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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite backing away from the orc, Celeste was still close enough for her large bust to come into contact with his back from time to time as she worked to massage his lower back. Perhaps it was the orc himself that was pushing back into her, she wasn't sure, but the momentary sensations were just enough to keep her body quivering with delight. Every time either she or her client moved, Celeste had to endure a blast of stimulation from her breasts. It was maddening, having quick jolts of pleasure shoot through her body, causing her to spasm just enough to trigger another smaller wave. It was like torture, with no end in sight. Worse still, the sweet scents permeating the air was driving her arousal further, leaving her shifting her legs restlessly, feeling desperate to relieve her growing need. Celeste shut her eyes as the orc's movement drew another shiver, her mouth hanging open as she drew in a breath. Her hands reflexively left her client's back, the busty mage tensing as she drew them closer to her tingling sex, her commitment to her job dwindling in light of her distracting arousal.

Before her hands could reach their destination, however, Celeste heard the human under Serina's care grunting pleasurably. The sudden guttural noise caused Celeste to jump, her hands quickly moving back to the orc's waist where she began rubbing again in earnest, in compliment to her magically induced massage. Peeking over the orc's shoulder, Celeste stared, her eyes growing wider and wider as she realized what Serina was doing. Her hands began to slow down as she watched the demoness work beneath the water, her breathing growing heavier as her lips parted slightly. She couldn't take her eyes off the lewd display, the burning desire within her found it too enticing. It wasn't until the orc spoke that she looked over and saw him glancing back at her with a wicked grin. She blushed and nodded, the meaning of his comment too obvious even for her to miss at this point, her expression a mix between embarrassment and fascination.

The next bottle of lotion Celeste opened contained a liquid that was slicker and thinner than the last, but still released a faint sweet aroma. She wondered briefly where the inn managed to find such delightful soaps, as she quickly rubbed the oil onto her hands. Sliding forward again, Celeste brought her arms around the orc's broad torso, under his arms, her hands reaching up slowly rub the lotion into his chest. Since her client was so big, she had to lift herself up from her kneeling position slightly and lean forward, letting her large breasts rest softly against him, rather than be squashed between them. It also afforded a clear view of Serina as she worked her hands in circles down the orc's torso towards his waist. As she got lower, however, she realized she wouldn't be able to reach her client's lower body without having to push herself against him once more. Having barely restrained herself from acting on the impulses she received from being in that position, she was reluctant to take it up again. Biting her lip, Celeste decided that perhaps simply following Serina's lead wasn't the best idea for this situation.

Pulling away from her client, Celeste gave him a quick sheepish look for a second before glancing over at Serina again. After a moment's hesitation, she bit her lip as she began shuffling around on her knees, sliding around until she was positioned at the orc's left side. Her face flushed as she shyly kept her eyes away from his gaze, but instead focused on his body. Leaning closer to him, her upper body over his arm, she rubbed her hands together a few times to re-apply the lotion, before she reached down toward to his stomach. With both hands, she resumed her downward journey, fingers gently kneading at his tough skin. When she reached the waterline, she gave another quick glance at the demoness and human, before plunging her hands into the steamy bath. Unable to see beneath the cloudy water, her hands fumbled around for a second before she brushed the orc's length. Celeste stopped for a second with a whimper, before breathing in deeply and letting her hand press against the warm member, her fingers wrapping around him. Slowly, she stroked along the length, squeezing gently before her hand returned to the base. Her other hand rubbed at his crotch for a moment before she dipped it lower, softly caressing the bulge beneath. Meekly she peeked up at the orc before saying, "J-just let me know... if I'm cleaning it well enough for you."
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Her patron groaned softly as she worked her hands over his chest, rubbing the new oily lotion into his skin and relaxing the corded muscles of his thick chest. He offered little in the way of direction as she massaged his chest from behind, the lighter touch of her bust against his back not providing quite the same burst of stimulation as it had before but still not hurting the rise of her arousal. He seemed ready for more such contact, but when she shifted to stand at his side while continuing her downward journey the orc didn't complain, merely smiling at her face briefly before letting his eyes wander down to her chest.

He didn't complain about the short wait before she managed to work up the courage to slide her hands beneath the water despite that her quick glance revealed that Serina's hand was moving faster than ever and the man's head was leaned back, his eyes closed and his jaw slack as he reveled in the sensations inspired by the demon's no doubt skilled handiwork. Even with as cloudy as the water was, Celeste didn't need to search long before her reaching fingers discovered the orc's cock, not yet fully hard but still sticking out from his body. Even at half mast he was huge, and at her first touch the orc straightened and let out a low murmur of pleasure as it jumped against her fingers.

When she wrapped her fingers around his length, Celeste would be able to feel the pulsing of the orc's heart as his blood pumped into the tissue in her grasp. It gained an inch of length as she delivered her first stroke as he let out a low sigh in response to the stimulation, and as she reached her other hand further to feel his heavy sack beneath she would feel that they were proportionately large. "Mmmm, you're doing just fine," he grunted softly, his eyes slowly closing as he relaxed with a sigh. His length gave several twitches as she stroked it, gradually growing harder, thicker, and longer as her efforts brought it to its full glory. It adopted a slight upward bend, its tip wide and thick, and within a few moments Celeste had it rock hard in her grasp.

The orc had at least a couple of inches of length on Daniel or any of the goblins, and was both thicker and as hard as a rock even though she'd only offered a bit of stimulation. He gave regular grunts of appreciation as she worked her hand over his length and rubbed his balls, occasionally shifting slightly and after a few moments reaching out to brush a hand against her hip. If she didn't react too poorly to his gesture, the orc would begin to run his hand back and forth over her, his fingers occasionally brushing over her belly but mostly remaining along her side. He continued to smile appreciatively for a while, but eventually he would turn slightly to face her a bit more, a pleased smile on his face. "You give an.... Amazing massage," he said softly as his hand slid down to run over her thigh, "without even looking at it too. Don't you need a.... Closer examination?"

He backed up slightly, guiding her along with him until he reached the side of the bath, and then released her to haul himself out of the water to sit on the edge of the bath. That left his huge, iron-hard member on full display, bobbing slightly as he settled into a sitting position with his legs open, his hands propping him up as he leaned back. Serina hadn't moved yet, but was watching out of the corner of her eye, waiting to see what Celeste would do.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

At first, Celeste's ministrations of her client's member were slow and careful, but after the orc rumbled in appreciation and offered his compliment, the young mage's hands became much more deliberate in their actions. Her strokes picked up speed and she blushed at his approval. Her grip started to alternate between a firm squeeze and a soft caress as her hand moved back and forth, while her other hand playfully massaged at the orc's large sack. Despite her embarrassment, or perhaps because of it, Celeste was beginning to enjoy the stimulation she was giving her client, while at the same time she wondered about her own.

Though her breasts were no longer rubbing tortuously against the orc's back, the arousal Celeste was feeling seemed to only grow the more she stayed in the steamy bath. As the knelt next to the orc, continuing her 'massage', she began to marvel at member in her hand. Even with all the mishaps and pranks she had endured at the Academy, it was bigger than any she had ever seen before. 'Or experienced,' she thought, her blush deepening as she recalled Daniel and the goblins. Briefly, she wondered if such a monster could fit in any woman, inadvertently imaging herself in a position to find out. The thought came at just the same time that the orc's hand brushed against her hip, and she let out a small whimper in surprise. It only startled her for a moment though, and she quickly resumed her service of the orc, allowing his hands to move where he wished without complaint. Al had told her some client's might be interested in touching her, after all. Though he had not told her it might feel so good, and she sighed softly as the orc's touches drew her arousal out even more.

With a quick smile and glance at the orc, Celeste gave a soft, "Thank you," in response to his second compliment. She stopped in surprise when he began to move though, her hands feeling suddenly empty as he backed away from her. Wondering what his question meant, the naive young girl allowed herself to be led towards the edge of the bath, gasping when the orc burst from the water and sat in front of her, his large member bouncing back and forth from the movement not far from her face. With her face growing redder by the second Celeste watched it as if transfixed while the orc made himself more comfortable. Once he was situated and waiting patiently, the young woman realized just what he had meant. "R-right, closer" she said, self-consciously drawing her gaze away for a second, before turning back to him. Slowly, she slid towards him, her tongue darting out to lick her lip instinctively as she reached out for his member again.

Though she had trouble looking at her client in her embarrassment, Celeste's hands wrapped around his length firmly while her face moved closer to it. She began to pump his member again, her hands pulling it such that it pointed directly at her. Perhaps it was the pheromones in the air, or what had been happening to her ever since the succubus, but as she leaned forward to kiss the head softly, her tongue flicking against the tip quickly, she realized she had been wanting to do this. Her arousal was screaming for her to continue, to indulge, and Celeste was ready to give in. Maybe she had been wanting to give in all along. Here at least, as she tasted the orc's readiness, she realized she was ready too.

Drawing away from the orc's member, Celeste held it upward and leaned in towards it, her lips softly pressing against the underside as she trailed down his length. When she reached his heavy sack, her tongue flicked out at it for a moment before her lips wrapped around it, sucking on it. She gently rolled it around on her tongue while her hands jerked up and down above her. She moaned softly, her face flushed, then released him and pulled back, while her tongue ran along underneath his member. Once she was all the way back, she leaned in to kiss the head once again, this time pushing up until the orc's head rested within, her tongue lapping at it. She held him there for a moment, her hands still stroking back and forth while her tongue swept up and down, before pulling back and taking a breath. With as big as the orc was, Celeste wasn't sure how far down his length she would be able to go, though she intended to perform as well as she was able. That was her job now, after all. As she slowly pushed forward again, she looked up at him to see his reaction to her attention.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The orc's cock looked even bigger up close, the thing nearly a full foot long and thick enough to match its length, slightly dripping from the water that it had just exited. It jumped when she grabbed it again, the orc giving a very slight gasp when she began to jerk it again as her face approached, an eager grin spreading across his weathered features. He let out a brief, low groan as her lips pressed against the tip in the very lewdest of kisses, the stimulation making the massive thing jump again in her grasp, and though the pheromones were reduced the natural musky scent of the warrior's massive tool left Celeste's arousal rising just as hard as if she'd been breathing in the pheromones that emanated from Daniel or Serina. The look of awe and excitement on the orc's face, his eyes wide and his mouth agape as his breath came in a low panting, as her lips glanced across the tip of his manhood left it clear that the orc approved immensely even of that simple touch from one as beautiful as her.

The slow trail of her lips down the underside of his immense cock left the orc panting even harder and letting out a gurgling gasp when she hit about halfway down, and left her mouth filled with his taste. He unleashed another brief groan when her tongue first flicked against his heavy sack, and when she first took one of the heavy orbs into her mouth and sucked on it while her hands continued jerking his length steadily, even one of his balls almost filling her mouth entirely, he leaned further back slightly and let out a low moan of pleasure. "That's... Nnnn... Good," he grunted softly, and to his side there was a sloshing sound as his human companion assumed a similar position at Selina's direction. The man's length was smaller than the orc's, though he was still a bit longer and thicker than Daniel or any of the others she'd seen back at the Academy, and with the demoness sensually replicating Celeste's efforts by slowly lapping at his erect shaft like a kitten at a saucer of milk, he only managed one more jealous look at his companion for getting the beautiful blond mage before diverting his full attention to Serina.

The orc let out another appreciative groan as Celeste dragged her tongue up from the base of his cock up to the tip again, and when she reached his helmet she found a droplet of pre waiting for her at his slit. Slipping her lips over the head earned another awed look and then a grin as she took her first taste of his thick, potent cream, one that wouldn't be the last as her tongue rolled over the surface of his thick head and her hands continued to jerk at his rod. If the look of eager, expectant ecstasy on her client's face was anything to go by, Celeste was seemingly doing a very good job, but if that wasn't enough the orc offered another low groan after she began to descend upon his length and said; "You give... Uhnnn... A very good massage!" Despite his size, she would find his thick tool sliding past her lips, inch after inch able to fit into her mouth as some strange instinct that had been growing stronger and stronger since she came to Acheron left her arousal burning harder than ever. That instinct proved even pushier than the man that she was pleasing, urging her to do more, to test her limits both with her mouth and in the very scenario that she had imagined upon getting an eyeful of his tool, but Celeste's actions were still hers to choose even as her mouth was slowly filled with the cock of a man, an orc no less, whom she had never met before and didn't even know the name of.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The further Celeste went with her lascivious act, the easier it became to lose herself in it. When she had first started bathing the orc, she had been tense, muscles all over her body taut with her trepidation, wound tight with awkwardness and hesitation. By the time her tongue had traveled all the way up the orc's impressive member though, every part of her felt loose, relaxed, but ready to spring into action. As her lips wrapped around his head, and the first salty taste of pre exploded onto her tongue, she moaned softly, sensually. His masculine scent suffused her, his taste overwhelmed her, and his burning member felt like it would sear her to the core, but she could think of nothing more than to surrender herself to her need to experience it.

At first, Celeste slid her lips forward and back along the orc's shaft slowly, experimentally. However, as his warm meat filled her mouth more and more without seeming to stop, she began to push forward quicker and more eagerly. Despite being bigger than both Daniel and the goblins she had 'encountered' just yesterday, Celeste was surprised by how easy it seemed to fit the orc in her mouth. Even when his large member began pushing into her throat, the young woman didn't feel the discomfort she expected, only the delicious full warmth she enjoyed. Looking up at the orc, she smiled as best she could with her mouth full, her eyes shining at his compliments, pleased to learn how much he was enjoying it. How much she was enjoying it.

Hungrily, Celeste pushed herself to go further, to drive her lips as far down the orc's shaft as she could. She picked up speed as she progressed, until her head was bobbing back and forth, her lips wrapped tight around his fleshy rod, moaning more and more. With most of the orc's member beginning to disappear between her lips, Celeste brought one hand down to squeeze playfully at his heavy sack, while her other grabbed onto his hip to steady herself. Pulling herself closer to the orc, she reveled in the feel of his body around her, surrounding her, while his manhood nested deeper within her mouth.

Behind her, Celeste could hear Serina following her lead with her human client. The idea that she was 'ahead' of her mentor brought a swell of pride to the young mage, and she redoubled her efforts with the orc. At the same time, the fact that she hadn't yet learned the orc's name brought a slight thrill to the busty blonde. It wasn't like Daniel, a boy she met and had found herself unable to resist, or the goblins, who had tricked and nearly forced her into pleasing them. This was a man whom she had willingly decided to give into, and she exulted in how much she was enjoying the act of pleasuring him. And though her mind drifted to thoughts of testing his impressive length with her dripping nethers, Celeste couldn't remove herself from between his legs, too enraptured by the act to stop.

Instead, Celeste worked harder to please the orc, her soft lips pressing together as tightly as they could against his burning rod. Each time she pulled back on his shaft, her tongue drew along the underside, then began to flick at his head. She sighed, savoring the salty taste of his helmet before she surged forward again, swallowing as his member pressed into her throat. Turning back to look up at him, Celeste gave another smile with her tightly pressed lips, shivering as she reveled in servicing him.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

As Celeste's tight lips descended further and further upon the orc's turgid cock, inch after inch of his thick meat disappearing into her mouth with each eager bob of her mouth, the man could only look down in a look that perfectly mixed both awe at her performance and the pure ecstasy that she was so expertly providing. His breath soon began to come in quick pants when he wasn't giving groans of pleasure, and those encouraging noises came more and more often as the busty mage's lips slid further and further down his shaft. Within only moments the orc's cock went from rock to iron, if anything growing bigger, and still Celeste found herself able to go faster, deeper onto her client's stiff rod.

The soft fondling of his heavy balls, the tight seal of her luscious lips sliding back and forth over his shaft, the constant dance of her tongue against his underside and the flicks that she made over the tip that filled her senses with the potent taste of his precum, the way that she smiled and moaned around his cock... Her every action seemed to provide another source of pleasure to the awe-struck orc, leaving the mage able to feel nothing but pride and pleasure in her actions even as her own body practically sung with its own growing excitement. Those feelings could only be enhanced as Celeste heard Serina gagging, the sexual demoness struggling to take the human's significantly smaller cock while Celeste's lips began to near the base of her own client's thick tool at the end of her increasingly rapid bobs.

Within a few minutes her lips finally met that lewd goal, wrapping around the base of the orc's massive cock with no more shaft to go, his sack resting against her chin for a moment such that she could feel the orbs within swelling and twitching, readying to surrender the whole of their contents to her earnest efforts in the form of what no doubt promised to be massive quantities of hot cum. "Ohhhh fuck, hnnn.... That's... Uhhnn... That's so fucking good!" he groaned, his eyes closing as he tilted his head back, his body shuddering softly. More often than not a man would have put a hand on the back of her head and held her down just then, reveling for as long as possible in the tight warmth of Celeste's throat, but it seemed that her efforts had driven the man to such heights of pleasure that he could do nothing but tighten on the stone on which he sat as she sucked on his hot, meaty tool.

All too soon she felt him begin to throb in her mouth, in her throat, and when her tongue swirled over the tip next the pungent taste of his pre was stronger than ever. He slowly turned his gaze back down toward her, letting the mage continue to fully dictate the pace at which she moved and the manner in which she pleasured him, but if she simply kept up her current set of actions it would be unlikely that he would leave unsatisfied. With her mouth entirely filled with the orc's immense rod, however, the mage's imagination was able to provide a good idea of what it might feel like if she tested her needy folds against her client's mighty rod, and every bob of her head was like a phantom thrust from behind that left her sex quivering with delight even without any actual stimulation provided.

Should Celeste continue in that manner for only a few more moments, just as the throbbing of her client's tool and his soft panting indicated that he would soon spill his seed, something suddenly snapped inside of her. Pleasure began to spill through her body in waves, pure delight flooding her system as she had a modestly powerful orgasm just from sucking the orc's cock. Selina, who had been steadily bobbing her mouth and simultaneously stroking her human client's cock, actually ceased the former action in order to look over at Celeste as she moaned out louder due to her sudden peak, and three sets of eyes looked over in amazement as Celeste came from the simple act of orally servicing the orc's massive meat. "Ooooh, fuck," the orc grunted softly, finally reaching a hand out to caress the mage's face, though it was quick to return to its earlier position while he went back to contentedly watching, reveling in her delightful ministrations.

The man was impossibly hard, his turgid shaft pulsating for her while his sack was burdened with seed that it was all too ready to be relieved of. If Celeste gave only a few more moments of attention, it would be her client's turn to cum, his body quickly seizing just as hers had not too long prior. "I'm gonna... Nnn... Cum!" he announced quickly, though the way that his cock had begun to throb intensely and the way that his sack sank into his body as his balls prepared to unleash their contents into her waiting mouth would warn her of his impending release first. True to what her build up and the size of the rest of him had suggested, when he came it was an explosion unlike any that Celeste had ever experienced. The orc's load was immense and it came forth in vast, powerful spurts, coming one after another as the man issuing them for her shuddered in ecstasy with each spurt as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes once more. Taken in her mouth, it would be more than enough to fill Celeste's mouth entirely and then some even with how much of it ended up going off right down her throat, leaving her swimming in the incredibly powerful taste of his thick, salty cream. If she opted to take it outside instead, the busty mage's face and chest would be entirely drenched in the ropes of hot, sticky semen that his cock kept firing off one after another, unleashing more than a dozen for her as he gave up more cum in one go than any two of her previous partners had yielded.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The look on the orc's face, his mixture of pleasure and surprise, filled Celeste with a joy so strong she added her own soft moans to his rumbling admirations. The further she dove down his shaft, the warm rod twitching on her tongue, the deeper her desire to do more became. Soon she was pressing her lips against the orc's crotch, his warm sack resting on her chin, her throat squeezing against his length, while she looked up at his gasping face in pure delight. The very idea that she was bringing the orc so much pleasure was like a fire inside her, sustaining and strengthening her desire with it's warmth.

What she felt was more than warmth, though. Every time the orc's rigid pole slid between her lips, each time his pre landed on her tongue, she could feel a slight pulse of stimulation course throughout her body. The deeper and faster she flung herself up and down his member, the more powerful the sensation became, until she could almost feel his rod forcing it's way through her nether as she had imagined earlier. It was more than a simple physical response though. Every aspect of the lewd act she was engaging in was exciting the young woman, from the texture of the orc's manhood in her mouth, to his taste on her tongue, from his status as her client, to the fact that he had only suggested what she had begun to enthusiastically participate in. Even hearing Selina's difficulty emulating what Celeste had been enjoying so thoroughly was fanning the flames of her passion. As she continued her act, continued to enjoy it, the pulses of pleasure grew stronger until she could feel her body quivering in anticipation. For the briefest of moments, the young mage wondered where such feelings could be coming from. Could it be natural, somehow? Perhaps it really was the situation? A sudden split second of clarity brought the image of the succubus she had met so long ago and changed her subtly, but fundamentally, to mind. And then, just like that, her mind exploded in stimulation, her body shuddered uncontrollably as she moaned around the orc's thick member, eyelids fluttering as she stared up at him.

Gasping for breath around the orc's throbbing member, still resting halfway in her mouth, Celeste paused in her ministrations for just a moment, cooing softly as he caressed her cheek. Despite her sudden and unexpected climax, however, she soon resumed her lascivious service, though her motions were more tranquil and smooth now. Her tongue lapped at the head of his rod each time in came within reach, and she closed her eyes in anticipation of his impending release, savoring the moments as she felt him tensing uncontrollably. When it came, she held his member deep in her throat, her small hands gripping his firm rump as she felt his seed flowing down her throat. It was too much, though, and she slowly pulled back, letting his thick cum pool on her tongue as she savored it's sticky pungent taste. She had a brief moment of worry as the torrent of seed continued and threatened to spill out from her lips, though, concerned that her fervent bathing would go to waste if she spilled his cream back onto him. The bust blonde quickly withdrew his member from between her lips, only to hold it gently against her chin as it shot several more ropy strands across her face. As his release landed along her cheeks, nose, lips, and hair, Celeste swallowed with a loud gulp before sighing contentedly. With a soft upward squeeze of his member, she looked up at him serenely and asked, "Did that help your kink?"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Resistance: Celeste loses, the orc is not enthralled.

"Ahhhh..... Yeah," the orc grunted softly, seeming slightly dazed after his heavy release, "that was.... Mmmph... Great!" His cock continued to leak after it had finished coating her face, a few strands shooting up high enough to land in her hair and one covering one of her eyes, and for the next minute it just kept on leaking more of his warm, pungent seed for her to lap right up, keeping him perfectly clean in the process. Her client seemed to love it, and over the next minute or so he showed no signs of going soft on her.

Selina, in the meantime, finally finished with her own client, her oral service causing him to tilt his head back and let out one last loud groan. She took the first bit of his load into her mouth, but then pulled out and tilted his length downwards to let rope after rope of his pearly release coat her bosom. The demoness, like Celeste, lapped at her client's rod until he had stop cumming, and the human too seemed hesitant to soften thanks to her efforts.

"Mmmmm, yummy," Selina purred softly as she lifted her bosom in both hands, emphasizing the cum covered orbs. "We both got all dirty," she remarked, and then leaned forward to gather up one of the streams of cum on Celeste's face, taking the one over her eye if the mage hadn't already cleaned that up, and brought it up to her mouth with an approving moan. Celeste would be able to clean the demon's bosom for her, and Selina would happily return the favor and clean her face in the most lewd manner imaginable before boldly sharing their respective bounties in an open mouthed kiss, but if she would rather clean herself the demoness would offer no argument and lick her own breasts clean instead while Celeste cleaned up the cum left on her face in whatever manner she chose.

Both men would watch whatever lewd spectacle took place in silent awe, focusing on Selina if Celeste opted to clean up in a more conventional fashion, and when it was over exchanged a grin at their luck on having scored two eager beauties in what wasn't even officially a brothel. The orc's cock still twitched proudly erect even after she had given it such a thorough sucking, and the human's was growing hard again at the sight of them. Neither would force anything further, however, and Selina seemed content to leave it at that even though she, like Celeste, hadn't had any real stimulation of her own. The demoness climbed out of the bath and motioned for Celeste to do the same, and once the busty blond was beside her turned to their clients and purred; "May we dry you off, sirs?" She produced a towel for Celeste and took up her own, and the two men grinned and climbed out of the bath, ready to be dried off as well now that they'd been cleaned and their urges had, at least in part, been satisfied.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As the orc's thick seed continued to spurt across her face, Celeste closed her eyes, her tongue flicking out to lap his throbbing member as her hands gently milked him. With another gulp and contented sigh, she smiled at his compliments, unable to look up at him through the globs of spunk strewn over her eyelids. "I'm glad you liked it," she said sweetly, before leaning forward to softly kiss at the head of his pole.

Celeste jumped at the feeling of Selina's fingers scooping up the thick strands of cream from her face, before giggling at the demoness' comment. "I-I guess we did," she agreed, slowly opening her eyes to gaze at Selina, biting her lip as she watched the woman enjoy her client's seed. Snapping a quick, sheepish, look up at the orc, Celeste paused a moment before leaning towards the demoness, one hand softly caressing her cum-strewn breasts before she began to lap at them, alternating between flicking at the demoness' nipples, and slurping up the human's seed. While it wasn't as thick or pungent as the orc's, Celeste found herself enjoying it just the same. Once again, the young woman felt a shiver run down her spine at the thought of the lasciviousness of she was doing. sucking the seed of man she didn't know from the breasts of a woman she had just met. It was positively scandalous, though being so far removed from the strict rigidity of the Croalian Academy made it all the more enjoyable. All the while, Celeste's hand continued to stroke the orc's still burning member, and every so often she would turn back to him and kiss him gently in between allowing Selina to give her a tongue bath.

When Selina rose from the bath, Celeste slowly did the same, her hand slowly pulling away from the orc's member as she gave him another sheepish smile. Taking the towel, she happily stepped forward to begin drying off the orc, starting with his chest and working her way down. Despite the familiarity she had shown him just a few minutes, she still looked up at him with an blush and awkward smile as her towel passed below his waist. Once finished, Celeste put the towel to the side before standing expectantly beside Selina. Unlike how she had first arrived, she no longer felt the need to cover herself before the men. Though she had come into the situation nervous and afraid, she had found a strange pleasure in performing the lewd service willingly. Even without having received stimulation of her own in kind, she had enjoyed the experience. Smiling up at the orc, she said, "Thank you for choosing the Wet Witch! I'm glad I got such a wonderful client for my first bath!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Both Serina and her client seemed to enjoy the attention that Celeste provided, the demoness giving soft moans as the mage alternated between lapping up the cum on her breasts and cleaning off the human's cum, and the orc's rod giving a slight jump every time her lips brushed against its crown while he gave a little grunt. Serina returned the stimulation with her hands, gently cupping Celeste's breasts and rubbing them while her thumbs delicately rubbed her erect tips. The orc's sensitivity from cumming quickly passed, leaving him groaning with pleasure and giving appreciative throbs whenever she delivered one of her lewd kisses, and the last one she delivered gave her another taste of his wonderfully pungent pre. The human seed that she licked off of Serina wasn't as thick as that of her client, nor as salty and pungent, but it was stickier and almost a little sweet.

Her mentor for the day would offer another kiss to share the bounty they'd cleaned off one another, mixing the two tastes and textures together between their mouths for a moment before pulling away and swallowing what she'd ended up with. Their clients would quite obviously enjoy every second of the lewd show, and when Celeste offered her last sheepish glance towards the orc would show him looking at her as if making strong efforts not to simply grab the blond mage and fuck her until neither of them could move any longer. Thankfully, he would maintain control of himself as he and his human companion stood up to be dried off, and though neither of them would apparently soften all that much with so much eye candy to enjoy, and Celeste found herself getting gazed at appreciatively by both men.

All good things must come to an end, however, and once the men were dried they stood gazing expectantly for a very brief moment before Serina would repeat Celeste's remark, and they would take that as a signal to get dressed. The demoness would remain naked and signal for Celeste to do the same, and when the two men were ready they approached again, both reaching for their coinpurses. Wordlessly, the human handed over a fistful of coins to Serina, but as he handed Celeste her tip he would say; "I had no idea such a beauty could be found here! I'll keep this place in mind whenever I get another kink."

With that the pair would file out with wide grins on their faces, obviously quite pleased, and once the door was closed Serina sighed and glanced at Celeste with a grin. "Great work newbie!" she said, and reached out to gently clap Celeste on the ass, a gesture more affectionate than amorous in intent but still quite suggestive nonetheless. "You just got yourself a repeat customer! I don't think that orc could keep away now, and since this isn't actually a brothel you don't need to do anything if you don't want to! That's the nice part about Al's policy," she continued, and then glanced around.

"Lets clean this up and get back to work," she continued, and started busying about, picking up the soaps and returning them to cupboard, folding the towels and throwing them into a pile near the door. She seemed perfectly comfortable working while naked, and taught Celeste how to turn on the filters to clean the bathwater and where the various tools needed for tidying up, such as the mop and the drying rag, were located. Should she count out her coins, she would find herself holding eight denarii.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Even with her newfound comfort in her nudity, Celeste still felt embarrassed by the amount of attention she was getting, blushing slightly as she grinned at the men. When they started to get dressed, Celeste moved to as well, but stopped at Serina's instruction, giving a quick self conscious smirk at her mistake. The orc's compliment brought the smirk and blush back, and she coyly nodded appreciatively as she accepted the coins gingerly. Holding the tip to her naked chest, she happily called out, "Come again anytime!" As the door closed she looked down to count out the denarii she had earned, pleased to have actually accomplished something she had set out to do this morning.

The sudden slap on her ass broke Celeste from her counting, and she gave a laugh at the demoness while accepting the compliment sweetly. "Thanks, Serina! I'm just glad you were here to show me how it's done, or I don't know if it would have gone so well!" Celeste smiled as the demoness' hand lingered on her soft rear for a few seconds, only squirming when it was removed. As Serina moved away from her, the young woman considered her words. The mention of a brothel brought a nervous wrinkle to the mage's eyebrows, but she smiled as she realized that what the demoness had said about being free to do what she wanted was true. She didn't have to indulge her or her client's every time they asked for a bath, only when she wanted to. Her face blushed again as she recalled how much she had enjoyed pleasing her first client, wondering when she might do so again, and how.

Celeste didn't have long to daydream, however, as she was still on the job and Serina was already busy cleaning the bathing area up. With a smile, the busty blonde placed the coins she had been given into the folds of her folded clothes before eagerly joining the demoness. Despite their reputation for lewdness, Celeste didn't feel uncomfortable joining the succubus in the nude. Somehow, she felt closer to her mentor since the bath. With eager attention, she dutifully followed the demoness about their duties, happy to help out with the labor despite having never had to do such work at the Academy. "So you like working here, Serina?" she asked as they cleaned, humming softly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Mmmm? Uh, well.... You know, I've never thought about it really!" Serina replied thoughtfully when Celeste's question seemingly caught her by surprise, momentarily pausing in her efforts to clean up the bathing room. "I guess I do.... I mean, it's not like we really had a lot of, um, non subsistence jobs back home," she continued, "it's a lot nicer than what I used to do. I mean, I don't have to kill anyone or worry about someone sneaking up and murdering me, so that's nice. Well, not as much as I used to anyway."

She moved over to the closet and drew out a pair of mops, handing one to Celeste so they could clean up the drips of water. "It's energetic work, and I get felt up a lot... But that's nothing new, really. I get laid when I want, and it keeps me fed.... In more ways than one," she continued thoughtfully. That bit of work didn't take terribly long, and once that was finished she folded the towels and started getting dressed again, signaling for Celeste to do the same if she didn't do so automatically. "Come on, lets get back to work!" she said, grabbing the towels and showing Celeste where the used ones went.

The next hour or so passed in relative ease as they busied about, Celeste mostly helping Serina carry things to customers and take orders. The demoness let Celeste take a few small tables or orders all on her own while she supervised, and they mostly went without incident until she got to a pair of somewhat rough looking men who took a recently vacated table near the wall. Both were of average height for Badaria and had rough weathered skin, dark hair and dark eyes, though one of them had it cut so short that it barely even showed. The other had a bushy mustache that ran down to the lower corners of his mouth, and was the first to notice both Celeste and Serina approaching.

Her mentor for the night gestured for Celeste to take this one while she watched. The mage was treated to the distinct scent of tobacco and stale sweat wafting from the pair when she drew near, and on sighting her both settled their gazes on her chest immediately. The one with the mustache glanced up when she started talking, showing a toothy grin that exposed a mouth full of blackened teeth, and when she had finished asking what they wanted he grunted; "Get us a couple 'o ales sweetheart~"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Listening with rapt attention to the succubus, Celeste found herself surprised at the demoness' description of what her life had been like prior to working at the tavern. None of the books she had read had mentioned demonic life being so dangerous. Well, they didn't have much to say about the demon world at all, really. The young mage found herself smiling as Serina finished her appraisal, sounding mostly happy with working at the tavern. "I know what you mean," Celeste said with a giggle and smile as she grabbed the mop and joined the succubus with the wet work, "I got felt up so much at the Academy, I thought it was just a normal way to say 'hi'!" She laughed cheerily, then moved to join Serina in getting dressed again.

Once back in the tavern proper, Celeste eagerly followed along behind Serina, weaving among the tables and helping out as she could. Each time the succubus directed her to take orders, the bubbly blonde did her best to be as cheerful and proper a waitress as possible, despite her nervousness at her new position. Everything was going well, bringing a spring to Celeste's step as she began to enjoy taking orders and serving drinks. When the young woman saw her latest customers, however, her skipping steps stuttered just for a moment. The men looked rough and a bit scary, and smelled like the kind of places Celeste had been careful to avoid on her way to Acheron. Still, she was expected to do her job, regardless of who were customers were. Regaining her serene smile, she approached the table and held her hands behind her back, shifting her chest forward without thinking, before asking, "Hello and welcome to the Wet Witch! I'm Celeste and I'd love to help you any way I can!" She paused as she noticed the men staring at her bosom, her smile shifting nervously for a second before she finally continued greeting them. "If there's anything you need, just ask, and I'll get it! Would you like something to eat or drink?"

As soon as the bushy mustached man ordered, Celeste nodded sweetly and hurried over to the bar to grab the drinks. She returned just as quickly, holding one ale in each hand. Leaning in over the table, she placed the ales within reach of the men, while asking, "Would you like anything else, sirs?" Celeste was doubtful the two frightful men were the kind of gentlemen deserving of the title, but the young woman thought they might like it. 'Happy customers leave better tips,' as Serina said. If the two were finished, the fresh young waitress would dutifully ask them for payment, a happy smile on her face to hopefully help ease the pain of debt.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's admission that she'd been felt up a lot back at the Academy earned a soft chuckle from Serina, who shook her head without ending her current act and replied; "Well, you'll be getting a lot of that here. Just to warn you, don't decide to go a day without wearing panties unless you want to get fingered by a lot of strangers!"

With that advice quite possibly in mind, Celeste was soon enough set before the two rough looking customers, and once their orders were placed and subsequently delivered, Celeste wasn't allowed to get away so easily. "Yeah," the one with the mustache said as he reached for Celeste, coiling an arm around the blond's waist and pulling her onto his lap, "give us a bit o' company, yeah?" He left his arm around her, holding her, and his companion chuckled, picked up his ale, and added; "Yeah, s'not often we get someone without any weird bits 'round here!"

The two drained lifted their drinks and drained them in one go, downing the pints in under a minute, though not without making a bit of a mess. Ale spilled down the chin of the man holding her, resulting in a bit of splatter landing on her breasts and the front of her dress. The ale on her skin didn't last long, however, as once the men had finished and slammed their drinks onto the table the one across from her grinned and said; "Ye've gone and spilled a bit John!" Glancing down at Celeste's somewhat dirtied bosom, the mustachioed man grinned and said; "So I have!"

Unfortunately, for Celeste, he then promptly leaned down and licked the beer off of her bosom, his mustache prickling against her sensitive skin. "Tastes just as good!" he grunted, and the two engaged in a round of raucous laughter before the man across from Celeste settled first and said; "So, sweetheart, ye sound like ye ain't from around here! You from up North? That's where I'd place yer accent. Whatcha doin coming down 'ere and working inna place like this?"

The man holding her looked equally curious about that as well, and at least didn't do anything further to the mage besides hold her in his lap. Serina was visible in the background, watching her with some concern, but the demoness didn't intervene just yet, waiting to see how Celeste would react to the seemingly inappropriate behavior until the mage did something particularly bad or until she looked to her with an obvious plea for help.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"A day without panties?" Celeste asked, laughing nervously as she pulled the hem of her short skirt down, "Wh-who would do something as silly as that." Despite having spent so much time in the nude with Serina already, the young woman still couldn't admit her current predicament to the succubus. After the goblins had stolen her underwear, she had been unable to find any at the Academy team's house. Even worse, all the extra clothing she had brought with her on the way to Acheron had been lost, a victim of having to flee from some scary creatures wandering the Badarian countryside. Yet somehow, the magical prodigy, the appearance conscious blonde, the naive young woman still hadn't remembered to look for some place to get a few new pairs of underwear in Acheron. Blushing slightly, Celeste asked, "S-say, you wouldn't happen to know of someplace I could buy some underwear in Acheron, would you? I... I'd like to try out some of the local fashion" Although she was wary of some of the lewd displays at the clothing shops she had seen on her walk through the market earlier, the young woman needed something to wear under all the skimpy outfits she had worn lately. She only hoped Serina had as good taste as Serena, the beautiful horned druid she had briefly seen under Gravus' desk...

After delivering the drinks, Celeste smiled down at the two rough men, wondering what else they might want from her. She gasped in surprise as she was pulled down onto the mustached man's lap, looking back and forth between them as they 'complimented' her and laughed before giggling awkwardly as if to join them. When the man holding her spilled ale down her front, Celeste stared down at the liquid as if it were a snake, shaking slightly as she wondered just how much it would cost to have the dress cleaned, and if Al would expect her to pay for it. She didn't have time to think about it for long though, as the man quickly shoved his face between her breasts to lap up some of what he had spilled, drawing a squeal from the blonde that managed to mix surprise, fear, embarrassment, and discomfort. She shuddered as his tongue danced between her cleavage, and his prickly mustache scratched her smooth skin, blushing brightly as the two men laughed at the situation.

Sheepishly draping her free arm up over her wet bosom, Celeste turned to face the second man as he asked about her. "Uh, well, I am from Crolia, actually," she said, smiling nervously, her blush remaining just as bright as she squirmed slightly on the man's lap, unsure how much she should indulge their behavior. "I came down to learn more about Acheron, and demons, in general," she added, shrugging as if to dismiss the importance of her position. "I just arrived a few days ago, and I needed a job... So here I am!" she said, finishing with a smile and look around the tavern. "What about you two?" she asked politely, while bringing the hand not on her chest down to the arm of the man holding her, gently nudging it to hopefully get him to release her. Despite keeping her eyes on the two men with her, Celeste noticed Serina watching nearby. The young woman's first thought was to make a subtle gesture to the demoness to ask for help, but she decided not to. If she was going to work here, she would have to prove she could handle customers on her own, even the scary ones. "C-can I get you something else to drink?" She asked, gently moving forward in an effort to slide off the man's lap, "You both seem very thirsty."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh you'd be surprised," Serina said in an amused tone, "most seem to try it at least once. That usually stops once they get fingered, but for a few that worked here it took them getting fingered 'til they came from some hungry succubus or incubus and passed out. Panties won't necessarily stop everyone, but they will keep the molestation to a minimum." She fixed Celeste with a smirk when she asked where she could pick up some undergarments, "you don't have any to wear, do you?" She laughed softly if Celeste admitted to her lack of undergarments, but either way would advise; "You can find underwear at pretty much any clothing shop, but I like Thymera's. It's a place down on main street, she does wonderful work with silk."


"Ahhh, thought so," the man who'd asked where she was from said following her reply, though her explanation as to why only inspired a lascivious grin. Her squirming and effort to displace his arm had the opposite effect to what she desired, sadly, as she would begin to feel a bulge in his rough trousers growing against her ass, and rather than release her the man simply shifted his arm upwards along her side, slipping out of her grip and proceeding up until he had one of her breasts resting in his hand, at which point he gave her soft flesh an experimental squeeze. "Us? Ehh, we're workin security up at the mine," the one with the mustache who was groping her said, "them demons don't know what sort of things to worry about up there, so we tell 'em. Keeps the peace with the locals better that way."

Her effort to get away would ultimately succeed, despite the one man's insistent fondling. "Ehhh, sure," said the other, prompting a nod from her molester. "Heh, we are a bit parched, ain't we? Sure lass," he said, letting Celeste up out of his lap. He wouldn't let her go without copping a feel in another area, however, his palm resting on her ass, thankfully not under her dress, until she was up and out of his lap. Then he slapped a pair of coins on the table for her to collect, paying in advance for their drinks. Serina was watching her, but didn't move to follow unless Celeste motioned for her to do so.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As she had never been particularly skilled at deception, or even well practiced in it, Celeste found it hard not to hang her head dejectedly at Serina's knowing question. "I-uh... Y-yeah" Celeste replied sheepishly, nervously twiddling her fingers under the succubus' gaze. She nodded at the demoness' advice, fully intending to visit the store once her shift was over, hopeful that none of the terrible sounding things she had just been told about would happen to her...


Celeste found herself pulling her body tighter together while in the mustached man's grip, shrinking in on herself fearfully after everything Serina had mentioned in the bath. Her nervous shifting in his lap slowed when she felt something stiff poking up against her bottom, and she froze in shock when she felt his hand slide up her side and around her breast. His squeeze prompted her to jump slightly in surprise, while a soft gasp escaped her lips. Despite her discomfort she managed to keep her nervous smile as the man spoke. "O-oh, it s-sounds like you've got a very i-important job," Celeste replied awkwardly as he continued to knead her breast through her damp dress.

When the mustached man's hand slipped away from her, Celeste relaxed slightly, and she nodded quickly in response to their request for more drinks. She slid forward off the man's lap, grimacing as she felt the bulge rub against her bottom as she did, then jumped when his hand caressed it. She instinctively wanted to pull away from him, but her dedication towards handling her first day on the job well forced her to stay. "O-okay, I'll be back with two more," she said happily as she leaned over to scoop up the coins on the table.

Once away from the table, Celeste quickly weaved through the tables towards the bar, glancing at Serina along the way without making any gestures. At the bar she ordered the drinks and softly tried to pad out the ale stain with a nearby towel, though she did so as surreptitiously as possible, not wanting Al to see. With the two drinks in hand she hurried back to the table, her smile a little less awkward after having a minute away from the two men. As she approached their table, Celeste cheerfully said, "Here you go, two more ales!" Like before, she leaned in between them to place the drinks on the table, though she held herself a bit further away as she did. Again she asked if they would like anything else, wondering if they were as thirsty as they said they were, and what that might mean for her tip.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste would luckily find her dress easy to clean, the cloth soaking out most of the leftover ale and what had soaked in not staining it noticeably unless one looked closely. The rest she would have to clean up later, and a moment later Celeste was carrying two more ales over to the table of the two men. Serina was dealing with another table at the moment, and when she delivered their drinks her efforts to keep farther away were for naught. This time the other man grabbed her and dragged her into his waist, letting the mage feel another bulge against her bottom while he also reached for his ale. He didn't even hesitate before mimicking his companion further by grabbing one of her breasts, softly kneading the handful of flesh while he and his companion took gulps of ale. They didn't finish their drinks in one go this time, however, and when they lowered their half full glasses to the table the two men sighed contentedly.

"So, sweety... We've been hearing about the baths here," the man holding her said, and his mustachio'd companion finished for him; "And we're wondering how much an hour with you's gonna cost us. Say, once we've finished these here drinks." The short haired one holding her gave Celeste's breast a particularly rough squeeze, "there'll be a handsome tip in it for yah if ye play along."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite her precautions, Celeste quickly found herself pulled into another lap, though this time it was the un-mustached man who she found herself staring at. The bulge poked against her insistently, causing her to shift awkwardly in his lap until the offending member merely rested between her legs. Her blush returned as quickly as the man's hand found her breast, and she whined softly as he began to squeeze it, sending involuntary pleasurable tickles through her body. Her happy smile became tight as the man continued to fondle her, but she simply waited patiently in his lap as he drank.

When the men mentioned the baths, Celeste's face brightened, sure that their interest meant she could at least be free of their rough handling of her. "O-oh yes, the baths here are quite ni-" she began, only to be cut off by a quick powerful squeeze of her breast. She jumped at the man's rough clench, biting her lip to hold back a yelp, while he finished his request. As soon as the man mentioned wanting her to join them in the baths, Celeste's strained but polite expression quickly flashed to a look of shocked concern. Though the naive young woman didn't like to think ill of anyone, these rough men and their forceful actions were far different from the orc she had bathed earlier. As much as she wanted to earn the tip he mentioned, Celeste found the idea of being in the baths with these men a scary prospect.

"Ah, m-me?" she asked uneasily, her nervous smile returning as she looked at the grinning men, "W-well, I... I don't know how much a bath costs. I j-just started here today." Celeste blushed as she admitted her inexperience, while she stuttered each time the man's fingers clamped down on her sensitive flesh. Squirming in the man's lap, the busty blonde shuddered as he continued to grope her, knowing that the men were expecting an answer and thinking desperately of one that might save her from having to spend too much more time with them. "A-actually, I'm not even supposed to be working alone yet" she said, her nervous smile widening just a bit as she remembered how the human from before had been cautious about having to pay extra for a bath with two girls. "I'm training w-with Serina right now! We should ask her!" she continued, looking around for the succubus she was sure could rescue her from the two rough men, only to pause, taken aback at the sight of her mentor busy with another table at the moment. "W-well, she's a little busy r-right now," she said, biting her lip for a second before adding, "B-but Al, the manager, is over by the bar. D-do you want me to ask him?" Even with her hesitance to join the men in the baths, Celeste was more concerned with freeing herself from the lap of her molester at the moment. Maybe Serina or Al could help her escape the men's hands.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Ehhh? Well, I guess we oughta go and talk to him then. Barman, right?" the man holding her said, making no move to free her. "Gordon, go and ask 'im!" he continued, and the man with the mustache gave Celeste one last leer before finishing the rest of his ale and moving to walk over to the bar. That left her alone with the man holding her in his lap and groping her breast, and he took up his ale again before leering at her. "So, yer new here eh? Lucky us~" he said, and a few moments later the mustachioed man had finished talking to Al and was making his way back to their table, a wide grin on his face. Serina had finished with helping a table by them, and was looking to Celeste with concern while hovering a short ways away.