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Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya gave a happy nod at Faydra's words. "Thank you Ma'am. I should be well rested and ready once we are ready to leave port and are a safe distance to jump to warp. It will also give you time to look over your new prize." Smiling back as she approached the ship. Her eyes momentarily glancing to the guardsmen and their prisoner. Wondering what the captian would do with the prisoner once he was on the ship. Her thoughts briefly wondering if there where black cells aboard the ship, still being comparitively new to know.

Once onboard the ship she waved the captian a fair well. "I will be in my quarters should you wish to speak or need me." Heading for her quarters after speaking with Faydra. Once inside she would strip from her armour throw on a comfortable slip and curl up under her blankets to rest.
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Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Dray opts to remain on Port Wander, at the behest of Faydra. "A word of caution, my lady. Thousands if not more have been consumed by the Void in search of this ship. I pray you do not join them." he says, taking his leave and returning to his shop.

About the ship, preparations are underway to leave Port Wander, and with any luck, should be done within several hours.

Dray is now a contact on Port Wander. He can be used to acquire information about the port and current events there.

Timeskip to leaving port if necessary or you don't have anything important to do between now and then.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Naomi was jerked from her nap when the vox informed her the captain returned to the ship and would be in her quarters. She didn't bother asking why it was such a short trip, and shrugged, assuming they wanted to get things under way, informed the quartermaster and other officers to get restocked and ready to venture out as soon as the order was given.

She didn't really feel bad about the people who lost their shore leave. Really it was a favor, who would want to stay on one of those immobile death traps longer than it took to take what one needed to keep on living in the void? Admittedly it was better than being planet side but it was a sad imitation at best of a proper void vessel.

In any case, she yawned, stretched, and got up and walked around the bridge, looking at all the readings and such to make sure everything was in order. Sooner they were gone, the happier she would be.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Siggy performed his orders without remorse, he had been hoping to use the poor merc to send a message, but the ladyship of the ship knew best. And if she didn't, she was the one who was paying him, she was the one who got to decide 'how' precisely her honor was to be defended. After the walk was completed to the prisoner's extremely temporary cell and the voiding was finished, he doublechecked to make sure nobody came back in, then proceeded to go to the enginseers, if he was lucky, he'd get to listen in on some of the sacred incantations before dustoff. Hopefully that would help quell Janus' indignation. The poor thing just would not stop sending out notices of its' displeasure.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Ishta listened to Faydra's metal reply, cringing slight;ly as she felt some of the woman's consternation at being contacted mentally. Normally she wouldn't much care, but in this case it was regarding the person who could quite easily orderher dead, so she reso;lved to step a bit lighter for a while.

{Of course, Captain.} She replied quickly, beore ending the mental communication, setting her mind to picking out what she could give the Arbites to make them move along without leting themm know too much.

Thankfully, it appeared uneccesary, the men deciding to hand over the prisoner once they reached the ship without further questioning. So instead, she followed Faydra in and waited until afer the vox announcement to speak, this time verbally.

"I learned a fair deal from our interloper. Would you prefer me to file a report, or make myself available for debriefing, my Lady?" She asked calmly, making sure to show proper deference.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

The rogue trader debated for a bit, deciding on what she wanted to say in response to the astropath. Finally she decided on a course of action.

"Make ready for travel and await my summons. When the navigator has rested, I will call you to a private council of my officers, and we shall discuss what you have discovered, along with the contents of this mnemolith."

Faydra would make her way to the bridge and once there, order the preparations for immediate departure. The Beneficent would be making for the edge of the system where a relatively safe shift to warp would be possible. Then, she would send an armsman to wake the navigator and alert all bridge officers to attend a meeting at her quarters. Once there, she would bring everyone up to speed and inform them of their new venture to find and recover the riches from the ancient treasure ship.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

When she heard the sound of the ship's engines, Shao're stood up. <I'm going to see if I can't speak to one of the officers.> She said to Len before putting her helmet on. She could speak the human's language fine, though with an accent, but she wasn't sure if the humans, with their reputation for xenophobia, would take kindly to a non-human speaking their language. She'd use the translator in her helmet for now. She left her weapons behind though, no sense taking those anywhere on the ship. If the humans did want to harm her or Len, then there wasn't much their weapons would do to prevent that. At best, they might delay the inevitable.

The first door she came to ended up being Ishta's room.

(Shrike and I did some RP over AIM between Ishta and Shao're. I'll let her decide what to do with the log of it.)
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)


Maikochan: (Starting) Sometime after leaving Port Wander, Shao're, feeling cooped up, tried to see if she could speak to any of the humans on the vessel. The first door she tried was that of the ship's astropath, Ishta. Shao're was wearing her full armor, but had left her weapons in her assigned room.

Shrike7: The Astropath was alone, and the door was unlocked, the woman reclining on the floor. Her own armour and weapons lay in a pile beside her bed, though she still wore the heavy cloak that seemed omnipresent on her slim form. She twitched slightly when the door opened, her blind gaze darting towards the door before she calmed, smiling with a decidedly predatory gleam. "Ah, one of our passengers. The... Older one, yes?" She asked, remaining where she was. "Going exploring? Or, scouting, perhaps?"

Maikochan: "Younger, actually." The Tau replied, her armor's translation unit providing the words. "I am simply curious about those with whom I am now traveling with." She seemed to pause for a moment before continuing. "May I enter?" She asked, staying at the door.

Shrike7: "Of course, I wasn't up to much, myself." Ishta answered, gesturing to the bed if the Tau wanted a place to sit. "Truth be told, I am rather interested in the two of you, myself. Let's assuage your curiosity first, however. What do you wish to know, hmm?"

Maikochan: Shao're nodded and entered, sitting down where Ishta motioned. "I thank you." She said, pausing again before continuing. "First, I suppose, the humans are hostile, on the whole, of those who are... not human. I am curious as to why." The way the Tau sat was rather rigid and with her helmet's mask obscuring her features, a sighted person might find it hard to read her emotions.

Shrike7: "Right to the root of things? I like it. Let me start the answer with a question, however. How does the Tau empire treat races that have proven hostile in the past?"

Maikochan: Shao're was quiet for a moment before replying. "So far as I am aware, the only species that qualifies for that would be the orks. For other species, it is much more dependent on the individuals in question, rather than their species." She paused again, as if considering something and shook her head. "Regardless, the orks are the only species we have encountered that we consider to be wholly hostile. We treat them as enemies to be driven out wherever they are found."

Shrike7: Ishta nodded. "The orks are a good example. if one comes seeking aid, or a ceasefire, chances are it's just stalling for a bigger fight. The human empire sees things much the same way, but on it's grand scale, everyone is either human, or ork. Guessing wrong will cause more damage than guessing right will save, and even the right guesses only invite corruption and the mark of Chaos the longer they stay." She explained. Her pet viper appeared out of a pocket in her robes, and she reached down to take it into her hand, letting it coil about her wrist idly.

Maikochan: Shao're seemed to consider this for a moment. "So then, to avoid making mistakes, the strategy is to make enemies?" She asked. Though it might be hard to tell behind her helmet, she was watching the snake with some curiosity.

Shrike7: The viper settled in close to the psyker's skin, the frills around it's head fluttering a bit as it absorbed the human's warmth. It watched Shao're back passively, until something seemed to catch it's attention. Letting out an odd chittering sound, if uncoiled itself and dropped from Ishta's hand to the floor, slithering towards the tau. "Your suit is sealed, right? I wouldn't worry. She thinks you have one of her eggs." The psyker said ruefully, shaking her head a bit. "But where were we? Ah yes, making enemies. I can't truly fathom the workings of the empire as a whole, despite how good I am at fathoming individuals. This is simply my guess, but yes, as it would be easier to deal with that enemy when you first have them at gunpoint, then later on, when you beleive them a friend and they slip a knife in your back."

Maikochan: "Eggs is it?" Shao're asked, reaching down to let the snake climb her arm if it desired. "I'm afraid I have none. I do have this, however." She pulled out a small, orange sphere, about two inches in diameter. Giving it a shake, she tossed it onto the ground where it started to roll around seemingly at random. Shao're tapped a button on the side of her helmet. "Tesha'vesk." She said in Tau before switching the translator back on. "Wanderball. Just a child's toy really." As the ball continued to roll around, Shao're returned to the conversation at hand. "What you say is true, though there are times when those who purport to be allies actually intend to be so. One would think a civilization as large and as powerful as the human empire could afford to take some risks in the pursuit of the betterment of all its citizens." She shrugged. "Obviously, neither of us could possibly affect such a policy, however. Regardless, you've answered my question to satisfaction. Is there a question you had?" She seemed to pause again as if considering something, but didn't say anything.

Shrike7: The viper ignored the Tau's offered arm, seeming intent on climbing her leg instead, until Shao're produced the toy and sent it skittering around the floor, making the reptile chase after it, frills fluttering. Ishta gave a laugh at the development. "I almost want to ask why you carry such a toy around, but the results are just too funny for me to care." She answered, watching the viper try to catch the erratic ball for a moment before continuing. "I have a few, but since you went straight to the root, I should as well. One of the things they say about the tau is that you have no higher power, no god. is this true?"

Maikochan: Shao're considered the question for a moment. "Yes and no." She replied after a moment. "We have no... god, as such, though we do follow a... higher power, or..." She seemed to be trying to find the right words. "Perhaps rather, we believe in something larger than ourselves individually." She pulled her legs up onto the bed to sit cross-legged as she considered the topic. "The Tau'va, or Greater Good. It teaches us that we should strive to improve the lives of all, not just ourselves." She paused for another moment. "I suppose that is an accurate simplification." She said in reference to her explaination.

Shrike7: The psyker nodded along to the explanation. "I see. And this Tau'va provides some form of spiritual protection? How does your kind deal with the incursions of chaos, when they take notice of you?"

Maikochan: "Not exactly." Shao're replied. "It's a philosophy, or way of thought, rather than an entity. And... I don't believe we've had a great deal of contact with the followers of Chaos. From what I understand they are as hostile as the orks, but I imagine our forces could face them similarly."

Shrike7: "They may simply not be as interested in your kind. You don't stand out in my sight, could be they just consider your race as not much of a meal. You're mostly correct in open combat, but they can also subvert by other means than brute force." Ishta answered. Her viper finally caught the wanderball, wrapping around it and visibly shaking from the force until the gyro inside died down.

Maikochan: Shao're chuckled at the snake's actions. "It may be. By what other means do you refer to?" She asked, cocking her head slightly.

Shrike7: "They're immaterial to us in their natural state. Some whisper to weak-willed minds, trying to seduce and corrupt them. Eventually, it can get to the point where they take the body for their own, twisting and warping it to fit their own desire." The psyker answered, her tone growing a little darker, the humour gone from her voice.

Maikochan: "Hmm..." The dire tone was not lost on Shao're. "I believe the Tau would be resistant to such calls with the Tau'va and the Ethereal caste guiding them. Though I would not want to underestimate a potential enemy. This ship travels into their domain, does it not? Perhaps Len and myself can gain some experience combating these forces so that our people might better resist them." The last sentence was said partly to herself.

Shrike7: "We are, though this far from the Golden Throne, and you risk finding them anywhere. Though I do beleive that makes it your question again, if we're taking turns." She answered, taking a lighter tone once again.

Maikochan: Shao're nodded and considered what question she might ask. "If you do not mind me making a personal inquiry," Before continuing Shao're again paused and shook her head. "Your eyes seem to be clouded, yet you seem to see acceptably regardless. I understand your people occasionally use technology to take the place of damaged body parts, but you do not seem to be benefiting from such."

Shrike7: "I am physically blind, yes." Ishta admitted, reaching up to tap her temple. "I see through the warp, however. It's different from how i remember seeing before, but works quite well, so I don't need implants. To be honest, I don't know of an astropath who has tried, I don't know if they would work, or last."

Maikochan: Shao're nodded. "I suppose my next question would be, how do you see through the warp. But if you have one you would like to ask first, by all means."

Shrike7: "It's more or less the same question, I'll answer it. Part of the rituals that deprived me of sight are also what gave me the vision I have now. It's a little hard to explain, but I see through watching or feeling the resonances of the warp as it interacts with the physical world. It's necessary for me to send my thoughts over such long distances, much like navigating a small ship through a planetary storm, I suppose."

Maikochan: "Hmm." Shao're considered this. "Interesting." She said simply, as if still thinking it over.

Shrike7: "Indeed." Ishta repeated, looking pensive herself. She kept her gaze up at the Tau sitting on her bed. The xeno seemed so interesting, but she wasn;'t sure how deeply she wanted to find out more, and what risks were appropriate to do so. "What was your childhood like? That seems an interesting question." She finally spoke, almost musing aloud.

Maikochan: "Hmm?" Shao're glanced up and, after a moment, shrugged. "Not particularly special. I was born into the Fire caste, so my formative years consisted primarily of combat training." She paused again before continuing. "Not to say we are all brought up entirely in combat training. I displayed an affinity for our technology, so I was selected for additional training in that field." She paused in thought again. "When not busy with training, myself and the others around my age would often venture into the countryside and..." She paused again, though the reason for this pause was less clear. "Uh, and explore. We stayed close to the cities, of course, Tash'var has a history with ork attacks."

Shrike7: "Sounds pretty regimented." The woman commented, her brow creasing slightly at the pause, though she let it by without comment. "Did it take up most of your time,or was there ample opportunity to... Explore?"

Maikochan: "There was plenty of time to ourselves." Shao're paused. "Myself and three others would, like I said, go into the countryside and look for, well... fun, I suppose. Pretending to be fully fledged warriors hunting orks, or explorers on an unexplored planet. We had plenty of opportunity to let our imaginations loose."

Shrike7: The psyker chuckled, nodding. "And did you ever stumble upon any real orks?"

Maikochan: Shao're nodded, but took a moment before speaking. "Once, yes. That's been several questions, I think." Didn't take a psyker to tell that Shao're wanted to change the subject suddenly.
[Wed Aug 27 2014 05:20:57 PM] Shrike Seven: Ishta gave a chuckle, holding her hands up in the classic posture of surrender. "Fair enough. That would likely make it your turn for a bit then, hmm?"

Maikochan: "Indeed." Shao're replied, nodding, seeming relieved. She took a moment before posing her next question, however. "How much do you know of the workings of your technology? I understand there's specialists in your empire, but what about you yourself?"

Shrike7: "Sadly for you, very little, as i tend to not have use for much of it." The psyker admitted. "We use machine spirits to enhance our weaponry, but they seem like such fickle creatures to me. Perhaps Siegfried could elaborate, but I don't know much more than that."

Maikochan: Shao're nodded. "It's no problem. However, machine spirits... what are these?" She asked, cocking her head.

Shrike7: "The spirits that exist in all of our technology." Ishta repeated, unhelpfully. Frowning, she considered for a moment before continuing. "The techpriests handle it for the most part, following the edicts of the Omnissiah. Various rituals keep them appeased, so everything works as it's supposed to."

Maikochan: Shao're was quiet for a moment. "Could you explain spirits, then?" She asked, sounding a bit confused.

Shrike7: "Intelligences without bodies. I suppose that makes it sound like those corruptors of chaos i mentioned earlier, but we create these ones, they arent very similar at all."

Maikochan: "Intelligences without bodies..." Shao're repeated, thoughtfully. "You would not happen to be knowledgable of their creation, would you?" She asked, curiously.

Shrike7: "Not in the slightest, the techpriests that do that never leave the forges, far as i know."

Maikochan: Shao're nodded. "Do you have any questions?" She asked after a moment.

Shrike7: "I can still think of a few, but i think it's best they wait a while." Ishta answered, moving to stand. She walked over to her pet, the viper hissing at her and getting a small slap before the psyker retrieved the toy ball, handing it back to Shao're. "It's about time I return to my duties. Feel free to stop by again however, this has been an amusing diversion."

Maikochan: Shao're took the ball back with a nod as she stood up. "Helpful as well. I look forward to talking more again." She said and gave a short bow before leaving.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Naomi was checking the engine readings when the captain came upon the bridge to inform them to prepare for immediate departure. She had a feeling they'd be leaving soon, but immediately? Hopefully the quartermaster worked fast, otherwise they'd be heading out on low supply.

Either way, the course was for the edge of the system. Easy enough to set, she went to make the preparations, but evidently there was to be an officer meeting as well. Naomi grumbled a bit but headed that way instead. She disliked being taken away from the bridge for any amount of time. Even worse when she should be getting the ship moving. But Captain's orders and such.

So she made her way for the captain's quarters. Maybe she'd find out what this huge rush was all about after all.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

He stood listening to the binary chatter of the techpriests, more like the buzzing of insects to his ear then anything else. Technalingua was an impossibility for him to comprehend, and even so he was happy just to stand in so holy a place. The moment passed swiftly, however, the captain had been kind enough to set a delay for after the ship launching, but he was still an officer, and he did still have a job to do. After all, if their opposition had been brazen enough to send a group of mercenaries out to go into a firefight with them in broad daylight, who was to say they hadn't snuck people on board, or any number of other nasty possibilities. With those somewhat dark thoughts, he rushed to the bridge. Business before pleasure...
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya awoke some time later, refreshed and ready for what was to come. Getting out of bed she walked to her sitting room and to her large desk. Pulling out a kettle and turning it on. Setting a cup next to it with a tea bag before heading back to her room. Seeing that a message awaited for her, she let it play as she struggled and tried to squeeze into her xeno mesh armour.

"Right the meeting." Strapping her guns to her hips, she returned to her sitting room. Pouring herself a cup as she looked out the window, her mind wondering if they were safely away from the station to make a jump. Grabbing her staff, as her many tentacles picked up her dark cloak and lightly placing t about her shoulders to hide their presence. Making sure they were hidden and her third eye was closed before stepping out of her room and heading to the officer meeting.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Faydra sat at the head of the Duskan wrath oak table, waiting for the last of her officers to arrive. The journey to the edge of the system had been long enough to give those members of her inner circle enough time to rest and not feel pressured to attend to her immediately.

"Good, we are all here," she said, glancing about the room at her various allies.

"For those who are unaware, the contact in the Port Wander market had on him an artefact sealed in a gene-locked container that only I or one of my bloodline could open. As soon as I touched it, the mechanism unlocked and immediately our company was beset upon by would be assassins and thieves. The reason? Because this -"

Here she placed the mnemolith upon the table in front of her so that the crew could see it.

"Is a locator that lead us to the resting place of a long lost Imperial cruiser from the ancient days of the Imperium. I need not tell you that such a find is worth the cost of worlds. This shall be our new pursuit as we enter the expanse, in addition to our trade and colonization obligations. We must be aware that we are not the only ones looking for the lost vessel, and that our enemies will doubtless be waiting for us beyond the Maw."

Faydra gestured to Ishta.

"Our Astropath has used her psychic powers to learn more of our foe. Please inform us as to your findings."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Ishta wandered out of her room shortly after the Tau left it, finding a short meal in the cafeteria before making he way to the meeting room, arriving in plenty of time.

She stayed quiet until Faydra called for her, then leaned forward in her seat slightly, addressing the group.

"Yes Captain. The competing group is lead by Hadarak Fel, of the Fel dynasty, and the rogue psyker Lady Ash, out of the Firestorm-class frigate Fell Hand. That was them some of us saw lifting off earlier. If the mnemolith indeed held it's location, then the contact her pet bird had with it was likely enough for her to get what she needed from it." She began, pausing for effect, and to watch the rest of the crew's reaction.

"I know a fair bit about the Fel Hand's crew and capabilities now, but some of that will have changed when next we see them. Ash knew I was in her head, and the scope of what I was able to glean. For what it is worth, ask, and I should be able to answer."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Siggy drummed his fingers on the table. Another Rogue Trader dynasty feuding already. Well, that was going to make things...costly. After a moment, he apparently noticed a flaw and stopped, stretching his fingers backwards and forwards, trying to catch where the twitch was, intently watching his hand as he did so. "Well, the obvious question first. How much do they know about us? His pet might have been like yourself, and if they happen to know about our auxiliaries on board...well, I still have some friends aboard the Battlefleet who I'd rather not be taking potshots off as we run changing the colors of our pants and standards to a more yellowed tint. Your ladyship's discretion aside, I do not believe we can win a fight against a full battlefleet, or even a contingent of 8 ships with just our one, although I do trust in the Ominissiah's blessed gift of a teleportarium to at least bolster our chances."

He tried his best to sound disinterested, but Siggy was a man who had grown up fighting in hallways and hitting people at the bequest of other people who had been very kindly pointed out to him. To put it bluntly, his ability to commit subterfuge was lacking, and his voice did have a discomforted tone to it.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"Lady Ash was far too preoccupied mounting her mental defenses to strike out herself. Whatever they know of us, if wasn't from me. Fortunately, they shouldn't know much. They knew Dray was waiting for someone from the Captain's dynasty to return, but we clearly surprised them at the market." Ishta answered, smirking slightly.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"I presume this Hadarak Fel is not tied extensively to the battlefleet, or even to another ship. His ambush, such as it was, took some planning and forewarning - enough so that had he a small armada at his beck and call, we would already be surrounded and destroyed. Do not forget. He ran."

Faydra smirked derisively.

"That means he'd rather outrun us than outfight us. He believes that his psyker's familiar has a clear picture of the mnemolith. I wonder how reliable such a creature would be? In any case, his journey through the Maw will be as dangerous as our own, but if our Navigator is up to the test, we may easily be able to overtake him in the warp. I doubt either of us wants a direct engagement - a fair fight would likely result in catastrophic damage for the winner. Let us rely on our speed and our clearer map, and if we should have to engage with this challenger, then we will best him."

She turned to Ishta. "If you gleaned any weaknesses, points of concern, or clues as to tension amongst Fel's ranks, those I would like to know. The most efficient way to destroy Fel would be to work at him from inside his own ship. Does he have personnel with ambition or a bone to pick with him? Perhaps this Lady Ash herself could be turned, given that you have intimate knowledge of her."

Faydra pushed the mnemolith forward. "Anya and Ishta, I would like you both to read this mnemolith and aid me in plotting a star chart. It may be that we shall need to wait until we are in the Korunus Expanse to gain our bearings, so if that is the case, then Anya, it is your opportunity to prove yourself."

The captain then turned to her helmsman and archmilitant.

"I require our crew to be informed of the jump to warp, and that the Beneficent has been blessed with a holy mission by the Grace of the God-Emperor. Let them know that our journey into the expanse is to be a reclamation in His name. Then, I would like you to familiarize yourselves with our Tau contraband. I want to know the location of their fleet or contact outposts within the Expanse. If we are on a collision course for a conflict with the Fell Hand, then we might benefit from having alien technology fighting on our side. It would likely give us the upper hand that we need to win out against Hadarak and claim the spoils for ourselves."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya gave a nod at Faydra's words. Her eyes looking at the mnemolith breifly before glancing about the room at the other officers.Her thoughts breifly wondering to what they might find and the treasure that might be on the ancient ship.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Naomi had no idea what a mnethingy was to be honest but the news that there had been a fire fight in the market and she wasn't told til now was rather irritating.

"Captain, with all due respect, next time there's a fight station-side, could you have someone vox a warning over to us on the Beneficient Murder? Or just me? If that frigate of theirs decided to take a cheap shot and blow up our engines before bailing out I wouldn't have the foggiest that was coming until it was too late. We're lucky they probably assumed you had warned me. Not to mention it'd slow down a rescue if something went pear shaped. I thought that was why you had brought Ishta along out there.," said Naomi, keeping her voice even. Ungh, they had dodged a huge bullet there.

With that said, she kept quiet and listened to her orders and Ishta's report. So she and Sigmund of all people were being put in charge of taking care of the blueberrys. Well, she was fairly familiar with the general ideas of the Tau all considered. She knew many things she wasn't supposed to.

"Yes, Captain.," confirmed Naomi before looking to Sigmund, "You inform the crew, I'll talk to the xenos. you can catch up after. I know some about the Tau as it is. As long as they feel that something goes to their greater good, they'll be responsive. But if they feel like we pose a threat to the tau as a whole and they'll be nothing but trouble. Best play it cordially and without weapons or threats."

She really didn't think this assignment was really in Sigmund's narrow area of expertise. But she wouldn't countermand her Captain's order, even if it was strange. Personally she felt this was a job better suited to the Navigator, since if anyone would know what to do with the directions given it'd be her. But if she was needed to deal with the whatever that thing on the desk was, she supposed she'd be the next best choice.

Sooner this was done, sooner she could get back to the bridge.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Siegismund saluted the Rogue Trader immediately, listening to both her and Naomi's separate discussions with patience. After a moment, he nodded "I'll get the crew informed and prepped well as I can. You talk to the xenos with the guns that don't talk back. Sounds like a good dispersal of tasks." With that, he was off, the vox systems throughout the ship occasionally blaring off announcements to prep for transit to warpspace, move to the correct stations, and make sure you had access to what equipment might prove necessary. All in a mechanical, synthesized voice. He had no idea how to make the ship go, or to repair the ship, but he could talk with it, and it could talk with the crew, as needed, and it seemed more then happy to plan for entering the warp. Momentarily being disturbed by that realization, he moved throughout, making sure what command structure the ship did have below him was properly informed, and he made sure to personally inform the enginseers. Needless to say, if Naomi wanted it, Naomi had plenty of time to speak to the xenos in a private capacity before he had arrived.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"Our familiars share a direct link to our minds, there would be very little lost using her raven as a means to establish contact, if anything. That said, she only had contact for a brief moment, her image from the mnemolith may be incomplete, and it will almost certainly fade with time." Ishta commented, nodding at the captain's orders and turning to Anya.

"I'm ready when you are, Navigator."