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ACT [Wolfenstahl] Deathblight Apocalypse


Demon Girl
Apr 1, 2012
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Hello everyone!
We recently updated our Patreon campaign to finally include hentai game developement as well, aside from the webcomic we've been running for half a year now.

Currently we are working on a game called "Deathblight Apocalypse".
This is our main project!
And yes, there is a side project too, being called "Last Demon Hunter", which we share with everyone for free.
If you want to play the side project game, you can already do that!
Read more about it here on the blog:

There's a download link for LDH, but keep in mind this is just a test game (our side project).
So, lets get back to the main game, shall we?

Deathblight Apocalypse:


Deathblight Apocalypse (further called DA) is an action platformer with focus on combat and rogue-lite elements, like random generation and perma-death. It will also feature lots of game over hentai CG scenes and ingame pixel sprite hentai animations.

In DA, you will play as Ferania Wolfenstahl, one of our most popular characters.
You will have to navigate through a post-apocalyptic world via an overworld and fight demons and monsters in different areas. Find and gain new equipment and skills, fight for your survival and become stronger to overcome all challenges!
You may also encounter safe-zones, the last bastions of humanity, where you may find rest and a place to heal up in this torn up world and maybe barter for a few pieces of equipment. Sometimes though they might be inhabited by a group of cunning demons, who will sell you powerful equipment and skills, if you are willing to pay their price.

If we manage to get enough support via Patreon, we'll add more playable characters to the game once we're done with the core game.

So far the core game is planned to include:

-3 Different themes for the levels
-At least 15 different Enemies
-7 Bosses
-At least 1 hentai sprite animation per enemy
-Lots of CG scenes with text
-Voice acting for the player character

Hentai pixel sprite animation of Deathblight Apocalypse:


Some concept art for the enemies:



Corrupted Harpy:

Actual ingame graphics for enemies:
Zombie pixel:

Ghost pixel:

Harpy pixel:

CG quality sample:

(Note: This CG is not part of the game! It's just one of Crescentias Artworks that serves as a quality sample of what you can expect! I'll upload an actual game CG as soon as we've got one ready)

There's already some basic gameplay and other stuff ingame.
But this version isn't public yet.
We decided to add a bit more stuff to the game before making it public.
In order to do this, we need more support on Patreon.
Aside from getting the games earlier via Patreon, you'll also get some other goodies.
Read more about it on our Patreon page.

This will help us to do less commissions and hired work, and focus more on creating hentai games!
But more important than supporting us on Patreon, is spreading the word about our games and our Patreon campaign.

We'll add some hentai sprite animations in the next couple days, so all of you can see what quality to expect!

In case you want to see the CG scenes quality, you can take a look at some of the artworks from Crescentia, who's our artist here:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Not sure if 'perma-death' (which would imply no saving allowed/autosave function) is a good idea in H-game ._ . especially if H-content are game over rape.

Cuz having to reset a minimum of X times to get all CG would be a pain.

You might want to consider the Maidensnow Eve way:
1. A storage in safe point to hold extra items (assuming you have inventory, if not ignore this)

2. Saving/loading a state is allowed in safe zone.

3. Getting game over'd in the field still offer the option of either quitting to go load the last save, or 'continue' in minimal equipment (and possibly start from a specific location, like say prison) and the items lost from when you got GO'd can randomly shows up at a merchant.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

At first glance, it kinda looks like Trigger Happy...

Which is an excellent and exciting turn of events.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

I'm patron 69.hehe now like every other game back to the waiting.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Do you have a demo? Would like to try it before I blindly hand money to someone.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

A rogue-like with perma-death, except you play as a specific character?

Not sure I follow how that would work, to be honest. Does that not just mean there's no real save function?
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Thank you everyone for supporting us!

Not sure if 'perma-death' (which would imply no saving allowed/autosave function) is a good idea in H-game ._ . especially if H-content are game over rape.

Cuz having to reset a minimum of X times to get all CG would be a pain.

You might want to consider the Maidensnow Eve way:
1. A storage in safe point to hold extra items (assuming you have inventory, if not ignore this)

2. Saving/loading a state is allowed in safe zone.

3. Getting game over'd in the field still offer the option of either quitting to go load the last save, or 'continue' in minimal equipment (and possibly start from a specific location, like say prison) and the items lost from when you got GO'd can randomly shows up at a merchant.

I intentionally decided the whole perma-death thing, as the game should be rather fast-paced with lots of random generation.
So, even if a player dies a lot, he/she should still be able to unlock all the things rather easily.

(I disliked perma-death in games until recently, when I realized what's so important about it, I mean, how to leave out the annoying parts of it, and what's so "good" about it)

I thought several times about a save-feature, but since the random generation nature of the game, as well as the easy to unlock special attacks, it's kinda pointless to include a save-feature.
(the random generation also makes it easy to encouter new enemies very quickly, even if a player never makes it far into the game!)

And yes, there will be several difficulty options.
By that I don't mean "easy, normal, hard", but I plan to include stuff like:
- number of enemies (few, normal, lots)
- power of enemies
- EXP/money gained through killing them
etc. etc.
so everyone can kinda customize the difficulty individually.

The way the game is planned out, it's also impossible to see all bosses in one "run".
(4 stages, 7 bosses, each stage has a boss randomly assigned to it)
Also a whole run until you beat the final boss shouldn't be too long.

Once there are more playable characters added to the game later on, it even makes more sense to start over several times (with other characters).

Worst case I might include a save-function later on, if a lot of people wish for one.
(with a perma-death option that can be switched on/off)
But for now it's not planned to include a save-function.

Do you have a demo? Would like to try it before I blindly hand money to someone.

There actually is a demo, but we didn't hand it to the public yet.
So far it only includes the heroine with all the basic movements and attacks, as well as 1 enemy type and 1 set of tileset.
There's no hentai in the current build yet, but we're about to include this (and most likely more enemies) before handing out a public demo version.

Hopefully we're able to do this til the end of april?
At any rate, we can't make any promisses yet.
(it largely depends on how much support we get via Patreon, and how much commissions we need to do in april in order to pay our bills, since more commissions mean less time spend on developing the game)

As things are looking right now, you might have to wait til we release a demo version at the end of april.
(probably at the end of april! no promisses!)

A rogue-like with perma-death, except you play as a specific character?

Not sure I follow how that would work, to be honest. Does that not just mean there's no real save function?

Yes, that's true.
The "perma-death" basically just means you need to start all over after each game over.
Which shouldn't be too bad in this game, since you "should" be able to make a lot progress in just ~15 minutes playtime.
At least that's how the game is being designed and programmed.

I hope I didn't miss any questions.
In case you've got more questions or if you want to know something more in detail, feel free to ask ^^
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Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

A rogue-like with perma-death, except you play as a specific character?

Not sure I follow how that would work, to be honest. Does that not just mean there's no real save function?

Risk of Rain ' .' pick a character to start a fresh run, there's a sort-of progress by unlocking new items to add to the drop list/more characters to pick from.

If it's like RoR then I suppose I can see how perma-death would work .-.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

While I can see that model working for the game as proposed, I really wouldn't describe that as "Perma-death". You know?
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Do you have a demo? Would like to try it before I blindly hand money to someone.

They don't have a demo for it out yet, but I think you can get a good idea of the quality they can produce by looking at their just released and free hentai game called "Last Demon Hunter".

You can find it linked on their blog.

Even though just being a test-game, I think it does have more polish than other devs full releases.

They also have a demo for an older project they had to put on hold called "Geisterhand", quite nice too.
It is also downloadable via their blog.

So I don't think those guys are scammers or cash-grabbers who don't deliver.
Otherwise if that does not convince you, like OP already said, you will have to wait for a demo release.

While I can see that model working for the game as proposed, I really wouldn't describe that as "Perma-death". You know?

But it is.
If the current incarnation of the character in your current run dies / gets defeated its over. You can't reload, you can't continue.

You'll have to start from scratch with a new incarnation of the character.
Like in RoR ... or in "The Binding of Isaac".
It's still considered to be "perma-death" in those games.

The "permanent" part being for the specific instance of the character that dies.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

I pretty much view the perma-death matter the same way as BladeFire does.
(thanks for posting your view on the matter!)
So, I don't know what to add to what he said.
(I really know of no other "fitting" term for this kind of feature besides "perma-death" and the games he named are quite good comparisons I think)

I just added some concept artworks, ingame pixel graphics and a CG sample to the first post.
As soon as we get a pixel hentai animation done I'll upload it as well!

We don't have any pixel sprite hentai animations for the game yet, and our quality vastly improved over time.
So this has to wait a couple days.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

That is a really metal sounding name for an H game. I rather like a lot of games with permanent death, like Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, etc. so no real problems there.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Considering how well made the last game was I can't wait for this one to show up. Also thanks for the link to the CG artist. Really like their art style and what they've uploaded to HF.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

I pretty much view the perma-death matter the same way as BladeFire does.
(thanks for posting your view on the matter!)
So, I don't know what to add to what he said.
(I really know of no other "fitting" term for this kind of feature besides "perma-death" and the games he named are quite good comparisons I think)

My initial worries was that I assumed the 7 bosses were in order, so their GOR + trying to get all enemies CG might result in a lot of time slogging through the same levels again.

But if it's a fairly 'short' at RoR-ish 4 stages then I can see it working out.

'. ' Btw, since there's going to be exp/money, what's your plan for items?

Is it RoR-like where you basically buy things and they just add to your stats.

Or more Maidensnow where you have specific slots and you have to pick between wearing Infinite Fuel Jetpack and Divine Feathers (magical beam funnels) or such.

And will enemy scales? If so, with time (RoR) or stages (Maidensnow) or your character's level (some game do that :v which kinda kill the point of your character becoming stronger really)
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

At first glance, it kinda looks like Trigger Happy...

Which is an excellent and exciting turn of events.

Me two

This whole "Permanent Death" seem's interesting
But not sure it will work
Even if the game is not taking a long time
Going to have all upgrade again and again will eventually make it boring

Againt's 1'st boss . lose. New Game
Againt's 2'nd boss . lose. New Game
Againt's 3'rd boss . lose. New Game
blablabla until the 7'th

Why not making it some reward?
So if we clear the game , all gallery unlock
I mean , rather than losing to every boss and starting new all over again....

Sory Bad English~
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Interesting little game from the looks of it. Bit of a sucker for werewolves, particularly ones that transform the protagonist before going at it (Only seen that in one game but hoooo damn do I approve).

You'd think you'd see them more in H-games, but they seem fairly uncommon to me so including them here is a big plus in my mind. Mind you I might well not be looking in the right place for H-games with the wolves.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Me two

This whole "Permanent Death" seem's interesting
But not sure it will work
Even if the game is not taking a long time
Going to have all upgrade again and again will eventually make it boring
Not necessarily.
Every run will be different I presume, after all with the random generation, there is no telling what enemies you will encounter and what upgrades you might find.

Like in RoR or BoI, you loose against one boss, start anew and find better stuff earlier, so you get further.

Againt's 1'st boss . lose. New Game
Againt's 2'nd boss . lose. New Game
Againt's 3'rd boss . lose. New Game
blablabla until the 7'th
Well, my hope is that not all bosses are crammed into the overworld from the start, but rather you have the possibility of encountering 1-2 randomly chosen bosses (maybe one in the middle and one at the end?).

That way, if you loose to the boss you don't have to do 5 bosses or so again the next run to get the chance of seeing new content.

Why not making it some reward?
So if we clear the game , all gallery unlock
I mean , rather than losing to every boss and starting new all over again....

Sory Bad English~
I think making it so you unlock the gallery entry for the bosses you encountered in this run would be great (maybe even just one entry per run?)

For example:
You start a new run and run into Boss A in the middle of the game
You defeat him and continue to the end, encountering Boss C. You loose to Boss C and get to see the GOR-scene for that boss.
Maybe you get the gallery unlock for Boss C then in the gallery?

You start a new run and encounter Boss D as your first boss and in the end as second, you encounter Boss B.
You manage to defeat both bosses and complete this run, now as a reward, you get a gallery unlock either for both Bosses B and D or just one of the two (chosen at random).

I could see that work.
The thing is, games like these, they NEED replay-value, something you want that requires multiple playthroughs, something that makes you come back to the game and try a new run or do a few more runs.
Especially if it is short in terms of gameplay and ingame progression. You need a sort of global meta-progression, like unlockable characters or items or skills... or gallery entries.
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

I could see that work.
The thing is, games like these, they NEED replay-value, something you want that requires multiple playthroughs, something that makes you come back to the game and try a new run or do a few more runs.
Especially if it is short in terms of gameplay and ingame progression. You need a sort of global meta-progression, like unlockable characters or items or skills... or gallery entries.

Just do RoR style item unlocks 'x ' which would basically split into 3 types really:

1. Grind - just doing something common in the game (such as kill things or gather gold), but accumulate over multiple sessions to unlock.

2. Character specific - If you do X thing on Y character it'll unlock this item

3. "Achievement" - More specific target required, ranging from simple progression (clear the game), high skill playing (clear in X time, take less than Y hits, etc) or the off the norm ones (like standing in lava for 1 min for RoR)
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

No worries, the bosses will be choosen randomly, just like everything else.

There are just 4 stages, each stage will be randomly put together.
The enemies will be random, as well as the boss at the end of the stage.
(bosses only appear at the end of each stage)
Beating a boss gets the player to the next stage.

So even if you have a successful playthrough, you'll only see 4 out of 7 bosses.
And since they're randomly selected, you never know which one you'll encounter.

But if it's a fairly 'short' at RoR-ish 4 stages then I can see it working out.

Yes, it's kinda like that.

'. ' Btw, since there's going to be exp/money, what's your plan for items?

Is it RoR-like where you basically buy things and they just add to your stats.

Most items and upgrades add to the characters stats, that's right.
Sometimes you can acquire a new Skill/Attack.
But most upgrades are stat upgrades or invincibility against status changes.
(poison, confusion etc. etc.)

And will enemy scales? If so, with time (RoR) or stages (Maidensnow) or your character's level (some game do that :v which kinda kill the point of your character becoming stronger really)

With each stage you progress, enemies will get a bit stronger.
By that I mean their stats raise.
(there will be an option to individually alter how much stronger the enemies get with each progressed stage)

So trying to get as strong as possible is a good thing!
And it's very important to get a few upgrades before progressing to the next stage, as enemies will be stronger in that one.

Why not making it some reward?
So if we clear the game , all gallery unlock
I mean , rather than losing to every boss and starting new all over again....

That's exactly what I planned to do.
Defeating bosses unlocks the CG in the gallery.
Losing to them unlocks it as well, but it requires you to start all over.

Interesting little game from the looks of it. Bit of a sucker for werewolves, particularly ones that transform the protagonist before going at it (Only seen that in one game but hoooo damn do I approve).

You'd think you'd see them more in H-games, but they seem fairly uncommon to me so including them here is a big plus in my mind. Mind you I might well not be looking in the right place for H-games with the wolves.

I like Werewolves a lot too!
However, the protagonist won't be transformed into a werewolf herself.
(she's already half wolf, as she's a wolfgirl kemonomimi)

The thing is, games like these, they NEED replay-value, something you want that requires multiple playthroughs, something that makes you come back to the game and try a new run or do a few more runs.
Especially if it is short in terms of gameplay and ingame progression. You need a sort of global meta-progression, like unlockable characters or items or skills... or gallery entries.

I think the replay value comes with all the other characters that are being added to the game later on.
(unless noone is interested in the game, or if there are not enough funds)
(however, as long as we have the funds for it and people are interested in having more characters, we'll deliver!)

The plan is that the player has to do different stuff in order to unlock new characters.
Some might be unlocked from the very start.
Others would need to be unlocked through certain tasks in the game.
(that's the idea so far, for the time being we'll focus on making the game with one character only, and then we'll see)

2. Character specific - If you do X thing on Y character it'll unlock this item

3. "Achievement" - More specific target required, ranging from simple progression (clear the game), high skill playing (clear in X time, take less than Y hits, etc) or the off the norm ones (like standing in lava for 1 min for RoR)

I particularly like these 2 kinds of "unlocking" new characters/items the most.

I'll upload a hentai pixel sprite animation into the first post shortly!
It's one of the animations that will be used in the game.
I hope you like it!
Re: Deathblight Apocalypse

Gonna say, I really like the text based endings in Last Demon Hunter. Even as simple as the drawings are, I find them way more erotic than just plain CG, because it sets the scenario as well, and the scenario is what makes it really hot.

It was what I really liked about the first version of Paperheads, as well. Will Deathblight do this?