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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

Resistance: Failure.


Another shock rumbled through Mithra, but this time they were interrupted before the orc could ask any further questions. An orcish woman entered the tent, removing her helmet to reveal a short bob of hair and sharp but scarred features. "Sir!" she said, "there is a... Faerie here to see you. With... Demons." The orcish leader scowled and sighed. "Take her to the scout camp. Tell them to break her and put her to use restoring our numbers, she's communal property now. Then get back to your patrol."

Then he left, and Mithra was untied and told to rise, her body obeying without a second thought while she was led off, through a separate tent flap on the opposite side of the room from the one that the orc that had been interrogating her had gone through. She was half carried there before being tossed in front of a fire, where two stakes were driven into the ground at either side of her. "She's all yours, feel free to use her as you see fit," she said with evident disdain, and then replaced her helmet and walked off.

Nine orcs were around the campfire, four women and five men, and she recognized all of the ones who had captured her, most of whom grinned at her. The collar continued to send jolts of pain through her body, her efforts to break free of the collar forcing her to be so submissive still for naught, and two of the male orcs rose. "You saw her first, you get first turn," one of them said, and the one who had first tried to tackle her moved in front of Mithra. "Heh... Big tittied elf slut, what a fun prize!" he said, undoing the buckle of his pants, "I think I'll wait a bit to see if your mouth is any good... You might have enough will left to bite. Not for long though."

He strolled around behind her and knelt before smacking her on the ass, groping her and shifting her plump cheek aside to reveal her holes. Two fingers tested her pussy, rubbing her lips before roughly sliding between them.


"Sorcerers, I care not for your heritage," the orc corrected Eva coldly, "for what purpose would you meet our leader? We do not treat with every being who walks towards our camp!" The orcs didn't seem to be taking her very seriously, but then she felt a subtle swell of power to her side, from Carnia, and suddenly the orc shifted. Eva was given a chance to respond, but almost regardless of what she said the lead rider replied; "Very well... Follow us."

The riders would lead Eva to the orc's camp, and though some orcs would galre as they passed others would eye the collection of nearly naked women with open interest. The succubi didn't have time to take advantage of those appealing looks, however, as they were led to the center of camp. The riders dismounted and led them to a tent near the center, where the leader of the patrol told them to wait before going inside. A brief muffled conversation, and then a man came forth, a burly fur covered orc who frowned and spoke in accented elvish; "Demon caller... What do you want here?"

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
Last edited:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Certainly Mithra looks to dont get how this thing work, if only she could have time to put in order her ideas, but with foes close her each instant that mostly would not happen. The shock come just in time when they get interrupted, once again she tried her best to dont let out any sound come out as the effect cause the pain at her already damaged body. There were some news about a fairy demon summoner, there could be a possibility than it was Evangeline, another fey or Felicia placing herself in risk, but this last was not possible by how little time has passed unles Evangeline call for her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard maybe the worst fate than could happened here to someone like her. Her needs to hide her weakness and the cold werent enough to stop that cold sweat at her forehead and chest, there were just terrible tales about what will happen now.

The collar worked before she could decide what she could do now, she fighted what she could as she get taken and tied again. The collar punishment mixed with what would be of her daughters if Felicia was taken too numb her mind, by sideways of her gaze she saw the looks from this orc female and then the evils ones from some of her new owners, confused she was frozen until the first who would take her insult her.

"I must escape, there must be some way, i dont care which one, please think" She scream at her mind, there was not reason to let them do this to her and hurt her people, if she needs to pay with her life, soul and honor then she will do it in order to defend what she love. Sh blushed and bite her lip to dont show her surprise when she get spanked, her body tried to defend of the invasion than this pervert soldier placed on her.

Chained and close to turn into just a slut for their fun, some of this bring back to her an old yet printed memory in her mind about when she found her mother corrupted and chained thanks to the moans and song than the broken woman made to bring company what giv e to Mithra a last time to see her, maybe she still could think clearly, but finally she could understand what she had in her heart in the last moments with her.

Mithra wanted to remain firm meanwhile her heart cry until made her shivering lips let flow that passion, the same as her mother's will to be released of that cold darkness and chains, so she could recover that love stolen from her. Her song what volumen was not so huge to be noticed out of the scout area but filled with all her will, mostly in her elfic lenguage talked about what she wanted back, the light from the stars, the music of the forest and over all return to meet that warm peace at home. The feelings on the first part tried to call the attention of the nine around her, trying to sound friendly and motherly, maybe they would not notice her body getting ready to escape.

With the attention of them on her, come the part of the song where she invite them to come, the kind of words given to her to make her leave her room that night used now to stun them, she get then ready for the last part where in that dark prision her mother asked for release her from her bindings now with they fully focused on her if all goes right would maybe release her or she could do it alone, in secret she has sprout tentacles which she will use them to embrance them all in a peaceful rest at her lap and perpetual pleasure from her many appendages.

First activate Spirited Warrior with 10 points to resistence what turn into 20
Use apparent innocence and thief to check how to get free if needed. She will change a mutation for a tentacle in secret

She will continue using Siren Song to stun them, still using Spirited Warrior with 10 points at resistence before any resistance roll. Another tentacle is earned for another trade in mutation.

If all goes right from the point where they get charmed she will ask them to remove the collar and free her hands so she could fuck them all, using apparent inocence to increase the charm boost. Still using Spirited Warrior with 10 points, if they dont want to free her she will do it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Alright alright, I meant no offense, no need to take it that way," Evangeline replied calmly when the orc woman stated what she'd meant by her kind wasn't welcome.

She was about to answer her when she spoke further and asked why she wanted to see her leader when she felt a small very subtle burst of power come from Carnia, which seemed to have helped and changed the orcs minds from the looks of it... thankfully. "Thank you," Eva replied and followed them along, letting them lead the way, figuring it best to follow along for now, though she kept her distance as best she could, knowing that the lot of them had iron weaponry and or armor on them and not wanting to touch it.

On the way, Evangeline noticed several more orcs as they went through the camp to apparently the leader's tent. She waited until the leader came out, where she bowed politely to him as a show of respect. "I was actually about to ask you much the same question in fact. Why you're here that is. I saw signs of a fight near where your scouts found us, and could have sworn I heard fighting before I came upon where I saw the signs of fighting, so I investigated further and attempted to follow the tracks I saw, where your lady scout there and her troop found us," Evangeline said to the orcish man in a diplomatic tone, looking around at his troops. "You do know though that your entire force here is technically behind enemy lines don't you? Gods-Reach was retaken some days ago now, maybe as much as a fortnight ago or more. I received word from my court about it," Eva went on to say to the orc man, keeping things as cordial as possible between them and hopefully build a bit of a rapport with him and his people to perhaps come to a mutual understanding between them and the elves of the hidden village.

Here's a hoping that her Pheromones, Dazzling Beauty, and Apparent Innocence both help her out in her diplomacy.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

Resistance: Failure on a nat 1.

Mithra can't grow multiple appendages, you can only add one of a given mutation with shapeshifting. She also can't use it unless someone gives her permission.


The distractions of her situation weren't to allowed Mithra to do as she liked, and with the collar restricting her actions she was unable to make use of her shapeshifting at all. The orcs paid little attention to her attempts to sing, and as the one behind her started fingering her she found herself unable to keep a tune very well. A few more did seem to take notice, but unfortunately she was unable to keep up her song for long as another of the scouts walked up and undid his pants, grabbed a handful of her blond hair, and roughly shoved his half hard cock into her mouth, silencing her and filling her with the taste and scent of the orcish man's musky flesh.

The one behind her unveiled his own tool, nearly fully hard, and Mithra soon felt him rubbing the tip against her petals as he worked it to full erectness. The feel of his hand on her hip grew firmer, and after a few moments she felt him go still, felt him begin to press in. Her folds yielded, even squeezed around him invitingly as pleasure soared through the helpless elf's core, inch after inch of thick orcish cock claiming her undefended folds.

Many of her kin had suffered a fate that now hung over her as the orc's cock slid into her. They had been captured, raped, bred, and ultimately broken to their captors, their elvish bloodlines sullied by the orcish seed. Now it would be she who was made to bear the orc's children, spawn who would fight against her people until all of them had suffered such a fate, and as she felt the tip of the orcish scout's cock push against her cervix that fate seemed all but certain.

"Nnnn... Got us a tight one... Not for long!" he grunted as he shifted, grinding his long, thick tool inside of her and sending pulses of pleasure rolling through her body. Placing both hands on the bound elf's hips, he began to pump in and out of her at a steady clip, making her soft rear bounce as he filled her more than nearly any other partner ever had. The other held onto her hair while roughly fucking her throat, letting her taste his pre just as she soon felt the same warmth in her sex, a dangerous warning of what she would feel all too soon. Minutes passed, her body seizing with traitorous pleasure as the orc pounded into her unprotected pussy, before she felt both of her present partners start to throb dangerously inside of her, both increasing the pace of their thrusts in preparation for their orgasms while many more waited for their turn with her.


"We caught a new pet," the orc leader replied coldly in apparent explanation, "ahhh, of course faeries are well informed... Our conflicts have no bearing on your people. We weren't there when the attack took place, but from what we heard from those that fled, the humans attacked from within, likely by trickery or sorcery. We intend to replenish our supplies and take prizes until we can rejoin the rest of our tribe to the Northeast, we've no interest in conflicting with the fair folk.... Or with bartering with them."

He wasn't as hostile as he might have been, but if she were relying on her looks and aura to make him more acquiescent she would be disappointed. Dropping that she was of a court had earned her a measure of respect, but also a degree of wariness, though the orc apparently didn't know enough about the fey to realize that no courted faerie would ever travel with demons. She had managed to pry a bit of information from him at least, but she would have to figure out how she wanted to go about getting Mithra out of their clutches.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The moment was getting critical really fast for Mithra to find out what she could do, her song was interrupted by the pleasure and then a dick from another orc. With the collar on her affecting her attempts to get free she soon was on the mercy of her captors, used as a onehole or a fuck doll instead a being with rights, the ones than she has fighted hard to earn after a terrible childhood.

When the orc's peak was so close and the instincts of protect her heritage come to give her the enough willpower to try again to escape of their cursed fertil seed. She was ready to risk her life if needed, move her body and use all her skills to beat down these two and then do a desesperate attempt to escape if she could free herself of these bonds. But just then something more invaded her mind and made her focus on the possibility than this wild escape could make her lost the chance to see her loved ones again. Why she fear to dont make it this time? She has escaped before of many worse fates and beaten many orcs before, so she could defend herelf barehand.

Instead press hard on the member at her mouth and kick the one from behind, she just pressed her fists and closed her eyes, trying to endure the gross scent and what will happen to her now and maybe for hours. She would find a way to endure this and escape when the time come, her daughters and lovers were waiting for her in a safe place. She only need to play this as best as she could to make all these nasty lower beings get bored of her, doing her best to act so they couldnt taste any struggle or love to them.

Blank Endure
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Aah, I see. Well that would explain the fighting we heard most likely. I was hoping that I could get that cute little elf I've been tracking for a while now myself, because she tried to take something from me and I want to punish her for it, but alas. I would be willing to trade for her though if possible, or acquire her in other ways," Evangeline said to the orc leader man, suggesting a possible trade for the cute elf she'd been tracking, which wasn't too far off from the truth as she had actually been tracking Mithra. "As for replenishing your supplies, I can't help with that much. Though... I do know of a place that had a bit of food and possible loot to the east if you'd like to head for it. Was a grove that had a few fruit bearing trees when I passed through and the remnants of an alien tower stronghold that some of my kin and I destroyed," she went on to say, pointing off in the general direction of the alien's tower which if she recalled should be east of there.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

Resistance: Failure on another nat 1.


Mithra's will once more failed her utterly, and while she mentally thrashed her body barely budged. That left the orcs on either side of her to thrust freely, her mouth sucking instead of biting and her hips still except for tiny thrusts that moved with the orc instead of against him. The warrior's long, thick cock plunging into her unprotected folds sent wave after wave of shuddering pleasure rolling through the elf's body, his balls slapping against her clit and thighs as his thrusts made her voluptuous body jiggle.

Every thrust seemed to hit all of her sweet spots, the orc's sheer size letting him fill her completely and tap her cervix lightly on the apex of each thrust. The collar kept on pulsing around her neck, denying her even the most basic ability to resist the sensations rolling through her body, and as he worked himself into a furious pace she felt a knot of pleasure growing inside of her far too quickly. It built and built, the traitorous pleasure coiling a serpent in her belly that ultimately struck in the form of a traitorous orgasm, her body seizing in intense pleasure that caused her folds to tighten naturally around the cock plunging into her depths.

The orc pounding into her let out a delighted grunt, his cock throbbing inside of her, every thrust smearing pre across her inner barrier that was opening in preparation. There was no protection, no stopping him from delivering his seed, the first of what would no doubt be many cumshots that would go directly into her fertile womb. Even through the waves of her climax Mithra could feel the man behind her tense, could feel his balls contract and his cock throb, and only another moment of dread was allowed to her before her rapist erupted into her pussy, the first spurt piercing her last defenses easily and going directly into her womb, where it was soon joined by another... And another. What she'd heard of orc potency was true, it seemed, as the scout poured his potent cream deep inside of her, and the other followed suit and started spurting his own load down her throat, leaving the helpless elf filled from both ends as her unwanted orgasm was forced to continue an extra few moments.

When they were done with her both orcs pulled out, their cum dribbling from her holes, but what had been unleashed inside of her was already doing its work, legions of sperm seeking a single target that was all too ready to be found.


"Blond thing? We caught her, she belongs to the scouts now. They've just started breaking her in. If you want to punish it you'll have to take it up with them," the orc said calmly, his monotone unbroken. Her effort to divert the orcs didn't seem to work, as he glared at her for a moment and slowly said; "There is nothing but barrens and mountains to the East of here. We know, we came from that way... And there aren't any trees around here that bear fruit this time of year." He seemed more suspicious now than he had been, but wasn't yet making any effort to get her out of their camp.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

(Sorry for the long wait on Eva post and sorry for it being so short, had a lot on my mind and it kinda slipped.)

"Alright alright, I'll talk to the scouts about it then. And there were some fruit bearing trees when I was there, though that was at least a fortnight ago, it could be much different by now I'm sure. It's up to you if you want to go that way and check or not," Eva replied in the same neutral diplomatic tone she'd started with, unsure of what to do now, as she couldn't fight them straight up without some major help.

She glanced over to Kreynaia for a moment before nodding to the orc captain and looking around for the scouts to find Mithra, hoping she could maybe talk somehow get Mithra away from them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Her attempts to endure the pleasure looks to dont mean anything for the slave collar at her neck, fully controlled by it her body just dont answered to her attempts to dont fall more under the hands of her captors, by each focus on her mind just more pleasure looks to daze her body and mind.

There was just nothing than she could do as the orcs thrust hard on her, filling her with their foul meat, deep as the widht press rubs each of her sensible points at her babymaker hole. Maybe the feeling of be completely helpless or it was part of the slave collar, but she couldnt understand than she were almost looking to enjoy this, her ample breasts were erected not only now for the cold but also with the need of be touched by them, she just could only hope than they werent touched at all or her milk could flow as the juices from her cunt and she would fall even lower.

The confusion lead to her unable to find out than her warm lips were eagerly loving the taste of the vile creature using her mouth, it was like her eyes were gazed as she lick and suck from such lower level being and soon as expected the cum from them dont last too much to come out and fill her insides, out of call repulsion this make her get her own orgasm.

Mithra was now at the mercy of the fate now with her womb filled by the huge loads of warm seed, her eyes wide and she wanted to hide all that fear and anger trying to close them again, just wishing than she could find a way to get out of this place before they make her act even more against her will.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed


The elf was brutally gangbanged by the orcs, her mouth pussy and ass all fucked and filled with hot, potent orc cum countless times as the scouts used her. She was forced to cum multiple times, leaving her a limp pile of flesh, assuredly pregnant with one of their children.


"Take this one to the scouts," the orc leader said to one of his fellows, before turning and going back into his tent. Eva was led through the camp, her summoned demons at her side, and eventually to a fire where she found Mithra bound between two stakes driven into the ground, one orc plowing her cum leaking pussy from behind and another using her mouth. Several seemed to be waiting their turn, but a thickly built redheaded female orc who wasn't partaking of the captured elf took notice of Eva and her minions and looked curiously at the sidhe.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

(Sorry for the long ass wait. Family troubles the last few weeks with my grandma passing on and everything. Hopefully I'll be able to make posts more frequently when you've both posted from now on.)

Following the orc the leader ordered to take her to where Mithra apparently was, Eva looked around to see what all she could see, taking in all of the numbers and armaments as she went, along with what their supplies looked like. When they came to where Mithra was, Eva held in a gasp that nearly formed and gave a bit of a disgruntled look, but said nothing yet. She could see no way of freeing Mithra without simply attacking and teleporting herself, Mithra, and the trio of succubi away with her, and that would take some doing to manage it without getting swarmed by the orcs.

As she walked around Mithra, Eva noticed the muscled redhead orc woman looking her way with a curious look in her eyes. Evangeline decided to take a chance and moved over to the orcish woman. "Well hello there. I noticed you eying me and felt like seeing if you liked what you saw," Eva said to the orc woman, sitting down beside her if she was sitting already, but standing next to her if not. "Were you one of the ones that captured the little elf there that I was tracking?" she then asked the orcish woman.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With not time to waste, the next orcs to take her just pull out theirs members without the need to prepare the place of use, placing theirs gross hands over her luscious rear again, just than this time her back hole was choiced, the after effect of her orgasm made the elf do more than groan by the sudden intrusion and added to it some pleasure manage to mix to her sound.

In the act Mithra tried to press her teeth and cum soaked lips to hide any noise until a second orc lift softly her legs and penetrate her already damaged front lower gate, more naughty unwanted sounds come out of the proud elf warrior. her didgnity was getting crushed with each minute of the terrible ordear than just started. The potent thrusts made her bounce as a helpless ragdoll in middle of two terrible in heat beasts, but she still tried to endure all this with the memory of the past with her lover and each time more impossible possibility to return to see her daughters, all this even when her body melt in such predicament and her mind was often controlled by the terrible slave collar.

Her willpower and hate to these creatures dont worth the enough to stop herself of feel her body press the hard objects inside her holes and move her hips in submision, soon than later she just could notice a naughty woman doing not the enough to cover her indign moans, it was just at her peak than she notice than these impudic sounds come from her and her eyes frozen in terror as she saw the line waiting to take her.

Both holes were then filled by huge loads of the cursed seed before the same creatures used for more minutes dont caring at all than she was still needing to get a moment to rest. As the turns passed it was more difficult for her to notice how was she used or which hole they had taken now, her mind couldnt hide the addiction of these colored huge members, but maybe just at her mind or even whispering she said the possible truth than her lover was better, at least she could made her feel like this alone.

At the end each part of her body could had been used by the horde, maybe even they could had free her body to fuck her better without she notice it, but by that time all the soreness and tireness would had made her escape unable to start. Fully covered in dry and fresh jizz, Mithra was there, bound to the wood still being used by two orcs when Eva found her, her hands pressing hard as the only clue than there was still someone in that used body.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

The redheaded orc quirked an eyebrow at Eva for her flirtatious advance, and at the very didn't look disinterested. "Yeah," she said simply at the now mostly limp Mithra for a moment while Mithra took a seat next to her, the three succubi fanning out and artfully decorating the scenery with themselves. "Why?" she asked, looking back to the faerie curiously.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Oh, well, it's a bit of a personal grudge I have against her. I'd like to take her and... do various things to her to make her pay for what she tried to take from me. I thought I'd simply ask if I could have her when you all had gotten your fun out of her," Eva said to the redheaded orc woman, not hiding her stares at her. "But enough about her, let's talk more you and me. You may call me Eva if you like. Might I know your name my dear? It is usually customary to introduce yourself I believe among mortals. I must say though my dear, I am liking what I'm seeing in you. I can't turn a blind eye to beauty and strength when I see it. And you my dear are incredibly lovely and strong, I can feel it just looking at you," she went on to say, introducing herself to the orc woman and offering a hand to shake.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After the prolongued sex placing its quota on the blonde elf, it was normal than Mithra dont noticed what was happening around her until suddenly she was placed to sit close the orc red head and theirs visitors. Her attempt to recover some of her energy in this little rest help her to notice the known voice close her.

Eva words werent a confort for Mithra, yes she should be with renewed hopes by have a friend so close, but she dont wanted than her ally risk so much like this for her. Her damaged mind get filled with worries about her team without the sidhe protection and, her cum covered face soon sweating cold by the possibility of all of them be taken by the orc's hands, she gasped and look down as Evangeline talked what she could to hide her identity.

When Evangeline placed her eyes on the orc lady, the elf take this chance to look quickly around her with a quick sight, trying to find out a way to escape if all fail, it was then than she manage to notice the three succubi close them. She really would had wished for any other race except demons for Eva to summon them, see them made her frown softly but quickly turn her face to the floor again if there was not a way to free herself of her bondings.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 0/68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Exhausted, Pregnant, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

The orcish woman quirked an eyebrow at the suggestion that Eva had a score to settle with Mithra, but didn't seem to question the lie. "Garia," she grunted simply, though she was smirking at Eva's barrage of compliments. Vanity was rare among orcs, but even they weren't above taking a few compliments, particularly when phrased as Eva had with focus on their ability as much as their appearance. "I don't see the boys agreeing to hand that one over... They just got her after all, but you might be able to manage taking a turn now that most of them are done. Maybe more if your price is good and you can haggle."

Mithra, in the meantime, was far too exhausted to find any success in her efforts to squirm out of her bonds, her body heavy with exhaustion and pained from her rough treatment.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I don't have a whole lot I can truly offer, save my body I guess, but I know a few things I could offer them, and you perhaps. I could use a strong beautiful warrior like yourself Garia. I have been looking for strong and beautiful women such as yourself," Evangeline said, flashing a seductive smile at Garia as she tried her hand at seduction. "Just think of it my dear. You could gain power with me, if you wished. And if there are any other lovely ladies such as yourself, they would be more than welcome to come along as well. And I can pleasure you better than any man ever could," Eva went on to say, reaching over and caressing Garia's cheek if she allowed her to.

Evangeline would glance over at her succubi and wink, as if telling them without words that she wanted to seduce Garia into coming with them. Because not only was she beautiful in Eva's eyes, she was also strong and could be a valuable asset to them. As could any other orcs they could seduce.

She reached out mentally to her three summoned succubi telepathically and once she was sure all three were able to hear her, she spoke. "Ladies, do your best to seduce a few of the orc men and women. And with any luck we maybe even manage more than just that," Eva said to her three succubi through their telepathic link.

(If Eva can't talk to her summoned succubi telepathically already then she'll use Telepathy to make that connection with all three of them so she can, laying out her plan to them.)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 0/68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Exhausted, Pregnant, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 79/122, Status = Fine, Charmed, Telepathy to 3 succubi
Resistance: Garia is charmed. So are two other orcs.

Taking Eva's cue, Kreynaia fluttered over behind her, and the tiniest flash of power briefly caused Garia's eyes to go blank. She blinked a few times, and then smirked. "Maybe... I'm not interested in leaving my clan, but you look like you might be a bit of fun for a little while~" she replied, while Ynsid and Carnia used similar power on a few other orcs, the busty dark skinned demoness looking at a particularly well endowed female orc who was already slightly hot and bothered looking while the paler succubus drew the eye of a male orc who had seemingly missed out on the gangbang of Mithra. They lacked the power to get them to simply abandon their group, breaking such well ingrained ties requiring extended effort and magics that they lacked, but at the very least they could nullify a few. Kreynaia also couldn't fully transfer the charm magic from herself to Eva, even if the sidhe's appearance and pheromones made what little redirection she could manage a little bit easier.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Oh, that's sad. I would love to have such beauty as yourself with me in my harem, to have one with your strength leading it. My harem would be the envy of all the lands," Evangeline said enticingly in Garia's ear, planting the seed of desire in there and hoping it sprouted quickly. "Or maybe instead you and I could make our own clan, hmm," she then suggested to Garia enticingly, reaching over and kissing her on the neck.

"Kreyania, Ynsid, Carnia, try to charm as many as you can to distract them. When they're sufficiently distracted we'll teleport out with Mithra if we can. And maybe with Garia here if I can coax her somehow... I'll think of something I'm sure," Eva said through her telepathic connection to her trio of succubi.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 0/68, PP = 52, EP = 42/52, Status = Exhausted, Pregnant, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 79/122, Status = Fine, Charmed, Telepathy to 3 succubi

"I am part of no one's harem," Garia said suddenly, coldly, and Eva realized that her words had made the orc snap the charm like a twig. "No one, not faerie nor elf, nor man nor woman, nor anything else owns me!" It didn't stop the other orcs from being allured by the succubi, however, and the crowd was at least being distracted from Mithra's prone form. Nor would it stop Eva from leaning in to kiss her on the neck, and if she did some of her hostility would fade. "Hmmhmm... You propose a mating then, sorcerer? I may be more than you can handle," she purred, the arousal that Eva had been working on seemingly not gone, merely suppressed by the sidhe's insulting suggestion. It was clear, however, that she would not be easy to control. "Why not let your... Associates here see to your quarry? She won't be wandering off, and I'm sure we can arrange a chance to punish her for you. My tent is... Right over there," Garia continued, leaning back in to return the light nip on the neck.

[We aren't made of energy you know!] Ynsid responded telepathically. [Well, technically we are right now... By Ynsid is right, we can only spend so much since you don't want to pay us today. Go fuck the orc if you want, but taking her with us is probably a bad idea unless you think you can keep her dominated. Grab the elf, we'll pop back to Hell, and you can summon us again for our payment.]

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions