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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Henry chuckled.

"Yeah, I think being uncooperative was justified there. They probably realized whatever they did they couldn't control. You got lucky though, usually when they decide that, they kill the subject before they can adapt to their new abilities and escape. Or tag them with some kind of kill switch and force them to fight other abnormals, try to determine viable strengths to tinker with later in a more controllable abnormal. We've seen that before."

Helen was notably quiet on that topic, though a look at her told Michael she not only had heard every single word, but that the topic hit a nerve with her, even though she showed no other outward sign of it. In fact, it seemed unlikely Henry was even aware of it, she was that good at hiding it. At least, from anyone but him anyway.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael merely shrugged at Henry's comment. Something about his own manner, though, suggests that there's more to things. Verbally, however, he merely says, "Well, I probably ought to get out of your way, if you're going to work."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Henry nodded.

"If you're going to stick around a while, when I finish I'll come find you and let you know what I've come up with."

After Michael finished responding, Helen smiled slightly.

"If you would, follow me. I have something that may interest you Mr. Umbral."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael shrugged and moved to follow.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Helen led him to one of the 'corners' of the Sanctuary, and opened a set of large doors. Inside was a massive library, with possibly thousands of books.

"Everything we've ever documented as of last week on abnormal life is housed here. If you'd like, you may make use of this library. Maybe you'll find something here that will give you some answers as to what the Cabal did to you."

((Basically at the point where he's wrapped up for you to take your trip.))
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

With the sub crew returning back to Canada, Sarah returns with a sigh, rubbing her temple. Lying about what happened did not settle well with her, and her belly crawled a little with it. I mean, sure, if Magnus directly asked, but for now, the other two were dealing with explaining what went on. The fact that Clara would probably show no damage for now after contact with some sort of brain-destroying parasite may talk much about it, but she shook her head as she returned to her bunk.

She hadn't been lying- Magnus has wanted those syringes to not be used on others, reduce potential risks of infections of thought-dead plague and all that. Still, it was hard to argue that they had helped here... And perhaps more, as while sorting her syringes back into the main case, her finger trailed over the special ones she had prepped from Miranda's blood.

She frowns softly to herself, thinking, but sighs and nods, scooping it up and putting the rest away. At least this part she hadn't been regulated with, she notes to herself, returning her guns to their proper place real quick before glancing in a mirror and looking at what state she was in. Well, it'd not be a medicine she could use to calm her if it worked, but at least, for this heat... it may at least give her a mate? Maybe? It's not like the mutation concoctions didn't backfire- and somewhat lewdly in fact, she thinks to herself, remembering what happens with certain concoctions when she accidentally pricks herself. Still, if it did work, and even if it did backfire with her.... normal self, it'd give Miranda what she needed.

More or less settled, she swiftly goes to seek out the medusa, a syringe case of another revivification syringe and the untested medusa serum.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

((Time to wreck everyone's day lol))

On her way to find Miranda, she'd bump into Henry.

"Oh hey Sarah. Any idea where Magnus is? We've got a big problem."

The look on the Hap's face suggested whatever the problem was, it was huge, and possibly, from the sick look on his face, deadly. Had Miranda gone down hill sharply while she was gone? Or had something happened with Clara? Or, was there something else going on here?
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah pauses, dead in her tracks, paling quickly in uncertainty. There's a long, drawn-out sigh. "Not offhand, I just got back myself... What's wrong?" she asks quickly, expecting the worst after the last fun little trip.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Henry sighed.

"I just got word via phone call from Ashley. There's been some sort of missile attack in the Himalaya's. Looks like a bio-weapon of some kind. Whatever it is, it's causing abnormals to go haywire, they're attacking humans they normally live side by side with. Seventy five dead already, and it's spreading outward. We may need you soon to help figure out what the hell we're dealing with."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah gritted her teeth a little but nodded. "Great, more biologicals today..." she mumbles, rubbing her temple a bit. "I guess I'll go gear up."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Henry thought for a moment.

"You've got a little time. Ashley's bringing in a sample with a biohazard team, full gear into the biohazards rooms. Probably be about an hour, if there's something else you need to finish. I'm going to see if I can find Magnus and let her know in the meantime, she has her radio turned off. If you see her, let her know I'm looking for her will you?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah nods quietly, but she still sighs anyway. "I suppose if the sample is still intact when it's back, you can find me with Miranda. Trying to help with a problem of hers. If I see Magnus along the way, I'll bring it up with her," she points out. First the issues with the creatures below the sea, now another biological force that was causing madness in abnormals? It couldn't be related, could it?

Well, there's only one way to find out, and it's on it's way. Wait on that mad science to do more mad science, right?
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Henry nodded.

"Alright. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing, let me know if I can help."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Nah, I think I got it covered... I hope," she admits, as she swiftly takes off to find Miranda.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Henry only nodded in response, taking off to find Magnus.

Sarah made her way to Miranda's room, where she found the door partially open. Knocking on the door caused it to move open, where a not so fun sight awaited Sarah.

Miranda lay face down on the floor, motionless, with blood seeping from her nose, mouth and ears. A small amount had pooled on the floor, as well as what appeared to be broken glass and pottery. An opened box lay on her bed, perhaps where the glass and pottery shards had come from. Whatever the case, the Medusa was completely unresponsive.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Shit!" Sarah curses, moving quickly to Miranda's side. "Dammit not fucking again! Come on! Stay with me!" she curses angrily, trying to quickly assess what had happened.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Miranda was completely unresponsive to her, but what was really odd was that none of her snakes were even moving about at all. At first she might think Miranda was dead, but no, there was the faint telltale signs of breathing.

It was then that her eyes fell upon a specific symbol inside the box, one that had been sprayed on the inside, hidden from view until after whatever had been in the box would have been removed. That symbol might send a chill down her spine, for there was no mistaking what it was, or what it meant. This was an outright attack, and one with a personal tone to it given it had been addressed for Miranda.

The symbol was that of the Cabal.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

By now, Sarah is shuddering in fury, her hand is trembling as she spots the symbol. Sunofa...but how?!? Why!?!

She bolts back out of her room, almost bouncing off corners in her previous history, finding someone, anyone to warn of this.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

It took her a few minutes to find someone, the first being the Big Guy.

Actually, it was more her running into the Big Guy, as suddenly she came around a corner and huge arms wrapped around her to keep her from thudding to the floor, after she ran face first into his chest.

He regarded her with first an amused look, then seeing the look on her face turned dead serious in the same sentence.

"Careful, careful, there, wait, what's wrong? I know that look, and I can smell it on you. What's wrong?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

There's a loud grunt as Sarah runs into him for the second time today, luckily kept in his hands. "It's Miranda, she seems, I dunno, paralyzed or something, and there's busted pottery and a Cabal mark in a box. Need help!"