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Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

The one about Roy in Batman PJ's? Nah that doesn't happen though it would be hilarious if it did. Also, glad to see more people enjoying the awesomeness that is RSG!
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I didn't think it did.

But, yeah, it'd be fucking hilarious if it had.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Quick questions:

How common are zombies in the FMA universe? I don't remember seeing them at all yet your characters are acting like it's an every day occurrence. Not once have they seemed to react in something other than a bored fashion about there being actual undead. They also seem to be able to recognize zombies on sight if they have decided that the people who Kane sent to attack us were zombies. In that situation I would have presumed he either used alchemy or some sort of poison to control them.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

If you've been reading what I've been typing then you'd have noticed that Fuery is pretty shaken up. You haven't really come to any soldiers that have battled them first hand and survived yet. And Fuery described them as creatures, he's never once said they were zombies.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I mean your actual character and wolf's seem to be casually discussing zombies like it doesn't matter.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

James is rather shaken at the whole thing. He's just covering it with determination to stop the mess.

In a way, he's one of those people who can exert some manner of control over how much of his emotions are visible.

My plan, at least, is that they aren't that common. James just views it as necessary for the soldiers to have someone who, at least visibly, isn't shaken. It's a morale thing.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Jack's usually rather apathetic until actions begins. Then he turns emotional.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

And Max reads a lot of comics and watches films, sure they've shaken him up but he can cover it up with his foolishness. I'd imagine even if it isn't DIRECTLY STATED they'd have films of the horror variety.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I just mean, up until you started talking to the soldier in south city your characters did this (With it interpreted to how it sounded)

Hey, this zombie comic book makes me think that crazy injured people are zombies.

Yeah, but Kane isn't a normal zombie. Trust me, I've dealt with them before, so we'll need more powerful alchemy.

Hmmmm, yes maybe Kane wasn't a zombie.He didn't act like the ones I've seen.
Later on:

Sounds like there might be an undead problem down here.

Hmmm, yes, zombies run around stealing supplies all the time so it must be them. It couldn't possibly be bandits or crazy people controlled through alchemy like the ones we fought in central.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Pheonix, apparently you're reading too much into the posts.

For one thing, James made it quite clear during the discussion in Central about the matter that he was just making guesses. That's what conjecture means.

And as for the matter in South City, what they're up against and previous events in the fighting have yet to be described, so you're just jumping to conclusions.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

And as for the matter in South City, what they're up against and previous events in the fighting have yet to be described, so you're just jumping to conclusions.
"Well Mustang told me that the military here was having difficulties with the undead. Something about their supplies going missing or something."

It's been described that they're apparently fighting undead who steal their supplies...?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yes. But the physical appearance of the undead has not yet be relayed in the RP. Your thing about "it can't be bandits or thieves" quite obviously assumed that

a) It was difficult to determine the difference between these undead and normal humans

and b) that the soldiers had not previously witnessed the supply loss.

Before you jump to any more conclusions about something, you might want to make certain that you have all of the details first.

The undead are supposed to be a fictional thing in here. Now that there's two reports of activity of what appears to be undead, the average military type will think that the two events are somehow related.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Actually, that's what I've been trying to bring up. Your characters sound like they are saying stuff like:

"Hmmm, yes, zombies run around stealing supplies all the time so it must be them. It couldn't possibly be bandits or crazy people controlled through alchemy like the ones we fought in central."

Personally, I keep wondering: why do you keep saying it must be undead? Neither of your characters sounds as if they think it could be anything other than zombies. For example:

"Well Mustang told me that the military here was having difficulties with the undead. Something about their supplies going missing or something." Max followed James and Jack off the train and stood on the platform with them. "I suppose we could head to the HQ here and gather more information from them before setting out."
James nodded. "Makes sense to me. Plus, they might be expecting us, if they sent a message in."

I know you meant to say that going to the HQ makes sense, but it also sounds like James is saying that the mysterious loss of supplies being the fault of the undead also makes sense.

Neither James nor Max sounded like they believed the loss of supplies could be blamed on anything else.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Pheonix, that's what I was talking about when I said you were reading too much into things.

James was not talking about the supply thing. He was talking about heading to the HQ.

If something I've posted has a simple explanation or reason behind it, that's what it means. You do not have to read things into my posts, because then you're just making things up, and an argument that could otherwise be avoided, like this one, comes up.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Okay, for the record:

Does anyone want their character to be the group's "voice" in situations like the discussion with Fuery?

I'm just wanting to prevent someone from feeling slighted, because the GM-controlled player characters ran it, when they wanted to be the one asking the questions. I've already spoken with Oni, and he doesn't want to, since there would then be wall of text posts.

EDIT: Here's the listing of ranks in the United States Army: I'm sure that there would be differences in the Amestris Army, but this should give people an idea of where their character is in the command structure. As Oni has mentioned, all characters who are State Alchemists have the rank of Major.
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yup, thats the way it works in FMA too, I just found the FMA Military Rank system on some random website.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I suppose I could act as the voice...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Okay, if anyone is needing a visual of the kind of undead that are present, I'm more/less using the Ghoul unit from WarCraft 3 as the inspiration for it. Modifying it, but that's the basic appearance.

EDIT: Oh, and for those wondering, I'd kind of planned all along to have James' personality have a bit of a conflict in it. He doesn't believe that he has any ability as a leader, or a best a fairly mediocre one. However, when the lives of others are on the line, he can come across as having some of the qualities of a leader.

Just kind of a little twist that I came up with to make the character more interesting.
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Just putting it up, the flanks are about 25ft away from each other.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yeah, they're basically attacking up one street. These undead aren't too bright.