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Hafnium Test Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The sheet:
Name: Lenalee
Class: Sorceress (Mage)
Race: Badarian

Body: 10
Mind: 50
Spirit: 30

Hit Points (HP): 50
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 70
Spirit Energy (EP): 75
Speed: 10 (9)
Dodge: 45
Armor: 5
Resistance: 25

Experience: 27 (18 spent)
Corruption: 81

Strong of Body
Strong of Spirit
Strong of Mind
Natural Succubus (Knowledgeable: Use Mind instead of Body for pleasure dealt)
Natural Spirit (Demonologist: Summon Demon, Devils Lightning)
Experienced Caster (Up to 3rd level spells in all elements)
Focus in Element (Lightning)
Greater Energy Pool (+15 EP)

Sensitive (+4 pleasure taken)
Open Soul (+4 to EP damage)
Demon Lover (+8 pleasure taken from demons)

Base Casting: 25 (24)
Favored Elements: Lightning

Spirit Ceiling: 13 (12)
Devils Lightning: A line of dark lightning bursts out from the casters hands, striking all creatures behind it in an 80 foot line. Costs X, and deals (1d8 + 1) x X damage to all those that it hits.

Summon Demon: Summons a demon of the type of the casters choosing to perform some task. Costs 4 EP to make the call, plus some additional fee depending on the demon called upon. When summoned, the demon obeys the casters order to the best of their ability, even going up against other demons, though they won't throw themselves to their deaths. Multiple demons of each type can be summoned for the price of a single calling, but each must be payed separately before they will depart. Demons summoned in this way that die are not destroyed, merely banished, but do not require payment unless they succeeded in whatever task the caster called them for. The demons are:
Stalker/Goblin/Demon Soldier - A minor demon warrior with moderate combat skills. Requires some form of sexual release as additional payment, though foreplay is generally sufficient.
Succubus/Stalker Lightmage/Devouring Slime - A more powerful demon, capable of powerful magic. Requires that the caster allow the demon to feed off of them until they are sated once their task is fulfilled.
Hellhound/Nightmare/Greater Tentacled Horror - An incredibly dangerous creature, capable of besting most other demons in single combat with relative ease. Requires that the user bear them a litter once their work is done, however.
Demon Lord- An incredibly powerful and dangerous opponent with almost unlimited options. Unfortunately, requires that the user return a favor to the demon lord of the demons choice once their obligation is fulfilled.

Staff (+16) [6d4 + 6]
1x Edenheart
Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Blunt.
65 denarii

As a very young woman growing up in a Badarian slum, Lenalee had perpetually set herself apart from others for her consistent oddities. She'd sit alone rather than play with the other street rats, and often talked to people that weren't there even when she wasn't alone. She;d be found up at odd hours of the night, barely coherent, and staring blankly up at the stars. Her mother was a seamstress, and her father worked in a factory, the two of them supplying at least enough income to keep Lenalee and her two twin brothers fed and clothed for the better part of her young life. She'd attended a small local school, and had even excelled in her studies when they'd interested her. That all changed when she was 14, when her father was killed in an accident at the weapons assembly plant he'd worked at. Her mother, unable to care for both herself, her daughter, and Lenalee two younger brothers on the pittance she made, turned to whoring in order to support them, and in her depression began grooming Lenalee for much the same, not expecting the strange girl to be able to accomplish much else in her life.

Such was not her fate, however, as tragedy struck once more. Her brothers both joined the Badarian army when they were 15, when Lenalee was only 16. They both took part in one of the pointless invasions of Crolia, and both were killed in action. The man who came to offer her mother condolences on behalf of the lich king spotted Lenalee as she sat alone in the backyard, unleashing the powers she'd been hiding for six years then at a stray cat who'd invaded their tiny yard. He had immediately reported the girl, and she was promptly kidnapped and taken in to be brainwashed and trained in the use of her powers for the kings army. She had once more excelled in her studies, despite her constant resistance to her captors, and as she neared her 18th birthday, when she would go through a ceremony that would have wiped away her old identity, she began to despair.

Once more, fate smiled upon Lenalee, however, or perhaps laughed as it spun her about again, as just as the wagon with her and six other "recruits" was getting underway, it was attacked by a group of bandits. Thinking her a political prisoner, they quickly freed Lenalee and her companions, and in the ensuing combat, all but two others of their tiny cabal were killed. Half of the bandits and all of their guards were likewise slain, and having no better option, they joined with their liberators. Such was not to last, however, as after another year the men and women she'd joined were all killed in a poorly planned raid. Lenalee managed to escape the battle, however, and as such, she was now free of any responsibilities save to herself. Everyone she'd ever known was dead, after all, and there were many opportunities for one of her skills and powers, even in the lands of the empire, so long as she maintained a low profile.

Physically, Lenalee was of average height and of a somewhat heavier build. She had mastered few physical skills, and the wooden staff she carried was more a walking stick and method of channeling her energies than a weapon. She wasn't fat, by any definition, as the years of traveling had left her with a leaner body than what she'd likely have had if she were more sedentary. She did, however, possess a full, curvy figure for a woman of her age, twenty two at the moment. She kept her pitch black hair perfectly clean, and cut it so that it never passed her shoulders, but otherwise let it do as it pleased, which usually meant that she had to constantly push it away from her eyes. She also often wore make-up under her blue-grey eyes, giving her a more threatening appearance in order to ward off most would-be attackers.

EXP changes:
Spent 18 exp, added +10 to Mind and +8 to Spirit.

The first post:
HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Perception: Success (First roll of the game is a 20, apparently.)

Life was difficult for a woman in Badaria, even moreso for a sorceress. Little more than a second class citizen, the Lich King's recruiters had certainly not asked for Lenalee to join them when they had learned of her powers. They had not asked when they had brought her on the journey that had caused her sorrow. They had not asked for anything. But, in the end, their oppression had gotten them nowhere. Lenalee was free, as free as a female mage could be in Badaria.

Power, skill, and cunning could get a person far in the Empire, regardless of their birth. Well paying customers who needed a job done were quite fond of those who weren't on the best of terms with the Lich King's law. Expandability and dependability were two musts on an amoral employer's shopping list. Most would consider a sorceress like Lenalee as having all five of those qualities. Yet, the latest job that Lenalee had been informed on was different.

The information was readily available. A girl had gone missing, some lord's daughter. The girl was described as having medium-length blonde hair, fair-skinned and thin, with an affinity for blue clothing, having just seen her nineteenth year. Truth be told, the information was a little too readily available. By the end of the week every mercenary, sellsword, and shady character in the realm would have kidnapped some blonde waif and offered her to the lord, claiming to have found his daughter. Some would probably even threaten their captives and demand money from the lord not to harm them. If the girl was found by one of the creatures the lord would be lucky to get her back entirely intact. Still, the amount of denarii offered was nothing if not spectacular. With the amount of coin and treasure the lord had offered, Lenalee would have been able to claim that she was the half-naga, half-elf king of seas and trees and nobody would have opened their mouths to suggest she was wrong.

Perhaps it was out of curiosity, perhaps it was for for the gold, but Lenalee had rapidly discovered more useful details about the girl's disappearance. Within hours of learning about the girl, Lenalee had learned where the girl had gone missing. No more than a day later Lenalee had found the path and herself on it. It was a relatively fast outing and the mage could have found herself back to the safety of some town quickly if she changed her mind.

The path was little more than a dirt road that cut in through a forest. Thankfully there was very little in the way of underbrush. Dirt and leaves kicked up with the woman's every step. The road didn't seem like it was used very often or maintained at all. The general disuse was why, minutes into her journey, when an armored, pink-skinned woman with a ponytail of silvery hair and a horn visible in the middle of her head became visible on the road about fifty feet in front of her Lenalee instinctively expected others

In the trees to the front and left of her, about thirty feet away, Lenalee easily spotted a pale, short-haired redhead, in patched white robes with a staff in hand. Curiously, the redhead had white rabbit ears but otherwise had a normal human face. The third was a bit harder to spot but Lennalee managed it. Perched like a crow on the branch of a tree about twenty feet to the front and right of her was another, olive-skinned woman with shoulder-length black hair and cruel-looking eyes. Her leather armor was patched much as the redhead's white robes were and she had a longsword in hand. They had obviously expected her to clumsily stumble into an ambush.

(My response: )

Lenalee paused in step as the pink-skinned woman stepped out of the trees, and directly into her path. Glancing about with her eyes as she knelt down and began retying a lace in her boots revealed a white-robed redhead with rabbit ears, holding a staff and sitting in a tree. Probably a caster. She also spotted a woman clutching a sword, her olive skin and black hair making her difficult to see against the forest backdrop. So, it was probably an ambush. Two of the three women had very strange additions on their bodies, however, and almost as strange was the fact that all of them were women, which was not something Lenalee would expect from common bandits, as this trio seemed to be. Curious.

As she stood up, Lenalee quietly chanted spell, dusting herself off as the spell activated. A cloud of dense fog appeared in between herself and the one that was directly ahead of her. At the same time, Lenalee slid to the side slightly, and got a bead on where the woman with the staff had been a moment ago, preparing another spell. As she gathered her energies, Lenalee shouted amicably; "Crazy weather we're having lately, huh!" If she heard or detected any signs of movement from the woman up ahead, or heard the redhead start casting a spell, the first thing Lenalee had planned was to call up a powerful gust of wind at the woman with the staff and the bunny ears. If they didn't try anything, Lenalee would keep her staff low, and wait for a response while keeping her ears peeled.

(Cast Roiling Mists, centered halfway between herself and the pink unicorn up ahead. Then, try to crouch into a bush and throw her voice slightly so they don't have her exact position. If hostilities break out, cast Gust at the bunny girl.)
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 28/41, PP = 56, EP = 58/62, Status = Injured

Part 1:

Rolling Mist Cast: Success
Lenalee Perception: Success
Enemy Perception: Failure, Failure, and Success

Part 2:

Gust Cast: Success
Damage: (6 + 7) * 2 = 26 - 1 = 25
Enemy Resistance Check: Failure.

Enemy Attack: Hit
Enemy Damage: 6 + 11 - 4 = 13, armor at 26/30.

Lenalee's spell went off as planned, not that there was ever any doubt for the skilled sorceress. Her call was apparently ignored by the redhead and horned woman, as she heard shouts that didn't acknowledge her own in the slightest. "No, Jan, don't run into the mists!" The mage hears from the front and left of her position. "Ren?" A dumbstruck voice called out from inside the mist, a few moments later. "I think I'm lost." An exasperated sigh came from the left again, followed by another call. "I'll get you out." Had Lenalee stumbled into an attempted ambush or a comedy routine?

The sound of another person landing on the ground to the front-right of her and heading right towards her certainly seemed like a threat. The sorceress could barely make out the rabbit girl advancing towards the mists with her staff ready. The redhead was obviously going to try to disrupt her mists. Since the mists were the only thing keeping the situation from being a three on one Lenalee thought it best to unleash another spell on the mage. The sorceress conjured a gust of wind, using her staff as a focus, that hit the enemy mage with such force that she slammed into a tree before sliding down it in a slump, barely conscious. The rabbit girl seemed to be out of the fight. "Ren?" The voice called out from the mists again, seemingly incapable of understanding what had happened.

It was then that a voice came from her side, almost dripping with malicious intent, with no compassion at all for the plight of her allies. "Found you, bitch!" Lenalee turned just in time to see a longsword cutting through the air, aimed at her neck. The mage instinctively raised her staff but parried poorly and the blade left a long cut in her right arm.

Lenalee was face to face with the olive-skinned woman, though most of her face was obscured by a black bandit mask. The woman slowly whirled the tip of her longsword in small circles as if taunting the sorceress and her cruel eyes scanned the woman as though she was sizing up prey. The redhead seemed to be on the verge of blacking out and the tall woman hadn't found her way out of the mists yet. If she could keep things to one-on-one then Lenalee wasn't even near being out of the fight.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee giggled slightly as the women ahead began to fumble about in her conjured mist, particularly as the rabbit-eared redhead was slammed against the wall. As such, she didn't notice the woman with the sword bearing down on her before she was already in mid swing and issuing her angry words. Definitely hostile then. She barely got her staff in between herself and the sword, trading being decapitated for getting a gash along her unprotected forearm as the blade slid along the wood of her staff. She slid backwards, hissing in pain, and glared at the olive skinned woman, already preparing a spell in her mind. "You could always just unfind me, you know. I have no quarrel with you or your friends."

As she finished, Lenalee pushed out her hand, a wave of wind rushing out form behind her and causing her unruly hair to wave out in front of her and the mists she'd conjured to swirl intricately. The wind moved out ahead of her in a cone, slamming into the olivine woman and throwing sand and stones out toward her. Ideally, she'd be pushed away and knocked on her back, giving Lenalee some breathing room. So long as the other two were busy in the mists, she'd have time to deal with this woman, but if it became three on one......

(Edit: Sorry, Greater Gust, Wind level 3)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 28/41, PP = 56, EP = 54/62, Status = Injured

Greater Gust: Success
Damage: (1 + 5) * 3 = 18 - 4 = 14
Enemy Resistance Check: Failure (Huh, every roll I've done so far today has been bad.)
Enemy Perception: Success (... Except this one.)

The sinister woman started to respond to Lenalee's comment, no doubt with another vicious remark, only to be blown away like a pile of leaves. The masked woman's rapid assisted egress ended with her sprawled out on the grass about ten feet away from Lenalee, struggling to get herself upright. Some of the stones the mage had targeted with her gust pelted the prone rogue, causing her a noticeable amount of pain. Potentially more important, or satisfying, to the sorceress, Lenalee had apparently knocked the venomous quip out of the bandit.

"Ren?" Lenalee heard from the mists. The noise appeared to be getting closer. An assessment of the situation revealed that the enemy mage remained slumped against the tree, seeming unlikely to return to the fighting. The tall woman would likely be out of the mists within a few seconds, following the noises from the sorceress' struggle. Though, it was difficult to tell what she might do. The woman the sorceress had just sent flying seemed to only be stunned, she would likely be back on her feet and dangerous in a short amount of time.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Taking the momentary opportunity to reposition herself such that the prone woman was between herself and the sound of the approaching enemy, Lenalee glared down at the injured woman and said; "You brought this on yourself." The air began to crackle with electricity, and Lenalees wild black hair slowly began to rise as she prepared yet another spell. The sorceress threw her arms wide, and shouted; "Over here!" As the woman broke from the cover of the trees, she unleashed her spell, trying to strike both targets with the same bolt as she stretched out her right arm, pointing her staff. A bolt of lightning lanced out of the wood, going straight through the olive-skinned woman and right toward the other womans chest, if all things went according to plan.

(Lightning Bolt, Lightning level 3)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 28/41, PP = 56, EP = 50/62, Status = Injured

Casting: Success
Base Damage (4 + 7) * 3 = 33
Rogue takes 33 - 4 = 29
"Jan" takes 33 - 10 = 23

The prone woman did her best to look at Lenalee with contempt. It probably wasn't the worst look that anyone had given the sorceress and did nothing to disrupt her spellcasting. The lightning lashed out at the prone rogue first and she seemed to give all of her effort to keeping Lenalee fixed with those cruel looking eyes. No amount of venom the woman seemed to have in her body would overcome the powers that Lenalee was harnessing, though. After a few seconds the contemptuous stare faltered and the bandit's head hit the ground. If she was alive she would need a healer to remain so.

The lightning continued on it's course, forking out and bringing destruction to the minor plantlife and the bases of the trees until hitting it's second intended target, the woman that had been called Jan. The horned woman convulsed and cried out in shock at the sudden attack. Yet, as the sorceress' lightning expended the remainder of it's fury, the tall woman did not fall. In fact, after confirming the origin of the bolt the tall woman charged. As she charged, Lenalee was able to make out more of her appearance. The woman had a curvy figure for as tall as she was, easily over six feet. Based on the large club she easily hefted, the curves seemed to lend themselves more to muscle and strength than fat. She wore a breastplate and tattered shorts.

Thankfully, the large woman wasn't very quick, Lenalee had a small window of opportunity open before that club was swinging at her.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee stared down at the dying woman with contempt, but then looked up to find the other woman charging at her, cudgel raised, and issued a grunt of surprise. She was more durable than the sorceress had thought, apparently. Still, Lenalee had plenty of range to strike at her, and as electricity crackled along her staff, she pointed the weapon at the woman and said; "The sooner you fall, the sooner the pain will end." With that, lightning crackled out of her hands, issuing forth and grasping the charging woman like a hand around her heart.

(Cast Shock at the last remaining enemy.)
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 28/41, PP = 56, EP = 46/62, Status = Injured

Casting: Success
Damage: (2 + 8) * 3 = 30 - 10 = 20
Resistance Check: Lenalee wins.

Another blast of electricity hit the armored woman and she stumbled, ending up on one knee. The horned woman did not fall down completely, however. Bringing her club to the ground to use as an aid in standing upright, she struggled to her feet, even despite the power Lenalee was still pouring into trying to debilitate her. The monstrous woman actually managed to bring her club up and swing at Lenalee. The club never even came close to touching the sorceress, though, as the woman simply fell over with the effort. Upon a glance it became obvious that the pink-skinned woman had gone unconscious.

With her would-be ambushers all incapacitated or dying, Lenalee was the victor. Several trees had been damaged in the fighting and the mists were still present. The sorceress found herself in the possession of two captives, a third if she wanted to heal the rogue for whatever reason. For plunder, if she chose to take it, she found a small amount of coin on the dying woman and the redhead, the majority of it on the rabbit-eared girl. The weapons they carried were all badly damaged and unlikely to be worth much, their clothing similar, and the bludgeon seemed suspiciously like small tree with a handle carved out of it.

(Gain 3 exp, optionally gain 30 denarii.)
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lightning lanced out of Lenalees extended staff at the horned woman, but still she somehow advanced forward, club raised. The sorceress scowled, lightning flooding from her eyes as she maintained the spell, but even as her target swung toward her, and Lenalee was forced to release her magic and step aside, the womans attack turned into a forward collapse. She stared down at the one-horned woman for a moment, her magic slowly fading and her hair falling back down to her face as the static steadily drained out of her. After a moment, she sighed, blew the hair out of her face, and poked the woman on the ground with her staff a couple of times. After ensuring that she was, indeed, unconscious, Lenalee turns to the olive-skinned rogue, who was likely not long for this world.

Lenalee quickly dismissed her mist, knowing that without her magic and her will supporting it that it would fade, given time. Then, kneeling over the dark haired woman, she gathered a quick burst of magic and channeled it into her body, regulating her heartbeat and slightly healing the burns from her lightning. She'd live yet, at least for a while, but she shouldn't regain consciousness immediately. Then, she uses the same spell on her cut arm, magically cleaning and healing the gash that the swordswoman had left on her. That taken care of, she grabs both of unconscious women by a leg and drags them over to the tree, where the redhead with the rabbit ears was still lying, apparently unconscious as well. Huffing and puffing after the exertion, Lenalee then takes the time to strip each of the women to the skin, pocketing their money and setting their largely worthless equipment aside.

Bunching the three together, Lenalee then glanced about quickly, and uttered another spell, causing the roots of the tree to reach up and wrap around the unconscious women, binding their thighs, arms, ankles and waists. Then, as she wanted no further company while she figured out just what the hell was going on here, Lenalee cast another simple spell that would warn her if anyone came within twenty feet of her. That taken care of, she leaned on her staff for a moment, considering which of them she'd rather question first. Not the olive-skinned woman, obviously. The one with the pink skin and the horn on her head was likely the leader of the group, and so would be fairly difficult to get to say anything important. That left the rabbit. Smiling, Lenalee prodded the bunny-eared girl with the tip of her staff, channeling another weak healing spell into it, until she woke up.

As her captive stirred, Lenalee leaned on her staff once more, resting her head on her arms, and waited until she seemed mostly conscious. Then, she quietly and calmly said; "I'm sure you're wondering what happened. For times sake, as I don't want to waste too much of it, I'll give you the short version: You and your two lovely friends attacked me and lost. Don't sweat it too much, you can't win 'em all, and all that. But now, you are each alive only at my mercy, particularly your pretty friend there, and unless you all begin behaving in a more civilized fashion, I'm afraid that I'll have no choice but to retract that mercy. And, as you're all so bunched up, a quick wave of fire would probably do just the trick." Lenalee delivered all of that in an earnest deadpan, her gaze fixated on the girl, but keeping watch on the other two in her peripheral vision in case they began to awaken.

(Use a level 1 healing spell on the rogue to keep her alive, on her arm for the fluff of healing the cut, dismiss the mist, strip the three naked and then cast Alarm and Entangling Vines. Then, try to wake the three up, starting with rabbit-ears.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

The sorceress finished her preparations without any issue. She was a skilled mage with some real training, after all, not some hobbyist. The vicious woman who had attempted to decapitate her began to breathe normally again with minimal effort. Her arm healed as though nothing had ever happened to it.

Lenalee noticed some unusual things about her captive's bodies as she stripped them. The redhead's body was fairly normal. She was short and a little on the thin side, overall, but she had perky breasts that were probably just short of a C cup. Lenalee noticed that the hair above the redhead's womanhood was trimmed and that her hair color was indeed natural. The sorceress also noticed that the rabbit girl had a tail, though not the one she might have expected. Rather than a small, fluffy tail she had a long, prehensile tail with a lewd looking tip.

The olive-skinned woman was lithe with lean muscle, unlike the redhead. Yet, the rogue was the shortest of them all. Her chest was a little larger than the rabbit mage's, tipped with dark nipples. When Lenalee removed the mask a long tongue lolled out of the rogue's mouth. Perhaps more alarming than the tongue, when the sorceress removed the rogue's leather breaches she found that the rogue had an average-sized cock directly above her womanhood.

'Jan' was the most difficult to strip. Armor straps had to be undone and heavy armor had to be moved away. The bludgeon was incredibly heavy, even when dragging it. The horned girl had the largest breasts by far, big soft orbs that were at least DD's. Lean muscle could be seen on her body, similar to the rogue, but she was very curvy. Up-close, Lenalee noticed that there was a very strong smell coming from the unconscious woman, almost like pheromones. But, the big surprise came when she removed the woman's tattered shorts. 'Jan,' like the rogue, had a human rod above her womanhood. Unlike the rogue, however, it was easily a foot long despite not even being erect. If it hadn't appeared so human one might make the understandable mistake of believing she had stolen it from a horse.

With her captives bound and stripped, Lenalee set about waking up the rabbit girl. The redhead stirred slowly. A slow realization seemed to come to her as she tried to move against her bindings. The rabbit mage panicked for a moment and looked around nervously before seeing Lenalee. The rabbit-eared girl seemed almost relieved to see her, likely much less common than the look the olive-skinned woman had given her. "Oh, you're not a demon... I think," she muttered. Another look of worry crossed the girl's face and she looked to each side of her. After she saw the other two alive, the mage let out a sigh of relief.

'Ren' listened earnestly to the sorceress as she spoke, oddly calm in the face of Lenalee's threats, perhaps she simply didn't have enough energy to panic. "I... I'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt Jani and Mari anymore," she said, pleadingly. The other two seemed to remain unconscious.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee noted all of the strange things about the three women, particularly the two women with the added parts just above their womanhoods, and even paused as she tugged off the horned womans pants and discovered her titanic member. Now that was something that she certainly didn't see very often. Lenalee licked her lips as she stared down at it, but then simply turned away and went back to her preparations. There would be time for that later, perhaps, though a whiff of the womans pheromones had affected her a little more strongly than she'd like to admit. All three were certainly attractive in their own way, though the sorceress found the slightly exotic yet seemingly natural features of the rogue most appealing. She wasn't exactly sure as to why, just yet.

"A demon? No. No, I'm certainly not one of them." Lenalees voice dropped to a mutter as she considered summoning a goblin or a stalker just to frighten the meek redhead, but dismissed the thought, put on her best disarmingly reassuring smile, and said; "I won't hurt you. I seem to be in possession of much better manners than you and your friends here, in that regard, as you three attacked me almost on sight. Had I walked into your little ambush, I'd likely be lying dead on the ground. Which of your friends is which, by the way? I'm guessing that your name is Ren, from what the one with the horn said earlier, but which is Jani and which is Mari?"

Once the girl had answered that, Lenalee nodded, and then began bombarding her with questions, her face set just a step above a scowl; "Why were you waiting in ambush? Why did you mention demons? What are you three doing out here to begin with? Why are you all so....." Lenalee waited a moment, searching for the proper word, but seemingly not finding one, scowled and settled for; "Strange?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

"We wouldn't have killed you! We don't do that!" The rabbit girl blurted out. "You just would have..." The redhead trailed off, apparently thinking better than ending that sentence. "I'm Renee, Jan calls me Ren. Mari usually calls me by meaner names." The girl motioned with her head towards the unconscious women as she said their names. Jan seemed to be the horned woman. Mari was obviously the rogue. "Jan is just a nickname but her full name is really hard to pronounce, Mari's name is harder" she added.

"We needed captives," the rabbit girl started, apparently ready to spill her guts on the matter. "There was a goblin. A rude, smelly little goblin but he said that his mistress could cure us. She could make us better. He said we'd have to pay her a tribute in women though." Ren looked at the ground sadly. "I just wanted everything to go back to normal, like before we went to Artmirst. Jan was so smart and nice and Mari wasn't always so angry. So, I agreed." The rabbit girl glanced at her friends again. "So we started stalking this road and capturing female travelers. Jan is always horny so sometimes she uses the captives. Mari liked to tease them until they begged but if I let her do that she promised she wouldn't hurt them. We never did any physical harm to them on purpose! When one of them did get hurt trying to run I would heal them!" The redhead seemed almost hurt at the implication that she would have knowingly attempted to kill someone. A little odd given that the rogue called Mari had tried to cut through Lenalee's throat.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee stared in the redhead, her expression blank, and after a moment, the sorceress said, venom dripping in her voice; "And you listened. To a goblin. How's that going for you so far?" Sighing, she shook her head, and then continued; "I'm guessing that the mistress of this goblin is a beautiful woman? In a dark red robe that doesn't cover a whole lot, perhaps?"

Sighing once more, Lenalee pressed a hand to her temple and rubbed her head for a moment, her eyes closed, before saying; "When you went to Artmirst, I'm guessing you all bit off a bit more than you can chew. Something you seem to be quite adept at, it seems. You were all captured and raped for days on end, right? And that's how you got all of your strange features?" After staring at the girl for a moment, scowling, Lenalee deadpanned; "Whoever this woman and her pet goblin are, they're lying to you. I've dealt with demons before, and they lie to get what they want without fail. Slaves are their favorite, particularly when they don't have to do any work in capturing them. Just to be clear: You can't get rid of those mutations unless you want to cut them off, and I wouldn't suggest that course of action. You're just going to have to learn to live with them. I know that's not what you want to hear, but you're going to have to accept that, or you'll just end up back doing what you were doing. Attack and kidnapping young woman and giving them to demons, causing the same pain that you're going through to untold others. Is that what you want?"

Sighing one last time, Lenalee said; "Now, I'm guessing that Mari is going to be quite pissed off when she wakes up, and that Jan is going to be as horny as ever at some point in the near future. What I'd like to do, is to let you all go, so you can go about your lives. Unfortunately, I can't just go on my way and leave you all here to start attacking people once I'm gone. Particularly if I'm going to be coming back here with a..... Wait a second....." The dots suddenly connected in Lenalees head, and she wondered if it really was going to be that simple as she scowled, and with a sudden anger in her voice, she asked; "Where is this woman? Where did you bring the girls you captured? Was one of them a young, blonde girl?" Lenalee gave the description she'd heard, hoping that things were really going to be that easy.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

The rabbit girl dropped her gaze as Lenalee started to lecture her on her foolishness. By the time the sorceress was done Ren looked as though she couldn't have been any lower even if she'd had a shovel. Even her white rabbit ears drooped. It seemed almost like it would have been less painful for the girl to have been incinerated right then and there.

"I... I guess I always knew it to be true. I just hoped..." Ren started before trailing off. "The goblin said his mistress was only trying to save people, to bring things into a new order, to make them better like she'd make us better." The statement obviously sounded weak even to the redhead's ears by that point. The girl pointedly avoided responding to the questions about the goblin's mistress, she had probably never even seen the demon. Another pause followed as the rabbit girl seemed to wallow in self-pity.

"I don't know if any were blonde, I always tried to avoid looking at them," the rabbit mage said shamefully. "Most of the people who take this path are trying to escape to some place or another. Whether they're criminals, deserters, vagabonds, or running from the Empire's laws. Whoever you're looking for probably didn't come this way unless she was running from something." The redhead's expression seemed to be making a rebound from the one of helpless self-pity that had been there since Lenalee's lecture. "I... I can never be forgiven for the pain I've caused those girls. But, I can lead you to our recent captives. We were going to make the trip to offer the goblin the rest... well, until we met you."

"I understand if you don't trust us. I can go alone with you and leave the others here. You know you can beat me up," Ren said, the self-deprecating humor sounding a bit awkward due to her situation. Though, even if Lenalee had wanted to bring the other two they still had not stirred.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee gazed down at the rabbit girl with a stern look on her face as she became increasingly depressed, and then replied, in a surprisingly soft voice; "No. I won't separate you from your friends. You'll have a better chance of surviving if you stay together. Besides, I want these two to hear this too." Offering the girl a quick smile, Lenalee continued; "Just remember, you're responsible for your own actions, and the consequences they have for others. You remember that, and you'll be alright."

With that Lenalee began prodding her other two captives with her staff, starting with Mari. Ren might notice that she leaned in slightly as she tried to awaken Jan, breathing a little bit more deeply as her eyes dialated, the pheromones making Lenalee pleasantly buzzed on their powerful scent. She wanted both of them awake, so that she didn't happen to explain things twice. She also didn't want to leave the two alone, with their friend gone, as she thought that that might send the wrong message.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

The two stirred as they were poked. Ren seemed largely oblivious of Lenalee taking a whiff of Jan's pheromones, she had seemingly become used to them. Mari was the first with her eyes open, her reaction was a bit different than Ren's upon noticing that she was bound and naked. The rogue scanned her surroundings before her eyes settled on the sorceress. She seemed ready to make some crude remark but Ren cut her off. "Mari, she's a friend," the rabbit girl spoke up quickly. The rogue looked at the redhead, then down to their bindings, then back. Her mouth opened for a quip, likely directed at Ren but she was cut off again. "Okay, what I meant was she didn't kill us and still hasn't." The rogue seemed to surrender to the truth in that and remained silent.

The horned woman was the second awake. Unlike the others she did not seem particularly surprised or worried about her capture. The tall girl didn't even seem to recognize Lenalee as a former enemy. But, when Jan looked down and saw that she was naked the less feminine part of her began to harden, almost as if it were an automatic reaction. Ren looked at the massive rod nervously but there were so many things in her situation to be nervous about that it was impossible to tell the specific cause of the rabbit-girl's worries. Regardless of that, they were all awake and most were listening. The exception was Jan, who seemed to be enjoying the sight of her nude companions and the still-clothed sorceress.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee waited for the quip from the bound Mari, but as Rens words seemed to pacify her, the sorceress smiled down at her and said; "You, in particular, owe me. If I hadn't healed you, you'd be a corpse right now. Granted, it was I who almost killed you, but still." She then turned to Jan, who was seemingly ignoring her, or at least not paying attention to her in the ways that Lenalee would have liked. As she breathed in more of those pheromones, and eyed that massive, rapidly elongating cock, Lenalee considered a few things.

A slight blush touched her pale cheeks, barely visible perhaps but present nonetheless. Turning to Ren, she said; "She's not going to calm down on her own, is she? I'm guessing that she got the worst of it when you three were captured."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Surprisingly, it was Mari who spoke up first. More surprisingly, it wasn't a cruel remark. Well, at least not one aimed towards the sorceress. "She got the worst of it but she didn't get the most of it," The rogue leveled a cool look at Ren, who blushed and turned away. There were some scars there, it was easy to tell. Ren obviously began trying to frame a response but had some difficulty, so Mari continued. "I don't know what the little rabbit told you," as the words little rabbit came to the woman's mouth, Lenalee noticed that they sounded suspiciously like part of a bigger insult. "But the horny oaf was shy about her body before we were captured. A few days of constant shame and pleasure and she grew the horse dick, larger tits, the horn, and found herself the favorite of a succubus." Mari glanced at Jan, a little less fiercely than she had at Ren. "Now she's trained to stand up on command and can't function entirely if she goes more than a day without blowing her load."

The rogue seemed to be more aware of Lenalee's tells than Ren had been. The rogue spotted the blush on her pale cheeks with no issue and looked at her with knowing eyes and a cruel smile. "Why? You want to give her a test ride? Conquer the titan? Tame the bull? I can understand why you would, of course, I've seen her with the captives. She cums fast but she just keeps going and going, for hours if you let her, cumming again and again. Her trainer was good. Sometimes when we check on them afterward the girls willingly raise their pussies in the hopes that she's come to use them again. They're intoxicated between the fucking and the smell she gives off." The idea of that happening to the blonde girl Lenalee was searching for was a little worrying, to say the least. The noble would likely be very stingy with his denarii if his daughter came back to him as a broken fucktoy. "Maybe you should include the little rabbit in it too, she sure seems to like cock. I've never seen her with the oaf though, which is surprising given how eager she can be." Mari seemed unwilling to allow anyone out of her insults, her words were obviously a barb aimed at the redhead, as if her cruelty had backed up during the time she wasn't saying anything. Ren hadn't recovered entirely from her earlier shame and didn't even try to respond.

The horned woman didn't seem to notice anything other than the other women, or more specifically their crotches, and her own member. The girl squirmed a little in her bindings and whined as she was unable to gain any relief. Jan's rod had finally seemed to be done growing at a little under a foot and a half. It looked very much like she was trying desperately to guide her over-sized cock into her own mouth and whining as she was unsuccessful. The pheromones seemed to strengthen as the tall woman became more and more aroused. Even her companions were having issues ignoring the potent smell. Mari had the beginnings of an erection in the increasingly warm air. Ren was becoming twitchy and her pink nipples had stiffened. Oddly, Ren seemed to be more and more fixated on Mari as the pheromones got stronger. With every whiff that Lenalee had of the horned woman her mind became more buzzed and her body became increasingly hot. Every part of the sorceress' body felt more sensitive to touch, to the point that even the feel of her clothing and protective gear against her skin was incredibly noticeable. Lenalee could probably escape the effects of the scent by moving away from it if she so desired, the other two weren't so capable.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee stared at Mari as she spoke, a grin slowly spreading across her face. Waiting a moment after the girl had finished, Lenalee chuckled softly, and then mirthfully responded; ""Tame the bull." I like that one." She chuckled against, leaning on her staff as she gazed at Mari, and continued more seriously; "I wonder what it says about my worldview when I say that I can appreciate your cynicism, Mari. "

Sighing, Lenalee took one last breath of the intoxicating musk that Jan was letting off, a part of her enjoying the sensitivity and euphoria it offered, while the more logical part of her mind began devising the best possible ways to ignore it, and then turned and took several steps away, a noticeable swagger of her hips in her steps. As she did, the vines holding Ren and Mari released the two, while the ones holding Jan remained in place, keeping her locked to the ground. Over her shoulder, she said; "Come, lets get to some cleaner air. You can put your clothes back on if you want. Do leave your weapons for now, if you please." Despite her apparent trust, Lenalee kept a spell at the ready and her senses sharp, in case either decided to try and make good on their freedom and try to attack her.

After walking about twenty paces, well out of the range of Jans potent musk, the blush slowly fading from the sorceress cheeks as it worked out of her system, Lenalee turned around, leaning once more on her staff, and waited for the other two women to join her. Once they were both directly in front of her she sighed again, and began speaking low and fast; "Both of you listen, and answer my questions in as few words as possible, if you please. Firstly, how lucid is Jan, on average? Can she speak, feed herself, walk on her own? Are some periods more lucid than others? Have you noticed some of the girls shes been with sprouting mutations similar to yours? Have any of them gotten pregnant that you know of? How long have you been taking care of her? Have you tried to undo any of the training that the succubus gave her? How long does she go before she becomes unmanageable?" She spoke quietly, so that Jan couldn't hear her.

Lenalee left out any mention of how she'd noticed Ren staring at Mari. She'd likely have enough drama in the next few minutes, and she didn't want to bring out any skeletons in the closet between the two more reasonable girls. Well, more lucid, at least, as Ren was far too meek and Mari far to antagonistic for either to be called truly reasonable. She likewise ignored the breadth of Maris insults, which seemed to be the womans method of coping with her situation more than any real malignancy. If she truly hated Ren, Lenalee doubted that the seemingly capable woman would have bothered staying with the rabbit-eared redhead, and the same was likely true of Jan. At first, Lenalee had thought Jan the leader, but now it seemed likely that, if not the true leader, then Mari was at least mostly responsible for the trios survival.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

"Not a fan of "Conquer the Titan" then?" Mari quipped with a more genuine grin. The women did as Lenalee instructed and dressed after moving themselves out of the musk. Ren stole a few more glances at Mari as they got dressed. The rogue didn't seem to notice the rabbit-girl, despite her power of perception so far it seemed as though she wasn't even paying attention.

Ren spoke up to answer the sorceress' questions. It looked as though she was summoning every ounce of her willpower to keep the answers anywhere near short and quick. "She can feed herself, talk, sleep, and take care of all of her own needs. She's just a little slow-witted. The longer she goes without... relieving her tension, the more obsessed she gets. If she ends up naked, well, this happens," the rabbit replied meekly. "Jan doesn't spread the mutations. If any of us can it would be me," she admitted, embarrassed. "I don't know if she can... if she's fertile. The first captive was the only one that she... finished inside of," another look of shame became apparent the girl's features. "The goblin noticed and reprimanded us. He said that his mistress wanted her new followers to be without child when they were delivered to her. Afterward I told Jan not to... not to finish inside. I think it's because of the succubus' training but she listened."

"When we first escaped from the demons we tried to remind her of who she was. We took her to where we met, to all the places we used to explore. We tried to teach her again but progress has been slow, if it's working at all." The skinny girl sighed. "If she... relieves herself then she should be fine for a little while. I can tell her to meet us at the captives and she'll follow when she's done," the rabbit-girl offered. "It doesn't keep her clearheaded as long as... other options but it would serve for a while."

If Ren was correct then Lenalee at least had the option of continuing on to discover whether the missing noble was among the trio's captives or not without much further delay. Playing therapist for the dysfunctional group certainly didn't pay as much as saving the blonde girl.