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Brotherhood of NOD base.

Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Stumbling back from Siphon, and gasping at the pain that had tore through her muscles, Sin tried to stabilize herself before falling to a knee and promptly vomiting across the ground.

"Holy fuck," she said as she staggered to her feet.

She tested the wings, lifting herself off the ground, and nodded. It was working. She'd be able to fulfill the contact.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

A slight smirk was all she got in reply, and then he literally rocketed off the ground, heading back into the fray, counter attacking the clones wherever possible, scoring some hits, mostly due to the fact he was approaching the fight more calculating rather than relying on sheer power like Gig was.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Using the muscles in her back, she slowly propelled herself into the sky, getting used to the new wings. After a few minutes of experimentation she started to move up towards the melee, a snarl on her face as she gripped her blades.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Of course I'll kill you," Gig replies to Burrito, all the while laughing. "It's not me who needed you alive, so I have no reason to keep you alive now!" With that two Gig shadow clones rush at Burrito, another two at Sin and the last clone as well as Gig rushes at Siphon.

"You cant keep him hidden all day! I'll find Host even if I have to tear you all to pieces!"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon cackled.

"I can keep him hidden for all eternity if I want, in places even you can't reach Gig. But, I don't care why you wanted to talk to him, only that your reign ENDS now."

Even as he was speaking, he was moving, countering.

He even had time to land a couple of glancing blows to the clone, or perhaps it was the original, he wasn't completely sure.

"Your both a coward and a fraud Gig. And your strategy is massively flawed."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Yo' momma's a fraud," Gig says, still laughing as him and his clones continue their barrage of attacks. "Besides, my strategy only involves beating the living shit out of you all, and so long as I continue that I see no flaw in it!"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito was standing in his fighting stance when the clones began to attack, then simply disappeared, his sword slowly sliding into it's sheath "Speed dominates power." he says, his left hand holding the sheath as it clicks into place, a massive cut across the armor of the clones appearing exactly as it clicks "A cheap imitation is still a cheap imitation."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

There was a tilt of his head, and then a chuckle.

"Well, I'm afraid to disappoint you Gig, but I have no intention of just rolling over for you. Unfortunately, it seems something more has come up. You've just been downgraded from threat to minor annoyance. Burrito, Sinful, take care of this arrogant self centered annoyance, I must attend to another immediate problem."

Then he just vanished, without any trace, though the way he had done so made them wonder one thing. Had he even ever REALLY been there, or had it been an illusion?

((Consider him completely gone, even if Gig tries finding him with a 'sensory' sweep, his senses will tell him that Siphon simply isn't in this plane of existence. Some stuff has come to my attention on things, so as for right now, I'm completely removing him from the RP. He MIGHT be back, but he won't be the same at all.))
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Sin used her swords to cut at the clones attacking her, snarling like a beast with each attack. Should her blades ever connect, the wounds were devastating, beyond what a mortal like her would be able to accomplish.

Then, as Siphon vanished, Sin shook her head.

"Bastard," she muttered.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Copper can be seen leaning against the open back of the transport, having just recently pushed herself out of her seat to watch what was going on. Reaching into her jacket, she pulled out a cigarette and her lighter, taking a drag off of it as she watched the aerial battle. "Yeah, haven't got the means to join that dance." It's clear, though, that the vampire can make out what's happening though, in addition to what's being said.

Siphon? she tries after he vanishes. Hey, Siphon. The only indication she gives that something's not right is the frown on her face, but that could just be a reaction to his disappearing, quite honestly.

"At least you gave Sin wings before you went," she mutters. She gestures toward Burrito and Sin with the cigg in her hand, something of a salute to wish them well in the coming battle.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"You can me a coward and then you run?!" Gig lets out a laugh as his other clone chases down Sinful and Gig after Burrito.

As Sin slashes at the clones the one that she hits breaks up for a moment, the energies around the cut seem as if it's exploding and rebuilding itself before forming the Gig clone once more.

"It'll take more than that to slay one of my clones!" Gig screams at her, laughing maniacally.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito watches Gig come after him, swapping his sheath into his right hand, shaking the glove off of his left hand and then tossing the sheath back to his left hand, grasping the blade handle with his right quickly and preparing to attack Gig "Any prayers before I end your wretched life, Demon?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"End of my life? You wouldn't be able to end a minor God's life, let alone mine! But okay, I'll play along with this little farce." With that the clones rushed off to fight Sin, now she had to contend with all five of them.

"But you've been warned, you'll not come out of this unharmed," With that another shockwave ripped forth from Gig and a blackness envelops him and Burrito. The next second Burrito would find himself in a twisted dimension, negative energy flowly freely around the place as well as purple-black lines stretched out all over the place.

"Welcome to Hell," Gig screams at Burrito as he rushes towards him, negativer energy flowing off of him as he swings his blade forwards to strike Burrito. Anyone outside of this dimension would not be able to see what is happening, instead they'd simply see a black sphere where the two were a moment ago.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito looks around at the strange dimension, chuckling as he watches Gig rush at him, turning to his left and stepping aside from the cut, a smile on his face as he grasps Gig by the shoulder of his armor, the touch slowly dissolving the armor. "You can't beat me. You can't even stop me from dissolving your armor." he says calmly, his left hand tossing his blade up, the blade then coming down and clinging to his back and he headbutts Gig's armored head, dissolving it away as he made contact "Like I said. You'd best be saying your prayers."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

As Gig's helm is partially dissolved a look of absolute shock can be seen on his face for a second, though he instantly reverts back to his insane self.

"Oh, so you've found a way to get through my armour? BIG FUCKING DEAL!" Gig slides backwards and lets loose a barrage of shadow balls, before using them as cover to strike at Burrito again. All the while his armour gradually grows back.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito chuckles at the shadow balls flying at him, raising his right hand to catch one and twirl it on his fingers as he practically dances around the barrage, noticing Gig's strike and allowing the blade to hit him, grasping it with his left hand as it stops, then he tosses the shadow ball behind him, reaching for his Katana and drawing it, stabbing it towards the missing piece of armor on Gig's shoulder
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Grr, keep still, maggot!" Gig shouts out before Burrito's blade slices into him. He forces down his pain and merely winces. "Ergh, how the hell did you manage that?" Gig screams at him as he pulls his sword from Burrito and rushes off, now sliding along the lines and launching barrage after barrage of shadow balls.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Burrito says, jumping back into a flip as the sword is withdrawn. "No strength required. Good." he thinks, suddenly breaking into a fury of slashes, deflecting the shadow balls that are coming at him "This won't work on me!" he says from within the fury of slashes
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Goddammit, my powers must not be back fully if this scumbag can keep up with me..." Gig thinks to himself as he continues his assault.

"I can keep this up for as long as I need, can you continue deflecting them for as long as YOU need?" In amongst the shadow balls Gig hurls his sword at Burrito, hoping that the blade will connect.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

The blade does indeed connect. It connects with his own sword, being sent flying away as Burrito continues his defensive. "I've got more than enough power to handle your worthless ass!" he yells, suddenly taking into a dash towards Gig through the shadow ball barrage