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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

"Six of them? I can handle that by my-" Kiva's response halted, as did her approach towards the door, when Celeste referred to them as friendly. Her eyebrows raised, the armored women remained silent throughout the rest of the mage's request and her request for someplace to clean up. "I can see that" the demonic guardswoman quipped after Celeste relayed the goblin's appreciation for her performance. "Well, I was gonna take you to the last known location of your associates, but.... I guess getting you a bath first couldn't hurt." She eyed the semen running steadily down her legs, "....Definitely couldn't hurt. Come on" she grabbed Celeste by the waist and led her back across the street to the guard station. This time, she was pulled in along with the raven-haired woman, drawing the gazes of a half dozen others within including, ironically, another goblin. "Don't even ask, just go out back and pour some water" Kiva said commandingly, and the goblin turned and headed out another door.

Kiva dragged Celeste bodily through the station after the goblin, and they stepped outside to find the shorter demon pouring water from a hose into a porcelain basin large enough for her to sit in comfortably. He left when it was full, and once he was inside Kiva said; "Alright, get those filthy things off. I'll clean them for you while you're getting that mess off of you. When you're done you can come in and get them."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste let out a small yelp as Kiva dragged her across the street and into the guard station. Her proper manners getting the better of her, Celeste paused on entering to give a polite smile and quiet greeting to all of the assembled staring demons. Again the young mage was taken by surprise as the guardswoman pushed her through the building and out back, barely managing to keep her soiled clothing from falling as they rushed past the onlookers. Once outside again, the somewhat spoiled young woman bit her lip nervously as she saw what Kiva considered a place to clean up. 'Certainly not what I was expecting,' she thought petulantly. 'Though I guess this isn't the first thing to turn out like that.' As the goblin left the two of them alone, Celeste offered a quick, "Thanks!" before shyly removing her filthy clothes, still self-conscious even after what she had just experienced. "Um, this is a nice dress. Delicate. Please, be careful," she said, slowly handing her clothes over to Kiva before bringing her hands up to cover herself.

As soon as the guardswoman left, Celeste turned to look at the tub of water, sighing as she bit her lip and looked around at the open space she was in. 'Ohh, anyone could be watching me," she thought to herself, shuffling nervously. Still, she had to clean up, and while the simple bath on offer wasn't as grand as she had become used to at the Academy, it was her only choice. Setting her face into one of determination and uttering what she thought was a warrior-like grunt, the young mage gingerly stepped into the tub, shrieking only slightly at the cold water. Shivering both from the cold water and her exposure, Celeste gulped before quickly bringing her other foot into the tub and ducking down, submerging herself in the tub.

"Bah!" she cried as she broke free of the chilly water's surface, sitting up straight and gasping for breath. Allowing herself only one more moment to shiver, Celeste quickly set about scrubbing herself off with her hands. Eager to get clean, the young mage managed to wash off the filth in what she imagined must be record time, standing in the tub after only a few minutes while looking down to inspect herself. The water ran off her form in rivulets, and she grimaced slightly as she saw how dirty the tub's interior had become. Just before she started to step out, the young mage remembered her earlier discomfort, and shyly brought a handful of water between her legs. With a quick incantation of her water magic, she cleaned out what was left of the time she had spent with the goblins, then hopped out of the tub.

Feeling about as clean as a proper young mage could be after a cold bath with no soap, Celeste sighed happily as she ran her fingers across her no longer sticky form. A sudden breeze reminded her of just how cold the water had been, and she involuntarily shivered. Another application of her water magic allowed what remained of the cold water to spray away from her and leave her dry, though her body was still chilled. It was at just that moment that Celeste realized what Kiva had told her before taking her clothes. 'Sh-she wants me to go in and get my clothes? Like this?" Tip-toeing over to the rear door of the guard station, Celeste hesitantly pushed on it just enough to open it slightly. Peering in through the small slit, the young mage looked around for Kiva, wondering just where the succubus had taken her dress.

Use Cleanse as a fluff action!
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"I'll be careful with it," Kiva promised as she took Celeste's dress, and then departed to leave the self-conscious mage to her bathing. As she cleaned herself off, the chill water doing much to cool what was left of her arousal from the goblin's attentions, Celeste got the distinct impression that someone was watching her, but the yard was enclosed and she couldn't see anyone around her. The streets surrounding the outpost were fairly quiet, and she got herself cleaned up quickly enough before her feeling of discomfort had time or opportunity to intensify.

Then it came time for Celeste to enter the building and retrieve her dress, and when she cracked the door open to glance into the station, she didn't see the guardswoman that had led her there at all. There were voices coming from within, but the hallway into which she glanced was empty.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

No matter how often she checked, Celeste couldn't find the source of her nagging feeling of being watched. It was a feeling she was somewhat used to, the boys at the Academy loved to find ways to spy on the girls baths. This felt different though, and the nature of the city did nothing to ease Celeste's fears. Still, despite her best efforts, she never saw anything nearby. Chalking it up to just being nervous, she did her best to simply ignore the feeling and wash herself. Still, the sensation remained, and the young mage couldn't help but look around from time to time, until finally she was finished and out of the tub. Now completely exposed and with no idea where the succubus guardswoman had gone with her clothes, Celeste nervously waited behind the station, glancing to and fro often.

After waiting a few minutes, which in her embarrassing state of both dress and mind felt like ages, Celeste finally worked up the nerve to open the back door enough for her to slip in. With no one in sight in the hallway, she crept forward nervously towards the sound of the voices, but doing her best to remain unnoticed. 'Maybe I can find Kiva and my clothes without anyone seeing me,' she thought, imagining herself sneaking through the station like a thief in the night. Well, a naked thief, anyway.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Creeping into the hallway, Celeste found it thankfully empty as she headed forward, towards the sound of the voices. Approaching another door, Celeste found herself listening in on a fairly lewd conversation between a man and a woman, both of whom were unfamiliar to her and slightly out of breath. "You know, we can get into trouble for doing this sort of thing on the job.... What if Commander Kiva catches us?" said the woman, and the sound of some rather enthusiastic rubbing and kissing followed, and was interrupted by the man grunting; "She won't catch us... She's busy washing clothes!" The two shared a chuckle, and the sound of something being hitting the floor was followed by a soft gasp from the woman.

"We shouldn't..." she protested, but her voice was feeble, and the light suckling and kissing noises only grew louder, as did the soft sighs that she was emitting. "If you think we should stop.... Then make me stop..." he whispered softly, and her only response was a series of increasingly high-pitched gasps that turned into a soft moan. The door opened such that Celeste couldn't see into the room without pushing them open, and moving through would leave her open to view to whoever was inside, but there was no place else for her to go. There was an unzipping sound, a shuffling and rubbing, and a moment later the woman gasped; "Oh... Gods! Ahhh....."

A series of soft moans followed, leaving the woman straining to stifle them, but then she said; "Ahhh... Stop! Let me... Do you..." There came no complaint from her partner, and a moment and a similar disrobing noise later, Celeste heard a slurping noise, and the man let out a soft groan of pleasure. Several more moments of this followed, but then the slurping stopped, and there was a long series of shifting before Celeste heard them moan in unison, and the soft, wet slaps that followed could only come from one source that the proper Crolian mage could imagine. Distracted as they might be, there was still no opportunity for her to try and sneak through the room in which the couple were having a quickie before the sound of a door opening on the opposite side of it caused the two to stop.

A moment after the interruption, a sardonic male voice said; "You two at it again eh? You know that eventually, an officer that's nicer than me's gonna catch you at it, right?" Chuckling, he casually strode across the room, his footfalls signalling his direction, and then yanked the door behind which Celeste was standing open. He wasn't looking at her when he'd opened the door, his gaze off to the side and likely at the pair that were even then hastily redressing, but he caught sight of Celeste a moment later. The man, apparently human and dressed in the colors of a guardsman of Acheron, was possessed of richly formed and slightly angular features and a slightly tanned complexion. His crimson eyes swept up and down over her nude body, and his grin widened before he said; "Well... Hello there! Nice to see you too!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With one hand on the wall, Celeste crept quietly down the empty corridor, silently offering thanks to whichever god had given her this small favor. Once she was close enough to hear the lewd conversation, however, she stopped. Despite her proper nature, Celeste could immediately tell what was going on on the other side of the door. She wasn't sure why, but the interaction between the unseen lovers brought about an intense reaction from the mage. A reaction of curiosity, mixed with an arousal she tried her best to ignore. Leaning towards the door, she listened raptly, her breathing becoming harder as she listened to the two enjoying themselves just out of sight. Without realizing it, the young woman began to squirm uncomfortably, her legs twisting as she imagined what was happening behind the door.

When the woman gasped and cried in pleasure, Celeste had to fight back a yelp of her own. One of her hands had drifted down to settle between the cleft of her thighs. A brief pang of embarrassment and shame shook through her until she heard the lovers continuing to please each other. The slurping sounds made the mage's mouth gape open, and she unconsciously licked her lips a time or two before the shuffling sounds heralded a new activity beginning. The slapping noise brought forth a slight squeal from the young mage, and she bit her lip to try to hide it. She let forth another softer breath as the hand on her thighs began to wander deeper between them. Her eyes closed as she listened to the lovers enjoying themselves, and she began to lose track of exactly what was happening behind the door.

It was then, quite a shock when the door was flung open while Celeste's head was resting against it, her body scrunched up in a ball of shameful bliss. She fell forward slightly, though with a gasp she managed to stop herself from stumbling like a complete buffoon, raising both hands up to the door frame to steady herself, bringing an end to her fanciful visions as well as her self ministrations. Whether or not the room's occupants had witnessed her actions, Celeste could still only stand stock still, staring straight at the man in front of her. Too embarrassed to cover herself, to run, or to even talk, she shivered in fear and mortification. Instead of excusing her self, offering and explanation, or even bolting back outside, she could only stutter a greeting in a pitiful attempt to cover her humiliation. "H-h-h-h-hello." Still too shocked to do anything other than stand in the doorway completely exposed, she simply waited a moment before adding a, "Hiiiiii~."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Enjoying yourself I hope!" the man said, grinning as he gestured with his head towards one of Celeste's hands, the one that had been between her legs before she'd used it to steady herself on the door frame, which she only then realized were slick with her love juices. His eyes gave another slow pass over her exposed form before the guard looked back up at Celeste's face, never losing a lopsided grin from his expression. "While I wouldn't mind giving you a helping hand.. Or two... With that, I'm on duty, as they were supposed to be," he began, "I don't suppose you'd have a name, would you beautiful?"

In the background, Celeste saw a man and a woman with ruffled and poorly donned clothing creeping through another door, their faces flushed and embarrassed. They were holding quite close to one another, however, and after glancing back to ensure that the officer addressing Celeste wasn't watching them, the man wrapped an arm around the woman's waist and pulled her close against him. They disappeared from sight, leaving Celeste alone with the man that had discovered her, who was still grinning broadly at the nude magus and awaiting a response.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"E-enjoying myself? Y-yes, this is a very nice guard station you have," Celeste replied with a slight laugh, not realizing what the man was referring to until his gesture. As soon as she noticed the state of her hand she quickly pulled it down from the door frame and tucked it behind her back, smiling nervously as she tried to hide what had already been observed. The action caused her posture to change as she arched her back, pushing her impressive bust even further out as she squirmed, embarrassed, under the man's inspecting gaze. While the man continued his appraisal of her nude form, the bewildered young mage simply stared at the departing pair she had been listening to. 'I hope they don't get in too much trouble,' she thought, worried about the duo, 'At least they can leave without further embarrassment.'

"Name?" Celeste asked, broken from her somewhat jealous thoughts by the question. "Uh, yes, I'm Celeste," she gave a another nervous laugh, then added, "I was taking a bath out back before I came, uhh, in here to find Kiva." After clearing her throat and taking a deep breath, the young mage struggled to collect herself, remembering that she was a guest here, rather than the thief she had been pretending to be. "Y-yes, Kiva. Do you happen to know where I can find her, mister..." she trailed off to allow the man to introduce himself.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"It is, isn't it?" the guardsman replied brightly, and as casually as if he were picking a flower, the demonic man lifted and hand and brushed a finger against Celeste's belly. He slowly drew it up to her puffed out chest, up over the roundness of one of her breasts until it flicked upwards against her nipple, gazing at her and gauging her reaction. "Commander, actually... Danikles," he offered when she asked after his name, and at least momentarily pulled his hand away from her chest.

"And yes, I know where you can find Commander Kiva. She's upstairs, berating someone for something. How might you have met her? It's nice to meet you by the way!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste smiled happily as the man agreed with her assessment of the guard station, though her expression changed to one of shock when she felt his finger against her bare skin. 'Oh no! I forgot I was naked!' the young mage thought, her body beginning to shiver almost imperceptibly as the man's finger ran up her torso. She said nothing and remained almost as still as a statue, until the finger flicked past her nipple. The sensation drew out a tiny squeek from the mage, just before she brought one arm up from behind her back to cover her chest.

"C-commander!" Celeste repeated after the man introduced himself, stuttering slightly as she fought to control her embarrassment. "How impressive! So nice to met you as well" Without thinking, she reached forward with the hand she had been using to cover her nudity to shake the officer's hand. Immediately after 'properly' greeting him, her hand reclaimed it's position in front of her bust. She let out another nervous laugh without meaning to before answering his questions. "Oh yes, I met Ki- Commander Kiva this morning. I assisted her with a-a-an investigation," she said, shifting back and forth in her discomfort. "I helped her catch a criminal!" she exclaimed, her chest pushing forward slightly in her pride. "And then I met some nice citizens who needed my help, and now I'm here. Looking for my clothes..." Celeste trailed off at the end of her her account, a brief glance down at her naked form before she looked back up at the demonic man.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Grinning broadly, Commander Danikles took and shook Celeste's offered hand as he drifted his gaze back up to her face and left it there, apparently satisfied at last with his appraisal of her naked body. "Thanks! I only got promoted a few weeks ago too!" he said, and then smoothly looped an arm around her waist as he stepped next to her. "Well, sounds like you've been a great service to Acheron today! Helping out her guards and some of her citizens in one day~ You're not even from here, are you?" he said brightly, grinning.

Before Celeste could respond, however, he went on to say; "C'mon then, I'll show you upstairs, to Commander Kiva and your clothes!" He then began gently pulling her through the door, leading her through the station. The next room, the one through which she had entered, was occupied by two men and a woman, two of them likely the couple that Celeste had secretly listened to judging by their flushed faces. All three of them were traditionally attractive, all dark hair and pale skin and fine figures, common characteristics of the human-like demons as the Crolian mage was quickly learning. Danikles waved brightly at them and continued on his way, still pulling Celeste along unless she began to resist vehemently, and took a left turn into a stair well.

Up the stairs they went, those they'd left behind having eyes on Celeste's rear until they left the range of their sight, and it was there that the mage was reunited with the demon knight she'd met earlier that day. She was to be seen conversing angrily with a female goblin, who held Celeste's clothes in her hands and was gesturing with them energetically. "Why would you think that that's a good idea!? These didn't belong to a guard! I told you to clean them, not alter them!" the guardswoman stated angrily, and the goblin shrugged and retorted; "Ehh... I didn't have time to do much anyway! They're practically the same as they were before!" Kiva glared at her, "The same!? Look at them! They look like something that a... Oh, hello Celeste..."

Her fury momentarily stolen by the mage's appearance, Kiva gazed at her sheepishly and said; "Well... Glad you found me easily enough. I hope Danikles here hasn't caused you any... Trouble..." She glanced fiercely at the man, but he merely rolled his eyes and said; "None at all! Pinky swear! I just found her listening to Anaise and Branah on another one of their little private moments, and led her up here as soon as I'd ascertained who she was!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The nervous young mage jumped when the commander brought his arm around her waist, though he was much too quick of a talker and mover for her to voice any opposition. Instead, Celeste beamed at his compliments and waved shyly at the rather attractive demons they passed, once again revealing herself without meaning to. The more she felt their eyes on her, the more the girl began to push closer to Danikles in an effort to hide her nakedness. By the time they reached the stairs, she began to wonder if she would ever be properly dressed again in this city.

At first seeing Kiva brought a smile to the mage's face, and her body relaxed even while she was still in Danikles grip. Of course, seeing her berating the goblin while mention clothes brought another sudden wave of panic to the mage, and she bit her lip as she and the demon commander steadily approached the demonesses. Once before them, Celeste waved to Kiva, then answered quickly after Danikles, "N-no, no trouble. He's been very polite and helpful!" Hopefully the quick answer would forestall any questions about the two demons from earlier, and her reaction to them. "So, I see you have my clothes!" she said, happily eying the dress in Kiva's hand, "Are they clean yet? I hope they weren't difficult to wash. That fabric is so delicate, sometimes I don't know why I bother wearing it at all." Celeste laughed shyly at her joke, shivering slightly as she stood naked before them all.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Errr... Yes, they are clean...." Kiva replied, though she didn't seem able to meet Celeste's gaze. "But, uhh.... There was something of a mix up, and they were... Altered. Slightly." She held out the dress for Celeste to take, and if she took it, she would notice a number of things about it that were different from when she'd last donned the garment. The front now had a slit down to her navel, a V that would reveal the majority of her cleavage and threaten to allow her breasts to spill out completely. The shoulders had been reduced to straps with tiny frills on them, though the sleeves were intact. And, perhaps worst of all considering her lack of panties, the skirt had lost several inches of coverage, meaning that it would be all but impossible for her to keep herself from being exposed. The outer portion had been left unharmed, at least, but the white parts of her dress would make her look like a whore if she actually attempted to wear them.

"I'm.... Really very sorry about this. You've been quite helpful to me, and this is an utter embarrassment... You must think me terribly incompetent!" the guardswoman stated as she flushed with embarrassment, but the goblin that had apparently done the altering merely snorted dismissively. "I think they're great!" Danikles said enthusiastically as he beamed at Celeste, "I wasn't sure if I'd get to see yah look sexier then when I walked in on you playing with yourself while listening to Anaise and Branah, but that might just do it!" Kiva looked slightly startled by that, and she quirked and eyebrow at Celeste, "Playing with herself? What?" Danikles grinned and said; "Oh yeah, and between her legs and everything. I even teased her a bit and she got all flushed and squirmy, it was adorable!"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste stared at Kiva as the commander bashfully explained what had happened to the mage's clothes. Hesitantly, the young mage pulled her arms away from her naked body to grab the now significantly more revealing dress, trembling slightly as she imagined herself wearing it. She was used to receiving attention and had even enjoyed dressing provocatively, but this seemed like far too much. Or too little, as the case may be. As Kiva began her apology, Celeste shook her head, trying her best to comfort the woman even though she could find no words to do so. "N-no, Kiva, you're not... this... it's not... I can..." she stuttered, not really able to finish any of her attempts at mollifying the officer.

Of course, when Danikles offered his opinion, Celeste immediately tensed and looked at Kiva nervously. His blunt appraisal of the earlier situation was far more than what Celeste had wanted Kiva, or anyone, to know. As soon as he began to elaborate after the woman's question, Celeste loudly and vociferously tried to speak over him. "Ah, haha, this alteration looks like it could be nice, Kiva!" she nearly yelled, nervously trying to stifle the male guardsman while pulling the dress closer to herself as if modeling it. "It looks very comfortable! And airy! And... easy... to get in and out of! Celeste finished her strained praise of the scandalously altered dress with more nervous laughter, her face burning bright red as she hoped that the impossible would happen and Danikles words would just vanish from everyone's memory.

To help that along, Celeste did what she knew she would have to after all her mock approval and hastily began to throw the dress on. Although it should have been easier to slip the dress on with all the fabric missing, Celeste's nervousness began to get the better of her as she fumbled with the clothes. With her arms held high over her head trying to untangle the dress and slip it down past her head, Celeste imagined she must be quite the sight, naked and dancing around in the middle of a group of demons in uniform, but she couldn't stop now. "I'm sure it'll look quite nice... once I get it on," she said, her voice muffled, but still distinctly abashed at her situation.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

As she flailed about in her newly altered dress, Kiah felt hands suddenly reach over and steady her, and heard Danikles slightly muffled voice say; "Here, lemme help you with that!" He gently shifted the ruffled clothing down, helping Celeste done it properly, and within moments she was decent once more... Or at least as decent as she could be, given the alterations to her garb. "Looks nice!" the man said brightly after stepping back to appraise her, and the goblin that had done the alterations grunted; "Course it does!" Kiva frowned slightly at the revealing garb, "Are you... Sure you're alright with it? If you are... I guess I can take you to your associates now."

Danikles once more spoke up, "Ahhh, so you're leavin then? You gonna be busy later tonight? I get off in a few hours, and there's this lovely little pub just a ways off one of the main roads, right by the arena! I hear you mortals are into that sort of thing before the really fun part of the night."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As she twisted and turned trying to get the dress on as quickly as possible, and failing miserably, Celeste grew more and more anxious as the seconds ticked by. Thankfully, though, Danikles came to her rescue, and she offered a sincere, "Thank you!" as the dress finally cleared her face. Once "dressed" Celeste instinctively shifted to a few different poses to see how the outfit looked on her. While seeing it actually on her body didn't make it seem any less scandalous of something to wear, at least she got a feel for how the fabric was laying and how she could move without falling out of it. 'Okay, it's not so bad, I can do this,' she thought attempting to calm herself down while she examined her new look. 'Ive worn worse... and less. Just be careful and it'll be okay.' She offered a smile at Danikles compliment and another to the goblin who had done the alterations. "It's nice, thank you," she said to the goblin, suddenly realizing how rude she had been by not acknowledging the demoness before. She quickly introduced herself and thanked the goblin again for her effort with the dress.

Kiva's concern about the outfit was not lost on the mage, and it certainly was shared. Still, Celeste had the feeling that asking for another alteration or even a different set of clothes would be too much of an imposition. The city guards had more important things to do than worry about a girl's fashion sense after all. "Ah, yes, I don't want to be more of a bother than I already have been," she replied politely to Kiva. "And I was expecting to go shopping for some new clothes eventually anyway. That long journey from Crolia was hell on my wardrobe." Celeste offered the guardswoman a smile in an effort to console her. It wasn't Kiva's fault, after all, just an accident. "I suppose I really should get going to see my colleagues. They're waiting on me to do some important research. I bet they'll be happy to see me!"

Celeste turned to Danikles and smiled at his offer. "Oh, I'm sorry Commander, but I will probably be quite busy getting caught up with my associates tonight," she replied, trying to let the demon down easy. "Maybe I can see you another night? As the Academy's Ambassador to Acheron, I really should try to learn more about the city, and what the citizens do for fun sounds like something I should definitely look into!" Her bright smile and innocent tone let everyone know that she didn't understand Danikles innuendo, even as overt as it was. Once done talking with the commander, Celeste turned back to Kiva and said, "Ready to go when you are!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"You're welcome!" Danikles replied after Celeste thanked him for his timely assistance. The goblin that had altered her dress beamed back at Celeste when she offered her thanks, and turned to Kiva and said; "See? Told yah she'd like it!" She turned to beam back at Celeste after admonishing Kiva, who simply rolled her eyes and allowed the matter to drop.

Her reply to Danikles proposition was met with the man's seemingly ever-present smile, and he replied; "Sure, tomorrow night's fine too! I'll talk to Commander Kiva about where to find you whenever she gets back." Kiva, who did not look like she particularly fancied this idea, sighed and gave Celeste a quick nod as the mage announced her readiness. Danikles and the goblin waved goodbye as the other guardswoman led Celeste outside, and shortly then they were on their way.

They reached the inhabited part of Acheron quickly enough, and though there were as many distracting sights as last time (including a woman in a harlequin outfit juggling knives that seemed to be made of fire and several demons modeling practically nude in various shop windows) Kiva made sure to keep a careful watch on Celeste lest she opt to wander off. They moved off of the main market road and onto the municipal one, passing a grand arena that looked to have been constructed after the demons had claimed the city before Kiva stopped in front of a small building. "I was told that the ambassadors from the Academy were sent here, and given this building as housing. I guess we weren't using it... But anyway, the people you're looking for should be inside."

She pulled out a small sack of coins and handed it to Celeste, "Here... This is for your assistance today. And... I guess for the dress too."

(If I never gave you corruption for ye goblins, which I think I didn't do, Celeste gains a mutation.)
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Just like on her previous walk through the city, Celeste became intently curious at every sight that presented itself. She stared, marveling at the harlequin, and wondered aloud what kind of magic gave someone the ability to do that. As they passed the various shops, she shook her head at the demons' public displays of near nudity, though a bemused grin graced her face. It seemed like every step she took, Celeste saw something strange and exciting in Acheron. Her eyes sparkled in amazement, but with something else as well. Celeste, of course, couldn't see them, but her eyes had changed from their previous dark blue to a much lighter shade, even seeming to glow slightly. Without even realizing it, she began noticing things hidden away that she would never before have seen. While it meant she had much more to gawk at in the demon city, it was doubtful it would ever make up for her natural absentmindedness.

Still, despite the constant distractions, the young mage managed to not lose this escort as she had her previous. This was partially due to Kiva's protectiveness, but also from her new dress. Just like earlier, whenever Celeste saw something interesting, she began to get very excited, as well as very bouncy. While her bouncing had gotten her stares before, the fact that her skirt barely covered her crotch and her top was already threatening to eject her breasts at every step meant that even the littlest hop left the girl nearly naked among the throngs of demons. At first Kiva had to point out the girl's state of undress, but eventually the mage began to realize that perhaps she should be a bit more subdued until she could find some new clothes. The various shops with the near nude models quickly became even more interesting to Celeste as she wondered which ones might sell some clothing she might like.

Once they reached the small building, Celeste was almost curled into a ball trying to cover herself after her latest display, but she returned to her normal exuberance once Kiva explained that they had arrived. She looked over the building happily, wondering what kind of manor the Academy's ambassadors would be staying in, though the fact that the city had just begun being rebuilt after being destroyed probably left her less than thrilled with the state of her accommodations. Turning to the guardswoman, Celeste thanked her sincerely though, and graciously accepted the purse. "Oh, Kiva, thank you so much!" she said, moving to hug the normally stoic succubus. "I'm so glad I could meet such a wonderful person on my first day in Acheron! We'll have to solve some more mysteries again another time!"

Once the woman had left, Celeste eagerly approached the door of the building. Taking a moment to clear her throat, check to make sure her hair and face were properly set, and her dress was as concealing as possible, she grabbed the door and flung it open. "Hi, everyone!" she yelled as she walked in, "Celeste Seheraszad has arrived!" Without even waiting for an answer she stepped further in, taking in what the building had to offer. "I hope you're all ready to get our work here started, because I can't wait to experience as much as I can in Acheron!"

Decided to play it safe and take Night Eyes for the first mutation.
Night Eyes – Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

(Cool, also gain 20 denarii.)

Despite her up until then standoffishness, Kiva smiled and returned Celeste's hug warmly... So warmly that she accidentally reached a little lower than the mage's waist and reached under her extraordinarily short skirt, giving her ass a firm squeeze as well. She gave Celeste's cheek a soft kiss just before they parted as well, and it must have been a coincidence that her dress chose that moment to malfunction and drop slightly, spilling both of her heavy breasts fully out of her top. The demoness eyed Celeste with a soft smile as she presumably readjusted herself until she was decent once again, "Oh I was quite glad to meet you too Celeste! You were quite the helper today, and if you're ever in need of some financial help, I could probably get you a side job or two with the guard. Though, hopefully next time we get together, there'll be fewer serial killers!"

With that, Celeste and the warrior parted ways, though she watched the mage as she strode up to the door. Flinging the door open revealed a room that was bare save for a small desk and a number of boxes stacked against the left wall, and empty save for a tiny young girl in an apprentice's robe. She looked terribly frightened and confused when Celeste stormed into the room, shouting, and she opened her mouth only for no sound to come out. The commotion drew the attention of a few others, however, and a small crowd formed in the doorway leading into the next room, all people in Academy garb, before a man stepped through the crowd and into the room.

"Alright, what's going on out here?" he asked commandingly, and upon spotting Celeste his expression momentarily soured before he adopted a soft half-smile. "Ahhh, Miss Seheraszad! I wasn't told you were coming...." he said loudly, but in a friendly voice even as he trailed off, looking her up and down slowly with a quirked eyebrow. "That's... Quite the outfit you have.... You didn't come down from Crolia like that, did you? It looks.... Quite cold."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste yelped at the unexpected squeeze of her bottom, the sudden surprise causing her to jump just a bit, pressing her body even tighter against the guardswoman. She didn't complain though, and only smiled sweetly at Kiva's kiss. Once again she laughed nervously as she tucked her large breasts back into the dress. "Thanks, I'd totally love to play as a guard," she said, sincere though possibly misinterpreting Kiva's offer. Still, Celeste gave the guardswoman another smile and a wave and went off to meet her associates.

The front room of the building was rather sparsely decorated, though Celeste figured the Academy wouldn't want to appear too flamboyant to the residents of the town. She smiled down at the little mute girl and, still speaking quite loudly, said, Hi there! Speechless, huh? Yeah, I get that a lot. I'm a really powerful mage, and people tend to be impressed by that. Always staring and such!" she moved closer to the young girl before holding out her hand, "I'm Celeste, though you probably just heard that. Who are you?" Before the young girl could answer, however, one of the men in the crowd that had been forming stepped forward and spoke.

Despite the man demanding her attention with his outburst, Celeste seemed to miss his sour expression. Instead she focused on his ignorance of her arrival. "Really?" Celeste asked the man incredulously, "I can't believe the Academy would forget to let you all know that I'd be arriving! I'm to be the ambassador to Acheron, as per the Dean's instructions!" The fact that her associates had not been informed of her journey to meet them annoyed the mage slightly, and she adopted a more aggressive stance as a result, with her hands balled in fists at her hips and her feet planted a bit more widely apart. She seemed not to notice that this action made her dress a little less revealing than it was when she stood normally.

The man's appreciation of her outfit, though, stopped Celeste from fuming about the Academy's mistake for long though, and she smiled at the attention. "Of course, I didn't travel in this," she said, condescension for the silly question in her voice, though it changed to embarrassed acknowledgement when she added, "Well, I guess I did, but it was longer then. I got to town and helped solve a murder, and met some of the residents, and then it got dirty, and a goblin cleaned it, and now it's shorter." As she spoke about the dress, she began looking at it herself, taking on a variety of poses that tended to leave her more and more exposed until she finally realized what she was doing. Hastily she reverted to a more demure posture and made sure she was as concealed as possible. With a nervous chuckle, she added, "I'm going to have to go shopping to find something a little more... reserved."

"Well, now that I'm here, you can tell me all about what you've been doing," she continued, immediately forgetting all about any embarrassment she may have suffered, her tone taking on it's normal cheeriness. "The Academy is very interested in the progress so far, and I'm to help in any way I can," she said, bringing a hand to her chest to emphasize how helpful she knew she was going to be. "I'm also to meet with the Queen of Acheron as soon as possible, so I should really know as much about this town and it's people as I can. What have you all learned?"