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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Calgary is home to the largest Sanctuary on the planet. It is run by global network leader Dr. Helen Magnus, and is easily the most fortified of the Sanctuaries anywhere.

The Calgary Sanctuary is home to many different species of abnormals, some which have been brought here from all over the globe.

Calgary itself has many things to do, and it's a nice quiet life for most folks. Not anything like country farms, but still peaceful in it's own way.

((Shrike7, Cross_Grave your up here. Please note if your within the Sanctuary Walls, or outside on the town.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada


Somewhere within the fortified walls of the Sanctuary, a certain abnormal was strolling around the corridors near the kitchen. Przemysław Ptak, one of the many abnormals that lived here, was once again trying to come up with a nefarious scheme. Well, he didn't have any kind of malicious intent - he was simply bored. Unfortunately, he was a ghoul - and being bored meant he had nothing to do at the moment to distract himself from hunger. That's why he developed a habit of breaking into the kitchen and raiding fridges from time to time. Of course, eventually Dr. Magnus decided to fortify the food stocks after a particularly devastating raid to prevent further attempts. It worked most of the time.

Przemek stopped and sighed. Altough living in the Sanctuary wasn't that bad, and the occasional missions were interesting, he felt that something was definitely wrong with his life. Sure, he didn't have anything tedious to do on the site and putting his brawn to good use didn't feel like work, but the fact that he was completely surrounded by people who registered in his brain as either food (which he couldn't eat anyway) and Yeti (which scared and frustrated him) was starting to get to him. There were few exceptions to the rule - which meant that those people were stronger than him. He was supposed to be the strongest predator - being around those individuals was somewhat unsettling.

The ghoul resumed his walk, listening in to the voices around him. One of the perks of his rebirth was enhanced hearing. At least he could always listen to something when he was bored. On the other hand, Przemek could rarely experience the sensation of complete silence, which was something he missed. Oh well. At least he had something to distract him from the feeling of apathy, which was starting to become stronger recently. He wondered whether he should try to be more social...
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

" 'iss-take, hmmm..."

Mik'ti'kalik was settled down in one of the many hallways of the Sanctuary, nestled partially into a corner, with an older-looking book in her hands. she was very carefully leafing through the pages with one claw, and slowly trying to pronounce some of the words.

"Hmmm-'iss-take, hm-is-take!"

She understood them all well enough, but her elongated face and lack of lips made English... Difficult, at best, and she was determined to not have to make crude gestures to get her point across forever.

"Loooow-kate... Low-kate... Lokate!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As he walked, Przemysław would have the unsettling urge that somethig was upsetting some of the other abnormals in their pods. Several of them had become somewhat agitated and their thoughts were a bit more ... vocal than the others. Still, it was difficult with so many to actually garner a feel, but something definitely had them upset.

Mik'ti'kalik in the meantime found her reading suddenly interrupted lightly.

"Um ... hey, Mik'ti'kalik? How's it going?"

The voice belonged to Miranda, one of the many abnormals here, and for the time being, the only Medusa here.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek stopped for a moment, listening in. It was unusual for so many abnormals to be so agitated at once... Something was definitely wrong. He took a deep breath, trying to find a foreign scent that would help him discover what was going on before setting of in the general direction of the pods. The ghoul kept repeating the tests as he walked, gathering whatever information the air carried with it. Instincts told him that it could be some kind of predator disturbing the locals - and this sanctuary was Przemek's territory. But even if that wasn't true, the commotion was a refreshing break from the monotony of this day.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((Just so everyone knows, I am fully expecting someone to come up with a nickname. I think it's funner when someone else does it, as you rarely come up with your own IRL ;) ))

Mik'ti'kalik looked up and saw Miranda, carefully putting the book aside for now. " 'Ell." She said with a grin, giving her a thumbs up. She then opened her hand and motioned towards Miranda, asking about herself in return. "Oo?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek couldn't really pick up anything on his scans, which was strange. Usually if something had abnormals riled up, then it was detectable. As he continued onward, he began to get the feeling that something really was wrong, something beyond the scope of his range to sense.

Then suddenly he heard a screaming sound, as something came roaring right as his face, some form of abnormal he had never seen before. It was a giant snake like creature, something he'd never seen before. Before he could react, it sank it's fangs into him, and he heard agonized screams that weren't his own ...

And then suddenly nothing. There he was standing, perfectly fine, the creature nowhere in sight. It would take him a moment before he realized he'd hallucinated the thing, and there was nothing there. Yet now, he could truly sense the agitation of the other abnormals here, as if they had sensed what he had seen. After a moment, he might even get the impression that they had shown him what they were seeing somehow. Whatever the case, Przemek now had the sinking suspicion that the creature, wherever and whatever it was, definitely was up to no good and killing. The question was ... where?

Miranda smiled at her.

"I'm doing well. Glad to see you up and about. Hey, I didn't want to be rude earlier but ... is it okay if I call you Mikki? It's a little hard to pronounce your name."

She seemed a tad red as she asked, probably a bit afraid of offending the other woman.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mik'ti'kalik tilted her head to the side a bit, considering. "Hmm, Mikki... Ookay." She said after a few seconds, nodding. She looked as if she was going to say something else, but changed her mind before actually speaking and looked around for a second, as if looking for something. A short wait again, and she sighed, getting up and motioning for the Medusa to follow her as she started to lumber down the hall.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul was suprised... Very suprised. Whatever the Hell was that thing, he could not let it simply roam around the Sanctuary. The thing was here somewhere, his instincts told him. Whoever or whatever showed him this monster did Przemek a big favor, and he intended to repay it. An animalistic growl escaped his lips as his muscles tensed. His fingers began to emit audible snaps as they quickly changed into menacing, sharp talons. The ghoul's pace quickened as he set off, running towards the source of commotion he heard. It was time for a hunt, and he knew the form of his prey. Przemek grinned, baring his fangs. The snake was in for a nasty suprise.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Miranda smiled, then as Mikki motioned for her to follow, she fell in line behind her.

"Um, can I ask where we're going?"

As he moved out, Przemek got another surprise, though this one was more pleasant, and much more useful. A voice suddenly popped into his head, feminine and soft.

Przemek, it's Sally. I think the creature we're both seeing in our visions is in the Catacombs under the Sanctuary. I'm picking up something down there, I'm just not sure what it is. Be careful?

Sally was the Sanctuary's resident Mermaid, and Przemek had long known they were capable of telepathic communication, however Sally had never contacted him from this far away from her tank before. While her voice was calm, he could sense the worry in her thoughts. He was sure she was worried for is safety, but he could also sense a bit of fear that this creature would attack her if it could.

Upon her arrival near the place she had been told to go, Zaleia discovered just how big the place might be. What she could see of it was a very large church like structure that took up well over three blocks in total size. However, due to the way the structure stood, she got the impression it went deep underground, and could house many people.

Nevertheless, she had a task at hand, and now she would spot what seemed to be a side door on one side of the building. Since it was the only door she'd been able to find so far, she might consider knocking on it.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*With her new Delivery Uniform snatched from some poor saps locker in the place and her sealed envelope in hand she walked up to th eside door adjusted the uniform just a bit and knocked loudly and firmly upon the side door. putting on a cheerful smile and trying to make herself look like a professional parcel delivery service worker she just waited for someone to answer the door.*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

After a few moments the door opened and a rather large man opened the door.

He was tall, well over six feet, and built like a pro football wide reciever or running back. Significantly more imposing of a figure than she'd met earlier. He regarded her with a blink for a long moment before speaking.

"Well ... welcome. Step on inside a moment and tell me what we've got here."

He seemed surprised to see someone here, though he was friendly enough and had recovered quickly.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*smiling and nodding she stepped in through the door and held up the parcel*

"Hello sir i am here to deliver this parcel to a Dr. Helen Magnus. I have to hand deliver it to her as well very specific about that part. Would she around for me to do so?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The young man shook his head as he closed the door.

"No, she's in London right now, not expecting her back for some time. How ... exactly did you find this place anyway? Not to mention how exactly did you get this far without the external devices ... Wait a second, who sent you here?"

While he showed no hostility, he definitely seemed to be wary now. It probably wouldn't take much for Zaleia to realize that he might be considering the fact that someone hostile had sent her, at which point she probably should clarify that quickly. She'd been warned this place was filled with people with unique gifts. Now she realized that possibly, even though he seemed so, she might not be dealing with a human here.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*blinks and looks down at the parcel and points to the address on it*

"this is this place right? and if your playing some joke or whatever please i just got into town...and this isnt a good first day on the job...so i guess if she is not here you can just pass the message that this will be waiting for her when she returns then perhaps?"

*despite a bit of worry about what she was getting herself into she just played it off as a confused newbie to the job and kept things cool for now*

"And since she isnt here for me to hand deliver this to then it means i have to be going for now.. other deliveries to make and all. Have a nice day sir"

*she turned her back to him to return to the door wondering what he was blabbering on about she wanted to find this magnus person before she amde any decisions*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

'Catacombs, huh? The damn thing knows where to hide, I'll give it that. Not that I complain... It's a good place for a game. Time to catch my new pair of shoes, methinks. Thanks, Sally. I won't let that thing take me down.'

Well, this was probably the first good thing that happened today. Now Przemek knew the possible location of his target. Still, there was one problem - he had no idea of it's capabilities - and it was something bad enough to scare Sally. He'd need to remain on guard as he approached the Catacombs... There was a chance that it could escape and raise havoc somewhere else. But even though he had no idea what he was facing, the ghoul did not intend to let anyone else get to that creature before him. He was curious what kind of monster lurked beneath the Sanctuary and how it got there in the first place. This was a mystery he wanted to investigate personally. Plus, he was itching for some fresh blood.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

He looked for just a moment.

"Yeah, this is the place, though you shouldn't have the address here. Any package that goes to Dr. Magnus goes to a direct P.O box, so ... someone sent you personally, someone who knew of this place. Which means ..."

He trailed off as she turned her back to him and made for the door. Shaking his head, though she couldn't see, he made the only move presented to him at that time. He pressed a small remote button on his watch and then ...

One moment she had clear room to the door. The next there was a sudden flicker of swirling red light, and the man simply just APPEARED right in front of her, blocking her path.

"Okay, seriously, didn't your mother teach you it's impolite to turn your back on someone talking to you? Now, I don't know how the hell you actually got past the cameras, and frankly, that isn't my main concern. I want to know who the hell gave you the location of this place, and why they sent you. I'm afraid I can't let you leave until then. Let me give you one bit of advice too. Don't bother trying to lie to me, I can smell it, and I can smell the worry on you. Which is actually kind of creepy now that I think of it. Regardless, I'm waiting on an answer."

Just be careful please. If I figure anything else out, I'll tell you.

The link now broke off, and he was left to his own devices. Soon, he reached the entry door that led into the Catacombs. The door itself wasn't spectacular looking, but he knew from experience it was heavily reinforced. So now all he had to do was open the door, and go through, then see what awaited him down there.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Rrroom, le't 'ad tere..." She says, then, deciding she obviously wasn't being clear enough, held out an open palm towards herself, as if holding a book, and began making writing motions on it with a claw. "Hmm?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Alright you want the truth here it is...I was given an address told to deliver helen magnus a message and here I am...you can tell her ill be in town for a bit if she wants the message from this tesla guy. Now I have not had a good day...I got punched in the face shoot with some weird gun by some cabal guy or whatever...and I'm ready to go chill...gonna let me go while I'm still in a curious mood or what?"

* she was giving the act up now turning much more straight forward and less polite*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Miranda looked confused for a moment.

"You have a letter to read, or need help writing one? I'm sorry, I'm kind of ... well, I'm not exactly the best when it comes to a lot of things, but I try."

The man's features went from stern, to total surprise, then worry.

"Whoa, whoa. Tesla guy? As in Nikola Tesla? And you had a run in with the Cabal? That would explain the bruise there, and the slightly dislocated cheek bone. Christ, are you alright, and that doesn't hurt?"

After a moment he spoke again.

"Look ... if you had a run in with the Cabal, you don't want to go back outside. They'll probably have started tracking you again, as long as your inside this place they can't touch you. At the very least let me patch up what they did, and make sure that there's no lingering damage done from you being shot, okay? And hey, Helen should be back shortly, why don't you at least wait here until then, at least then you won't have to worry about looking over your shoulder. I'm sorry I got nasty with you, had I known ...."

He seemed to be genuinely concerned now, if not a bit angry that the Cabal had attacked her. In fact, she got the impression if one of those guys showed up right now, he would get torn apart pretty quickly.
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