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Heart of Corruption - IC

Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0
~~~~Combat End~~~~

Sharon notices out of the corner of her eye that the feral she was fighting turn tail and run! She turns and swings her sword at the fleeing creature! She then faces the feral that Jen has cornered by her dogs and walks over calmly. "Nice work everyone. Are we all ok?" She looks at her fellow party members, worried that that strange liquid had seeped into their skin during the fight. She examines the cornered feral as Jen casts her spell. She walks towards the feral while pulling out her rope, and begins to tie up the creature, ensuring that their wrists and ankles are tied tightly.

[AOO: 8+8=16]
[Damage: (d6) 6]
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As you enter check yourself in the next room and touch where you were hit, there is this phantom feeling, like you could feel something on your head... something that was apart of you. Yet the second you snap out of it and reach for where you thought you felt something, the feeling dissipates, making you question if you really even felt anything or if it was just your imagination....

The room before you has the glowing embers of a dieing fire right in the center of it, which was probably left by the ferals you just drove off. The room is hexagon in shape, about twice the size of the pentagon shaped storage room you just came from. To the front and left are two paths blocked by rubble, one of them having to be the main path that you found blocked earlier. To your right is a set of giant doors, slightly open, but its too dark for you to see in right now. The floor is covered in cloth fragments, leftover food, a few extra clubs, and what look like bedcots in horrible shape. You do notice that the cloth fragments scatter around seem to be full of dried fluids. The room's walls have some tapestries falling apart, and what look to be a mural that's falling apart. You can roughly make out some vague figures are running from some dark mist like thing, but the rest is indecipherable, having crumbled apart over the ages. The room doesn't seem to noteworthy, other than the mural and the fact it was where the ferals slept.

You don't hear anything coming from the next room over at all...

Rest of you and ferals~

As Jen casts her spell and Sharon approached with her rope, the feral jumps a little once Jen asks if she can understand her now. The feral grunts and whimpers back. "Y-yes Mist...." Jen could understand most of what was said, as the spell wasn't made to work with humanoids yet it did seem seem to work somewhat with the feral. She was a little jumpy as Sharon approached with her rope but let herself be tied up on the account there was still a pack of wolves surrounding her.
Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Fluffy Tune:

Arva didn't really care about defeated opponents.. or rather, only those that had put up a good fight and she.. what had happened to her so far? A little dart that barely pricked her skin and then pumped some slighty disorienting juice into her, a bit of groping and trying to wrestle her down with a weak grab from a woman too horny to fight properly..
And now she feels a strange, phantomey twitching atop of her head that.. just didn't seem to be there.. silly nonsense. She gives the slapped place another good slap of her own, more to motivate herself than anything else, looking around in the room ahead, luckily nicely illuminated by the feral-girls fire.

Perhaps suprising to some, she steps up to the Mural... Skalds are also storytellers, after all.. it seemed.. old.. and it seemed to depict someone fleeing from the corruption. Fascinating... although she couldn't make out much more.. yet.

She lifted her hands, before folding them together, beginning to sofly humm under her breath.. guessing by the general state of decay of the mural, this would take a while.. but knowing how.. talkative the southerners could get, she had some time. Plus, this would help calm her down from the earlier distracting heat.. A few casts of her magic, a little bit of puzzlework.. and perhaps she could tell a little more from these scenes, picking up a broken bit of stone and holding it close to the wall, almost seeming to hum to it for a long moment before placing it back there, watching it shift into place...

(Arva will cast the Mending Cantrip a few times upon the wall to restore the mural best as she can!)
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
44/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None

Kress sighs as she drags the badly wounded feral over to its companion. (Assuming that it's still alive...) "Got some healing for this one?" She asks, binding the creature's hands and feet as Jen starts to question the conscious creature, her summoned wolves keeping a sharp eye on it. With both feral creatures secure, the half-elf put her rope away and began searching through the ruins of the storage room to see if there was anything interesting around or clues for what these ruins used to be for.

(Perception, taking 20! 20+9=29)
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jen waited until the unconscious ferals were tied up, before touching them one by one, healing them.

"I can understand partially what they say..."

"So, why did you attack us?"
she asked the ferals

After realizing that the ferals could indeed be understood, Jenlynn started questioning them more thoroughly. Who they were working for, how they ended up this way, what was the poison, who made it and how to neutralize it, as well what lied ahead in the cave, along with any questions others might had...
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Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon watches as Jen interrogates the conscious ferals. She looks around the room they were currently in. As she watches Kress investigate the room, she notices that the party appeared a little...small? "Hey...where's Arva?" She looks between Kress and Jen as she wonders aloud. She found it a little odd that the Skald wasn't around during the interrogation. Her gaze slowly travels back to Kress as she returns to her pondering.

[Perception: 1+9= 10]
As you work on slowly repairing what you can, the mural starts to fill out with gaps of missing wall in it, some large and some small. From what you can see it looks like deeper in the mist, there are what look to be jungle trees, and you can make out a single stone house before the mural is unrepairable and you cant read anything else. It also looks like the figures are running to something but the largest gap of the mural has destroyed that part. Further ahead of the figures seems to be another figure holding... a bottle? There seemed to have been even more ahead but that is also filled with gaps making it unidentifiable.

Your body starts to calm down, but there is still a small thought lodged in the back of your mind that something feels different, but you cant figure out what it is.

Everyone else and the ferals~
The ferals are now both tied up and have been brought before Jen and her pack of doggos, and were healed. The previously unconscious one wakes with a start and looks around in a little bit of a panic, only calming down when noticing a sister next to her and that they were not being killed. Kress as you search through the barrels of the room, you find one that still looks intact, hidden behind some broken ones in a corner of the room. What ever had been originally inside had to be gone or rotten away by now, but when you look inside you can spot a thin layer of some pinkish liquid. Not exactly the same as what was in the syringes, but maybe a cousin or ingredient of what ever liquid was in the syringe.

As Jen asks her questions, the first feral answers to the best of her knowledge.
"... you are not bless... by the energy ... jungle, because ... are in lair."
She begins to answer Jen's thorough questioning in short answers that seem to be more complete that her longer answers. "Working for? Leader leads... Blessed by the jungle. Poison? ... blessing of the forest? Made from forest, cant stop ...blessing. Uhhhh, room of blessings..."
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
44/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None

Kress looks at the strange liquid, the urge to touch it flashes through her mind but she pulls back. "Some of that poison is in there." She remarks to the others, then Sharon's words sink in. "Damn it... Well, Arva can take care of herself, and I'm not hearing any fighting, so she's probably fine Sharon. Jen? You get any useful information? Let them know we're going to leave them there but if they'll agree to leave this place and not attack us again, we could probably let them go." She states, speaking as if she was dealing with her younger sisters after a skirmish. Once everything is taken care of, she walks in front as the group heads to the next room, lighted shield raised and at the ready.
Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Knowledgable Tune:

Arva tried to ignore the strange, etherial feeling... she couldn't fix it right now, and it didn't hinder her, worst case if it got any worse she had a potion to guzzle.

Arva tilted her head at the mural, stepping over and.. delivering some of the blankets to the fire.. next, she desended downstairs, giving a wave: "What's up lazies, don't mind me. Seems there's a temple or structure deep in the jungle that could have been the origin of the corruption. There was also once a way to contain it, prolly' worth looking into more. I'll be sorting out this nonsense a little more, then checking out the net room." Before carrying over some wood from the broken barrels, adding them to the pyre to get a proper flame on, leaning in and examining the wall as a whole, and then the bottle closely.

(Knowledge: Engineering: How old is this thing roughly? - 5
Knowledge: History to try and tie the mural to historical events of the corruption. - 9
Knowledge: Arcana on the bottle and perhaps cloud - 21)

After that, she'd pick up one of the buring woodplanks, using it as an impromptu torch to approach, and peer into, the next door leading on ahead, curiously. "Hello, I'm Arva any good challenges in here?" She inquired, ahead of the group, inspite of Kress' attempts to catch up, propably.
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jen translated what little she could understand from the feral.

"We should take them back...the priests could restore them, and we could learn what is going on from them."

"We already have sample from the poison. Lets leave those here, and go with Mistress..."
she suggested.

"You stay here, wait for us to return" she told to the ferals.
Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon takes a breath before speaking. "I agree with Jen, I think it would be beneficial to take samples of the poison back and see if the priests can help them in any way." After Jen finishes interrogating the ferals, Sharon follows behind Kress... trying not to stare at her ass. What am I doing? I barely know her, and she's distracting me so much! What is going with me? I need to stay focused. She taps Kress on her shoulder lightly and speaks gently. "Kress, have you seen where Arva went? I'm a little concerned that she's away from us, I know she can take care of herself, but with the ferals running around, I don't want her to get poisoned or anything." She stumbled over her words as she attempts to explain to Kress how she was feeling, it was a new feeling, to try and verbalize how she was feeling, she hopes it doesn't fall on deaf ears as it has done in the past.
With some intense studying of the mural, you were able to conclude that...
Its very old, you would say its age is anywhere from a couple hundred years to about perhaps even 3 thousand years....
You cant think of any historical events that have to do with the corruption that might be linked to what this mural depicts...
All you can tell about the bottle and the mist is that the bottle looks to be a potion, and the mist seems to be a representation of the corruption...

When you look into the next room over, though the doors you can make out what looks like... alchemy equipment? If you were to push the doors open a bit more and step into the room, it would reveal that its roughly the shape of a rectangle, twice the size of the previous room you had just left. Alchemy equipment lined the walls of the room, with tables scattered about, still full of notes and books. To the far left is a shelf full of bottles, some of them still holding their contents. Immediately when you look at the potions, a weak desire to take them or use them entered your mind, but you were able to ignore it if you so wanted to.

Nothing answers your challenge to the room, only an eerie silence. If you were to find something important here, it might very well be in some of the notes left...

Everyone else and ferals~
The one feral you had been talking with nods her head in compliance and submission. Not like she could get far with their bindings. Kress begins to lead the way into the next room with her shield lighting the way, but you discover this room has no need for it, there is already a fire going in the center of the room giving off enough light to see comfortable. You can see Arva just as she is entering a set of doors to your right with her makeshift torch.
Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Knowledgable Tune:

Arva pondered about the mural.. it seemed someone made some really really bad drink.
She'd have to have a taste of it to prove she can handle it.

Arva tilted her head, exploring the alchemy laboratory.. perhaps the mural had just been someones interpretation of what had been going on.. this didn't quite feel like the heart of all corruption. It was too.. easy.
She eyed the potions and chuckled, looking for any labels with skulls on them.. and she found a dark purple one, extending her hand she grinned.. this was clearly the good stuff.. and sampled the taste of some of it with the tip of her finger.

She raised her brow and nodded.. "Hey...
That's pretty good!"
Before downing the bottle in one determined go.. or at least, trying to!

(6 will to resist drinking.
23 cons to chug it in one go!)
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As you taste the potion, an intense desire to suddenly down the entire potion as quickly as you can hits you! [Will save DC 14 = failed]
As you drink the syrupy concoction, you realize its one of the best things you have ever tasted! Its like the fabled Ambrosia, or food of the gods! Yet even as you greatly enjoy the taste, there's something in the back of your mind screaming that this was wrong, something was off about this nectar of the gods, but you ignore it. The drink tastes too good and seems to pull your mind in farther and farther into a fluffy cloud of pink. [Con save = Pass. Half corruption]
As you drink, your body also starts to heat up once again while also growing very sensitive to pleasure, so much so that as you finish the drink a surge of pleasure spreads throughout your body starting from the top of your heat and you climax on the spot!

That phantom sensation you had felt before was back and very not phantom anymore! Arva has gained a set of beautiful and fluffy wolf ears atop her head! Your mind felt fuzzy, and you cant bring yourself to worry about your new addition, only lightly giggling at the feeling of your new ears.
Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Chuggy Tune:

This must be mead, for Arva really enjoyed the first taste on a primal level... it tasted even better than her grandfathers patented bear-mead (yes, with bits of real bear).. and she enjoyed it like a true warrior should.

Excessively. Although the clouds she usually saw in her drunken hazes were red, not pink.. huh... Arva shivered and moaned softly, her body tensing in a suprising climax...
.. she blushed and giggled hornily, reaching out to rub her fuzzy eartips.. huh those were... huh.. she shrugged, and searched the alchemical reagents.. sadly, it seemed this had been the only awesome bottle within. .. still as amazing and horny as she felt, considering how the others ended up, perhaps she shouldn't over-indulge.. She chuckled, bottling the bottle for.. good luck or something, glancing around one last time, pondering.. welp, seems this was about it for this place. Perhaps she should return to the others and report now.. Soon.
"Heeh.." She chuckle-giggled a little, with the pink cloud around her, adjusting her wolf-furr armor and loincloth a little after her sudden, overwhelming pleasure. "Hihihi.. hic!" She made, slightly rubbing her eartips.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
44/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None

Kress blushes a little as she notices Sharon staring at her plush, heart-shaped behind. "She probably went to to the next room. I doubt she's gone far, but if she gets into trouble I'm sure that we'll hear her cause a commo-" Kress stops mid-sentence and sighs as she hears stonebrain bellow out her challenge. "Okay, let's pick up the pace, then." She commands, moving quickly through the room with a blazing fire and a damaged mural. She rushes faster as she sees the norsewoman disappear into another room and barges into the alchemy room to find a giggling, wolf-eared Arva. "Arva! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" The half elf blurts out as she sees her downing a vial. She then rushes at the Norsewoman and grapples her, trying to pull her away from the racks full of vials.

(CMB vs. Arva: 2+10-4 due to holding a shield=8. Welp, that can't be good.)

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Hmm.....Mistress what did you find here?" Jen asked, looking shocked when she saw the wolf ears.

"Wha...what is this! Amazing! Mistress, you can grow wolf ears from drinking this?" Jen said, not paying attention to Kress who was hugging Arva.

She then picked one of the fials, and took a good smell...

Yes, if she could grow ears, she could be a pet for the other futa Amazons, she mused, deciding to give it a taste too.
Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon hurries after Kress hearing Arva's challenge as well. She nearly falls onto to Kress as the sight of a giggling, wolf-eared Arva! "Oh, this is...very...unexpected..." She blushed as she examined Arva, she was not one to fluster easily, but the sight of those fluffy wolf ears... She approaches the vials that Arva was facing while she heard Kress's screaming drown into the background as her thoughts took to the forefront of her mind. She looks over the vials that ranged a brilliant spectrum of colors. This is strange, what kind of powerful alchemy does it take to cause a grown human woman to grow wolf ears? She hears Jen's question towards the Skald as she plucks a vial off of the shelf. She opens the vial and sniffs the light pink liquid curiously as she tunes back into the conversations around her.
Arva Yornheim Tag: DM Mood: Chuggy Tune:

"Hoi.. come on.. why's everyone want a go at my awesome booze?" She complained, hogging up the half-strength one, whilest allowing the others the less dilluted ones at least, her ears puffing up at the grabby elf and the sniffy others. She didn't mind her ears and the commentary. She liked them. They were puffy.

"Alright.. fine.. you can have one sip.." She sighed, pushing a quarter-strength bottle to Kress' lips.

(Although only a 6 str check, if we're doing that. :p)
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Arva, as you rub your new wolf ears, you find out the hard (best) way that they are super sensitive, and as you continue to rub them pure joy courses through your body each time you touch your ears.

Kress, as you jump and reach for Arva, she takes just a half step to the side which is enough to dodge your horrible aimed grab. With Arva now trying to force a drink down your mouth, make a strength check if she resists, taking a -2 penalty as you have really only one hand available to fend off Arva's weak attempts. If she fails the strength, make will save!(No attacking back! Just back off if she does resist) Will save DC =15
The world suddenly turns vibrant with color, and you're mind is hit with the overwhelming flavor of the potion! It tastes like the sweetest dessert your mother had ever made for you, but only better. Like you had just tasted heavenly sweets that melted in your mouth, soaking throughout your body! Kress has a mini orgasm as she finished the last of the potion! For a brief moment you feel like your breasts are heavier than normal, but it disappears immediately.
The potion tastes a bit bland and stale. A strong feeling of something wrong in the potion his you as you finish it.

Jen's curiosity gets the best of her and she takes a sniff of one of the potions. It smells deliciously sweet to you at first sniff, and when you take a small taste of the potion your world also turns vibrant as all the colors of the world jump out at you, and a heavenly taste sticks to your tongue! (will save fail) To you, its like a beautiful concoction of some of the finest delicacies that the jungle has to offer! Immediately, without thinking you down the entire potion, and the taste only grows stronger for you! Just like Arva, you experience an orgasm as you drink the last of the potion! In the after orgasmic bliss you experience, you faintly feel your magic reacting to something... It feels like something about it was changing... Like it was growing stronger? Or it was becoming two way? You couldn't tell right now.

Sharon, the brilliant colors of the potion you hold and the amazing smell tempt you to taste it... just a taste couldn't hurt... As you tune back into the conversations, you see Arva trying to have Kress drink a potion, Jen drinking her own potion and cumming herself... You also notice the notes scattered among the desks of the room. Prehaps they had some useful information?