where they’d have the skill to forge armor that fancy.” Despite being from Therion himself, the other boy had seemingly adopted a bit of the blonde’s accent.

Why not? He doesn’t look like the type that would care about a closed pass,” said another, this one a girl with bright red hair and green eyes who was practically stunning, with soft features and who appeared extremely well kept. Ashley had seen her around here and there, mostly at the library, and had even seen her with Charles a few times after they’d split up. The two boys who’d been talking didn’t seem to notice her beauty all that much, but the fourth member of the table before Ashley became their fifth, an older boy who was very nearly a man by the look of him, with a slightly yellowed complexion marking him as Amazonian, long dark hair, and a slight patch of a beard and mustache, quite obviously did. “Indeed,” he began somberly, “a ruffian or mercenary of some sort no doubt…. Maybe even a bandit!

The redhead shook her head, “nah, what kind of bandit can afford armor like that?”

Maybe he stole it?” the blond boy said, to which the darker haired one nodded and added, “yeah, maybe he stole it offa someone. He needn’t even have killed ‘em himself, coulda just been some poor blighter got caught in the wrong storm! That can happen up North, me father runs caravans that go up that way and he’s always telling my sister and me ‘bout the sorta mishaps that can happen in those passes, especially in the fall when they’re about to get clogged up.

The Amazonian man, whom Ashley recognized as a teaching assistant who favored the arcane school after a moment’s examination, shook his head. “No, that armor wasn’t stolen…. He wore it too comfortably,” he said, sounding as if he knew what he was talking about, “I’ve seen fighters like that… He was walking like he wasn’t wearing fifty pounds of plate plus another ten of fur and twenty for all those weapons. If he’s a bandit, I’m a dragon.

The redhead chuckled slightly at that, and Ashley saw the older boy’s body shift just a little bit, his back straightening and his shoulders squaring, as a slight smile momentarily appeared on his face. “Hah, well I’ll put a five dactyle bet that you’re wrong!” the blond boy said with a challenging grin, using the common Crolian currency rather than the Badarian denarius and producing a handful of the small silver coins as proof. Grinning, the amazon produced a handful of coins in turn and replied; “Hah, I’ll take that bet! And your money!

Before the conversation could go much farther or Ashley could finish her breakfast, someone strode up to the table and said; “Excuse me…. Are you Ashley?” The speaker, a short, young, mousy blonde girl with thick lensed, round-framed glasses that made her sky blue eyes look extremely large, seemed uncertain and nervous, dancing slowly from foot to foot. That brought some attention her way, the rest having mostly ignored her beyond waves of greeting unless she said something in the midst of their exchange.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley listened to the conversation, but didn't pitch in just yet; she hadn't seen the stranger, and so didn't really feel like she could add much. Plus, now that she had started eating, she realized that she was indeed pretty hungry. Which made a certain amount of sense, given how much... exercise... she seemed to have gotten the previous night.

Instead, she found her gaze drawn to the redhead. She felt slightly jealous for a minute. But if the woman was interested in either of those boys, she was already in for enough disappointment, however pretty she was.

By the time the two boys had made their bet, though, Ashley had recognized the gaping flaws in their reasoning. There was no reason the stranger had to come straight from his homeland to the Academy. And no reason he couldn't have gotten his armor and been trained in two totally different places. There wasn't really much to conclude, then, unless it was where he had most recently come from, and that might not mean terribly much.

Before she could point this out, however, she was interrupted by a blonde student she didn't recognize. Which was probably for the best, even her own conclusions weren't terribly interesting or constructive. Noting that the girl seemed nervous, the wind mage carefully wiped any trace of irritation from her voice before responding. "Yes, I'm Ashley." She nodded to the people who seemed to only be noticing her now that she'd spoken, before turning back to the woman. "I don't believe we've met?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"Errr.... No.... I was sent to find you," the blond girl replied nervously, "you've been requested... By the Dean." The girl shifted nervously from foot to foot, dancing awkwardly in place, "I'm supposed to take you there.... Now." The other girl's voice was very strained, and she glanced over the table briefly, all of whom were looking curiously at her and Ashley, and then quickly directed her gaze quickly back to Ashley, awaiting her response.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley glanced at her plate, which was more or less empty, then back at the girl. From how nervous she was, the wind mage might be in trouble. Something she'd done while she was drunk? Well, perhaps. More likely they just hadn't told the girl why Ashley was to be found. Either way, there was only one way to find out. "Very well."

Ashley motioned the girl to lead the way, and dropped off her dishes as they left the cafeteria. Once they were away from all the curious onlookers, she spoke up again. "Any idea why they want me?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"No," the girl would reply as Ashley followed her out of the room, "the Dean just told me where to find you and to come and get you." The office of the Academy's head was located on the top floor of the main building in the sprawling complex, and while the spacious chamber wasn't the highest point it was situated such that it overlooked two of the four courtyards that divided up the Academy's various wings, and after the Dean's office only the church's bell tower was situated higher.

That of course meant that a lot of stairs were in Ashley's future, and while she had never had cause to make the journey before, she would find it as exhausting a process as she'd been led to believe. There was a set of circular stairs and an elevator up the tower to the place she'd been summoned to, and the elevator could only be operated by a special key that Ashley - and evidently her guide - did not possess. That left them with a lot of steps to climb, as the stairs wrapped around the outer wall of the tower in a spiral, and while it wasn't steep by any means it was still fairly tiring to walk all the way up, which they would have to do unless Ashley opted for a magical solution.

When they reached the top, Ashley found herself to be not the only one summoned by the Dean. Jenn was there as well, sitting nervously on a bench in the corner while rubbing her calves, likely having had to walk up. She looked slightly relieved to see Ashley there for a moment, but then her gaze shifted back to the Dean. The teacher who had spanked the two of them upon catching them testing out Jenn's new ring was also present, sitting in a chair that she had leaned back, her arms folded over her chest and her legs crossed with her feet sitting on the dean's desk. She only offered Ashley a glance before directing her gaze back to the one figure in the room that the wind mage wouldn't recognize on sight, a man seated, like the teacher, in a chair. It was difficult to tell while he was sitting down, but the figure appeared to be at about average height, and was clad in a slightly tattered gray cloak that didn't quite conceal the armor he wore beneath, full plate artfully in a blue that was so dark that it was almost black with silver inlay that shined in a pale blue as well. The finely crafted armor was crestless, and no other adornments offered clues to whom the man might owe allegiance. The reason that he bore such attention from the teacher, besides the intense stare that he directed at the ground over the triangle formed by his hands, could be that he was almost absurdly handsome, at least according to common Crolian and Badarian standards. His face was well defined and articulate, with large cold blue-gray eyes that bore intense focus, dark hair that was slightly long and appeared fairly windswept, and just enough grizzle to the stubble growing on his face to make him appear decidedly masculine without making him look disheveled.

The Dean of the Academy stood behind his desk, his back to the room as he gazed out the window, but that wouldn't stop the feel of his attention shifting from outside to her as Ashley and the girl leading her to the room finally entered the man's office. Even if his gaze wasn't focused on her, Ashley could feel the man's scrutiny being directed at her, the sensation enough to cause the hairs on the back of her neck to rise and her skin to prickle uncomfortably. People with a great deal of magical or spiritual talent were known to have that sort of effect, and even though he was the youngest man to hold the position in recorded history, there was no doubt that he deserved the position after how he had responded to the Invasion crisis. "Sir.... I, uhm, brought.... Her," the mousy blond said nervously, and the Dean would turn slowly in place, his hands remaining clasped behind his back, "thank you Alys, you are dismissed."

Despite his relative youth, the Dean was still older than Ashley, having just passed his thirtieth year. His hair was charcoal black, but gray had begun to creep in at his temples. That was more a sign of stress than age, however, as most mages could expect lifespans a degree beyond that of a normal mortal, able to keep their bodies in better condition thanks to even the most basic works of magical healing. He was tall and thin, with long limbs that gave him a rather scarecrow-ish figure, and a light curl to his otherwise short hair. Some of her younger classmates sometimes giggled that the Dean was cute, though having had no encounter besides being passed in a hallway and thus having never been under his gaze they likely didn't have to endure the discomfort that Ashley currently suffered. While some might have considered him at least conventionally attractive enough to get by, his stern demeanor and the air of superiority about him didn't help his image, and against the armored figure seated just a bit closer to Ashley the man barely registered on that front.

The blond would hastily exit once dismissed, leaving Ashley standing alone and with the attention of the armored figure settling upon her as well. That second one was another level of pressure, and a distinctly different one from the gaze of the Dean. His was like a weight settled on her shoulders, a thing that wanted to bend her, to make her shrink. It was almost but not quite predatory in nature, like a wolf gazing down a creature and deciding whether or not to chase it down and eat it. "Student.... You have been called here for two reasons," the Dean began coldly, directing Ashley's attention to him by the strength of his voice despite the piercing gaze focused upon her by the mysterious armored figure. "The first is by.... Request. The second is disciplinary. Have a seat with your companion and you will be dealt with shortly."

Once Ashley had taken a seat on the bench, the Dean would look to the armored figure, who would track the wind mage until she had taken a seat, at which point he would look back to the Dean. "There, mister Clay.... Will she do for your needs, or would you prefer to take my advice and choose another?" he asked tersely, to which the warrior seemed merely amused. "Always such an authoritarian.... She will do, methinks. And if she is familiar with the other one, I suppose that she will do as well, though her I could take or leave," he replied with a voice that would be even colder than the Dean's were it not for the hint of mirthless amusement present in it.

Frowning, the Dean would turn to Ashley and Jenn, his gaze flickering over them critically for a moment before he began, in a fairly disapproving voice, to speak; "You two have been summoned here, as I am sure you have realized, because you have been called upon for a task. I would have recommended others, but your.... Experience.... Has led mister Clay here to request you personally, and given the nature of the situation, and that you have just completed a semester, I find myself willing to fulfill that request. You two, along with several other students and faculty members, will join mister Clay on a task that he would fulfill for his Queen. The task will take you far from here, and given the climate that you shall be entering, those schooled in the manipulation of air and water are necessary for the party's protection. It will be dangerous, but if there is one thing that mister Clay and I agree on regarding this matter, it is that you are capable of handling yourselves in dangerous situations. I obviously cannot order you to do this, as this is not a military program and neither of you are part of my staff, but given your recent.... Transgressions.... I think it would be well within your best interests to do as I ask."
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Panting slightly with the unusual effort to reach the Dean's office, Ashley gazed around the room. Her eyes met Jenn's and she smiled warmly, about to mouth a greeting before she realized that her lover's presence probably meant that she had been summoned for something she'd - they'd - done last night.

The wind mage turned towards the Dean's desk, and was slightly surprised to see another teacher there. One she recognized. One who had, in fact, punished them before for the same sort of thing that they'd probably been doing the previous night. Ashley felt herself start blushing, imagining being turned over the woman's knee again. But before that could go any further, the woman's gaze drew Ashley's to the final unexpected person in the room.

Or, rather, the person she'd been halfway expecting before finding Jenn and the Magical Creatures subdirector there. Finding him as well as Jenn was a bit perplexing. And... had the rumors mentioned how handsome he was? Ashley's nipples were hard, and she shifted slightly at the heat growing between her legs, and she wasn't sure if it was because of Jenn, or the stranger... or because she was still half imagining herself getting her bare bottom spanked by the teacher.

She finally tore her eyes away from the spectacle when the Dean spoke. She sat down. Great. Something to do with the stranger, obviously, and then punishment. Still, there was nothing for it but to listen, for now.

She picked up bits and pieces of what the Dean hadn't said as he went along. 'Clay'. His Queen. A harsh climate, where Air and Water will be helpful. Dangerous, even then. The man's amazingly good-looking. Who has a Queen, and enough clout to request a favor from the Academy? Even far from here... what court is lead by a Queen? It clicked all at once.

Ashley turned quickly back to the stranger. The almost-certainly-not-human stanger. "Well... could you tell us what this task is before we agree to it? And what part... the Court... sees in it for us?" Certainly it was one of the Fey courts, but she had no more than a gut feeling which one. The wind mage found herself wishing she'd studied the Fey more between semesters, when she'd mostly been focused on the Gods that seemed to have returned to the world.

She thought for another second before continuing, slightly less confidently. "And for that matter, which Transgressions exactly we're being accused of?" She'd be terribly surprised if they hadn't violated some rule about sex, but the wind mage didn't remember enough of the previous night to say exactly which. All of which also reminded her that she still had to get that potion from Jenn...