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ACT Unknown/Hiatus [mickmanx] Nightmare Sphere 2


Nov 26, 2009
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In case you don't know, Nightsphere was a Metroidvania styled after Castlevania:Symphony of Night.
It featured fast free flowing high combo combat with a lot of exploration and abilities to find that opened up new areas.
It also had H-content that resembled dry humping with an accidental discharge, but we took what we could in the pre-HOTB mid-noughties era.

It then got a sequel called Nightmare Sphere:0, because it was a prequel, that was going to feature the same high combo fast free flowing combat, now with four playable characters - including one dude (who looked like Guts).
A short playable demo of the alpha was released around 2010.
Buttt... Fukushima Nuclear Powerplant flooded and fucked everything up, and Mickman (the NS dev) disappeared for a number of years and everyone thought he was dead.

Then out of the blue, late last year, Mickman reappeared!
And announced a new game in the NightSphere series: Nightmare Sphere 2.

Still very early days at the moment, so there's nothing for us to play just yet, but if you want to look at the pretty pictures and try deciphering the google translate gibberish you can find his blog here:
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Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

:O Wow! Here's something I thought would never happen! I loved those games, damn I hope this one comes through...
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

Whoa, so after he dropped NSphere 0, he make a sequel instead? Looks good as usual!
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

Typical Situations:-

Doujin Group/Dev goes on hiatus,

A) Never comes back.
B) Maintains the same quality as usual.
C) Semi-active return, eventually dwindling back to hiatus and never heard again.
D) Quality drops down the drain.

This, however, just got better. XD Maybe it's the hype train or not, but wow, the Main Character looks smoking good
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

i hope there is more focus on the sexual aspects this time, hoping for Game over and bad end content, i believe the other games had text endings
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

i hope there is more focus on the sexual aspects this time, hoping for Game over and bad end content, i believe the other games had text endings

The first one did have game over content if you let the game run after being defeated (as opposed to respawning right away). It was pretty harsh though, more ryona than anything. I did like the demon worm birth though. (not the one where it bursts through her stomach, the other one)

NS0, I actually don't remember what happens in that one when you are defeated.

But yeah, I agree, he has a corruption system in place already, bad end H-content of some kind would fit right in.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

Ah, this is good news! The content didn't do much for me (mostly ryona) but I remember having a lot of fun with the Metroidvania gameplay.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

The first one did have game over content if you let the game run after being defeated (as opposed to respawning right away). It was pretty harsh though, more ryona than anything. I did like the demon worm birth though. (not the one where it bursts through her stomach, the other one)

NS0, I actually don't remember what happens in that one when you are defeated.

But yeah, I agree, he has a corruption system in place already, bad end H-content of some kind would fit right in.

Pretty sure it had the same sex slugs.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

Holy Crap, nightmare sphere actually was the game that let me discover my love for metroidvania games, this is such great news.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

Oh thats good I was worried I remember when the dev was really depressed and even hinting at suicide i think. I never thought he would go back to NS.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

so this guy is back and making a completely new game again... bleh il ignore till at least have around 60% game and 2 or 3 demo and updates done since thx to all the years that he took on making the 2nd game and dropped it for start from 0 again with another character. i do not think he might finish tis one as well.

well if he were to at least advance enough il gladly even donate
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

so this guy is back and making a completely new game again... bleh il ignore till at least have around 60% game and 2 or 3 demo and updates done since thx to all the years that he took on making the 2nd game and dropped it for start from 0 again with another character. i do not think he might finish tis one as well.

well if he were to at least advance enough il gladly even donate

Didn't he finish the two Mickman games. From the looks of NS0, that may have been a bit overly ambitious.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

NS0 probably would've happened if not for Fukushima.

Its too bad he hasn't decided to use higher res sprites for this sequel.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

That's amazing news! The first Nightmare Sphere is actually one of my favorite Metroidvania game ever. I don't think I've seen any hentai in the game, and that's fine: the gameplay was sooo smooth in the first one. I loved the dashing and the agile gameplay that came with it, especially against bosses.

Utterly loved the first one, and I felt it played better than many commercial, non-rpg action adventure games like this one. Here's to hoping that this project goes well!
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

That's amazing news! The first Nightmare Sphere is actually one of my favorite Metroidvania game ever. I don't think I've seen any hentai in the game, and that's fine: the gameplay was sooo smooth in the first one. I loved the dashing and the agile gameplay that came with it, especially against bosses.

Utterly loved the first one, and I felt it played better than many commercial, non-rpg action adventure games like this one. Here's to hoping that this project goes well!

You have CastleVania series to play, very long journey to love :D
let die in it
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

Its too bad he hasn't decided to use higher res sprites for this sequel.

This is likely an intentional decision. Lower rez means you can get away with more in terms of universal positions.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

You have CastleVania series to play, very long journey to love :D
let die in it

Actually, I did play some of the games and I honestly preferred Nightmare Sphere to it.

I knew that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was super highly regarded, but I had never played it (never had a Playstation 1). After playing Nightmare Sphere, and knowing it had been heavily inspired by SotN, I checked on my PS3 and behold, it was available for sale as a Playstation classic.

I played it, liked it, but did not love it. I felt the controls in Nightmare Sphere were smoother, and the character had just the perfect blend of mobility and abilities compared to the slower paced Castlevania. I also played two of the DS ones, and again, enjoyable games but did not give me the same enjoyment as Nightmare Sphere did.

I know that sounds really stupid, but I can't change my feelings on it. The same applies to Maidensnow Eve and Roguelike games: I've never played a roguelike game that approaches the fun I had with Maidensnow Eve. It's a bit unfortunate that I can't really reveal that in public company, though.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2

SotN didn't quite allow you to to use special move to combo your attacks. I once remarked that NS0 was SotN meets Street Fighter once because each of the 4 characters have a different performance move for the same attack command.