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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

He took off down the hall as she finished her sentence, towing her along. For such a behemoth of a being, he moved incredibly fast when he needed to, and in short order they were back at her room. When they arrived though, a real shocker was waiting for them.

Opening the door up (hadn't she left it open when she ran out though?), they stepped into the room. There was blood on the floor, but no sign of the Medusa at all. It seemed she had gotten up while Sarah was gone, and left the room.

"Not good. Something is very wrong, we must find her."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"FUCK!" Sarah is pissed, she should have seen that coming. "Right! And worse, she was starting to get, er. In season... she asked me to help with something for that, it's why I found her when I got back. But yes, gotta track her down, fast!"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

The Big Guy paused for a moment, growling.

"That's not good. It's early. We may need more people. Follow me."

He had been sniffing at the air, seeming to catch the scent of her blood possibly. Either way, he started down the hallway, in the opposite direction they had come from.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah's quick to follow, but she's feeling vulnerable. No weapons on her, she was expecting it to be a rather nice visit all told, if not downright relaxing. So having to rely on basically dodging like hell and the Big Guy was going to be a tad awkward. Still, she soldiered on with him, doing her best to look in any doorway as they went for a clue to the serpent-woman's trail.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

They walked for what felt like hours but probably was only a few minutes before reaching the elevator.

"Ah not good, she went in it. Could have gone anywhere."

He pressed the button, calling the elevator to them. When it arrived and the doors opened, he moved to make sure nothing was going to leap out at them, but nothing was inside. However, Sarah's eye caught a vital clue the big guy hadn't seen yet, probably because he wasn't looking in that direction.

In the back left of the elevator where the panel was to select floors was a streak of blood. That blood took the shape of a finger pressing the 2nd floor button, and was the only blood on a button at all. Was it possible Miranda had the sense to know she might be infected with something from that Cabal package, and she was trying to get somewhere to contain herself?
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Silently, Sarah pointed to the button mark. "Blood on the second floor. May be she's got enough sense to head for decon?" She bundles her own hand to her trenchcoat pocket, using it to press the right floor button unless the Big Guy stopped her.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

He paused a moment, stepping into the elevator with her.

"Possible. Or isolation. If she's hurt while ... in season as you put it ... she may try to find a way to keep herself locked up, she could lose her ability to think rationally trying to fight off injury. Guess we'll find out."

The elevator went to the second floor, where upon the doors opening, they discovered the body of one of the residents, a Halkar male. Big, burly and appearing to be made of stone, they were incredibly tough to bring down, more than a match for anything in the Sanctuary when provoked to defend themselves, save for maybe Chris. Not much was a match for that one.

The Big Guy bent down, checking on the Halkar, letting loose several grunts.

"Dead. Neck was snapped. Her blood is on him. Scent continues down the hall, to the isolation ward."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah nods, slowly as she moves to take the lead. "If she goes for you, get downstairs. I'll try to distract her so you can get down. If you need to, get this placed closed off somehow. If the intercoms are still working, I'll keep in contact."

Even if the Big Guy wanted to push forward instead, she'd move herself faster to make up for it, doing her best to peer around every corner and move to every door.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

He stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Can your skin withstand her snake bites? Her venom can paralyze you in seconds. May want to use one of your toys."

It might strike her he'd referenced her serums as toys, rather than anything else, a more subtle and nicer way of referring to them.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah frowns a little bit. "I'm not looking decayed, I'd just as likely make the situation worse using any of them... cides most of them are still downstairs."

She does flip the case open again though, toying with the new concoction. "Well, except the one I was making specifically because of Miranda's original problem... but I got no idea what it's going to do or if it'll have unintended side effects... Still, if whatever happens isn't directly lethal, maybe it'll distract her in other ways enough to keep her attention?" At this rate Sarah's tossing things at the wall to stick. She had no idea if Miranda was going to even respond nicely to all of this to start with without adding untested mutagens into the mess.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

He hesitated a moment.

"So no way to know if you can take a bite if her snakes bite you. Not good. We go together. Have to trigger the containment alarm once we have her cornered. Can't risk it yet, if she's not fully herself, might scare her off this level. Keep going down the hall, I'll watch your back."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"I'll risk it if it comes to it. We both know I can walk it off eventually." She shrugs and continues slowly, moving the potential medusa mutagen in her hands to prepare just in case, readying herself.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

They continued down the hall, a few drops of blood here and there providing a clue as to where to continue moving to. Soon enough they had reached the isolation ward, where they spotted Miranda.

It appeared she was trying to lock the door with a delayed timer for one of the chambers, but it wasn't accepting her commands for it. For the moment, she had her back turned to them, but the way she moved made Sarah wonder just what was wrong with her.

She appeared hurt, but her skin was also paler than normal. There was definitely something more than just heat going on here, why else would Miranda have killed the Halkar? From what she'd told Sarah, it'd be weeks still likely before she reached the insanity part, why hadn't she tried to mate with him? Unless ... unless it wasn't the mating cycle that was influencing her right now, and it was something else?
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah is silent, frowning as she glances towards the big guy and quietly moving the serum back in the case. It was clear to her right now that this wasn't the heat cycle, and she was silently trying to note this to the big guy. She gestured for him to go to leave if she could, there was a good chance this was about to get ugly somehow.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

As he began to move, Miranda somehow sensed them, whipping about to face them, her snakes hissing, as well as her ... growling?

When she turned, even the Big Guy let out a sound of surprise.

Her face had turned utterly ashen white, dried blood caking her nose and below. Her eyes were utterly bloodshot, dilated and semi-glazed over. Several times she shook her head, as if trying to clear it, but each time her gaze locked back on them she would growl. She took a single step towards them, shuddering as she managed to croak and growl out, "get ... away ... from ... me. I ... I'm not ... control ... GO!"

It seemed she'd lost control there completely, for she lunged directly at them. In moments she had thrown herself at the Big Guy, who had no choice but to wrestle with her. He roared as they wrestled, for some reason Miranda not using her snakes at all. However what stood as highly unusual to Sarah wasn't that, but rather Miranda herself.

Medusae were strong, but nowhere near as strong as Yeti. In a war of muscle, a Yeti would overpower a Medusa in moments, they simply were too big and strong. Yet somehow, whatever was wrong with Miranda seemed to have dramatically enhanced her strength, for she was actually giving the Big Guy problems. What should have been a short tussle wasn't, and it was impossible to tell who was stronger now, a fact not lost on him.

"Get out Sarah! Find something to tranq her with or someone who can help."

Meanwhile John arrived back in the Sanctuary, making his way to the elevator, when he paused as he noticed the blood on the 2nd floor button. After a moment, he took the short ride to the 2nd floor, coming across the body Sarah and the Big Guy had earlier. He began moving his way downward, withdrawing a switchblade knife, not sure if they had been attacked, or what was going on.

((If she runs out, she might run into him in short order lol))
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah curses in anger as things go south, looking pissed as she rushes back down the hall. Help first, then the nearest part of this area that would have tranquilizer. Though naturally, at this rate, she'd easily see John as he made his way down the hall. "You! Big Guy's in trouble. Got a way to tranq people? If not, get some more help!"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John didn't say a word, he simply teleported. Several moments later he returned with two handguns, a handful of tranq darts, and a grim look as he handed one to Sarah, already loaded.

"This should put an Elephant down for quite the nap. Lead onward, or tell me where to take us."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah nods, quickly running back the way she came. "It's Miranda. Some sort of Cabalite shit hit her, Big Guy's trying to keep her contained but I'm not sure how long even he can last!"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John kept up with her, grunting himself.

"It must have altered her physical strength as well, a Medusa should be no match for a Yeti, not even a juvenile. We may need more than one of these darts if it's hopped her up somehow."

By the time they arrived back at the right room, the shit had really hit the fan. The Big Guy was managing to keep her from getting out, but he was bruised up pretty good, as was Miranda. It seemed he'd had to abandon trying to not injure her to stop her, as she clearly didn't hold back the same way. As they entered, Miranda hit him hard enough to stagger him backwards, actually cracking the wall from the impact. She tried to come in to attack him again, but the Yeti recovered, grabbing hold of her and, using leverage, basically tossing her back against the other wall, cracking that wall as well.

John took the opening presented to them by the space between them now, firing a shot directly into the chest of Miranda. She whipped her head to face them, letting loose what seemed like a primal scream of rage before leaping towards the two of them, intercepted by the Big Guy as he knocked her down face first into the floor. Even after that, she began to slowly get up, the tranquilizer seeming to not have as strong an effect on her, just as John had been afraid of.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah growled angrily, and moved to shoot her own tranq dart as well, her face screwed up in annoyance. "Dammit Miranda! I'll help you even if I have to put your shapely backside back together to do so!"