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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia sits up a little straighter, blue eyes focusing more sharply on Reina.

"You say that as if there's another way..? That doesn't involve having sex with her..? If there is, it'd be much appreciated. Not entirely comfortable with the thought of sleeping with a succubus.. Disease, and whatnot.."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea tilts her head slightly one side. "Maybe you should tell me what you know, I've only got some vague knowledge from Eva, who wouldn't really answer all that many questions..." Castea says with a frown. "And I do want to look after her... I wouldn't have forced her into such a submissive position if it wasn't the only option available to save her from torture..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Keylo need inspiration! But my character's about as good for that as a dead log. Also, would it be too much to ask for something in black or red?)

Claire crosses her legs, starting to get a little cold. Where were the damn clothes already? She still watches the situation with the succubus out of the corner of her eye, but doesn't pay it much attention.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

The white-haired woman shook her head as she approached the cringing Rua, placing her hand over the demon before speaking.

"What I can do for her is only temporary at best, she'll still need proper feeding in one form or the other, sex or not. As for what I know...I'll explain after everyone's here, since its knowledge that all of you will need to know either way."

A glow beginning to emit from her hand, Reina then closed her eyes and begin to sing softly, causing Rua to become far more relaxed and seemingly less tense.

"Azayaka ni moeru midori atarashii chiisaki inochi eien ni
yasra dius manaf yasra dius manaf...

When the woman finished and reopened her eyes, she appeared to be slightly more tired than before, as if the process was somewhat exhausting to her. While the succubus on the other hand...seemed to become a tad more lively, as if she had been given a boost in energy to supplement what she had used up earlier.

"I've given her what I can spare for now...so she'll be able to hold for a few more hours or so..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire sits up straighter and turns her head as the woman starts chanting, paying close attention. She notices the effects of the "magic" but makes no comment other than to stare. 'Maybe there's more to this than I thought...'
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea smiles at the white haired woman. "Thank you..." she says softly.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia makes her disinterest clear with a yawn.. during which she spots the attention of crazy-girl. With a smile, she mouths across the room..

"I told you so.."

When the woman was finished, though, the blonde was all business, rising somewhat stiffly to her feet.

"I must thank you.. you have done us a favour. Might I ask, though... when might the others arrive?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Soon enough. Another has already arrived, with two at the doors...while the rest are already en route."

Dropping two sets of clothes into Pollusia's lap unceremoniously while dropping another into Claire's, Eva reappeared behind them without warning, apparently looking at Reina's direction.

"Although I'd thank you not to exhaust Reina anymore with trivial tasks that you could do yourself in the meanwhile. The matriarch of the haven should be using her energy on more important things..."

Eyes hidden behind the blindfold, one could not fully tell whether her intention in saying this was truly out of best interest for the haven, or on a more personal level given the rather confusing tone with which she spoke.

Reina's however, was easier to interpret, given how her facial expressions remained unhidden from view.

"I'm fine Eva... Something like this won't send me over the edge...you know better than that."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire grunts her thanks to Eva, and stands up so she can get dressed. Claire files the strange tone with which they spoke, and how Reina danced around mentioning something about sending her over the edge, into memory for when she has more information. When she finishes getting dressed (in what?) she sits back down, relaxing again, waiting for things to get moving.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia quickly determines that of the two sets, one is considerably more..girly. This, she passes along to her sister, while unfolding the remaining garment.. and exclaiming in delight.

"..What'd you do, rob a toy soldier? This is perfect!"

The blonde quickly unfolds, and without the slightest trace of reluctance, dons, a form-fitting navy blue.. uniform? Some sort of police, perhaps navy uniform, adorned with golden buttons down the front, even small tassels on the shoulders. The girl looks ridiculous.. but she seems to love it.

"There's a hat! Look, Castea! There's a hat as well!"

Less than a second later, the girl was fully adorned in navy blue and gold, complete with a smart hat that had to be naval in style. Some things could only exist in the Navy. It even cinches tight around the waist with a belt.. and the only thing Pollusia couldn't find was a scabbard..

"Now.. this seems like there ought to be one here.. there's a loop and everything. That's something to go and look for later.. Cas, how do I look?"

Like a pretty male. was the answer.. the girl's lack of feminine curves accentuated and defined by the clothing.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Ashley had been listening to the conversation between the girls and Reina with a bit of disinterest, until the mention of explanations came up. Eva's sudden appearance dropping clothes on people caused her to jump, but she quickly looked over to find the new arrival. Spotting a rather timid looking girl seemingly trying to blend into the walls, Ashley gave a slight laugh, then called out in a friendly tone, "Hi there!". She motioned to the side of the room that she and the other women were gathered and in particular to Claire, then continued, "Don't worry, she won't bite. I hope. Come join us."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Eep! Jen squeaks out, jumping slightly before trying to back away. Small groups of people are bad: large ones you can sneak in and pick pockets without anyone being able to tell who is doing it, but smaller groups can see you and chase you. Plus, if she let them surround her, she wouldn't be able to run away.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea looks over her own clothing with an amused smirk upon her face at her sister's behaviour, as she too began to change into her clothing; first a tight fitting black top that cling to her curves, and from the look of it the girl was glad to finally have her chest covered. She then stepped into a pair of black bike shorts and pulled them up under her skirt, not exposing herself more than she had to before removing the green skirt, leaving the girl wearing a skin-tight black outfit that covered little more than her privates.

Then, she wrapped around her the final article of clothing, a great silverish-white gown trimmed with golden lace, which sat loosely on her form; the sleeves designed to hand from her arms and the torso cut in such a way that the two sides met just below the bust, rather than above; requiring her to wear the black top to not expose her chest. Lastly, she tied a watching belt around her waist to keep the flowing gown from flying open in the slightest breeze.

Castea let out a soft giggle. "Like a toy soldier," she replied with an impish grin, before giving a twirl. "How do I look?" she echoes, the light material of her gown slowly relenting to gravity. "I just need some matching shoes... and maybe a tiara..." she adds with another grin.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Consider this an opportunity to "customize" the way your characters are dressed... although against rapist enemies, I'm not so sure if your fashion is that important...given that clothing can be rather perishable.)

Shaking her head as if in disbelief at Reina's statement, the small girl's attention turned to the twins who apparently enjoyed their new clothing

"...Consider those outfits the only charity you receive from me, although why the two of you wanted to dress in such a manner is beyond my comprehension..."

Of course, Eva should have been that last one to talk given the exotic way she herself was garbed, but this fact did not cross her mind as she watched Reina's attempt at coercing Jen over.

"It's all right...no one here will hurt you...come here..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Just like in my characters picture then, maybe with red instead of pink.)

Claire toys with that simple red and black clothes she now wears, surprisingly comfortable in the tight shorts and vest. She looks over at the cowering Jen, scowling darkly, but just jerks her head for the girl to come over before turning and gazing at nothing.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

With a laugh at the small girl's reaction, Ashley shook her head and turned her attention to the recently subservient Eva and the clothes she had been delivering. "Well thank you, Lady Eva" she said, mockingly, as she grabbed a pair of clothes from the girl. This pair was, thankfully a proper fit, and Ashley quickly changed out of the over-sized garments Danielle had given her, then handed them back to Eva. "So you won't think I'm taking advantage of these luxuries, you can give these to some other girl who might need them."

Compared to her previous attire, Ashley's new clothes seemed to be a bit revealing. A light purple tank top that bared her shoulders and revealed a bit of cleavage, and a simple tight pair of blue jean shorts covered a simple pair of white silk panties. The girl looked down at herself approvingly before glancing over at Castea. "Looks good on you. I think I know who to go to if I need fashion tips for the new world" she said with a wink.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Jen whimpers slightly before slowly moving over towards Reina. Noticing Claire's glare and subsequent motion, she takes a slightly round about route, avoiding the aggressive seeming woman.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Feeling something impact her gut quite hard as the small woman before her took the clothes, Ashley could not help but clutch her stomach area in pain as a rather hostile voice uttered a threat in her mind.

"If thou continues to refer to me by the title granted only to witches, I shall how much crueler than a witch I can be..."

Although Eva made no physical sign of this communication, it was obvious that she was the only one who was capable of doing such a thing, granted that Reina did not possess the same degree of power that she did.


Patting Jen on the head as one might a kitty, the white-haired woman smiled before speaking in the same soft tone of voice to her again, albeit seeming to be slightly more exhausted than she had been before.

"There there...that's a good girl..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Hnng," Ashley grunted as she hunched over from the force of the sudden and unexpected attack. One hand grasped the arm of a chair in front of her, while the other covered her stomach. With the wind knocked out of her, It wasn't so much that Ashley had been intimidated into being silent, but that she was more concerned with gasping for breath than uttering any retorts to the little brat. She glared at Eva, but said nothing as the girl continued handing out clothes. That didn't stop her from thinking to herself, 'Little girl deserves the leash more than Rua...'
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire turns her head to look at Ashley as she clutches her stomach in pain, and then turns to regard Eva, and then just goes back to staring blankly at the floor. She continues to ignore the cowering girl standing next to Reina.