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Heart of Corruption - IC

Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Chuggy Tune:

"These ears feel fucking amazing." Arva commented, to her puffy, new furry additions, flopping them forth and back and moaning ever so slightly under the soft sensations of their touch. Discreetly, she decided to bag the other potion for later, before flexing.. well if this was the corruption, it wasn't too bad. Infact, perhaps it had.. advantageous aspects.. although clearly, considering the crazed ferals they'd fought, she shouldn't overdo it.

"Guess this was some sorta research place, brewing a mean drink though. Anywhoo, check it out best as you want, whose up for beating up this nature goddess nonsense afterwards?" She asked, flexing an impressive biceps whilest a grey-blonde pointed eartip flopped backwards softly. She could kinda go for some headpats.. after tearing apart a strong opponent in glorious combat, naturally..

She was not too concerned about heading out to battle whilest drunk. That just made it better.
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Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

This smells wonderful...No! I can't drink this! Gods only know what this could do! Jen had an orgasm on the spot!! Actually, that doesn't sound too bad... No! It made Arva grow wolf ears!! Well...I am partially resistant to the corruption...one sip couldn't hurt...oh screw it...I need some excitement. She takes a sip a first, then downs the whole vial impatiently. She then walks over to the notes scattered across the table and begins to pick them up and read them. As she reads the notes, she stays tuned into the conversation of her fellow compatriots.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
44/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None

Kress promptly puts her shield in front of her face, guarding herself from the vial. "Damn it Arva, pull yourself together!" She huffs, glad that at least the norsewoman is a happy drunk. "Jen! Not you too!" She groans, wishing for something alcoholic... She turns away from the lost causes and... Watches Sharon down a vial as well... Her right eye now twitching, she moves away from the group and starts searching the room as she focuses on a task other than trying to smack some sense into the rest... Was she REALLY the only one taking this shit seriously?!

(Str Check: 13+4-2=15)
(Searching, taking 20 for 29.)
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Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Chuggy Tune:

"See girls? This is some good shit. We just need to distill away the bad stuff that makes you go blind and mindless. I don't know much about alchemy, but I'm sure I can learn." She suggested, seeming more amazed than concerned about her fuzzy ears, which seemed to subtly turn towards sources of sound around.

"Oh we could do some of the resting here before continuing on, I didn't use up much but you were struggling a bit with the weird women?" She pondered, looking for a comfortable place herself.
Sharon as you drink the potion, you experience the same effects as the others who drank as well. The world goes bright with color, joy courses through your veins, and as you desperately drink the last drop of the potion, you are rewarded with your own climax! When you pick up the notes and start to read, at first you think you are just having trouble thanks to the post orgasmic bliss, but only a few moments later you realize the notes are in a language you haven't seen before, well unless you had seen the language runes at the front of the ruins that Jen had pointed out. As you start to skim for anything that you understand, you find some scribbles in the margins of one of the notes, in a language that looks familiar but one you do not know. Perhaps one of the others could read it?

(what looks like a name written in horrible handwriting and is unreadable), me and some of the others are leaving to try and find what has happened to Sanctuary since we've lost contact with them a few days ago. If you don't hear from us, assume its minions got to us and run and hide.

Next to it looks like a hand drawn map, all the locations are in the same language as the research notes you cant understand, and it looks like its missing a large portion of the jungle on it... or is that the jungle just wasn't as big when it was drawn? Either way, any of you who would look at the map would know that the paths drawn on there would have been long swallowed by the jungle.

Meanwhile, as Sharon is reading the note Kress manages to pull herself away from Arva's drunk attempts to feed her some potion as well, and as Arva looks for a relaxing place to sit down she is able to find a chair that isn't so rotten that it would break upon her sitting on it.

Kress just as you pull yourself away from Arva and groan to yourself as everyone in the party drinks the potion, something catches your eye. Nearby on one of the research tables is a necklace in a small glass box. It looks familiar, really familiar. It dawns on you that its an exact replica of the necklace your mother used to wear, and as you realize that and continue to stare at it, you feel a strong urge to try it on...
Name: Sharon
HP: 45/45 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17 BAB: +4
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon stumbles a bit, that orgasm felt really good and was much needed. She squints at the notes through the bright colors that clouded her vision. Why can't I read this? She rubs her eyes and looks at the notes again, in hopes of clearing her vision. Oh, wait...I don't know this language. She turns to face Kress, and she begins to blush a bit as she speaks up for the beautiful half-elf's attention. "H-Hey, Kress, can you come over here? I have some notes I can't read...do you recognize this language?" She rubs her thighs impatiently, trying to make the effects of the orgasm last as long as possible.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
52/55 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 7 Ref: 5 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None

Kress glances over to Sharon. "I think it looks like Elven. Give me a minute and I'll be over there." She states, transfixed by the necklace inside the glass box. Dumbfounded, the half-elf opens it and picks up the ornate golden necklace with the green, heart-shaped emerald. It looked and felt like her mother's necklace, alright... Her mother told her that her father had given it to her, before their wedding night. After that, he scouted ahead one day and never returned... Well, she later learned that wasn't exactly true... She and an elf had gotten drunk and apparently went at it like rabbits. The next morning he was gone and all he left her was the necklace... And apparently Kress...

Her mother later found out that he was some elven noble or something that had a thing for naive human women with large breasts and tended to hand out necklaces like that to make it easier to trick women into spreading their legs for him. Still, it was a rather pretty necklace and her mother claimed that it had some kind of protective magic. Sadly, she lost it after a bad trading venture and apparently sold it for food and lodging for them and her other half-sisters one year.

She found herself fastening the clasp behind her neck while lost in her thoughts and memories, awareness coming back to her as she feels the unusually large and strong clasp fit together. Odd... It didn't look all that large when she was examining it... Taking out her small steel mirror, she looks over herself and the new necklace she's wearing.
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Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Lazy, Tune:

Arva leaned back, relaxedly, only briefly glancing over to the others investigating the paperwork. Complaining about her all day, but going for some bling.. she really didn't get Kress.
"Y'know what, I have a fun idea."
She noted, folding her hands together, before extending them, forming a hole in between them through which to view the laboratory.. and Kress' new necklace, as she hummed, ever so softly, but melodically.
"So everybody got their stuff? I wanna move along to more action." She declared, whilest checking out Kress' necklace.

Detect Magic, on the laboratory, bur primary target if there's nothing interesting there, the necklace.
however.. spellcraft fail.. so I only get if its magical at all and what magic schools, if any, are on it unless I cast more stuff. Could recast detect magic and take 20 but Arva too lazy for that!

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jen takes a while to recover...this felt so good...but she got no wolf ears...but still good.

She peeked over to what the others were finding, while she tried to resist starting to masturbate...she couldn't do that with Mistress Arva around, it would be bad...

"Oh our tribe has maps from the jungle when it was smaller...they could know where and when this things were made..."

Jen paused when Arva asked if they got what they wanted...because she really had something she absolutely wanted....

"Mistress...could I.....be allowed to.....scratch your ears?" she asked Arva blushing and looking away.
Arva Yornheim Tag: Jen, primraly Mood: Lazy, Tune:

Arva tilted her head at Jen's request after her spellcasting.. before nodding, benevolently. She -really- wanted her new ears scratched anyway! "Considering you've been doing a good job throughout... I shall permit this!" She nodded, tilting her fuzzy ears towards the elf-slut somewhat and smiling encouragingly. "Have you seen the Mural? the creators of it seemed to have believed that the corruption was man-made and, considering my -awesome- changes, perhaps they tried this process here too.. although a single historical account is just not that accurate, I'd like to hunt for another ruin.. or that dumb plant goddess.. I can prepare spells to track down what we need far more easily, if we stack our magical efforts I am sure we can find things in this jungle well enough now.." She nodded, deciding on strategizing a bit with Jen.. Sharon seemed to prefer tagging along and Kress would try to create trouble anyway.

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Awww...thank youuu...." Jen cooed going bor Arva's ears. She tried to remember what was the proper way to scratch them, but she was too distracted to concentrate. She had to pick between scratching, and petting them.

"So...pretty...awww.....who is a pretty Mistress? You are! Awww!" Jen rubbed herself against Arva as she tried to better reach them.

"I haven't seen it...but...but my tribe always wanted beastfolk...to pet them and keep them happy...the beastfolk don't want to, however..." she explained scratching behind Arva's left ear while rubbing her face on her neck.

"Maybe it was research to give others fuzzy things too? I think we should go to the tribe...and ask...but we have to take those downstairs back to the king and the others...or we can go for that fraudster goddess..."
Arva Yornheim Tag: Jen, primraly Mood: Lazy, Tune:

"Humnn?" Arva made, before shifting under the lewd elf rubbing against her. She wondered if she should re-stress that she was all female now.. well.. the elf didn't seem like she was listening but she could try.. "L.. listen Jen, I think I should clarify that.. Nyamnnnnnnanannan..." She growl-moaned happily under the scratchies, her ears twitching and twirling under the attention.

"Well if you know a good alchemist, I could have that potion analyzed... I saved a half-strength one up." She noted, tilting her head.. she also had detec'd magice'd them.

"But I personally think we can learn a bit more before returning to the amazons to recover, how about we go for the false goddess.. if I got it right, the beastmen try to protect her anyway, so we could hit two bears with one axeswipe." She nodded. "Plus, going that direction could take a while, we find other ruins on the way, we can investigate them too, whilest moving closer to our goal." She suggested, whilest tilting her head towards the elf, in a slightly uncharacteristic display of affection.
The laboratory it self seemed to have a faint magical glow to it, emitting a shifting spectrum of light. Focusing on Kress's necklace though showed a strong magical aura. It seemed to be something in the alteration domain. However it was far to late to stop Kress now.

As Kress clasps the necklace around her neck she feels an over whelming sense of satisfaction tingle throughout her. Starting at the base of her neck, but echoing out to the tips of her fingers and toes. Only a few seconds pass, and the necklaces starts to glow a brilliant pink. It slowly cinches up around Kress's neck, forming a tight choker with a stunning jewel accent. From the choker thin glowing tendrils snake out. The attach themselves to the top of Kress's breastplate, which in turns starts glowing the same brilliant pink collar. Her armor starts to shrink, slowly forming two small cups over her breasts with strings leading up to the choker. Her bottoms fared no better, with all of clothes having totally vanished now except a string bikini top and bottom!
Transmutes any worn armor into a bikini-style suit and reduces the AC bonus. Any armor worn becomes Light Armor with a Max Dex bonus of 6 with 1 Armor Class Penalty and 0% Arcane Spell Failure. The AC bonuses of the original armor is halved,. The effect on the armor is removed when the armor is removed and any Enhancement bonus is unaffected. Can only be removed with remove curse. Corrupted! Wearer takes 25% more corruption from all sources. The top and bottom can be magically dismissed as a free action, but the collar can not be removed. Any clothing worn over the top or the armor will be destroyed.

The party could hear soft foot steps approaching them rapidly. They seemed to be coming from the entrance of the cave system and as they drew closer panic gasps where added to the mix.
A girl with vulpine ears and a tail stumbles in, her in torn tatters leaving one of her voluptuous breasts totally exposed. She has long blond hair with matching golden fur, it looks like she has a leather collar around her neck with metal studs. She collapses on the ground in front of the party, "Please! Don't let them find me!" She pleaded, "I'll do anything, just please don't let them find me!"
Arva Yornheim Tag: Fox-friend, Jen Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

"I think that's a cursed necklace!" Arva concluded and pointed at Kress' new bling... before glancing over to the tattered fox, grinning, getting up.. a bit regrettably after the nice scratches.. and cracking her neck.
"Huh.. another one to scratch-ears for, Jen. Neat. Whose pursuing you, girl? How many?" She asked, kind of unsure about why the fox ran into the scary dungeon, but happy for some action coming her way for a change, as she restarted her humming, stomping a foot onto the ground, grinning, letting her determination be mimicked upon the souls of her allies. "These feral fighters were disappointing.. I want a proper challenge!" She declared.

Arva gets up and starts a song of Endurance upon everyone.. including the foxo. They gain the Endurance, Diehard and Fast Healer feats, and can hustle for an hour for free.
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The girl turned to Arva, giving her a full look into her terrified green eyes. "The trappers! I don't know how many of them there are, but they kidnapped me and my little sister... I was able to escape just barely! Please, I've heard what they do to us if they catch you. Have mercy! I can't let them catch me!" The girl wobbled onto her feet and fumbled towards Arva spilling herself on top of the Norse warrior. Getting a second look at the girl, it seemed her clothes, though stained and ripped, might have been quite nice not that long ago. The girls hair and fur where speckled with mud, and some blood, but had been well taken care of. She seemed like she might be only a few years younger then Arva.

The trappers is the name beast men gave to the amazons that hunt beast men, taking them back alive to be made into pets.
And then two futa vampires swoop down. The first one landing next to Arva kissing her gently on the neck, "Don't worry my sweet, you will love it in time!" He whispers as he presses his two swollen melons to her back, his throbbing dick riding her ass crack back and forth. The second one is a thinner then the first, already whiling an 11 inch swollen dick, a few veins run down from it's head. "Yessss... you'll do nicely pup." He smiles as he leans in and kisses Arva on the mouth. His groping hands pulling down Arva's bottoms exposing her pussy to the dangerous predators! The first vampire pulls Arva back, spearing her butt with his erection, and forcing her legs apart. In the same moment he bites down on Arva's neck, mixing pain with a strange light headed buzz. These two where nice, Arva shouldn't worry, her blood was there's. The second locked Arva into a kiss, chewing on her lower lip, before thrusting his mammoth cock into her girly parts! Arva was pumped up and down between the two, her mough, neck, pussy, and bottom all receiving attention, well she was smothered between four pillowy soft breasts.
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Stay away from Mistress!" Jen stood between Arva and the weird girl, ready to protect her!

"First of all, it is just a misunderstanding...the amazons invite beastfolks to the tribe, but then the beastfolks like it so much that they don't want to leave...however NO one would ever harm a beastfolk! You can come to the tribe and see if you want."

"However I doubt the hunters would walk all the way here, and that you would enter a ruin of all things to escape them...speak, did that fake goddess send you, to trick us?!"
Arva Yornheim Tag: Fox-friend, Jen Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

Arva.. hesitated, unsure what to do with the concerned fuzzy, she softly handed her over to Jen, who, likely, knew better how to deal with such trouble! "Hunters eh.." She mused, briefly weighting her options.. see, if it had been wild beasts attacking, she'd helped.. but hunters.. well she could understand that motivation, and the fox looked kinda delicious. a bit too human for her tastes, but she'd eaten wolf-meat in the past, fox couldn't be that different.

"She does look kinda messy and injured you know..." Arva mused, towards Jen.

Ayla blinked at the sudden predators assaulting her, reflexively forming a hand into a fist to defend herself from the wicked assault.. only to gasp as the creatures lift up her furr-loincloth and, with Arva blushing angrily when called a pup, she felt the creature invade her helpless, from the earlier fight still slightly aroused and warmed up sex!
She moans out, unsure what to make of the painful, yet enticing sensation of the vampire biting down on her neck, shifting.. gasping and panting ever so slightly in the lewd undeads' kisses.
Arva felt like she should be concerned, but she oddly wasn't.. her blood belonged to the beautiful vampires to take.. and their massive cocks felt amazing, taking her with little warning.
She moaned out, rocking back and forth between the well hung vampires, shifting and cooing lewdly under their twisted, undying love-making.
"Oh.. ooh.. what is happening?!"
She gasped out, in aroused shock at the lewd assault!

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Hmm...let me check if her injuries are real or fake..." Jen declares, casting detect magic on the girl.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
52/55 Armor Class: 20 (Touch: 14, FF: 17, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 7 Ref: 5 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Bikini Armor Curse

Kress bites her lower lip as she feels a strange sense of satisfaction wash through her and making her eyes roll up into her head. It starts from her neck and radiates out even to the tips of fingers and toes. Lost in the sensation, she's barely aware as the necklace glows bright pink before melding into a tight choker with a stunning emerald accent. She barely feels the tendrils snake out and attach themselves to her armor. By the time her armor is glowing, the half-elf has already sunk to her knees as her armor transmutes into what appears to be a thin, white bikini with gold accents. By the time she regains her senses and looks down, she gasps in shock as she looks down as her now drafty body. Oh gods... She looked like one of those bikini "warrior" sluts on the recruiting posters used to entice men into joining up with the armed forces, adventuring guilds, or other military outfits. Sure, she still had her armored boots and bracers with gauntlets, but now the vast majority of her torso and pelvis were exposed!

Slowly standing on wobbly legs, the furiously blushing half-elf covers herself with her shield. It felt like this outfit was tight enough to show off her nipples and mons, giving her a... What was that called? A cameltoe? Gross... She looked over her exposed, flared hips and used her mirror to look at her plush, heart-shaped butt. The damn back of the bottom dipped down low enough to show off the top of her crack. If she didn't know better, she'd swear that this bikini was made for somebody with a tail or something... Her chest didn't fare much better, every slight movement made her large breasts wiggle and just walking in her heeled boots was enough to make them shake while her hips wiggled. And what little it covered! On anybody else, this would be fairly modest for a bikini. But, with her large breasts, it showed off not only the sides, but the underside and still managed to show off her cleavage. About the only thing it managed to cover well was her nipples, which tented the material. (Much to her dismay.)

Taking the desperate course of action, Kress pulled out a dagger and slipped it between her neck and the choker, VERY CAREFULLY trying to cut the cursed item off, but only succeeded in dulling the blade a bit. Who MADE this thing, anyway?! What perverted IDIOT came up with the idea of a necklace that changed armor into a useless bikini?! Sighing and giving up, she manages to shoot Arva a "No fucking shit, Sherlock." look at her blatantly obvious statement that the necklace, choker, whatever, was cursed.

Sighing and putting the blade away, Kress's attention is drawn to a new problem, a rather voluptuous fox-girl in tattered clothes with a frantic look on her face. Well, it was obvious that the girl wasn't a feral, she was still capable of intelligent speech... And she looked injured and rather desperate... And she lost her little sister?! Fear stabbed into Kress's heart at the thought. "Okay, calm down. Where were these trappers and could you lead us to them? We can get your sister back after we deal with the ones pursuing you." She vows. Bikini armor curse or not, she wouldn't sit idly by while a family was broken up and enslaved!
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23263 Seeing the Jen for the first time the girls eyes widened and she fell backwards. "I, no! That's not true!" she shook her head. "You're all evil! You think the forest belongs to you so you can just do what ever you want... Goddess? What are you talking about? I just wanted to go on a walk with my sister, you horrible Amazons kidnapped us, we where being moved when I escaped... please, I don't know what they told you but it's not true. I'm a humanoid too, I don't want to be a pet!"
Using detect magic Jen was able to examine the girl. She gave of no sort of magical aura, nor did her wounds seem to be faked. The only thing of note was the collar around her neck.
"No! I can't go back!" She shook her head furiously at Kress's suggestion of returning for the hunters.

The collar seems to have two enchantments in. One from the abjuration school, and the other from the divination spell.
The collar has an abjuration spell to prevent it from being removed, and the divination spell can gives off a signal that a trained mage could track

The vampire round her back bit down on her one more time, but this time it was her ear, he gently nipped and pulled at it, well his futa cock leaked into her behind, "You like this. You'll let mistress have all your cute blood right? You don't wanna fight us right?" He nuzzled into Arva's tender neck, her blood smearing on his cheek.
Thrusting harder and deeper, the front vampire worked Arva back and forth on both there cocks. She broke her kiss with the Norse warrior filling arva with thick heavy seed. She pulled out of Arva, their mingled cum dripping down Arva's legs. They both released her, letting her stand on her own. The front vampire lifted Arva's chin, "What do you think of our seed blood-slut? Would you like some more from mistress?"