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*COMPLETED* Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Kurui stepped out from her dormitory building, taking in a deep breath of the slightly cool air outside. It was early morning in Elynsor, and the sun was still hiding behind a gentle cover of clouds as dew glistened upon the grass and trees on campus. The Royal Magic Academy was more of a huge property rather than just one building, boasting a sizeable area enclosed by stone walls and characterized by numerous towering, white spires, all of which were parts of the classroom buildings. There were about a dozen of these structures, making it something of a pain to navigate. Good thing she made it a point to try and get to class early, as her first class just happened to be across the campus from where the girls' dorms were located. It figured. Outside, activity was minimal, with only the occasional student passing by, likely the most serious or devoted ones, and many of these were more concerned with getting to and from wherever they needed to go instead of socializing.

However, once she got into the building, the Water major would find that the interior was slightly more populated, with some students chatting in select cliques. Test scores for the General Quarterly Exam were up on the wall for all to see, and should Kurui check, she would find that she was in the top 20, with none other than Lanie making the top score, and Nebula being just underneath her. Speaking of which, the green-haired prodigy was in the building, conversing with a group of girls that had crowded around her. It was easy for many people to look unpopular when she was around, but it wasn't long before a familiar voice was heard.

Sienna, a Wind major and something of a free spirit, prodded Kurui in the ribs after having walked up alongside her. "Hey! Kurui! What's goin' on?" she asked, smirking. "I saw you made it to the top 20--that's a pretty big deal! Congrats, lady!" the blonde-haired girl added, patting the Water major on the back. Sienna was rather touchy-feely, but everyone knew her to be like that, for better or for worse. She was often cheerful, sometimes inconveniently so, and her lips were slightly curled into a teasing smile. "Sooo, dunno if you heard, but they finally found a new replacement for your homeroom teacher. I haven't heard a whole lot about 'im except that he's suppooosed to be some kinda esteemed noble, and a genius! I wonder if he's a looker."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Reserving this post for notes, game systems, character Bio, ect. Whenever I feel like updating. This RP was NOT done with the Dark Gate system.

(Please note I didn't have the best idea of what I was doing when I made this, a few things have changed throughout the RP, especially as I learned more of how the "world" works.)

Name: Kurui

Age: 19

Occupation: Magic Academy Student (Water Major)

Personality: *Edited Out* The personality I had here and the one that actually emerged from the RP are different enough that the one here was a bit misleading as time went on.

History: She's the only daughter of a “middle class” family with government positions in one of the smaller provinces. While she's not exactly royalty or upper class, she's not from a peasant family either and grew up with a pretty stable life that never really involved any serious worry or hardship or the kind of merciless workload some people have to deal with to survive. Still not being royalty or from an “important” family she tends not to demand a whole lot of respect by name or birth, possibly even being seen as a “commoner” by those that have that kind of class. Luckily she has enough talent with magic to excel at it and learn quickly, getting into the academy on her own skill rather than bribes or rank. She's still by no means an expert an “expert” or prodigy though.
Despite being from a family involved in politics, her home region is pretty small and generally not involved in a whole lot of “dirty” dealings or other shady things. As such she has no involvement in these things, generally tending to respect kingdom laws, and doesn't know much more about the “underworld” than the average commoner could find out through regular reading or keeping up with current events.

Skills: As a mage she generally tends to have the intelligence and magical aptitude that go with that, usually surpassing that of random commoners. However she has almost no skills in close combat or even in most common kind of physical jobs because of her mostly easy childhood, she does keep healthy enough to be fairly quick and agile though, skills that can help even with magical combat. As far as magic itself goes, she's best with water and ice and tends to use those mainly in any kind of “combat”. While gifted with this element, she's no “expert” though. She knows how to use other elements, although with far less proficiency.

Appearance: Quick ref: (Drawfriend did this one for me! Details are fairly different and more "magical-girl'ish" in many respects than what I went with in the RP, but it's still lightyears better than my original drawings (which are still in my albums, probably).)

(Not that I've really used stats much at all.)

Stats: Kurui

Magic/Intelligence: 2
Perception: 1
Charm: 1
Body: -1
Will: 1

Charm would be when determining, well, obviously, charming rolls, Magic/Intelligence would help with actual magic-based stuff and knowledge, Body helps with physical feats, Perception is self-explanatory, helps you read events and/or people, and Will determines how cool you can stay under pressure or avoid negative penalties when in a bad situation, essentially.
You get 5 points to distribute however you like, although you have to choose one stat that is -1. 0 is average, 1 is above average. 2 is very above average. 3 is expert. 4 is prodigy. Ect. These are rough guidelines, not binding "rules" or "mechanics".

Oops, I lost it. Deal with it. I'm sure the GM has a copy anyway.

*Purple text is actual dialogue from my character.
*Dark Blue Italicized text is thoughts, not something spoken out loud.
*Other characters may have unique colors for their dialogue.
*“~~~~~~~~~~” Will be placeholder text for spell incantations because I'm not going to spend half a paragraph on poety.
*Red Text is for OOC edits to any of my posts
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui gave an annoyed sigh at being interrupted before she could even check her scores. Somehow even before Sienna said anything, Kurui knew it was her, a certainty that was further cemented when the touchy feeling poking came a second later. Still, Kurui wasn't in a mood to be angry or cause trouble so she ignored the pangs of annoyance and told herself to be friendly. Besides, even as she was putting on a nice face the free-spirited wind mage kept talking a mile a minute and managed to catch her attention.
“Top 20? Wow... I'm kind of surprised actually.” There was no sarcasm in her voice and she genuinely seemed surprised. She hadn't expected to do so well, but it wasn't completely unbelievable either. “-Um, thanks for telling me, and for the congratulations and stuff.” She quickly added, embarrassed and feeling a bit rude for not having acknowledged the compliment earlier. “It wasn't that big of a deal though, really. I probably just got lucky. Besides, I'm sure you did fine too, you seem happy today.” She finished up trying to sound humble and encouraging... and out of a slight embarrassed aversion to being grouped with the overachievers. In fact she was grateful for Sienna news now, as it saved her the trouble of having to go check the scores herself and deal with the cliques crowded around the top scorers like Lanie and and Nebula. Though Sienna was slightly annoying, the kind of superficial attention bubbles that formed around the more popular students was a far worse kind of an annoyance. Kurui wasn't anti-social, but preferred being around people that cared about more than popularity or mindless worshipping. She was in no mood to have to push through all them to check scores and had no reason to think Sienna was lying or anything so instead decided to take her word for it and avoid the crowd, letting her keep on talking and listening for anything else interesting.

“New teacher huh? I wonder just how genius he actually is, these nobles have a tendency to think pretty high of themselves, some of “geniuses” here don't know any magic except money.” Kurui commented with a dry humor, skeptical of this new teacher. “This “looker” of your's is probably some creepy old perv, even if he's not he's probably older than you if he's a teacher.” she catches herself getting a little cynical again and lightens her tone “Besides, I hardly imagine you as the kind to sleep with with a teacher, I'm sure Nebula's already doing it for all those high test scores anyway, heh. Sorry, I really shouldn't be saying anything before I've even seen him. We can head to the room and check if you want. I don't have anything else important to do and I don't really want to hang around here anyway.” She decides to go check soon anyway, whether Sienna wants to come or not, grateful for something interesting to do and genuinely curious why a genius would want to be a teacher rather than a private tutor for the rich families... then again if he was a nobel himself, he might be one of the eccentric ones. Either way it wouldn't be long until she found out for herself as she already found herself walking in the direction of homeroom.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hah, you kiddin' me?! I did awesome! 99th place~!" Sienna beamed, looking quite pleased with herself. "Not genius-level material like you, but at least I'm in the double digits club now, hehhe," she quipped, unable to peel that grin off of her face. "Someday. But geez, I dunno how those girls do it. Lanie and Nebula, I mean. Lanie's so, I dunno, social--and Nebula's always hangin' out with that 'study group' of hers, even though I think only two in that lil' clique know anything about studying," the girl went on, continuing her long-winded commentary whether or not Kurui cared to hear it. Should the Water major walk in one direction or another, away from the test score boards, she could be assured that Sienna wouldn't be far behind. The chatty blonde wasn't an unpopular type per se, but she often clung to Kurui like glue whenever she noticed her, and even the most foul of attitudes wouldn't dissuade her from doing so. Perhaps she was dense, or that she just didn't care whether or not anyone was actually listening, but that was Sienna.

Upon hearing Kurui's comments regarding the new instructor, her tag-along made a face. "No way, I mean, this guy is seriously like, a big deal! He's supposed to be some kind of multi-talented guy who invented a bunch of things for the Kingdom, like... all kindsa stuff that runs on Lightning magic! But anyway, I mean... I'm not like THAT, I was just sayin', it's better to have someone easy on the eyes instead of some wrinkly old fart. Wish I was in your class, 'cause the boys in mine aren't even worth taking a second look at. Besides maybe Teague, but he's an asshole," she went on. "And Nebula, well... she is kinda weird for someone who's s'posed to be so smart, huh? But anyway. I'll come and take a look with you, though! Soo curious!"

When the two finally made it to Kurui's classroom, 2-A, only a handful of students were already there, two sitting and doing some self-study while the other three were quietly exchanging stories off to one corner. A rather handsome, tall man with a long face and straight black hair stood at the podium in the front of the class flipping through several papers, presumably organizing some of his lesson plans. He glances sideways at the two as they enter, raising a brow, before turning to address them. "More early arrivals, just as I would have preferred. Your names?"

Before Kurui gets much of a word in edgewise, Sienna butts in and stutters, with an obvious blush on her face. "I-I'm Sienna! And this is Kurui," she said in her usual enthusiastic tone, as if she were the representative for the two. "We've heard all about your great work, both in the Academy and for the Kingdom, but was just gonna ask a few things about um..."

"My work outside of this institution is not particularly of importance," he retorts sternly, almost cutting her off with how quick he replied. "Especially when it is the two of you who will be doing the learning." The man pauses and averts his gaze downward at the podium, moving a few papers in his stack out of the way to reveal the roster, then looks back at the pair. "Besides, aren't you a student of Class 1-A? That would be the next room over."

Sienna looks a bit flustered and crestfallen, for once, and nods. "I know, I was just gonna check out the state o' things... see what kinda teacher my friend has! Gotta make sure ya treat her right!"

"It would be acceptable, if it truly concerned you," he replied coldly. "But unfortunately, that isn't the case. I'd recommend returning to your own homeroom as soon as possible."

The Wind major simply sighed and nodded, giving a subdued wave to Kurui as she turned and headed out. "I'll catch ya later, Kurui," she concluded in a low voice, before heading out into the halls.

"Now," he said, after the blonde one was well out of sight. "Kurui, was it? You appear to be reasonably well-ranked in the standings, thanks to the most recent test... although I'm sure you could do better," he says boldly. "But rest assured. I've prepared a large assignment for the class, one that could certainly raise your grade, provided you perform well enough."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Wow... she's gone... and he did it in less than a minute. I have to learn how to do that.” Kurui thinks to herself as the new teacher drives off her tagalong in only a few short seconds. However she is surprised to find her tagalong's information was pretty accurate and not just random gossip. The new instructor did indeed have some pretty good looks going for him and carried an air that spoke of confidence and an earned reputation.

She feels as though she should recognize him from somewhere, being a well-known inventor and all that, but she can't seem to place him. Maybe it was his attitude throwing her off. While she was grateful to get a break from Sienna for the moment, he came off as a little too short and forward, almost condescending, as if pretending to ignore and flaunt his importance at the same time, she even felt a little bad for Sienna. It's something of a habit with other nobles she's noticed, but she doesn't say anything, knowing better than to be disrespectful and hoping she's just reading it the wrong way.

“Yes, my name is Kurui. May I ask what kind what kind of project sir....” she stops and realizes she doesn't even know his name yet. “I'm sorry, what name do you prefer? I haven't had the chance to ask anyone yet and I didn't know about the teacher change until today.” She tries to act polite and proper, although the man's air of importance makes her a little nervous, as she's not used to talking to nobles, especially ones of importance, on her own like this. The truth is she doesn't really care much about what kind of grade this project is worth, as she's not a perfectionist and thinks her grade is fine. However it seems important so she acts like it is, and she is genuinely curious about what it actually is beyond a large grade anyway.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"You can call me Mr. Black," he replies bluntly, not caring to explain much beyond that. "Mr. Griden, your former teacher, was recently drafted on emergency notice to act as a consultant for the Elynsorian Military on foreign soil. Due to obligations I have in the city, however, you can rest assured that I will be your new permanent instructor," the relatively lofty teacher goes on to explain. "As for your project... well. I'll elaborate when class starts."

Perhaps not half an hour later, the rest of the students filtered into the room, taking their respective seats before Mr. Black began his lesson. He was very strict and orderly, speaking in a tone and manner matching that of the way he spoke to Kurui and Sienna, and it gradually became difficult to imagine him as anything but this cold, calculating type of man. Interruptions were frequently made by a group giggling girls towards one corner of the class, and the teacher only gave them one warning before sending them out of the classroom.

Eventually, towards the end of class, he moved onto the topic of the project. "Consider it a field trip of sorts, where in but a few days' time, several groups will be sent with an armed escort to the Bryndale Mines, where your assignment is to find a mineral that works as a focus crystal based on the element of your Major. It may be difficult, as Pyrenium and Siffulum in the real world may look nothing like their 'ideal' appearances in your texts, seeing as they often come in an impure form. At any rate, you'll be graded on performance, not effort, and you'll be able to keep the stone you found for yourself after the assessments are over. Consider it a practical exercise, in that you'll be able to identify rocks that can serve as focus crystals, without having some misleading textbook image stuck in your mind. Collect as many as you want, of course, though only one will be usable for the test."

This triggered a series of groans, sighs, and various whispers from the others, who were quick to be silenced by a loud tapping on the podium by Mr. Black. "Silence. You'll have plenty of time to discuss it during the coach rides. It may seem like a hassle at this point in your academic career, but consider it a necessity--for to graduate, you will need a proper focus stone anyway. Dismissed."

The teacher gave an audible sigh, shaking his head after some of the students had already rushed out the door, many of which were giggling and already chattering about how 'lame' the project was and such. For a moment, Kurui could see a crack in his stone mask hinting a degree of frustration, though whether she chose to approach him about it was up to her. Otherwise, if she chose to simply move out into the hall with the others, Sienna would be waiting for her to give an update on the latest class with this new teacher.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Just as harsh as I had guessed. This is going to be a fun semester.” Kurui thinks to herself as the class draws to a close. She still stays quiet and attentive until the end though, not wanting to let any signs of disagreement slip, especially after others had been sent from the class earlier without much of a warning. It's not an act either, she really does pay attention to every bit, even though the “project” seems stranger and stranger by the moment, it's certainly not something the class would normally have done before.

It's not all bad though, at least it's something practical and maybe interesting, and to be honest she can't help but think a bit of strictness is something a lot of members of the class could use. As she catches a moment of frustration on his face, she almost feels a bit sorry for him for having to deal with these students... almost, but then the more she thinks about it the more she finds her benefit of the doubt for him slipping away.

“Who am I kidding... this isn't practical, we're wasting our time to go dig around around in a cave for shiny rocks instead of learning anything. The earth mages will probably end up caving the whole place in on us. The kingdom has miners for this who actually know what they're doing and you can buy crystals anyway. This IS a lame project. Whatever, at least it shouldn't be too hard.”

She gets up to leave, sure Sienna will be waiting and ready to tell her how wrong she was about the “cool new teacher” but then she finds herself feeling something is off. It takes awhile for her to pin it down but eventually... “Of course, how could I have missed that? Who am I kidding, he makes EVERYTHING sound so serious it didn't stand out.” she finally pins down whats bothering her. Asking about it is its own matter though, the Black is so serious and so dire she's a little intimidated to say anything and not sure how he'll react. “He seems not to have any tolerance for stupid questions... but this is kinda serious I think...” She eventually works up the nerve to ask and tries to be “proper” and serious about it. “Um, excuse me, Mr. Black, sir? You said we would have an ARMED escort? Isn't that a little excessive for a trip to look at some rocks? Should we be worried about anything, I mean mines are normally pretty safe this far in the boarders, right? Why would we need to be worried...” She trails off suddenly aware of how unsure she sounds, and nervously waiting to see how the new teacher reacts.

(OOC: Anything in italics is a thought and not something said out loud)
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Mr. Black raised a brow in response to her inquiry, giving her a look as if he simply couldn't believe that she did such a thing. However, despite his borderline condescending expression, the man's tone of voice was surprisingly normal and somewhat relaxed when he made his reply. "Well, the caverns I'm sending you to are indeed rather close, but as you may know, the areas around the Faust Mountain Pass, where most of Elynsor's mines are located, have always had problems with brigands. Due to the constantly shifting terrain of the nearby range, it's been practically impossible to send any force worth its salt to permanently dispose of the issue, so the best we can do is provide an armed escort to discourage such things. Besides, seeing as this is for research, I seriously doubt that the lot of you will encounter any trouble. It's merely to discourage any would-be highwaymen from taking their chances." He took a deep breath out after his oddly long explanation. "Are there any other concerns you wish for me to address?"

If Kurui were to look carefully, she might notice that there were many papers in the podium's pile other than just the schoolwork, ones that Mr. Black kept turning back to, and he appeared to be more preoccupied with those rather than the issues of the assignments themselves.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“No, sir, thank you.” Kurui stammers out rather quickly, still a little thrown off. Even though his answer was surprisingly calm, his expression before made her feel as if she had just dodged a bomb, and she wasn't eager to test her luck again by asking anything else. The quick answer made her feel a bit foolish anyway, like Sienna earlier. She quickly gather up her things and hurries out of the room, catching a quick glace of the papers preoccupying Black's attention, but having other things to think about to hold her own attention.

“That was close - I think. Either way I'm glad that class is done for the day.” she finds herself thinking out in the hall “So a bunch of mountain brignads, huh? That sounds a little dangerous for a bunch of students...” she worries to herself “...Then again we do have protection. It's not like all the jobs we're going to take when we graduate are going to be perfectly safe anyway. Except for research, there's not many “safe” things that require magic to deal with. I suppose the experience is only helping prepare us. Besides, it's a bunch of guys with pointy sticks probably, I can totally deal with that... probably. I do pretty good with my magic in practice duels... then again thats just practice... *sigh* I'm worried about nothing anyway, Black didn't look too worried and he may be all obnoxiously high and important, but he seems to know what he's talking about... … … that doesn't make me feel as good as it should for some reason. Why couldn't I have easy teachers like Sienna T_T”

A few minutes of this passes, but she still feels a little uneasy by the end of it and tries to stop thinking about it all together. Nothing to do about it anyway other than spend some extra time studying before it happens. If anything bad happens anyway it will probably be having to spend the day with the bunch of sword swinging muscle heads on security and getting in the way of her project because they have no idea what they're doing... or running into someone else without a clue on her way back to her room, Sienna. She heads back thinking she can probably get away after a quick explanation if she does show up, after all needing to study and prepare isn't TOO mean of an excuse. Sienna may be annoying, but Kurui wasn't mean enough to callously shoo her off without trying to be nice about it. Her project security might be a different matter though if they turn out like she imagines them.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Very well," replied Mr. Black, who then turned his attention back to the various diagrams he had hidden under the other class-related papers atop the stand. Provided, they weren't exactly hiding per se, as he was making no visible attempt to mask their actual presence. No doubt, a man like him would have more important matters at hand rather than concern himself with the education of some hopeful mages, and thus, his presence here to begin with may have been questionable to a few. But, he was here, and he did explain things surprisingly well when it came to the class material, in spite of how disinterested the lecturer looked while doing so.

Just as Kurui walks out of her classroom, none other than Sienna is there to meet her. Whether or not this was coincidence or due to deliberate planning was unknown, though a guess would steer one into thinking the latter, at least considering the blonde one's attitude towards the Water major. She was persistent, if nothing else. "Heeey, how goes? So how is he?! I guess I musta rubbed him the wrong way or something, but he didn't seem mean to you at all! What's up with that, huh?" Sienna made a pouty face after her series of questions, strolling alongside Kurui stickily even if the darker-haired girl were to pick up her pace. At the very least, she wouldn't be along for the project, considering that she was in a different class. "In a hurry, huh? Gotta do some studying? Well, uhh--..."

She's cut short as just a few feet ahead of them, the hallway is blocked by a group of guys chuckling and commenting on something. Towering above the crowd is a student with straight red hair, who seems to be in on whatever joke they appear to be telling. Sienna gets a worried look on her face and stammers, "Um, let's like... take the long way around, or something." She didn't immediately resort to giving an explanation for this sudden change of behavior, trying to keep her eyes off the commotion.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Right on time, huh Sienna?" Kurui let out a resigned sigh as she spotted her tag along again. To be fair she didn't actually hate Sienna or anything, but her energy and endless hyper-ness was exhausting most of the time, especially after hard classes when all Kurui wanted to do was something slow and relaxing like some reading. It would far more bearable if there hadn't been classes today and she wanted to do something fun... but this was serious time now. Oh well, it would only be a short walk back she thought to herself, and that gave her enough patience to answer all of Sienna's questions, and vent a little about how much of a “tall dark and boring” her new teacher was. Sometimes it helped to have someone who would listen to anything, although how seriously she was taking any of it might have been a little questionable.

As they continue down the hall they eventually come to the group of boys in the hallway. While Kurui don't really register them as anything more than the average kind of crowd you might find around here, she did notice Sienna's quick change in attitude upon seeing them. It was sort of a surprise honestly, Sienna was a bit annoying, but Kurui didn't imagine her as ever having any real enemies, she was nowhere mean enough for it to be her fault anyway. She felt a little bad for Sienna, but wasn't about to play along with whatever stupid drama was going on here.
“Come'on Sienna, I've already had to spend the day dealing with Mr. Black, I'm not going the other way just because of a bunch idiot boys playing hall patrol. I'm going to keep going this way and I'm going to walk by them without saying anything. You should do the same, but if you don't want to come then don't. I'm going this way though.”
She almost felt a little harsh saying it, but at the same time she meant it. She wasn't in the mood to be timid anymore after Black's class, and besides, toughing up a little was probably something Sienna could use... thats if she was afraid of them to begin with... there might be another reason for the wind mage's behavior, but Kurui didn't care and wasn't going to waste time going around. She started in the direction of the group, whether Sienna was going to follow her or not.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hey, you can't blame me! You're like, the least retarded person in this building, at least I think so," remarked Sienna off-handedly in response to the comment about her being right on time.

Kurui's instincts about the peculiarity of the blonde's reaction weren't terribly off-point, as that was fairly odd of Sienna in general to exhibit such a response to that particular crowd. Provided, the Wind major was pretty expressive most of the time, but she was only ever really nervous-looking, to this extent anyway, when it was serious, just as her tone implied now. As the darker-haired girl continued on in the direction of the hall-blocking group, her normally carefree follower's signs of panic began to steadily increase, and she even went so far as to tug on Kurui's arm, frowning. "H-Hey, I'm just saying, I don't wanna deal with these guys at all..." Before she knew it, however, she had unwittingly followed Kurui towards the mass of people, and the red-haired student caught notice, seeing as his head poked out from the rest, for the most part. His visage showed the crack of a smirk, and he made an offhand comment, which could easily be heard from where they were. "Don't wanna deal with us, huh? Avoiding me already?"

Sienna's gaze hit the floor and a cold sweatdrop trickled down the side of her face. "T-Teague... n-no, I just... uhm..." She had a hard time maintaining eye contact with him, for one reason or another. The girl remained frozen in place, swallowing. "I don't wanna talk to you r-right now..."

"What'd you say to me?" Teague replied. His expression darkened, and this only made the Wind major shrink down even further. Sienna seemed to scoot behind Kurui a little, which only earned her an additional mockery from the firey-haired youth. "What, so you brought a friend because you can't bring yourself to tell me 'no'? Heh... yeah, I never thought you could anyway." He then directed his gaze at Kurui. "Listen, I don't know who you are or what she told you, but I wouldn't believe a word of it if I were you. Better for you not to get caught up in this drama yourself, it won't be worth it. Just let me talk to her, one on one, and you can get through without having to hear any of this nonsense."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Despite the wind mages ever growing nervous protests, Kurui remains undaunted and continues her march in the boys direction, even stubbornly tugging away from Sienna's arm-grabs and any other attempts to stop her. She was hoping to just walk by without any incidents, but it seems her luck wasn't going to be that good today. As soon as she gets close the “leader” of the group can't seem to help himself from making comments and trying to call out her friend.

Kurui keeps walking, not so much as even acknowledging their taunts at first. She doesn't get very far though before she realizes her tag along hasn't been following. A quick glance back actually reveals she's frozen in her tracks now. Kurui finds herself surprised now, even more so than when Black managed to shut her down earlier. Despite her obvious distress though, the boy doesn't seem to back down at all, instead he seems encouraged, as if Sienna's reaction is a sign of success for whatever he's trying to accomplish, and his replies only get more bold and harsh. It's not much longer until Kurui finds the boy addressing her too. If it were just her she could ignore it easily enough, but it wasn't... and this guy was starting to piss her off anyway.
“I'm surrounded by idiots... why me? I guess I can't just leave Sienna here though.”

“SHE hasn't told me anything, YOU seem perfectly fine on running your your mouth like some pissant looking for attention though. That badboy act only impresses sluts and floozies, so go go find something better to do with your time than picking on girls, that is if you think you can even man up DO better.”
Her voice is dripping with venom from the pent up frustrations of the day, and general dislike she had for people like this anyway, her reply was less of any kind of teasing back and more genuine spite as she tried to shoot the boy down. A moment later she grabs Sienna's arm and starts dragging her dragging her away. “Come on Sienna, we're leaving, these guys don't deserve our time, or their Y chromosomes.” She finished up, deliberately loud enough that they can hear her.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Teague initially responded with a raised brow, and then began to snicker. "Aren't you the witty one? Well, I gave you a chance to not get yourself caught up in something you don't know shit about, but it looks like you don't know any better. Sluts and floozies, huh... do you even know what your little friend there is, then? Or maybe it's just that you kinda girls stick to each other in pairs?"

Despite the rather tall one having run his mouth in return, Kurui manages to find a weak point in the crowd and pushes her way through with Sienna in tow. It proves relatively difficult, as the Wind major is still a bit stunned from hearing the young man's words, but they eventually manage. Teague exhibits no immediate intent to act, but is visibly annoyed from the dark-haired girl's daring gesture, which he didn't seem to expect. "Ooh, it's nice to have a friend with some guts, huh? Hmpf... whatever. She'll be back, if she knows what's good for her. Won't you, Sienna?" he asks tauntingly as the two continue on down the hall, towards the exit.

Sienna's face is red, and she looks as if she is about to burst into tears. She replies to him with complete silence, and remains in this semi-mute state, at least until the two girls exit the building and are a safe distance away. Once they make it more than a hundred paces or so from the spire, however, she breaks down.

"Uuu... g-god, w... what an asshole!" she wailed. "I don't know how much more I can take of him being around here... I mean, I can't believe he... uugh!" the blonde-haired beauty exclaimed, sniffling. Whatever it is, be it force or otherwise, the young man seems to have had quite an effect on her, somehow, as Sienna was never really known for making a large 'sad' scene like this in public--some other students passing by are raising their brows or taking occasional glances at the sobbing girl, but keep walking for the most part. She tries her best to suck it up and wipe away every tear shed. "But thanks, Kurui, for getting me outta there... really. I dunno what I woulda done if they had me cornered, so... I owe you one."
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“~~~~~~~~~~” Kurui starts to mutter a spell, almost ready to turn around and send the guy rolling down the hall as a wet mess for calling her a slut, but she stops halfway through and keeps walking. Despite her momentary flare up of anger, she's still still smart enough to realize there was nothing to be gained from a starting a fight in the halls. She was pretty sure he would suffer more for it, fighting a pair of girls, but even that relative comparison still didn't make it worth it. Besides, like it or not she had Sienna to be responsible for right now and she was a wreck. Getting her out of here was more important at the moment. "Next time you better hope you don't catch me alone asshole" Luckily the don't seem to actively give her too much trouble, perhaps surprised by how roughly she shoves them aside, dragging the shaken wind mage along behind her being the hardest part of the whole thing.

After they're a good ways aways, she slows down and stops dragging Sienna around so strictly, but she soon finds the wind mage on the verge of a breakdown as soon as she stops. It feels wrong to even be annoyed at her in this state, and instead she just waits there and lets her cry some of it out for a few moments before saying anything...
“It was nothing... but do you think it would help if you told me what's going on?” She asks in a much softer voice than she usually uses, seeming genuinely concerned as if she decided to ignore any annoyance or frustration now. “It's OK if you don't, but if it happens again don't be afraid of them, those guys are nobodies, and they're going to get away with doing anything to you, not here. If it gets really bad go ahead and blow them across the room next time.” She says, trying to sound encouraging. She considered advising her to tell a teacher or something, but she herself had dubious faith that they would actually do anything about it, the teachers tended to be all talk and rules and not exactly understanding or compassion. “You don't owe me anything, but take care of yourself, OK. I can't always be around, but I'm here if you need to talk... and I know you're nice enough that you have other friends who would help you, whether you know it or not.” She gives Sienna some time to answer if she wants, but decides not to pry or force it. Either way she wasn't about to leave her friend here, and decides to walk her back to the girl's dorm whenever she's ready to walk again.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

After regaining her senses, Sienna looks around at some of the people who might have seen her cry, and a bit more self-conscious now, she shakes her head slowly and swallows. "Um, I... I'll tell you, when we get back to the dorms..." she muttered in a low voice, keeping her head bowed slightly and brushing a few stray locks of hair behind her ear. She clings to Kurui a little closer as they head towards the girls' dormitories, leading the darker-haired girl up to her room when they arrive.

Sienna's quarters are relatively spacey for a single-unit, though she tends to have quite a bit of clutter around her room, from random papers, to clothes and other trinkets. A decent 'walking path' despite all the mess can be made out, roughly leading from the door to the bed, and she ushers Kurui in, allowing her to sit down on the mattress.

"S-Sorry, I didn't want anyone else hearing," she sighed, taking a meaningful pause before continuing. "...Teague is... one day we just kinda, hooked up. I mean, I really liked it at first--he was good, seriously! And he wasn't acting like that, well I mean, at least not to me. So we did it for like, almost a week straight, and I didn't wanna tell anybody 'cause I mean, y'know, I thought they'd be pretty weird about it," Sienna went on, blushing somewhat as she recalled the series of casual encounters. "After all that, he said that he wanted to do some kinky stuff, like... bondage or whatever, and I figured that it wouldn't be -too- different from all the other times...and it WAS kinda nice at first, as I was all hog-tied and blindfolded...TMI, right? A-Anyway..."

Her pretty visage took a noticeable shift. "B-But uh...uhm... a-after he was all finished... he brought a couple of his friends in the room and t-they..." Her lower lip quivered as she once again struggled to fight back the tears. "...got their jollies off... They put the whole thing on a memory crystal, and now they're using it to blackmail me! That's why I don't wanna see them again, like, ever!"

Kurui knew a memory crystal as a relatively rare stone that could 'record' the visual aspect of an event. Luckily, such a thing was not easily reproduced. However, with this thing likely being passed around between Teague and his buddies, the source of Sienna's shame was made apparent. How she managed to hide such issues behind that cheerful mask was another thing. "Gawd, I can't believe how stupid I was!"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui makes her way into the cluttered room but doesn't comment on it, instead focused on listening to her friend with the same kind of concern she had earlier. As the wind mage starts her story, it goes pretty much as Kurui might have expected it to. Relationship drama would've been one of her first guesses as one of the major causes of this and wasn't all that much of a surprise, although the part about kinky stuff made blush a little, she almost felt jealous for a second. The feeling wouldn't last very long though, as the story quickly reached the part where things went very very bad, far more serious than she was expecting. This wasn't something any amount of talking could fix, but she still tried her best to calm her friend down.

“Shhhh, It's OK, it's not you're fault... nobody should have their trust abused like that. We'll find a way to take care of this... we've got some time. Remember a crystal with something like this on it isn't exactly something he should have, he can't show it off to too many people without risking someone telling the teachers about it. He's a guy, but I don't think he's THAT stupid. Whatever he's trying to blackmail you into, he doesn't have as much of bargaining chip as he thinks he does, remember that. I promise we'll still find a way to get it or erase it, but nobody else is going to find out because of what happened today.”

Kurui continued to sit with her friend and show sympathy, although she was already seething with indignation and running through plans her head on how to deal with it. Unfortunately a lot of them were nowhere near easy.

The first and most obvious idea would be telling a teacher, but without any proof that might not do anything, other than start rumors and hurt Sienna even more. Kurui already knew the way the teachers worked around here... they would take it seriously at first, find nothing, then maybe even punish both of them for making up stories.
For a moment she considers Mr. Black. Despite his haughty attitude, it worked well here, he seemed almost above the usual rules and as a nobel might be familiar with situations of blackmail and doing what had to be done. She didn't know him THAT well though, and those same qualities could backfire on her just as easily... and it still involved someone else finding out about this situation.

She could sneak in a try to find the crystal herself, but the chances of getting caught were high as long as he was still around, and a fight in the dorms would only get her in trouble. Probably not enough to get kicked out after she explained why she was there, but that just looped back to all the problems with just telling a teacher in the first place. It was a huge risk.

She could set a trap, lure him somewhere away from so many students and take out her anger on him until he told her where the crystal was... but there was the chance he might not show up alone, and even as mad as she was, she knew she probably couldn't beat more than one person at a time. Her and Sienna MIGHT be able to... but it was still a risk, and Sienna seemed in no shape for a fight, let alone one against THEM.

There was no right way of handling this, and any of her ideas for a NOT right way seemed risky... but then another thought occurred to her. She had no experience with this... but she knew people who did. People like Nebula... anyone who gave HER trouble seemed to get plenty of their own, and she was perfect to the point of being almost untouchable herself, even by the teachers, even though everyone knew she broke the rules. She didn't particular like Nebula... and getting a favor from her would be hard... but she WAS about to go on a trip that could leave her with a bunch of valuable focus crystals. It was a chance anyone in the other classes wasn't getting and something like promising half her find MIGHT be enough to get a favor. She dared not ask Nebula to get the memory crystal from Teague herself... but getting the guy hurt or suspended for a few days would give her all the time to search for it without getting caught that she needed, or put enough fear into him that he could be convinced to leave Sienna alone, although the first one was really the only one that would probably make things right in the end...
It was a place to start if nothing else, provided she could convince Nebula. If that didn't work it was back to one of the risky fallback plans, either way she wasn't going to let this slide.

“We're going to fix this, OK? I have so ideas and he's going to slip up and give me a chance sooner or later. For now it's going to be OK though, I won't make you get around them again, but if it happens you have to stand up for yourself, OK? I know you don't like to confront people, but you give them a lot of hold over you and I can't always be here. I'm going to be gone for my project in a few days as it is. I'll try to help you before then, but you can't let this happen again, OK?”

Kurui stayed with Sienna for as long as it took her to calm down, the headed out to find Nebula. The plan seemed worse and worse by the second, but another backup idea occurred to her too... if she couldn't trade with Nebula... maybe she could trade with this guy. Someone with THAT much ego might actually be willing to make a trade and delete the recording for a crystal that would let him show off and look macho... though it might take some serious charm to get him open to the idea after chewing him out so badly earlier, and with as much as she detested him the idea almost sounded worse than asking Black for help... almost...
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Sniffling, Sienna wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded slowly. "I... I guess you're right, but you know how fast rumors spread, especially in huge schools like these, and I'm pretty sure that at least a bunch of the boys will think I'm a total slut or something, since I was bound and gagged and couldn't see anything... I-I'm just, I don't even know what to start feeling, y'know?! Like it's totally my fault, but at the same time I'm just so pissed and frustrated and I dunno who to target with all of these and, ooooh!" she exclaimed, not quite knowing how to express the whirlwind of strong feelings that came about from finally having told someone.

When Kurui reassured her that there were going to be alright, she simply shook her head and smiled, "No, I.. I won't let it happen again. I've been trying to avoid him anyway, so.. I'll do my best, I mean, I'll even run, or something. I just don't want to deal with those guys anymore," she uttered between small sniffs. She didn't seem too keen on the idea of confronting Teague and his pals, but Sienna was all too happy to hear her friend's comforting words. "Mmkay... t-thanks, Kurui. You're a great friend." The Wind major hugged the darker-haired student tightly, lingering in it for a moment before finally letting go.

After the other girl managed to calm down, which took about another half hour of her flimsily ranting about random topics--it seemed that it was Sienna's way of relieving stress--Kurui was free to leave her dorm and turn her mind to the other matters at hand. Dealing with Nebula was a serious risk in itself, as many around campus knew, but it was a well-known fact that she had a variety of resources at her disposal, if nothing else. The self-appointed 'princess' of the Royal Magic Academy, her father was an extremely rich noble with a high degree of influence in Elynsorian politics. Not as to say that her scores were unearned, as she did exhibit flashes of brilliance from time to time, even in class, but her moral filters were widely considered questionable by most Academy students.

While Nebula herself had been scarce, particularly as of late, Kurui occasionally caught some of her cohorts, a purple-haired and bespectacled girl named Concepta, as well as a sarcastic flaxen-haired girl named Briony, hanging out under one of the silverblossom trees on the west side of campus, usually around noon. The next day, Kurui found a good span of time, roughly about an hour and fifteen minutes, to approach this group of girls.
The purple-haired girl seemed aloof, with her head halfway buried in a book she was reading. Another one was with them, with dark-brown hair, one that Kurui might recognize as Eliese, while Briony immediately caught sight of the approaching Water Major and raised a brow, giving her a rather rude look. "What do -you- want?"
Eliese stuttered, "N-No need to b-be so rude, Briony..." which only earned her an annoyed glare from the taller girl. "I'll act however I want! Just wonderin' what this Water Major chick wants from us!"
Sighing, Concepta shook her head slowly and closed her book, making a motion with her hand as if to wave Briony off, and began to talk. "Mm... well, considering our reputation, if she was to approach us, it must be something important--at least to her." She then finally turned her head towards Kurui, addressing her directly. "So what is your business here?"
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The longer Kurui spent looking for Nebula, the more like a bad idea it seemed to get someone else involved. It could just be her nerves, but it could also be that she wasn't sure just how much she could even trust Nebula to care or actually do anything. They wern't exactly friends or anything, to the point where Kurui occasionally made jokes about Nebula, as many others did. Still, if anything was going to work, this plan probably had the best chance... or at least felt better than the other plans.

It had been a few hours of trying to find Nebula already and a day had passed since her talk with Sienna. While she couldn't follow Sienna around and watch her all day, a quick check-up earlier told her her friend was at least OK and still around. Ss she had guessed earlier, it didn't seem her encounter with the group of guys had become common knowledge yet and it didn't seem Sienna had any more encounters with them since yesterday. For now there were other things to focus on though, as it seems Nebula's study spotter her following them... although no Nebula herself.

This was an unexpected situation, Kurui considered asking them for help for a few moments... but she didn't really have anything to bargain with them and knew even with her chance to get crystals later, getting enough for all of them was a huge risk of promising more than she could deliver. Nebula might have been able to make something happen on her own or get her friends to do something purely for the sake of helping their “leader” but without her around this was a bad plan, one worth scrapping now. Still, she knew she had to at least answer them somehow now. She calmed her and tried to sound casual.

“Sorry to have interrupted. I was actually looking for Nebula. I did have something important to talk about, but I'll take care of it myself. I don't expect to get any help for free and I don't think I have anything the rest of you would want...” She pauses for a second considering her next few words carefully, not wanting to risk anyone tipping off her target. He didn't seem anywhere near important enough to associate with Nebula's group though, he was a nobody. “...so unless you happen to have a grudge against a guy named Teague or any particular reason to want him gone from here, I don't think we've got a whole lot to discuss that wouldn't just be wasting you're time. My apologies.”
She turns to leave the group, although she gives them enough time to stop her with an answer if they want. She wouldn't mind their help if they seemed like they could do something and wanted to help out for free or the sake of a grudge, but she wasn't about to go promising them anything she wasn't pretty sure she could get or letting them talk her into something else. Owing a debt to them was like owing a favor to a crime boss...
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hmpf, definitely right about that," remarked Briony snidely. "Like a Water Major has anything we would ever want. We already have one of the top water mages anyone could ever ask for, right here," she added, motioning over to Concepta, who simply sighed in response.

Eliese remained quiet the whole time, likely having given up on her bully of a friend, but the bespectacled student motioned for Kurui to return after the girl had begun walking away.

"Actually, I carry a mild degree of interest as to why you would even consider requesting Nebula's help for something as petty as a grudge. If you knew what she was truly capable of, then this Teague likely isn't someone that you'd wish only a small amount of punishment on, is he?" She continued. "While I can't speak for Nebula, personally, I do remember that there are... a few potions that we've considered needing test subjects for." Her eyes glinted with genuine interest.

"So what is it that you want to happen to this person, anyhow?"
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