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Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House

By the time Max had recloaked, the "fanboy" was headed for the pub's front door. A couple of robots, tangled in the nets from the canisters, fell into a heap in front of him.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Some was better than none, and it gave the opportunity to set a trap.

Closing the door, James built up a significant charge in the handle that would discharge when any significantly conductive substance neared it.

But... where did that OTHER voice go?

James made to check the subsequent rooms, paying attention to when his little present had been opened.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max had to leap backwards to avoid tripping over, or getting knocked over by, the tumbling bots.

'DAMMIT! The fringe effect... Still need to work on that...'

Seeing little other option, Max switched the canisters back to the smoke rounds, as well as switching the injectors to the acid payload.

'Right in the middle like this, I'm bound to have some of the bots come after me... And the sedative's not going to work on them.'

With that thought, Max dropped cloak, and launched more smoke canisters at nearest clusters of bots as he tried to adopt what he hoped was a more defensive stance.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

The rooms were mostly dressing rooms, bathrooms, and similar things. All showed signs of the recently-ended show; apparently, picking up costumes and such after a show closed was not a major priority...

In the darkness, James heard the sound of a large freight elevator moving from somewhere up ahead of him.


The fight was now in full swing, both inside and outside the pub. Max could see that most of the bots outside were now damaged to the point of immobility. His acid was rather effective; he now had a clear, or at least semi-clear, path to the front door.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

James quickly grabbed up a piece of clothing, tearing it into a makeshift face-covering then made towards the sound of the elevator...
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

As the elevator reached the bottom, the lights came on in the hallway. The girl with the prosthetics from earlier stumbled off, although she didn't seem to be moving so well now. With her functional hand, she was dragging the torso of one of the soundbots behind her.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

With no real place to hide now that the lights were on, James found himself in a bit of a predicament.

Getting sloppy old man... Still, I might come out ahead here if I offer some aid

"Excuse me? I apologize for the intrusion, which seemed perfectly reasonable at the time... but since I'm already here, might I be of assistance?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max quietly snorts a bit at the bots before working his way towards the pub. A quick setting change puts the injectors back on the sedatives, and the canister load back to the nets.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

The girl grunted as she tried to drag herself down the hall on just one working leg.

"Yeah. I gotta get to my workshop at the end of the hall...Gorram EMP fried my sonic blaster." She gestured at her non-functional limbs. "And me, too..."


As Max reentered the pub, he could see that the upstairs balcony seemed to be encased in a giant block of ice, and one of the biker-looking girls had several clearly civilian patrons huddled behind some kind of large, glowing-green doll that was hovering in front of her.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

James stooped over and shouldered the girl's weight on her non-functioning side.

"I assume yours is the room with all the red-eyed... dolls? In that case, let me get the door."

"Also, should anyone else be down here? I heard a voice speaking about Blackbird and Shadeweaver."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Oh, man...I'm dead meat if Ma-er...Blackbird...finds out I was anywhere near that fight..." She suddenly blinked. "Eyes...The attack toys! Oh, but of course, with the ARTEMIS control linkages down, they're not so great at determining what's a target and what's not. Onboard AI's not that great."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max took a moment to give a quick scan of the pub to spot where the remaining bots and the costumed derp were, and formulate a plan on how to help out the others who were trying to protect the civvies.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

The costumed derp was currently menacing the girl in the black minidress near the silver guitar they were trying to get Mozzie to pick up earlier. The other girl, the redhead in the biker outfit, was clinging to his back...

Between Miranda's bow, a black-armored figure using what appeared to be martial-arts attacks, and the power-armored figure from outside, the bots were mostly destroyed; however, one group was attacking the lower level of the restaurant.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Well, I suppose I could take care of them now that I can see, but I get the feeling you'd rather have them in working order... and I highly doubt you've got a bit 'ole 'shut down the kill-toys' button. Any way to get this ARTEMIS online again?
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Oh, ARTEMIS is online. Just, the pathways that allow it to control things have been fried. As for the toys, that's where this comes in." She patted the soundbot torso. "Just open the door and stand back. In the far left corner of the workshop is a storage closet with a heavy steel door. I'll blast them back into there, you slam the door on them. Simple."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Ok then. In 3, 2, 1"

James grabbed the handle, re-absorbing any charge that remained, and stood back.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

The sound of The Most Annoying Thing In The World came out of the torso's speaker, along with visible sound waves that threw the toys back toward the storage closet. Now, with the lights on, James could see that they were teddy bears. In pirate hats.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Resisting the urge to cover his ears, James rushed forward and slammed the door to the closet shut. Then resting his back against it he took a moment to regain his composure.


He started towards the young woman.

"Tell me, do you know who's behind THESE (pointing towards the soundbot) robuts? There's something that's been bugging me about the whole scenario here..."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

'Hope this works...'

Max took a bit of a careful aim, and tried to hit the larger clusters of the remaining bots with his net canisters, while at the same time missing the defenders. Probably not the easiest of tasks.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Not sure. We'll have to check the database, but it looks like what I read about Foxbat's style..." She was at a workbench, with her back to James, and had opened up the side of her modified t-shirt. With an odd sort of wet pop, her prosthetic arm came out of its socket, and she began digging around in the arm's now-exposed shoulder joint with a set of forceps. "Yep, fried the control chip. That means the leg'll have to come off, too."


Max was successful in not netting any of the defenders, but he didn't get all of the bots he was aiming at, either. Across the pub, the young man in the formal wear seemed to be taking up almost a linebacker stance, before his date screamed out "CONNOR! NOT IN THE TUX!!"