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ACT Ci-En Enty Fantia Ryona [Chairi Soft] Guilty Hell II / A2

The types of users who'd shit up threads with their dirty, filthy, shit-covered hands, overly entitled whining because their hundred-rupee potato laptop from 1999 can't run a 3D game coded in unity, and incessant demands that 'normal' users create mods to 'open shoe, show feet'.

I damn near choked on a cracker when I read this.
Used to be good and people could just share links and be merry, but then the site had a massive influx of users that would just spam threads with '+1' and various repeated posts of requests for links (often when a link was already present in a few previous posts and the OP to boot). For a taste of how it was, take a look at any popular threads on f95zone with the hordes of unwashed ESL beggars scrambling over each other to be the first pervert in the favela to get a free copy of 'Fat Futa Western Girl Funny Adventure 16 - Now with twice the funny plot and biting social commentary!'. The types of users who'd shit up threads with their dirty, filthy, shit-covered hands, overly entitled whining because their hundred-rupee potato laptop from 1999 can't run a 3D game coded in unity, and incessant demands that 'normal' users create mods to 'open shoe, show feet'.

To add to that they always just begged and did nothing else, no sharing themselves because god forbid they actually put the effort in to share which they themselves so desperately thirst for. The bloody 'Where is admin?' spambots have a more varied script then these pitiful great unwashed. Mods got sick of it (and certain users probably went a bit too hard with the bullying of said hentai untouchables) so the 'no begging for links' rule was established.

What a lot of people seem to miss however is that you can still post links in a thread to share with other users (as long as there's no loli/shota) without penalty. People just stopped doing it, with many regular users just forming their own connections with other reliable deviants.

TLDR: ESL disposable accounts got annoying, you can still share links just not ask for them.

I want to somehow just inject this into every user's brain.
How exactly does one find the mimic? I'm working off of a save game that isn't mine, so I have no idea which areas are which and what order they came in. Is it even a repeatable scene? If not could someone share a .15c or .15b save that is from as close to the scene as possible? thanks.
Just wondering if there was anything past the witches and genies? I got to a blue barrier that's blocking the path, but there doesn't ssem to be a way to open it.
and i have no idea where to go after crafting apple cider vinegar for the female merchant.
Does anyone have a save file with the most recent content on it? I am trying to find the slime but can't seem to figure out where it is.
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Does anyone have a save file with the most recent content on it? I am trying to find the slime but can't seem to figure out where it is.
slime is on vivi lab (room that spawning mobs) you can go to 4th door
Does the new demo have a training room like the first game? I can't access the map since there isn't one yet so i'm only curious
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Permanent ban.
The game has just been updated, anyone have a demo link for the updated one?
Hmm, maybe there need to be some greylisted phrases or words like "link" where if somebody writes that in their comment it'll warn them after clicking Post reply like "Hey we notice you wrote [greylisted words]; if you're asking for a free download of the game; stahp it. Get some help. You'll be banned" or something
Hmm, maybe there need to be some greylisted phrases or words like "link" where if somebody writes that in their comment it'll warn them after clicking Post reply like "Hey we notice you wrote [greylisted words]; if you're asking for a free download of the game; stahp it. Get some help. You'll be banned" or something

Nearly all of these accounts are throw away accounts. Your suggestion took more time to make than they had to create a new account and ask for for sauce.
Hi, can someone tell me if there is a way to access the scenes gallery and where i can find it? Thanks!
Hi, can someone tell me if there is a way to access the scenes gallery and where i can find it? Thanks!
There's an incomplete gallery in VIVI's (the doctor) basement. Not sure how you're meant to access it normally, but right now if you play through the magic college in the ruined city, once you get to the underground sewer/dungeon part (it's very green), you can exit the same way you came in and will come out in that basement. The gallery only has like 1/5th of the content currently in the game though, if that.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Official warning.
Hey folks, there is a new update out and a new version of the Demo, looks like it's version is .21a.

All we need is a hero.

cant read japanese but it looks like we are getting better UI now