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Alduris: The Unveiling

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Pushing herself up, Kiriko moved onward, returning to the road and making quick progress. Despite her best efforts, she saw no more similar runic traps and made very good time. With a start, she realizes that she has entered the city limits. The houses are all empty, and most look like they have been broken into. A few are on fire. The fires sputter and hiss from the rain, but continue unabated. A few minutes more of traveling and she will arrive at the walls, where everyone would likely have gone in the event of a disaster. Despite the rather crowded looking houses, she sees nary a soul. A few rats scatter as she hurries through the buildings, and there are small pools of blood or other foul-smelling liquids. However, right before she makes the last turn to the gates, Kiriko hears the loud footsteps of someone running behind her. Dashing into a nearby house, she sees what looks like a small band of peasants, all five of whom are female, rushing down the street. They are armed with simple weapons -- pitchforks, small hammers, and a few torches -- and they run as if the devil himself were after them. One of them trips and falls heavily to the ground, and the other women stop, alarmed. They whisper quietly and rush back to try to help the woman who had fallen. Inspecting the woman, Kiriko can see a beautiful tan face with dark, curly brown hair peeking out from under the woman’s hood. Her face is shining with sweat, and sports a prominent bruise on her left cheek. Kiriko notices that the woman’s simple light dress is heavily ripped and barely seems to cover her body at all.

The women flutter around her, trying to help her to her feet and glancing around, as though expecting an attack from any angle. The fallen woman cries plaintively, whimpering and holding her ruined dress tightly against her body. The others continue talking to her, apparently trying to convince her to stand up and get moving again.

Kiriko briefly ponders her options. The women don’t seem likely to be much of a threat, but they are also clearly being pursued by something. If Kiriko were to help them, it would be likely that whatever was attacking them would target her, as well, and she would have trouble defending herself if she decided to carry the woman.
Walking among the deserted houses, Kiriko begins to suspect a connection with this event and the fate of her village.

Heading towards the gates along the the town wall, she suddenly hears a group coming. Quickly hiding in a house, Kiriko presses herself back against the wall and looks out of the window. A bit surprised by the lightly armed group, she watches them stop and one of them trips. "She's quite pretty" Kiriko thinks as she sees the tripped woman's face. The other women begin to speak to her as she tries to get up

The group's seeming desperation urges Kiriko to action, and she starts making her way towards them to see what their situation is


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

The girl paused for a second but nodded her head in assent. "T-thank you, miss." She followed Natalie quietly as they walked onward.

"M-my name's Stephanie." the girl asked after some time. "What's yours?" Natalie began to reply, but paused. There was Endren! Its walls were lit up with lanterns, standing like a beacon against the storm. Natalie started forward but Stephanie grabbed her hand.

"S-something's not right, miss! What's going on over there?" she said, pointing to the walls.

Natalie paused and peered as best she could where the teenager was pointing, near the town entrance they were approaching. The gate was closed and rocking back and forth. Natalie could just make out small figures against the gate, beating on the wall or throwing themselves against it, but she couldn't really see who they were, especially not in this rain. It was possible they had gotten locked out if the mayor had sealed the gates -- or it was possible they and many others were trying to attack the town. Natalie spotted a small door in the town wall, hidden in an alley between two rows of houses. If she remembered properly, this was a sort of service door that led somewhere into the town. She remembered guards entering and leaving through that door -- maybe it led to the barracks, or a command post? It was entirely possible that this door, too, was blocked or at least guarded -- but maybe some decent soldier would let Natalie and Stephanie in. Peering back at the gate, she could see it had opened, and several figures were rushing inward. Friends or foes, she couldn't really tell, but they were definitely desperate to get in. Getting in through the wide gate didn't seem particularly difficult, though she would have to deal with whomever it was that had entered the town. Eying the teenager next to her, Natalie wondered how to deal with this situation. She could feel a stirring in the air. There was a battle brewing. She could feel it.
"I'm..... Uh oh, this doesn't look good." Natalie says, as she surveys the large group of people gathered in front of the gate. She squints toward the crowd around the gate, trying and failing to make out more details, while pulling the girl behind her. "Keep quiet and hold on to me. Try not to make a sound unless someone or something tries to attack us from behind. If we get into any trouble, let me do the talking.... Or the not talking, as the case may be." She quickly snapped back to her young companion, her voice level but assertive.

Then, she quickly slunk over into the woods, and started heading toward the small alley she'd once seen a guard using to gain entrance back into Endren. If she was lucky, she might be able to get that open, depending on how circumstances were in the town.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Rummaging around in the part of the cave closest to the entrance, Izumi did her best to find anything that could be used as tinder. There were bits of weeds and a few sticks that she decided might be enough to make a small fire. She spent the next few minutes gathering them up and occasionally jumping at the sound of thunder.

It was the thunder that prevented her from noticing the encroaching beast. Izumi had just gotten down onto her knees to gather a small pile of dead weeds when she felt a wet and freezing cold weight crash into her back. It forced her down onto her hands and knees and knocked the wind out of her. A growling sound coming from above her alerted her to her attacker -- a wolf! She felt something poking her from behind and suddenly paled in realization. The thing was going to try to rape her! She stilled for a moment in shock, and that was when she felt the tip of the wolf’s penis line up with her entrance. Starting to panic, Izumi elbowed the beast in the ribs, and the wolf faltered slightly, yelping and giving her just enough leeway to throw it off of her -- damn, but that thing was heavy!
Getting her first real look at the wolf, she quickly noticed its rather large physique, its powerful muscles, its large teeth, and the strange, red bump on its forehead -- the size and shape of the top half of an egg. The beast glares hungrily at her, eyes flashing slightly. Izumi realizes that she wasn’t likely to escape that easily again. She realizes that the wolf has shreds of cloth in its mouth, which it now spits onto the floor. Her clothing, she realizes with a start.
"Ooomph!" Izumi cried as she felt her self being forced to her hands and knees, it took her a moment regain her composure as she got her wind back to hear a growling noise behind her, "Oh no. This is bad. What should I d--- ack!" She cried out as she felt the wolf the line his cock up to her cunt. "Hell NO! Get away from me!" She cried out as the wolf as began to get ready to penetrate her. She elbowed it in the ribs and managed to throw it off of her. "M-my clothes!" She cries out in a distressed realization. Hoping she would be quick enough to pull it off she quickly dashes around the wolf to try to grab a sharp looking stick and promptly try to jam it deep into one of it's eye sockets, weakening and blinding it enough for to hopefully make a mad dash to back to her abode if not kill it.

((I'm going to spend 7 AP to see if I can pull this off.))


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I'm afraid I'm going to have to put off further posting until my finals are over. That's just two weeks, I promise! Things are getting too hectic, and honestly I really need to study. Expect a post no later than... well, the 17th is my last day of class... no later than the 21st. I just have to remove the temptation of working on this thread until after finals are over, and then everything will work out just fine.

Thank you for your patience! I'll make a new post here when things clear up (or if I get lazy, when I decide to stop studying -- hope that I don't, for my grades' sake)!


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling



Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

((Honey, I'm hoooooome! Sorry about the post a day late, I quite honestly didn't realize that yesterday was the 21st... But, well, I woke up early to finish this post! I really didn't sleep well, so please double check and make sure I didn't do something silly, lol.))

BlueSlime said:
Now, as the tentacle creature gazed at her from above, she felt mixed feelings of revulsion and curiosity. Where the tentacles had rubbed against her, she felt her natural lust for them stirring, and a part of her wanted to open herself up to the experience, and despite her yearning she knew such thoughts were wrong. This was indeed a tentacle demon, in the flesh, stooping over her with lust clearly written in its gaze - but it was also a lowly, mindless creature that was possessing what she assumed had been a good man. No, she thought, I must not suffer it to live.

(If Leita is still considered grappled)
Leita pushed and kicked violently at the creature to create some distance, she would not stop struggling to get out of the creatures grasp. When she succeeded in freeing herself, she intended to grab her lance again and assume one of her battle stances - using the Method of the Bloody Talon. She would then strike heavy blows upon the creature until it died or bled out.

Leita Jormund: 41/48 HP, 12/12 AP, 33/33 Mana, 124/156 Stamina

Attempt to free self from grapple: 6 AP
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 15 = successful grapple; 59; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 90 or higher = crit; 28; failed]

Gathering her strength, Leita shoves the creature hard to her left, quickly disentangling her limbs with his and rolling free, snagging her weapon with her free hand as she rolls. The tentacled man lumbers to his feet, glaring at her, but Leita is already rushing forward to press the attack.

[Stance Activated: Method of the Bloody Talon - Strikes cause bleeding damage (10% of original strike's damage is caused every round thereafter until victim heals, or staunches the wound with a dedicated round action.)
--Mana Activation Cost: 5, Fatigue Drain 5 per attack used.]
((Please note that I’ve changed the Stamina drain to a flat 5 Stam per attack. (Feel free to message me with alternatives if needed.))

Heavy Attack:
Leita Jormund: 41/48 HP, 6/12 AP, 28/33 Mana, 119/156 Stamina
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 15 = successful attack; 2; critical miss! Disarmed.]

However, the attack goes wide, and the monster easily leaps clear of her lance. Growling angrily, the man’s tentacles grab her weapon and rip it from her hands, throwing it somewhere behind him. Suddenly weaponless, Leita glares angrily at the beast. Her lance is quite a distance behind the infested man, and she takes a step toward it. (Will take 1 AP to recover.)

The infested man rushes headlong at her, tentacles outstretched.
[Tentacle Tackle: -10 AP; Tentacles: 6/16 AP left]
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 25 = successful attack; 31; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 70 or higher = crit; 82; Critical Grapple!]

The tackle once again brings Leita to her feet -- a little bad luck had meant that she was not quite balanced enough to stop it, and the man sweeps her off her feet again, landing heavily on top of her.
[-3 HP, Infested Man gains +10% to crit for all grapple moves this turn]

Leita Jormund: 38/48 HP, 6/12 AP, 28/33 Mana, 119/156 Stamina
Tentacle Man -- 76.35/90 HP, 2 AP, ?? Mana, ?? Stamina
Tentacle Man’s Tentacles (x4) -- 10/10 HP, 4 AP, 0 Mana, 45/45 Stamina

The man attempts to pull off the remaining bits of Leita’s armor with his own hands.
[Tentacle Man: Strip - Light Attack against armor; 0/2 AP left]
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 20 = successful attack; 13; failed!]
However, Leita manages to fend off his rough hands, continuously preventing them from even touching her, and the man quickly grows tired and feeble. His tentacles, sensing the man’s inability to strip her, quickly rush toward her.

[Tentacles: Strip - Light attack against armor; 14/16 AP left]
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 10 = successful attack; 23; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 90 or higher = crit; 11 ; fail!]
The man’s tentacles quickly swarm over her, and Leita fights desperately to keep them out of her clothing. Despite her best efforts, however, a single tentacle manages worms its way down her armor and clothing and finishes shredding them. Two tentacles grab the pieces of her armor and throw them over near her weapon.
[Metal Armor: destroyed! Someone may be able to repair it, but it’s certainly not wearable right now.]

The tentacles pause, admiring their work. Beneath the creature, Leita lays panting and glistening with sweat from the struggle. Her tanned skin clashes slightly with the paler skin where her armor and clothing normally lay. Very little of her clothing remains: just a few miniscule strips of cloth around her wrists -- even her socks lay tattered near her bare feet. The tentacles pause in their assault, and one reaches up to rub gently against her face, as though attempting to smooth out the angry lines in her face as she glares somewhat half-heartedly back. She moves her head away from the tentacle as though burned.

Suddenly, the monster bursts into action, growling lustfully. The man stares into her eyes, his own glowing bright red and obscuring his normal, human eyes. In a gravelly, angry voice, he says simply, “You’ll... enjoy this, won’t you... lady knight? I’ve always known... you women in armor would... just... need a good... fucking...” The man pants in anticipation, and the tentacles quickly whip forward into action.

[Tentacles: Sexual Assault - 2 x Heavy Attack; 2/16 AP left]
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 10 = successful attack; 27, 46; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 90 or higher = crit; 61, 38; failed]
[Phys Resistance: d100, higher than 10 = penetration; 5, 63]
[Damage dealt: (2 * [3 *(2*200%)]) * 115% = 27.6 fatigue]

[Tentacles: Sexual Assault - Light Attack; 0/16 AP left]
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 10 = successful attack; 99; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 90 or higher = crit; 42; failed]
[Damage dealt: (3 * 2*35%)*115% = 2.4 fatigue]

Two tentacles dive between the two bodies, rushing for Leita’s entrances. One slams deep into her damp pussy without warning, making her cry out in pleasure and pain, and immediately begins thrusting in and out. The other impacts roughly against her anus, unable to properly enter her tightened backside. It instead rubs vigorously around the other tentacle, teasing her clit and dipping down from time to time to press firmly into her rear entrance. The third tentacle quickly wraps around her breasts, squeezing them roughly in tandem with the others. Leita moans breathily as her secret dreams begin flashing through her mind, matching up with the beast ravaging her now.
Leita Jormund: 38/48 HP, 0/12 AP, 28/33 Mana, 89/156 Stamina

The real question now, she quickly realizes, is whether or not she even wants to resist... She moans again, stopping herself from pushing back against the monster’s thrusts.
(Reminder: your get-out-of-jail-free card is available for use, should you so desire it.)

Quartz said:
As she pokes her head out, Catherine immediately panics upon seeing her new found friend surrounded by enemies. "What's he doing?! That things huge.. it'll kill him!" she thinks to herself as she quickly pulls herself out of the the tunnel entrance and reseals the door. Pulling her bow off its place on her pack, she doesn't waste a second in sprinting directly towards where Sebastian and the things are fighting. Letting him fight those things alone isn't an option to her.

(Not really sure how much AP it's going to take for me to get to the battle, but run towards the fight until I'm in pewpew range is my action if the combat stuff starts here.)
Reacting quickly, Catherine quickly sprints forward to Seb’s aid, arrow drawn, but a bestial roar stops her in her tracks. Now close enough to clearly make out the smaller creatures, she can tell they are mostly human, but feature bizarre, bloated greenish areas on their bodies -- one on its forearm, and the other on its stomach. The skin there bulges, and tentacles sprout outward. As Catherine watches, they lash out at Seb, drawing lines of blood on his back. Seb doesn’t move. The larger creature, Catherine realizes, is a fully transformed human, easily three feet taller than the others. His skin is a dark, almost black green, and his body sports impossibly perfect muscles with long tentacles arcing from his back. The bloated flesh is mostly gone, save for a single spot on his forehead that bulges outward obscenely. His hands are clawlike, ending in razor sharp points. His eyes glow a deep red and his voice, roaring again at Seb, is an impossibly low one. He turns his head toward Catherine with a glare and suddenly smiles an evil smile.

“Silly human... We’ll slay you and take your little friend with us!” the creature booms, redirecting its attention to Seb. “Oh, what pleasures of the flesh she will enjoy...” the beast licks its lips with an impossibly long, lighter green tongue and then rushes forward, his right hand and right tentacles arched backward in preparation for a strike as the smaller infested men rush forward from Seb’s sides. Sebastian, on the other hand, does not move, fists clenched, merely staring directly at the impossibly tall monster, ignoring the lash marks on his back. Catherine cries out a warning when Seb suddenly stomps powerfully. Catherine cries out again as a powerful shockwave ripples the ground, knocking her flat onto her stomach. She can only watch as the monsters, previously charging forward, stumble to a stop and try to stay standing. Seb suddenly lurches into action, placing his palm flat down against the ground. He roars, and from the ground erupts a massive spike of rock and dirt, impaling the larger beast and nearly tearing it in half.

Eyes wide, Catherine can only stare as Seb, panting, bends and places his other palm to the ground. Arching his back as though lifting an incredibly heavy object, Seb rises slowly to his feet, pulling from the earth a four-foot-long club made entirely of rock, and lowers himself into a ready stance. He eyes the smaller humanoids speculatively and makes a come-hither gesture with his hands. The infected men make no movement, apparently stunned into inaction. The one on the left turns to look at her, obviously attempting to find an easier target.

“Good timing, miss,” he says simply to Catherine. “I could use a hand with these smaller beasties, if yeh don’ mind.” And with that, he launches himself at the righthand monster, yelling.

[You are now within range to begin attacking.]

Though Emilia had never put the amount of effort into learning magic as others she knew, it was a skill the flash and pomp loving girl had looked into. Moving closer to the fray but still out of reach, Emilia stares for a moment, still trying to figure out how she can help. Suddenly she has an idea, something that just might give the angel and Garen an edge. Concentrating on the demonic entity, Emilia calls up what magical power she has, while holding her hand out with her fingers spread. Focusing her mind, she screams at the creature, then releases the magic in a shower of bright sparks aimed directly at it's eyes. The sparks themselves wouldn't hurt much, but the blinding light they give off might give it too much trouble to fight, while the heat should catch his burlap sack covered head alight. Hopefully, with the vile creature preoccupied with the spell, the angel and Garen can either destroy it, or escape with her.

(cast spell: Sparking Shower. Beam, one target, deals 4 damage and reduces agility by 5 for 4 turns. Mana cost: 4([0.6*4]+5) = 29.6)

The scarecrow turns just in time to catch the sparks right in the face. It yelps, a rather less-than-evil sound, and stumbles backwards two steps. The angel and Garen glance at each other and then rush forward. Garen targets the devil’s knees with a leaping kick and strikes solidly. The scarecrow’s legs crack loudly and splinter into pieces as the angel leaps off of Garen’s back into the air, directly above the demon. She looks down at him, mouthing something arcane, and her sword bursts into magnificent golden flames. She shouts a warning to Garen, who quickly skips backward, and swings her flaming sword with two hands. From the tip of the sword emerges a fireball that quickly rushes down and smothers the demon. The demonic beast, now aflame with a holy fire, screams for a few seconds and then suddenly explodes, expelling a dark dust several feet in every direction.

For a moment, there is silence.

But then, Garen speaks. “So... How you doin’?” he says smoothly, turning to the angel. The woman returns his gaze with a stony one of her own, and his joking smirk slowly slides off his face. He backs off a step and raises his hands. “I mean, uh, are you okay, miss?” He seems to pause, as though suddenly realizing exactly what he was talking to. She looks him over and nods at him.

The woman turns to Emilia and inspects her with a critical eye for a few seconds. “You’re safe,” she says in a light, quiet voice, slowly walking toward her. “Thank goodness.” Garen, behind her, stares quizzically at her, shrugging and mouthing, “but what about me?” Emilia snickers a little, but then refocuses on the angel, now face-to-face with her. Emilia is struck by her incredible beauty. She is impossibly thin but with a sizable bust and a soft but still angular face. Emilia notes that the tips of this woman’s ears are pointed, slightly.

“My name is Solara,” she says, simply. She looks over Emilia’s shoulder. “Endren is going to need you, now. Please, head there now... We’re not sure how much longer the town will last,” Solara says softly.

Emilia opens her mouth to question the angel when Solara reaches out and places a hand on Emilia’s shoulder. “We can’t help the town directly. We are too few, and they are too many.” The angel grabs Emilia’s hand and places two small necklaces into it. “These are holy beads,” says Solara, “blessed by our magic. They will guarantee temporary safety from the vile demons that have invaded your lands. They will only work once. Take these, both of you, and go. Hurry!” And with that, the woman backs up a few steps and jumps, wings flapping frenetically as she rapidly gains height. “Someone else needs me, now, but we will meet again!” She waves, eagerly. Suddenly, she seems a bit like a kid in a candy shop -- obviously she delights in flight. And with that thought in mind, the angel quickly flies off, sword in hand.

Emilia watches her fly off, then turns to Garen.

“Guess we’re off to Endren, then,” she says, and she and Garen hurry onward.

Entering the rows of houses and stores that surround the gated walls of Endren, they find themselves standing before the gates, currently wide open, with what looks like hordes of peasants of all kinds running inward. A few guards stand at the gates and try to keep things orderly, but it doesn’t appear to be working. Other guards stand at the outskirts of the crowd, eyes scanning the streets for trouble. One of these guards spots the pair and waves them along, saying only “Hurry! They’ll be here in just a minute or two!”

Cramming themselves into the crowd of the rough, heaving crowd, Emilia and Garen are almost immediately separated, and despite Emilia’s shouts she quickly loses sight of him. Hemmed in by a group of rather scummy looking men, she quickly finds herself within a large market plaza, where groups of people huddle together for warmth under vendor’s roofs and makeshift tents.

“Lady?” a voice asks from behind her. “I don’t think someone as pretty as yerself should be out here in the open.” She turns to find a group of four rather... rough looking men standing behind her. Their apparently leader, the bald, gangly man in the front addresses her again. “It’s an invasion of perverted demons, after all, isn’t it? The boys and I have a safehouse in this town just down the street. S’got plenty of food and drink and sturdy doors and windows. We were just headed there now. Wanna come?” he asks, looking straight into her eyes. A man to his left glances up and down her body and then turns away, looking at one of the families hiding in a cloth vendor’s shop.

KakkaHousou said:
Heading towards the gates along the the town wall, she suddenly hears a group coming. Quickly hiding in a house, Kiriko presses herself back against the wall and looks out of the window. A bit surprised by the lightly armed group, she watches them stop and one of them trips. "She's quite pretty" Kiriko thinks as she sees the tripped woman's face. The other women begin to speak to her as she tries to get up

The group's seeming desperation urges Kiriko to action, and she starts making her way towards them to see what their situation is
As Kiriko emerges, the women gasp and tighten their ranks, torches and weapons ready. “Who goes there?” cries one of the women, a young but motherly-looking figure with light brown hair tied into a ponytail. When Kiriko steps into the light of the torches, the women relax.

“Oh, thank goodness,” one of them exclaims, a waif of a woman with hip-length red hair. She steps forward and actually embraces Kiriko. “You, you look like someone who could fight!” She pulls back. “Everything’s gone crazy! Demons are everywhere! Poor Natasha here was... was attacked... by one of those foul things -- in the shape of a dog! We managed to beat it off of her, but then it took off...” She turns to look at the rest of the women and seems to draw strength. “We’re heading to Endren. It’s the only city for miles that has good, solid walls and an active and diligent force of guardsmen. Would you like to accompany us?” She pauses but adds for good measure, “There’s safety in numbers!”

Tassadar said:
"I'm..... Uh oh, this doesn't look good." Natalie says, as she surveys the large group of people gathered in front of the gate. She squints toward the crowd around the gate, trying and failing to make out more details, while pulling the girl behind her. "Keep quiet and hold on to me. Try not to make a sound unless someone or something tries to attack us from behind. If we get into any trouble, let me do the talking.... Or the not talking, as the case may be." She quickly snapped back to her young companion, her voice level but assertive.

Then, she quickly slunk over into the woods, and started heading toward the small alley she'd once seen a guard using to gain entrance back into Endren. If she was lucky, she might be able to get that open, depending on how circumstances were in the town.
Tugging the girl along, the pair passes over the gate and heads down the alley to the service entrance. Pressing her ear lightly against the heavy wooden door, she hears nothing -- though the door is pretty thick. Grabbing the thick, iron handle and edging the door open slowly, Leita peeks in through the open crack -- and is startled to find a woman, dressed head to toe in a heavy set of armor, staring her in the face.

You!” the woman yelps. “You’re that freaky alchemist, aren’t you!” She attempts to close the door, though Natalie manages to stop her with her foot. “You probably started this mess! Who knows what you’ve been up to, heading out into the forest.”

Pulling on the handle, Natalie is unable to open the door. Presumably, the woman on the other side is trying to close it. Try as she might, Natalie cannot unable to enter the room without convincing this woman to let her in.

TentanariX said:
"Ooomph!" Izumi cried as she felt her self being forced to her hands and knees, it took her a moment regain her composure as she got her wind back to hear a growling noise behind her, "Oh no. This is bad. What should I d--- ack!" She cried out as she felt the wolf the line his cock up to her cunt. "Hell NO! Get away from me!" She cried out as the wolf as began to get ready to penetrate her. She elbowed it in the ribs and managed to throw it off of her. "M-my clothes!" She cries out in a distressed realization. Hoping she would be quick enough to pull it off she quickly dashes around the wolf to try to grab a sharp looking stick and promptly try to jam it deep into one of it's eye sockets, weakening and blinding it enough for to hopefully make a mad dash to back to her abode if not kill it.

((I'm going to spend 7 AP to see if I can pull this off.))
Izumi: 28/28 HP, 6/13 AP, 34/34 Mana, 116/116 Stamina

Catching the wolf by surprise, Izumi madly dashes to the side, going deeper into the tunnel. Grabbing some of the random tinder she had already collected, Izumi manages to find a small, relatively sharp stick.
[Sharp Stick: 1 damage, easily broken.]
She rushes forward, aiming for the wolf’s eyes.

Emilia: 36/36 HP, 6/13 AP, 42/42 Mana, 132/132 Stamina
[Hit Chance: d100, higher than 15 = successful attack; 64; success!]
[Crit Chance: d100, 93 or higher = crit; 6; failed]
[Damage dealt: (2 * 125%) = 2.5 damage] [Damage dealt: (2 * 200%) = 4 fatigue]

She whacks the beast right in the face, but is unable to damage his eyes in any way. The wolf leaps back, seemingly gathering its energy for something.
(You have 6 more AP for this turn.)

((Welcome, GargantuaBlarg!))
East of Endren: Ilirra
“Shit! I’m outta Mana -- I can’t keep ‘em under anymore. Hurry up!”

Ilirra opened her eyes to a figure cloaked in a dark hood and voluminous robe leaning over her, peering down. “Fuck, this one’s up!” he exclaimed. The figure dashes backward, disappearing from her line of sight as she blinked blearily in confusion. Sitting up in sudden concern, Ilirra finds herself in her family home in the village. Peering around, she realizes that the rest of her family is stirring. The man who had been in her face quickly races out the front door. A sudden yelp from Aslen, her 24-year-old sister(-in-law?), causes her to swivel drunkenly to face her. A similarly robed figure, brandishing a drawn dagger, is reaching down to grab Aslen, and Ilirra doesn’t hesitate for even a second while another reaches down . Fumbling, Ilirra grabs her trusty crook and launches herself from the makeshift bed of hay and cloth.

((Choose your actions and I’ll post again today or tomorrow.))
Last edited:


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

"DAMN IT!" Izumi cursed out seeing that she had missed her intended target, But she takes advantage of the wolf's temporarily delay by again leaping towards the beast, and decides to go for a weak spot and hopefully slow it down lunging towards the wolf's hamstring with sharp stick, hoping to slow it down a good deal if not cripple it, and then taking that opportunity to run as fast as she can out of the cave and hopefully outrun it back to her home.

((I'm going to spend out of my remaining six and hope that it's enough to make it work.))


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Tugging the girl along, the pair passes over the gate and heads down the alley to the service entrance. Pressing her ear lightly against the heavy wooden door, she hears nothing -- though the door is pretty thick. Grabbing the thick, iron handle and edging the door open slowly, Leita peeks in through the open crack -- and is startled to find a woman, dressed head to toe in a heavy set of armor, staring her in the face.

“You!” the woman yelps. “You’re that freaky alchemist, aren’t you!” She attempts to close the door, though Natalie manages to stop her with her foot. “You probably started this mess! Who knows what you’ve been up to, heading out into the forest.”

Pulling on the handle, Natalie is unable to open the door. Presumably, the woman on the other side is trying to close it. Try as she might, Natalie cannot unable to enter the room without convincing this woman to let her in.

Natalie winces in pain as her foot gets caught in the door, and the armored woman tries to push her out of the doorway. "Damnit, I was in the woods when this happened! Hell, I don't even know WHAT happened yet! I came home to find my village and my home destroyed! How could I have caused it? And I have a child with me, whom I found buried in her parents cart, and whom I have sworn to care for! If you're not going to let me in, at least let her in, so she can try and find her parents! Or are you as barbaric as those animals trying to claw their way into the gate!?" She shouts into the doorway, banking on the woman in the doorway being a 'nice' person. Appealing to such a persons sense of altruism was the easiest way to manipulate them, and she wasn't even lying in this case. Hopefully, her reputation wouldn't get in the way, this time.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Reacting quickly, Catherine quickly sprints forward to Seb’s aid, arrow drawn, but a bestial roar stops her in her tracks. Now close enough to clearly make out the smaller creatures, she can tell they are mostly human, but feature bizarre, bloated greenish areas on their bodies -- one on its forearm, and the other on its stomach. The skin there bulges, and tentacles sprout outward. As Catherine watches, they lash out at Seb, drawing lines of blood on his back. Seb doesn’t move. The larger creature, Catherine realizes, is a fully transformed human, easily three feet taller than the others. His skin is a dark, almost black green, and his body sports impossibly perfect muscles with long tentacles arcing from his back. The bloated flesh is mostly gone, save for a single spot on his forehead that bulges outward obscenely. His hands are clawlike, ending in razor sharp points. His eyes glow a deep red and his voice, roaring again at Seb, is an impossibly low one. He turns his head toward Catherine with a glare and suddenly smiles an evil smile.

“Silly human... We’ll slay you and take your little friend with us!” the creature booms, redirecting its attention to Seb. “Oh, what pleasures of the flesh she will enjoy...” the beast licks its lips with an impossibly long, lighter green tongue and then rushes forward, his right hand and right tentacles arched backward in preparation for a strike as the smaller infested men rush forward from Seb’s sides. Sebastian, on the other hand, does not move, fists clenched, merely staring directly at the impossibly tall monster, ignoring the lash marks on his back. Catherine cries out a warning when Seb suddenly stomps powerfully. Catherine cries out again as a powerful shockwave ripples the ground, knocking her flat onto her stomach. She can only watch as the monsters, previously charging forward, stumble to a stop and try to stay standing. Seb suddenly lurches into action, placing his palm flat down against the ground. He roars, and from the ground erupts a massive spike of rock and dirt, impaling the larger beast and nearly tearing it in half.

Eyes wide, Catherine can only stare as Seb, panting, bends and places his other palm to the ground. Arching his back as though lifting an incredibly heavy object, Seb rises slowly to his feet, pulling from the earth a four-foot-long club made entirely of rock, and lowers himself into a ready stance. He eyes the smaller humanoids speculatively and makes a come-hither gesture with his hands. The infected men make no movement, apparently stunned into inaction. The one on the left turns to look at her, obviously attempting to find an easier target.

“Good timing, miss,” he says simply to Catherine. “I could use a hand with these smaller beasties, if yeh don’ mind.” And with that, he launches himself at the righthand monster, yelling.

[You are now within range to begin attacking.]
(Evidently Sebastian rolls 20's >.>)

Rushing towards the fight with an arrow at the ready, a sudden wave of panic stops Catherine in her tracks. As she draws near enough to the fight to get a good look at the attackers, she could plainly see the familiar bulges present on all of them. There could be no doubt that those things were once people, even the warped towering monstrosity. She barely even hears the threats directed at her bellowed by the giant enemy, as her mind is too busy racing about what this means for the town. It isn't until Seb's shockwave rips her off of her feet that she comes back to her senses. Stunned by the blast, she merely watches in awe as the column of stone tears into the huge demon, dispatching it in one fell swoop.

Seeing one of the two remaining enemies turn its attention towards her, she picks herself up off of the ground and readies her bow again. Unwilling to let anything distract her this time, she focuses her mana into forming a pair of elaborate glowing white runic circles which float in the air on either side of her. Quickly stringing a new arrow, she takes only the briefest amount of time to ensure that the arrow was aimed in the general direction of the demon on the left before loosing it. Hoping the arrow would be sufficient distraction, she shifts her focus back to the runes beside her. Pouring more mana into them, they suddenly reform into several brightly colored orbs of energy, each with its own color. Simultaneously, they all streak towards the demon, exploding as they crash into him.

"Don't worry Sebastian! I've got this one!" She yells back.

(Light attack with the bow for 2 AP, then cast Mage's Fireworks twice for 11.5 damage each to dump the rest of my AP. Mana cost should be (11.5*0.6)=6.9 for each of them and 13.8 for the both.)
Last edited:

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

(Yay, Twisted's number-packin' little brother is here again. Game on WHOOO)

As Kiriko emerges, the women gasp and tighten their ranks, torches and weapons ready. “Who goes there?” cries one of the women, a young but motherly-looking figure with light brown hair tied into a ponytail. When Kiriko steps into the light of the torches, the women relax.

“Oh, thank goodness,” one of them exclaims, a waif of a woman with hip-length red hair. She steps forward and actually embraces Kiriko. “You, you look like someone who could fight!” She pulls back. “Everything’s gone crazy! Demons are everywhere! Poor Natasha here was... was attacked... by one of those foul things -- in the shape of a dog! We managed to beat it off of her, but then it took off...” She turns to look at the rest of the women and seems to draw strength. “We’re heading to Endren. It’s the only city for miles that has good, solid walls and an active and diligent force of guardsmen. Would you like to accompany us?” She pauses but adds for good measure, “There’s safety in numbers!”
As she comes into contact with the group, she's a bit surprised by the sudden embrace. Still, it doesn't take long for her to decide. "Let's head towards Endren. I'm going there as well, so we can stick together till then. But please, don't do sudden things like that. I'm a little fidgety after what happened at my village"

Kiriko joins up with the group, but still maintains her alertness. There might be something here that she's not seeing


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Leita's face burned with embarrassment and anger. The beast was too fast for her, and swept aside her lance strike with ease. It's tentacles batted the haft of her weapon with such force that it was sent spinning out of her grasp, landing point first into the the earth several yards away. As she stood there weaponless, looking dumbly at where her weapon fell, the monster had pushed itself once again into her, with renewed vigor.

Thrown to the ground, she pushed her hands upward and grasped the man's arms as he moved to tear away her armor.

"Mmmf, no! Get off me!" she yelled, and then gritting her teeth as she pushed back at him with her strength. She was at first satisfied that she had stopped his advance, and was preparing to roll him over when the tentacles took her by surprise. She felt a single slimy tendril enter underneath her dress, sliding along her leg and through to her waist, then worming through the cloth wrapping that held her sizable breasts in place beneath her armor.

With a sudden rip, the tentacle pulled upward, and the strain it put on the tattered straps of her armor was too much. The breastplate fell to the side and Leita's dress and undergarments were torn asunder, leaving her body naked before the creature. The tanned skin was slick with sweat and covered in slime where the tentacles had slithered along her during the rough stripping.

The pouring rain made her hair damp against the ground and hid the tears of frustration and helplessness that began to well up in the knight's eyes. The man tossed her broken armor aside with a sneer and looked at her like some sort of prize. She felt his eyes on her and she turned from the tentacle's touch along her cheek as though it were a slap. She was recoiling from both the creature and her own filthy desires - lusts that she had been unwilling to admit to herself even in the privacy of her own chambers at the keep.

Twisted1 said:
Suddenly, the monster bursts into action, growling lustfully. The man stares into her eyes, his own glowing bright red and obscuring his normal, human eyes. In a gravelly, angry voice, he says simply, “You’ll... enjoy this, won’t you... lady knight? I’ve always known... you women in armor would... just... need a good... fucking...” The man pants in anticipation, and the tentacles quickly whip forward into action.
Leita's eyes widened as the tentacles shot forward, and reflexively she tightened her muscles, clenching her stomach, buttocks, and vaginal muscles tight to deny the man what he wanted - entry into her virgin body...

But her legs were held wide apart by supporting tendrils, leaving her flowering maidenhood helpless to deny the onslaught. The wriggling member writhed and pushed, pausing against her delicacy before - in one horrifying moment - it tore through and entered deep inside her. Leita convulsed in agony as her tight and untried pussy was violated by a slimy, long, and thick appendage. She clenched her teeth and groaned in pain. She felt a second member push towards her anus and in a desperate act of defiance she clenched tightly with all of her might. The pain was so great as the creature continued to thrust in and out, and she could feel the warm blood of her destroyed virginity mingled against the cold sweat, slime, and rainwater. The second tentacle pushed in vain to violate her, but she would not let it.

Giving up momentarily, the second tentacle moved to assist the first, while still others moved to grope and squeeze Leita's well endowed chest. Amidst the horrid pain, spots of even more detestable pleasure began to blossom, and the lady knight began to moan breathlessly as she struggled with her own thoughts.

This isn't happening. It can't be happening. I - I didn't want it to be this way. Not my first time. Not with this thing! I - ooh, God! It hurt at first but now... now it's starting to feel good. Ah ah... too good. Oh, by the Kingdom, what's happening to me! No no no no...

Flashbacks of her dreams of the past, and the stories she had overheard from the knights and learned men, came back to her now. They were the stories of the companions of Lugh, the priestess Ingred and the gypsy witch Tascha - both of whom were supposedly saved from the ravaging of demons by the hero. How many times had she dreamed of herself being in their place? How foolish had those dreams been, now compared with the stark reality that was this creature. But then again, she thought, was it really so bad?

Leita's eyes began to show less signs of anger and some measure of acceptance as she thought it over in her mind. The initial pain had started to subside, and the tight, slick fullness that was inside her was now threatening to numb her into submission, so great was the feeling of its ridges and throbbing vitality against her sensitive clit and folds. The feeling of giving in, of helpless ravaging, had always called to her in her dreams, and now here she was, living out in her rose colored fantasy -- and yet she knew that some critical, unknown element was missing.

Then, from somewhere deep inside her, from some wellspring of ego and oathbound honor, there came the sudden realization, like the clapping of thunder echoing among the highlands between rock and stone, that she must not give in. She had been robbed of her maidenhood, but her integrity was only hers to give away, and she would not give the demon that last satisfaction - not under the eyes of the heavens, not while she drew a free breath and perceived with freer thoughts.

Tightening her muscles further, as though preparing to expel the beast from her body through contraction alone, Leita prepared to give one more mighty effort. She would clasp the man close to her and roll on top of him, and then, with a ferocity borne of desperation and indignation, she would press her fingers into the demon's eyes, yelling and straining with all the naked fury in her body.

[((Grapple attack to gain a position of domination, followed by Leita using whatever AP she has to claw at his face and eyes to cause as much pain as possible.))]


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

The scarecrow turns just in time to catch the sparks right in the face. It yelps, a rather less-than-evil sound, and stumbles backwards two steps. The angel and Garen glance at each other and then rush forward. Garen targets the devil’s knees with a leaping kick and strikes solidly. The scarecrow’s legs crack loudly and splinter into pieces as the angel leaps off of Garen’s back into the air, directly above the demon. She looks down at him, mouthing something arcane, and her sword bursts into magnificent golden flames. She shouts a warning to Garen, who quickly skips backward, and swings her flaming sword with two hands. From the tip of the sword emerges a fireball that quickly rushes down and smothers the demon. The demonic beast, now aflame with a holy fire, screams for a few seconds and then suddenly explodes, expelling a dark dust several feet in every direction.

For a moment, there is silence.

But then, Garen speaks. “So... How you doin’?” he says smoothly, turning to the angel. The woman returns his gaze with a stony one of her own, and his joking smirk slowly slides off his face. He backs off a step and raises his hands. “I mean, uh, are you okay, miss?” He seems to pause, as though suddenly realizing exactly what he was talking to. She looks him over and nods at him.

The woman turns to Emilia and inspects her with a critical eye for a few seconds. “You’re safe,” she says in a light, quiet voice, slowly walking toward her. “Thank goodness.” Garen, behind her, stares quizzically at her, shrugging and mouthing, “but what about me?” Emilia snickers a little, but then refocuses on the angel, now face-to-face with her. Emilia is struck by her incredible beauty. She is impossibly thin but with a sizable bust and a soft but still angular face. Emilia notes that the tips of this woman’s ears are pointed, slightly.

“My name is Solara,” she says, simply. She looks over Emilia’s shoulder. “Endren is going to need you, now. Please, head there now... We’re not sure how much longer the town will last,” Solara says softly.

Emilia opens her mouth to question the angel when Solara reaches out and places a hand on Emilia’s shoulder. “We can’t help the town directly. We are too few, and they are too many.” The angel grabs Emilia’s hand and places two small necklaces into it. “These are holy beads,” says Solara, “blessed by our magic. They will guarantee temporary safety from the vile demons that have invaded your lands. They will only work once. Take these, both of you, and go. Hurry!” And with that, the woman backs up a few steps and jumps, wings flapping frenetically as she rapidly gains height. “Someone else needs me, now, but we will meet again!” She waves, eagerly. Suddenly, she seems a bit like a kid in a candy shop -- obviously she delights in flight. And with that thought in mind, the angel quickly flies off, sword in hand.

Emilia watches her fly off, then turns to Garen.

“Guess we’re off to Endren, then,” she says, and she and Garen hurry onward.
Garen and the woman's attacks are so sudden that Emilia barely even has time to shield her eyes before the creature explodes into dust. When the debris clears, however, she is pleased to hear Garen's flirty voice, making it obvious that big man is fine. A grin comes to her face as she glances at the man, but the angel's sudden intense attention causes the girl to tense up and stand straighter than before. 'She's beautiful,' Emilia thinks, her eyes poring over the angel's every feature, growing slightly jealous and competitive despite the face that the otherworldly woman had saved her life.

"E-emilia," she responds to the angel's introduction, though she falls silent as the woman continues to speak, obviously preoccupied. "Need me?" she tries to ask, but is once again spoken over. Stammering, the dancer tries to raise her voice in question, but before she can, the angelic beauty lifts off into the air, sending Emilia into stunned silence as she watches the winged woman lift gracefully into the sky, almost like a sort of dance. She stares for a few moments, before noticing Garen gaping up at the lovely woman. Nudging him, she smiles and hands him one of the angel's necklaces before turning towards Endren...
Entering the rows of houses and stores that surround the gated walls of Endren, they find themselves standing before the gates, currently wide open, with what looks like hordes of peasants of all kinds running inward. A few guards stand at the gates and try to keep things orderly, but it doesn’t appear to be working. Other guards stand at the outskirts of the crowd, eyes scanning the streets for trouble. One of these guards spots the pair and waves them along, saying only “Hurry! They’ll be here in just a minute or two!”

Cramming themselves into the crowd of the rough, heaving crowd, Emilia and Garen are almost immediately separated, and despite Emilia’s shouts she quickly loses sight of him. Hemmed in by a group of rather scummy looking men, she quickly finds herself within a large market plaza, where groups of people huddle together for warmth under vendor’s roofs and makeshift tents.

“Lady?” a voice asks from behind her. “I don’t think someone as pretty as yerself should be out here in the open.” She turns to find a group of four rather... rough looking men standing behind her. Their apparently leader, the bald, gangly man in the front addresses her again. “It’s an invasion of perverted demons, after all, isn’t it? The boys and I have a safehouse in this town just down the street. S’got plenty of food and drink and sturdy doors and windows. We were just headed there now. Wanna come?” he asks, looking straight into her eyes. A man to his left glances up and down her body and then turns away, looking at one of the families hiding in a cloth vendor’s shop.
Though she attempts to keep a hand on Garen's muscular arm, Emilia soon finds herself lost amidst the sea of refugees. Worse, with the crowd being so thick, she soon finds herself needing to pull away from a number of unwanted touches. At the first sign of an opening the pushes her way out of the crowd, thankful for the momentary relief as the crowd bustles through the market. Hoping to spot Garen, she stands on her tip toes, though she still isn't tall enough to see over the crowd.

A bit startled by the voice behind her, Emilia drops back down to her feet and spins around. The man's compliment immediately brings a polite smile to her face, though she feels from the appearance that politeness would be lost on them. The men appear to be the kind that Emilia always hated performing for, rough and uncivilized, the kind that didn't tip well and were more interested in whores than entertainers. Suddenly more aware of her state of dress, Emilia brings a hand down to bottom of Garen's shirt, pulling it down slightly to try to better cover herself. "That's a... kind offer," she says, looking at the leader while taking a small step back, "but I was just looking for my family. Maybe after I make sure they're safe, we can all join you." Noticing the cloth shop, she begins to move slowly towards it, wondering if she might be able to buy something a bit more covering than the big man's shirt.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling


A clusterfuck of bad formatting and invalidated tabbing

Name: Ilirra Fenith (formerly Ardaluard)
Race: Human
Age: 31

SPECIALS Final /Base /mods
Strength: 8.1 /8 /+10%
Perception: 4 /4
Endurance: 9 /9
Charisma: 6 /6 /-10%*(5.4)
Intelligence: 5 /5 /-10%*(4.5)
Agility: /7 /7
Luck: /3 /3
Spirit: /3 /3

Derived Stats Final Base/mods Formula
Action points: 12 12 5 + AGI
Critical Chance: 3% 3% LUK%
Damage Threshold: 1 0+! Armor
Health: 56 56 20 + (END x 4)
Mana: 34 34 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT
Stamina: 197.8 172+15% 100 + (END x 8)
Physical Resistance: 10 9 Damage Threshold + END
Mental Resistance: 7 7 Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2)
Melee: [] + 4 +4 (Weapon damage / [Points below req STR + 1]) + (STR/2)
Ranged: [] + 4 +4 (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2)
Unarmed: 21 21 21 (Unarmed skill/5) + (STR/2)

Skills Final Base, mods
Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence = 10 10
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma = 10 10
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = 5.1 6, -15%
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance = 16 16
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception = 8 8
Guns – Primary stat: Agility = 14 14, -10%*(12.6)
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception = 8 8
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence = 10 10
Melee – Primary stat: Strength = 16 16, -10%*(14.4)
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = 5.1 6, -15%
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence = 10 10
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility = 14 14
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma = 13 10+3
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance = 18 18
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance = 17 17


Porter: You work as a general laborer, usually lifting heavy loads for a living. You are quite healthy and fit with all the rigorous work, but the mundanity has left you even more... well... mundane that most other mortals.
+15% Stamina Points
+10% Strength
-15% Destructive Magic
-15% Regenerative Magic

Faults – Create At Least Two

Common: Of low social rank. -10% Charisma in appropriate circumstances (i.e. dealing with nobles and people who give a shit)

Uneducated: No formal schooling. -10% Intelligence in appropriate circumstances (anything academic)

Civilian: You might have experience from a couple bar brawls, but otherwise you have no training for a fight. -10% to Melee and Ranged. (Possibly I could remove this after getting a little experience?)

Shepherd Guarding the Flock:
Ilirra shifts into a defensive stance, brandishing her crook, and prepares to block enemies from attacking her flock.
Defensive stance. If any enemy within Ilirra's range tries to pass her or attack a person or group she is guarding, Ilirra will attempt to intercept with a light attack. If it hits, the enemy's first strike is prevented, and future attacks will either be directed to Ilirra with a -10% chance to hit or face another interrupting light attack roll.
Costs: All remaining AP. 1 AP per intercept, and any AP used to intercept will not be recovered the next round.

Vice Grip:
Ilirra's grip is preternaturally strong, making her an exceptional grappler.
Reduces chance enemies can gain dominance or break free in a grapple by 5%, increases non-sexual damage in a grapple by 15%, and increases Strength by 1 for every three character levels.
Cost: 8 fatigue per turn.

Sheperd's Crook: 1 damage per AP, 15% chance to stun target for next round.

Clothing: 1 Damage Threshold, +3 to Speech, 5 Durability

Physical Description:
Tall and surprisingly thin for someone so robust, Ilirra's skin is tanned and her body toned and fit from working. She wears a kerchief over her long, blonde, loosely-wavy hair, and has piercing blue-green eyes, under heavy lids.

Usually wears a pair of worn leather boots and work gloves. Always wears a skirt, being taught that it's a lady's proper attire. A blue head-kerchief is her favorite, given to her by her grandma.

Basic Personality Description:
Country girl and family woman. Feels she doesn't spend enough time with her family, since she works most of the day, but loves them dearly.

...Somewhat rough, I guess? I haven't really come up with anything concrete here. I was hoping to try and figure it on in-game.

She's very blue collar, not afraid of work, like, and sorta just... I dunno, "normal". "Rough" or "not delicate", as she spent her life working a farm and hauling shit around, and very family oriented.

Born in a village outside of Endren, Ilirra up 'til now has lived the life of a normal commoner.

At a young age, she married a man who lived in Endren town, and moved there with him. Somewhat unskilled in domestic affairs, she instead got a job working as a porter and general laborer.

Home Description:
Her family's home in the country is typical - disheveled but functional. Stone walls, a thatched roof, with a covered hole at the top as a chimney. It sits a bit further out from the village proper. The village itself consists of about 100 people. The family herds sheep.

The smoke comes from a large common room, from which a few adjoining rooms radiate out from it. Cooking's done in this room, and a fire is kept to warm the place. A few matresses - just sacks filled with straw, changed every now and then - are piled, and serves as the family's bedroom, where they all sleep together - the floor is hardpacked dirt, no windows. Blankets, too. Open to outside.

One of the big adjoining rooms also opens to outside, and it acts as basically a barn. The family's animals are herded inside for the night, to keep them from wandering off/getting stolen/eaten by wild animals. Otherwise bare.

A third room acts as storage. It shares a wall with the barnroom, and only opens into the common room. They keep their food and tools and whatever in here, as well as handling things like food preservation (drying).

Outside, a single shed sits over a latrine trench, and another shed stands for miscellaneous purposes like butchering animals. The rest of the land is used for farming - potatoes and shit.

The Ardaluad household consists of 11 people;
Bassus, Grandfather, patriarch, 71
Loraslan, Grandmother, 73, deceased (died at 52, buried in village cemetery, on a hill on the opposite side of the village)
Finn, Father, 52
Ellen, Mother, 50
Jorir, Eldest son, 34
- Taithja, wife, 31
- 2 sons, 3 daughters; (M, Jorir Jr., 16), (M, Bassir, 14), (F, Taika, 10), (F, Elka, 7), (F, Tailan, 5)
-- (goddamn this generator doesn't do "boring" names very well)
Aslen, youngest sister, 24

The family keeps sheep, and have a moderate-sized herd. They also own a few chickens, pigs, and a lone mule.

Back in town:
Ilirra lives with her husband, four children, and her sister-in-law.
Eothe Fenith, 27, is her husband. He's a shoemaker. He's lived in the city his whole life - they met when Ilirra's family went to town for the market. Tall, long brown hair.

Rithe Fenith, 19, is Eothe's youngest sister. They're very close, and when he opened his own shop, she went with him. She's a seamstress, but somewhat frail and sickly. Usually handles the domestics of the house - cooking and such.

Elena, F, 13. Boy-crazy. "Girly-girl". Takes after Rithe.
Eorir, M, 10. Wants to join the town guard.
Jiskassan, M, 8. Hard worker, works with his father making/fixing shoes.
Sundossa, M, 5. Cry baby.
Irinun, F, 3. Curious.

Their house is in the craftsman's quarter. It's made of wood and rather shabby, with so many kids to support. From the street, the house's heavy wooden front door opens into the workshop, where Eothe spends the day working on shoes. A small closet holds a few supplies, but most of his tools sit out on a bench. Another door leads to a small kitchen. A good deal of the room is taken up by a stone-cobbled fireplace, with a chimney taking the smoke out of the house. What's left is taken up by a table to work food on, and a large tub of water. Another door in the kitchen leads to the house's pantry.

A set of stairs in the workshop leads up to the family's room. The stairs open to a small sitting room at the top - a door from there leads into the family's common room, where the family's beds are - wooden frames with a straw mattress on them and blankets. A ladder against the wall gives access to the thatched roof, and another door leads to the house's small storage room.

Outhouse in the back of the house, attached, as far from a door into the kitchen as possible.

East of Endren: Ilirra
“Shit! I’m outta Mana -- I can’t keep ‘em under anymore. Hurry up!”

Ilirra opened her eyes to a figure cloaked in a dark hood and voluminous robe leaning over her, peering down. “Fuck, this one’s up!” he exclaimed. The figure dashes backward, disappearing from her line of sight as she blinked blearily in confusion. Sitting up in sudden concern, Ilirra finds herself in her family home in the village. Peering around, she realizes that the rest of her family is stirring. The man who had been in her face quickly races out the front door. A sudden yelp from Aslen, her 24-year-old sister (not-in-law), causes her to swivel drunkenly to face her. A similarly robed figure, brandishing a drawn dagger, is reaching down to grab Aslen, and Ilirra doesn’t hesitate for even a second while another reaches down (??). Fumbling, Ilirra grabs her trusty crook and launches herself from the makeshift bed of hay and cloth.

“Fuck, this one’s up!”

It took her a second to realize she wasn't dreaming. When she did, she sits up on her mattress, flinging her blanket aside and blinking the sleep from her eyes. She sees the the form that had been above her dash towards the door and disappear between blinks, but with the unnatural sleep clouding her mind, she can barely register that it was there, let alone any features.

When she hears Aslen's yelp, things start coming together, and Ilirra realizes they're in danger! "WAKE UP! WAKE UUUP!", she screams as loud as she can, while at the same time grabbing the crookstaff that leaned on the wall nearby. As quickly as she can, she pushes herself up and rushes the figure trying to grab Aslen, swinging the staff wide and wild, trying to scare him away from Aslen before he could touch her.

(Uhh, 4 AP Move to rush the figure, maybe to try and catch him off guard? 1 Heavy attack, the big wild swing, and one light attack, representing a weak backswing I guess. What're the weapon damage /str reqs for a staff, again? I don't have any numbers to put in my charsheet's melee/ranged things.)