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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would pull back as Riley looked to her "What?" "Too risky." the girl would quickly answer and shake her head "But... what if there's a key in there? Or maybe something really shinny, you know, like to give to the oozes in the other picture." the tricksters thought things over and looked inside with sharp eyes trying to think of something, yet it seemed Jenny would have to be the one to strike brilliance this time!

That... or the girls could head back and take the other route.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny chewed her lip. Riley had a point. Looking at the trickster she took a kiss for good luck. "Be ready encase this goes horribly wrong." Slipping in Jenny motioned Riley to stay while she tried to traverse the massive room to reach the chest silently and unseen. After all she did not want to end up in that cooking pot.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley would nod to Jenny after the kiss and smile to her as the girl would tempt fate and attempt to seek out the riches! While there was some limited cover, it was hardly enough... and with the torches illuminating the room quite brightly the sneak endeavor would no doubt prove tricky!

Jenny Stealth:
8 + 0 (low cover) + 0 (normal light)=8

Minotaur perception check:
9 vs 8 Spotted!


Although Jenny had surprisingly honed stealth talents, the conditions proved to be far too unfavourable... as well as horrid timing from the minotaur as it turned around at just the perfect time!

The girl felt her heart sink as the beast gazed to her, before it slammed its cleaver against a cutting board and--- "Why hello there! What in goodness name are you doing there?" he'd speak up in a polite and well articulated manner.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I seem to be lost good Sir. Could you tell me where the exit is?" Jenny twitched nervously, the Minotaur had her dead to rights. At that moment as sweat began to bead on her brow she suddenly regretted letting Riley talk her into this.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The minotaur blinked and chuckled "Why ofcourse you're lost, tis the purpose of a maze." he'd take his cleaver once again and grab a neabry lettuce to begin slicing it "How would you imagine I would do that? Tis not a straightforward path and I won't." the Minotaur shrugged lightly "Even while off-duty I can't jeoperdise my job now can I?"

"Wait... Oh! So you were the one I thought I saw near the entrance, aren't you? Tisk... teaches me to brush off sightings as just mirages." he'd chuckle casually, putting the vegetables into the pot "Would you like a meal?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No I guess I cannot expect that but at least I tried." Jenny smiled at the rather polite man beast and almost chuckled at the comment about risking his job. "Well I suppose I will have to pass on the meal though it is a really generous offer. I am in a bit of a hurry sadly. Worlds to save and all that. Enjoy your meal my good sir." Jenny would bow politely and retreat hopefully with out harm.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The minotaur chuckled "Well, best get to it indeed." he'd nod and get back to preparing his food, before just as Jenny turned to leave the beast added "Though before you go... What brings a beautiful creature such as yourself here? Are you a friend of Shala?"

Be it answering or just leaving, Jenny was free to go as she pleased. The minotaur certainly did not seem hostile by any means.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped a moment before answering. "Sorry I've never met someone by that name." Hopefully this didn't make the Minotaur upset and with another polite goodbye Jenny left in a slight hurry snagging Riley along with her as they hurried back into the maze.

"Well that was about the scariest moment of this trip so far!
" Jenny lead them back hoping to find a trail they had yet to explore.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny scurried back to Riley and sighed with relief at escape, the trickster seemed to linger her gaze inside the room... before bitting down on her lower lip, before rushing inside?!

"Who's Shala?" Riley instantly spoke up the moment she entered into the room, as in the minotaur quickly turned to her and seemed surprised at first at the second girl, before clearing his throat "O-oh there's t-two of you travelers." he'd chuckle lightly, though his body language seemed to shift to be a little more... nervous?

"Shala was the original visitor here... and long long time ago now. Infact she was the only traveler that ever came to see us." the minotaur sighed nostalgically "Thought you may have been her friends." Riley puckered her lips subtly at the identity reveal "Well... what does she look like, maybe we've seen her?" she'd add and just as the Minotaur took a breath to answer, suddenly a bell on his kitchen table rang out! "Ah! Unfortunately it seems I should return to my duties. I would suggest you start moving as well." he'd nod to Riley politely as he seemed to speed up his meal?

If Jenny would indeed continue with her previous plan, upon Rileys a bit more hurried return the duo could continue! "What? I was curious." she'd smile to Jenny cheekily, as they'd hear something massive shift in the kitchen hinting that they better move!

Rushing back soon enough Jenny returned to the previous turn she had made. With a path to her left and one path leading forward "Forward right?" as indeed it was an unexplored path.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nodding to Riley Jenny continued on the unexplored path. She was starting to dislike the unchanging walls, but she supposed thats what a maze was all about. You were supposed to get lost. Though this was not as fun as the corn maze she had done in her youth. Still as they moved down the hall it did strike her mind. If this Shala is the first visitor to this place then... it was likely their target. She sighed... doubts clouding her mind. What if this Shala was not evil... sure one of the creatures had attacked her earlier but... who was to say that was the trait of all of them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The maze offered little to aid the girls thoughts, as the dimly lit walls continued onwards 'Shala... Think thats our target?' Riley spoke up seemingly thinking over the new information as they continued onwards.

It wouldn't be long before their path lead to yet another split. The maze continued forward and to the duos right, neither path hinting at any activity or change, beyond a glimmering light down the path forward revealing it turned left some ways down it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed Jenny was starting to think that these mistakes as their employer called them were simply just trying to live. She frowned doubting her quest. "Lets hope this Shala is willing to speak before attacking..... We need better answers than we have now....." Jenny threw a hopeful wink at Riley but if she was anything like the one she encountered before... then the situation would be rather dire. Looking at the choice Jenny opted to go straight leaving the right turn unexplored.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing the path forward, the girls continued onwards down the dimly lit maze, shortly after coming upon the turn left they had seen and some more ways ahead another simple turn to the right... up to the mazes lit paths, ending? While the maze continued the path forward seemed to no longer be lit up, the plain stone beneath giving way to sand beneath their feet? Even the walls previously so close seemed to open up to a whole new large chamber,

'Did... we make it out?' Riley spoke up cautiously and just as Jenny was about to give her thoughts, suddenly one after the other torches began to illuminate their surroundings! A final roar of stone behind them quickly hinted that there would be no way back now.

As if a wave the torches ignited with a poof of flames and illuminated a huge circular... arena?! 'Wooaaa!!!' a crowd roared out as illegible figures moved in the stands, clapping and cheering at the duo! 'Two new challengers have arrived!' a voice echoed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's heart sank, she was not exactly a warrior. She had always relied on her more demonic nature to win her the day and even that was greatly weakened or nonexistent. Still she was armed with a awesome blade and she did have Frost. Not to mention Riley was with her. Yeah they could do this.... she hopped.

Draw blade and Frost. Hopefully Riley is paying attention.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The ground continued to cheer as Riley wasted little time to join up with Jenny 'Ho boy... Think we took a wrong turn.' it would not be long, before the unknown voice boomed out once again! 'For their first opponent, the challengers will have to face Lady Kalindra!' the crowed boomed out in cheer as the only other visible exit seemed to open up only for a Lamia to slither out with surprising speed!

The creature seemed to be similar in appearance to the one outside, though she seemed to wear a rather elaborate red bra with golden engraving, a crimson transparent mask covering her mouth and had long wavy black hair... not to mention two wicked looking sabers in each of her hands 'Hasss been agesss sssince we've had a visitor. Letsss put on a return show.' she'd raise her blades snickering darkly, her sharp gaze locked onto Jenny.

'Plan?' Riley seemed to step back, before growing a tad bit more serious her magic swirling to life in her hands.


Initiative order:
1st Jenny
2nd Lania
3rd Riley
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the Lamia with some concern. Those blades would hurt and while Jenny wasn't so keen on killing their only lead, it might not be the same for her. Looking to Riley Jenny spoke quietly. "Ill make an opening you hit her hard try not to kill her."

Jenny will use pommel strike
Riley arcane beam
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses Pommel strike dealing 8 damage!
Kalindra is interrupted!
Riley prepares Arcane beam!

Wasting little time Jenny quickly took the initiative as she'd rush to keep the Lamia busy, while Riley prepared her magic! Her blade drawn Jenny closed in the distance to the Lamia, who'd quickly focus on the girl and just as it went to block the girls blow, Jenny would faint her blow and shift it into a straight strike from her pommel instead!

'Gah!' Kalindra cried out at the impact, the successful faint completely interrupting the creatures rhythm as she'd refocus on Jenny 'You'll pay for that!' the Lamia cried out preparing her blades!

Meanwhile Riley had already summoned her magic forth, purple wispy trails swirling around the girl, as the spell was just about ready...!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Good she had the girls attention. Jenny knew she could take the hit but Riley... not so much. But what her lover lacked in battle endurance she made up for in arcane power. Jenny just had to make sure she didn't get fried as well. She just had to wait it out.

Jenny uses anticipation
Riley finishes arcane beam
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys uses Anticipation [-8 damage from all sources]
Lamia uses Double saber!
1st strike at Jenny: Negated entirely.
2nd strike at Riley: Parried.

Riley fries the Lamia with Arcane beam for 30 damage! (double crit)

Jenny took on a defensive stance as the Lamia rushed for her retaliation! Yet with the heroine fully defensive stance, the blow would only ring out against Jennys swords not even getting near her! She just needed to win some more time...

Yet the Lamia seemed to not forget her other opponent, the moment her first blow was blocked entirely she seemed to shift and lunger at Riley?! 'Riley watch out!' Jenny called out as the snake-woman rushed to her ally, though the trickster seemed to hardly move as the magic swirling around her rushed to Rileys hands!

'Don't think it'll be so easy!' Kalindra cried out as she swung her second strike at Riley! Yet as the blade seemed to connect, it passed right through a subtly shimmering image of Riley not dealing any damage? 'What?' the Lamia blinked in surprise, only for the trickster to extend her hand 'Poof.' she'd wink slyly as everything seemed to go utterly silent... leading to a roar of magic as a huge beam of arcane magic envelopped the Lamia in her entirety!

As the magics light faded it would reveal Kalindra, her clothes entirely burnt off as she'd smolder still standing... up to her blades hitting the sand, soon followed by the monstergirls collapse!

The silence lingered up to the trickster braking it 'Oh.. er... oops... Think I overdid it.' Riley smiled sheepishly to Jenny, before the arena seemed to absolutely roar out in cheers and claps! Riley surprised at first, before showing off to them with a victorious smile 'Is that all you have?' she'd call out in a cocky display.

Jenny however likely hardly cared for the crowd at first, as her gaze seemed to prioritized to check if the Lamia was still alive... thankfully she was still breathing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly sheathed her blade and checked the Lamia. Thankfully she was still alive. Sadly Jenny could do little to help the snake woman. Nodding Jenny quickly moved the girls blades away just in case she recovered. Hearing Riley taunt the crowd Jenny's heart sank. Of course Riley deserved her moment but Jenny just had a bad feeling about this.