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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve stood apart from them and pulled out her cell phone. She spoke lowly so the others couldn't hear and when the conversation was over she sighed and rubbed her temples. "Alright. I'll take the deal. Claire, when we're done here I need to talk to you."

(((I'm assuming she was told everything that was mentioned in the link you gave me, Ronny. Thanks)))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Sorry," she mumbles out, not quite figuring that he'd have been behind them and it would have caused him problems with the two chuckleheads. "The gas station, yeah. We're about a block over from there, so you're not too far away." She orients him so that he'll be headed in the right direction. "In fact, Ronny's car's right out front of where we are. Should see you soon, then." Given that he is close, she rings off with him, putting her attention back on Lucky. "He's only about a block off, if you don't mind hanging out for a few." She lingers in the mouth of the alley, studying the car parked there. Funny that she hadn't noticed it coming up, but then again, her attention had been on the other vampire. "Looks like your friend is settling in for the night, too. If he's the one you followed." She inclines her head in the direction of the car.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Thanks, I will." He scoffs at Bubba for a moment for being such a lazy mutt, but after a moment, he stops and thinks. "Say, boy... How about you and me go hunting, hm? Find some dipshit in a back alley and hunt him down?" He kneels down and pats the dog's side. "Get up, you rug. There's a burger in it for you afterwards."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Jack nods with a smile at Eve's agreement to a minor boon. Going over to the black car he looks towards them and says.

"All right I'm going to grab this car since I'm assuming it belonged to whoever did the attack. You two go ahead and get out of here and I'll be right behind you so that Adam lets you through. After that your free to go and one last thing if you know how to you may want to warn the rest of your coterie to watch for trouble."

((Well he probably didn't get that detailed, but yeah he pretty much explained most of that.))

River makes her way pretty quickly but for some reason she keeps getting the feeling she's being followed. Though every time she turns around there's no one to be found anywhere.

Bubba jumps to his feet at the mention of food, shaking his body and sending slobber everywhere as he does so. After making sure the garage is locked up he and Bubba head off to find a snack for the evening.

((It's all up to you where you head, and don't forget you do want to bond Bubba at some point. Not sure if you already meant for that to have happened or not.))

Raven doesn't seem to concerned that he lost her as long as she's alright, though she does catch him mumble something about where did Ronny come from before saying he'll be there soon.

Lucky nods his head as if it's fine to wait as he says.

"Eh we don't really need to go in there if you don't want to anyways. I just like to keep it opened if I have to hide real quick. No one ever comes down here at night but I like to be careful, or at least I usually do."

Looking at Ronny's car he nods toward the window.

"Maybe if he is that's his window right there. That's how I first met him actually. I don't know what he was mad about but I heard his mirror break and then he tossed a bunch of bottles out and next thing I know he was climbing out. I think we both scared each other when I popped up, even though I think he's a lot scarier than I am."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River let's a low growl escape her throat as she checks behind her in a conveinient reflection and found herself alone on the street once again. This was her beat, dammit, she wasn't going to be scared by someone watching her from the shadows. So when she passes one of the alleys she uses to get to the rooftops, she walks into it instead of continuing, checking to make sure no homeless people had set up for the night before stopping and turning around, waiting for whoever was tailing her to show themselves.

"That you Flights? Haven't you taken enough of a beating already?" She asks the open air in an annoyed tone.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Following the age-old rule of "don't eat where you shit" (or was it the other way around?), Fletch and Bubba head deeper into town, hoping to catch some late party goer or a drunkard out on his own. Given the way the evening's been going, though, Fletch always keeps an eye out for nasty surprises. He wouldn't put it past the Tremere to come back for his watch.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well, either way, I'll need to wait for Ray to show up, so I might as well hang out. If you've had enough excitement for one night and want to get going, though, I wouldn't blame you." She gives him a bit of a smile. Listening to his description of Ronny, she nods a little. "Sounds about right. Guess you might've just caught him in a fit of temper. He's a bit prone to that." She does look curious, though. "Bottles? What sort of bottles? Like, booze?" She could see Ronny being upset that he couldn't drink any more. There were still a few things she missed the taste of, but she figured that'd fade with time.

She gives the Nosferatu an conspiratorial wink. "And I think you might be right about the scary part."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve gave him a tired and troubled smile before making her way back to her car. I need to hunt again. Maybe at a few different places. Tonight took a lot out of me... she thought as she settled into her bug.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"That jacket, is it the same one being worn by the Sabat bikers?" Claire asked carefully, suddenly worried that old enemies during life were now going to be bigger enemies during her unlife. She let out a sigh and watched as Eve climbed into her vehicle... and reluctantly joined her.

"Drop me off somewhere around where ever Raven and..." Claire stops for a moment thinking, snapping her fingers. "Isabella are. I'll warn them you find the others. Since you have the car and all."

The Gangrel looked out the back window towards the Sheriff. "And what did you want to talk about anyway?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I think i know who set us up," Eve sighed. "You remember the pretty guy from Calgary? The one who was at the last meeting, Heidrich? The description from the woman pegs it as him. However, he's one of my clansmen and he has way more status than I do. If I accuse him in front of the entire court he'll just call me a liar and the Prince will have me fried. Same thing goes for you. Even if all of us stand up and accuse him." She kept her eyes on the road and took another breath. "They would claim we were trying to subvert the entirety of the Camarilla by doing so. If we take him out we have to make sure no one ever finds out about it." She glances at Claire to gauge her reaction to this bit of news. "Other than that would you like be to drop you off far enough away so that you can feed before heading in to find them? I remember you said you hadn't fed tonight."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire drums her fingers against the dashboard for a moment, a frown creasing her brow as Eve's words sunk in. Eventually she looked up and bared her fangs.

"I will not allow some rich and influential fuck to bash away my little niche of life for the sake of politics. I'm down for tearing his head off and sticking it on a spike in Hawaii. That's discreet right? Regardless, just a bit of a distance that I can get some food before I find those two," Claire said, hissing and growling with each word.

As Eve drove Claire grumbled, disassembling her shotgun so that she could carry the pieces in public without anyone really noticing.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve chuckled. "We have to make sure no one finds out we did it, at least. A spike in Hawaii? That sounds more than appropriate to me." After that she drove silently, until she was about five miles away from Izzy's haven. "Alright. We're five miles out, this good enough for ya?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Jack shrugs his shoulders as Claire points out the jacket before they all get in the vehicles.

"You see a lot of biker stuff in both the Sabbat and the Camarilla, especially when you're talking about the Brujah and Gangrel. They can make useful allies and scapegoats, just like any other criminal element. Outlaws are a little unusual in this area but it's not too unusual to run into them."

Adam pops out to stop them when they get near the gate to the park but jack waves at him from the black car and they get waved along. After they get through the gate Jack turns to head the opposite direction, while they head towards the downtown area to find the others to warn them. Eve drops Claire off far enough away from the college to find some food before finding Raven and Izzy.

Nothing walks around the corner after River ducks in the alley nor does anyone respond to her challenge. She can't find anything behind her even if she does use auspex.

Fletch makes his way up town with Bubba tagging along behind him hoping to find some easy prey. He's just past Shark's pool hall when up ahead he notices a guy ambling along slowly. He looks to be a little drunk but he's not so far gone that he can't walk mostly straight.

Lucky nods as he answers. "Yeah a bunch of glass alcohol bottles. It was kind of weird because he would look at each one, scream, and then throw it out. He hasn't got really mad like that since that night though. Most of the times he's actually not bad though, he actually doesn't seem to mind talking to me unlike most of the others."

Raven walks to the front of the alley and peers in though he doesn't step in right away. He actually looks back over his shoulder at ronny's car as if to make sure it's the right one.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Slinking out from the bug without saying goodbye, Claire scampers off into the shadows, acting like she'd never seen Eve before in her life. She quickly scuttled through the area, lurking in the shadowy alleys of the downtown core not far from the college campus. It wasn't long until she found some prey, and spent a few moments following the lone woman, stalking her, getting a sense of her movements.

When she was alone, hidden from other eyes, Claire lunged out, no snarl, no warning. Just a lunge of hunger, hands punching out to pin the woman against the wall of the alley she was in, fangs going clear for the throat.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Probably ticked he can't drink it all anymore, then, definitely." She inclines her head to the Nosferatu. "Ronny's all right. He's got a few quirks, but then, don't we all?" As she spots Raven, she calls out a quiet "Hey," to get his attention, giving him a little wave as she does so.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve watches Claire run off with some amusement and heads out to get her own drink. A few miles from Fletch's garage she pulls over on the side of the road, lights up her hazards, and waits for some silly do-gooder to come along.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch's teeth part into a silent grin. He points at the man and yells "Go get him, boy!" Giving the dog about 5 seconds of a head start, Fletch then starts running after the man himself, relishing the feel of wind against his face.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The woman lay on the ground dazed from being fed on by Claire completely oblivious to what had just happened to her. Looking around and listening to make sure no one had followed her she found the alley way clear. making her way out of the alley and away from her prey she now had to figure out where to look for Izzy and Raven. She knows they're both college students so the college makes sense but where at the college.

Eve waits and waits with her hazards on but it seems all the do-gooders are in bed by this time. The few cars that do pass her don't even bother slowing down though one car full of frat boys does make a point of leering and making cat-calls as they speed by.

After waiting for a few more minutes to find nothing following her River makes her way home. Her feeling of being followed seems to have gone away and she makes it the rest fo the way without any problems.

Bubba takes off at Fletch's command and chases the drunk guy down rather quickly. The guy reacts a little slowly to the sound of the dog chasing him but turning around he sees Bubba coming in enough time to try and run. He runs straight down the nearest alley, Bubba close on his tail.

Raven makes his way into the alley slowly after taking a look around to make sure no one sees him. His usual apprehension around new people is evident in voice when he speaks though to a somewhat lesser degree than normal.

"H-Hey this is a pretty g-good hiding spot, couldn't even see you back here from the front of the alley. W-Where's Ronny at if his car's here?"

Lucky doesn't seem to have the same apprehension about new people as raven does and he jumps up when Raven comes into the alley to let Raven sit down if he wants. Nodding his head in a friendly manner as he greets Raven.

"That's why I hide out here. I'm Lucky nice to meet you Ray."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The thrill of the hunt courses through Fletch, and he takes after the man himself. Before his prey can get too far though, Fletch speeds up even more to try and pounce on the guy. (Celerity. After the hunt, Fletch heads home)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve grumbles at the fact that not even the cops are out tonight. She waits a few moments longer just in case and if no one comes she hops in her car and heads a little deeper into town. Maybe she can find something quick and easy to replenish herself after this long night.