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Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Walking closer and risking a glance, James confirmed that his previous calculation had been correct.

"Is Foxbat really dumb? The thing that's bothering me is WHY? I gather from your composure that his minions are receiving a thorough trouncing. Despite your base's- this is your base correct? No, don't answer.- automated defenses being inoperative the number of aggressors wasn't anything close to what it would take to overwhelm the Pub's defenders."

"Why send an attack force that can't win? Well, aside from throwing down the gauntlet, it's a pretty good way to get all or at least MOST of you here right? - who wouldn't run home if they heard it was on fire?- If I were a villain, the only reasons why I'd gather you all in one place would be that it'd keep you from being elsewhere or... if I was trying to finish you all off at the same time."

A bit of nervousness crept into James' voice as he took another, closer, look at the 'soundbot'.

"These things aren't rigged to blow or anything, right?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"If I had to guess, I'd say that whoever is behind this was simply too dumb to realize just how many experienced fighters would be hanging out at the Shillelagh." She absently scratched at the thin silver conduits spread across her bare back. "That one at least won't explode. Buuuttt...the others...uh, we might want to stay in here, just in case..."


In the pub, the impersonator had managed to throw the biker redhead off of his back and was now moving on the minidress-clad blonde. She let out a scream and grabbed the nearby guitar. Rather to the shock of most onlookers (including herself), she was able to swing Rockstar-chan's superheavy guitar as though it was a drum major's baton...
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Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max inwardly sighed. 'Not the best of results, but at least I got the bulk of what I wanted...'

Then the swing happened. While Max was uncertain about the details surrounding the guitar, he had a hunch based on the surprised looks that something was off about it.

Meanwhile, he tried work his way closer, cautiously, while also trying to deal with any bots in the way. If resistance from the bots became serious, he'd start using the acid again. Otherwise, he'd just try to get closer... Without getting in range of the swinging guitar, just to be safe.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Fair enough. I do have the tendency to read into things too deeply."

Turning back towards the cyborg, he raised his hands in a show of exasperation.

"Guess my plan for the evening's been shot down. Need any help? That's some advanced hardware, but I'm no stranger to electronics."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Everything seemed to slow almost to frozen as a sickening crunch echoed through the pub. The Foxbat impersonator fell to the ground, a gooey mass where his head used to be.

"I didn't mean to! I..."

The guitar dropped from her suddenly, seemingly nerveless fingers; several floorboards cracked as it hit the ground. She sank to the floor, curled into a tight ball, and sat rocking against the wall, staring blankly.

Miranda was aghast. "We need to find Shadeweaver NOW!"

Outside, there was a loud noise like a crash of thunder and an ominous dark-purple wave raced across the sky...


James received a snort. "If I can't fix my own prototypes, I deserve to be impaired. You could, however, take that rifle on the table over there and cover the tunnel, in case any of these bots come through. Just - be careful...it's a little, ah, experimental?" She pointed to a very angry hot-pink teddy bear encased in a soundproof container. "That used to be a Top-10 bank robber..."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

'Well, that just happe...'

Max's thought got interrupted, both by the publican's statement, and the view of what's happening outside.

"Okay... That's... Not good... At all..." Despite the perhaps somewhat creepy Plague Doctor get up, Max's voice was clearly tinged with nervousness.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Figured you could only work on one at a time but sure, I can play guard duty."

After examining the rifle, he picked it up and headed out into the hallway and took a covered position in one of the empty rooms doorways.

As he shouldered the weapon he yelled out "This thing got a safety?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

In the confusion, the power-armored figure had disappeared.

Connor ran across to the stage and knelt down. "Aunt Becca's not good. I may need to take her to the clinic..."

Miranda turned to Blackbird. "We have to know what's going on out there."

Blackbird shook her head. Her irritated voice came through her armor's helmet filters, saying, "ARTEMIS' control linkages are offline. We have no sensors anywhere in the city."

"Find Kelly, if you can, then. We NEED those sensors online!"


Before she could answer James, things seemed to...shift suddenly, as though, for a moment, everything was going to fall sideways instead of down. The feeling passed quickly, but left behind a lingering sense of unease in its wake. The hallway and the tunnel entrance looked normal, like nothing had changed, but the feeling persisted.

"Did...you just feel that...?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max took a step or two to steady himself, then hunted for an intact chair or stool to sit on. Once seated, he placed his hands on his knees and worked to try to calm himself. 'Whatever happened out there... I think it's out of my expertise.'
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Yeah. Maybe we should revisit the 'dumb bad-guys' theory once you're patched up?"

And maybe I should keep my nose out of other people's fights. Whatever that was I don't think phasing out would protect me from it.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Miranda's glance swept across Max. For just a second, it seemed that her green eyes were red instead...


From the tunnel, James heard the voice he'd been trying to follow.


A muttered "Aw, man..." came from the workshop.

Out of the tunnel, a woman rushed, her long, straight, dark-blonde hair flipping behind her. At the sight of James in the doorway, she snapped, "Have you seen a girl in here? Short, black t-shirt and jeans, medium-length dark red hair, mechanical arm and leg?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Sure, in there."

Taking his hand off the rifle's stock he thumbed in the workshop's direction.

Guess I'll just roll with it for now, and hey at least I know where to stay the hell away from on future jobs.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max seemed just a bit too focused on whatever he was doing to notice Miranda's eyes. Since he, in fact, seemed to be taking a few calming breaths, it was likely his own eyes were closed for the moment.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"Kelly Ryan!" The woman stormed into Kelly's workshop. "My office, tomorrow morning! You know very well the rules about underclassmen in fights! We'll have a chat about what to do with this power armor of yours..."

"But...Mrs. Stuart! I wasn't in the fight!" A clunk sounded from inside the workshop. "The EMP they used fried me! These are useless. I've been here, trying to fix them! And I don't have power armor."

"We'll discuss that during your detention, young lady. Right now, you need to get the ARTEMIS links back online."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"We'd be done by now if you'd let me help ya know~"

James decided that now would be a good time to exchange the torn slip he had been using to obscure his identity, which was a little less than ideal and began to rummage around looking for something a little more suitable, returning to his vigil every few moments.
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

He found a ninja mask, of all things...

As Mrs. Stuart exited the workshop, she activated her smartwatch phone function. "Kelly and her...help-" She shook her head somewhat incredulously as she glanced at James. "-will be starting on ARTEMIS momentarily."

A soft New Orleans accent floated back out of the speaker. "Conner's taken Becca to the clinic. Belle's gone to find her daddy; I don't know where Lexie's gone...Someone needs to go to the Academy, though. Desi's at cheerleading practice - there's no telling what kind of effect an eruption like that'd have on her."

"It'll be taken care of." Mrs. Stuart moved off down the tunnel.

Kelly poked her head out the door with a sour expression. "Principal Stuart. Just my luck...I think I'm functional again; just let me get dressed and we can start on the linkages. That is, if you still intend to help."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

After a few moments, Max spoke up, mostly directed at Miranda. "Anything I can help with?"
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Miranda thought for a moment, then said, "See if you can find where Alix went. She probably went to look for Winter, but that's not guaranteed."
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

Max nodded, then headed back outside.

'Might as well see if I can spot her easily that way, or maybe some hint as to which way she went...'
Re: Ark City, Central District, Broken Shillelagh Public House/Old Town Theater

"In for a penny, in for a pound as the saying goes. Besides, I'm getting the feeling that this isn't a fight anyone wants to be on the sidelines for."

"Would you mind explaining what exactly, IS an eruption though?"

Kind of felt familiar...