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Into the Maw OOC Thread

Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

When I had originally written this character, I hadn't considered the fact that usually bolt pistols are something nobles get, for the most part. Perhaps in retrospec I should have suggested them as footfall bolt pistols, eh well.

Edit: To avoid doubleposting. I know Siggy's statement is retarded. He doesn't know Faydra well yet, as this is probably like...a week after he joined the crew.
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Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

You're a veteran warrior who has seen a lot of battles. Presumably in that time you've collected a brace of bolt pistols from enemies, and you've earned enough to keep them loaded with their special ammunition. Don't see too much of a problem with that. We're not meant to be rookie characters at the start.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. And maybe I'm just overvaluing the rarity of bolt pistols in my head. The ammo, on the other hand, I didn't expect to come across too many issues. It's not exactly proscribed throughout the Imperium that one -cannot- have bolter rounds, and lots of people use burned out shells for keepsakes.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Just my 2 cents about the guns on the bridge issue - they did it on Star Trek and no one flipped out, so I wasn't going to have it be an issue here, however if you want in-game reasoning for why guns would be allowed - the windows aren't made of glass, they're made of a transparent crystalline material that is probably double or even triple plated and can withstand small arms fire. The walls of the bridge especially are reinforced, considered it's an armored bridge and can withstand blasts from other ships.

The point is that I personally think that the Voidmaster is being a little over the top and even if the player were to have a navy background and legitimate fears and reasons why a gun wouldn't be brought on board a bridge in real life - I invite them to look at the cover illustrations on some of these Rogue Trader books, where the depicted characters are on a ship's bridge, and the archmilitant has her huge, mean-looking gun out of its holster.

Not claiming it's logic-proof, but it does make an argument for the spirit of the game.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

True, but on the other hand note that certain weapons are definitely going to pierce. Mostly Meltaguns, which nobody has thank god.

But do note that this is similar to why you don't fire a pistol in a crowd. any gunfight that starts on the bridge is probably going to end in a lot of dead crew, and probably a wrecked bridge. Logically speaking, you're better having the gun fights just outside the bridge and not let them reach it to begin with.

As for star Trek, they used phasers, I think they usually had them on stun and probably they could be set to not damage non bio things. So the usual risks weren't there.

While swinging a sword in a crowds not much better than a pistol I admit, it was more a compromise on Noemi's part. Now if you the Captain want to tell her guns everywhere, then by all means do so. she'll listen, even if she's growling the whole time, she's already letting the captain get away with it, since her ship and logically if anyone can execute crew it's her so why not.

But otherwise while it may be slightly paranoid which I won't deny, remember that she does have 10 insanity points, she's going to maintain that if a fight actually MAKES it to the bridge, starting a fight in it is basically suicide. So the logical action is don't let it reach the bridge. Keep fighting to non critical areas as the damage is easier to fix and allows the ship to maintain operations.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

@Zilrax: Also, fair's fair, we can claim that the fact she dislikes Siggy helps the case quite a bit for her to be giving him shit about it. Honestly, I do agree that he should stay outside of the bridge for the most part, but while he was born on a forge world and has a decent int score, he doesn't have much -technical- knowhow on how ships works. His automatic assumption was that the room was safe, plus he's arrogant enough to think he simply -won't- miss.

Honestly, I simply like that somebody brought up the fact he was taking an explosive weapon into the middle of a highly important room. While he might not realize the implications, even if it's just "People might get hurt who aren't SUPPOSED to get hurt", it's the sort of thing SOMEBODY should call him on.

Thank you Zilrax for playing your voidmaster through and through and showing that at least SOMEBODY cares about the important instruments necessary to the continued function of the ship. That said, please remember, my character is crippled when he's in melee, he's worse then the -t'au- are at that, so please don't give the GM -too- many ideas about trying to force disarmament on the bridge. I'm already weaker then the t'au are in every area where they're allowed (I'm giving their range benefit perhaps a bit too much credit, I'll admit), let's not make me worse then them in the few subtle areas where my character can exist and they cannot, mmkay? :)

Edit: Oh, and Siggy doesn't really have a response to that adamant a declaration, primarily because he's got a job to do that isn't arguing with the Voidmaster. If anybody wants to tally that as a win for the Voidmaster, or a mark for how whipped Siggy is in exchange for monetary gain, feel free.
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Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Noemi might eventually have a rude awakening if she feels that she's the brain of the ship rather than Faydra. Although Noemi could be considered the Motor Cortex of the ship when she's at the helm. Higher functioning decisions are at the behest of the one person allowed to legally operate the ship with a warrant of trade.

Faydra probably indulges Noemi's no-nonsense attitude, for now, but if it becomes a problem, she will step in and remind the pilot who the captain is.

Question: How long do you assume Noemi has been on this ship? Was she with the captain when the ship went on its first voyage through the warp when leaving the dock at Malfi? When the Gellar Fields failed and a demon spirit got loose on the ship and started a riot?

The reason why Faydra will never go about the ship disarmed is that she knows the warp doesn't give a shit about where you are physically on the ship. A demon entity can appear anywhere and you don't necessarily want to have to hit it with a sword when you can hit it with a bullet or a plasma round. Yes, melta guns and heavy full auto weapons on the bridge would be a no-no, but sidearms pulled with justification she's not going to balk at.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

You're taking brain in a way she doesn't intend but I rather not give everything away too early in. Needless to say it's not an issue, but I'll point out that to her, motor is the engines.

And yes, her dislike of Siegfried is definitely part of her tone at minimum.

I don't think she was in for the geller field failure. While she knows the warp is bad to lose your field in, most people know very very little about the existence of Daemons in the first place. So WHY it's failing is bad is probably not something she's aware of.

Mind you, if a Daemon get's on the bridge, that bridge is going to be torn to ribbons in short order. Daemons give no fucks about rules like hardness or armor and such.

I figure Noemi got hired on after that at some point. She;s an excellent pilot, but she's also SEEN explosive decompression, ships exploding, etc. There's three things you can;t lose on a ship. The bridge, the core, and the Geller Field. Engines being lsot suck but unless you're in the Warp, at best you drift, at worst you drift into something bad. Like gravity. You get a chance to fix it.

Lose the core, ships dead in the water at best, explodes at worse. Lose the bridge, ships dead in the water and is basically scrap. She doesn't know what happens if the Geller Field drops, but she knows that if it happens the ship doesn't come out of the Warp 9/10 times.

Noemi isn't unreasonable though. If like there's a chance some Terminator might decide to port into the bridge, fine. But most things can't just jump out of nowhere. Most everything in most cases needs to walk through the doors.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Faydra will have to take Noemi on a tour of the archeotech transportorium then, just to explain how staggeringly wild reality can be and how it's possible for someone to appear on a bridge without having to go through the connecting hallways first.

Also Faydra HAS seen what happens when the Geller Field goes down. She's at 15 insanity and 5 corruption points because of this. So her personal opinion is that there's worse things that can happen than death due to explosive decompression or any other violent ways to die. She will be keeping her sidearm at her side.

And all I mean by being the brain of the ship is that the ship doesn't move until the captain makes the decision that it should move.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Yeah, I know. As I said, don't want to throw it all out there so early.

As for the Teleportium, yeah she knows about that but she also knows that thing is an ancient relic of humanity. Hence the Most Cases still applies. It's possible, but the chances of running into another ship with one of those is pretty slim.

And yeah, she doesn;t like it but as she said she can;t stop the Captain from doing that and grudgingly admits that if anyone should have one on the bridge it is her.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Before we continue, can I get a Difficult Perception roll from the 4 people who are in the Court of the Dead, please?
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Yeah I failed. 92

Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

I may have passed. Depending of it it's a -20 or -30.

Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Difficult is a -10
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Managed a good roll. Got a 12.

Her perception is 31, so even with the difficulty she is successful.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Rolled a 29. Not sure if pass or not with the -10, on my phone right now.

EDIT: home for 5 minutes, just checked. it's an exact pass, perception 39 -10 from the difficulty.
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Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

I rolled a 9. With a -10 I pass with sterling colors.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

The backhand attack will miss, though Faydra will still be ripping away the device and keeping it for herself. If you need a roll for that, then I'll do so.
Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread

Attepting to use the bird as a baseball. :) Not sure if this is a hit or not.

Re: Into the Maw OOC Thread
