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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Jens eyes go wide again when she notices Ashley apparently take a hit from nowhere. Quickly she scuttles several feet back from the woman, not wanting whatever attacked Ashley to attack her as well.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

( Can Rain see Rua in the lobby? Cause if she can ill need to edit this with her tightening her grip on Winfred and thinking some misc fearful stuff. )

With Winfred leading the way into the luxurious apartment complex Rain had held onto her arm and hand, keeping about a small step behind the black haired girl as they entered the room. The dark blue haired girl looked around, taking in the details of everything she saw. There were other people in there, Rain didn't see anyone who was completely naked or anything, well there was one naked girl standing near a strang looking white haired woman, aside from her it seemed everyone was dressed. This filled the timid girl with some hope that soon she and Winfred would be dressed and maybe could get a place to sleep, to get a real nights sleep, not a nap in a demon hunters jeep. Rain looked around, waiting for her friend to lead the way. As she did this a small thought went through Rain's mind, it was about the naked girl. Had she simply woken up naked and had been taken here, like Winfred and her were? Looking at all the people in the lobby Rain wondered exactly how many of them had simply just shown up here not long ago.

As Rain looked around a bit she suddenly noticed someone, someone who made her increase her grip on Winfred and had her eyes shoot open with horror. A red haired woman with wings and a tail, she was in the lobby. She wasn't the woman who had... Raped Rain and taken her purity, she looked a lot different then her. Even thought the woman had some kind of collar on her Rain didn't think she would be anything like a slave or pet, although it did make her question her safety in this place, even with Winfred here.
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia circles her sister with envious eyes for a long moment, before beaming with sudden happiness.

"You look.. amazing. Like a princess. Makes me want to carry you away somewhere.. though.."

Suddenly, her tone turns pensive, and she abruptly steps in close to Castea, one protective arm going around the girl as she whispers into her twin's ear.

"Cas.. can.. we get out of here? There are a lot of people.. and more arriving. Just somewhere.. anywhere. Not here."

Perhaps that betrayed just how uncomfortable the blonde was on the inside.. despite appearances.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea frowns slightly. "If we could, I think we'd have been allowed to go off and feed Rua. There are still important things we need to know about this place that haven't been explained to us yet. But I promise, the very moment we can, we'll get out of here, okay sis?"

She considers for a moment. "If you want, you can go, I'll tell you everything later. And if you're up to it, take Rua with you and feed her... if you don't want to its okay too..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia starts.. then tries again.. and again, fighting through her blush.

"I... I.. I'm not.. sure I'd really know where to start.. I"m.. not very good at -that-, you know.. just.. I really really hope they do this briefing soon. People keep arriving, and I don't.. well.. They feel all wrong."

She couldn't explain any further. Sometimes, Poll had these intuitive feelings that she refused to disbelieve.

"Plus.. I can't leave you here alone, right?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Speeding this up...)

Reina shot an annoyed glare towards Eva when Jen scuttled away as a result of witnessing the blow to Ashley's stomach, knowing full well who had been responsible for that action. Choosing not to press the issue however, the white-haired woman let out a sigh before clapping her hands together, her voice sounding more confident and steady as befitting a leader.

"Alright...since most of you are probably tired from lounging around here...lets head to the meeting room in advance and get everyone seated...Eva will stay here and direct the new arrivals over once we begin in a few minutes..."

Upon receiving no real reaction from the mentioned girl asides from a nod, Reina motioned for everyone to follow her as she began to proceed down the left hallway.


Stopping in front of a black wooden door, the white-haired woman then took out a key from a pocket on her garment, and unlocked it. Revealing a rather large and spacious room in which a long table had been placed, with various chairs positioned around it. Motioning everyone inside, Reina seated herself at the far end of the table in a leather chair that had been prepared for, before asking the rest to follow suit...
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Damnit edits.)

Claire stands up and follows to wherever the woman leads cautiously. She makes sure that she's never first or last in line. figuring she'd rather be in the middle of the group if it turned out to be a trap. 'Unless they're all in on it. Or they use grenades....' She thinks, and decides to keep alert as she moves.
Once they reach the room, Claire picks a seat near an edge, so that she is close to as few people as possible. She crosses her arms and waits for the woman to decide to start speaking, not having any better alternative.
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea grins impishly, "I'm sure you know more about that than you give yourself credit; besides, I think you just have to sit there anyway and she'll be able to feed. And I can handle myself alone, you know that. But it looks like we're heading off to this briefing now..."

Castea smiles and leads her sister and Rua into the room, taking a seat near the doorway and sitting Rua in her lap once more; "in case there weren't enough chairs," she told herself and Pollusia.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia zones out for a full minute with her sister's comments, grasping at the straws of memory. It seemed that.. they... but they couldn't. Wouldn't. Right?

Once she realises her sister has left the room, the blonde panics, and darts after her, slipping in between people to catch her sister and the succubus up, practically throwing herself into the seat nearest to them.

"Sorry. Got caught thinking."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Jen moves in as well, shivering slightly due to her small frame. Still, at least it is dry in here even if she's not warm. Jen's dealt with being cold before. Looking around the room, she pulls one of the chairs as close to the door as she can (And away from the table) so that she has a good chance to run if she needs to. With that, she sits on the chair, legs drawn up against herself for extra warmth.
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

When the rest of the group moves out, Ashley follows along, casting one last look at Eva. A 'this isn't over yet' look. Turning her attention back to the group, she begins to realize just why Danielle seemed so gloomy about their chances to win this game if these girls were the new blood. One girl who was afraid to be seen, one who was likely to flip out and kill them all, and a group of girls who couldn't stop making eyes at each other. 'Well at least those girls sound like fun,' she thinks, a smirk lighting up her face.

After entering the room, Ashley takes a seat near the center front of the room. This whole situation was crazy, and if she wanted to hear everything this Reina had to say about it.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

( Controlling the actions of Winfred this one time. )
Upon hearing a somewhat odd looking woman clap her hands and ask everyone in the lobby to head to the meeting room Rain had decided that she and Winfred should follow the white haired woman and attend the meeting, then perhaps the two could get a few answers regarding what was going on. When Rain suggested attending the meeting to her black haired friend the girl agreed and quickly began to lead the two, the entire time Rain still held onto Winfred as she walked, walking down the left hall and past the doorway.

Rain noticed that Winfred and herself seemed to be last two to enter the seemingly normal meeting room. Looking at the people inside they all seemed... Interesting. The only person that scared Rain was the woman sitting on a girls lap, the one with wings and a tail with some weird collar on. Rain wanted to steer clear of her, to simply pretend she doesn't exist. As Winfred casually walked over to two seats that were available Rain followed, and to her relief the spot they sat at were away from the red haired demoness. Keeping a light hold on the girls hand Rain sat with Winfred, waiting for the white haired woman to start speaking. The dark blue haired girl kept her focus on the woman, looking to her, expecting her to start speaking and making sense of the current situation.

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

River slipped into the room quietly, leaning against a wall in the back and not saying a word, but listening intently. It isn't that she didn't want to be noticed, she just didnt want to be noticed too much...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Really not pleased with this post, but seeing as the people in haven have been left held up for long enough, I’ll make the post and revise it later, when I’m less ticked off by it.)

Soon after the initial eight had been seated, others began to arrive and fill up the seats. Some clothed in whatever mixed and matched garments had been given to them, some as naked as they had been at birth. Once all of the new pieces had been seated, it was then that the haven’s personnel began to enter the room and assume positions behind their leader, with the sole exception of Eva, who took one of the reserved seats to the immediate right of Reina, the chair on the left remaining empty still.

”Well then, now that we are all gathered… let me begin by introducing myself, for those who have just arrived.

Taking a deep breath, Reina’s countenance seemed to change all of a sudden, becoming more firm and resolute as befitting that of a leader.

“I am Reina, the Maitress de Salut and head of this establishment. On behalf on the others, I welcome you to the Heaven’s Terrace, a safe haven for those seeking refuge from the monsters which lurk outside. So long as you promise to adhere to our rules, and to do your part as a piece which stands against the Lady, you shall be granted food, shelter, and clothing for this round and all future rounds which may come. “

As if preempting the obvious questions Reina interrupted her pause before any one could input on what she had said so far.

“But what ‘is’ a part’s piece in this stand? In fact, what is the meaning behind terms such as ‘game’, ‘piece’, and so forth? And just who is the ‘Lady’? These are the sorts of questions that may be filling your minds at this point, questions that I will answer in turn beginning with the most fundamental one that all of you should be aware of. However in order to do so, I must ask that you please keep an open mind, and not let yourselves become restricted by the chains of ‘normal logic’.”

Eyes sweeping across the room so as to confirm that everyone was paying attention, the white-haired woman then began the first of many explanations to come.

“ ‘Let the games begin’, many of you may recall this line from a letter you found soon after your awakening into this city. At the time, one might think that the phrase was merely metaphorical at best, a baseless string of words written on a whim so as to conclude a letter. However, believing such would be a grave error, a fatal one at that. All of us, including ‘veteran members’ of this resistance truly are trapped within a game ‘generously hosted’ by the author of those letters, one which we can not escape from unless we clear certain conditions in accordance with the rules and fundamentals of the game.”

Giving a nod to a person behind her, it was then that Reina stopped speaking for the moment as a hand out was passed to all those who were present at the meeting, continuing only once she saw that everyone had gotten one.

“Please read the paper which was given to you, then pass them to the center of the table when you are done. Should you have any questions, please use this time to do so.”

It should be noted that each handout appeared to be a photocopy of a notebook journal of sorts, with various speculations and such on the original’s author’s part, as well as a disturbing stain at the bottom of the page.

(And here’s the actual contents of the hand-out)

~ The Game~

  • The objectives of the game for both sides are to place the other into “checkmate”, a situation where no further action can be taken by the side.
  • In order for the Lady to declare checkmate, she much subjugate every piece of the opposing side into complete submission to her will. Meaning so long as we do not submit to her, we do not immediately lose.
  • Likewise, we may declare checkmate upon a complete subjugation or elimination of the Lady and her forces. Update: New revision after more info has come to light, it appears that only the capture of the Lady herself is necessary.
  • All pieces, new or old, that have not been removed forcibly will automatically be cured of any disabilities, injuries, and such. Proven when Val lost her arm near the end and got it back after the new round started.
  • The Lady herself will never appear until the seventh day. Or so it seems anyway, maybe she’s just toying with us?
  • The Lady and her pieces are forbidden from killing or severely injuring any of us directly. That unfortunately, does not exempt raping us to oblivion. Well, if they were killing us we’d undoubtedly be wiped out by now.
  • We, unlike the Lady, are permitted the use of lethal or deadly force at all times against the opposing side, and is permitted to permanently remove opposing pieces from the board.
  • Escaping the city is forbidden and a violation of the rules, even attempting to do so may be taken as an offense. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BREAK THIS RULE. REMEMBER LIZ, JESS, AND AMY.
  • Each time we lose, we are permitted the option of requesting a rematch for another chance to escape from this place. The same may not apply for the Lady though... Kinda painfully obvious given how we lost so many times already

THE GAME IS ------------------------- LADY --------------- DO NOT --------------------------------------------------------

The remainder of the original entry appears to have been ripped off in the photocopy, with odd stains near the edge of it.
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

((Post seems more than alright to me...))

River reads the handout quickly and quietly, surprised to find herself the first to have done so. She remained leaning against the wall for the time being, though she raised the hand with the page in it. "I have two questions. What happenned to..." She pauses to look back at the sheet. "...Liz, Jess, and Amy? And what happens if we decline a rematch when we lose?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"...Upon breaking the rules, the three became exempt from the protections which it offered...and were made an example of for all to see. I believe two of them had their flesh slowly ripped from them piece by piece and fed to the remaining one... while being kept alive throughout the whole process. The remaining one was fed to various beasts under the Lady's command in a similar manner.... As for what happens should one decline a rematch..."

It was then that Reina's eyes seemed to drift to Rua for a moment, causing the succubus to shift uncomfortably for an unknown reason before the response was continued.

"You would have to find a person that has declined the rematch and ask them yourself, given that they seem to disappear should they choose to do so. Whether or not they escape the game however is...debatable."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia scans through the handbook, then drops the sheet casually to one side, with a shrug. It seemed fairly obvious. There was a question, though, that had to be asked. She leans over to whisper to her sister..

"Ask her about the rules.. and, more importantly.. how we know she and the Lady aren't on the same side. I also.. I also wanna know if they can remember what happened in the last "round".. Exactly what happened. If this truly is a game concocted by a madwoman, she'll have stacked the rules in her favour."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire keeps her laughter down while she reads through the handbook, thinking nothing so that Eva can't read her mind. Instead, after a moment, she asks; "So, why hasn't someone bombed this 'Lady' into a thousand smoking bloody chunks?"

She smiled at the threat of what would supposedly happen if she tried to leave, not surprised that they tried to keep people here in such a manner.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Ashley listens attentively to Reina's speech, then looks over the handout, smiling and nodding as she considers the game. Her countenance drops at the mention of how the women who tried to escape were treated, but she clears her throat, shuffles in her chair, then looks back at Reina. "So it sounds like as long as we don't break any rules, we should be fine. Besides trying to escape, what other rules are there?" she asked, apparently not particularly bothered by the implications of how the monsters would attempt to subdue the girls. "And how do we capture the 'Lady'? I'm guessing it's not as easy as slapping some handcuffs on her."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire snorts audibly at the other girl believing the story about what happens if they tried to escape. Rather than comment on it, however, she just said; "Why bother capturing her? It's not half as easy as holding onto someone who doesn't want to be held as Eva over there makes it look. People that get backed into a corner fight twenty times as hard. Especially since this 'Lady' is obviously more powerful than the lot of us put together, the people that brought us here included."

Shrugging, Claire puts her handout on the center of the table. "So, I have a question. Four, actually. Firstly, where do you keep your weapons? Secondly, where did you get them from in the first place, if you've been here for so long? Thirdly, where do I learn some of that magic Eva over there so casually throws around? And finally, what's with the stains on the bottom of the page?" For the last question, Claire doesn't really care about the answer, she wants to see Reinas reaction. She hardly expected the truth from any of these people, and the boss of them was probably the best liar of all. If it was meaningful, Reina might tip it off with body language, no matter how subtle.