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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
This Hive crashed just east of the TP forums. It is missing a large chunk due to an explosion, and there are sounds of combat deep within.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The pilot led out, scouting ahead some. "Definitely something going on in there. Sounds like someone is getting absolutely slaughtered."

From inside shots could be heard from the wraith weapons, and then an enraged roar unlike anything they had ever heard followed. This was soon followed by what sounded like human AND wraith screams. Screams of pain, of fear.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito simply walks through the hive, if his eyes could show his current emotions, they would show determination. As he walks forward, he looks back at the squad "Follow the screams of dying Wraith."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Now that I'm caught up and missed plenty of conversation I could have had, I'll let it go.))

Copper immediately perks up once they're inside the Hive, obviously hearing the sounds. "Yeah, that would match what I saw," she says quietly. Even though there's light filtering in through the hole, there's still plenty of shadows around and there was no telling how deep into the interior they'd have to go.

She slips her sunglasses into a jacket pocket, eyes gleaming red in the darkness. Knives out, one in each hand, she seems to be tracking not just the sounds of the screams but by scent and to some degree, sight as well.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

As they rounded a corner they spotted several humans, likely TP forum members in a fire fight with a half dozen wraith in masks. One was struck by a blue shot from a weapon held by the wraith, and fell to the ground, alive but stunned. From where Copper was, the Wraith were easy targets as they had not noticed her yet.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Still, she didn't want to give the position of the others away, so using the fight as a distraction and the cover of the shadows, she slid around, using a nearby pillar for cover and whipped her blades, one after the other, as hard as she could at the wraith. Both shots buried deep into their masks, causing one to drop to its knees before falling over and the other to simple crumple.

Being attacked from a new side now, and with their numbers dropped, the wraith began to attack more defensively. Of course, that wouldn't mean squat once Burrito decided to add his shotgun into the equation, or, hell, any of the other's attacks really, but it was fun to watch them trying at least.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The amusement was shattered by a roar in the distance that was neither human, nor wraith. Unfortunately, this roar was identical to the one the Thembrihkal they had just fought earlier in sound. What was worse was, it was near by from the sound of it, but they couldn't see it.... yet.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale had lagged behind the rest... taking a moment or two to imprison the suspect Wraith. Now, though, she caught up in time to see a Wraith catch a knife. With his face. Her compliment aimed at the thrower, though, was swallowed by the roar.

"...That.. doesn't sound good."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito's left eyebrow raises as he hears the roar "What the fuck was that?" he asks, his right eye losing the yellow dot and gaining a green one "Let's move. We've got more uglies to kill."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Wait." Grave took a careful look around. He only managed to nail one or two enemies. "That sounded like the thing Copper turned into a octupus-on-a-stick. I believe that we should be more careful... Those things are rather troublesome in a melee." The first wave of rage had left Grave, leaving him with a clear, yet still war-hungry mind. "I suggest we send at least two short-range fighters first, and the rest will follow with guns ready to fire."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I'll do it." Shrike says from the back of the group. She had been trying to find Siphon mentally, but his screams of pain/rage/hatred were too loud for her to get anywhere close enough to find him properly. She steps to the front but doesn't summon her blades yet, listening closely as she starts to lead..
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave sighed. "For the love of all Evil and Unholy... It's a goddamn tentacle monster. Let's send a girl. Great idea." He let Shrike go, though, and even joined her. He wanted to get a piece of something big this time.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"It hit you more than me last time, and it had me by surprise." She pointed out quietly, starting to lead the group further into bowels of the ship.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave growled. "At least I've proved that I can fight this thing. I barely feel those marks." The warrior was less quiet and very confident. He wanted to chop some live meat.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I took a couple chunks out of it too. I'm not doubting your skill Grave, I'm just asking you not to doubt mine." She says, turning halfway to look him in the eye for a moment.
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

What happened next occurred in a blur. A single wraith warrior stepped out to shoot at Grave and Shrike from in front of them. He was then shot in the head by a rifle of some kind from a human wearing the symbol of TP's forum. Before he could speak, he in turn was then impaled through the chest by a massive armored tentacle, his body shredded in half. It was then that they saw the Thembrikhal, standing at just over fifteen feet tall, obviously having fed somewhere recently. It let out another massive bellow, which was answered from somewhere else in the hive by another, similar bellow.

It then lashed out three tentacles at Shrike, aiming to grapple her, while three more lashed out at Grave, simply trying to either flatten him or impale him.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito hears the roar and charges ahead, rounding the corner to see the monster "Hello, hello, hello! Looks like a big-ass monster to kill finally shows up!" he yells, kneeling and firing two shots at the monster from his shotgun, then cocking it forward to load 2 more shots into the chamber "This bastard's mine! You two get back!"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Bullshit!" Shrike calls out, taking the tentacles after her one at a time, splitting her double bladed sword into two singles for the time being. "If this thing is distracted, it'll be easier to take out!"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Unfortunately, it was they who were distracted and not the other way around. Shrike would suddenly feel something wrap around her waist from off to her blind side, and then felt a sensation similar to what had occurred when Copper had bitten her before.

She was lifted out of the others reach before they registered that a SECOND Thembrihkal had arrived and joined the fun.

((You and I discussed this Shrike, you know what to do here, have at it.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike gasped as she was yanked backwards and lifted into the air by the creature, already being fed upon through the holes in her leather suit. She started swinging, but she had lost focus, and her blades didn't do much before more tentacles reached put and caught her arms and legs, the blades disappearing entirely as they tore through her sleeves and leggings and began feeding faster. She let out a low groan despite herself, feeling her mind already start to slip. Then she felt something else, a warmth coming from her chest and head that started to spread over her entire body. She recognized it for what it was, but started pushing it back anyways. She'd be safe, but everyone else was still too close...


She called physically and mentally as the thing began tearing the rest of her suit off, holding her spread-eagle while she struggled against the iron grip it had on her.