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Winter Night (thetwo)

Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

The stranger seemed surprised that Ashley addressed him so promptly, though his surprise would quickly fade into a roguish grin as he turned to face her instead of the Dean. The Dean, however, would scowl softly at being so ignored by Ashley, and that look did not fade in the slightest as she asked what she was being accused of. Jenn tensed beside her at the wind mage's brazeness, and as the Dean focused on her the teacher would shoot Ashley a warning look over the armored stranger's shoulder.

"Which transgressions, you ask?" he said coldly, "I am amazed that you would want them spoken aloud, though perhaps I ought not to be. Public drunkenness, disruptive behavior after curfew, disorderly conduct unbecoming of a member of this Academy.... Along with multiple counts of public nudity and.... Fornication. I have a tavern full of eyewitnesses, a family that you and your... Room mate... Disturbed, and a member of my own faculty to attest to the more serious ones, but I suppose you are entitled to speak in your own defense. Have you anything to say for yourselves?" the Dean asked in a tone that suggested that whatever Ashley said wouldn't particularly matter to him.

"Being a little rough, aren't you Allanon?" the armored stranger asked bemusedly, to which the Dean simply scowled. "To answer your question.... No. Simply put, you will be told what you need to know when it's important for you to know it. The Academy owes my Queen a favor, and I am here to collect it. Your... Services.... Are being requisitioned as part of that payment, but the nature of the task for which I require you necessitates a degree of secrecy. I can tell you that the terrain we will be traveling across necessitates one skilled in the manipulation of the wind, and as I don't feel like traveling all the way to the Amazon in order to catch a harpy when I can just bring another mage... Suffice to say that it will be dangerous, but that you being killed, left to die, or anything equally unpleasant is not a part of the plan."
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ha, 'room mate'. Ashley suppressed a grimace. In Badaria, she and Jenn probably would have been driven out of town if people thought they were sleeping together, but Crolia was better than that, and she would have thought that the Academy itself would have been even better. But there could be a bad apple anywhere, she supposed, and if he was content to just pretend they weren't lovers... well, she'd have to live with it. For now.

But as for speaking in her own defense... the Dean was clearly certain of their guilt, and she had to assume he had evidence or they wouldn't be talking about it. It was probably even true, though the thought that she'd been "fornicating" in the middle of a crowded tavern wasn't exactly pleasant. Telling him it was just because she was drunk probably wouldn't be helpful, even if she honestly intended to avoid that for the indefinite future. But the punishment for the charges he was suggesting... if what she'd been told was true, it would either be expulsion or some form of public humiliation. Neither was exactly ideal.

There seemed, then, to be only one reasonable response, and Ashley glanced at Jenn to make sure she didn't object before making it. "Then I suppose we'll show our ability to be upstanding members of the Academy by helping repay the Academy's favor to one of our allies. And, um, not doing it again."

As to exactly what that would mean... well apparently her death wouldn't be part of the plan. That wasn't exactly as encouraging as had probably been intended, but Ashley was no stranger to dangerous situations. "If you need wind magic, I'm your mage. But if you can't tell me what we're doing, I'll at least need to know when to be ready to leave..."
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"That would be... Acceptable," the Dean replied impatiently when Ashley diplomatically accepted the mission she'd been presented with and promised not to repeat her barely remembered shenanigans from the previous night. He didn't seem quite content, but he at least seemed like he would let the matter drop.

"Today," the stranger replied, "in three hours or less, once that one has the rest of your party in line. We'll be meeting another small group in four days, and then heading North. Once everyone I need is together, I'll tell you what I want done," he said calmly, and then rose to his feet and approached Ashley. He was only a little bit taller than she, being about average height for a man from Badaria, but he only looked better up close as he gestured for her to rise and then offered her a hand. Should she accept, he would bring the back of her palm to his lips while looking her directly in the eye, and after the gesture he said; "Arclan Clay.... First Knight of Winter."

He would repeat the gesture to Jen, who blushed slightly, and then returned to his seat and turned it towards the Dean's desk. The Dean sat down, frowning, and said; "You are all dismissed. Prepare yourselves how you see fit, and assemble in the entrance hall in two and a half hours. Do not be late." The instructor who had spanked them rose, bowed, and then turned on her heel and headed out the door. Jenn rose beside Ashley, bowed as well, and then turned to do the same, hurrying towards their room once she was clear of the Dean's office.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley gave a slight curtsy, and tried to think the whole thing through on the way back to their room. It seemed like the Dean would accept this in lieu of punishment for the previous night. Which was better than she had hoped once she'd heard that list of 'transgressions', but didn't explain why the other teacher had been there. Maybe just to imply that he knew about their history of that sort of trouble? Or maybe there would be more trouble when they got back. Well, either way there would be trouble if they didn't go, and there wasn't anything they could do about it while they were on whatever mission this was.

Which was really the only other important topic. And not one there was much information about, not yet. The man's title confirmed her suspicions about who this 'favor' was to. The Winter Queen. Mab. And something that her own First Knight needed mortal magical aid to accomplish. A good deal of it, if they were bringing two mages just to keep the rest alive in the North.

Her own packing wouldn't have to take terribly long. She absentmindedly thumbed the silvery ring on her right hand. It wasn't actually silver, since it never tarnished. But it would keep her from freezing to death in any mundane cold, at least. She'd still want her heaviest clothing as a precaution, but between that and the magics they'd be using to keep the mortal members of their party alive, it wasn't really going to be critical. Most important would be her enchanted gear, including her dress. It might not look suitable for a mountain, but if they ended up in the Winter court....

As an afterthought, she decided to bring the panties as well. A voice-controlled vibrator might not see much use, but it had other enchantments as well, and as long as nobody knew the command words she'd be fine. And she could decide if she actually wanted to wear those later.

In their rooms, the wind mage turned to her lover. "So, apparently we're going North. Four days just to meet others, presumably at least as long to do... whatever mysterious quest we're doing... and then more time back." She sighed. "Which only gives us about two hours of privacy. Less, once we pack..."

Ashley casually slipped out of her dress. A conversation had been building up in the back of her mind since she'd woken up this morning, and it was going to be awkward as hell, at least on her end. Putting Jenn a little off balance to start might make it go more smoothly. Plus the dress wasn't really suitable for travelling anyway, even ignoring issues of cold.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, TRIPLE PREGNANT (two twin girls by Jenn and a boy by random soldier number seven)

"Yup," Jenn replied tersely as she busied about, filling a pack with heavy clothing first and then changing into something more suitable for travel than her skirt and blouse, donning a pair of thick brown trousers, a thicker bra, and heavier undershirt before putting on a padded long-sleeved shirt and a vest. "Oh, yeah! Here," she said, grabbing a potion from the pocket of her discarded blouse and passing it to Ashley. "You said you wanted one, so I made another," she continued, before going back to packing.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"Thanks, Jenn." Ashley glanced at her partner, but Jenn was already back to packing. Well, perhaps she wasn't entirely over her hangover quite yet. Instead, she turned and glared at the potion. Before she had too much time to think about it, she opened it and downed it as quickly as she could manage.

"Bleh. I hate having to take these things." Ashley muttered, not quite under her breath. They tasted horrible, often had unpleasant side effects, and could do unpleasant things to you if used too often. They were probably better than being pregnant. But only if there was a reasonable chance that you were pregnant. If Jenn was right and her magical penis couldn't get anyone pregnant...

Ashley did most of her own packing while she thought it through, still only in her underthings. Finally, she sat on the edge of her bed. There was still plenty of time before they had to be on their way, and it seemed like time to have this conversation. "Jenn, can we talk?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine, nobabbies

"No problem," Jenn replied distractedly, concentrating on her packing and ignoring Ashley's mutter of distaste as she downed the potion that ensured that she wouldn't be carrying any children. The wind mage's dire-sounding comment would distract Jenn from her tasks, however, and she would look to Ashley with a frown. "Hrm?" she asked, "what about?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley gave that a moment's consideration before coming up with an answer that, while not really the heart of the matter, was accurate and would hopefully put Jenn a little more at ease. "Lets start with sex." She gave that a little more thought, considering the fact that she was sitting on their bed in her bra and panties. "I mean, talking about it."

"Obviously I've enjoyed sex since we've been together. But the, um, ring... I've really enjoyed that. Just thinking about you with a dick gets me..." Ashley coughed slightly, the movement drawing attention to the twin points of her nipples, suddenly visible through the cloth of her bra. And while there was no visible evidence on her panties yet, she fully expected there to be by the end of the conversation. "Hot. And I think you've enjoyed it yourself, but I don't want to push it on you if you're not totally into it?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

Ashley's initial explanation drew a quirked eyebrow from the water mage, amusement playing across her features as she opened her mouth to issue a quip of some sort that Ashley's further explanation silenced. "Okay," she said instead. Her initial flat expression would shift into a look of surprise when Ashley revealed just how much she'd enjoyed her usage of the enchanted ring's ability. "Eheh.... That's actually kinda surprising, really. I mean, we've both obviously had a lot of fun with it, but I didn't realize that you were THAT into it!" she said lightly, gently stepping forward and taking a seat next to Ashley on the bed, still fully dressed.

"I've definitely been having fun with it," she continued, gently sliding a hand onto Ashley's lower back. "I don't know if I want to use it all the time, since it makes a pretty big mess and you're still worried about it being, ahhh... Potent, but all you need to do is ask. It's not like I don't like watching you cum your brains out."
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Well. Potency was certainly a topic she intended to discuss, and the mess was an issue they could deal with. If those were the only things holding Jenn back from using the ring...

"Mmm..." the idea of having her brains fucked out was certainly compelling, but it wasn't time to get distracted. Yet. Though the still-growing heat between her legs suggested that 'getting distracted' was certainly an option in the near future.

"Speaking of me cumming my brains out." Ashley shifted slightly. This was the part that was really potentially embarrassing. Plus sitting next to Jenn, with an arm around her, felt good. "Well. Remember the other day, when... um... you, ah, sorta spanked me?" A blush was unavoidable at this point. "I wouldn't mind trying more like that. If you, ah, understand? Not always, certainly, I like gentle too, but... once in a while not so gentle?" She imagined that, Jenn's magical cock thrusting into her... and realized that her pussy still ached from the previous night. Still, this was about the future, not just this very minute.

She hurried on before Jenn really had a chance to comment. "And as for the 'potency' issue, maybe I'm worrying too much about that. You're probably right. But I never knew who my father even was, much what grew up with him. And we haven't really talked about the future. I mean... I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life, but I know I want to do it with you. I don't know if I've ever said that out loud before. And if you feel the same way, I can accept whatever small risk there is that your source might be wrong about your, um, 'potency' with that ring." Ashley turned to her lover, a nervous expression on her face.
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Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

"Uh huh," Jenn asked dryly, also blushing but still smirking as Ashley began to stumble over her words. She wasn't nearly as improper as some of the people that Ashley had met in the Academy, but Jenn didn't have Ashley's Badarian upbringing and thus wasn't quite as embarrassed about sex as the wind mage, a fact that was now showing. She opened her mouth to speak, but Jenn cut her off before she could, and her demeanor would shift to a more serious one when Ashley turned to the subject of potency and brought up her own parental issues.

"You, uhhh.... Haven't," she would reply awkwardly, briefly not looking directly at Ashley's face as the wind mage gazed at her so nervously. It was her turn to be uncomfortable. "But, well...." she began, pausing awkwardly while slowly guiding her gaze back up to Ashley's face. For a few moments Jenn was silent, but then she drew in a deep breath and continued; "I feel that way too. I don't know about... You know.... Having children, whether or not we can actually do that. I really don't think we can, but... Maybe we can find out without.... Doing it the hard way. I mean, where better to look than here? I don't think we'll have many opportunities to test it out over the next few weeks anyway, so we can probably find out with some certainty whether that trick grants... Potency."
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley blinked. "I guess I never really thought about that. But if one of the teachers had seen this sort of thing before, there probably are books about it. Even if most people even here seem to consider this sort of thing indecent." She let out a somewhat relieved sigh. "I mean... The person who made it would know best if it was potent, after all, and they told you it wasn't. So I'm probably just worried over nothing. And realizing I can check another source makes me feel better, even if it's not until we get back." Ashley smiled "Especially if I don't have to walk up to someone and ask 'Can my girlfriend's magic dick get me pregnant?'"

"But just hearing you say you feel the same way makes me feel a lot better about it."

The wind mage also made a mental note to test Jenn's theory that they wouldn't have many chances to try it out over the next few weeks. After all, if they stayed in an inn it would be ridiculous for them not to share a room and even a bed. And if they were camping out... well, it would be cold, and sharing blankets was a good way to stay warm. Maybe using the ring was out of the question for the first few days - until she recovered - but 'weeks' was another story. They could settle the matter of potency for certain when they got back. But that didn't mean the ring was off limits until then. She found herself glancing down at Jenn's pants. And had to remind herself again that she was probably too sore to even masturbate, much what do that.

"Um... can you think of anything else we need to talk about before we lose our privacy, or should we get back to packing?"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

Ashley's hypothetically stated question drew a brief giggle from Jenn, the absurdity of walking up to a person and asking that likely enough to get even the most stoic person to at least smile. "I think that's everything," Jenn said brightly, though she seemingly wouldn't miss the look that Ashley had aimed at her crotch. Leaning in to nip the wind mage on the neck, Jenn held herself close for a moment as she purred; "Unless you're looking to get a little dirty before we go~"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"Well... this is our last chance to use our own room for a while. And we've been talking about sex..." She shifted a little closer to Jenn, pressing herself firmly against her lover. She slid one hand down the front of Jenn's pants, rubbing gently at her clit through her panties. "Just remember that I'm still pretty sore from last night~" That was definitely one thing Jenn got an advantage with when using her ring. If they were a little too ambitious, she could just dismiss the organ and with it any soreness.

She leaned back onto the bed, pulling Jenn on top of her, kissing her, and tugging at the pants.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

Jenn let out a soft gasp against Ashley's neck as the wind mage slid a hand beneath her clothes, her legs spreading to allow Ashlet to slowly circle the crown of her sex through her panties, which weren't as damp as Ashley's yet but certainly display signs of arousal. The water mage giggled as Ashley brought her down on top of her, standing off of the bed but still situated firmly between her legs. "Mmmm, should I kiss it and make it better?" she purred, before her mouth engaged Ashley's in a hungry kiss, leaving their tongues dancing together while Ashley slid her pants down to pool on the floor.

Her lover's hands quickly did away with Ashley's bra, leaving her chest bare for Jenn's palms to briefly caress, but after a moment the water mage pulled away to pull her blouse off over her head and toss it away. Her bra soon joined it, leaving the brunette's large but still perky breasts bare as she descended again, once more claiming Ashley's mouth while their chests rubbed together, nipples gently glancing against one another. For the next few moments Jenn was content to grind against Ashley while both were clad only in their panties, the wind mage's sex only offering a bit of ache from her shenanigans last night while Jenn's knee lightly pressed against it, before the kiss broke again and Jenn fixed Ashley with a sly smirk. "So... What would you like? I was on top for most of last night.... Do you want a turn? You can use the ring this time if you want~"
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"Mmm..." What Ashley wanted was for Jenn to fuck her until she couldn't walk. But that probably wouldn't actually be terribly much fucking at the moment, if even a little pressure was sore. And using the ring had felt really weird. Not bad, certainly something she could get used to if Jenn enjoyed 'bottom' as much as she herself did, but also not something out of her deepest dreams. "I don't mind being on the bottom... but probably neither of us should be making a mess, what with us having just cleaned up. Not much of one, anyway."

They'd find a reliable way to clean up or prevent the 'mess' eventually, but for the mean time... "A 'kiss' might make me feel better, though."

She pulled Jenn's head back down to resume their kiss, then turned her attention to getting her girlfriend's panties to join the rest of their clothes on the floor. Once that was done, she'd wait for Jenn to reciprocate, then get a hand between them to find the water mage's clit and start teasing it. Ashley would keep up the kiss until Jenn seemed suitably worked up, then gently push her lover's head down towards the set of lips that really needed a good kiss.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

"Mmmhmmm..... Mkay~" Jenn giggled before their kiss was resumed. Her panties were soon pooled around her legs, those of the wind mage soon joining the rest of their clothes on the floor, and as she came back in to resume the duel of their tongues and Ashley started teasing her clit the water mage did much the same. There was no pain as her jewel was rubbed, and so when Ashley broke the kiss and pushed Jenn's head down the water mage stepped back and quickly slipped between her legs, leaving her own sex out of reach as she knelt beside their bed.

The wind mage's clit was her first target, it's protective hood flicked at for a time before Jenn briefly moved to lapping at her petals, which likewise displayed no soreness. That pattern held until Ashley's jewel had been fully teased out from beneath it's guardian, at which point her lover attacked the wind mage's pleasure center until Ashley could take no more and reached her peak, at which point she continued until Ashley relaxed and then started lapping at her petals until the wind mage opted to change their position in some way.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley shuddered and gasped at the familiar feeling of Jenn's fingers and tongue going to work, building to an inevitable orgasm, and didn't stop. All of which served more to make her properly horny than to satisfy her. And there hadn't been any soreness at all. It was almost enough to make her wish she hadn't said not to use the ring.

Still, either way they weren't done yet. The wind mage pulled her lover back up and kissed her again, taking advantage of the downtime to tease at Jenn's nipples, and squeeze her ass. Then she twisted around, until the water mage's wet pussy was under her mouth, with her own again within reach of Jenn's tongue.

Ashley started with her fingers, teasing Jenn's clit and running a finger up and down her slit for a while before she started dipping it in. One finger, then two. She added her tongue, tasting a few times before she got down to the serious work of giving Jenn an orgasm.

After Jenn had cum once or twice - and hopefully she'd had some more attention herself - Ashley would twist back around to be face to face once more. Another kiss, pressing her body tightly against her lover's, enjoying the simple feeling of flesh on flesh. If Jenn seemed to have something else in mind, she'd go along with it. If not... well, they'd have to get back to packing sooner rather than later.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52, PP = 72, EP = 78, Status = Fine

Flipped onto her side on the bed and with Ashley's fingers and mouth soon attacking her sex, Jenn gladly dragged the wind mage closer and resumed her own assault upon Ashley's folds, holding her hips while her tongue once more lapped at her petals and clitoris. There was no teasing from the water mage now, and even as her higher leg began to twitch once Ashley added a second finger into her pussy and lapped up some of her honey with her tongue Ashley felt another orgasm taking hold of her. Fortunately, a bit more pumping of her fingers and licking her jewel brought Jenn to her own first for the day, though the water mage hadn't stopped even as she moaned against Ashley's sex.

The wind mage would find herself soon brought to her peak again by her lover's tongue, which had continued mercilessly assailing her sensitive pleasure nub, but then she rolled slightly, putting Ashley under her while she rose a bit and brought a hand to Ashley's flower, rubbing her petals teasingly while the wind mage was free to please her but do little else. She moaned freely, her hips quivering as Ashley's tongue and fingers brought her towards another climax. Once it hit, Jenn threw her head back and gave a moan of satisfaction as her love juices coated Ashley's tongue and chin, her hips grinding her sex on the wind mage's face as she rode out her last peak.

Then it was time to kiss again, their bodies pressing together softly as the pair tasted one another in their last impassioned kiss for the encounter. Jenn broke their entwinement only hesitantly and after letting that kiss linger for a while, and she lay on her side idly twirling a finger over Ashley's side just above her hip while gazing at the wind mage for several minutes before saying; "You are just incorrigible.... When do you get so much libido? I don't know if I'll be able to keep up... Whenever we manage to get back." She glanced over at the mess they'd made of their bed and blushed a little harder, "we ought to finish packing.... And get ready to go."

Assuming that Ashley had no objections, their bout of lovemaking would end their as they both dressed again, Jenn donning traveling gear instead of her usual skirt and blouse ensemble, which really just meant a thicker shirt and a vest on top and trousers in place of her skirt on the bottom. How Ashley wanted to dress beyond wearing undergarments was up to her, but they had eaten through a good chunk of their time padding by that point. Once they were both packed they had maybe ten minutes before they needed to be back in the great hall, giving Ashley one last chance to make any final preparations or grab anything she might want to bring with her.
Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

"No? I'll just have to do a little more encouraging, then..." Privately, Ashley decided she'd have to find an appropriate - or inappropriate, rather - tailor in the town. It wasn't the sort of thing she'd really looked into before, but surely a school the size of the Academy, with a large, co-ed population of young adults, supported at least one person who could make some sort of lingerie...

But that would have to wait for later. For the moment, Ashley pulled out some clothing that she hadn't worn for a while. Lately she'd been making a point of wearing dresses and skirts. But before she'd come to the academy, she'd spent a lot of time on the road, where not only were pants more practical, but where being mistaken for a boy from a distance was a big plus. Of course, Jenn's suggestion that exploring her libido would have to wait until they got back rather strongly recommended against being mistaken for a boy now, but otherwise the practical considerations were the same.

Ashley put back on her magical jewelry and more mundane underwear, then pulled on a pair of pants that were perhaps a little tighter than she remembered, clinging more tightly to her curves. She added a belt, and holster for Thunder, her enchanted badarian revolver. Over her bra went a light shirt, then a heavier one, and finally a coat the fell past her waist. She'd probably have to take off that last once they really started moving, but it would be important in the far north. One of her rings ought to let her survive naked in a blizzard, but she didn't want to put it to the test if she could help it.

With a few changes wrapped around the strange gun she'd found during the invasion and her extra ammunition, she joined an already-packed Jenn and headed off towards the Great Hall.