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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite feeling more at ease with Al, Celeste wasted no time drying herself off, eager to get dressed once again. Her skill with water magic helped the process greatly, allowing her to shift all the water not absorbed by the tower down her body and across the floor towards the stone basin. She shivered slightly as the receding moisture left a momentary chill on her skin before she was dry. With the towel held in one hand across her naked body, the young mage gingerly stepped over to Al's desk and picked up the barmaid outfit. Once again she slid into the slightly tight outfit, adjusting it as well she could in all the places Al had before. Once dressed, she looked down over herself, blushing slightly at the large amount of cleavage the low cut top revealed, and pulling delicately on the short skirt that barely hung halfway down her thighs. She jumped in surprise when Al produced the pad and pencil, then grinned at his thoughtfulness.

"Sounds good!" Celeste said happily, picking up the pen and paper while stepping towards the door. It was only when she was standing before that she realized that the barmaid dress didn't really seem to have any pockets. Her brow furrowed in confusion for a moment, before she realized she could hook the note pad on the band of the waist apron the uniform had. Smiling at having so quickly solved one problem, she held the pencil up, studied it a moment, then giggled as she slid it between her large breasts. "All ready, Al!" she said cheerfully, before reaching for the handle and moving through the door, eager to begin her first day at work.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's employer would make no overt notice of her creative storage solutions, concentrating on dressing himself and then going for the door. A wave of sound would crash over them as Celeste preceded Al out the door, and he would firmly shut it behind him while looking around. The bar was even more crowded than before, and apparently someone had been enjoying the baths, as a woman with white hair with red tips walked by, a surprisingly dry fluffy canine tail trailing along behind her as she had only a towel, a pair of panties, and what looked like a blindfold covering her. Al completely ignored the strange girl, seemingly considering the sight of a nearly naked woman completely unsurprising.

Despite the bustle of the place, Al wouldn't take long to corner one of the waitresses, a slightly harried looking woman in a uniform similar to the one that Celeste was wearing who was carrying a stack of dishes. "Hey, Serina!" he called, prompting the woman to stop and turn towards him with a suppressed frown. She was shorter than Celeste by a couple of inches, but her breasts were of comparable size and presented nicely by the uniform that clung so tightly to her body. Her appearance was mostly human, with straight black hair tied into a ponytail and a pleasant hourglass figure, but short crimson horns jutting from her temples and the darker red irises of her eyes revealed her demonic heritage. "Yeah?" she replied resignedly, "we've got a new waitress. Show her around, teach her what to do, and if she seems like she's catching on give her a table or two to herself." The woman wouldn't bother to hide her frown at that point, but without a word would nod and thrust half of the dishes she was carrying towards Celeste.

"Come along then.... Make sure you keep up!" she said while Al moved to reclaim his place at the bar, while the woman she had been entrusted to would turn and start walking towards the door to the left of the bar.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The torrent of noise from the busy bar hit Celeste like a wave after the seclusion and privacy of Al's office. She briefly wondered if there was some magic at work keeping the rooms sound proof, which might be helpful for a relaxing bath and massage. There was little time for her to consider this, though, as her new place of employment seemed to demand her attention. Celeste gasped as the white haired, fluffy-tailed girl walked so nonchalantly through the crowd despite her near nudity, a feat the busty young mage doubted she could ever manage even with how comfortable she had felt in Al's office. She had to stare for a moment, wondering what had caused the girl to lose the rest of her clothing, until she noticed her new boss stalking through the bar and tried to keep pace. Managing to catch up to Al just as he began speaking to another young woman in a barmaid's dress, Celeste waved and smiled despite the girl's frown.

"H-hello Serina, nice to meet you, I'm Ce-" she started, falling silent as a stack of plates was roughly shoved towards her. The suddenness of the move caused the young mage to almost drop the heavy load, but she managed to recover, holding the dishes carefully against her large breasts. She jumped at Serina's barked command, the stack of plates clattering and swaying just a bit, then quickly began stepping carefully towards the woman. "Ce-Celeste! I'm Celeste," she called over the din of the bar, awkwardly using small steps to keep the stack of plates level, while also trying to keep up with the swiftly moving waitress. Every so often she had to stop and maneuver around a table, softly apologizing to the customers she inadvertently bumped into while her gaze flicked over to Albetorix, hoping not to mess up on her first minutes on the job. "T-this seems like a nice place, how do you like working here?" she asked cheerily, but with a hint of nervousness, as she approached the door, trying her hardest not to fall behind Serina.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste would get no response from the woman she'd been told to follow until after she had followed her through the double doors, which she opened with a kick and moved through only for them to swing closed again behind her, though they didn't offer any resistance should Celeste simply try to push through them. Beyond them was a kitchen, and before even acknowledging Celeste more than she had she would head over to a sink where a tall man with ram-like horns and long, light gray hair was washing dishes. Depositing her load of dirty dishware in the fairly small pile that was waiting, Serina would turn to Celeste as the busty mage deposited her own.

"Alright Celeste.... I'm Serina. This here is Dagon. You'll have to meet the rest of the crew over time I guess, cuz we're real busy right now. You'll figure stuff out as you go along, so for now just follow one rule; do what I tell you, when I tell you. Got it?" she said in a flat tone, her voice fraying and sounding a little bit tired.

The demonic man would turn a pair of purely white eyes on Celeste as Serina spoke to her, looking slightly amused even though his eyes never focused on her. Scars surrounded his eye sockets, ruining an otherwise incredibly handsome set of features. His gaze didn't distract him from his work, however, and he efficiently finished his current task, neatly sorting out glasses, plates, mugs, and utensils on spots to dry while starting on the dishes that Celeste and Serina had brought him.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste's stack of dishes clattered loudly as she jumped at Serina's violent manner of opening the doors they had been heading towards. The plates teetered for a bit before the busty blonde reacted, quickly steadying them before inching towards the door. Too nervous to simply barge through, she slowly turned around and leaned backward, nearly stumbling when the door opened with almost no effort. Laughing awkwardly at the unexpected ease of entry, Celeste resumed her short halting steps into the kitchen and approached Serina and the goat-horned man. With a soft sigh at having accomplished her task, she set the stack of plates down next to the sink and turned to smile at her two new co-workers.

"H-hi, Dagon," Celeste said with a small friendly wave, though she didn't have time for more of an introduction, as Serina's serious tone demanded her attention. "Uh, y-yes," she responded haltingly, nodding dumbly to the horned barmaid, "Whatever you say! Got it!" She stood still and at attention due to Serina's authoritative, though dreary, attitude, but Celeste did look up curiously at Dogan's scarred face. Though she had no real training in healing magics, his appearance along with his eyes caused her to briefly wonder if the demon was blind. Likewise, she remembered the blindfold the fluffy-tailed, almost-naked girl had been wearing. The thought of multiple blind employees was worrying, though Celeste knew she had to focus on her job first. "S-so Al said you'd be showing me around? What's first?
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Good girl," Serina said when Celeste accepted her position of authority without question. "First's in here," she explained, "this is the washing station. Dagon's here about a third of the time, the rest of the time either Al's back here if it's slow, one of us gets stuck with it, or it's one of the other two guys. You'll meet them eventually, depending. Take all the dishes back here and leave 'em for whoever's on wash. When you get stuck with that chore, just make sure everything gets cleaned, it's not all that hard.

"Over here," she said while walking around a corner into a kitchen area, where two more demons were working quickly preparing food and didn't so much as look up from performing their tasks when Serina and Celete came into view, "is the kitchen. You usually won't have to come in here, that window there," she pointed to a section cut out in the wall that looked out into the crowded bar's common room, "is where you pick up your orders. Whether you know 'em by heart or write 'em out the first time, you've gotta write down all your orders for the cooks to get. There's a pad there that gets replaced every day, and a buncha pens and pencils. Be specific about what people want, and learn to write legibly if you can't! Red peg for new orders, blue one for ones you've grabbed, the cook will stick the order note to the plates, you take if off when you grab the order and take it to wherever it needs to go.

"We get assigned sections, so don't snipe other people's orders. Now, over here," she led Celeste back past the place where people washed dishes into a small alcove, where a big glass jar sat next to a large notepad with a bunch of names and numbers scrawled on it. The jar was a quarter of the way filled with coins, mostly denarii but a few other types of coins were present as well, including a trio of silver dactyles that were the common currency back in Crolia. "... Is the tip jar. You write your name down, record the times, table numbers, and amounts of all your tips, and leave the coins in here. The payment for the meals goes to the bar first, and you tell Al when you hand those in how much you got tipped. Don't try to cheat on tips, he'll find out and you'll get fired. You can come and collect your earnings at the end of your shift, but remember that we all split tips except Al, so we servers gotta give up a bit to share with the cooks and the cleaners. There's a clock over there," she pointed at the wall separating the back rooms from the common area, and then turned in the opposite direction, "the staff bathrooms are back that way. Make sure someone knows before you take a break, even if it's just gonna be a minute."

Then turning back to face Celeste, Serina put a hand on her hip, "any questions?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste smiled sweetly at Serina's "compliment," not really noticing it's demeaning nature. She didn't have much time to think about it, either, as the authoritative server was quick to show her about the tavern's backrooms. Following along dutifully, Celeste only had time to nod dumbly at the information assaulting her, though she did spare a wave and smile to each of the cooks. Her placcid attitude belied her understanding though, as the prodigious student of Crolia's foremost magical academy easily grasped Serina's instructions. Once the horned blonde stopped to accept questions, Celeste asked, "What about the tips from the baths? Do we share those with everyone too?
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's sole question bought a smirk and a roll of the eyes from her guide. "Heh, nah! Those are all yours honey. Whatever you get out of those, you've earned!" she replied, "speaking of, have you been to the baths yet? We've still got the rooms and them to show you, but we're a bit busy right now so I think I'd rather take care of a table or two first. That alright with you, or do you want the whole tour right away?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Serina's smirking reply brought a blush to Celeste's face. She hadn't meant to sound excited about the baths, after all, she was just curious. "Uh, well, I suppose if it's busy, then the tour can wait," Celeste replied unsteadily to Serina's follow up. "Al said I'd be watching at first anyway, so if I need to know about the rest of the place, you can show me, right?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Heh, fair enough," Serina said, and then strutted past Celeste while beckoning her along, "come on then! Lets get to work!" She would lead the blonde mage back out into the busy tavern, where she would quickly go over to a small board and shift a few stone tabs that were stuck to it, each with a name written on it in charcoal. It seemed to correspond to a section of the tavern, as she headed off and simply started taking tables as they filled. For the next hour or so, Celeste would be left to shadow Serina as she waited on the tavern patrons.

The demoness was friendly but regularly sassy, which most of the assorted patrons, mostly either humans or obvious demons, didn't seem to mind. A few questioned her about whether she was free to work in the baths, to which she would always smirk and nod, though they weren't picked out for such duty just yet. Occasionally she was made to help carry food or drinks when a table had a lot, at which point the patrons would drift between friendly, indifferent, or interested in areas that her barmaid's dress drew the eye to. no one would grope her, yet, but the same could not be said of Serina who took the hands of the patrons with nothing but a smile.

"Serina!" Al said suddenly, "you're in bath 3! Two clients!" Grinning at Celeste, the demoness said; "Think you're ready newbie?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Right!" Celeste responded cheerily, quickly falling in behind the horned waitress as she moved out of the kitchen, watching her new mentor studiously as she began putting into practice her own instructions. She followed Serina carefully through the tightly packed tavern, the patrons thankfully seeming to understand her newcomer status and mostly leaving her to watch and learn in peace, though she noticed a few sly glances from time to time. Still, Celeste felt odd and out of place just watching the more experienced woman weave around the crowded tables and handle the complicated orders with ease. Even the quick pawing hands of the customers didn't seem to faze Serina, leaving the young woman to wonder how she would be able to handle such things when it was time for her to do so alone.

Suddenly, Al's voice rang out strong and clear across the din of the crowd. Serina turned to smirk at Celeste, asking a question to which the young mage could feel her face shifting red. 'The baths? Already?' Celeste thought nervously, 'I didn't think I'd be going back there so soon!' Still, this was the job she had signed up for, and she had been warned about not following through with her contract by Albetorix himself. "Uh...yeah! I suppose," Celeste replied, a bit uncertainly, reaching down to smooth out her dress as she drew closer to Serina. "J-just watching, right?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's question brought a low, bubbly laugh from Serina's lips. "Oh, Al is so cute sometimes.... And so are you~" she replied, and then suddenly Celeste was chest to chest with the other busty maid. "Heheheh.... No, dear, you're gonna be in there with me. Helping. Naked," she said, leaning for forward to plant a light kiss on the bridge of Celeste's nose, "and earning your portion of tonight's tip. Got it?" And then Celeste's first on-the-job grope came from the co worker who was supposed to be teaching her as Serina grabbed a handful of the pleasantly round blonde's backside, an act that earned a couple of appreciative looks from various onlookers. In the meantime, Celeste got a whiff of a pleasant and familiar aroma emanating from the demoness that reminded her of Daniel and inspired the same sorts of feelings.

"Come on~" Serina purred, and after briefly conferring with Al about which room it was led Celeste to the baths. They went through the door that Celeste had seen the blindfolded girl come through earlier, entering a hallway in which Serina took her to the left when they reached a T intersection. "Straight ahead was the public baths, you won't need to worry about those," Serina explained as she led them to bath four, pausing at it and turning to face Celeste squarely. "Al gave you the "this isn't a brothel" speech, right?" she asked dryly, but didn't wait for answer to continue; "Well, that might technically be true, but if a client expresses interest but isn't being too pushy, it's... Expected, that you'll show 'em a good time. Al told me there's two guys in here, and I don't know what they're gonna want. I'm supposed to be evaluating you here, and this is a big part of working here. If you're lucky, all they'll do is feel you up a little while you wash 'em up, but if you're not lucky I need to know that you're not gonna flake out on me. Have we go an understanding?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

At first, Celeste merely smiled sweetly at Serina's words, though her expression changed to one of shocked embarrassment as the demoness pressed their bodies together in front of the tavern's crowd. Sheepishly, the young mage blushed and shied away from the peck on the nose, unable to meet the horned woman's eyes. The rump grab caused a much different reaction though, as the busty blonde jumped forward with a gasp, rubbing her large chest against Serina's, while at the same time breathing in the heady aroma of the demoness' scent. Unbidden, a shiver of excitement snaked it's way up Celeste's spine, and she let out a ragged breath. "Y-yeah, got it," she whimpered softly, only moving when Serina's hands fell away from her bottom.

With her face flushed a bright red and her eyes wide in trepidation, Celeste nervously followed Serina through the tavern and back into the baths. She paused to look down the hall to the public baths for a second, wondering about their quality despite the waitress' causal dismissal. Though the stone basin in the basement of her research team's base seemed quite serviceable, Celeste did enjoy the nice large bathing suites at the Academy. Surely the Wet Witches' public baths couldn't compare, but they might be nice. And a nice bath is a nice bath, after all.

Just as she turned to follow Serina down the path toward the private baths, though, Celeste found the demoness standing right before her, staring at her intently. Stricken nervous by the woman's sharp gaze, the young mage took a slight step back as Serina asked her sarcastic question, nodding silently even though her response was ignored. As the demoness plainly laid out what was expected of her, Celeste shuffled nervously, trying her best to regain the composure she had attained with Al. "Uh... Well, Al said I was just training right now," she said, nervously shifting her weight, "But he also told me not to waste anyone's time. S-so I'... I'll do whatever you need me to!" Feeling stronger now, though still a little weak in the knees, she stepped towards the demoness again, a soft sigh escaping her lips as the sweet smell of the horned woman's pheromones hit her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Good girl~" Serina purred as Celeste intook another hit of her pheromones. The demon's were stronger by far than Daniel's or hers, having had more time to refine themselves and directed by the demon's shapeshifting skills to hit Celeste's sex drive like a train. "Just get in there and do your job, and if the fun happens just enjoy it!" she continued, and then it was into the bath with them.

The occupants were already inside, what little in the way of clothes that they'd brought into the baths left on a nearby bench. Both were already in the bath, their nudity obscured by the steaming water, and grinned at Celeste and Serina as they entered. One was evidently human, a man of pale complexion like Celeste and light brown hair, the scars and musculature on display suggesting that he was a warrior of some sort, and his slightly unkept features gave him a decidedly roguish look that was still appealingly handsome in some respects. The other man was an orc, just as muscular and scarred as his companion and lounging in apparent comfort, with a tied back ponytail of dark red hair and features that, viewed in absence of the tint of his skin, would be judged favorably to his human companion.

"Oooh, I didn't think we'd get two! I hope it doesn't hike the price up too much," the human man said with an appreciative gaze that swept over both women. "You don't need to worry about the price. My friend here is only in training," Serina said, and she simply began to disrobe, untying the corset top of her maid's dress and then sliding it down and off. Hungry eyes swept over the demon's body as she stripped, and while she didn't offer the same sort of strutting that Celeste had when modeling the nightwear that she'd found for Daniel and Robert, it was impossible to say that she didn't show off her nudity for the benefit of her patrons. If Celeste opted to do the same, however, even if she did so plainly their gazes would be drawn to her, appreciating her even more than they did Serina despite her supernatural heritage.

The demoness noticed this, and was seemingly taken aback, but didn't let that last for long as she slipped into the water, quickly sliding against the human's side who wrapped an arm around her and only briefly left his gaze on Celeste before turning to grin at the demoness. "Heh... Looks like it's gonna be a good night for us, eh Kurg? Glad I dragged you to this city after all?" the man said while Serina started rubbing over his chest, to which the orc rolled his eyes knowingly. "I'm starting to mind a bit less, admittedly," he replied smoothly, his gaze shifting to Celeste and a smile forming, "come on then... I don't bite!"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Slightly light headed from rush Serina's pheromones were driving her to, Celeste followed floatily behind her into the bath, stopping short when she saw the two patrons waiting for them. The waitress wasted no time shedding her clothing, though Celeste stopped to look over their two clients. Both the man and the orc had the look of well traveled soldiers, something the sheltered young woman had only seen at a few of the public fairs she had attended in Crolia. Still, they were both rather handsome and attractive, even the orc, despite all of talk of orcs in her home country describing them as little more than bestial savages.

Perhaps it was her shock at seeing an orc who was the raving bloodthirsty maniac, kidnapper, and enslaver that she had always been warned of, but Celeste jumped when the orc invited her over. With a small blush and nod she quickly began to slip her dress off, pulling it up and over her large breasts, unintentionally modelling for the group in the bath. After quickly setting it down and delicately stepping into the water, she moved over to the orc, kneeling next to him though not quite sidling up to him as Serina had. Despite wanting to make a good impression and be as professional as Al expected her to, Celeste was having a hard time looking up at the impressively muscled orc next to her. She instinctively wanted to cover her large breasts, still showing above the water, but she forced herself to simply clasp her hands in front of her, inadvertently pressing her two large assets together. Turning to look sheepishly over at the orc, she said sweetly, "I-it's a good thing you don't bite. That would make bathing you very tough!" She laughed nervously, then asked, "W-what kind of bath would you like?" With a quick gesture she waved to the nearby cabinets, she continued, "We have a nice selection of soaps and lotions if you have a preference."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The manner in which she slipped off her dress prompted the orc to gaze in open appreciation of Celeste's generous assets, his eyes lingering on her full breasts as they swung alluringly for a long moment before reluctantly rising up to her face. When she climbed into the water and settled beside him, the pose she took that pressed her breasts together drew his eyes right back down for a time, the undeniably pleasant sight enough to bring an even broader grin to the orc's face, one that remained even when her words brought his gaze back up to her eyes. "Yes, I imagine that it would," he replied lightly, smiling reassuringly at the nervous mage, a hand gently snaking around to rub gently against the center of her back.

"That sounds nice, actually. How about you bring over a few and we'll see what smells nicest?" he retorted thoughtfully after her request, and when Celeste climbed out of the water she would find Serina right beside her. The cabinets seemed placed at the perfect height to force her to bend over in order to reach what was inside, and beside her the demoness drew out a few soaps before leaving Celeste to pick out whatever she liked from the variety of colorful bottles and bars. The mage took another strong hit of the demon's pheromones in the meantime, sending a wave of arousal coursing through her that made the stares aimed at her bare body from the onlooking clients at least a little bit easier to stand, if not outright allowing her to enjoy their lustful gazes.

She had the attention of both men until she'd returned to the bath, at which point Serina once more took the majority of the human's mind even if the man still shot a slightly jealous look towards the orc. The presence of the demon's pheromones mixed with the scents of the various soaps and the more normal masculine musk exuded by the man she was to bathe all whirled together in Celeste's system as she returned to her client's side. Despite the tension flaring in the room, however, Serina had set about simply helping her client wash, pressing up against his back with her breasts but not engaging in anything more risque than that. The orc turned slowly, putting his back to Celeste, and said; "Why not start with my shoulders? I've had a bit of a kink there lately, and a pair of soft hands sound like the perfect cure." The orc was as physically impressive in back as he was from the front, and while it might not answer the call of their respective hormones the intimacy of the act she was being paid for wasn't something that one could easily deny. Serina and her patron certainly weren't as the demoness leaned into the human soldier, lightly speaking into his ear in tones too low for Celeste to hear, and if the blond mage wanted to compete she would have to get to work quickly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As the orc's hand gently touched the small of her back, Celeste shivered slightly, before ducking her head to hide the slight smile she sported. Clearing her throat, she quickly nodded her head at his suggestion, and stood to move over to the cabinet. As she approached, she saw Serina bending over to grab some of the soaps herself, drawing a small gasp as Celeste realized that she would be in the same position as she reached in. Still, she had agreed to do the job, and everything it required. With a quick whimper she bent over, her face a bright red as she reached into the cabinet next to Serina.

Unsure which soap to use, Celeste began opening the tops and sniffing at the contents, unwittingly breathing in yet more of the demoness' pheromones. 'Th-these all smell... wonderful' she thought, her body quivering as it heated up, a slight wetness forming between her lower lips. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Serina grinning wickedly at her, and with a quick glance behind her, knew both the orc and the man knew everything that was happening to her. Turning back to the cabinet, Celeste began grabbing a couple of bottles that had smelled the best, though the urgency was gone from her actions. Instead, she began shifting her weight between her feet, causing her rump to bounce back and forth. 'What am I doing?' she thought, slowly grabbing a bar of soap and turning it over in her hand to inspect it, 'I can't just sit here and waste time... I have a job to do!' With that, she slowly turned around, three bottles of lotion and the bar of soap held tightly in her hands just below her large breasts, and began slowly walking back to the orc.

Sliding back into the water next to him, Celeste slowly looked over the orc's back, her eyes roaming over his muscles and scars while his scent mixed with the still lingering pheromones. At his suggestion, she nodded, even though the orc was turned away from her and quickly opened one of the bottles and applied it to her hands. Looking over at Serina, Celeste drew in a deep breath as she saw the demoness pressing up against the man while bathing him. 'I-I'm supposed to be learning from her, right?' she thought, before drawing closer to the orc, her hands reaching for his shoulders while her nipples brushed against his back. Shiver as a ripple of stimulation shot through her body from her sensitive breasts, Celeste pressed closer to the orc while a breathy sigh escaped her lips. Licking her lips, she began to firmly massage his shoulders, putting all her strength into working out the kink while at the same time gently pushing against his back, her whole front now rubbing up against him with every breath. "I-is this... good?" she asked, whispering just loudly enough for him to hear her. "I... know some things about massages...," she continued cautiously, but with a hint of excitement in her voice, "S-so if have any other... kinks I can help with... j-just let me know."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's long indecision at the lotion cabinet only earned her more stares from the two men, the soft roundness of her ass on full display as she tested the various lotions and soaps, and the human and his orcish companion were both ready and willing to take advantage of that display. She didn't see it, but when she started shifting from foot to foot the human briefly tore his gaze away from her bottom long enough to shoot a jealous look at his companion, muttering something along the lines of "lucky devil" under his breath too quietly for either maid to hear. Even Serina wasn't beyond the spell of Celeste's gorgeous body and the pheromones that she herself emitted, a hand actually moving out in a motion that would have allowed her to grab a handful of the oblivious blond mage's bottom, but she held herself back just barely, only gesturing to draw their gaze towards Celeste's soft cheeks and the increasingly damp petals just barely visible between them. When Celeste straightened her counterpart hurriedly drew her hand away before the mage could notice it, the signs of Serina's own arousal just as strong as Celeste's, and though she managed to abstain it would be obvious to one with more experience that the demoness was sorely tempted to step in and kiss the mage on the mouth, an act that would surely bring the four of them beyond the point at which their inhibitions would hold out against their libidos.

Returning to the bath, Celeste drew a low rumbling noise from the orc when she brought her hands to his shoulders and pressed her breasts against his back, the sound somewhere between a purr and growl but decidedly pleased. He shifted lightly, sending another burst of stimulation rushing up her spine as the tips of her breasts rubbed against his back, and lightly murmured in the affirmative as her grip located the tense bundle of muscle in his shoulders and began to massage it away. "Do you?" he asked lightly as her touch gradually caused the knot in the warrior's muscle to gradually loosen. He lightly shrugged his shoulders, again causing a burst of stimulation against the mage's bosom, and seemed to like the the way that it felt since he grinned.

"I do have another kink... But it's a lot lower," the orc replied casually, "and it's really acting up for some reason... I'll let you know when you get near it." Serina, in the meantime, was washing the human's back using some of the scented soaps she'd grabbed, slowly but steadily going downwards. The scent only seemed to enhance the various pheromones present in the air, and if Celeste did the same she'd find that her own choices in soaps and lotions had the same effect.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Completely oblivious to the stares and gestures she was earning, Celeste hurried about the bath, intent on performing her duties as professionally as possible. Of course, her own nervousness and the repeated stimulation made that more and more difficult with each passing moment. Every time the orc moved, her tender nipples set a burst of electricity coursing through her body. She moaned softly as his muscular back rubbed against her, quivering in delight for a second before biting her lip as she heard her own reaction. Desperately hoping to avoid any uncomfortable questions, the young mage quickly went back to massaging the orc's shoulders, then began to wash his muscular arms. "L-lower?" she asked innocently, too concerned with hiding her embarrassment to notice any innuendo, "S-sure! I want your bath to be as nice as possible!"

Moving slowly, Celeste carefully peaked over the orc's shoulder at Serina, trying to follow the more experienced barmaid's lead while at the same time holding her breath to keep a mewl of pleasure down from the motion. She watched, enraptured, as the demoness sensually slid her hands down the human's back, before clearing her throat and falling back to her position against the orc. Placing her hands gently back on his shoulders, she slowly slid away from him, shivering slightly as a cool breeze wafted between their bodies. Reaching down, she opened another bottle of lotion and rubbed it into her hands, the scent mixing so pleasantly with the already sweet smell in the air that Celeste moaned, briefly having to fight the urge to throw herself back against her client. Thankfully, she managed to keep control of herself, and returned her hands to the orc's back. Slowly and purposefully she rubbed his large shoulder blades, every so often clenching her fingers to gently massage his tense muscles. She continued down his spine until she reached the small of his back, her face flushed red as she thought about going lower.

Remembering her trial bath with Al, Celeste decided to put her earlier idea to use. Using a tiny bit of magic, she agitated the water around the orc's waist and bottom, willing it to form little whirlpools that would pulse water against him with enough force to resemble one of her massaging squeezes. As she did this, she gently pressed her hands lower, no longer rubbing or massaging, simply sliding along his skin. "I-is this where... where you need attention?" she asked sweetly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Though it was impossible that he could have missed her moans as the tips of her breasts brushed over his skin and she caught scent of the lotion she'd chosen to complement her work, her client made no readily apparent reaction to her suggestive noises. The orc regularly murmured with pleasure as Celeste slowly worked her hands over his back, and as she passed below his ribs he leaned back just slightly. Her breasts ended up rubbing against his back again, her perky peaks left to grind softly against the orc's skin. The sudden burst of magic that saw the water swirling around his waist and backside caused him a start just as he'd apparently been about to question why she'd stopped, but he quickly relaxed again. He tilted his head slightly and grinned at Celeste, but his reply to her question was briefly delayed when the man that Serina was tending to gave a groan of surprise and pleasure.

Looking back at the demoness, she was still behind the scarred human but one of her arms was wrapped around his chest while the other was also coiled around to his front but directed significantly lower, directly down into his lap where Celeste could no doubt easily guess what was happening judging by the slow but steady back and forth motions that the submerged arm was making and the ecstatic expression on her subject's face. "Oh... Ooohhhh... Shit! Ahhh, that's... You're certainly good with your hands!" the man exclaimed, floundering as Serina's handiwork made him pant and shudder softly. "Mmmhhmmm~ I aim to please! This part of you is so very dirty," the demoness purred in reply, "I shall have to clean it very... Very... Thoroughly!"

The orc briefly gazed jealously at his companion, but then turned his attention back to Celeste and grinned again. "Close.... But that kink really is more towards the front," he murmured lightly, and rather than guiding Celeste's hands there he obviously intended them to go he simply sat and waited, expecting her to get there own their own. The pheromones in the air left the mage light headed and undeniably aroused, but whether or not she was ready and willing to follow in her teacher's footsteps was a decision that was still well within her power to decide.