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Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Well, I can make it so it won't be clear." Kathy said, "but it won't be as fun." The drider grinned before put the towel back on the rack and said. "If you'll wait for a few minutes I can have them ready for you before you go. Now I'll be back soon."

Kathy seemed actually excited as she left, the drider dissapearing to the larger rooms to start working on the new set of clothes. If Syn waited, her newest housemate would come back with a set of clothes, that looked like a set gym clothes from a japanese school. "Here you go, they should give you full mobility and I'm sure you'll find them comfortable."

If Syn wore the clothes, they would indeed be very very comfortable, and seemingly perfectly tailored. Though if the magical girl looked at Kathy she'd notice the drider seemed very tired.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn rolled her eyes with a smirk and waited patiently as Kathy went to make her some clothing. When she returned, she blinked in surprise at the design of the gym clothes, taking them and putting them on.

"Oh, this is a new style. They're really good though, thanks.," smiles Syn, before blinking, seeing how tired Kathy was.

"Are you okay? You weren't kidding about it being exercise clearly. You need anything to drink or something to get your energy back?
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I'm fine, it was just that making threads that are visible to normal people took alot out of me." Kathy said. "I think I might try to catch a nap well you are out."

With that the drider would yawn, and start to head back to the living room, probably looking to sleep on the couch or the table. Lyn meanwhile padded into the hallway, looking at Syn eagerly as she obviously was waiting to get walked.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Go ahead, Kathy. We'll be back soon.," smiles Syn happily, before heading out after putting the leash on Lyn, glad she;s gotten used to their strange house guest already. Always nice thing about dogs, was less what you are and more who you were with them.

So off they went, to the park!
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn would have an uneventful walk to the park, till she actually got to the same park as last time. People walked by and she got a few glances for her outfit, but those more seemed to be about how well fitted it was.

Once she got to the park itself though, she noticed something, a small feeling that seemed to be trying to pull her in a specific direction. Maybe this was her own detection ability, as the pull seemed to be quite weak at the moment.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn tried to ignore the stares, knowing it was an odd look. She liked it though, but she didn't like the attention much. Cost of looking nice she guessed. Ah well.

With the pull going, she grumbled a bit. Man. She just wanted to run with Lyn. Well, it was safe for her to be alone for a bit historically, and since she wasn't a magic dog guess she didn't have to worry about walking into something weird as fuck.

"Be right back, Lyn. Duty call."

Better go make sure there wasn't anyone getting ravaged. She was really hoping for another Kathy who's reasonable. She went ghost dullahan form and slipped off after the tug. Best make it quick.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Lyn would barely even notice Syn's dissapearance, and the magical girl would have ample time to switch into her magical form before she reached the source of the pull.

Before her she saw what looked like....a giant hole in the ground. Hidden in a bunch of bushes. The pull was directing her down the hole, and it was up to her if she wanted to risk exploring it now or not.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Goofy dog. Best make it quick.

Moving on, Syn hurried along to find the source. And she found... A hole. Well that wasn't concerning at all. Down she went then, remaining in ghost form. Not like she had too much to worry about like this.

Was it some sorta mole creature, or more bugs or what? Time would tell she supposed.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

As Syn descended down the hole, she would start to hear chittering. The rapid sounds only growing louder and quicker as she kept going further down. Until she found what seemed like a single, very large, ant. The creature was at the very least as tall as she was, and looked like it weighed many times her mass. The large creature seemed to be guarding a deeper tunnel, but if Syn tried to approach, she would notice the creature seemed to be staring at her, and made threatening motions in her direction. It seemed it could detect her in her ghost form.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn frowned, staring at the enormous ant. Well that was terrifying for several different reasons. The fact she had only seen one so far was heartening, but ants were a huge threat and danger when they weren't giant rapey demons. How the hell did no one notice these things digging on the seismographers?

"Hey! Yeah I know you can sense me! Go get someone who can speak english and bring em over here, we need to talk. Dear god, you guys are crazy to set up in here..." says Syn irritably.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

The ant stared at Syn for a good minute, and it almost seemed like it would attack her at any moment. Then there was a chittering noise coming up from the tunnel, and a much smaller figure appeared. This new arrival looking much more like Kathy, except with instead of a spider lower half, the new woman had an ant one.

"Hmm, well, you got your English speaker. Now, what do you want?" The new arrival's voice was terse. Obviously displeased that a magical girl had found them this quick.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn blinked. Guess they had some sorta hivey mind thing like out of science fiction. Good to know.

"Hi. Okay, look. I'm not some roving murderer out to slaughter random youma alright, but I also know if you guys operate anything like ants, you're gonna reproduce massively and dig all over the place around here. I'm guessing that nobody notices and the park doesn't collapse because of magic. But I'm not gonna tolerate you guys running rampant over my home cus you grabbed some girls. So I'm gonna ask you to not go raping people, and if you do find willing partners, to try to keep your numbers reasonable so as not to hedge out every other youma and draw more magic girl attention. Cus I'm gathering I'm in the minority who aren't out to just murder everyone of you."

Syn sighs and glances over, "If you accept that, I'm willing to try and help you guys out on this and try to avoid you guys getting slaughtered by less reasonable people just because of what you are. I'm not looking to throw you under a bus or anything, I genuinely think what happened to you guys, whatever actually happened, was horrible. I'd rather try and fix it so you don't have to go on rape hunts and maybe live like people instead of hunted monsters. But you have to meet me half way, okay? So what say you?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

As Syn talked, she'd be able to notice something more about the girl she was talking to. Namely that the ant girl looked like she had a number of extra bits on her that seemed to serve no real purpose, and her abdomen was rather unusually large for her size compared to the giant ant beside her.

"I wish." The ant girl muttered in response to the explosive breeding comment. Then she spoke up and continued. "Well we're grateful you're not attacking us. We can't just put the breaks on all our hopes of expanding just because you want us to. What willing girls are we ever going to get down here."

Then the ant girl sniffed. "Unless you are willing to help us get off the ground, or atleast supply us someone who would be willing to help with such. I don't think we can agree to your terms."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn raised an eyebrow at the complaints, her sighing. "I'm helping a drider with this already. Tell you what, at least give me some time to try and work something out, alright? Already have her kinda hitting on me, but I barely know you guys. Just sleeping at the drop of a hat isn't my style, I've never even done it before. Sigh. Or, if you're set on me, can you at least humor me and, I dunno, do like Kathy is doing and try playing to humor methods? I really feel bad for you guys y'know, I want to figure out how to fix this thing that's forcing you all into rape and such."

She sighs and leans against the wall, going solid. She looks over at the strange ant girl. "My names Branimera, though you can call me Syn if you want. If you've a name or something you want to be called, I'll hear it. If nobody tries for a better option, we'll never get one. That's why I'm trying to do this. It'd be easier if I could sense those with magic like Youma can, but I want to try and let you guys co-exist without being predators. And hopefully one day let you be like normal people. I mean, you must want that too right? So are you the ant queen?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Hmmm. Well, I would not mind being able to stop hiding, but my kind cannot wait too long or we will be at serious risk of our nest being destroyed. I will give you a week, if you do not want to assist us grow by then, I will have to go about securing my nest's future the normal way."

"Or you can allow us to move into your territory, so that we can guarantee you will be around to provide us protection. Even then though, we can only wait so long, maybe a month at the most. As for my name, it is Cili."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn blinks then nods. "I've a backyard... Just don't break all of it, I've a dog who needs space to run around too. But long as you don't wreck my pipes or whatever I'm okay with you living down there. And a month is fine, I appreciate that. So uh... It's just you two? I guess I can help you get over there ghost like. And hey maybe you can learn alongside Kathy. I'm gathering you guys aren't very tech savvy but there's a lot you guys can learn from human methods. I'm sure you can find some use for learning how pipes work and running water and such."

She offers her hands to the ants with a smile, "As well as the benefits of electricity. I mean, if you plan to have girls down there semi reliably you should work to provide them with the usual comforts right? It'll certainly be more attractive than just a dirt room. Learning to attract partners over just taking them certainly will help your guys appeal."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"We make no promises." Cili said imperiously. "And no it is not just us two, just give me a moment to summon my worker."

There was no sound again, just a twitching of antenna, and then a third, smaller, ant came out of the tunnel. Like the really big ant it was just an ant, with no human features. "Now we are ready to go. How will we move across the surface without tipping off other magical girls."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"If you break my pipes, you will fix my pipes, because your tunnels will fill with water from the broken pipes.," says Syn dryly, her blinking as another ant appears.

"Well, with multiple trips probably, or me passing out. Teleporting one person is exhausting. Teleporting three is gonna knock me right out... Ghostwalking you three probably will be easier though. so uh, everyone c'mere, I have to be touching you, and we'll jsut glide there through the ground. Not that I've ever seen other magic girls before out here. I'm not fond of that name, yeesh. I'm not a girl damn it. Well, I am, but I'm a woman, hmph."

She touched all three before concentrating. This was gonna be tiring. The things she does to keep the peace. She began gliding them home, hoping to stay conscious enough to get back and retrieve Lyn.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

It took alot of effort, but Syn managed to make her way back to her home without running into another magical girl, and without falling unconscious. It felt like she had just finished running a marathon though, and she'd need to stop for a drink at the house before going back for Lyn.

"Ohh, your back already?" Kathy's voice came from the living room, and a moment later the drider's upper body poked around the corner of the door to the hall. "And you picked up more youma? Are you going to be running a hotel here or something?"

"We will be taking over the yard, not living in this small house." Cili replied, the two youma staring at eachother for a few moments as they sized eachother up. Kathy was larger in every category compared to Cili. From general size to the size of her bust, the drider had the ant queen beat, and the later didn't seem to happy about that. "Hmph, well, we will get started, just show us where we can begin our tunnel."

After being shown where to start, Syn would be able to go back and retrieve Lyn, getting back to her house without any further monster encounters. Her backyard looked normal, atleast when she was in her human form, once she was in her magical form she could see a massive hole had been dug out of the center of her backyard, with dirt piled up on its sides.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn panted, catching her breath once she dropped her bugs off. When Kathy popped out, Syn responded. "Sorta... Hng... Seems that way... huh...? Unf, same deal as you really, trying to keep the peace and such. And... Hey. Hey! You two better get along or I'll find a way to make you hug and make up. You gotta share a general area darn it. Anyways I gotta go get Lyn, I'll be right back."

Syn pointed where Celia can get to work before darting back to grab Lyn, bringing her back inside, before looking out the back. "Ooof, man... Hope Lyn doesn't fall in there, or there's a magic forcefield over the hole. Maybe it's ghost dirt.," says Syn wryly, before turning her attention to see how webbed up her home was.